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1. What is the normal term used for the regular training of how to launch the lifeboat?

A. Lifeboat launching
B. Lifeboat drill
C. Lifeboat practice
D. Lifeboat exercise

2. What is a "Fairlead"?
A. A Fairlead is the device used to close the cargo holds
B. A Fairlead is the sounding lead used to sample the seabed
C. A Fairlead is a special device through which is passed ropes or wires to stop
them moving side ward’s and reduces friction and chafing
D. A Fairlead is the safest direction to steam down a fairway

3. What is the meaning of the term "Make Fast", when mooring the ship?
A. Make Fast means to act very quickly
B. Make Fast means secure the ropes to the bits
C. Make Fast means to avoid eating all meals during the daylight hours.
D. Make Fast means to coil up a rope

4. What is the name of the portable walkway or access between ship andshore?
A. Accommodation ladder
B. Gangway
C. Bridgeway
D. Bulwark

5. What do you call the wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents the ladder from
A. The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a
B. The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a 'Long
C. The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a 'Wide
D. The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called an 'Ani-
twist rung'

6. What do you understand by: Bitter end?

A. Bitter end means: a foul taste at the end of a meal
B. Bitter end means: the toggled end of a lifeboat painter
C. Bitter end means: the end link of an anchor cable that is secured within the
chain locker
D. Bitter end means: to the very last moment

7. What is the room on board the ship often called where the crews eat their meals?
A. The crew mess
B. The crew restaurant
C. The crew dining room
D. The crew café

8. What is understood by the term "take the helm"?

A. Take over heaving of a rope.
B. Take over the steering of the ship.
C. Change the place where the lookout is standing.
D. Take a message to another officer.

9. Where is the "PORT QUARTER" in the figure?

A. The Port quarter is D, in the figure
B. The Port quarter is B, in the figure
C. The Port quarter is A, in the figure
D. The Port quarter is C, in the figure

10. In the diagram, which letter is indicating the "bits" which would probably be
used by the "FORWARD SPRING" when mooring the ship?
A. The bits for the Forward Spring is indicated by D, in thefigure
B. The bits for the Forward Spring is indicated by B, in thefigure
C. The bits for the Forward Spring is indicated by C, in thefigure
D. The bits for the Forward Spring is indicated by A, in thefigure

11. What do you understand by the term "Let Go" when applied to mooring
A. Let Go means to let seafarers go ashore
B. Let Go means to leave the ship
C. Let Go means to slacken a mooring rope
D. Let Go means to cast off the mooring ropes and wires

12. What is a mooring line?

A. A mooring line is a line that is passed through a block
B. A mooring line is a thick rope used to moor the ship
C. A mooring line is a small diameter line attached to a large diameter rope
D. A mooring line is a line attached to the anchor
13. What is meant by the term "Single up" when a vessel is preparing to leave the
jetty to which it was moored?
A. Single up is the term used to describe the process of letting go most of the
mooringslines and just leaving sufficient lines to stay safely alongside.
B. Single up is the term used when only one single tug is used to assist the ship
in leaving the berth.
C. Single up is the term used when a ship leaves the jetty without any assistance
from tugs and it is entirely on its own steam.
D. Single up is the term used when there is only one single rope left out between
the ship and the jetty, when leaving the berth

14. What is the daytime signal to be shown when the vessel is at anchor?
A. The national flag flying from the fore mast
B. Two black balls where they can best be seen
C. A black ball forward where it can best be seen
D. A black ball from main mast amidships

15. What is the role of a tug in a port?

A. A tug assists the ships to moor and unmoor
B. A tug provides transport for the port personnel
C. A tug is used to assist the fishing boats when they enter the port
D. A tug is the normal vessel used by the pilot to board a ship

16. What is understood by the term, "The Lee Side"?

A. Lee Side is the side that faces away from the wind
B. Lee Side is the Starboard side of the vessel
C. Lee Side is the Port side of the vessel
D. Lee Side is the side that faces the wind

17. Where on a ship is the deck known as the "Boat Deck"?

A. The Boat Deck is the deck from which persons embark into the lifeboats
B. The Boat Deck is the deck of a life boat
C. The Boat Deck is the deck where access would be made from any boats alongside.
D. The Boat Deck is the name of the main deck of the ship or boat.

