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Release Notes

ANSYS, Inc. Release 2021 R1

Southpointe January 2021
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ANSYS, Inc. and ANSYS Europe, Ltd. are UL registered ISO 9001: 2015 companies.

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Published in the U.S.A.

Table of Contents
Global ......................................................................................................................................................... xi
1. Advisories ......................................................................................................................................... xiii
1.1. EKM Advisory ........................................................................................................................... xiii
2. Compatibility with Previous Releases ................................................................................................. xiii
3. Installation ........................................................................................................................................ xiv
4. Licensing .......................................................................................................................................... xiv
5. Documentation ................................................................................................................................ xiv
6. Verification Manual ........................................................................................................................... xiv
6.1. Mechanical APDL Verification Manual ........................................................................................ xv
6.1.1. New Verification Test Cases ............................................................................................... xv
6.1.2. Removed Verification Test Cases ........................................................................................ xv
6.2. Workbench Verification Manual ................................................................................................. xv
6.2.1. New Verification Test Cases ............................................................................................... xv
6.2.2. Removed Verification Test Cases ....................................................................................... xvi
7. Online Video Access ......................................................................................................................... xvii
8. ANSYS Customer Site ....................................................................................................................... xvii
1. ANSYS Structural Products ..................................................................................................................... 1
1. Mechanical Application Release Notes ............................................................................................. 3
1.1. Technology Showcase: Example Problems ................................................................................... 4
1.2. Changes in Product Behavior ...................................................................................................... 4
1.3. General ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4. Performance ............................................................................................................................... 6
1.5. Graphics ..................................................................................................................................... 6
1.6. Geometry ................................................................................................................................... 6
1.7. Materials .................................................................................................................................... 7
1.8. External Model ........................................................................................................................... 7
1.9. Contact and Connections ............................................................................................................ 7
1.10. Mesh ........................................................................................................................................ 8
1.11. Additive Manufacturing Process Simulation ............................................................................... 8
1.12. Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 8
1.13. Topology Optimization ............................................................................................................. 9
1.14. Short Fiber Composites ........................................................................................................... 10
1.15. ANSYS Motion ........................................................................................................................ 10
1.16. Loads/Supports/Conditions .................................................................................................... 10
1.17. Mapping ................................................................................................................................. 11
1.18. Solution .................................................................................................................................. 12
1.19. Rigid Body Solver .................................................................................................................... 12
1.20. Explicit Dynamics .................................................................................................................... 12
1.21. Results .................................................................................................................................... 14
1.22. Scripting ................................................................................................................................. 14
2. Mechanical APDL ............................................................................................................................ 17
2.1. Structural ................................................................................................................................. 17
2.1.1. Contact ............................................................................................................................ 17 Surface-Projection Contact Method for the 3-D Line-to-Surface Element ................... 18 Surface-Based Constraint Enhancements ................................................................. 18 Stress-Stiffening Effects for MPC-Based Surface Constraints ............................. 18 Lagrange Multiplier Based Rigid Constraints .................................................... 18 Contact Surface Wear Enhancements ....................................................................... 18 Wear-Based Nonlinear Mesh Adaptivity for Hexahedral Elements ..................... 18

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. iii
ANSYS, Inc. Release Notes Improved HPC Scalability for Contact Surface Wear .......................................... 19 Enhanced Contact Stabilization Damping ................................................................ 19 Modifying Contact Element Key Options Between Load Steps .................................. 19
2.1.2. Elements and Nonlinear Technology ................................................................................. 19 Tire Analysis ............................................................................................................ 19 Nonlinear Mesh Adaptivity for Element-Type Change (NLAD-ETCHG) ........................ 19 Beam and Pipe Elements in the XY Plane .................................................................. 20 Nonlinear Solution Controls for Multiphysics ............................................................ 20 Initial-Mesh Loading/Constraint for Nonlinear Adaptivity in a Linear Analysis ............ 20 Geometric Stress-Stiffness in MPC184 Rigid Beams ................................................... 20
2.1.3. Material and Fracture Modeling ........................................................................................ 20 Anisotropic Material Model ...................................................................................... 21 Anisotropic Elastic Damage Material Model .............................................................. 21 Geomechanical Curve-Fitting ................................................................................... 21 Field Variable Support for Hill Plasticity .................................................................... 21 Selected State Variable Output ................................................................................. 21 New Cycle-Jump Option .......................................................................................... 22 SMART Crack-Growth Analysis ................................................................................. 22 Initial Stress Support ....................................................................................... 22 Mesh Coarsening ............................................................................................ 22 Contact Support ............................................................................................. 22 Stop Option .................................................................................................... 22
2.1.4. Linear Dynamics .............................................................................................................. 22 Solution Comparisons Using RSTMAC ..................................................................... 22 SFCONTROL Support for Cyclic Symmetry Analysis .................................................. 23
2.2. Multiphysics ............................................................................................................................. 23
2.2.1. Enhanced Nonlinear Solution Controls for Multiphysics ..................................................... 23
2.2.2. HHT Time Integration Improvements for Multiphysics ....................................................... 23
2.2.3. Acoustics ......................................................................................................................... 23
2.2.4. Thermal ........................................................................................................................... 24 View Factor Condensation for Radiation Models with Symmetry ............................... 24 Enthalpy Formulation for Thermal Elements ............................................................. 24
2.2.5. Coupled-Field .................................................................................................................. 24 2-D Axisymmetric Coupled-Field Elements with Torsion ........................................... 24 Enhancements in Piezoelectric Analyses ................................................................... 24
2.3. Solvers ..................................................................................................................................... 25
2.3.1. Fallback Logic Triggers Switch from PCG to Sparse Solver ............................................. 25
2.3.2. PCG Solver Enhancements ................................................................................................ 25
2.3.3. Distributed ANSYS Enhancements .................................................................................... 25
2.3.4. GPU Acceleration Enhancements ...................................................................................... 25
2.3.5. Enhanced Shift Strategy for the Damped Eigensolver ........................................................ 26
2.4. Other Enhancements ................................................................................................................ 26
2.4.1. File Compression for Restart and .osav Files ................................................................... 26
2.4.2. Database Enhancements for Models with Highly Uncompressed Numbering ..................... 26
2.4.3. Nodal-Averaged Results ................................................................................................... 26
2.4.4. Solution-Tracking Improvement ....................................................................................... 26
2.5. Commands ............................................................................................................................... 27
2.5.1. New Commands ............................................................................................................... 27
2.5.2. Modified Commands ........................................................................................................ 27
2.5.3. Undocumented Commands ............................................................................................. 29
2.6. Elements .................................................................................................................................. 29

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
iv of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ANSYS, Inc. Release Notes

2.6.1. New Elements .................................................................................................................. 29

2.6.2. Modified Elements ........................................................................................................... 29
2.6.3. Undocumented Elements ................................................................................................. 30
2.7. Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 30
2.7.1. Tire Analysis Guide ........................................................................................................... 30
2.7.2. Updates for Programmers ................................................................................................. 30 BFBLOCK Nodal Body Load Command ..................................................................... 30 SFEBLOCK Element Surface Load Command ............................................................. 31 Consistent Labels for Unblocked Coded Database File Commands ............................ 31 Geometry Data in the Results File ............................................................................. 31
2.7.3. Feature Archive ................................................................................................................ 31
2.8. Technology Showcase: Example Problems ................................................................................. 31
2.9. Mechanical APDL Release 2021 R1 Update Guide ....................................................................... 32
2.9.1. Backward Compatibility ................................................................................................... 32
2.9.2. Feature Updates Causing Result or Behavior Changes ....................................................... 32 Section Offsets for Beams in the XY Plane ................................................................. 33 ETCONTROL,SET with SOLID186 and Coupled-Field Elements .................................. 33 Launcher Change Resulting from Updated Product Licensing ................................... 33
2.9.3. Known Incompatibilities ................................................................................................... 33
2.9.4. Known Issues ................................................................................................................... 33
2.9.5. Resolved Issues and Defects ............................................................................................. 34
2.9.6. Features Removed or Archived ......................................................................................... 35 CECYC Command .................................................................................................... 35
3. Autodyn .......................................................................................................................................... 37
3.1. New Features and Enhancements .............................................................................................. 37
4. Aqwa ............................................................................................................................................... 39
4.1. Aqwa Solver Modules ............................................................................................................... 39
4.2. Aqwa Graphical Supervisor (AGS) .............................................................................................. 39
4.3. Hydrodynamic Analysis Systems ................................................................................................ 39
5. ANSYS Composite PrepPost (ACP) .................................................................................................. 41
6. Material Designer ............................................................................................................................ 43
7. Additive Manufacturing .................................................................................................................. 45
7.1. Additive Prep ............................................................................................................................ 45
7.2. ANSYS Additive (Print and Science) ........................................................................................... 45
7.2.1. General Enhancements .................................................................................................... 46
7.2.2. Additive Print ................................................................................................................... 46
7.2.3. Additive Science ............................................................................................................... 46
7.2.4. Changes in Product Behavior ............................................................................................ 47
7.3. Workbench Additive ................................................................................................................. 47
7.3.1. Changes in Product Behavior ............................................................................................ 48
8. Sherlock .......................................................................................................................................... 49
8.1. Known Issues ............................................................................................................................ 49
8.2. New Features ............................................................................................................................ 49
8.2.1. Meshing ........................................................................................................................... 49
8.2.2. Random Vibration Analysis ............................................................................................... 49
8.3. General Enhancements ............................................................................................................. 49
8.4. Bug Fixes .................................................................................................................................. 51
8.5. Supported Platforms ................................................................................................................. 53
8.5.1. Hardware Requirements ................................................................................................... 54
8.5.2. Software Requirements .................................................................................................... 54
8.5.3. Optional Software Requirements ...................................................................................... 54

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. v
ANSYS, Inc. Release Notes

8.5.4. 3D Viewer ........................................................................................................................ 54

2. ANSYS Fluids Products .......................................................................................................................... 55
1. Fluent .............................................................................................................................................. 57
1.1. Supported Platforms for ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1 ......................................................................... 57
1.2. New Features in ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1 ...................................................................................... 57
1.2.1. Meshing Mode ................................................................................................................. 58
1.2.2. Solution Mode ................................................................................................................. 61
1.2.3. Fluent Applications .......................................................................................................... 76
1.3. Updates Affecting ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1 Code Behavior ............................................................ 77
1.3.1. Meshing Mode ................................................................................................................. 77
1.3.2. Solution Mode ................................................................................................................. 78
1.3.3. Fluent Applications .......................................................................................................... 82
2. CFX .................................................................................................................................................. 83
2.1. Supported Platforms ................................................................................................................. 83
2.2. New Features and Enhancements .............................................................................................. 83
2.3. Incompatibilities ....................................................................................................................... 84
3. CFD-Post .......................................................................................................................................... 85
3.1. Supported Platforms ................................................................................................................. 85
3.2. New Features and Enhancements .............................................................................................. 85
3.3. Incompatibilities ....................................................................................................................... 86
3.4. Updates Affecting Code Behavior .............................................................................................. 86
4. TurboSystem Release Notes ............................................................................................................ 87
4.1. Supported Platforms ................................................................................................................. 87
4.2. New Features and Enhancements .............................................................................................. 87
5. TurboGrid ........................................................................................................................................ 89
5.1. Supported Platforms ................................................................................................................. 89
5.2. New Features and Enhancements .............................................................................................. 89
6. BladeModeler .................................................................................................................................. 91
6.1. Supported Platforms ................................................................................................................. 91
6.2. BladeGen .................................................................................................................................. 91
6.2.1. New Features and Enhancements ..................................................................................... 91
6.3. BladeEditor ............................................................................................................................... 91
6.3.1. New Features and Enhancements ..................................................................................... 91
7. Polyflow .......................................................................................................................................... 93
7.1. New Features ............................................................................................................................ 93
7.2. Supported Platforms ................................................................................................................. 93
7.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations in ANSYS Polyflow 2021 R1 ....................................................... 93
8. Forte ................................................................................................................................................ 95
8.1. New Features and Enhancements .............................................................................................. 95
8.2. Resolved Issues and Limitations ................................................................................................ 96
9. Chemkin-Pro ................................................................................................................................... 97
9.1. New Features and Enhancements .............................................................................................. 97
9.2. Resolved Issues and Limitations ................................................................................................ 98
10. FENSAP-ICE ................................................................................................................................... 99
10.1. New Features and Enhancements in ANSYS FENSAP-ICE .......................................................... 99
10.2. Updates Affecting ANSYS FENSAP-ICE Code Behavior ............................................................ 100
10.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations ............................................................................................. 100
11. EnSight ........................................................................................................................................ 101
11.1. New Features and Enhancements in ANSYS EnSight ............................................................... 101
11.2. Resolved Issues and Limitations ............................................................................................. 103
3. ANSYS Electronics Products ................................................................................................................ 105

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
vi of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ANSYS, Inc. Release Notes

1. Icepak ............................................................................................................................................ 107

1.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 107
1.2. New and Modified Features in ANSYS Icepak 2021 R1 .............................................................. 107
1.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations in ANSYS Icepak 2021 R1 ........................................................ 108
4. ANSYS Optical Products ...................................................................................................................... 109
1. ANSYS SPEOS Release Notes ......................................................................................................... 111
1.1. New Features .......................................................................................................................... 111
1.2. Enhancements ........................................................................................................................ 112
1.3. Changes ................................................................................................................................. 112
1.4. Resolved Issues and Limitations .............................................................................................. 113
2. SPEOS for NX Release Notes .......................................................................................................... 115
2.1. New Features and Enhancements ............................................................................................ 115
2.2. Changes ................................................................................................................................. 116
2.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations .............................................................................................. 116
3. SPEOS for Creo Parametric Release Notes .................................................................................... 117
3.1. New Features and Enhancements ............................................................................................ 117
3.2. Changes ................................................................................................................................. 117
3.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations .............................................................................................. 118
4. ANSYS Optical Labs Release Notes ............................................................................................... 119
4.1. New Features and Enhancements ............................................................................................ 119
4.2. Changes ................................................................................................................................. 119
4.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations .............................................................................................. 120
5. SPEOS HPC Release Notes ............................................................................................................. 121
5.1. Changes ................................................................................................................................. 121
5.2. Resolved Issues and Limitations .............................................................................................. 121
5. ANSYS Systems Products .................................................................................................................... 123
1. VRXPERIENCE Sound Release Notes ............................................................................................. 125
1.1. VRXPERIENCE Sound - Analysis & Specification ......................................................................... 125
1.1.1. New Feature ................................................................................................................... 125
1.1.2. Enhancements ............................................................................................................... 125
1.1.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations ...................................................................................... 126
1.2. VRXPERIENCE Sound - ASDforEV .............................................................................................. 126
1.2.1. Presentation ................................................................................................................... 126
1.2.2. Main Features ................................................................................................................. 126
1.3. VRXPERIENCE Sound - Jury Listening Test ................................................................................ 127
1.3.1. Change .......................................................................................................................... 127
1.3.2. Resolved Issues and Limitations ...................................................................................... 127
1.4. VRXPERIENCE Sound - Car Sound Simulator ............................................................................. 127
1.4.1. Resolved Issues and Limitations ...................................................................................... 127
6. ANSYS Geometry & Mesh Prep Products ............................................................................................ 129
1. DesignModeler .............................................................................................................................. 131
2. CAD ................................................................................................................................................ 133
3. Meshing ......................................................................................................................................... 135
3.1. Changes in Product Behavior from Previous Releases ............................................................... 135
3.2. Connect .................................................................................................................................. 135
3.3. Freeze and Unfreeze Mesh ...................................................................................................... 135
3.4. Enhancements in Weld Control ............................................................................................... 135
3.5. Repair Topology ...................................................................................................................... 136
4. IC Engine Release Notes ................................................................................................................ 137
5. ICEM CFD ....................................................................................................................................... 139
5.1. Enhancements to Multizone Blocking on Faceted Geometries ................................................. 139

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. vii
ANSYS, Inc. Release Notes

5.2. Changes in Product Behavior from Previous Releases .............................................................. 139

7. ANSYS Simulation Products ................................................................................................................ 141
1. ACT ................................................................................................................................................ 143
2. ANSYS Viewer ................................................................................................................................ 145
2.1. New Features and Enhancements ............................................................................................ 145
2.2. Resolved Issues and Limitations .............................................................................................. 145
2.3. Known Issues and Limitations ................................................................................................. 145
3. Distributed Compute Services (DCS) ............................................................................................ 147
3.1. Design Point Service (DPS) ...................................................................................................... 147
3.2. Distributed Compute Gateway (DCG) ...................................................................................... 148
4. DesignXplorer ............................................................................................................................... 149
5. optiSLang ...................................................................................................................................... 151
5.1. General Enhancements ........................................................................................................... 151
5.2. Integrations ............................................................................................................................ 153
5.3. Algorithms .............................................................................................................................. 153
5.4. Postprocessing ....................................................................................................................... 155
5.5. Remote Control ...................................................................................................................... 156
5.6. optiSLang Web Service ............................................................................................................ 156
5.7. Licensing ................................................................................................................................ 157
5.8. ANSYS Workbench Extension .................................................................................................. 158
6. Remote Solve Manager (RSM) ....................................................................................................... 161
6.1. New Features and Enhancements ............................................................................................ 161
6.2. Issues Resolved in this Release ................................................................................................. 161
6.3. Known Issues and Limitations ................................................................................................. 161
7. System Coupling ........................................................................................................................... 163
7.1. System Coupling Core Functionality ........................................................................................ 163
7.1.1. New Multiphysics Applications ....................................................................................... 163
7.1.2. Expressions Support for Data Transfers ............................................................................ 164
7.1.3. Export a System Coupling Setup from Workbench ........................................................... 164
7.1.4. Mapping Accuracy Improvements .................................................................................. 165
7.1.5. Performance Improvements ........................................................................................... 166
7.2. Participant Library Extensions ................................................................................................. 166
7.3. System Coupling Controls and Output ..................................................................................... 167
7.3.1. EnSight Postprocessing Improvements ........................................................................... 167
7.3.2. Debug Logging Files ...................................................................................................... 168
7.3.3. Improved Region Selection in the GUI ............................................................................. 168
7.3.4. Expanded APIP Data Collection ....................................................................................... 168
7.3.5. Changes to the Transcript/Log File .................................................................................. 169
7.4. Changes in Coupled Analysis Support ..................................................................................... 170
7.5. Known Issues and Limitations ................................................................................................. 170
8. Workbench .................................................................................................................................... 171
8.1. ANSYS Workbench .................................................................................................................. 171
8.1.1. General Workbench Enhancements ............................................................................... 171
8.1.2. Design Point Update Enhancements ............................................................................... 172
8.1.3. Workbench Journaling and Scripting Enhancements ...................................................... 172
8.1.4. Mechanical APDL Enhancements .................................................................................... 172
8.1.5. ANSYS Workbench-Remote Solve Manager Enhancements ............................................. 172
8.2. Engineering Data Workspace ................................................................................................... 172
8.3. External Data .......................................................................................................................... 173
8.4. External Model ........................................................................................................................ 173
8.5. Injection Molding Data ........................................................................................................... 173

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
viii of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ANSYS, Inc. Release Notes

8. 3D Design Products ............................................................................................................................. 175

1. Discovery Release Notes ............................................................................................................... 177
1.1. Discovery Product Changes ..................................................................................................... 177
1.2. Enhancements Overview ........................................................................................................ 177
1.2.1. Fluid-Solid Heat Transfer ................................................................................................. 178
1.2.2. Project Management ...................................................................................................... 178
1.2.3. Tree View ....................................................................................................................... 178
1.2.4. HUD Control ................................................................................................................... 178
1.2.5. Modeling Tools ............................................................................................................... 179
1.2.6. Simulation Tools ............................................................................................................. 180
1.2.7. Contact .......................................................................................................................... 180
1.2.8. Topology Optimization ................................................................................................... 180
1.2.9. Remote Displacement .................................................................................................... 180
1.2.10. Design Variations .......................................................................................................... 181
1.2.11. Monitors ...................................................................................................................... 181
1.2.12. Interactive Tours ........................................................................................................... 181
1.3. Caveats and Known Issues ....................................................................................................... 181
2. SpaceClaim Release Notes ............................................................................................................ 183
2.1. Enhancements Overview ........................................................................................................ 183
2.1.1. UI/Graphics .................................................................................................................... 183
2.1.2. Constraint-based Sketching ............................................................................................ 185
2.1.3. Facets ............................................................................................................................ 186
2.1.4. Repair ............................................................................................................................ 187
2.1.5. Prepare .......................................................................................................................... 188
2.1.6. Block Recording ............................................................................................................. 188
2.1.7. Scripting ........................................................................................................................ 188
2.1.8. Performance Improvements ........................................................................................... 189
2.1.9. Import/Export ................................................................................................................ 189
2.1.10. Meshing ....................................................................................................................... 190

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. ix
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
x of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Global Release Notes
The release notes are specific to ANSYS, Inc. Release 2021 R1 and arranged by application or product,
with the exception of:

• Advisories (p. xiii)

• Compatibility with Previous Releases (p. xiii)

• Installation (p. xiv)

• Licensing (p. xiv)

• Documentation (p. xiv)

• Verification Manual (p. xiv)

• Online Video Access (p. xvii)

• ANSYS Customer Site (p. xvii)

In some cases, installation- and licensing-specific information is detailed within the documentation for
a given application or product.

Release notes in printable format (PDF) for this release are provided on the product-distribution media.
You can also download them. Release notes are also accessible within the product Help (either online
or installable, as applicable).

Archived Release Notes

Release notes for prior releases are available (online or in CHM, HTML, or PDF format, depending on
the release):

• ANSYS 2020 R2 (PDF) (online)

• ANSYS 2020 R1 (PDF) (online)

• ANSYS 2019 R3 (PDF) (online)

• ANSYS 2019 R2 (PDF) (online)

• ANSYS 2019 R1 (PDF) (online)

• ANSYS 19.2 (PDF) (online)

• ANSYS 19.1 (PDF) (online)

• ANSYS 19.0 (PDF) (online)

• ANSYS 18.2 (PDF) (online)

• ANSYS 18.1 (PDF)

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. xi

• ANSYS 18.0 (PDF)

• ANSYS 17.2 (PDF)

• ANSYS 17.1 (PDF)

• ANSYS 17.0 (PDF)

• ANSYS 16.2 (PDF)

• ANSYS 16.1 (PDF)

• ANSYS 16.0 (PDF)

• ANSYS 15.0 (PDF)

• ANSYS 14.5 (PDF)

• ANSYS 14.0 (HTML)

• ANSYS 13.0 (HTML)

• ANSYS 12.1 (HTML)

• ANSYS 12.0 (HTML)

• ANSYS 11.0 (CHM)

Archived Product and Release Documentation

Product and release documentation files include the following:

• ANSYS Platform Support Strategy & Plans

• ANSYS, Inc. Installation and Licensing Tutorials

• ANSYS, Inc. Known Issues and Limitations

• ANSYS, Inc. Licensing Guide

• ANSYS Quick Start Installation Guide

• ANSYS Quick Start Licensing Guide

• ANSYS, Inc. Release Notes

• Linux Installation Guide

• SpaceClaim Release Notes (as applicable)

• Windows Installation Guide

To download .zip files containing all Product and Release Documentation for a given release, log on
to the ANSYS customer site and navigate to Downloads > Current Release. Select the release version
and the primary documentation package of interest.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
xii of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Compatibility with Previous Releases

1. Advisories
In addition to the incompatibilities noted within the release notes, known non-operational behavior,
errors and/or limitations at the time of release are documented in the Known Issues and Limitations
document, although not accessible via the ANSYS Help Viewer. See the ANSYS customer site (p. xvii) or
online Help for information about the ANSYS service packs and any additional items not included in
the Known Issues and Limitations document. First-time users of the customer site must register to
create a password.

For a list of issues and limitations in previous releases that have been resolved in Release 2021 R1, refer
to the Resolved Issues and Limitations document on the ANSYS Help site.

For the most recent version of the current release's Release Notes document, see the ANSYS, Inc. Release
Notes section of the ANSYS Help internet documentation website or download it here.

ANSYS Help ( will not be supported on the Internet Explorer browser after
the release of Ansys 2020 R2.

1.1. EKM Advisory

To focus effort on our next-generation Simulation Process and Data Management tool, we are winding
down support for EKM in 2021.

At Release 2021 R1, EKM 19.0.1 will not support metadata produced by ANSYS 2021 R1 products
without additional configuration. Please contact your ANSYS account representative for more details.

At Release 2021 R2 (June 2021), the EKM menu will be removed from Workbench, and EKM will not
offer 2021 R2 solver support.