18. On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "AIR DRAUGHT"
given. Which one is the correct one?
A. Air draught is given by C on the figure
B. Air draught is given by B on the figure
C. Air draught is given by A on the figure
D. Air draught is given by D on the figure
19. What is understood by the word "Bollard", when mooring a ship?
A. A Bollard is a rope made up of several strands
B. A Bollard is a very heavy rope
C. A Bollard is a thick steel post to which mooring lines are secured
D. A Bollard is a loop in a rope

20. Which approved publication should be used by a seafarer to help overcome any
misunderstanding in communications?
A. The (ICS) Bridge Procedures Guide
B. The (IMO) Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) booklet
C. Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary
D. The Oxford Concise Dictionary

21. What does the word "TOXIC" mean?

A. A poisonous substance
B. An electronic device used on ships
C. A radioactive substance
D. A bone in the lower part of a human`s back.
22. Select the word with the different sound.
A. s(i)ght
B. sk(i)ll
C. l(i)ne
D. ch(i)ld

23. What does the word "NEGLECT" mean?

A. To be negative
B. To manage something
C. To disregard
D. To care for

24. Select the word with the different sound.

A. d(a)te
B. pl(a)y
C. r(a)ft
D. fl(a)me

25. What does the word "IDENTICAL" mean?

A. A form of ID
B. To recognize something
C. To think about
D. To be the same
26. Select the word with the different sound.
A. s(ou)th
B. b(ou)ght
C. l(ou)d
D. r(ou)nd

27. Choose the word that does not fit here.

A. envelope
B. box
C. address
D. package

28. Choose the word that does not fit here.

A. before
B. previously
C. again
D. prior

29. Choose the word that does not fit here.

A. leave
B. go
C. depart
D. arrive
30. Choose the word that does not fit here.
A. Africa
B. Brazil
C. Asia
D. Europe

31. What immediate actions should the Officer of the Watch take when the ship goes
aground on an uncharted shoal in the middle of the ocean?
A. Sound the General Alarm and plot the ships position
B. Stop engines and call the Master
C. Stop engines and immediately request "Full Astern"
D. Stop engines and tell the engine room to switch over to high suctions

32. A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre shall .

A. When operating in restricted visibility, sound a whistle signal of two
prolonged andone short blast
B. Show a day-shape of two diamonds in a vertical line
C. Turn off her sidelights when not making way
D. Keep out of the way of a vessel engaged in fishing
33. A vessel which does not have a prearranged, fixed schedule is called .....
A. liner
B. tramp
C. salvage vessel
D. Dredger

34. In the IALA-A system the green coloured conical buoy indicates .....
A. starboard side
B. port side
C. bow
D. stern

35. A ship is said listing to port …

A. when starboard-draft is less thanport-draft
B. when port-draft is less thanstarboard-draft
C. when draft fore is greater than draft aft
D. when draft aft is greater than draft fore

Quiz 1

 “WARNING. Dangerous wreck in position 35⁰45’N 71⁰39’W” is express orally with…

Select one:
a. WARNING. Dangerous wreck in position thirty five degrees forty five minutes north
seventy one degrees thirty none minutes west
b. WARNING. Dangerous wreck in position three five degrees three five minutes north seven
one degrees three seven minutes west
c. WARNING. Dangerous wreck in position three five degrees four five minutes north
seven one degrees three nine minutes west
d. WARNING. Dangerous wreck in position thirty five degrees four five minutes north seven
one degrees three nine minutes west

 Communicative features in SMCP may be summarized as follows, except…

Select one:
a. providing fully worded answers to "yes/no"-questions and basic alternative
answers to sentence questions
b. avoiding contracted forms
c. avoiding synonyms
d. providing many phrases for one event
 How do you express this time on board (09.45 PM)?
Select one:
a. It is two one four five hours
b. It is zero nine forty five hours
c. It is twenty forty five hours
d. It is zero nine forty five PM

 How many passengers are there in the cruise ship? There are 5300 passengers.
Select one:
a. three thousand and fifty hundred
b. five hundred thousand
c. three thousand and five hundred
d. five thousand and three hundred

 SMCP is divided into…

Select one:
a. Only one part
b. Part A and Part B
c. Part A, Part B, and Part C
d. 16 Parts

 The standard marine communication phrases (SMCP) has been compiled to meet these
objectives, except…
Select one:
a. To give samples of communication using appropriate English
b. To standardize the language used in communication for navigation at sea, in port-
approaches, in waterways, harbours and on board vessels with multilingual crews
c. To assist in the greater safety of navigation and of the conduct of the ship
d. To assist maritime training institutions in meeting the learning objectives

 The vessel’s call sign is 9HA3Q49. How to spell the call sign?
Select one:
a. Nine Hotel Alfa Three Quebec Four Nine
b. Nine Hotel Alfa Three Queen Four Nine
c. Nine Hindia Alfa Three Quebec Four Nine
d. Nine Hotel Alfa Three Quebec Fourth Nine
 What does the dots (…) indicate in SMCP?
Select one:
a. no answer provided
b. incomplete sentence
c. the relevant information is to be filled in
d. the items on either side are alternatives

 When a vessel is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground, then the vessel is
said to be …
Select one:
a. underway
b. afloat
c. adrift
d. anchored

Quiz 2

 “Vessel needs helicopter for medical assistance”. The correct expression for the situation
above based on SMCP is ….
Select one:
a. “I want medical assistance in helicopter”.
b. “I need helicopter for medical assistance”.
c. “I require helicopter with doctor”.
d. “I want a helicopter with doctor”.