Going forward, we are excited to be able to offer our valued customers a more advanced solution —
ANSYS Minerva. With more robust capabilities and extensibility, and openness to configuration, this
modern solution provides a more efficient and consolidated Digital Engineering Environment for your
organization. For more information go to

The extended transition time of EKM provides the perfect opportunity to evaluate and comfortably
migrate to this latest technology. To make the transition easy, and ensure the integrity of your data,
an ANSYS consultant will step you through the migration process at your organization and get you
quickly up and running in ANSYS Minerva.

Your ANSYS account representative will be pleased to answer your questions and set up a custom
migration plan when you are ready.

2. Compatibility with Previous Releases

Backwards Compatibility: ANSYS 2021 R1 was tested to read and resume databases from the following
previous versions: 19.2, 2019 R1, 2019 R2, 2019 R3, 2020 R1, and 2020 R2. Note that some products are
able to read and resume databases from releases prior to 2019 R1. See the specific product sections
below for more information. For those products that cannot directly read a 17.x, 18.x, or 19.x database
in 2021 R1, first resume it in a supported version and then resume that database in 2021 R1.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. xiii

Upward/Forward Compatibility: No previous release has the ability to read and resume a database
from a more recent release.

3. Installation
The following features are new or changed at Release 2021 R1. Review these items carefully.

• The ANSYS SPEOS HPC product has been added to the ANSYS installation program for Windows.

• The ability to enable ANSYS QA Services has been added to the ANSYS installation program for

• Microsoft MPI installation package has been added to the ANSYS installation program for Windows.

• The ANSYS GRANTA Selector has been added to the ANSYS Workbench installation.

• Required Linux libraries are listed by product in the ANSYS Linux Installation Guide.

4. Licensing
The following enhancements were made to ANSYS, Inc. Licensing for Release 2021 R1:

• For Ansys release 2021 R1 and newer, the Ansys Licensing Interconnect has been replaced with
Ansys Common Licensing (ACL). Ansys Common Licensing creates direct communication from
all Ansys applications to the FlexNet Publisher implementation.

5. Documentation

Our product documentation is now online, directly linked from the products. With online documentation,
you have access to the best and latest content, updated as soon as it is available. You also gain access
to our help, tutorials, and videos in a single, convenient location, accessible from all your Internet-con-
nected devices. Note that, if you are accessing our help directly at by
logging in with your ANSYS Customer Portal user name (email) and password, the site does not currently
accept passwords that contain letters topped by umlaut marks.

If you do not have Internet access, or if you would like a local copy of the documentation on your system,
you can download an installable version of our product documentation from the ANSYS Download

Your feedback is greatly appreciated as we continue to improve this new resource.

ANSYS Help ( will not be supported on the Internet Explorer browser after
the release of Ansys 2020 R2.

6. Verification Manual
The Verification Manuals for the following products were updated at 2021 R1:

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
xiv of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Verification Manual

6.1. Mechanical APDL Verification Manual

6.2. Workbench Verification Manual

6.1. Mechanical APDL Verification Manual

The following sections outline the changes to the Mechanical APDL Verification Manual:
6.1.1. New Verification Test Cases
6.1.2. Removed Verification Test Cases

6.1.1. New Verification Test Cases

The following verification test case has been added:

VM309 – Torsional Buckling with Cruciform Section Beam

The beam is a cruciform section with four identical flanges. All the displacements and rotations
at both ends of the beam are fixed, except for the x-displacement degrees of freedom where
the axial force is applied. The warping degrees of freedom are activated but not constrained.
Determine the critical buckling load for the first three modes.

6.1.2. Removed Verification Test Cases

No verification test cases have been removed.

6.2. Workbench Verification Manual

The following sections outline the changes to the Workbench Verification Manual:
6.2.1. New Verification Test Cases
6.2.2. Removed Verification Test Cases

6.2.1. New Verification Test Cases

The following Workbench Mechanical verification test cases have been added:

• VM-WB-MECH-105 - Motion of a Pendulum Under Gravity Load

A pendulum consists of a mass attached to the free end of a pinned bar. The system moves in
a vertical plane, and the only forces acting on the mass are the gravitational attraction of the
earth and the force applied to the bar. The bar is subjected to a known moment. Determine the
minimum and maximum relative rotation of the bar.

• VM-WB-MECH-106 - Motion of a Pendulum Under Gravity Load

A pendulum consists of a point mass attached to the free end of a pinned bar. The system moves
in a vertical plane, and the only forces acting on the mass are the gravitational attraction of the
earth and the force applied to the bar. A sensor placed in the system measures the angle of the
bar and generates a signal. The signal serves as an input to the motor. Determine the minimum
and maximum relative rotation of the bar.

• VM-WB-MECH-107 - Cable/Pipe Supporting Hanging Loads

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. xv

A Cable/Link supports three vertical loads. For the given equilibrium position, determine the
horizontal and vertical reaction forces and the maximum tension in the Cable/Link.

• VM-WB-MECH-108 - Natural Frequency of a Piezoelectric Transducer

A piezoelectric transducer consists of a cube of PZT4 material with its polarization direction
aligned along the Z axis. Electrodes are placed on the two surfaces orthogonal to the polarization
axis. Determine the first two coupled-mode (breathing-type deformation) natural frequencies for
the short circuit (resonance) case and the open circuit (anti-resonance) case.

The following Aqwa verification test cases have been added:

• VM-AQWA-MECH-002- RAOs for Hydrodynamic Diffraction System and Natura Modes for
Hydrodynamic Response

A barge model has two water tanks installed on the deck. Test the model to predict the combined
dynamics of a floating support and the sloshing motions in the tanks.

• VM-AQWA-MECH-003- Motions of Adjacent Floating Structures in Oblique Waves

Two parallel, slender structures– a barge and a boat– are in oblique waves. Analyze the hydro-
dynamic interaction between them.

The following LS-DYNA verification test cases have been added:

• VM-DYNA-MECH-005 - Pinned Bar Under Gravity Loading

A homogeneous bar is pinned. The distance from the end of the bar to the pin is given. The bar
is subjected to gravity loading, and its initial position is θ = 30° from the vertical. Calculate the
rotational speed when it passes through θ = 0°.

• VM-DYNA-MECH-006 - Projectile with Air Resistance

A projectile is subjected to gravity and air resistance loading. The total travel time and travel
distance are calculated for an assumed initial velocity and air resistance proportionality constant.

The following Material Designer verification test case has been added:

VM-GEOM-SCMD-001- Evaluation of Equivalent Orthotropic Material Properties for Multi-

Layered Laminated Structures
Create a user-defined RVE (representative volume element) in Material Designer. The constituent
materials are two steel layers with a layer of epoxy between them. Using the information
provided, assign dimensions and material properties to each layer. Run an analysis on the RVE
and generate calculated properties for the homogenized laminate.

6.2.2. Removed Verification Test Cases

No verification test cases have been removed.

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xvi of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ANSYS Customer Site

7. Online Video Access

To review an extensive library of How-To Videos that detail how to use ANSYS product features, go to
the ANSYS How-To Videos page at YouTube. Note that you can now also access the How-To videos
from the ANSYS Help home page for your product.

8. ANSYS Customer Site

If you have a password to the ANSYS customer site (, you can
view additional documentation information and late changes. The customer site is also your source for
ANSYS, Inc. software downloads, service packs, product information (including example applications,
current and archived documentation, undocumented commands, input files, and product previews),
and online support.

All product documentation is available in printable format (PDF). You can also copy content from
within the files into a word-processing program.

ANSYS customer site access points:

• Tutorials and input files

To access tutorials and their input files, go to the tutorials area of the customer site.

• Documentation

To access documentation files, go to the documentation area of the customer site.

• General information

For general information about materials and services available to our customers, go to the main
page of the customer site.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. xvii
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
xviii of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Part 1: ANSYS Structural Products
At Release 2021 R1, ANSYS Mechanical products have transitioned to the new ANSYS Common Licensing
model. Additional license increments have been added. The previous bundled license increments that
enable multiple applications (for example, ansys, mech2, mech1) remain unchanged. For more inform-
ation, see Summary of New and Changed Features in the ANSYS, Inc. License Management Guide.

Release notes are available for the following ANSYS Structural products:

Mechanical Application (p. 3)

Mechanical APDL (p. 17)
Autodyn (p. 37)
Aqwa (p. 39)
ACP (p. 41)
Material Designer (p. 43)
Additive Suite (p. 45)
Sherlock (p. 49)
Chapter 1: Mechanical Application Release Notes
This release of the Mechanical application contains all of the capabilities from previous releases plus
many new features and enhancements. Areas where you will find changes and new capabilities include
the following:
1.1.Technology Showcase: Example Problems
1.2. Changes in Product Behavior
1.3. General
1.4. Performance
1.5. Graphics
1.6. Geometry
1.7. Materials
1.8. External Model
1.9. Contact and Connections
1.10. Mesh
1.11. Additive Manufacturing Process Simulation
1.12. Analysis
1.13.Topology Optimization
1.14. Short Fiber Composites
1.15. ANSYS Motion
1.16. Loads/Supports/Conditions
1.17. Mapping
1.18. Solution
1.19. Rigid Body Solver
1.20. Explicit Dynamics
1.21. Results
1.22. Scripting

Backwards Compatibility: ANSYS 2021 R1 was tested to read and resume databases from the following
previous versions: 19.2, 2019 R1, 2019 R2, 2019 R3, and 2020 R1. Note that some products are able to
read and resume databases from releases prior to 19.0. See the specific product sections below for more
information. For those products that cannot directly read a 17.x, 18.x, or 19.x database in 2021 R1, first
resume it in a supported version and then resume that database in 2021 R1.

Third Party Application Support: Note the following version support changes and requirements:

• Abaqus. Version 6.11 is no longer supported as a part of the CAE Interfaces package. It only
works with Windows 7, which will no longer be supported, starting at 2020 R1. Abaqus 6.14 is
now the sole supported version.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 3
Mechanical Application Release Notes

• Samcef. Version 17.2 of the Samcef solver replaces Samcef 15.1 as the supported solver of the
CAE Interfaces package.


Mechanical no longer enables you to resume a database (.dsdb and .wbdb) file created in
Release 11.0 or earlier that contain items that convert into Mesh or Mechanical systems. To
import these files, first import them into a version between Release 12.0 and 2019 R2, save
as file, and then resume the project in Release 2021 R1.

1.1. Technology Showcase: Example Problems

The power of ANSYS Mechanical to solve real-world problems is demonstrated through a series of
complex problems from a wide range of industries and engineering disciplines. Learn the features and
recommendations for using ANSYS Mechanical to solve interdisciplinary problems and explore the
solutions hands-on with downloadable input and .wbpz files in the new Technology Showcase: Example

1.2. Changes in Product Behavior

Release 2021 R1 includes several new features and enhancements that result in product behaviors that
differ from previous releases. These behavior changes are presented below.

• Mechanical Licensing. Mechanical licensing is now independent of the Workbench application

and can be controlled from the Licensing options available in the File tab. You can still share li-
censes between the applications using the Options dialog (see Project Management) of the
Tools menu in Workbench.

• New Thermal Analysis Elements. Now, during thermal analyses (excluding Additive Manufac-
turing), new elements are used, including: SOLID278, SOLID279, SOLID291, PLANE292, and
PLANE293. These new current-technology thermal elements replace the old thermal elements


Current technology thermal elements may use a different integration scheme for
Conductivity Matrix and/or Specific Heat Matrix than the thermal elements used in
prior releases and may cause differences in the results. However, these differences
become smaller and smaller as the mesh is refined.

• Writing Block Data for Imported Loads. For the imported loads listed below, when the Tabular
Loading property is set to Program Controlled or Off, the application now writes the imported
load data to the input file as block data using BFBLOCK/BFEBLOCK commands. In previous re-
leases, the application used the BF and BFE commands to apply these loads. This enhancement
reduces the time the application needs to read the data and as a result also reduces overall
solution time.

– Imported Body Temperature/Imported Thermal Condition

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
4 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

– Imported Body Force Density

– Imported Heat Generation

– Imported Velocity

• Radiosity Controls. For 3D analyses, the Program Controlled option for the Radiosity Solver
property now defaults to the Iterative Jacobi solver. Previously, the default was the Iterative
Gauss-Seidel solver. However, for 2D analyses, the default selection for the Program Controlled
option is the Iterative Gauss-Seidel solver. This enhancement improves performance when
running distributed solutions.

• Line Body Element Selection. Now, for line bodies when the Model Type property is set to
Cable, the Program Controlled option of the Element Order property of the Mesh object selects
Quadratic for the mesh and uses element CABLE280. In previous releases, the application used
the LINK180 element. The application will continue using the LINK180 element when the global
element order is Linear.

• Contact Stabilization Damping Factor. This damping factor is activated for the first step only
of an analysis using a 0 value (default). Any non-zero entry activates damping for all steps using
(KEYOPT(15) = 3). In previous releases, (KEYOPT(15) = 2) was used for non-zero entries.

• Discovery Live. The Discovery Live product has been discontinued as of this release. Support
for the product (file type) is no longer available.

1.3. General
The following general enhancements were made at Release 2021 R1:

• Preference Options. Messages, a new preference category in the Options dialog, contains
properties that can be set to control messages and their appearance. The Messages category
includes Report Performance Diagnostics in Messages, Pop-up Messages, and Message
Coloring (properties that were previously contained in the Miscellaneous category) as well as
two new properties that enable you to turn on or off the display of Information and Warning
messages, Show Info Messages and Show Warning Messages.

• Archiving Referenced Files from External Data. External Data enables you to import data into
Mechanical. The Workbench property, Files Import Type, provides an option, By Reference,
that enables you to reference the External Data file instead of transferring the file to the project
folder. Now, when you wish to use this option, you can also archive your files. The archive feature
was previously not supported when you specified the By Reference option.

• External Study Import. You can now import PTC Creo Ansys Simulation files into Mechanical
using the External Study Import feature. Note however, that the ability to export the appropriate
file type (*.casdat) from Creo Ansys Simulation is a Beta capability for Creo 7.0.2, but will be
fully released in Creo 8.

• Chinese Language Support. For Workbench on the Windows platform only, you can now select
Chinese as a language option, and this carries over into Mechanical. Note that this option is not
supported on Linux.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 5
Mechanical Application Release Notes

1.4. Performance
The following performance enhancements were made at Release 2021 R1:

• Startup Improvements. The time to start the Mechanical application on the Linux platform has
been improved by as much as 30%.

• Imported Normal Pressures (Surface Loads). During the solution, the application now processes
normal pressure loads, imported from External Model, significantly faster.

1.5. Graphics
The following graphical enhancements were made at Release 2021 R1:

• Result Display Preference. There is a new Graphics display preference in the Options dialog.
The new option, Use Deformed Edge for Slice ISO Option enables you to specify the default
behavior for the display of results using the IsoSurfaces, Capped IsoSurfaces, and Section
Planes options of the Geometry menu in combination with the Show Undeformed Wireframe
and Show Undeformed Model options of the Edges menu. The new setting displays IsoSurfaces,
Capped IsoSurfaces, and Section Planes of a result in a deformed state but the wireframe or
a translucent model overlays, from the Show Undeformed Wireframe and Show Undeformed
Model options, in an undeformed state.

• Thick Shells and Beams Display. The application now enables you to control the graphical
representation of particles (SPH particles) using the Thick Shells and Beams display option. You
can toggle this option to display the particles display either as points or as spheres. Displaying
the particles as points can result in better performance when rendering graphics for models with
large number of particles.

1.6. Geometry
The following geometry enhancements were made at Release 2021 R1:

• Construction Geometry. The Construction Geometry feature now has a feature that enables
you to create line bodies: Construction Line. This new object is a sketching tool used to create
one or more line segments that you then convert into line bodies. This feature can be useful to
quickly introduce line bodies into your model, such as when defining fluid networks to model
flow and heat transfer.

A valuable accompanying feature to creating lines bodies is the ability to import and overlay a
reference image on your model. This enables you to accurately sketch (trace) line bodies on and
around your model.

In addition, this feature supports API for scripting and can be recorded (using the new recording

• Importing Element Orientations. You can now import coordinate system data points from an
External Data system onto the elements of your model in the form of Element Orientations so
that you can control how the material properties vary across the model.

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6 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Contact and Connections

• Line Body. Mechanical now supports quadratic element order for line bodies when the Model
Type property is set to Cable. The new quadratic order element CABLE280 not only produces
higher rates of convergence but also increases results accuracy.

1.7. Materials
For Release 2021 R1, Mechanical now supports:

• Imported Trace. Now, when using the Imported Trace feature to model Printed Circuit Boards
(PCBs), the Interpolation property has a new option: Directional. This option calculates the ef-
fective orthotropic conductivity for each element using the position and values of the trace data
within each element. The existing behavior is still available using the Nondirectional option
that calculates effective conductivity by averaging the trace data in each element.

• Comparing Engineering Data Materials. When you perform a search for materials in Mechan-
ical, each material presented in the list now displays with a check box you can use to compare
materials. Once you have selected multiple materials, a button is available to display a table
comparing the data for the selected materials.

1.8. External Model

The following External Model enhancements were made at Release 2021 R1:

• New Spring Connection Element. The application now supports the import of the nonlinear
spring element, COMBIN39, through External Model.

• Two-dimensional Model Import. When you are importing a two-dimensional (2D) model into
Mechanical, the application checks that the model is 2D using the tolerance value of the 2D
Tolerance property of the Geometry object. This property now validates upstream systems, in-
cluding External Model systems, when you set the Workbench Analysis Type property to 2D.

• Importing Rigid Bodies from ABAQUS. You can now import rigid body definitions from ABAQUS
files that contains the *RIGID BODY command.

• Highlight Imported Data. A new option has been added to the Graphics Toolbar, the Highlight
Imported Data button. For certain data imported through the External Model system, this option
enables you to highlight the graphical representation of the data in the Geometry window. In
previous releases, this capability was available using the Label button.

• Imported Normal Pressures (Surface Loads). During the solution, the application now processes
normal pressure loads significantly faster.

• External Model CDB Commands. Mechanical now supports the Mechanical APDL Commands,
BF, BFE, BFBLOCK, and BFEBLOCK as Interfaces provided by CDB Commands Repository.

1.9. Contact and Connections

The following contact and connection enhancements were made at Release 2021 R1:

Contact Enhancements

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 7
Mechanical Application Release Notes

• Contact Region Scoping. You can now scope the Contact side (only) of a Contact Region to
mesh nodes. This scoping capability supports the Geometry and Named Selection scoping

• Edge-to-Edge/-Surface Contact. Now, using the new Contact Region property, Edge Contact
Type, you can specify the Contact element type to be either CONTA175 using the Nodes On
Edge option (default), or CONTA177 using the Line Segments option.

• Interface Treatment. The options listed below are now available for the Interface Treatment
property of the Geometric Modification category of the Contact Region object. These options
enable you to apply Offset values, once the application closes any gaps or penetrations at the
contact interface, with or without regards to initial contact status (near open/open/closed).

– Offset Only, Ramped Effects

– Offset Only, No Ramping

– Offset Only, Ignore Initial Status, Ramped Effects

– Offset Only, Ignore Initial Status, No Ramping

• Electric Capacitance. For Coupled Field Harmonic and Coupled Field Modal analyses, a new
contact property is available in the Advanced category of the Details for the Contact Region
object: Electric Capacitance. This property controls the electric contact capacitance value. The
value is either calculated automatically by the application or entered manually.

• Thermal Conductance. Now, during a thermal contact simulation, you can now specify the
Thermal Conductance Value property of a Contact Region object as a parameter.

Connection Enhancements

• Remote Point. You can now scope a Remote Point object to Element Faces.

• Bushing Joint Default Display. When you specify a Bushing Joint, by default, the Worksheet
displays enabling you to make entries in the Matrix for the Stiffness Coefficients and Dampening
Coefficients. A new preference is available, Bushing Joint Worksheet View, in the Connections
category of the Options dialog, that enables you to turn off this default setting.

1.10. Mesh
Refer to the 2021 R1 Release Notes of the Meshing (p. 135) application for new features and enhancements
associated with Meshing in the Mechanical application.

1.11. Additive Manufacturing Process Simulation

See Workbench Additive (p. 47).

1.12. Analysis
For Release 2021 R1, the following analysis enhancements were made:

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
8 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Topology Optimization

• Exporting Condensed Parts. You can now export a Condensed Part object. This enables you
to use the existing superelement in a different simulation, enabling the application to support
"bottom up" substructuring.

• Imported Condensed Part. Mechanical has a new Condensed Geometry object: Imported
Condensed Part. Using this object, you can import the superelements that were generated in
another Mechanical session. This procedure is called "bottom-up" substructuring. After importing
the condensed part, Nodal Named Selections can be created from the imported interfaces to
connect the imported super element to the rest of the model to perform a use pass with the
imported superelements.

• New Coupled Field Analysis Types. You can now perform piezoelectric coupling between
electric and structural physics using Coupled Field Harmonic and Coupled Field Modal analyses.
These analysis types also include the new Electric Charge and Voltage (Ground) loading conditions
as well as the new Voltage Coupling boundary condition.

• New Analysis Type Support for Reinforcements. You can now specify line bodies and surface
bodies within a base structure as reinforcements for the following three-dimensional analysis

– Modal (Standalone and Pre-Stressed)

– Harmonic Analysis (Standalone, Pre-Stressed, and MSUP)

– Random Vibration

• Reinforcement Analysis. Now, when you are specifying a surface body as a reinforcement with
the Homogeneous Membrane property set to No, there is a new Fiber Angle property that is
available. This property enables you to specify the orientation of the associated fibers in the
specified coordinate system.

• New Thermal Analysis Elements. Now, during thermal analyses (excluding Additive Manufac-
turing), new elements are used, including: SOLID278, SOLID279, SOLID291, PLANE292, and
PLANE293. These current-technology thermal elements replace the old thermal elements SOLID70,

1.13. Topology Optimization

The following Topology Optimization analysis enhancements were made at Release 2021 R1:

• Recreating CAD Geometry. Now, once you have optimized your design, you can insert a
downstream Geometry system in order to transfer the faceted geometry to SpaceClaim to recreate
your CAD geometry, essentially reverse engineering the geometry.

• New Analysis Settings. The Topology Optimization analysis now includes two new Analysis
Settings properties:

– Initial Volume Fraction (Density Based and Lattice methods only): This property enables
you to specify an initial estimate for the volume fraction calculation.

– Filter (Density Based method only): This property enables you to specify the method used
to calculate the pseudo density of each element.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 9
Mechanical Application Release Notes

1.14. Short Fiber Composites

The following enhancements have been made at Release 2021 R1 for short fiber composite simulations:

• Now, using a new workflow for Short Fiber Composites, you can predict the thermo-mechanical
behavior of parts made of short fiber reinforced composites. This workflow combines Material
Designer for the material characterization, the new Injection Molding Data system in Workbench
that imports injection molding simulation results, and Mechanical for the setup up of the finite
element model.

See the Short Fiber Composites Guide for more details.

1.15. ANSYS Motion

ANSYS Motion is a dedicated Multibody Dynamics tool supporting rigid and flexible bodies.

The ANSYS Motion ACT extension that exposes the ANSYS Motion solver in Mechanical is now included
in the installation package. It allows general multibody dynamic analyses, but also provides advanced
specific features using DRIVETRAIN and LINKS toolkits.

1.16. Loads/Supports/Conditions
The following loads/supports/conditions enhancements were made at Release 2021 R1:

• Block Data Format for Applying Imported Loads. To improve the performance of the imported
loads listed below, the application now writes the imported load data to the input file as block
data using BFBLOCK/BFEBLOCK commands.

– Imported Body Temperature/Imported Thermal Condition

– Imported Body Force Density

– Imported Heat Generation

– Imported Velocity

• New Load and Boundary Conditions. The following new load and boundary conditions are
now available for Coupled Field Harmonic and Coupled Field Modal analyses:

– Electric Charge

– Voltage (Ground)

– Voltage Coupling

• Boundary Condition Finite Element Scoping. You can now scope the following boundary
conditions to finite element entities (elements, element faces, or nodes), including finite element-
based Named Selections or finite element-based Remote Points:

– Bearing (3D Element Faces Only)

– Bolt Pretension (Elements and Element Faces)

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
10 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

– Displacement (Element Faces and Nodes)

– Force (3D Element Faces Only and Nodes)

– Imported Convection Coefficient (Element Faces)

– Imported Temperature (Element Faces and Nodes)

– Moment (Element Faces and Nodes)

– Pressure (3D Element Faces Only and Nodes)

– Remote Displacement (Element Faces and Nodes)

– Remote Force (Element Faces and Nodes)

– Thermal Condition (Elements)


Finite element scoping is not supported for the LSDYNA Solver.

• Importing Data into Harmonic Response Analyses. You can now import Body Force Density
data from the Maxwell Eddy Current Solver in to a Harmonic Response analysis.

• Direct Loading in the presence of a Cyclic Region. For a Cyclic Symmetry analysis, that includes
cyclic symmetry (Cyclic Region or Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region objects present), you can now
apply Pressure, Force, and Imported Pressure loads directly on bodies using the Direct option
of the Applied By property.