 Coastal Station wishes to know where the vessel is going to and where the vessel is
coming from.
Select one:
a. “Question: what is your destination? what was your last calling port?”
b. “Question: what is your destination? what was your last port of call?”
c. “Question: where do you go to? where do you come from?”
d. “Question: what is your next port? what was your last port?”

 What is the massage marker used to express this sentence : I will reduce speed.
Select one:
a. Intention
b. Warning
c. Information
d. Advice
 How many passengers are there in the cruise ship? There are 5300 passengers.
Select one:
a. three thousand and fifty hundred
b. five thousand and three hundred
c. five hundred thousand
d. three thousand and five hundred

 The vessel’s call sign is 3FHZ5. How to spell the call sign?
Select one:
a. Three Foxtrot Hindia Zero Five
b. Three Foxtrot Hotel Zulu Five
c. Three Fanta Hotel Zulu Five
d. Three Foxtrot Hotel Zero Five

 (1)“Repeat” is used when a message or part of a message has not been clearly
understood. (2)“Say again” is used when an important message or part of a message is
Select one:
a. 1 and 2 are both right.
b. 1 and 2 are both wrong.
c. 1 is right.
d. 2 is right

 The correct expression of position based on SMCP is…..

Select one:
a. "WARNING. Dangerous wreck in position one-five degrees three-four minutes North zero-
six-one degrees two-nine minutes West."
b. "WARNING. Dangerous wreck in position fifteen degrees three-four minutes North sixty
one degrees two-nine minutes West."
c. "WARNING. Dangerous wreck in position one-five degrees thirty four minutes North
zero-six-one degrees twenty nine minutes West."
d. "WARNING. Dangerous wreck in position fifteen degrees thirty four minutes North sixty
one degrees twenty nine minutes West."

 The vessel’s call sign is 9HA3Q49. How to spell the call sign?
Select one:
a. Nine Hindia Alfa Three Quebec Four Nine
b. Nine Hotel Alfa Three Quebec Four Nine
c. Nine Hotel Alfa Three Queen Four Nine
d. Nine Hotel Alfa Three Quebec Fourth Nine
 ”Vessel is unable to continue her voyage. Tug assistance is needed.” The correct
expression for the situation above based on SMCP is ….
Select one:
a. “I am not under command; tug-assistance is required”.
b. “I am unmanoeuvrable; I need tug-assistance”.
c. “I am not under command; I require tug-assistance”.
d. “I am unmanoeuvrable; tug-assistance is needed”.

 What is the massage marker to indicate that the following message implies the intention
of the sender to inform others about danger?
Select one:
a. Information
b. Intention
c. Warning
d. Advice

Quiz 3

 All the vertical cargo movements are conducted by the lifting gear.
Select one:
a. The statement is TRUE
b. The statement is FALSE

 Canvas slings are suitable for bagged cargo.

Select one:
a. The statement is FALSE
b. The statement is TRUE

 Cargo nets are suitable for cartons and bags.

Select one:
a. The statement is TRUE
b. The statement is FALSE

 Chain slings are used with lightweight cargo.

Select one:
a. The statement is FALSE
b. The statement is TRUE

 Conveyor belts move bulk cargoes.

Select one:
a. The statement is TRUE
b. The statement is FALSE
 Drums are stowed onto the pallet to facilitate handling.
Select one:
a. The statement is FALSE
b. The statement is TRUE

 Fork lift trucks are not used to handle paper rolls.

Select one:
a. The statement is FALSE
b. The statement is TRUE

 Sling is ideal for hoisting strong packages.

Select one:
a. The statement is TRUE
b. The statement is FALSE

 Straddle carriers are used to load containers on board ship.

Select one:
a. The statement is FALSE
b. The statement is TRUE

 Transtainers are quay container cranes.

Select one:
a. The statement is FALSE
b. The statement is TRUE

Quiz 4

 The volume of the cargo holds that can be used for bulk cargo is called...
Select one:
a. bale space
b. grain space
c. Ullage
d. oil space

 There are some considerations regarding safety of ship, cargo and crew, except...
Select one:
a. amount of the crew member
b. sweating and intermixing (segregation of cargoes)
c. the trim of the vessel
d. the stowage factor of the cargo
 What is the massage marker to indicate that the following message implies the intention
of the sender to inform others about danger?
Select one:
a. Information
b. Warning
c. Intention
d. Advice

 What is the massage marker used to express this sentence : I will reduce speed.
Select one:
a. Information
b. Advice
c. Intention
d. Warning

 When briefing on stowing and securing, the order is to check the following things, except

Select one:
a. proper use of handling gear
b. careful and safe stowage
c. complete unloading
d. personnel of cargo handling

 When draft amidships is less than draft fore and aft, the vessel is ...
Select one:
a. Listing
b. Hogging
c. Grounding
d. Sagging

 Which statement is correct relating to container arrangement?