• Non-Cyclic Loading Support for Cyclic Symmetry. Now, during a Full Harmonic Response
analysis that includes cyclic symmetry (Cyclic Region or Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region objects
present), you can specify non-cyclic loading using the new Non-Cyclic Loading Type property.
This new type of loading, also known as engine-order loading (or traveling wave excitation), can
be used to excite desired harmonic indices.

• Imported CFD Pressure. A new loading condition is now available for Harmonic Acoustic analyses:
Imported CFD Pressure. This boundary condition enables you to map and apply the pressure
loading data contained in a Fluent-Mechanical coupling data (.cgns) file on your model.

1.17. Mapping
The following mapping enhancements were made at Release 2021 R1:

• Weighting Options. Now, when you Import Element Orientations from External Data, the
Weighting property has a new option: Quaternion. When selected, the application interpolates
the orientations in the quaternion space rather than directly on the Euler angles. In addition,
when you select Quaternion, the new property, Orientation Realignment, displays in the Ad-
vanced category of the Details. This property enables the interpolation calculation to treat ori-
entations that are “flipped” as equivalent.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 11
Mechanical Application Release Notes

• Imported Convection Coefficient. The Imported Convection Coefficient load now supports
the Apply To property. This enables you to map and apply the load to either the centroids of
Elements faces (3D) or edges (2D) or to the Corner Nodes of the element face/edge included
in the scoping.

• CFF Format Support. Now, when using the Fluent in combination with Mechanical to perform
a one-way transfer FSI analysis, the application now supports Common Fluids Format (CFF) files.

1.18. Solution
The following solution enhancements were made at Release 2021 R1:

• Cable Element Support for Line Bodies. By default, Mechanical now creates quadratic elements
(CABLE280) to support the solution when the Model Type property is set to Cable. The CABLE280
element not only produces higher rates of convergence but also increases results accuracy.

• Solution Information. The Solution Information object has a new option for the Solution
Output property: Solution History. When selected, this option displays the Worksheet that
contains two tabs to review information about the solutions performed and about the evaluated
results: Solution Tracking and Result Tracking. The Solution Tracking tab tracks information
such as time to solve as well as the number of nodes and elements for each solution. The Result
Tracking tab tracks a result's minimum and maximum values for each solution.

• Automatic Probe Annotation Placement. Now, when you are using the Probe option on the
Result Context tab to place annotations on results, there is a new accompanying option: Snap.
This option automatically places (“snaps”) the annotation on the nearest mesh node. For high
order elements, this includes midside nodes as well as the centroids of element faces.

1.19. Rigid Body Solver

The following Rigid Body Solver enhancements were made at Release 2021 R1:

• Variable Mass. A new command is available to allow you to vary the mass and inertia of a body
during the solution.

1.20. Explicit Dynamics

The Explicit Dynamics analysis system is a Workbench integrated provision of the Autodyn FE (Lagrange)
and multiple-material Euler solvers, and Euler-Lagrange Coupling (providing FSI).

The following Explicit Dynamics Solver enhancements have been made at Release 2021 R1:

• OpenMPI. OpenMPI is now a supported MPI option on Linux for Explicit Dynamics.

• Activation and Deactivation of SPH Bodies. Activation and Deactivation of SPH bodies per
load step can now be achieved in Mechanical by scoping an Element Birth and Death object to
a Particle body. SPH bodies whose status is set to inactive during a load step will not be solved
for. This provides a mechanism to improve simulation times if there are load steps in which
particular SPH bodies are not important to the physics at that time.

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12 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Explicit Dynamics

• SPH Bonded Contact. Bonded contact regions between SPH bodies and Lagrange bodies are
now possible in Mechanical. These can be created either using Contact Region objects or Body
Interaction objects.

The following LS-DYNA enhancements have been made at Release 2021 R1:

• LS-DYNA Version. 11.2 is the LS-DYNA version released with ANSYS 2021 R1.

• SPH box. The calculation domain can now be restricted for SPH particles in the LS-DYNA applic-
ation. A rectangular box (SPH Box) can be defined to reduce the memory requirements with a
large number of particles. An option enables the displacement of this calculation to follow the
movement of the particles.

• SPH Section Parameters. You can now specify the formulation for the SPH elements in the LS-
DYNA application. New SPH Section parameters enable finer control on the simulation.

• Version Selection. LS-DYNA now supports the use of concurrent versions of the LS-DYNA solver
and allows a seamless integration of these solvers into the GUI.

• Materials Support. The support of LS-DYNA material models has been enhanced with 10 addi-
tional material properties. These properties are direct equivalents of the LS-DYNA material
models, with the same names. You can either add them directly to existing materials, or they
are created when an LS-DYNA input file is imported using External Model.

• Trace Mapping Support. The LS-DYNA application now supports ECAD trace mapping for
structural calculations. Trace mapping is an approach that maps the ECAD information onto the
mesh to simplify the modeling.

• Write Input/Read Results. You can now export an LS-DYNA input file by using the standard write
input file from the Mechanical Application. Similarly, you can now read back LS-DYNA results
solved outside the Mechanical environment, using the standard Read Results from this application.

• New Unit System Support. A new unit system can be used during the input file generation.
This new unit system (mm,ms,kg) features millisecond as the time unit, GPa as the pressure unit
and kN as the force unit.

• Autoload Extension. The LS-DYNA application is now automatically loaded when Workbench
is started.

• Parameter Support. LS-DYNA now supports parameters definition in the Keyword Snippets/Com-
mands objects. They enable advanced usage of command snippets in design of experiments
with the DesignXplorer application.

• MPI. MSMPI is now a supported option for the LS-DYNA application.

• Solution Monitoring. The solution progress can now be monitored using the Mechanical Progress

• Result Trackers. Result Trackers are now updated during the calculation. They were previously
only updated at the end of the calculation.

• Solve Process Settings. The solve process settings at the model level can now be used for an
LS-DYNA calculation.

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Mechanical Application Release Notes

• Result Plot Trackers. Deformation and Stresses can now be postprocessed during the calculation
by using Result Plot Trackers.

• Solution Statistics Support. At the end of the calculation, LS-DYNA now stores some information
about the solved calculation such as the model size, the unit system, etc. It is available in the
Solution Statistics node under the Solution Information folder.

• Postprocessing Improvements. Speed of postprocessing and animation has been improved for
large models.

• LS-Run. The LS-Run application is available to run LS-DYNA jobs.

1.21. Results
The following result enhancements were made at Release 2021 R1:

• Remote Solution File Download Selection. Now, when you perform a solution remotely, you
can choose to display the RSM File Manager dialog. This dialog enables you to select or clear
the input/output files you wish to download from the remote location. You enable the feature
using the Results category of the Options dialog.

• Nodal Averaged User Defined Results. You can now create User Defined Results using the
newly implemented Nodal Averaged Results (NAR) for stress and strain results that are produced
during the solution and presented in the Solution Quantities and Result Summary Worksheet.
The solver automatically averages these node-based result values and it stores a result value for
each node. This storage scheme replaces the traditional element-nodal storage of unaveraged
stress and strain values and greatly reduces the size of the result file.

• Response PSD Probe. The Response PSD probe has a new property: Node ID. This property
displays the Node ID of the node that the application selects for Response PSD calculations.
The selected node is the node nearest to the specified scoping of the probe.

• Automatic Probe Annotation Placement. Now, when you are using the Probe option to place
annotations on results, there is a new accompanying option: Snap. This option automatically
places (“snaps”) the annotation on the nearest mesh node. For high order elements, this includes
midside nodes as well as the centroids of element faces.

1.22. Scripting
The following Mechanical API enhancements were made at Release 2021 R1:

Recording APIs

The Mechanical Scripting pane has a new recording option that enables you to automatically
generate or “record” APIs based on the actions you make in the application. In large part, this
feature supports the definition of environmental conditions such as contact, loading, and results
but can also capture movements made on the model as well as certain display settings and
model manipulation features such as creating a Section Plane.

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14 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Debugging Scripts and Extensions

The Mechanical Scripting pane has a new debugging tool. This feature supports the use of
1) breakpoints, 2) displays tooltips about the content of a variable or a line of script, 3) provides
a Watch Window so that you can examine expressions and 4) also enables you to debug active

Complete Analysis Script Examples

The Scripting in Mechanical Guide contains a new section, End-to-End Analysis Examples, that
provides a number of different API examples that perform a complete analysis when executed.

Analysis Settings

You can now Get or Set the step-dependent properties of certain Analysis Settings categories
without changing the Current Step Number property. This includes the Step Controls, Non-
linear Controls, and the Output Controls categories of the Details properties of the object.
See the Analysis Settings Object section in the Scripting in Mechanical Guide.

Solution Combination Object

• The behavior of SetLoadCombinationType/GetLoadCombinationType for the Solution Com-

bination object has changed. The LoadCombinationType was previously an integer. Now the
LoadCombinationType is set using an enum as shown below. In additon, GetLoadCombina-
tionType returns an enum instead of integer

sc = Model.AddSolutionCombination()
scdef = sc.Definition

sc = Model.AddSolutionCombination()
scdef = sc.Definition


For change-related information, see Mechanical API Migration Notes.

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16 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 2: Mechanical APDL Release Notes
Release 2021 R1 of the Mechanical APDL application offers most of the capabilities from prior releases
plus many new features and enhancements. Areas where you will find updates and new capabilities
include the following:

• Structural (p. 17)

• Multiphysics (p. 23)

• Solvers (p. 25)

• Other Enhancements (p. 26)

• Commands (p. 27)

• Elements (p. 29)

• Documentation (p. 30)

• Technology Showcase: Example Problems (p. 31)

For more information about this release, see the Update Guide (p. 32) section of this document and
the ANSYS Customer Site (p. xvii).

2.1. Structural
Release 2021 R1 includes new features and enhancements for the following structural analysis disciplines:
2.1.1. Contact
2.1.2. Elements and Nonlinear Technology
2.1.3. Material and Fracture Modeling
2.1.4. Linear Dynamics

2.1.1. Contact
Release 2021 R1 includes the following enhancements for analyses involving contact: Surface-Projection Contact Method for the 3-D Line-to-Surface Element Surface-Based Constraint Enhancements Contact Surface Wear Enhancements Enhanced Contact Stabilization Damping Modifying Contact Element Key Options Between Load Steps

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Mechanical APDL Surface-Projection Contact Method for the 3-D Line-to-Surface Element

The surface-projection contact method, previously available only for 2-D and 3-D surface-to-surface
contact elements, has been extended to the 3-D line-to-surface contact element CONTA177 (activated
via KEYOPT(4) = 3).

Surface-projection contact enforces contact constraints on an overlapping region of contact and

target surfaces rather than on individual contact nodes, improving contact-results accuracy and
providing smoother stress distributions in underlying elements.

For more information, see Using the Surface Projection Based Contact Method (KEYOPT(4) = 3) in
the Contact Technology Guide. Surface-Based Constraint Enhancements

The following enhancements are available for surface-based constraints: Stress-Stiffening Effects for MPC-Based Surface Constraints

For rigid surface constraints and force-distributed constraints defined with the multipoint constraint
(MPC) method, you can now include stress-stiffening effects (KEYOPT(10) = 1 on the target ele-
ment). Stress-stiffening enhances convergence when large offsets and large internal constraint
forces are present. In addition, including stress-stiffening leads to accurate eigenvalue evaluation
in prestressed linear perturbation analyses. Lagrange Multiplier Based Rigid Constraints

You can now use the Lagrange multiplier method (KEYOPT(2) = 3 on the contact element) to
define a rigid surface constraint. Previously, only the multipoint constraint (MPC) method was
available for this constraint type. The Lagrange multiplier method has performance advantages
over the MPC method because it includes stress-stiffening by default and has better numerical
stability when overconstraint is present due to boundary conditions applied on the constraint
nodes. For more information, see Surface-Based Constraints in the Contact Technology Guide. Contact Surface Wear Enhancements

The following enhancements are available for contact surface wear: Wear-Based Nonlinear Mesh Adaptivity for Hexahedral Elements Improved HPC Scalability for Contact Surface Wear Wear-Based Nonlinear Mesh Adaptivity for Hexahedral Elements

Nonlinear mesh adaptivity now has an option to trigger mesh adaptivity in hexahedral (brick)
elements due to surface wear. When the magnitude of wear at a contact element increases more
than a user-specified factor times the average depth of the underlying hexahedral solid element,
mesh nonlinear adaptivity is triggered and mesh quality is improved by mesh morphing. The
new capability enables you to simulate large amounts of wear without restriction by mesh distor-
tion. For more information, see Improving Mesh Quality During Wear in the Contact Technology

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18 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Structural Improved HPC Scalability for Contact Surface Wear

Contact-pair splitting (CNCHECK,DMP or CNCHECK,SPLIT), used to improve distributed-parallel
analysis scalability, now supports contact surface wear defined by the Archard model, with wear
as a function of pressure and velocity. Enhanced Contact Stabilization Damping

The following enhancements are available for contact stabilization damping:

• Contact damping is now ramped down to near zero in subsequent substeps, within a load step.

• The tangential damping calculation has been revised to more efficiently prevent rigid-body motion. Modifying Contact Element Key Options Between Load Steps

Prior to this release, you could use CNKMOD only to modify the contact interface behavior (KEY-
OPT(12)) and the units used for contact stiffness (KEYOPT(3)) between load steps in a linear perturb-
ation analysis. CNKMOD has been extended to all analysis types, including restarts. Also, you can
now change how contact stabilization damping is applied (KEYOPT(15)) between load steps.

2.1.2. Elements and Nonlinear Technology

Release 2021 R1 includes the following enhancements to elements and nonlinear technology used
in structural analyses: Analysis Nonlinear Mesh Adaptivity for Element-Type Change (NLAD-ETCHG) Beam and Pipe Elements in the XY Plane Nonlinear Solution Controls for Multiphysics Initial-Mesh Loading/Constraint for Nonlinear Adaptivity in a Linear Analysis Geometric Stress-Stiffness in MPC184 Rigid Beams Tire Analysis

A complex vehicle subsystem, the tire plays a crucial role in vehicle ride and handling performance,
affecting accelerating, braking, cornering, and other maneuvers. Tire simulation using the finite
element method is widely used due to the versatility of the numerical model to represent various
rolling conditions and material behaviors, and because it enables efficient parametric analysis and
optimization. For more information about performing a tire analysis in Mechanical APDL, see the
new Tire Analysis Guide. Nonlinear Mesh Adaptivity for Element-Type Change (NLAD-ETCHG)

Hexahedral-dominant (hex-dom) elements are preferred in many applications because of the
greater accuracy they offer over tetrahedral elements. For large-deformation problems, however,
hex-dom meshes can deform excessively and the problem may fail to converge. Also, in both large-
and small-deformation problems, the size, quality, and gradation of the initial mesh may be insuffi-
cient to provide reliable solutions with the necessary accuracy.

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Mechanical APDL

Automatic nonlinear mesh adaptivity via NLAD-ETCHG offers an efficient way to alleviate mesh
distortion and/or improve local-mesh density-dependent solution accuracy. Because efficient hex-
dom remeshing techniques are unavailable, NLAD-ETCHG converts a hex-dom mesh to a tetrahedral
mesh efficiently and in a mechanistically consistent manner. After the conversion, the solution
progresses and subsequent nonlinear mesh adaptivity on the tetrahedral mesh can occur based
on standard criteria that you define.

For more information, see Nonlinear Mesh Adaptivity for Element-Type Change (NLAD-ETCHG) in
the Nonlinear Adaptivity Analysis Guide. Beam and Pipe Elements in the XY Plane

A new option is available for beam elements BEAM188 and BEAM189, and pipe elements PIPE288
and PIPE289. In analyses where your primary interest is element deformation in the XY plane only,
simplifying the elements with the new option improves computational efficiency and eliminates
unneeded output. Nonlinear Solution Controls for Multiphysics

For nonlinear analyses experiencing convergence difficulties, you can now set limits on the maximum
increment allowed within a time step for specific degrees of freedom to trigger a time-step reduction.
Controlling the time-step size based on individual physics helps to achieve a better understanding
of solution behavior and convergence in fewer iterations. For more information, see CUTCONTROL. Initial-Mesh Loading/Constraint for Nonlinear Adaptivity in a Linear

When using nonlinear adaptivity for a linear analysis, you can now apply loading and constraint
directly on the initial mesh for each load step rather than on the new generated mesh only. The
ability to apply loads and constraints on the initial mesh for nonlinear adaptivity is useful if you
want set up some loading for all load steps in advance but the loading information is available
based on the initial mesh only. For more information, see Initial-Mesh Loading and Constraint in
the Nonlinear Adaptivity Analysis Guide. Geometric Stress-Stiffness in MPC184 Rigid Beams

Geometric stress-stiffness contributions are now included in the rigid-beam formulation of multipoint
constraint element MPC184-Link/Beam, enabling improved eigenvalue predictions in prestressed
analyses (such as modal and buckling).

2.1.3. Material and Fracture Modeling

Release 2021 R1 includes the following enhancements to material modeling and fracture analysis
technology used in structural analyses: Anisotropic Material Model Anisotropic Elastic Damage Material Model Geomechanical Curve-Fitting Field Variable Support for Hill Plasticity

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20 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Structural Selected State Variable Output New Cycle-Jump Option SMART Crack-Growth Analysis

Some material properties are not available via the material property menus of the GUI. For a list of
such material properties, see GUI-Inaccessible Material Properties. Anisotropic Material Model

This release offers a new anisotropic material model (TB,ANISO) based on generalized Hill potential
theory (an extension of Hill's formulation), allowing for differing stress-strain behavior in the mater-
ial x, y, and z directions, and differing tension and compression behavior. A Hill yield criterion is
used to determine yielding. For more information, see Anisotropy in the Material Reference. Anisotropic Elastic Damage Material Model

A regularized anisotropic damage model, based on a constitutive law for composite material with
an anisotropic damage response at small deformations, is now available. The model assumes a
directionally-dependent elastic material. Stress and tangent quantities are consistently derived by
applying a variational principle to the Helmholtz energy-density function. Damage is accounted for
by anisotropically degrading the components of the effective stress and material tangent. The
model uses an implicit gradient regularization scheme, defined via a nonlocal field, that adds three
extra degrees of freedom per node. For more information, see Material Damage in the Material
Reference. Geomechanical Curve-Fitting

Geomechanics examines how subsurface materials such as soil and rock behave in response to
stress, pressure, temperature, and porosity changes. The new geomechanical curve-fitting capability
enables you to generate parameters from experimental data that you provide for extended Drucker-
Prager, isotropic elasticity, and isotropic hardening material models. For more information, see
Geomechanical Curve-Fitting in the Material Reference. Field Variable Support for Hill Plasticity

The following field variables can now be used with the Hill plasticity (TB,HILL) material model: TIME,
UX / UY / UZ, XCOR / YCOR / ZCOR, and UF01-UF09. For more information, see Predefined Field
Variables in the Material Reference. Selected State Variable Output

A new option enables you to select individual state variables for output. To do so in prior releases,
it was necessary to specify a range of state variables for output (OUTRES,,,,,NSVAR). A new command
is available to control selected result data written to the database (OSRESULT), and you can specify
the selected result quantity via standard output commands (ANSOL, PLESOL, PRNSOL, etc. with
Item = SRES).

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Mechanical APDL New Cycle-Jump Option

In a cycle-jump analysis, you can now adjust the minimum number of intermediate cycles based
on the jump length, thereby limiting jump occurrences in cases of highly nonlinear global trends.
For more information, see Empirical Adjustment of Minimum Intermediate Cycles in the Advanced
Analysis Guide. SMART Crack-Growth Analysis

The following enhancements are available for the SMART-based method for crack-growth analysis: Initial Stress Support

Initial-stress support is now available for fracture-parameter calculation and the SMART-based
method for crack-growth analysis. When initial stresses are present, Mechanical APDL first converts
them internally to initial strains based on the material stiffness matrix at the first substep of the
first load step, then calculates the fracture parameters via the initial-strain method. For crack-
growth simulations using the SMART method, the initial strains are mapped from the old mesh
to the new mesh during crack growth. For more information, see Applying Boundary Conditions
and Loading in the Fracture Analysis Guide and Initial State in the Advanced Analysis Guide. Mesh Coarsening

When a crack begins to grow, SMART refines the mesh around the new crack front for better
accuracy to accommodate the singularity of the crack tip. Without suitable coarsening of the
mesh behind the crack front, however, the mesh around the crack front may be excessively fine.
Three options (specified via CGROW,RMCONT) are now available for specifying mesh-coarsening.
For more information, see Crack Growth with Mesh-Coarsening in the Fracture Analysis Guide. Contact Support

When contact surfaces are outside of the remeshing zone in a SMART analysis, these contact types
are now supported: bonded, no-separation, frictionless, rough, and frictional. For more information,
see SMART Crack-Growth Assumptions and Limitations in the Fracture Analysis Guide. Stop Option

A new stop option for maximum effective stress-intensity factor at any crack-front nodes (via
CGROW,STOP) is now available. For more information, see Performing the SMART Crack-Growth
Calculation in the Fracture Analysis Guide.

2.1.4. Linear Dynamics

Release 2021 R1 includes the following enhancements for structural analyses involving linear dynamics: Solution Comparisons Using RSTMAC SFCONTROL Support for Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Solution Comparisons Using RSTMAC

Node Pair MAC computation via NMAC on MACOPT

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22 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

You can now calculate modal assurance criterion (MAC) per node pair (MACOPT,NMAC). In
the case of a low (global) MAC value, this option is useful for printing node-pair MAC values
(local MAC values) and understanding the contribution of each node pair.

Transformation of the solution vector from local to global coordinates via UNVTRAN on

You can now enable the transformation of the solution vector in the .unv file from the local
to the global coordinate system (MACOPT,UNVTRAN), required if the .unv file contains
DATASET 2420. For more information, see Universal Format File Records in the Basic Analysis
Guide. SFCONTROL Support for Cyclic Symmetry Analysis

You can now define structural surface-load properties on selected elements and nodes (SFCONTROL)
for subsequent loading commands in a cyclic symmetry analysis. The enhancement enables you to
directly load plane, solid, and shell elements without using surface elements.

2.2. Multiphysics
Release 2021 R1 includes the following enhancements for analyses involving multiphysics environments:
2.2.1. Enhanced Nonlinear Solution Controls for Multiphysics
2.2.2. HHT Time Integration Improvements for Multiphysics
2.2.3. Acoustics
2.2.5. Coupled-Field

2.2.1. Enhanced Nonlinear Solution Controls for Multiphysics

Additional CUTCONTROL options provide a mechanism for specifying the maximum increment allowed
for specific degrees of freedom within a time step, enabling a better understanding and control of
solution behavior for individual physics in a multiphysics analysis. See also Nonlinear Solution Controls
for Multiphysics (p. 20).

2.2.2. HHT Time Integration Improvements for Multiphysics

For coupled-field transient problems, the HHT time-integration method is now more robust. The first-
order system of transient equations are averaged using the HHT algorithm, improving convergence
in coupled-field analyses.

2.2.3. Acoustics
The following enhancements for acoustic analysis have been added:

• Modal analysis is now available for solving the convective wave equation with the mean flow effect.

• The far-field octave band sound-power level can now be postprocessed (PLFAR and PRFAR).

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Mechanical APDL

• To increase computational efficiency, a 3-D cyclically symmetric model can now be reduced to a
2.5-D model by including midside nodes in the coupled node sets (CPCYC).

• As an alternative to the pressure formulation, the velocity potential formulation is now available
to accommodate velocity and mass excitation in a transient analysis. For more information, see
Applying Acoustic Excitation Sources in the Acoustic Analysis Guide.

2.2.4. Thermal
The following enhancements for thermal analysis have been added: View Factor Condensation for Radiation Models with Symmetry Enthalpy Formulation for Thermal Elements View Factor Condensation for Radiation Models with Symmetry

For models with symmetry, the efficiency of radiation analyses can now be significantly improved
by using view factor condensation control (VFCO), achieved by condensing the view-factor matrix
and simplifying the radiosity equations. For more information, see View Factor Matrix Properties,
Radiosity Equations Simplified for Models with Symmetry, and 3-D Open Enclosure with Symmetry:
Radiation Analysis with Condensed View Factor Calculation. Enthalpy Formulation for Thermal Elements

You can now specify enthalpy as a function of temperature (TB) for thermal elements SOLID278,

2.2.5. Coupled-Field
The following enhancements are available for analyses involving coupled-field elements: 2-D Axisymmetric Coupled-Field Elements with Torsion Enhancements in Piezoelectric Analyses 2-D Axisymmetric Coupled-Field Elements with Torsion

Coupled-field elements PLANE222 and PLANE223 have a new option (KEYOPT(3) = 6) to perform
an axisymmetric analysis with torsion. The option adds the rotation ROTY to the set of structural
degrees of freedom to simulate twist about the axis of symmetry in a 2-D axisymmetric coupled-
field analysis. The new option enables 3-D axisymmetric problems with circumferential structural
loading to be solved more efficiently using 2-D axisymmetric models. Enhancements in Piezoelectric Analyses

Damping (DENE) and kinetic (KENE) energy output are now available for a piezoelectric analysis
using elements PLANE223, SOLID226, and SOLID227. Along with the potential energy, the new
output items can be used for energy-balance calculations in piezoelectric harmonic and modal

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24 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Options for defining a piezoelectric material have been expanded by allowing permittivity at constant
stress [εT] input (TB,DPER,,,,1) to be combined with the piezoelectric stress matrix [e] input

For more information, see Piezoelectrics in the Theory Reference.

2.3. Solvers
Release 2021 R1 includes the following improvements to the solution process:
2.3.1. Fallback Logic Triggers Switch from PCG to Sparse Solver
2.3.2. PCG Solver Enhancements
2.3.3. Distributed ANSYS Enhancements
2.3.4. GPU Acceleration Enhancements
2.3.5. Enhanced Shift Strategy for the Damped Eigensolver

2.3.1. Fallback Logic Triggers Switch from PCG to Sparse Solver

To help ill-conditioned models using the PCG solver to achieve a more efficient solution, fallback logic
(controlled via PCGOPT,,Fallback and enabled by default) sets the conditions that trigger the
program to automatically switch to the sparse solver when convergence difficulties arise. The new
capability is useful for nonlinear structural analyses where the PCG solver has good convergence initially,
but as the analysis progresses, the PCG convergence is degraded by the nonlinearities present in the
model. For more information, see The Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) Solver in the Basic
Analysis Guide.

2.3.2. PCG Solver Enhancements

In addition to the rigid beam, rigid link, and slider MPC184 element types, the PCG solver now also
supports the following joint options: revolute, universal, weld, and general. For more information,

2.3.3. Distributed ANSYS Enhancements

Performance Improvement of Open MPI Running on Linux Clusters Using Mellanox InfiniBand

The performance of the Open MPI package has been improved when running on Linux clusters
using Mellanox InfiniBand interconnect. Open MPI is an alternative option to the default Intel
MPI. For more information, see MPI Software in the Parallel Processing Guide.

Files Required to Use Microsoft MPI Are Now Included in Mechanical APDL Installation

To use Microsoft MPI (-mpi msmpi) in previous releases (as an alternative to the default Intel
MPI), it was necessary to separately install the Microsoft program. In this release, the necessary
files to use Microsoft MPI are provided during Mechanical APDL installation.

2.3.4. GPU Acceleration Enhancements

The following enhancements are available for the GPU Accelerator capability:

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Mechanical APDL

• NVIDIA GPU driver requirements have been updated. See the ANSYS, Inc. Installation Guide
for Windows or Linux for platform-specific driver versions.

• NVIDIA CUDA libraries have been updated to version 11.0, offering improved support and
performance for the recent Ampere-generation of GPU cards from NVIDIA.

• The NVIDIA A100 GPU video adapter is now supported.

2.3.5. Enhanced Shift Strategy for the Damped Eigensolver

The damped eigensolver (MODOPT,DAMP) shifting strategy has been enhanced to:

• Extract more modes (typically several hundred)

• Cover a larger frequency range

Use the new DAMPOPT command to activate the shift strategy.

2.4. Other Enhancements

2.4.1. File Compression for Restart and .osav Files

File compression (/FCOMP) is now available and activated by default for some restart files (.Rnnn)
and the .osav file created during a nonlinear analysis, and for results and database files. Average
file-size reduction is 10-50 percent when compression is based on a sparsification scheme (default),
speeding file transfers when solving on a network cluster and reducing archival disk space.

2.4.2. Database Enhancements for Models with Highly Uncompressed

Although storing quantities (nodes, elements, real constants, materials, constraint equations, etc.) in
the database using a compressed numbering scheme continues to be optimal in terms of run time
and memory requirements, efficiency has been improved for models using uncompressed numbering.

2.4.3. Nodal-Averaged Results

Nodal-averaged results are now available (OUTRES,NAR). Stresses, elastic strains, plastic strains, creep
strains, and thermal and swelling strains are calculated and stored on a per-node basis. Each stored
nodal result value represents an averaged value based on the contributions from all elements attached
to the node, which can reduce results-file size and improve I/O time. For more information, see
Nodal-Averaged Results in the Element Reference.

2.4.4. Solution-Tracking Improvement

The graphical solution-tracking (GST) feature (/GST) now lists the node number and the degree-of-
freedom type that has the maximum degree-of-freedom increment in an iteration. The additional in-
formation helps to better understand and troubleshoot complex nonlinear problems.

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26 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

2.5. Commands
This section describes changes to commands at Release 2021 R1:
2.5.1. New Commands
2.5.2. Modified Commands
2.5.3. Undocumented Commands

Some commands are inaccessible from menus and are available via the command-input field or batch-
file input only. The documentation for each command indicates menu path information, if available.

2.5.1. New Commands

The following new commands are available:

• AMRESULT – Specifies additive manufacturing result data written to an AMResults.txt file.

• DAMPOPT – Sets damped eigensolver options.

• OSRESULT – Controls selected result data written to the database.

• VFCO – Controls view-factor condensation for symmetric radiation.

2.5.2. Modified Commands

The following commands have been enhanced or otherwise modified:

• ASIFILE– Writes or reads one-way acoustic-structural coupling data. The command now supports
writing or reading velocity excitation for a transient acoustic analysis solved with the velocity po-
tential formulation.

• BF – Defines a nodal body-force load. When using nonlinear mesh adaptivity in a linear analysis
(NLGEOM,OFF), you can now apply loading on the initial mesh for nonlinear adaptivity.

• CGROW – Specifies crack-growth analysis options. The command offers a new option to control
mesh-coarsening in a SMART crack-growth analysis.

• CJUMP – Initiates a cycle-jump analysis. A new option enables you to adjust the minimum number
of intermediate cycles based on the jump length.

• CNKMOD – Modifies certain contact element key options between load steps. The command can
now modify the contact stabilization damping setting (KEYOPT(15)), and it is now valid in any
analysis type.

• CPCYC – Couples the two side faces of a cyclically symmetric model for loading that is the same
on every segment. The new KMID argument enables you to include midside nodes in coupled sets,
improving efficiency in acoustic applications. The new CEOPT argument activates conversion of
coupled sets to constraint equations for improved performance in a distributed-memory parallel

• CUTCONTROL – Controls time-step cutback during a nonlinear solution. More options enabling
better control over individual physics have been added. For nonlinear analyses experiencing con-

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Mechanical APDL

vergence difficulties, you can now set limits on the maximum increment allowed within a time step
for specific degrees of freedom to trigger a time-step reduction.

• D – Defines degree-of-freedom constraints at nodes. When using nonlinear adaptivity in a linear

analysis (NLGEOM,OFF), you can now apply constraints on the initial mesh for nonlinear adaptivity.

• DNSOL – Defines or modifies solution results at a node. The command has a new DataKey argu-
ment to control whether nodal-averaged results are used in the command operation.

• F – Defines force loads at nodes. When using nonlinear adaptivity in a linear analysis (NLGEOM,OFF),
you can now apply nodal-force loading on the initial mesh for nonlinear adaptivity.

• /FCOMP – Specifies file-compression options. File compression is now available and activated by
default for certain restart files (.Rnnn) and the .osav file created during a nonlinear analysis.
Compression is controlled via two new identifier labels (RNNN and OSAV).

• FILE – Specifies the data file where results are to be found. You can now specify the reduced dis-
placements results file (.rsdp or .rfrq) used by PRMC and PLMC in POST1.

• MACOPT– Specifies modal assurance criterion (MAC) calculation options for RSTMAC. Two new
option labels are available: NMAC enables the computation of node pair MAC values (local MAC
values), and UNVTRAN enables the transformation of the solution vector in the .unv file from the
local to the global coordinate system if the .unv file contains DATASET 2420.

• NLADAPTIVE – Defines the criteria under which a mesh is refined or modified during a nonlinear
solution. Support has been added for nonlinear mesh adaptivity with element-type change (NLAD-

• NUMCMP – Compresses the numbering of defined items. The command can now compress co-
ordinate system numbers.

• OUTRES – Controls the solution-result data written to the database. The NAR solution item enables
writing of nodal-averaged solution results instead of element stress or strain values, which can reduce
the results file size.

• PCGOPT – Controls PCG solver options. The following modifications and enhancements have been

– A new Fallback argument controls the conditions that trigger an automatic switch to the
sparse solver for analyses experiencing convergence difficulties, enabling ill-conditioned
models using the PCG solver to achieve a more efficient solution. For more information, see
PCGOPT and The Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) Solver in the Basic Analysis Guide.

– In addition to the rigid beam, rigid link, and slider MPC184 element types, the PCG solver
now supports the revolute joint, universal joint, weld joint, and general joint.

• PLESOL – Displays solution results as discontinuous element contours. By default, the command
now smooths reinforcing members within the same reinforcing element, displaying constant results
of reinforcing members if the base elements are low-order, and linear results when the base elements
are high-order.

• PLFAR/PRFAR – Plots/prints (respectively) pressure far fields and far field parameters in an acoustic
analysis. The commands now support postprocessing of the far-field octave band sound-power

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28 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

• PLNSOL/PRNSOL – Plots/prints (respectively) nodal solution results. The commands have a new
DataKey argument to control whether nodal-averaged results are used in the plotting/printing

• TB – Activates a data table for material properties or special element input. You can now specify
enthalpy as a function of temperature (TBOPT = ENTH) when defining thermal properties (TB,THERM).
A new anisotropic material model based on generalized Hill potential theory is available (TB,ANISO).

• VFOPT – Specifies options for the view factor file and calculates view factors. A new argument
(WRMO) enables you to store only the independent facets for radiation models with symmetry, re-
ducing read/write time.

2.5.3. Undocumented Commands

No commands have been undocumented at this release.

For information about commands that have been undocumented in prior releases, see the archived
release notes (p. xi) for Mechanical APDL.

2.6. Elements
This section describes changes to elements at Release 2021 R1:
2.6.1. New Elements
2.6.2. Modified Elements
2.6.3. Undocumented Elements

Some elements are not available from within the GUI. For a list of those elements, see GUI-Inaccessible

2.6.1. New Elements

No new elements have been added at this release.

2.6.2. Modified Elements

The following elements have been enhanced:

• BEAM188, BEAM189 – These 3-D beam elements have a new option (KEYOPT(5) = 1) specifying
that deformation occurs in the XY plane only.

• TARGE169, TARGE170 – These target elements have a new option (KEYOPT(10)) to include stress
stiffening effects for contact pairs that model surface-based constraints via the MPC approach.

• CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175, CONTA177 – These contact elements can now model rigid
surface constraints using the Lagrange multiplier method (KEYOPT(2) = 3).

• CONTA177 – This 3-D line-to-surface contact element now supports the surface projection contact
method (KEYOPT(4) = 3).

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Mechanical APDL

• FLUID30, FLUID220, FLUID221 – These 3-D acoustic elements now support transient analysis solved
with the velocity potential formulation (KEYOPT(1) = 4).

• PIPE288, PIPE289 – These 3-D pipe elements have a new option (KEYOPT(5) = 1) specifying that
deformation occurs in the XY plane only.

• SOLID278, SOLID279, SOLID291, PLANE292, PLANE293 -- These thermal elements have a new option
for specifying enthalpy as a function of temperature (TB).

2.6.3. Undocumented Elements

No elements have been undocumented at this release.

For information about elements that have been undocumented in prior releases, see the archived
release notes (p. xi) for Mechanical APDL.

2.7. Documentation
ANSYS, Inc. continues to refine the Mechanical APDL documentation set. To that end, the following
notable changes and enhancements to the documentation have occurred:

2.7.1. Tire Analysis Guide

A complex vehicle subsystem, the tire plays a crucial role in vehicle ride and handling performance,
affecting accelerating, braking, cornering, and other maneuvers. Tire simulation using the finite element
method is widely used due to the versatility of the numerical model to represent various rolling
conditions and material behaviors, and because it enables efficient parametric analysis and optimization.
For more information about performing a tire analysis in Mechanical APDL, see the new Tire Analysis

2.7.2. Updates for Programmers

Routines and functions documented in the Programmer's Reference have been updated to reflect the
current source code. To see specific changes in a file, ANSYS, Inc. recommends opening both the old
and current files (using a text editor that displays line numbers), then comparing the two to determine
which lines have changed. You can copy the updated files to your system by performing a custom
installation of the product.

The following enhancements have been added: BFBLOCK Nodal Body Load Command SFEBLOCK Element Surface Load Command Consistent Labels for Unblocked Coded Database File Commands Geometry Data in the Results File BFBLOCK Nodal Body Load Command

BFBLOCK defines a block of nodal body-force loads. When using nonlinear adaptivity in a linear
analysis (NLGEOM,OFF), you can now apply the loading on the initial mesh for nonlinear adaptivity.

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30 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Technology Showcase: Example Problems SFEBLOCK Element Surface Load Command

SFEBLOCK is a new command that is written to the coded data base file (.cdb) and load history
file (.ldhi). SFEBLOCK defines a block of element surface loads (SFE). The new block format
command offers fast input for .cdb and .ldhi files. Consistent Labels for Unblocked Coded Database File Commands

The coded database file commands now use the UNBL label to indicate commands that use an
unblocked format. For example:

For command details, see Coded Database File Commands in the Programmer's Reference. Geometry Data in the Results File

The format of some geometry items stored in the results file (Jobname.rst) has changed. The
Index arrays for element types, real constants, coordinates systems, and sections no longer have
lengths equal to their respective maximum defined item number, and the entity numbers are no
longer equal to the index numbers of the Index array. Instead, the Index vector has a length equal
to the number of defined entities for that item, and the Index vector is preceded by a mapping
array that maps the index of the Index array to the entity number. See Results File Format in the
Programmer's Reference for the updated format.

2.7.3. Feature Archive

Legacy features, commands, elements, and theory information continue to move to the Feature Archive.
While ANSYS, Inc. intends to support legacy capabilities for the immediate future, some may be un-
documented in future releases. Consider moving to their recommended replacements. For information
about especially notable features that have been archived, see Features Removed or Archived (p. 35)
in the Update Guide section of this document.

2.8. Technology Showcase: Example Problems

The analyses presented in the Technology Showcase: Example Problems demonstrate the extraordinarily
broad simulation capabilities of ANSYS Mechanical APDL. The real-world problems highlight the features
and effectiveness of Mechanical APDL by presenting a series of analyses from a variety of engineering

The problems are more substantive and complex than examples found in the standard documentation
set. The documentation thoroughly examines the physics involved with each problem and the consid-
erations necessary for translating problems into numerical models. Approximation issues, accuracy
considerations, and recommended practices are discussed. For more information, see What You Need
to Know.

The following example problems have been added:

• TD-60 – Accelerated Thermomechanical Fatigue Analysis of Thermal Barrier Coatings

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Mechanical APDL

Uses cyclic loading and the cycle-jump method to accelerate a thermomechanical fatigue analysis of
gas turbine blade thermal-barrier coatings.

• TD-61 – Underconstrained Coil Spring Under Compression

Methods for overcoming convergence failure when analyzing an underconstrained model for a static

• TD-62 – Inverse-Solving Analysis of a Cardiovascular Structure

A nonlinear static analysis using inverse solving to investigate the biomechanics of a cardiovascular

2.9. Mechanical APDL Release 2021 R1 Update Guide

This section contains information about feature enhancements that can affect program behavior or
analysis results in ways that you may not expect. Also covered are known incompatibilities, notable issues
and defects that have been resolved, and information about replacement capabilities for features that
have been removed.

The following topics offer supplemental 2021 R1 product-update information presented by the Mech-
anical APDL development and testing teams:
2.9.1. Backward Compatibility
2.9.2. Feature Updates Causing Result or Behavior Changes
2.9.3. Known Incompatibilities
2.9.4. Known Issues
2.9.5. Resolved Issues and Defects
2.9.6. Features Removed or Archived

If you are upgrading across several releases, you may find it helpful to consult the Update Guide sections
of the archived release notes (p. xi) for Mechanical APDL.

For information about past, present, and future operating system support, see the Platform Support
section of the ANSYS Website.

2.9.1. Backward Compatibility

Mechanical APDL Release 2021 R1 can read database files from all prior Mechanical APDL releases.
Due to ongoing product improvements and defect resolutions, however, results obtained from old
databases running in new releases may differ somewhat from those obtained previously.

2.9.2. Feature Updates Causing Result or Behavior Changes

The following Mechanical APDL feature updates in Release 2021 R1 are known to produce program
behaviors or analysis results that differ from that of the prior release: Section Offsets for Beams in the XY Plane ETCONTROL,SET with SOLID186 and Coupled-Field Elements Launcher Change Resulting from Updated Product Licensing

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32 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Mechanical APDL Release 2021 R1 Update Guide Section Offsets for Beams in the XY Plane

SECOFFSET defines the section offset for cross-sections. For beam elements BEAM188/BEAM189
and pipe elements PIPE288/PIPE289 in the XY plane, an offset is not allowed if it causes the elements
to be nonsymmetric about the XY plane. ETCONTROL,SET with SOLID186 and Coupled-Field Elements

The ETCONTROL,SET command behavior was modified to always use full integration with SOLID186
when coupled-field elements PLANE222, PLANE223, SOLID226, and SOLID227 are present in the
model. Launcher Change Resulting from Updated Product Licensing

The drop-down menu of licenses in the Mechanical APDL Product Launcher no longer reflects the
license availability on the license server. Consequently, the ANSLIC_ADMIN utility cannot reset the
product order.

2.9.3. Known Incompatibilities

The following incompatibility with prior releases is known to exist at Release 2021 R1:

• Results File Format – Due to ongoing product improvements and defect resolutions, the results
file (Jobname.rst) written by Mechanical APDL Release 2021 R1 differs from those obtained in
previous releases. Any external program or code that reads the results file may need updates to
support this change. See Results File Format in the Programmer's Reference for the updated format.

• Number of Stored Result Records Increased – The number of result records stored for an element
has been increased from 25 to 26. The new 26th record stores a value for OSRESULT, a command
that controls output to the results database for a selected result defined by the item and component
combination. Code that inputs .rst files created in this and future releases must therefore be
updated to read 26 integers in the header record for each element.

2.9.4. Known Issues

The following issues are known to exist at Release 2021 R1:

• ANSYS Product Improvement Program (Linux Only) – When running Mechanical APDL in distrib-
uted-memory parallel (DMP) mode with the ANSYS Product Improvement Program (APIP) activated,
there is a 10-second delay from the time Mechanical APDL is closed until control of the command
line is regained. Following are two possible workarounds:

– Opt out of APIP, or

– Run in shared-memory parallel (SMP) mode.

• Sparse direct solver hanging in DMP (Windows Only) – The sparse direct solver may hang while
running simulations using the default distributed memory parallel (DMP) method. Following are
two possible workarounds:

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Mechanical APDL

– Set the I_MPI_ADJUST_ALLREDUCE = 2 environment variable to redefine the internal al-

gorithm used for all MPI_Allreduce calls inside the Intel MPI library, or

– Switch from the default Intel MPI to the Microsoft MPI libraries via the -mpi msmpi command
line argument.

This issue does not affect simulations using the shared memory parallel (SMP) method (-smp
command line argument).

• "Rename operation failed" errors in DMP mode – When running in distributed memory parallel
(DMP) mode using multiple nodes with Open MPI, you may encounter "Rename operation failed"
error messages. Following are two possible workarounds:

– Switch to Intel MPI, or

– Use a single compute node.

• Failure to launch when using DMP on Linux – The program may fail to launch when using DMP
on some Linux systems running CentOS 8.1, RHEL 8.1 or SLES 15. The workaround is to execute
this command to preload an additional library:

setenv LD_PRELOAD /ansys_inc/v211/commonfiles/MPI/In-

You may need to modify the command syntax depending on your Linux shell and the location of
your installation.

• Incorrect results using MPC contact in harmonic cyclic symmetry analysis – When multipoint
constraint (MPC) contact (CONTA171 through CONTA177 with KEYOPT(2) = 2 and KEYOPT(12 ) =
5 or 6) is used in a harmonic cyclic symmetric analysis, the results are incorrect. Following are two
possible workarounds:

– Use another contact constraint method (for example, the penalty method: KEYOPT(2) = 1), or

– Use CERIG or RBE3 to build the constraint equations.

• Fracture parameter path-dependent calculation issue – When initial stress loads are applied on
element SOLID185 or SOLID186 in a fracture analysis zone, you may encounter path-dependent
issues when calculating fracture parameters (such as JINT or SIFS). The workaround is execute this
command to enable the unstructured-mesh method (UMM):


2.9.5. Resolved Issues and Defects

The following notable issues and defects for Mechanical APDL have been resolved at Release 2021

ID Resolution Description
Corrected some SMISC outputs of ELBOW290. The SFy, SFz, My, and Mz outputs
had been transposed.
321190 Adjusted the tolerance for slipping from one target segment to an adjacent one.

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34 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Mechanical APDL Release 2021 R1 Update Guide

2.9.6. Features Removed or Archived

If a legacy Mechanical APDL feature has been removed at Release 2021 R1, this section provides in-
formation about the Mechanical APDL replacement feature, its functional equivalent in another ANSYS,
Inc. product, or another workaround.

Legacy features that have been archived also appear here. While archived features remain available
for use, technical enhancement is unlikely to occur, and better alternatives are available and recom-
mended in most cases.

The following topic is available: CECYC Command CECYC Command

CECYC has been archived. Issue CYCLIC to initiate an automated cyclic symmetry analysis. Altern-
atively, issue CPCYC to manually couple the low- and high-edge nodes of a model with cyclically-
symmetric geometry and loads.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 35
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
36 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 3: Autodyn Release Notes
The ANSYS Autodyn product encompasses of all of the following explicit solvers: FE (Lagrange), Euler,
FCT, ALE, and SPH, and various means to couple them together. All are integrated into the Autodyn
Component system, while the FE (Lagrange) and Euler—including Euler-Lagrange coupling—are also
integrated into the Explicit Dynamics Analysis system.
3.1. New Features and Enhancements

3.1. New Features and Enhancements

The following new features and enhancements are available in release 2021 R1. Refer to the product
specific documentation for full details.

• AUTODYNWRAPPER. The AUTODYNWRAPPER can now be used on Linux to submit an Autodyn

analysis in a similar fashion as on Windows. It is the preferred way to run an Autodyn job.

• OpenMPI. OpenMPI is now a supported MPI option on Linux for Autodyn.

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38 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 4: Aqwa Release Notes
This release of the Aqwa related products contains all capabilities from previous releases. The following
enhancements are available in release 2021 R1. Refer to the product specific documentation for full
details of the new features.
4.1. Aqwa Solver Modules
4.2. Aqwa Graphical Supervisor (AGS)
4.3. Hydrodynamic Analysis Systems

4.1. Aqwa Solver Modules

The following new features provide extended capabilities in the Aqwa solver modules:

• Maneuvering Forces. The Aqwa-Naut time domain response analysis has been improved by adding
the option to include the low frequency maneuvering forces when the ship is in motion, yielding full
fluid Newtonian compliance.

• New Formulated Wave Spectra. Three new formulated wave spectra can be defined. They are Ochi-
Hubble bi-modal spectrum, Bretschneider spectrum, and finite water depth TMA spectrum.

4.2. Aqwa Graphical Supervisor (AGS)

No new features at release 2021 R1.

4.3. Hydrodynamic Analysis Systems

The following new features provide extended capabilities in the Hydrodynamic systems in Workbench:

• Result Source Selection. The Hydrodynamic Graphs, Time Domain Statistics, and Frequency Domain
Statistics results now allow you to select a Result Source other than the current system for display.
The result source system must be of the same Computation Type as the system where the display
object resides.

• New Formulated Wave Spectra. The Wave Type option for irregular waves in Hydrodynamic Response
systems now includes the Ochi-Hubble, Bretschneider and TMA spectra.

• Include Maneuvering Force. Include Maneuvering Force can be set in the Details of Analysis Settings
dialog for Time Response Analysis systems with the Analysis Type of Irregular Wave Response/Reg-
ular Wave Response. The Maneuvering Force Only result is available if Include Maneuvering Force
is set to Yes.

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40 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 5: ANSYS Composite PrepPost (ACP)
New Features in ANSYS Composite PrepPost (ACP) 2021 R1
The following new features have been added to ANSYS Composite PrepPost (ACP) for the 2021 R1 release.
Refer to the product specific documentation for full details of the new features:

Enhanced Tube and Boolean Selection Rules

The Tube Selection Rule can now be lengthened at both free ends. This makes it more useful in a wide
variety of applications.