Select one:
a. The bays run abeam; the rows run fore to aft, and the tiers are layers.
b. The tiers run abeam; the rows run fore to aft, and the bays are layers.
c. The tiers run abeam; the bays run fore to aft, and the rows are layers.
d. The rows run abeam; the bays run fore to aft, and the tiers are layers.
 Which statement is correct?
Select one:
a. Sea water has the same specific gravity with fresh water.
b. Sea water has a smaller specific gravity than fresh water.
c. Sea water has a higher specific gravity than fresh water.
d. Sea water has a lower specific gravity than fresh water.

Quiz 5

 He wants to know whether this….….already …………..… (to do)

Select one:
a. have - been done
b. has - been done
c. was - done
d. has - done

 Right now everything ………………….to solve the matter. (to do)

Select one:
a. are being done
b. is done
c. is being done
d. are done

 At that time the engine …………………………… (to overhaul)

Select one:
a. was being overhauled
b. were overhauled
c. is overhauled
d. are overhauled

 We ……... just ………….…that there are uncharted shoals in that area. (to tell)
Select one:
a. has – been told
b. have – been told
c. have – told
d. are – told
 All vessels that sailed in the vicinity of the island ………………… to reduce speed. (to
Select one:
a. were instructed
b. are instructed
c. is instructed
d. are being instructed

 All the expenses …………..………and we were ready to depart. (to pay)

Select one:
a. is paid
b. were paid
c. has been paid
d. has paid

 The product ……………...……for months now. We still don’t know whether it works or
not. (to test)
Select one:
a. were tested
b. are being tested
c. was tested
d. is being tested

 …..…the vessel …………………yet that there is an approaching storm on her course?

(to warn)
Select one:
a. has – warned
b. have – been warned
c. was – warned
d. has - been warned

 All the expenses ………...……before we left. (to pay)

Select one:
a. are paid
b. is paid
c. was paid
d. were paid
 We altered course too late and ……..……on starboard side. (to hit)
Select one:
a. is hit
b. are hit
c. was hit
d. were hit

Quiz 6

 “o” for…
Select one:
a. overcast sky
b. overbear sky
c. overawe sky
d. overboard sky

Certainty : C=1 (Unsure: <67%) C=2 (Mid: >67%) C=3 (Quite sure: >80%)

 “d” for …
Select one:
a. down poor
b. drizzle
c. drop
d. dry

Certainty : C=1 (Unsure: <67%) C=2 (Mid: >67%) C=3 (Quite sure: >80%)

 “m” for
Select one:
a. mist
b. moderate
c. mood
d. middle

Certainty : C=1 (Unsure: <67%) C=2 (Mid: >67%) C=3 (Quite sure: >80%)
 “tlr” for …
Select one:
a. thundercloud
b. thunderball
c. thunderlight
d. thunderstorm

Certainty : C=1 (Unsure: <67%) C=2 (Mid: >67%) C=3 (Quite sure: >80%)

 “b” stands for….

Select one:
a. big thunder
b. bad weather
c. blue sky
d. big wave

Certainty : C=1 (Unsure: <67%) C=2 (Mid: >67%) C=3 (Quite sure: >80%)

 “g” for….
Select one:
a. gale
b. groove
c. ground
d. gloomy

Certainty : C=1 (Unsure: <67%) C=2 (Mid: >67%) C=3 (Quite sure: >80%)

 “Q” for ….
Select one:
a. heavy quail
b. squall
c. heavy squall
d. heavy quell

Certainty : C=1 (Unsure: <67%) C=2 (Mid: >67%) C=3 (Quite sure: >80%)
 “h” for…
Select one:
a. hail
b. hot
c. hale
d. hill

Certainty : C=1 (Unsure: <67%) C=2 (Mid: >67%) C=3 (Quite sure: >80%)

 “F” for …
Select one:
a. heavy figure
b. heavy frost
c. heavy fog
d. heavy flood

Certainty : C=1 (Unsure: <67%) C=2 (Mid: >67%) C=3 (Quite sure: >80%)

 “rs” for …..

Select one:
a. rigs
b. lead
c. roast
d. sleet

Certainty : C=1 (Unsure: <67%) C=2 (Mid: >67%) C=3 (Quite sure: >80%)

Quiz 7

 By course is meant ..... in which the vessel is steered.

Select one:
a. the direction
b. the destination
c. the port
d. the wind

 By “Dead Reckoning” is meant finding one’s position by taking into consideration of

these things, except.....
Select one:
a. port of destination
b. course and speed
c. last known position
d. sea and weather conditions

 By heading is meant the angle between the ..... and ......

Select one:
a. head line and true north
b. fore-and-aft line and magnetic north
c. head line and magnetic north
d. fore-and-aft line and true north

 Observations which are taken of the sun, the moon or the stars with the aid of a sextant
are called...
Select one:
a. celestial observations
b. night observations
c. no correct answer
d. space observations

 With the aid of the echo sounder the ..... of the water can be determined.
Select one:
a. pressure
b. weight
c. depth
d. volume

Quiz 8

 “Vessel is being attacked by pirates” is expressed ....

Select one:
a. I am under attack of pirates.
b. I am being attacked by pirates.
c. I am under attack by pirates.
d. I am being attacked of pirates.

 “Vessel is aground in position 6 miles S of breakwater” is expressed ...

Select one:
a. My ship is aground in position 6 miles S of breakwater.
b. I am grounded in position 6 miles S of breakwater.
c. My vessel grounded in position 6 miles S of breakwater.
d. I am aground in position 6 miles S of breakwater.
 “Vessel is unmanoeuvrable” is expressed ...
Select one:
a. I am not unmanoeuvrable.
b. My ship is not under command.
c. My ship is not unmanoeuvrable.
d. I am not under command.

 “Vessel is heeling over to port side; we will put cargo overboard to stop heeling” is
expressed ...
Select one:
a. I have a dangerous list to port; I will throw away cargo to stop listing.
b. I have a dangerous list to port; I will jettison cargo to stop listing.
c. I have a dangerous heeling over to port; I will throw away cargo to stop listing.
d. I have a dangerous heeling over to port; I will jettison cargo to stop listing.

 “The cargo is on fire; smoke is not poisonous” is expressed ...

Select one:
a. Cargo on fire; smoke not toxic.
b. My cargo is on fire; smoke not toxic.
c. The cargo on fire; smoke not toxic.
d. The cargo on fire; smoke not poisonous.

 “Six crew members have been wounded; two crew members were killed” is expressed ...
Select one:
a. Number of hurt persons: six; number of killed: two.
b. Number of injured persons: six; number of casualties: two.
c. Number of wounded persons: six; number of dead: two.
d. Number of injured persons: six; number of killed: two.

 “We have had a collision with MV Garland” is express ...

Select one:
a. I have collided with MV Garland.
b. My ship has collided with MV Garland.
c. My ship has collosion with MV Garland.
d. I have collision with MV Garland.
 “The whole ship is on fire in posn. 68 degrees 27 min.N / 039 degrees 53 min E” is
Select one:
a. The ship is on fire in posn. 68 degrees 27 min.N / 039 degrees 53 min E.
b. We are on fire in posn. 68 degrees 27 min.N / 039 degrees 53 min E.
c. My ship is on fire in posn. 68 degrees 27 min.N / 039 degrees 53 min E.
d. I am on fire in posn. 68 degrees 27 min.N / 039 degrees 53 min E.

 “Water is entering the vessel below the waterline” is expressed ...

Select one:
a. I am flooding below waterline.
b. My vessel is flooding below the waterline.
c. The vessel flooding below waterline.
d. My vessel flooding below waterline.

 “Fire cannot be extinguished by vessel’s own equipment” is expressed ...

Select one:
a. Fire not under control; I require fire fighting assistance.
b. Fire not under control; I request fire fighting assistance.
c. Fire cannot be extinguished; I require fire fighting assistance.
d. Fire cannot be extinguished; I request fire fighting assistance.

Quiz 9

 “All precautions were ……. to save the cargo and the ship but nevertheless, fearing
damage to the cargo during the bad weather”
Select one:
a. Made
b. Written
c. Taken
d. Sent

 Here are some reasons for issuing note of protest, except….

Select one:
a. Slow loading at the request of the terminal
b. Request of medical assistance
c. Difference between Bill of Lading and ship’s figure
d. Delay in loading terminal
 A letter of protest is ……
Select one:
a. A formal declaration whereby a person expresses a personal agreement of an act.
b. A spoken declaration whereby a person expresses a personal disapproval of an act.
c. A formal declaration whereby a person expresses a personal objection or
disapproval of an act.
d. An informal declaration whereby a person expresses a personal disapproval of an act.

 “We shall be ……. to hear in due course that the goods have reached you in safe
Select one:
a. Sorry
b. Pleased
c. Happy
d. Sad

 The information is NOT important to be given in note of protest is …..

Select one:
a. Vessel’s name
b. Date
c. Amount of cargo
d. Crew members

 “I have just received your March 24 letter about the ………. you received through Green
Tree Freight and regret the inconvenience that it has caused you”
Select one:
a. Unfulfilled document
b. Loss of crew
c. Fire on board
d. Damaged shipment

 Note of protest is made by ……

Select one:
a. Boatswain
b. Master
c. Able Bodied
d. Second Officer
 Note of protest is ……. by the Master
Select one:
a. signed
b. replied
c. submitted
d. distributed

 “I hereby give you …….., that fuel oil supplied by you at the port of Tanjung Priok prove
to be wholly unsuitable for use in the vessel’s machinery”
Select one:
a. Information
b. Data
c. Notice
d. Letter

 When writing such a ‘’Note of Protest’’ bear in mind that you must stick to the facts and
only, keeping it as …….. and …….. as possible.
Select one:
a. short, real
b. brief, clear
c. good, tidy
d. long, real

Quiz 10

 “Downwards palm wave” gesture means “go away” in…..