The Boolean Selection Rule now supports template rules. These allow you to redefine some selection
rule parameters within the Boolean Selection Rule.

3D Ply Workflow – Imported Plies

Various improvements in the 3D Ply workflow (Imported Plies) have been implemented:

• The meshes are now shown for all types of plies (modeling, production and analysis plies).

• Thickness and angle plots now support Imported Plies.

• Properties such as material and ply angle can be parameterized.

• The performance of the lay-up mapping algorithm has been further improved.

Section Cut and Sensor

Section Cuts can be used to create a cross sectional view of the laminate, allowing improved examination
of the laminate. The Sensor is a tool which can create a bill of material or to compute the mass and
CoG of a certain area. Section Cuts and Sensors can now be disabled to save on computational resources
during an update.

Lay-Up Import from Third-Party Tools

The HDF5 Composite CAE format is supported by many composite modeling and process simulation
tools. It allows a seamless transfer of lay-up data between different CAE applications. The ACP team has
been working with various software vendors to provide complete workflows from the process simulation
to the FE analysis. There are now established workflows for winding, additive manufacturing, forming
processes, and digitalized fiber orientations. Consequently, the outdated winding add-on in ACP (called
Matwind) has been discarded.

Also, ACP's HDF5 Composite CAE import capability now supports coordinate transformation and a
preview of the imported data.

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ANSYS Composite PrepPost (ACP)

Improved Visualization
The contour plots have been refactored. For instance, the number of labels is automatically adjusted if
the number of colors exceeds a certain limit.

Moreover, the silhouette (wireframe) of the mesh can be displayed in addition to the mesh surface and
element edges. You can activate these aspects of the display separately using the scene's toolbar.

ACCS: Compensated Surface Exporter

To build accurate structures within tolerance, process induced distortions (PID) must be factored into
the design. The new Compensated Surface Exporter automatically inverts the PID and applies them to
the as-designed shape. This compensated geometry can then be exported as STL, RSO or point cloud.

ACCS: Support of Thermoplastics

Thermoplastics are now fully supported by ANSYS Composite Cure Simulation. This includes the definition
of the material properties in the graphical user interface in Engineering Data, the simulation of the
melting and cooling, and the result visualization such as crystallization and melting.

Known Limitations
General ACP and release-specific limitations can be found in Known Limitations in the ACP User's Guide.

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42 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 6: Material Designer
This release of the ANSYS Material Designer product contains all capabilities from the previous release.
The following enhancements are available in release 2021 R1. Refer to the product specific documentation
for full details of the new features.

2021 R1 Enhancements
● Curve Fitting for Short Fiber Composites: A new curve fitting tool to calibrate a Hill plasticity
model is available for short fiber composites. Specifically, Material Designer employs a phenomenolo-
gical plasticity model to predict the nonlinear response of short fiber composites. The model consists
of an anisotropic, fiber orientation dependent Hill yield criterion combined with an isotropic nonlinear
hardening law. The parameters of the model are determined by fitting against experimental data (uni-
axial tensile stress-strain curves of injection molded specimens at 0° and 90° orientation with respect
to the flow direction). See Curve Fitting for Short Fiber Models and Hill Plasticity Curve Fitting for Short
Fiber Reinforced Composites for more information.

● Variable Material Chart Improvements: For variable materials, you can now create surface (3D)
charts of material properties depending on two or more parameters. Additionally, for both 2D and 3D
plots, you can now visualize the interpolated material properties and compare the effects of the different
interpolation options. For more information and examples, see Charts in the Material Designer User's

● Additional Workbench Parameters: You can now parameterize the material assignment. Likewise,
in a parameter study, you can now evaluate what would happen if you substituted the constituent
materials. See Assign Materials for more information. Also, additional aspects of the predefined RVEs
can now be accessed as a Workbench parameter (for example, the seed for randomized RVEs and the
repeat count for convergence analyses).

● Short Fiber Composites Simulation Workflow: The new Short Fiber Composites Simulation workflow
gives you the tools to predict the thermo-mechanical behavior of parts made of short fiber reinforced
composites. The workflow combines Material Designer (which handles the material characterization),
the new Injection Molding Data Workbench system (for importing injection molding simulation results),
and Mechanical (for the setup up of the finite element model). See the Short Fiber Composites Guide
for complete details.

Changes in behavior:

The interpolation options have changed for Short Fiber Composite Models, when using the Linear
Multivariate algorithm in a variable material. Refer to the section Generated Materials for details. This
change applies only to newly created models or ones that are updated.

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44 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 7: Additive Manufacturing
Our collection of tools dedicated to additive manufacturing simulation includes something for every
type of user. Additive Prep is useful for preparing parts and supports appropriate for any of our AM
simulation solutions, or, to export a build file directly to a 3D machine. Workbench Additive is for en-
gineers and designers working within the ANSYS Workbench/Mechanical framework. ANSYS Additive
includes Additive Print for technicians running the machines and Additive Science for materials experts
determining the best process parameters. Here are the new features and enhancements at Release 2021
7.1. Additive Prep
7.2. ANSYS Additive (Print and Science)
7.3. Workbench Additive

7.1. Additive Prep

The following enhancements have been made in Additive Prep at Release 2021 R1:

• Machine Settings. You can now edit the most common machine settings — name, platform size,
zero point location, material, and build strategy — right from the Settings panel without opening
the Manage Machines form. More detailed settings for lasers and part-free areas are still controlled
in the Manage Machines form.

• Orientation Maps.

– You will notice a significant speed improvement in the generation of orientation maps.

– New orientation maps - There are now five different orientation maps available. From the
drop-down menus on the individual orientation maps, choose your three preferred maps to
display in the Combined Current Settings orientation map. The new maps are:

→ Stair-step Error map - This new orientation map displays the relative overall amount of
stair-step error caused by additive layering if building the part in that orientation.

→ Shadow Area map - This new orientation map displays the relative overall amount of
build plate area occupied if building the part in that orientation. This is useful when
combining multiple parts during a single build to maximize the number of parts that
will fit on the build plate.

• Build Processor. Build Processor options are now available for EOS and Renishaw machines.

7.2. ANSYS Additive (Print and Science)

Release 2021 R1 of the ANSYS Additive application includes additions and enhancements in Additive
Print and Additive Science as described in the following sections:

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Additive Manufacturing

7.2.1. General Enhancements

7.2.2. Additive Print
7.2.3. Additive Science
7.2.4. Changes in Product Behavior

7.2.1. General Enhancements

The following general enhancements have been made in ANSYS Additive at Release 2021 R1:

• New validated material. 316L has been validated for all simulation types in Additive Print and

• Enhanced documentation. In response to users' questions about underlying theory, the Additive
User's Guide includes new information about the Mechanics Solver and the Thermal Solver.

7.2.2. Additive Print

The following enhancements have been made in Additive Print at Release 2021 R1:

• Additive Calibration. An updated Additive Calibration Guide provides more guidance for designing
your own calibration parts and for running calibration simulations.

• New machines supported. You can now import build files for the following machine types:

– HB3D (uses version 1.0 of the *.h3d file specification)

– Sisma (uses version 3.0.9 of the *.wza file specification)

– Trumpf (uses version 3.0.9 of the *.wza file specification)

– EOS You can now import build files for the EOS M100 machine, in addition to the already
supported M290 and M400 machines. The Additive application has been updated to use
version 2.8 of the EOS API, which follows a stricter OpenJob format, so it is possible for older
EOS build files to be rejected upon import into the Additive application.

7.2.3. Additive Science

The following enhancements have been made in Additive Science at Release 2021 R1:

• Microstructure. The Microstructure simulation type is now a fully released feature. For one of three
validated materials (316L, AlSi10Mg, or Inconel 718), Microstructure simulations produce grain ori-
entation and grain boundary results of the material for three 2D planes (XY, XZ, and YZ) simulating
typical results of EBSD laboratory tests. Also, grain size distribution and orientation angle distribution
are output in graph form using a circle equivalence method and orientation map for all three
planes, respectively. Microstructure simulations are parametric so you can run several permutations
to determine which process parameters will affect grain size the most. A Specific Random Seed
input parameter may be used to instigate the same nucleation pattern for a given set of process
conditions so that comparison simulations are possible.

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46 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Workbench Additive

7.2.4. Changes in Product Behavior

Release 2021 R1 of ANSYS Additive includes enhancements that result in product behavior different
from previous releases, as described below:

• Windows port prerequisites. The Additive application no longer uses port 9001, which was a
common cause of conflict with other applications.

• Thermal Solver. Enhancements to the solver's initial solving process should result in accuracy im-
provements in Thermal Strain and Thermal History simulation types and reduced run times for
Porosity and Microstructure simulation types with dimensions larger than ∼3 mm.

7.3. Workbench Additive

Within the ANSYS Workbench/Mechanical platform, capabilities in the area of AM Process Simulation
are classified as Workbench Additive. The following enhancements have been made at Release 2021

• AM Bond connection. A new AM Bond connection type is used to connect a meshed part to a
meshed support when the mesh is non-contiguous between them. The internal means of connection
is through constraint equations that connect the support nodes to the part elements. The AM Bond
connection is particularly useful when using a layered tetrahedrons mesh method. (This new AM
Bond object in the project tree uses the AMCONNECT macro internally. It replaces the Body Connection
beta feature in Release 2020 R2. The Body Connection beta feature is no longer active.)

• Additive Wizard updates. When you have a layered tetrahedrons mesh with support material, or stl
supports with a part that is not also meshed with the voxelizer, the Additive Wizard now automatically
creates AM Bond connections to connect the part and supports. One AM Bond object is created for
each part-support combination.

• Layered tetrahedrons mesh. AM-specific default values for most options on the layered tetrahedrons
mesh method are now set automatically if the AM Process object is in the project tree. For a typical
model, you may need to specify only the Layer Height (and Element Size on the Mesh object) and
then use defaults for the remaining options.

• AM-specific output controls. The following new output controls are available (based on the new
AMRESULT command):

– Layer End Temperature — Available under Analysis Settings for Thermal AM analyses, this
option gives the temperature of a layer just before a new layer is applied. This result can be
used to identify regions where the build may be overheating that may result in problematic
thermal conditions.

– Recoater Interference — Available under Analysis Settings for Structural AM analyses, this
option gives the z-deformation of a layer just before a new layer is applied. This can be used
to identify whether an issue may occur when spreading a new layer.

The result data are written to a tab-delimited AMResults.txt file that also includes node numbers
and x, y, z locations. These results are not written to the database results file.

• Thermal Strain Scaling Factor. "Strain Scaling Factor" for thermal-structural simulations has been
renamed "Thermal Strain Scaling Factor" to avoid confusion with the SSF used in Inherent Strain

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 47
Additive Manufacturing

simulations. The Thermal Strain Scaling Factor modifies the thermal strain in a part by the specified

• Automated calibration. You can now automate the simulation iterations in a calibration process to
determine SSF for use in Workbench Additive. A step has been added in the Additive Wizard to facil-
itate the automation.

• Distortion Compensation tool (Beta). Use the new Distortion Compensation SpaceClaim add-in to
easily compare original to compensated geometries from both Workbench Additive and ANSYS Ad-
ditive simulations.

7.3.1. Changes in Product Behavior

Release 2021 R1 of Workbench Additive includes enhancements that result in product behavior dif-
ferent from previous releases, as described below:

• Results at edges of voxelized parts. An error at Release 2020 R2 has been resolved where the
knockdown factors were not written for the part geometry when it was meshed with the voxelizer
(voxelization option = yes on the Cartesian mesh method). Therefore, static structural results, such
as displacements, may change due to elements at the part edges that will now have properties
reduced if the part is meshed with the voxelizer.

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48 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 8: Sherlock

This document provides a summary of all new features, product enhancements, and bug fixes made in
the Sherlock 2021 R1 release. Any known issues found prior to release will be listed.
8.1. Known Issues
8.2. New Features
8.3. General Enhancements
8.4. Bug Fixes
8.5. Supported Platforms

8.1. Known Issues

• If you create, open, or import a project in the 2021 R1 version of Sherlock and then open that same
project and run an analysis in 2020 R2 or earlier, the FEA analysis might be incorrect. To correct this
issue, do the following in the earlier version of Sherlock: Open the project, navigate to Settings >
Meshing, and click the Apply & Close button. Then repeat the affected analysis.

• The API updatePartsList() does not parse the MatchingMode and DuplicationMode parameters
correctly. For now, you can work around this issue by updating the Parts List using the Sherlock client.

8.2. New Features

8.2.1. Meshing
Sherlock's meshing engine has been replaced with a native ANSYS engine. However, you can still
select the legacy Sherlock engine in the application's Meshing Settings dialog. As a result of the
change, some meshing options have been modified. Review the FEA Overview chapter in the Sherlock
user's guide for more information.

8.2.2. Random Vibration Analysis

Random Vibration analysis with ANSYS Mechanical APDL has been updated to use direct Random
Vibration analysis instead of performing a 1G harmonic sweep. Review the Vibration Analysis chapter
in the Sherlock user's guide for more information.

8.3. General Enhancements

• FEA results import has been updated to allow for tetrahedron elements to be imported for PCB surfaces.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 49

• When saving any changes in a Life Cycle, Life Phase, or Life Cycle Event Editor, Sherlock will display
a warning dialog if there are any unsaved analysis results related to the editing events. You may
choose to save the analysis results to a file before saving the Life Cycle data, or you can choose to
save the Life Cycle data only. You may turn off or turn on this alert from the Advanced Settings
panel. You can also turn it off directly from the warning dialog.

• In the Layer Viewer Outline Editor, you now have the ability to pan and zoom while editing the

• In the Thermal Map Viewer and the Strain Map Viewer, you now have the ability to pan and zoom
while editing.

• Stencil Thickness has been moved from the Parts List to the CCA properties.

• You can now copy test points in the layer viewer.

• ODB++ parsing has been updated to process dielectric layers and assign the thickness of those layers
in the Stackup.

• Peak Load user input has been removed from the Shock Event Editor. Peak Load is now derived
from the maximum of the loads defined in the Shock Profile.

• The trace modeling Polygon Optimization setting has been updated so it always removes short edges
when the option is enabled. Previously, short edges could remain under certain conditions.

• Trace modeling generation from image layers has been improved. Sherlock now does a better job
detecting and smoothing out rectangular features and converting circular-looking features.

• For the result tables in the Result Viewer, you can now rearrange the columns and select which
columns to show.

• The Trace Reinforcement Export dialog now has an option to automatically generate all trace layers
if necessary.

• Life Cycle events are now sorted alpha-numerically, with digits treated as complete numbers rather
than separate characters.

• A language selection option has been added to the Launcher Settings. You may switch to the Japanese
or English version of the application.

• Support was added to bypass an initial modal analysis prior to a Random Vibration and Harmonic
Vibration analysis if a prior Natural Frequency analysis result exists. Review the Vibration Analysis
chapter for more information.

• When performing a Random Vibration analysis, if the first natural frequency found during modal
analysis is larger than the frequency range of the selected events, the analysis will be stopped. Review
the Vibration Analysis chapter for more information.

• The Part Editor now prohibits non-integer values for the Lead Count property unless it has a trailing

• The look and feel of the Heat Sink Editor has been updated.

• Sherlock is now compatible with HiDPI displays.

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50 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Bug Fixes

• In lead modeling, the maximum of ten vertical mesh segments per lead has been removed.

• In GUI choice fields which contain selections with empty strings, the empty string choice is now taller
to make it more evident.

• Currently, thermal mech analysis predictions are being improved in Sherlock. Until the improvements
are completed, Sherlock will not display thermal mech scores.

• On the FEA analysis Part Modeling form, there is now an option which allows you to generate results
for parts not modeled based on their location on the PCB. See the chapter on FEA Part Modeling for

• Sherlock's FEA import analysis now provides options for detecting model transformations applied to
the PCB outside of Sherlock. You can have Sherlock determine the transformation automatically, or
you can manually enter the rotation and translations. This allows Sherlock to produce accurate com-
ponent and layer results.

• The Stackup now takes into account the presence of cutouts when computing the copper percentage
for the layer. This feature is enabled by default. You may disable it in the Advanced Settings.

• The ANSYS Workbench .WBJN export has been improved so the material assignment script properly
assigns materials to components which are nested under sub-components.

• A setting has been added which disables Part Wizard patterns when updating a Parts List.

• When importing an exported project that contains laminate, material, and solder libraries, Sherlock
now automatically loads those libraries when importing or opening the project in single-project

• Trace modeling has been updated so it no longer creates a hole in a copper region in situations
where a copper region on another surface definition covers that area.

• The trace reinforcement export feature has been updated to separate hole shell definitions from the
layer reinforcement definition to prevent them from being merged. Hole shell definition names are
now based on the layer span and hole diameter.

• The temperature dependent properties calculator has been updated so it now includes material
properties for the minimum and maximum temperature points specified and not just the values in

• The ICT analysis no longer requires test points or fixtures to be defined when you perform an imported

8.4. Bug Fixes

• The bug has been fixed where the Layer Viewer did not automatically update when you added, re-
placed, or deleted a file from the Files Tree.

• The bug has been fixed where changing the file name and column delimiter at the same time in
many export dialogs would switch the delimiter value back to the old value when pressing the Export

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 51

• The bug has been fixed in the Delete Confirmation dialog for the Parts List panel, the Layer Editor,
the Project menu, and the Result menu: Clicking the X to close the dialog is now equivalent to
clicking the NO button.

• When importing and exporting CSV files in Japanese locales for Laminates, Materials, Solders, Parts,
Packages, and the Acceleration Factors Manager, a "?" would be displayed for Japanese characters.
This encoding bug has been fixed.

• A bug has been fixed in the Results Score Card where the timestamp displays the incorrect time if
you launch the GUI again after generating the analysis results.

• An issue in Trace Model Export was fixed which excluded dielectric regions if they were completely
contained by other dielectric regions.

• When imported, IPC-2581 files which contained dictionary entries with a small metric aperture were
incorrectly displayed. This bug has been fixed.

• When importing IPC-2581 and ODB++ files, board outlines with arcs were not displayed. This bug
has been fixed.

• Opening the Layer Viewer could cause an error in processing some layer files or cause Sherlock to
hang if the application was still processing other files in the CCA. This bug has been fixed.

• When parsing an ODB++ file, board thickness was not correctly processed when the board thickness
units were other than the default units. This bug has been fixed.

• A bug in the Material Manager caused records to be sorted incorrectly when sorted by density
column or CTE column. This has been fixed.

• A bug was fixed with the trace modeling polygon optimization flag which could prevent the optim-
ization from happening without the addition of a debug code.

• A bug in the Parts List panel was fixed which caused a null message to be displayed when confirming
a list of selected parts.

• The bug was fixed where the width and height of mount points were not preserved when rotated
mount points were copied.

• The bug was fixed which caused Sherlock to display analysis results for components that were smaller
than the specified minimum size.

• When performing Thermal Mech Analysis where multiple results layers were selected to be saved,
the application would exclude layer results for temperatures less than the reference temperature.
This bug has been fixed.

• A bug was fixed that prevented a Solder Fatigue Analysis from running for a BGA full ball pattern if
the ball channel width property was not defined.

• A bug was fixed that prevented an Abaqus FEA Analysis from running if the system path did not include
the location of the Abaqus .bat file.

• The bug was fixed which prevented Sherlock from guessing the part type for parts which contain an
underscore in its reference designator.

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52 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Supported Platforms

• The bug was fixed in the Meshed Part Viewer which caused the Edit Base Surface button not to

• Deleting an event from the Life Cycle Manager would cause the tree to collapse. This bug has been

• A bug was fixed in the Heat Sink Editor which removed the calculated heat sink weight from the

• When editing a layer file, a bug prevented the Layer Editor from displaying the layer if it was not
also selected in the Layer Viewer. This has been resolved.

• When copper layers with negative polarity were edited in the Layer Editor, the layer would sometimes
be displayed with positive polarity. This bug has been fixed.

• A bug was fixed which removed the layer from the Layer Viewer during editing, and it would not
reappear until the project was reopened.

• When calculating the part weight in the Part Editor, the application did not take into account the
Corner Shape property. This bug has been fixed.

• When a mount point associated with a drill hole was copied in the Layer Viewer, the locations were
not editable. This bug has been fixed.

• The bug was fixed that caused the process to hang when geometry files were exported with cutouts
placed outside the PCB outline.

• The bug was fixed which prevented FEA Analysis if the project or CCA name contained special char-

• The bug was fixed that affected the parsing of the ODB++ profile when units were specified as INCH.

• When parsing an ODB++ archive, the application would not find the bottom solder mask or silkscreen
layers if they were named differently than what Sherlock expected. This bug has been fixed.

• The bug was fixed which caused a failure to occur when a Cadif file with arcs defined in the board
was parsed.

• When generating a 3D model with trace layers that contain non-copper areas completely surrounded
by copper areas, the mesh might not be generated as expected. This bug has been fixed.

• A BGA component would be modeled with both balls and leads if valid lead properties had previously
been associated with the component. This bug has beenf fixed.

• Results would not be imported from an .rst file if unsupported element types were encountered
in the model. This bug has been fixed.

• Elite Materials EM-370Z laminate CTExy have been reverted to 12 ppm/C and CTEz to 38 ppm/C.

8.5. Supported Platforms

Sherlock requires the following minimum hardware and software requirements:

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 53

8.5.1. Hardware Requirements

• Processor: Multi-core x64 Intel or AMD processor

• Memory: 4 GB minimum, 8+ GB preferred

• Hard Disk Space: 20 GB for installation and 25 GB project space.

8.5.2. Software Requirements

• 64-bit versions of Windows 10

• Adobe Reader or compatible PDF viewer

• Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (for use with Dfrlm FlexNet licensing only)

8.5.3. Optional Software Requirements

The following may also be used with additional Sherlock license features enabled:

• Abaqus

• NX Nastran

8.5.4. 3D Viewer
If your video card does not support Sherlock's 3D Viewer, typically this is because Sherlock is being
used through a remote desktop or on a virtual machine. Or it may mean your graphics driver requires
updating. In some cases, modifying your graphics driver settings can resolve the issue.

If you are running Sherlock on a virtual machine, you might be able to resolve the issue by enabling
3D Graphics acceleration for the virtual machine.

If an Intel HD graphics card is being used, right-click your Desktop, then Graphics Properties, then
3D. Look for OpenGL options to enable Vertical Sync, also known as Asynchronous Flip.

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54 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Part 2: ANSYS Fluids Products
As part of our commitment to deliver a simplified, modern license experience, ANSYS is rolling out up-
dated license increments to our customers beginning January 2020. ANSYS is making these changes
so the ANSYS License Interconnect and License Preferences can be eliminated, greatly simplifying the
customer licensing experience. The new license files are fully compatible with previous versions of ANSYS
back to release 17.0 when used with ANSYS License Manager 2020 R1 or later.

For complete details see the ANSYS, Inc. Product to License Feature Map located on the ANSYS Customer

To access this table, click here

1. Log onto the ANSYS Customer Portal.

2. You will be situated on the Downloads>Installation and Licensing Help and Tutorials page.

3. Click Licensing. The most up-to-date ANSYS, Inc. Product to License Feature Mapping table
can be found there.

ANSYS HPC licenses can now be used to concurrently solve parametric variations, replacing the ANSYS
HPC Parametric Pack license. Click here for more details.

Release notes are available for the following ANSYS Fluids products:

Fluent (p. 57)

CFX (p. 83)
CFD-Post (p. 85)
TurboSystem (p. 87)
TurboGrid (p. 89)
ANSYS BladeModeler (p. 91)
Polyflow (p. 93)
Forte (p. 95)
ANSYS Chemkin-Pro (p. 97)
FENSAP-ICE (p. 99)
EnSight (p. 101)
Chapter 1: Fluent Release Notes
The following sections contain release information for ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1.
1.1. Supported Platforms for ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1
1.2. New Features in ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1
1.3. Updates Affecting ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1 Code Behavior

Backwards Compatibility: ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1 can generally read case files and data files from all
past Fluent releases. Solver and model settings from previous case files are typically respected. However,
in some cases due to defect fixes and core improvements to improve robustness and/or performance,
convergence behavior and/or results obtained may be different. Such release-to-release changes are
documented in the Fluent Migration Manual, along with instructions to recover the previous behavior
when possible.

1.1. Supported Platforms for ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1

Information about past, present, and future operating system and platform support is viewable via the
ANSYS website.

1.2. New Features in ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1

The following sections list the new features available in ANSYS Fluent:
1.2.1. Meshing Mode
1.2.2. Solution Mode
1.2.3. Fluent Applications

• ANSYS Fluent is available in three different licensing levels: Pro, Premium, and Enterprise. These licenses
are listed in order of increasing access to solver tools and models.

– Pro—is the introductory Fluent licensing level, which supports steady, compressible and incom-
pressible, turbulent flows, and conjugate heat transfer.