Select one:
a. USA
b. Philippine
c. Vietnam
d. India

 “V sign” gesture means “peace” in …

Select one:
a. USA
b. New Zealand
c. Ireland
d. United Kingdom
 “Fingers all together” gesture in Turkey means…..
Select one:
a. Wow
b. What is this
c. Small amount of something
d. What do you want

 “Chin flick” gesture means “I don’t give a damn” in …

Select one:
a. Italy
b. Tennessee
c. France
d. Belgium

 “Point” gesture in Italy means ….

Select one:
a. Something is good
b. Something is not good
c. Number 8
d. Number 2

 “Thumb in a fist” gesture means “aggressive and rude” in …

Select one:
a. Austria
b. Canada
c. United Kingdom
d. Turkey

 “Crossed fingers” gesture means “female genital” in …

Select one:
a. Brazil
b. Vietnam
c. Cana
d. USA

 “Thumbs up” gesture means “up yours” in…

Select one:
a. Canada
b. USA
c. Australia
d. Iraq
 “Come here” gesture is reserved for dogs in …
Select one:
a. Australia
b. USA
c. Philippine
d. Canada

 “Horn” gesture means “to rock on” in ….

Select one:
a. USA
b. Spain
c. Brazil
d. Cuba

Quiz 11

 The SMCP phrase for “We have a visibility of about 100 metres” is ...
Select one:
a. We can see about one zero zero metres
b. It is visible to see about one zero zero metres
c. It is estimated to see about one zero zero metres
d. Visibility estimated at one zero zero metres

 The SMCP phrase for “We expect Tsunami by 23.45 UTC in Strait of Korea” is...
Select one:
a. My vessel expects Tsunami by 23.45 UTC in Strait of Korea
b. I think Tsunami will come by 23.45 UTC in Strait of Korea
c. It will be Tsunami by 23.45 UTC in Strait of Korea
d. Tsunami expected by 23.45 UTC in Strait of Korea.

 The SMCP phrase for “We have detected an unlit derelict vessel adrift in vicinity 2 miles
S of buoy Charlie Alfa 3” is ...
Select one:
a. Warning: We have detected an unlit derelict vessel adrift in vicinity 2 miles S of buoy
Charlie Alfa 3
b. Warning: vessel adrift in vicinity 2 miles S of buoy Charlie Alfa 3
c. Warning: unlit derelict vessel detected in vicinity 2 miles S of buoy Charlie Alfa 3
d. Warning: unlit derelict vessel adrift in vicinity 2 miles S of buoy Charlie Alfa 3
 The SMCP phrase for “Vessel has problems with her stability because of heavy icing” is
Select one:
a. My vessel is in trouble because there is heavy icing
b. I have stability problems due to heavy icing
c. I have problems in stability because there is heavy icing
d. Heavy icing causing the vessel in trouble

 The SMCP phrase for “Water is not deep enough” is ...

Select one:
a. Depth of water not sufficient
b. Depth of water is not enough yet
c. Depth of water is out of expectation
d. Water is out of depth

 The SMCP phrase for “The tide is 2 metres higher than expected” is ...
Select one:
a. Tide 2 metres above prediction
b. Tide 2 meters up
c. The tide is unpredictable
d. Tide is under prediction for 2 meters

 The SMCP phrase for “We are performing dangerous operations in position 2 cables S of
breakwater. Traffic is requested to keep distance from operations” is ...
Select one:
a. Information: dangerous operation in 2 cables S of breakwater. Request for wide berth
b. Information: unsafe operation in 2 cables S of breakwater. Request for wide berth
c. Information: threatening operation in 2 cables S of breakwater. Wide berth requested
d. Information: hazardous operation in position 2 cables S of breakwater. Wide berth

 The SMCP phrase for “Other traffic must keep a safe distance” is …
Select one:
a. Advice: other vessels should keep distance
b. Advice: all vessels keep distance
c. Advice: other vessels should be clear
d. Advice: all vessels keep clear
 The SMCP phrase for “Leading light on pierhead temporarily not in use” is ...
Select one:
a. Leading light on pierhead will be stopped
b. Leading light on pierhead is not in use temporarily
c. Leading light on pierhead no longer used
d. Leading light on pierhead temporarily discontinued.