– Premium—provides full access to the full set of Fluent solver tools and capabilities and is ideal for
a wide range of steady and transient industrial applications, with models for multiphase, combustion,
electrochemistry, and more.

– Enterprise—provides full access to the full set of Fluent solver tools and capabilities and is ideal
for a wide range of steady and transient industrial applications, with models for multiphase, com-
bustion, electrochemistry, and more.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 57

In addition, the Enterprise licensing level provides access to the Fluent Icing workspace.

General User Interface

Command Line Options

• A new command line option allows you to specify that a series of text commands are executed
at Fluent startup. (Text Command Option)

1.2.1. Meshing Mode

New features available in the meshing mode of ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1 are listed below.

General Notes

• The graphics window toolbars are reorganized and enhanced to provide better control of the
contents of the graphics window. You can also control which toolbars are exposed using the
View ribbon tab. Refer to The Toolbars in the Fluent User's Guide for additional information.

• The clipping plane is more visible in the graphics window and includes its own clipping tool
triad, allowing you to manipulate (rotate, translate) the plane directly in the graphics window.

• While performing meshing tasks and updates, relevant messages and a progress bar now appear
at the bottom of the ANSYS Fluent window.

• The meshing mode of ANSYS Fluent can now read and write mesh files in the Common Fluids
Format (CFF) (.msh.h5).

• Advanced options for meshing workflow tasks are now shown/hidden using a +/- icon instead
of a checkbox to better indicate the options are available and in use for a particular task.

• Some changes have been made with respect to geometry zones and labels:

– Geometry zones will no longer use the "geom-" prefix. Instead, geometry zones will
now use the "origin-" prefix.

– Geometry labels will no longer use the "object" prefix.

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58 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
New Features in ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1

Note that these changes include versioning control, therefore all previous journals and workflow
files created after version 2020 R1 should not be affected.

Fluent Guided Meshing Workflows

• The Watertight Geometry Workflow

– The Update Region Settings task now allows you to directly enter values for the Leakage
Size in the table (for fluid and void regions that employ the wrap extraction method) rather
than by using the Define Leakage Threshold task.

– The Add Local Refinement Regions task is now available so that you can create localized
regions where you can apply additional mesh refinements. See Creating Local Refinement
Regions for details.

– The Add Boundary Layers task now includes an advanced option to choose whether to
automatically change problematic areas of the surface mesh (where invalid normals are
detected), in order to properly grow the boundary layer mesh. See Adding Boundary Layers
for details.

– The Generate the Surface Mesh task now includes the ability to use custom size field and
custom size control files. See Generating the Surface Mesh for details.

– The Generate the Volume Mesh task now allows parallel meshing while using the polyhedra
volume mesh fill type. See Generating the Volume Mesh for details.

– The Generate the Volume Mesh task, for the hexcore volume fill method, now allows you
to use the Avoid 1/8 Octree Transition? option to determine whether or not you want to
avoid any potential 1:8 cell transition in the hexcore region of the volume mesh, replacing
any abrupt change in the cell size with pyramid tet cells. See Generating the Volume Mesh
for details.

– After you have created a volume mesh, you can now add the Transform Volume Mesh
task to your workflow, allowing you to create and apply translational or rotational transform-
ations to your volumetric mesh. See Transforming the Volume Mesh for details.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 59

– After you have created a volume mesh, you can now add the Extrude Volume Mesh task
to your workflow, allowing you to extend parts or all of your volume mesh beyond the ori-
ginal domain, based on selected boundaries. See Extruding the Volume Mesh for details.

• The Fault-tolerant Meshing Workflow

– Using the Describe Geometry and Flow task, you can add overset meshing tasks to your
workflow, such as setting up collar and component meshes and mesh interfaces, to provide
overlapping meshes for your imported geometry.

– In the Create External Flow Boundaries task, you can now specify the Extraction Method
for external flow regions using either a surface mesh or using a wrapping technique, to be
used later during surface meshing.

– You can now identify solid regions (in addition to fluid regions and void regions) in the
Identify Region task. Additionally, solid regions are available to choose from while you are
in the Define Leakage Threshold task. Leakage thresholds for solid regions can also be
directly edited in the Update Region Settings task.

– The Update Boundaries task is now available as a default task in the workflow.

– After you have created a volume mesh, you can now add the Transform Volume Mesh
task to your workflow, allowing you to create and apply translational or rotational transform-
ations to your volumetric mesh. See Transforming the Volume Mesh for details.

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60 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
New Features in ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1

– After you have created a volume mesh, you can now add the Extrude Volume Mesh task
to your workflow, allowing you to extend parts or all of your volume mesh beyond the ori-
ginal domain, based on selected boundaries. See Extruding the Volume Mesh for details.

– The Generate Volume Mesh task now allows you to control the advanced options of Min
Spike Angle for Polys and Min Dihedral Angle for Polys, to further improve your volume
mesh for poly and poly-hexcore cells. See Generating the Volume Mesh for details.

Mesh Generation

• The Rapid Octree mesher is improved in the following ways:

– It is now possible to mesh a particular geometric object or mesh object rather than all of
the available surface zones in the bounding box.

– When a mesh object is selected for meshing, you can choose to mesh a particular volumetric
region or generate multiple disconnected cell zones based on all of the existing volumetric

– When a geometric object is selected and meshed, a corresponding mesh object is created.

– If the resulting mesh was generated from a geometry object or mesh object, you can now
restore the object state (including its surfaces) as it was prior to the meshing operation and
remesh it with the Rapid Octree mesher with revised settings without having to read the
original mesh again.

– When using the Boundary Projection boundary treatment, it is now possible to proceed
with meshing even if the boundary geometry has small faults (that is, it is not a consistently
closed triangulated surface); when such faults are detected, you will be asked in a Question
dialog box if you would like to continue even though it may lead to a projection mesh failure.

See Generating Rapid Octree Meshes for details.


• Parallel meshing is now available for polyhedral meshes in the Auto Mesh dialog, through the
Auto Partition (Parallel Meshing) option. See Auto Partitioning for details.

1.2.2. Solution Mode

New features available in the solution mode of ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1 are listed below. Where appro-
priate, references to the relevant section in the User's Guide are provided.


• Fluent in Workbench now uses the common fluids format (CFF) by default, denoted by the
extensions *.cas.h5 and *.dat.h5. This aligns with the default change previously made in stan-
dalone Fluent and brings better file performance than the legacy format. Use of the legacy
format can be specified in the Fluent Preferences dialog box.

• Cell-related quantities such as Active Cell Partition, Cell Reynolds Number, and so on, that are
exported to Common Fluids Format - Post, will only have their values exported at cell centers.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 61

These variables are indicated by the cve code in Common Fluids Format - Post Files in the
Fluent User's Guide.

• CGNS export of solution data is in HDF5 format by default, which makes it possible to export
files larger than 2GB on a Windows machine.

• CGNS solution data export is significantly faster, both for HDF5 or ADF.

• Exporting solution data in the CDAT for CFD-Post and EnSight format will always include
the case file in legacy (.cas) format to ensure the data can be correctly displayed in CFD-Post
and EnSight.

• When running Fluent with the graphics user interface (GUI), the reading and writing of case
files that have many zones is faster. This applies to case files in the default Common Fluids
Format (CFF) as well as the legacy format. For example, a case file with 15,000 zones was
shown to be 2 times faster when reading and 3 times faster when writing when compared to
the previous release.

• The reading of data files in the default Common Fluids Format (CFF) is faster, especially for
(but not limited to) those that have many zones. Reading such files can be up to 5 times faster
compared to the previous release.

User Experience

• You can embed one or more graphics windows within a single graphics widow to create a
dashboard for monitoring solution progress. This dashboard can include both 2D and 3D plots.
Refer to Embedding Graphics Windows in the Fluent User's Guide for additional information.

• Dark theme gives ANSYS Fluent a modern look with an experience that is easier on the eyes.
You can enable dark theme by selecting Dark from the Color Theme drop-down list in Pref-
erences (File>Preferences...).

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New Features in ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1

• (Windows Only) ANSYS Fluent supports rendering on 4K monitors.

• Fluent intelligently handles graphics windows so you no longer need to manage them. There
are two types of graphics windows: user-specified and reserved. Reserved windows are auto-
matically created when you begin iterating and include animation definitions, report plots,
and residuals. The contents of reserved windows cannot be over-written by the user with
other displays. User windows are used for all other displays that you create while you are setting
up and postprocessing your case. The limit on graphics windows is increased from 20 to 50
for both types of graphics windows. Refer to Managing Multiple Graphics Windows in the
Fluent User's Guide for additional information.

• You can now generate customizable HTML and PDF solution reports for your simulation. Reports
can include details about your problem setup, solution, results, and visualizations. See Using
Simulation Reports for more information

• Changes made to boundary conditions via the quick-edit panels are now printed to the console,
including the previous value(s) and the new value(s) of any changed field(s). Refer to Quick
Property Editor for Boundaries in the Fluent User's Guide for additional information on quick-
edit panels.

• Error and warning messages accessed via the Console buttons are hyperlinks to the location
where the warnings/errors appear in the Console to provide context for the messages.

• The graphics window toolbars are reorganized and enhanced to provide better control of the
contents of the graphics window. You can also control which toolbars are exposed using the
View ribbon tab. Refer to The Graphics Toolbars in the Fluent User's Guide for additional inform-

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 63


• The algorithm for overset meshes is improved so as to increase the calculation speed of
moving and dynamic mesh simulations.

• Overset mesh performance has been improved and now supports the following segregated
pressure-velocity coupling schemes: SIMPLE, SIMPLEC, and PISO. These schemes have the
potential to improve the computational efficiency (memory consumption and cost per iteration)
of transient simulations with respect to the default Coupled scheme. (Overset Meshing Best

• When using overset meshes that include relative motion as part of a moving and dynamic
mesh simulation, the ability to perform dynamic overset adaption is now supported as a full
feature, so that the mesh can be marked and adapted automatically at every time step after
the mesh update. This means that the initial mesh does not need to be refined unnecessarily
at places where refinement is only temporarily needed. (Overset Mesh Adaption)

• When creating mesh interfaces, the one-to-one interface method is now enabled by default,
so that a single zone is assigned to each side of all of the resulting mesh interfaces. Using this
method is generally more convenient and advantageous. If you need to instead create many-
to-many interfaces (if, for example, you need to create mesh interfaces that use certain options,
such as the Periodic Boundary Condition option or the Mapped option), you can disable
the use of the one-to-one method by using the following text command: define/mesh-

As part of this default change, note the following improvements and new functionality for
one-to-one interfaces:

– For cases with only one-to-one mesh interfaces, it is now easier to manage them in the
outline view tree: the individual mesh interfaces have nodes that can be expanded to list
all of the associated boundary zones (which have icons to indicate their type); and the list
of all of the mesh interfaces are no longer only displayed in a list view, but can instead be
grouped by the names, the adjacent cell zones, the materials on either side (for example,
fluid-fluid), and the zone types (that is, whether it includes an internal boundary or a wall
because the adjacent cell zones are similar or dissimilar material types, respectively). Note
that all of the grouping options except for the adjacent cell zones option are now also
available in the Mesh Interfaces group box of the Mesh Interfaces dialog box.

– You can now display the intersected zone of a one-to-one mesh interface in the graphics
window by using the right-click menu in the outline view tree. The intersected zone is an
internal zone of type interior or a coupled wall (wall or wall shadow) that is generated

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64 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
New Features in ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1

during the mesh interface creation, and it represents the "overlapping" area between the
two interface zones.

– The time needed to create one-to-one interfaces is significantly reduced, as this process is
now faster (on the order of 10 times faster for a case with a large number of interfaces).

– You can now remove left-handed faces using the define/mesh-interfaces/remove-

left-handed-interface-faces? text command. Note that this is available for all
mesh interfaces, though it is especially useful for those created using the default one-to-one
interface method.

– You can now make use of enhanced gradient calculations for interior mesh interfaces through
the define/mesh-interfaces/enhance-gradients-at-interior-interfaces?
text command. . This can be helpful when you have convergence issues for a case that has
fluid-fluid mesh interfaces, especially if left-handed faces are involved. Note that this is
available for all mesh interfaces, though it is especially useful for those created using the
default one-to-one interface method.

– When creating one-to-one interfaces, it is now possible to specify that the name of the res-
ulting mesh interface has a suffix that includes the names of the adjacent cell zones. (Using
a Non-Conformal Mesh in ANSYS Fluent)

For other noteworthy changes that are related to the default use of the one-to-one interface
creation method, see the later section on updates affecting ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1 code beha-
vior. For details on creating mesh interfaces in general, see Using a Non-Conformal Mesh in
ANSYS Fluent.

• Sliding mesh simulations are enhanced, and should now have faster calculation speeds. This
speed improvement is expected to be proportional to the ratio of the number of sliding
boundary cells to the total number of cells.

• When using predefined criteria to easily set up the adaption controls for a Volume of Fluid
(VOF) multiphase simulation, the default values and the settings (in the Adaption Criteria
Settings dialog box) are improved for usability. (Adaption Criteria Settings Dialog Box)

• A new method for anisotropic adaption is available through the mesh/adapt/set/aniso-

tropic-adaption? text command. This method is based on the PUMA method, and im-
proves upon the legacy anisotropic adaption method in the following ways:

– It can be used to refine all cell types. Note that only prismatic cells (properly aligned hexa-
hedral, wedge, and polyhedral cells) are anisotropically refined; all other cells are isotropically

– Cells that have been refined by this method may be coarsened.

– It does not produce large size jumps in cells when you perform multiple refinements.

– Refinement can now be processed for cells that have multiple splitting directions.

The legacy anisotropic adaption (which is based on the hanging node method) remains available
through the Anisotropic Adaption dialog box. For details, see Refining and Coarsening.

• For dynamic meshes, the unified remeshing method is now available as a full feature. This
applies an algorithm that combines aspects of a variety of remeshing methods in order to

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improve the mesh quality for triangular or tetrahedral cells. It simplifies the remeshing setup
and can provide increased robustness compared to other methods, especially for parallel
simulations. (Unified Remeshing)

Cell Zones and Boundary Conditions

• As part of an ongoing effort to improve the modeling of heat transfer with solid zones that
undergo complex motion, a new Solid Motion option and tab is available for simulations in
which a solid zone is moving relative to an adjacent solid zone (for example, an automotive
disc brake simulation where a spinning rotor is in contact with a stationary brake pad). Note
that as part of this new option:

– It is now possible to combine solid motion with a moving reference frame, each with a
unique axis; for example, you could simulate an automotive disc brake assembly where a
spinning rotor that is in contact with a brake pad is modeled using solid motion, while the
rotation of the assembly about the vertical axis (due to input from the steering wheel) is
modeled using frame motion.

– If you previously used Frame Motion to set up a case with adjacent solid zones that move
relative to each other, you will now receive warning messages saying that Solid Motion
should be used instead; you can easily convert such cases using the following text command:

For details, see Defining Zone Motion.

• The moving reference frame (MRF) model is improved to prevent divergence in cases where
a solid zone uses the Frame Motion option to move along with an adjacent fluid zone (for
example, an electric motor simulation where a rotating shaft is surrounded by rotating air).

• Secondary gradient limiting is now available as a full feature. When enabled, it can help prevent
divergence when cells with poor orthogonality are near coupled two-sided walls. (Orthogonality-
Based Secondary Gradient Limiting at Coupled Two-Sided Walls)

• The following new features are available for setting up the impedance boundary condition

– You can now use the text user interface within a Fluent session to convert experimental
impedance data into the settings needed for the Impedance Parameters group box of a
boundary condition dialog box, similar to the impedance utility. The resulting settings are
printed in the console, and can be written to a file. (Calculating Impedance Parameters)

– The impedance utility is improved for ease of use: it is no longer necessary to specify the
number of real and complex conjugate poles for the data fitting (as Fluent can now auto-
matically determine the numbers of poles that yield the lowest possible RMS error), and the
labels used in the printing of the results are more user friendly. (Calculating Impedance

• The perforated wall boundary condition has been added. It could be used to model mass,
energy and momentum transfers associated with flow through a perforated wall, such as the
effusion cooling in a gas turbine combustor without requiring the holes to be resolved in the
mesh. This can potentially reduce meshing complexity and computational expense. (Perforated
Wall Boundary Conditions)

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New Features in ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1


• For specific heat (Cp) a new definition method, nasa-9-piecewise-polynomial, has been added.
This method is useful for hypersonic flows where piecewise-polynomial temperature profiles
are not valid. (Specific Heat Capacity as a Function of Temperature)

• The ability to use real gas property (RGP) table files to incorporate material properties from
external sources into an ANSYS Fluent simulation has been promoted from to a full feature.
This was available as a beta feature in ANSYS Fluent version 2019 R3. Mixtures of variable
composition and embedding RGP data in HDF5 files are now supported. In addition to the
cavitation and evaporation-condensation models, the RGP table files are now also supported
for the definition of the saturation properties for the following models:

– Boiling model: Saturation Temperature

– Species-mass-transfer model, Raoult’s law: Saturation Pressure

– Phase Interaction Forces: Surface Tension Coefficient (using temperature-dependent values

at saturation conditions)

– Droplet/Particle evaporation (DPM): Saturation Vapor Pressure

For more information, see Using Real Gas Property (RGP) Table Files in the Fluent User's Guide.

• The compressible-volume-weighted density specification method (which was previously

available as a beta feature) can now be used for modeling composition-dependent density for
compressible multicomponent mixtures where individual species may be either real fluids using
Real Gas Property (RGP) tables or ideal gas. (Composition-Dependent Density for Multicompon-
ent Mixtures)

Heat Transfer/Radiation

• – Explicit Thermal Coupling advances the fluid and solid solutions at the same intervals,
but with a solid time step greater than the fluid time step with time-averaged results
exchange between the fluid and solid regions. This allows the solid solution physical
time to evolve much more rapidly than in the fluid solution. This is especially useful
when you want to simulate the quasi-steady temperature solution in the solid region,
but require a small-time-step solution in the fluid region due to the fluid physics which
would otherwise make the simulation length impractical. For example, simulating quasi-
steady combustion liner temperature at a given operating point for an unsteady com-
bustion simulation. Time Averaged Explicit Thermal Coupling for additional information.

– When solving transient conjugate heat transfer (CHT) simulations with a time step size
for solid zones that is larger than that used for the fluid zones, it is now possible to
loosely couple the CHT using multidomain architecture within a single Fluent session,
and thereby enhance the performance of the simulation. (Loosely Coupled Conjugate
Heat Transfer)

• You can now enable Cluster to Cluster S2S radiation on non-conformal interfaces. This can
significantly improve the view factor computation and solution performance when there are
many interfaces present.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 67

• The Conduction Manager dialog box provides a new, convenient way for you to manage,
define, and display multiple conduction and/or shell zones. This is an extension of the Shell
Conduction Manager to include configuration, import, and export of thermal properties also
for walls that use thin-wall approximation as well as zero-thickness walls. (Managing Conduction

• When using the density-based solver, a two-temperature model is now available for simulating
the thermal non-equilibrium phenomena in hypersonic flows. (The Two-Temperature Model)

• The Monte Carlo radiation is now available with Euler-Euler Multiphase models (VOF, Mixture,
Eulerian models).


• FFT of Acoustic Sources has been extended to create surface fields of the power spectral
density of the flow pressure time derivative. These fields are computed for the user-specified
frequency bands and are helpful for identifying the dipole sound sources in the frequency
ranges of interest. (FFT of Acoustic Sources: Band Analysis and Export of Surface Pressure
Spectra in the Fluent User's Guide)

• You can perform VRXperience sound analysis of acoustic pressure to determine factors such
as loudness and frequency in addition to writing a WAV file that you can play back to hear
the generated sounds. Refer to Performing a VRXperience Sound Analysis in the Fluent User's
Guide for additional information.


• You can now include Corner Flow Correction when setting up a turbulence model on the
Viscous Model dialog box. This helps account for turbulent flows through rectangular channels,
pipes of non-circular cross-section, and wing-body-junction type geometries that exhibit sec-
ondary flows in the plane normal to the main flow direction, into the corner along the bisector.
(Including Corner Flow Correction in the Fluent User's Guide)

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New Features in ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1

• You can now enable a hybrid RANS/LES model using the Stress Blending (SBES) / Shielded
DES option when the Realizable k-ε model with scalable wall functions is active. (Including
the SDES or SBES Model with RANS Models in the Fluent User's Guide)


• Aerodynamic Damping (Blade Flutter analysis) is now available in Fluent. (Aerodynamic

Damping (Blade Flutter Analysis))

• There is a change in the Mixing Plane interface model available under General Turbo Interfaces

– Newly created the Mixing Planes use the intersector-base formulation instead of the side-
base formulation.

– 40 bands are used instead of 20 for mixing.

– A variable-bands algorithm is used instead of uniform-bands.

These settings will accommodate a wider range of turbomachinery topologies and improve
modeling accuracy. These parameters can be adjusted from the following TUI command:

Reacting Flows

• For partially premixed combustion cases with FGM, you can now specify your own distribution
of grid points for flamelet and PDF table parameters directly in the graphical or text user inter-
face. (Editing the Flamelet Grid Distribution)

Discrete Phase Model

• The high resolution particle tracking method is now compatible with the Dense Discrete Phase
Model (DDPM). This was available as a beta feature in ANSYS Fluent version 2020 R2.

• A new erosion model, DNV, has been added. (DNV Erosion Model).

• For the DEFINE_DPM_BODY_FORCE user-defined function (UDF), the example has been up-
dated to show the UDF usage for cases with high-resolution tracking (see Example in the Fluent
Customization Manual.)

• For cases that involve the Lagrangian wall film, you can now use the secondary rate model to
predict the particle and film thermolysis rates for droplet material and multicomponent mater-
ial. See Mass Transfer During Law 2—Thermolysis and Multicomponent Particle Definition
(Law 7) in the Fluent Theory Guide for details.

• The solver performance is improved for Discrete Phase Model simulations that generate new
particles during the solution (for example, spraying particles from a nozzle), and this improve-
ment increases with the number of processors used.

• The high-resolution particle tracking method is now compatible with overset meshing for cases
that do not involve the Lagrangian wall film. This method permits pathlines, one-way coupled
particles, and two-way coupled particles to be tracked through overset meshes.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 69

Multiphase Models

• For surface-tension-driven cases (Surface Tension Force Modeling is enabled), the following
field variables are now available for postprocessing (in the Phase... category):

– Smoothed VOF Gradient-dX, Smoothed VOF Gradient-dY, and Smoothed VOF Gradient-

– Smooth VOF Gradient Magnitude

This field variable is based on the smoothed volume fraction field and can be used as a cri-
terion for dynamic adaption.

See Field Function Definitions in the Fluent User's Guide for their definitions.

• For the VOF and Mixture multiphase models, you can now enable the Localized Turbulence
Initialization option (Solution Initialization task page) while performing standard initialization
in order to obtain a better initial solution for turbulence variables. This will result in better
startup and run-time stability. (Setting the Initial Turbulence Field)

• For explicit VOF multiphase cases, you can now use the advanced volume fraction filtering
treatment to improve solution stability and robustness. (Expert Options)

• For transient VOF cases that use multiphase specific time stepping, the physics-based and
moving-mesh time step constraints can now be used to improve estimation of the time step
size. See Multiphase-Specific Time Stepping for details.

The Multiphase Minimum Time Scale field variable (in the Velocity... category) can be used
for visualization of the minimum time step size in the whole domain. See Alphabetical Listing
of Field Variables and Their Definitions in the Fluent User's Guide for its definition.

• For transient VOF cases that involve either dynamic mesh or cell zones with frame motion or
mesh motion, the Moving Mesh Courant Number field variable is now available in the Velo-
city... category. This quantity can be used for visualization to help in proper estimation of the
time-step size. See Alphabetical Listing of Field Variables and Their Definitions in the Fluent
User's Guide for its definition.

• For bubbly flows, a new lift coefficient, Hessenkemper et al. lift, is now available. The coefficient
improves the overall void distribution in lift-driven air-water systems and the coefficient
magnitude for ellipsoidal bubbles. It also considers Ziegenhein and Tomiyama's corrections
for deionized and tap water. (Hessenkemper et al. Lift Force Model)

• A new wall lubrication model (Lubchenko) is now available. The model accounts for the de-
creasing cross-sectional area of bubbles. Unlike other wall lubrication methods, the Lubchenko
method does not need a calibration coefficient. (Lubchenko Model)

• The new Shaver and Podowski lift force correction has been added. The Shaver-Podowski
model damps the lift force near a wall, reducing it to zero when the gas is closer than one-
bubble radius to the wall, thus avoiding nonphysical behavior. The model improves the accuracy
of the prediction of the void peak near the wall and overall robustness for cases that involve
turbulent dispersion and wall lubrication. (Shaver-Podowski Correction)

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New Features in ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1

• The Wet Steam model now uses Young's formula for droplet growth rate by default. It tends
to predict the average droplet size distribution more accurately than the Hill's formula. (Phase
Change Model)

• The DPM-to-VOF model transition mechanism is now fully supported. The mechanism replaces
DPM particles by corresponding amounts of a VOF phase when they hit a VOF interface. Mass,
momentum, heat, and composition are conserved during this model transition, regardless of
the sizes of the droplet and the mesh cells. Also, Lagrangian wall film can be transitioned into
a VOF phase. These functionalities were available as a beta feature in ANSYS Fluent version
2020 R2.

In addition, the reverse transition from a thin wall-attached VOF phase back into the Lagrangian
wall film can now be simulated.

These new options will make feasible a detailed simulation of applications that involve liquid
jets, droplets and the formation of liquid wall films and pools. (Using the DPM-to-VOF Model
Transition in the Fluent User's Guide)

• The Modified Body Force Weighted pressure spatial discretization is now available in the
GUI. In the previous release, this was accessed through the Text User Interface. (Choosing the
Pressure Interpolation Scheme)

• The Hybrid NITA and Instability Detector for solution stability are now available in the GUI.
In the previous release, they were accessed through the Text User Interface. (Hybrid NITA for
the VOF Model)

• Advanced Stabilization controls along with Velocity Limiting have been provided in the
GUI to facilitate optimal problem setup and advanced numerics for better stability. (Default
and Stability Controls)

• In the Evaporation-Condensation Model dialog box, the Evaporation Frequency and Con-
densation Frequency text entry fields (Model Constants group box) have been renamed for
clarity to From Phase Frequency and To Phase Frequency, respectively.

• In the Multiphase Model dialog box, the Mass and Heat tabs have been swapped around to
improve user experience.

Population Balance Model

• The new Liao aggregation and breakage kernels have been added. These models take into
account a wider variety of physical phenomena in gas-liquids flows and may produce more
realistic results compared to the exiting ANSYS aggregation and breakage models. The Liao
aggregation model allows you to consider effects of various collision mechanisms such as
turbulence, eddy capture, velocity gradient in the mean flow, body forces, and wake entrainment
(Liao Aggregation Kernel). The Liao breakage model allows you to consider effects of turbulence
fluctuation, velocity gradient, turbulent eddies, and interfacial drag (Liao Breakage Kernel).

• The size calculator is now available. The tool is intended to help you with setting up cases
that involve the Population Balance Equations (PBE) by providing an estimation of bubble sizes
and/or droplet size limits based on best practices. (Size Calculator)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 71

Eulerian Wall Film Model

• The ability to couple the Eulerian Wall Film and the VOF Multiphase models is now fully sup-
ported. The coupling provides a hybrid solution approach for wall film flows when the use of
EWF alone becomes unsuitable due to increased film liquid accumulation. It also provides a
complementary solution approach for the VOF model when resolving small liquid volumes
near wall boundaries becomes impractical or expensive due to high mesh resolution require-
ment. This was available as beta feature in ANSYS Fluent version 2020 R2. In addition, it has
been enhanced with the ability to control the relaxation factors for the model transition. The
new postprocessing quantities have been added. (Coupling of Eulerian Wall Film with the VOF
Multiphase Model)

• To facilitate the boundary condition setup for walls, the inputs under the Wall Film tab of the
Wall dialog box are now grouped in the following tabs:
– Boundary Type
– Source Terms
– Phase Change
– Surface Contact
– DPM Interaction
– VOF Interaction

This was available as a beta feature in ANSYS Fluent version 2020 R2. For details, see Setting
Eulerian Wall Film Boundary, Initial, and Source Term Conditions in the Fluent User's Guide.

Structural Model for Intrinsic Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI)

• The structural model allows you to perform thermoelasticity analyses, in order to simulate the
effects of thermal load on solid structure deformation. See Setting Up an Intrinsic Fluid-Structure
Interaction (FSI) Simulation for details.

• The structural model now allows you to correct for the effects of shear locking by invoking
the enhanced strain element. See Setting Up an Intrinsic Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Sim-
ulation for details.

• The structural model now allows you to select Total Displacement as a postprocessing field
variable (in the Structure... category).

• The structural postprocessing field variables (in the Structure... category) are now available
for displaying vectors.

• The structural model's plane of symmetry boundary condition is now available for general
symmetry of arbitrary orientation.

• The structural model now supports a UDF that can be used to model volumetric body forces
for solid cell zones (DEFINE_SOURCE_FE).


• You can now apply poor mesh numerics using criteria based on the cell gradient quality and/or
the solution and cell quality. These criteria can improve solver robustness for meshes with
poor quality cells, and each has an associated field variable that can be used for postprocessing.
(Robustness with Meshes of Poor Quality)

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New Features in ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1

• High-speed Numerics (HSN) are now available when using the density-based solver. They are
built-in, customized numeric settings that can help stabilize and accelerate convergence for
high-speed flows. (Enabling High-Speed Numerics)

• Enhancement of the Bounded Central Differencing (BCD) scheme is implemented in the pres-
sure-based solver, which enables a user control over the boundedness strength. The purpose
of it is to reduce the level of BCD scheme dissipation in the scale-resolving simulations of
turbulent flows. (Bounded Central Differencing Scheme)

Adjoint Solver Module

• When adjoint turbulence is enabled as an adjoint solution method, a field variable is now
available for postprocessing the sensitivity to the curvature correction parameter (CCURV).
(Field Data)

• Certain non-constant material properties are now supported by the adjoint solver. (Basic As-
sumptions and Consistency Checks)

• It is now possible to print the adjoint equation residuals during the calculation, as well as to
retain them for postprocessing. This can provide useful information for the diagnosis of con-
vergence issues. (Printing and Postprocessing the Adjoint Equation Residuals)

• When using the Design Tool a new morphing method, radial basis function, is now available.
This method is generally recommended as it provides a balance between producing a good
quality mesh, efficiently handling the design conditions, and requires fewer user settings.
(Radial Basis Function (RBF))

Graphics, Reporting, and Postprocessing

• You can save animations in MP4 format and control the resolution of the finished video. Refer
to Video File in the Fluent User's Guide for additional information.

• Force, drag, lift, and moment report definitions as well as cumulative force and moment plots
now support computation of porous zones. Refer to Force and Moment Report Definitions
and Cumulative Force, Moment, and Coefficients Plots in the Fluent User's Guide for additional

• The Boundary Values option is now available for contour plots even when the Node Values
option is disabled. Contour plots with Boundary Values enabled and Node Values disabled
will display boundary face values without interpolation. Refer to Choosing Node or Cell Values
and Node or Boundary Values in the Fluent User's Guide for additional information.

• Solution XY plots now display boundary face values when Node Values is disabled, instead
of plotting adjacent cell center values. You can use the plot/set-boundary-val-off to
revert to the behavior of previous releases.

• A quick-edit property panel is now available for updating colormap settings directly in the
graphics window. The quick-edit panel is accessed by double-clicking the colormap of a relevant
graphics object displayed in the graphics window, such as a contour, vector, pathlines, particle
tracks, or scene plot.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 73

• You can now control the fonts and font size as well as the dimensions of a colormap in the
Colormap dialog box. Additionally you can control these colormap settings and more in the
Graphics branch (under Colormap Settings) in Preferences (accessed via File > Preferences...).


• You can now create multiple planes and iso-surfaces at once. Refer to Using Surfaces in the
Fluent User's Guide for additional information.


• Syntax highlighting is now enabled in the Expression and Expression Editor dialog boxes.

• Compatible named expressions for fields are now listed in the drop-down list along with options
for specifying a field as a parameter or a constant. Refer to Directly Applied Expressions in the
Fluent User's Guide for additional information.

• Simplified reduction operations are now available for computations such as mass flow and
volume average. Refer to Expression Operations and Functions in the Fluent User's Guide for
additional information.

• Gradient, cross, and normalize functions are now available for writing expressions. Refer to
Expression Operations and Functions in the Fluent User's Guide for additional information.

• You can visually postprocess expressions using graphics objects (contours, vectors, pathlines,
particle tracks, XY plots). Refer to Postprocessing Expressions in the Fluent User's Guide for ad-
ditional information.

• You can use profiles in expressions to specify boundary and cell zone conditions, for postpro-
cessing, and in reduction operations. Profiles can either be spatial or temporal. Refer to Profiles
in the Fluent User's Guide for additional information.

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New Features in ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1

• The Expression Manager allows you to perform various operations on named expressions,
such as editing, copying, computing, deleting, and so on, from a single location. Refer to Ex-
pression Manager in the Fluent User's Guide for additional information.

User-Defined Functions (UDFs)

• User-defined functions that are written in version C99 of the C programming language are
now supported.

• Clang 10.0.0 can now be installed on your machine instead of Microsoft Visual Studio and used
to compile user-defined functions. (Compiler Requirements for Windows Systems)

Battery Model

• The dual-potential MSMD-based battery model is no longer an add-on module. It can be now
accessed in the standard way through either Outline View or the Physics ribbon tab (Models
group). Existing script and journal files will still run and do not require modification.

• For the dual-potential MSMD-based battery model, the user-accessible functions have been
deprecated and replaced by the following user-defined functions (UDFs) making it easier to
customize your battery model parameters:

– DEFINE_BATTERY_ECHEM_MODEL: To specify the voltage-current relationship used in the

user-defined electrochemical model.

– DEFINE_BATTERY_ENTROPIC_HEAT: To compute the entropic heat term in your battery

thermal analysis.

– DEFINE_BATTERY_NEWMAN_BV_RATE: To customize the Butler-Volmer rate used in the

Newman's P2D model.

– DEFINE_BATTERY_NEWMAN_OCP: To customize the open circuit potential used in the

Newman's P2D model for both anode and cathode.

– DEFINE_BATTERY_NEWMAN_POSTPROCESSING: To export Newman's P2D model results.

– DEFINE_BATTERY_NEWMAN_PROP_ELECTRODE: To compute the electrode material

properties (such as lithium diffusion coefficient in solid anode or cathode).

– DEFINE_BATTERY_NEWMAN_PROP_ELECTROLYTE: To compute the electrolyte material

properties (such as lithium ion diffusion coefficient, ion conductivity, transference number,
and activity function).

– DEFINE_BATTERY_PARAMETER_ECM: To specify your own parameters for the ECM model.

– DEFINE_BATTERY_PARAMETER_NTGK: to specify your own U and Y functions used in

the NTGK model.

For more information about these functions, see Battery Model DEFINE Macros in the Fluent
Customization Manual.

• In addition to the existing surface-based file format, you can now provide a virtual battery
connection file in the active zone volume-based format. (Specifying Electric Contacts)

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 75

• For the CHT Coupling and FMU-CHT Coupling solution methods, you can now specify energy
sources using profiles. (Inputs for the CHT Coupling Method, Inputs for the FMU-CHT Coupling

• For a pack simulation that uses the CHT Coupling solution method, you can now enable Use
Same Settings for All Zones to define all energy sources simultaneously. (Inputs for the CHT
Coupling Method)

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) With Unresolved Electrolyte Model

• For the SOFC with unresolved electrolyte model, the Anode Interface, Cathode Interface,
and Enable Tortuosity check boxes have been removed (Electrolyte and Tortuosity tab of
the SOFC Model dialog box). These options are now automatically applied to selected zones.

Coupled Simulations

• For command line runs, active surface thermal coupling between two Fluent applications, one
running in transient and one running in steady state is now supported.

• You can now export the relevant Fluent input files (.cas, .dat, .scp) to a specified directory from
Workbench, should you need to perform a co-simulation run outside of Workbench. To do
this, right-click the System Coupling Setup cell and select Export System Coupling Setup.

• For cases with active volumetric thermal coupling with AEDT solver via System Coupling, the
coupling code has been extended to support moving bodies on the coupling interface. Both
translational and rotational motion specified using profile-based node motion are supported.

Beta Features

• There are also some exciting new enhancements available as beta features that you may be
interested in trying out. Detailed documentation is in the Fluent 2021 R1 Beta Features Manual.

1.2.3. Fluent Applications

New features available in the client applications of ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1 are listed below.

Fluent Remote Visualization Client

• place holder

Fluent Icing

Fluent Icing allows users to easily conduct in-flight icing simulations within a dedicated Fluent
Application Client environment. The following additional functionality has been added in this

• Fluent Icing is now part of the Enterprise feature-set of Fluent. Icing is available in the Fluent
Launcher by selecting Enterprise in the Capability Level.

• A single cell zone or a group of cell zones can now be selected for Icing computations.

• The “Set to default Air properties” command automatically sets the air properties, suggested
for icing simulations, from the current reference air temperature conditions.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
76 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Updates Affecting ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1 Code Behavior

• In Boundary Conditions, Inlets with custom velocity directions will be automatically normalized.
Pressure inlets can now be used for EID computations.

• Appendix Conditions are now only configurable from the ribbon. If enabled, Fluent Icing will
verify that the current reference conditions respect the Appendix.

• Rotating cell zones, relative frame of references and rotating walls are now supported.

Fluent Aero (Beta)

• Fluent Aero allows users to easily explore the aerodynamic performance of aircraft under a
wide range of flight regimes, from subsonic to hypersonic condition, all within a dedicated
Fluent Application Client environment. A streamlined workflow guides the user through the
creation of a matrix of flight conditions or design points where single and multiple flight
parameters, such as AoA, Mach number, altitude, etc., can vary. Most common models, solvers
and convergence settings of Fluent are tuned using the latest best practices for external
aerodynamic problems and are available in Fluent Aero’s user interface. In this manner, simu-
lations can be conducted in a quicker and more user-friendly environment.

• The full capabilities of Fluent remain accessible when its session is displayed through Fluent

• Beta tutorials have also been added and provide examples on how to conduct exploratory
simulations using single and multiple flight parameters.

1.3. Updates Affecting ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1 Code Behavior

The following sections list the code changes in ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1.
1.3.1. Meshing Mode
1.3.2. Solution Mode
1.3.3. Fluent Applications


1.3.1. Meshing Mode

This section contains a list of code changes implemented in the meshing mode of ANSYS Fluent 2021
R1 that may cause behavior and/or output that is different from the previous release.

Fault-tolerant Meshing Workflows

• Some changes have been made with repsect to geometry zones and labels:

– Geometry zones will no longer use the "geom-" prefix. Instead, geometry zones will
now use the "origin-" prefix.

– Geometry labels will no longer use the "object" prefix.

Note that these changes include versioning control, therefore all previous journals and workflow
files created after version 2020 R1 should not be affected. For versions prior to 2020 R1, however,
changes to journals and workflow files may be necessary.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 77

• Volume meshes have changed from previous releases since prism layers were also being
generated on interfaces. Now, prism layers will be ignored as expected if you have selected
"only walls" during volume mesh generation.

Mesh Generation

• The Rapid Octree mesher now ensures that if you assign more than one size function to a face
zone (as part of the Boundary Projection treatment), the minimum specified level is always
used (rather than the level that was assigned first).

1.3.2. Solution Mode

This section contains a list of code changes implemented in the solution mode of ANSYS Fluent 2021
R1 that may cause behavior and/or results that are different from the previous release.


• Cell-related quantities such as Active Cell Partition, Cell Reynolds Number, and so on that are
exported to Common Fluids Format - Post, will only have their values exported at cell centers.
This may result in there now being differences between results viewed in EnSight when com-
pared to results viewed in CFD-Post. These variables are indicated by the cve code in Common
Fluids Format - Post Files in the Fluent User's Guide. The difference is because previously these
cell-centered values were interpolated to the nodes.

• The writing of Fluent project files (.flprj) is different compared to the previous release in
the following ways:

– Fluent project files are no longer written when manually exporting data to the Common
Fluids Format - Post format using the Export dialog box.

– Fluent project files are still written when automatically saving case and data files (using the
Autosave dialog box) and when exporting data to the Common Fluids Format - Post
format during a transient calculation (using the Automatic Export dialog box), but only
when Fluent is set up to save files in the default Common Fluids Format (CFF); that is, the
project files are no longer saved in these circumstances if you have requested the saving
of legacy format files (for example, by entering the following text command: file/cff-
files? no).

– When running Fluent in Workbench, any Fluent project files that are saved as part of auto-
matic saving / exporting will reference not only the first set of case and data files and those
saved at the automatic rate, but now will also reference the final set of files that are calcu-

• CGNS export of solution data is in HDF5 format by default. You can change the export format
to ADF by selecting this option in the Export dialog box (in the Format group box). Alternat-
ively, you can answer No to the Format/HDF5? prompt when exporting solution data using
the file/export/cgns text command.


• As noted in the earlier section on new features in ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1, the one-to-one inter-
face method is now enabled by default when creating mesh interfaces. While using this
method is generally more convenient and advantageous, you can disable it (if, for example,

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
78 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Updates Affecting ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1 Code Behavior

you need to create mesh interfaces that use certain options, such as the Periodic Boundary
Condition option or the Mapped option) using the following text command: define/mesh-

Note the following changes that are related to the default use of the one-to-one interface
creation method:

– All of the mesh interfaces in a case file should now be created using the same method. If
mesh interfaces already exist and you use the previous text command to change the
method, you will be prompted to authorize that the existing mesh interfaces are deleted
(when disabling the one-to-one method) or converted (when enabling the one-to-one
method) as necessary. When converting, all incompatible settings in the mesh interfaces
will be disabled. Conversion can be useful if you want to update old case files that were
created in a previous version of Fluent.

– The user interface for creating mesh interfaces has changed to better support the new default

– The format for listing one-to-one mesh interfaces in the console is improved.

– The delimiter used in the name of one-to-one mesh interfaces and their interface interior
zones is changed. For example, a mesh interface and interface interior zone named in-
tf:01-stator_int-rotor_int in a previous release is now named in-

– The boundary zones of type interface created by the following text command are now one-
to-one zones: mesh/modify-zones/mrf-to-sliding-mesh.

For details on creating mesh interfaces, see Using a Non-Conformal Mesh in ANSYS Fluent.

• The dialog boxes and text commands used for the legacy mesh adaption setup are no longer
accessible; these were previously available when the mesh/adapt/revert-to-R19.2-
user-interface text command was enabled. For information about the supported user
interface for mesh adaption, see Adapting the Mesh.

Boundary Conditions

• For the Mass-Flow Inlet boundary condition, the defaults have changed as follows:

Old Default New Default

Mass Flow Specification Method Quantity
Value Value
Mass Flow Rate Mass Flow Rate 1 0
Mass Flux Mass Flux 1 0
Mass Flux with Average Mass Flux Mass Flux 1 0

• For the Eulerian multiphase simulations, the Mass-Flow Inlet boundary condition has the fol-
lowing new defaults:

– The default Slip Velocity Specification Method has changed from Velocity Ratio to Volume

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 79

– For the Volume Fraction slip velocity specification method, the default value of Volume
Fraction has changed from 0.5 to 0.

Reacting Flows

• For cases that involve the non-premixed and partially premixed combustion models with the
Chemical Equilibrium state relation, the default solver has been changed from CPROPEP to
Constrained Equilibrium (CEQ). The CEQ solver is more robust and yields more accurate results
for all range of equivalence ratio. As a result, you may notice slight improved changes in the
PDF grid distribution.

• The directory of the default thermodynamic database file thermo.db has been changed from
/fluent/cpropep/data/thermo.db to /fluent/isat/data/thermo.db in your
ANSYS Fluent installation area. The file content has not been modified.

Multiphase Models

• The algorithm of the Explicit volume fraction formulation has been improved in order to
achieve higher accuracy and robustness for applications that involve frame motion, mesh
motion or dynamic mesh. The improvements include the following:

– The estimation methods for the Velocity Based and Hybrid sub time step sizes are now
based on relative velocity of the fluid. In previous releases, these methods were based on
absolute velocity of the fluid.

– Interface advection in the Geo-Reconstruct method now incorporates relative velocity of

the fluid.

Consequently, you may obtain more accurate solution results for such applications.


• The 1st order solution correction scheme for poor mesh numerics (which is enabled by default)
is improved, such that the runtime performance is optimized when it is applied to a large
percentage of the mesh cells (either because they are bad or selected through a user-defined
register). For details on poor mesh numerics, see Robustness with Meshes of Poor Quality.

• The Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) solver is improved so that on the average the calculations are
faster for transient simulations and cases that have the Laplace Coarsening option enabled
in the Multigrid tab of the Advanced Solution Controls dialog box.

• A correction made to the momentum equation residuals computation means that residual
values could change slightly when compared with residuals from a previous release.

• The default behavior of the solver is improved:

– When using the pressure-based solver, the correction form of the discretized momentum
equation is now enabled by default, which may result in faster calculations when using the
double-precision solver compared to previous releases. For details on other possible benefits,
see Using the Correction Form of Momentum Discretization. Previously this correction form
was used only if enabled manually through the following text command: solve/set/ad-

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
80 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Updates Affecting ANSYS Fluent 2021 R1 Code Behavior

– The warped-face gradient correction is now enhanced, to improve the accuracy of polyhedral
and tetrahedral mesh simulations that include a boundary condition with a pressure jump.

– For cells on the axis of 2D axisymmetric swirling flows, a ghost cell approach is now used
as part of the gradient limiting process to improve accuracy.

– For simulations that use the Green-Gauss Node Based gradient method and/or the warped-
face gradient correction (WFGC), a weighting is now used to improve the accuracy of
gradient calculations in high-aspect-ratio cells adjacent to symmetry faces.

– The Green-Gauss Node Based gradient method is now enhanced to ensure the consistent
application of poor mesh numerics when calculating with different numbers of processes.

– For the pressure-based solver, the Mach number that is normal to the boundary (rather than
the full inflow Mach number) is now used to determine if the flow is supersonic, as part of
the specification of the boundary conditions at pressure inlets; this can help resolve conver-
gence issues in some cases.

If you suspect that an individual case is being negatively impacted by these solver enhance-
ments, you can undo them by using the following text command: solve/set/previous-
defaults/undo-2021r1-default-changes?. The prompts will allow you to undo some
or all of the changes. Note that you can also use this text command to enable these improve-
ments for a case that was set up in an earlier release.

Graphics, Reporting, and Postprocessing

• [Image capture using journals/scripts]: The display/set-window text command no longer

works for "reserved" windows, that is, windows that are displayed automatically once the
solver begins calculating (such as residuals, report plots, and animation images). Use the
display/set-window-by-name text command to make "reserved" windows active.

• The Highlight Surfaces | Highlight Zones option is removed from all dialog boxes, including
Pathlines, Surface Report Definitions and more. You can enable the Hover-Over Highlight
option under Selections in the Appearance branch of Preferences (accessed via File>Prefer-
ences...), which improves upon the functionality of the old option.

• Solution XY Plots with Node Values disabled now display boundary face values by default,
when available. This may lead to differences with results displayed in previous releases. To
revert to the old behavior, set the plot/set-boundary-val-off text command to yes.

• (Parallel Fluent sessions) Mesh displays with Edges enabled and either Feature or Outline
selected will not show any partition lines by default. This default behavior is controlled by the
Remove partition lines option in the Graphics branch of Preferences (accessed via

If it appears that your model is de-featured or faces are collapsed, try reducing the Partition
line removal tolerance setting in Preferences. Conversely, if you are still seeing fragments
of partition lines, try increasing the Partition line tolerance.

• Non-persistent graphics objects (ones without a Name field), that is, contours, vectors, pathlines,
particle tracks, and XY plots that are typically accessed by clicking the Edit... option, are re-
moved from the user interface by default. If this disrupts your workflow and you cannot proceed
with the persistent graphics objects that are saved to your case file, then you must enable the

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 81

Expose non-persistent graphics option in the Graphics branch of Preferences (accessed by

File>Preferences...). Note that the text user interface (TUI) commands for the non-persistent
graphics objects are also hidden by default, but they will still work without using the preference.

User-Defined Functions (UDFs)

• The built-in compiler (Clang 10.0.0) that is included as part of the Fluent installation for Windows
is now used automatically when compiling user-defined functions if Fluent determines that
you have not installed a compiler on your machine. You now only have to enable the built-in
compiler manually if you have installed a version of Microsoft Visual Studio or Clang on your
machine that is older and not supported. For details, see Compiling a UDF Using the GUI in
the Fluent Customization Manual.

Load Managers

• When running Fluent using Univa (formerly Sun) Grid Engine (UGE/SGE) software, if you use
custom UGE/SGE scripts instead of relying on the standard Fluent option (either the
-scheduler=sge option from the command line or the Use SGE option in Fluent Launcher),
your environment variables related to the job scheduler will no longer be used unless you in-
clude the following environment variable in your script: FLUENT_LM_CHECK_ENABLE=1.