 The SMCP phrase for “We expect that the ice situation in this area will become worse” is
Select one:
a. Information: ice situation expected to impair in this area
b. Information: ice situation expected to become bad
c. Information: ice situation expected to deteriorate in this area.
d. Information: ice situation expected worse in this area
Quiz 12
 the point of a ship that is most forward = BOW
 a structure running from bow to astern = KEEL
 device for hoisting and lowering a boat = DAVIT
 a weight that is cast overboard to hold a ship fast = ANCHOR
 a national flag = ENSIGN
 a guard around a deck = RAILING
 an opening in the bows for a cable = SCUTTLE
 a small opening hacth = HAWSEHOLE
 the deck towards the astern = BULWARK
 the part of a ship’s side above the deck = AFTER DECK
Quiz 13

 Give the correct arrangement of transmitting a distress message : (1) Say “Mayday” 3X;
(2) End with “over” (3) Describe vessel; (4) explain the assistance needed; (5) explain
the nature of distress; (6) Say “This is … (name of vessel) 3X; (7) Give position
Select one:
a. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
b. 1-7-2-4-6-5-2
c. 1-6-3-7-5-4-2
d. 1-6-3-5-7-4-2

 At the moment, Salvage vessels … by for the weather is improving.

Select one:
a. is standing
b. are standing
c. stood
d. stand

 The cargo was jettisoned ….. the deck of the cargo ship.
Select one:
a. at
b. in
c. from
d. with

 I am reporting a collision but there … no casualties.

Select one:
a. were
b. will be
c. are
d. been
 To swamp means …..
Select one:
a. fill with water
b. go down slowly
c. can not be seen
d. turn over

 To capsize means …
Select one:
a. can not be seen
b. smash together
c. fill with water
d. turn over
Quiz 14

Quiz 15

Quiz 16

Quiz 17

 The phrase to express “Finished casting off” based on SMCP is ...

Select one:
a. “Finished with manoeuvring station!”
b. “Manoeuvring finished”
c. “Finished casting off”
d. “Casting off finished”

 The phrase to express “We are going to drop starboard anchor” based on SMCP is ...
Select one:
a. “We will drop starboard anchor”.
b. “We will let go starboard anchor”.
c. “We will drop the anchor”.
d. “We are going to let go starboard anchor”.
 What is the phrase to express the picture based on SMCP?
Select one:
A. “Full ahead!”
B. “Propeller clear! “Starboard fifteen - dead slow ahead!”
C. “Half ahead; steady as she goes!”
D. “Finished with manoeuvring station!”

 The helmorder “Meet her!” is given to ...

Select one:
a. avoid allowing the vessel’s head to go to port/starboard
b. reduce the amount of rudder and hold
c. reduce the vessel’s swing rapidly
d. stop the swing of the vessel’s head in a turn

 To prevent the hawser or spring from being fouled, the line is led through....
Select one:
A. a springline
B. a fairlead
C. a boolard
D. a bitt

 The phrase to express “Fasten the lines forward and aft” based on SMCP is ...
Select one:
a. “Please Fasten fore and aft”
b. “Fasten fore and aft”
c. “Fasten the lines fore and aft”
d. “Make fast fore and aft”
 The phrase to express “Start heaving port anchor” based on SMCP is ...
Select one:
a. “Start to heave up port anchor”.
b. “Start up port anchor”.
c. “Heave up port anchor”.
d. “Start heaving port anchor”.

 The phrase to express “Anchor is loose from the ground” based on SMCP is ...
Select one:
a. “Anchor is heave up”
b. “Anchor is up”
c. “Anchor is loose”
d. “Anchor is aweigh”

 When leaving berth, the first orders the followings, except...

Select one:
a. “Check engines!”
b. “Start engines!”
c. “Ready to get underway; stand by for letting go”!
d. “Stand by engines!”

 The phrase to express “Keep tension on the spring” based on SMCP is ...
Select one:
a. “Keep the springs tight”
b. “Keep tension on the springs”
c. “Keep the springs on tension”
d. “Keep to tight the springs”

Quiz 18

 Light which has light and dark intervals of equal durations is called .....
Select one:
a. occulting light
b. fixed light
c. flashing light
d. isophase light
 Pillar shaped or spar shaped with 2 black spherical topmarks indicates ....
Select one:
a. Special buoys
b. Safe water buoys
c. All correct
d. Isolated danger buoys

 A light with a long light interval and a short dark interval is .....
Select one:
a. flashing light
b. fixed light
c. isophase light
d. occulting light

 Yellow cans, cones, pillars, spars or spheres; topmark: yellow cross; light: yellow Fl,
Oc or Iso indicates ...
Select one:
a. Safe water buoys
b. All correct
c. Special buoys
d. Isolated danger buoys

 Flashing lights or occulting lights in groups that are repeated at regular intervals are
called ...
Select one:
a. isophase light
b. Group lights
c. Alternating light
d. occulting light

 Which of the following statements is false?

Select one:
a. Isophase light fitted in buoy is indicated by the abbreviation ISO.
b. Flashing light fitted in buoy is indicated by the abbreviation FL.
c. Fixed light fitted in buoy is indicated by the abbreviation FL.
d. Occulting light fitted in buoy is indicated by the abbreviation OC.
 Even numbers on lateral buoys indicate .....
Select one:
a. starboard side
b. port side
c. bow
d. stern

 In the IALA-A system the green coloured conical buoy indicates .....
Select one:
a. port side
b. stern
c. bow
d. starboard side

 Cardinal colour yellow with a black horizontal band indicates ....

Select one:
a. South
b. North
c. East
d. West

 A light with a long dark interval and short light interval is ....
Select one:
a. isophase light
b. occulting light
c. fixed light
d. flashing light
Quiz 19

Navigation Warning Number 2

Be advised that the Hartmann Straits is closed to all vessels from Monday 26 March
until further notice. This is because of offshore construction works.
‘Channel blocked’ shapes are visible during daylight hours. Warning lights are visible at
Mariners must observe the ‘channel blocked’ signals and keep well clear of the straits.
Vessels must not exceed 4 knots within 100 metres of work in progress.

 Question:
"to observe" here means:
Select one:
A. think
B. obey
C. avoid

Navigation Warning Number 1

Floating timber (2,000 tonnes) lost from MV Young Prince is drifting in an
area stretching from Snake Head Cape to Belle Island with significant quantities in
the vicinity of Point Lucien.

 Question:
What are "significant quantities"?
Select one:
A. large amounts
B. a little
C. a decreasing number
Navigation Warning Number 2
Be advised that the Hartmann Straits is closed to all vessels from Monday 26 March
until further notice. This is because of offshore construction works.
‘Channel blocked’ shapes are visible during daylight hours. Warning lights are visible at
Mariners must observe the ‘channel blocked’ signals and keep well clear of the straits.
Vessels must not exceed 4 knots within 100 metres of work in progress.

 Question:
. . . "further notice" means....

Select one:
A. always
B. you are told differently
C. the next day

Navigation Warning Number 1

Floating timber (2,000 tonnes) lost from MV Young Prince is drifting in an
area stretching from Snake Head Cape to Belle Island with significant quantities in
the vicinity of Point Lucien.

 Question:
Which of the following summaries is correct?
Select one:
A. There is a lot of floating timber near Point Lucien. The timber has come from
MV Young Prince.
B. Floating timber has struck MV Young Prince. The ship is drifting from Snake Head Cape
to Belle Island.
C. The 2,000 tonne MV Young Prince has lost timber. A lot of the timber is floating near Point

Navigation Warning Number 2

Be advised that the Hartmann Straits is closed to all vessels from Monday 26 March
until further notice. This is because of offshore construction works.
‘Channel blocked’ shapes are visible during daylight hours. Warning lights are visible at
Mariners must observe the ‘channel blocked’ signals and keep well clear of the straits.
Vessels must not exceed 4 knots within 100 metres of work in progress.

 Question:
Another way of saying "keep well clear" is:
Select one:
A. avoid but stay close
B. go slowly
C. give a wide berth

Navigation Warning Number 1

Floating timber (2,000 tonnes) lost from MV Young Prince is drifting in an
area stretching from Snake Head Cape to Belle Island with significant quantities in
the vicinity of Point Lucien.

 Question:
The vicinity of Port Lucien is .....

Select one:
A. near Port Lucien
B. a long distance from Port Lucien
C. at port Lucien
Navigation Warning Number 2
Be advised that the Hartmann Straits is closed to all vessels from Monday 26 March
until further notice. This is because of offshore construction works.
‘Channel blocked’ shapes are visible during daylight hours. Warning lights are visible at
Mariners must observe the ‘channel blocked’ signals and keep well clear of the straits.
Vessels must not exceed 4 knots within 100 metres of work in progress.
 Question:
Which of the following is not offshore construction works?
Select one:
A. dredging
B. underwater cables
C. submerged pipe lines

Navigation Warning Number 1

Floating timber (2,000 tonnes) lost from MV Young Prince is drifting in an
area stretching from Snake Head Cape to Belle Island with significant quantities in
the vicinity of Point Lucien.

 Question:
What is "timber"?
Select one:
A. wood
B. containers
C. oil

Navigation Warning Number 1

Floating timber (2,000 tonnes) lost from MV Young Prince is drifting in an
area stretching from Snake Head Cape to Belle Island with significant quantities in
the vicinity of Point Lucien.

 Question:
Which of these words can replace the word "stretching"?
Select one:
A. increasing in size
B. extending
C. moving
Navigation Warning Number 2
Be advised that the Hartmann Straits is closed to all vessels from Monday 26 March
until further notice. This is because of offshore construction works.
‘Channel blocked’ shapes are visible during daylight hours. Warning lights are visible at
Mariners must observe the ‘channel blocked’ signals and keep well clear of the straits.
Vessels must not exceed 4 knots within 100 metres of work in progress.

 Question:
Which of the following summaries is correct?
Select one:
A. There is work going on in the Hartmann Straits. Go slowly through the channel
B. The Hartmann Straits are closed from 26/3
C. Avoid the warning signals in the Hartmann Straits from 26/3

Quiz 20

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