1.3.3. Fluent Applications

This section contains a list of code changes implemented in the client applications of ANSYS Fluent
2021 R1 that may cause behavior and/or output that is different from the previous release.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
82 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 2: CFX Release Notes
The following sections contain release information for Release 2021 R1 of ANSYS CFX.
2.1. Supported Platforms
2.2. New Features and Enhancements
2.3. Incompatibilities

2.1. Supported Platforms

Platform/OS levels that are supported in the current release are posted on the ANSYS website.

2.2. New Features and Enhancements

This section lists features and enhancements that are new in Release 2021 R1 of ANSYS CFX.

• Turboshaft-related simulations that are coupled with GT-SUITE can now send torque data to GT-SUITE
and apply the returned value of shaft speed to domain rotation. For details, see Turboshaft Setup
Tab in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.

• GT-SUITE initialization can now add monitors for GT-SUITE interfaces and GT-SUITE Turboshaft functions.
For details, see Monitoring Tab in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.

• The energy equation now includes a source term to account for the effects of angular acceleration.
For details, see Rotational Forces in the CFX-Solver Theory Guide.

• You can define and work with a custom coordinate system, for example to use turbomachinery-related
coordinates to position injection holes on a curved surface. For details, see Coordinate System
Definition in the CFX-Pre User's Guide and Export CSV Command in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.

• The Generalized k-Omega (GEKO) model can now be used with transitional turbulence. The GEKO
model is a two-equation model, based on the k-Omega model formulation, but with the flexibility
to tune the model over a wide range of flow scenarios. For details on the GEKO model, see GEKO
model in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide. For details on the Transitional Turbulence settings, see
ANSYS CFX Laminar-Turbulent Transition Models in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

• Peak memory usage is now reported in the CFX-Solver Output (*.out) file.

• There are two new direct start methods: Open MPI Local Parallel, Open MPI Distributed
Parallel. For related information, see CFX-Solver Start Methods in the CFX-Solver Manager User's

• In the previous release, there were two methods for capturing viewer images:

– Software rendering

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 83

– Screen capture

In Release 2021 R1, the screen capture method has been replaced by an off-screen rendering method
that uses compatible graphics hardware to quickly produce images like those shown in the viewer.
Unlike the screen capture method, the off-screen rendering method allows you to specify the image


For details, see Viewer Setup in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.

2.3. Incompatibilities
This section describes the operational changes, the procedural changes (actions that have to be done
differently in this release to get an outcome available in Release 2020 R2), and the support changes
(functionality that is no longer supported) in Release 2021 R1 of ANSYS CFX.

• The RPI wall boiling model setting Fixed Yplus for Liquid Subcooling has been moved. The setting
appeared in two places, and now appears in two different places as follows:

– In the domain details view, on the Boundary Models tab, the setting was under Fluid Pair >
[Fluid pair name] > Wall Boiling Model, and has moved to under Fluid > [Fluid name] > Wall
Boiling Model > Boundary Layer Liquid Temperature.

– In the boundary details view, the setting was on the Fluid Pair Values tab, under Fluid Pairs >
[Fluid pair name] > Wall Boiling Model, and has moved to the Fluid Values tab, under Boundary
Conditions > [Fluid name] > Wall Boiling Model > Boundary Layer Liquid Temperature.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
84 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 3: CFD-Post Release Notes
The following sections contain release information for Release 2021 R1 of ANSYS CFD-Post.
3.1. Supported Platforms
3.2. New Features and Enhancements
3.3. Incompatibilities
3.4. Updates Affecting Code Behavior

3.1. Supported Platforms

Platform/OS levels that are supported in the current release are posted on the ANSYS website.


CFD-Post on SUSE 12, when running through NICE DCV 2020, requires environment variable

3.2. New Features and Enhancements

This section lists features and enhancements that are new in Release 2021 R1 of ANSYS CFD-Post.

• GPU Accelerated Animation mode now supports multiple disturbances and mesh deformation (for
example, for blade flutter).

• You can now save GPU Accelerated Animations to movie files.

• Coloring with contour bands (see Contour in the CFD-Post User's Guide) is now possible when coloring
by ordinary variables, not just variables derived from Fourier coefficient data.


– Coloring with contour bands requires graphics hardware that supports GPU rendering.
As mentioned below under Incompatibilities (p. 86), the preference that controls the
activation of GPU rendering (turned on by default) has been renamed and moved to a
new location within the preferences.

– The existing contour plot feature (see Contour Command in the CFD-Post User's Guide)
is similar to coloring with contour bands, and can be used as an alternative, for example
if GPU rendering is unavailable.

• In the previous release, there were two methods for capturing viewer images:

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 85

– Software rendering

– Screen capture

In Release 2021 R1, the screen capture method has been replaced by an off-screen rendering method
that uses compatible graphics hardware to quickly produce images like those shown in the viewer.
Unlike the screen capture method, the off-screen rendering method allows you to specify the image


For details, see Viewer Setup in the CFD-Post User's Guide.

3.3. Incompatibilities
This section describes the operational changes, the procedural changes (actions that have to be done
differently in this release to get an outcome available in Release 2020 R2), and the support changes
(functionality that is no longer supported) in Release 2021 R1 of CFD-Post.

• CFD-Post does not support reading results files from Mechanical Application Release 2021 R1 or later.

• The preference that controls the activation of GPU rendering has been renamed and moved. The
preference was renamed from GPU Accelerated Animation for Fourier Coefficient Variables to
Enable GPU Rendering. The preference was moved from Option > CFD-Post > Turbo to Option >
CFD-Post > General > Advanced. For details, see Advanced in the CFD-Post User's Guide.

3.4. Updates Affecting Code Behavior

This section mentions changes that may cause the computed results from ANSYS CFD-Post to differ
between Release 2021 R1 and Release 2020 R2.

For non-TBR cases, expression Current Time Step now reflects the current time step of the current
solver run. For non-TBR cases in the previous release, this expression always matched expression Accu-
mulated Time Step.

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86 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 4: TurboSystem Release Notes
TurboSystem is a set of software applications and software features that help you to perform turboma-
chinery analyses in ANSYS Workbench. For details, see Introduction in the TurboSystem User's Guide.

These release notes cover:

• Turbo Setup system

• Performance Map system

• Vista AFD, Vista CCD, Vista CPD and Vista RTD

• Turbo Mesh cell

• Vista TF

These release notes do not cover:

• ANSYS BladeModeler (see ANSYS BladeModeler Release Notes (p. 91))

• TurboGrid (see TurboGrid Release Notes (p. 89))

• CFX-Pre (see CFX Release Notes (p. 83))

• CFD-Post (see CFD-Post Release Notes (p. 85))


After reviewing the TurboSystem release notes, you are encouraged to see Usage Notes,
which describes some known TurboSystem workflow issues and recommended practices for
overcoming these issues.

4.1. Supported Platforms

Platform/OS levels that are supported in the current release are posted on the Platform Support section
of the ANSYS Website.

4.2. New Features and Enhancements

This section lists features and enhancements that are new in Release 2021 R1 of TurboSystem.

Release 2021 R1 of TurboSystem has no new features or enhancements.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 87
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
88 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 5: TurboGrid Release Notes
The following sections contain release information for Release 2021 R1 of ANSYS TurboGrid.
5.1. Supported Platforms
5.2. New Features and Enhancements

5.1. Supported Platforms

Platform/OS levels that are supported in the current release are posted on the ANSYS website.

5.2. New Features and Enhancements

This section lists features and enhancements that are new in Release 2021 R1 of ANSYS TurboGrid.

• There is a new and advanced meshing approach, ATM3D, which complements the existing approach,
ATM, by providing superior meshes for some geometries.

As a prerequisite for using ATM3D, you must set a preference (Edit > Options) to enable advanced
features. ATM3D can be enabled for a given session from the Topology Set object editor. You can
set a preference to have ATM3D be the default meshing approach for all future sessions of TurboGrid.


Your feedback on the ATM3D meshing approach would be greatly appreciated and could
help to guide further developments.

For details, see ATM3D (Advanced) in the TurboGrid User's Guide.

• In the previous release, there were two methods for capturing viewer images:

– Software rendering

– Screen capture

In Release 2021 R1, the screen capture method has been replaced by an off-screen rendering method
that uses compatible graphics hardware to quickly produce images like those shown in the viewer.
Unlike the screen capture method, the off-screen rendering method allows you to specify the image


For details, see Use Off-screen Rendering for Printing in the TurboGrid User's Guide.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 89
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
90 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 6: ANSYS BladeModeler Release Notes
The following sections contain release information for Release 2021 R1 of BladeGen and BladeEditor.
6.1. Supported Platforms
6.2. BladeGen
6.3. BladeEditor

6.1. Supported Platforms

Platform/OS levels that are supported in the current release are posted on the ANSYS website.

6.2. BladeGen

6.2.1. New Features and Enhancements

This section lists features and enhancements that are new in Release 2021 R1 of ANSYS BladeGen.

• In the context menu for the Blade Design cell of a BladeGen system, the Import Existing Case
command now allows you to import a Neutral Data File (.xml). The command continues to allow
you to import a BladeGen File (.bgd).

6.3. BladeEditor

6.3.1. New Features and Enhancements

This section lists features and enhancements that are new in Release 2021 R1 of ANSYS BladeEditor.

• For variable hub blends, you can fine tune the blade hold line by setting blade (or independent
splitter) property "Blade Hold Line Option" to the new option, "User Defined", and then editing
blade hold line sub-features. For details, see Blades made using Camberline/Thickness Sub-features
in the TurboSystem User's Guide and Blade Hold Lines for Variable Blends in the TurboSystem User's

• For variable hub blends, you can split the faces at the blade hold line by setting the new blade (or
independent splitter) feature property "Split Blade Faces at Hold Line" to "Yes". For details, see
Blades made using Camberline/Thickness Sub-features in the TurboSystem User's Guide and Blade
Hold Line in the TurboSystem User's Guide.

• In the context menu for the (DesignModeler) Geometry cell of a Geometry system, there is a new
menu command, Export BladeModeler NDF File, which exports a set of Neutral Data Files (.xml),
one file per FlowPath feature. For details, see Writing a Neutral Data File (*.xml) in the TurboSystem
User's Guide.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 91

• There is a new preference: Load NDF Updates Model. With this preference set to "Yes" (default)
loading an NDF file causes any existing features to be updated by any features of the same names
from the NDF file. This enables you to update the BladeEditor geometry as part of a batch process.

To instead ensure that a new flow path and associated blades are created when loading an NDF
file, set this preference to "No".

BladeEditor preferences are described in User Preferences and Properties in the TurboSystem User's

• BladeEditor now supports user-defined spanwise distribution of thickness when loading an NDF
file from BladeGen. For details, see Blades made using Camberline/Thickness Sub-features in the
TurboSystem User's Guide.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
92 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 7: Polyflow Release Notes
The following sections contain release information for ANSYS Polyflow 2021 R1.
7.1. New Features
7.2. Supported Platforms
7.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations in ANSYS Polyflow 2021 R1

7.1. New Features

The new features in ANSYS Polyflow 2021 R1 are as follows:

• As of ANSYS Polyflow 2021 R1, the classic direct solver is no longer supported.

• An additional interpolation scheme (Linear velocities, linear pressure) is available for 3D flows
(except for MST and viscoelastic flows), that corresponds to a linear representation of the velocity
field and the pressure field in each element.

• New default settings are available that make it easier when defining remeshing, contact flows,
and pressing applications in addition to reducing the need for and the number of trials before
reaching the solution.

7.2. Supported Platforms

For information about past, present, and future operating system and platform support, see the Platform
Support section of the ANSYS Website.

7.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations in ANSYS Polyflow 2021 R1

This section lists limitations that existed in previous releases, but that were removed in ANSYS Polyflow
2021 R1.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 93
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
94 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 8: Forte Release Notes
The enhancements and defect corrections listed below are for Release 2021 R1.
8.1. New Features and Enhancements
8.2. Resolved Issues and Limitations

8.1. New Features and Enhancements

This section lists new features and enhancements in Release 2021 R1 of ANSYS Forte CFD, organized
by topic.

Simulation Interface

• New Built-In Fluid-Structure Interactions (FSI) under System Controls allows simulation of check
valves and reed valves, for example:

– Beam Bending

– Spring-mass rigid-body translation or rotation

• Additional options for determining unburned conditions when calculating flame speeds used in
the flame-propagation model, under Chemistry > Flame Speed

– Renamed the Legacy option to Find Nearest Unburned Cell without Volume Search.

– Added new option Volume Search with Variable Radius, where the search radius adjusts to
the cell size and a criterion of coldest temperature is added to the search.

– No change to the default option Volume Search with Fixed Radius.

• Under Monitor Probes, a new option, "Patternator", is included to allow collection of accumulated
spray data on a surface.

• Under Spatially Resolved and Spray Output, new options have been added:

– A check box will enable monitoring of fluid "pockets" that form in screw and scroll com-
pressor simulations.

– New Spray Penetration Analysis option allows penetration lengths to be calculated for
a whole injector (JSAE 2715 definition), in addition to the existing nozzle-hole based

– A check box will enable Itemized Wall Film Mass and Impinged Mass reporting in
*.csv files. When checked, this option will output wall-film data from each nozzle hole
to each wall boundary.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 95

– A check box will enable equivalence-ratio analysis data, including histogram data and
Monitor data for cumulative equivalence-ratio distributions.

Job Submission, Monitoring, and Runing Options

• For Built-in FSI simulations, the Monitor will include display of FSI Outputs, such as the surface
displacement and the integrated pressure force.

• When rotational or planetary motion is specified as one of the boundary conditions, torque and
power outputs are reported, for each rotor, to the Monitor.

• When selected in the Simulation Interface under Spatially Resolved and Spray Outputs, other
data will be available to plot in the Monitor:

– Equivalence ratio cumulative distributions

– Itemized wall-film mass and impinged mass

– Average pressure and volume for each pocket when Pocket Tracking is enabled.

Engineering Models and Computation

• Significant improvement in the performance of real-gas simulations; the performance is now very
close to that of ideal gas, for any size chemistry mechanism.

• When Built-In FSI options are enabled, additional equations are solved to dynamically determine the
surface location, motion and deformation, coupled to the fluid motion. The equations correspond to
the two Built-In FSI options:

– For Beam Bending, Euler Beam theory is applied for cantilever deformation of a body that is
fixed on one end and has fluid forces applied as a point load, a distributed load, or a partially
distributed load.

– For the spring-mass-damper system, Hooke's law is applied.

Tutorials and Verification Manual

• A new tutorial is added for a piston-compression air pump, which demonstrates the Built-in FSI
capability with pressure-actuated check valves.

8.2. Resolved Issues and Limitations

For a list of issues that have been resolved in Release 2021 R1, refer to the Resolved Issues and Limitations
document on the ANSYS Help site.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
96 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 9: Chemkin-Pro Release Notes
The following sections contain release information for Release 2021 R1 of Chemkin-Pro:
9.1. New Features and Enhancements
9.2. Resolved Issues and Limitations

9.1. New Features and Enhancements


• Chemkin-Pro can now be run through ANSYS Workbench. See Integration with ANSYS Work-
bench (p. 97) below for more information.

• Opposed-piston engines can now be set up through the Chemkin-Pro UI for any of the Internal
Combustion Engine models: Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI), Multi-zone HCCI,
Spark-ignited (SI) engine, or Direct-injected (DI) Diesel engine. Two options for opposed, dual-
piston motion are provided.

• Significantly improved performance in real-gas calculations bring the real-gas performance very
close to that of ideal-gas for all mechanism sizes.

• Significant improvement to the vaporization behavior in the DI Diesel model allows more phys-
ically realistic results for multicomponent fuels or fuels that contain high boiling-point components.

• (BETA) New liquid-kinetics reactors are available through the Preferences Models tab. The Liquid
closed-homogeneous reactor or Liquid plug-flow reactor allow use of new liquid-kinetics formal-
isms for liquid-liquid reactions. These are documented in the Chemkin-Pro Beta Features Manual.


• For tracking particulates (that is, carbon-black or soot particles) in combustors, Energico now
allows the use of the Sectional Method in the equivalent-reactor-network (ERN) simulations. An
added panel in the Energico ERN creation step allows user control of the particle size-distribution
tracking behavior.

Model Fuel Library

• A new pre-reduced mechanism has been added for hydrogen combustion that is relevant for
any range of pressure and temperature.

Integration with ANSYS Workbench

• Chemkin-Pro can now be run through ANSYS Workbench. This allows parameterized workflows,
as well as access to design of experiments, response-surface generation and optimization, using
Ansys tools in Design Explorer. Any Chemkin-Pro reactor-model input parameter can be tagged
as an input parameter for Workbench. Similarly, any output (direct or derived) that is accessible

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 97

in the Chemkin-Pro Visualizer may be tagged as an output parameter for the Workbench work-
flows. Other Workbench capabilities that are now enabled include:

– Units control within Workbench

– Remote Solver Manager (RSM) for running parameter studies on remote machines or

– A new tutorial is available in the Chemkin-Pro Tutorials to demonstrate the use of optim-
ization for a Chemkin-Workbench workflow.

9.2. Resolved Issues and Limitations

For a list of issues that have been resolved in Release 2021 R1, refer to the Resolved Issues and Limitations
document on the ANSYS Help site.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
98 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 10: FENSAP-ICE Release Notes
The following sections contain release information for ANSYS FENSAP-ICE 2021 R1.
10.1. New Features and Enhancements in ANSYS FENSAP-ICE
10.2. Updates Affecting ANSYS FENSAP-ICE Code Behavior
10.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations

10.1. New Features and Enhancements in ANSYS FENSAP-ICE

• Vapor Nucleation Model

The simplified water vapor nucleation model which was a beta feature in the previous release is now
a full feature in FENSAP-ICE. The model assumes that all vapor above saturation is immediately con-
verted to liquid form and continue to be transported with the vapor transport system. The resulting
release of enthalpy due to condensation is added to air flow energy equation which increases the
temperature of air depending on the amount of condensation. Additionally, nucleation of water vapor
reduces vapor pressure and vapor diffusion rate in air. The model does not capture supersaturation
and serves to close the gap in engine icing simulations where high values of relative humidity was
observed in the DROP3D simulations in rapid flow expansion zones, especially near rotor tips.

Two new solution fields are added to the vapor solution file, vapor nucleation (kg/m3), which represents
the amount of water condensed on nuclei, and mass mixing ratio (g/kg), which is the ratio of water
vapor concentration to air density.

• Automatic Remeshing Using Fluent Meshing with MULTI-CFX

Automatic remeshing capabilities using Fluent Meshing have been extended to cover MULTI-CFX
simulations. In this case, a dedicated template has been implemented and can be selected from the
user interface of FENSAP-ICE. It supports only one domain inside the res file and should be used for
external icing simulations.

• Ice Cover – Turbo 3D-View

This new macro post-processes ICE3D-TURBO output files and displays them within CFD-Post’s 3D
Viewer allowing the user to view computed ice shapes/solutions on shrouds, blades and hubs. It has
similar features to the ICE Cover – 3D-View macro but extends them to cover turbo icing applications.
It currently supports single shot multi-stage turbo icing solutions.

• 2D Remeshing for Multi-Shot Icing Simulations (Beta)

The remeshing scripts that work in 3D are extended to output 2D grids by taking one symmetry
plane and extruding it to a 1-element thick (aka 2.5D) mesh, once the 3D remeshing process is
completed. This update to the meshing workflow recovers the computational time savings of 2D
simulations that were otherwise lost when using 3D grids for the solvers.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 99

• Enhanced EnSight Support

Postprocessing using EnSight is now done via the CFF file format. This largely reduces loading time
and allows you to postprocess solutions that have more than 10 million nodes. This can only be
achieved with EnSight 2021R1. The previous conversion option is available under EnSight (legacy).

10.2. Updates Affecting ANSYS FENSAP-ICE Code Behavior

• OptiGrid Startup Acceleration

OptiGeo now performs a surface-only grid read to significantly accelerate the initial CAD generation
and grid processing step performed by the graphical user interface when configuring an OptiGrid
run. Only surface edges are available for min/max edge length detection. This will help you define
these parameters in OptiGrid. The automatic application of the Y+ Constant height setting is now
limited to wall boundaries (2000-type BC families) with triangles. If this setting must be applied to
other boundaries as well (I.e. inlets under prism layers, etc.) it will have to be done manually. These
simplifications accelerate the overall startup of OptiGrid configuration about 30x times.

• OptiGrid Max Node/Cell Limit

The max cell/node limit can be disabled by entering 0 for these parameters in the configuration

• fluent2fensap

Mass flow outlets are now supported and converted to exit boundary condition type (3000 family)
in the FENSAP grid.

• fensap2fluent

New -nocells option exports a case file that only contains boundary surfaces.

• Viewmerical

The Fluent loader now displays cells in cutting planes.

• Remeshing

New visual cues have been added to help you define the minimum/maximum edge lengths of the
new mesh.

Automatically use the Fluent executable path in multishot/cfx runs inside ANSYS preferences, instead
of setting up this path in the configuration panel.

cfx2fensap converter now uses -zonebc option by default, zoneXXXX bc names will be converted
accordingly. To disable this behavior, set the environment variable to CFX2FENSAP_NO_ZONEBC.

10.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations

For a list of issues that have been resolved in Release 2021 R1, refer to the Resolved Issues and Limitations
document on the ANSYS Help website.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
100 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 11: EnSight Release Notes
The following sections contain release information for ANSYS EnSight 2021 R1.
11.1. New Features and Enhancements in ANSYS EnSight
11.2. Resolved Issues and Limitations

Help System
Under Windows and Linux, the help system utilizes the ANSYS Help Viewer and (if available), the online
ANSYS Help system to provide Help and Documentation. When working in online mode, the ANSYS
Help Viewer forwards help and documentation requests to the online location for help and document-
ation content. When working in offline mode, the ANSYS Viewer utilizes locally stored help and docu-
mentation content.

Under MacOS, a PDF version of the ANSYS online help has been installed. However, the linking from
specific Help buttons within EnSight directly to the desired Help/Documentation location is no longer
available. Users will need to navigate to the specific help or documentation content manually.

11.1. New Features and Enhancements in ANSYS EnSight

Release Notes From EnSight 2020 R1 to 2020 R2

2021 R1 is primarily a focus on further embedding into Ansys’ Toolchain, Data transfer from solver to
post processor and some user requested items. Ansys’ Toolchain embedding focuses on setting up En-
Sight-as-a-Service for an upcoming vertical application; developing a new connection mechanism to
the Optis’ VROne project; and further integrating the Nexus report capability as part of the Fluent Report
Generation capability. The Data transfer from solver to post processor consisted of continued integration
with Ansys’ CFF Post API/format; formalization of a new data transfer mechanism (DVS) for live in-situ
post processing; continued development of new readers for Ansys Mechanical and LS-Dyna (beta/alpha

• Ansys Fluids Post (CFF) Reader.

In 2021R1, The Ansys Fluids Post reader can handle data from Fluent (as, CFX (as
.cas.cff/.dat.cff) and FENSAP (.cas.fsp/.dat.fsp). For CFX based CFF data, users should
provide the reader with the Fluent Project file (.flprj) in order to successfully read the CFX CFF based
data. For Fluent based CFF Post data, users can currently provide the either Fluent Project file (.flprj)
or the files pairs directly. For the FENSAP based CFF data files, user need to provide
the .cas.fsp and .dat.fsp files to the reader dialog. These readers are under continual develop-
ment and users should be aware that these are not yet fully complete or finished.

• DVS Export/Import.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 101

The Data Visualization Store (DVS) is a new dynamic data transfer mechanism available for both export
and import into EnSight. This new mechanism allows for a dynamic live connection as well as file-
based data transfer. This mechanism handles large, pre-partitioned, data for post processing and allows
for compression on data retrieval from disk.

• Remote Launcher Console.

An output window containing debug and status information is now integrated into the Remote
Launcher console. In addition, users can use the “Terminate” button to cleanly terminate the sessions
of EnSight launched through that utility.

• EnSight available in Academic Bundle.

EnSight is now included in the Academic Free Bundle in both Student and Teacher/Research roles.
There are some restrictions on available readers, exports, and element counts depending upon the
specific license usage. Please contact academic sales representatives for more information.

• Color Annotations based on Value.

Users can now override the color of a constant value in an annotation based on the value of that
constant. For example, you can have the color of the constant value be green if less than 1, and red
if greater than 2 (and take the annotation color if neither are true).

• TempMean for Constant Variables.

Users can now compute the temporal mean (TempMean) using constant variables as inputs.

• Vertical line in scatter vs. time plotters.

There is now a vertical marker available for scatter based plots (like that previously available for other
“time” based plotters. This helps to denote the location on the plotter corresponding to the current
time. You can also drag the vertical line to a location, and EnSight will update time corresponding
to that value pair.

• Scatter plots of Parts (Query by Element Representation).

You can now create a scatter plot query based on a Part. This takes every element/node on the client-
side representation of the part and create a scatter plot of two variables on for that Part. The common
use-case will be for 2D parts (clips, isosurface).

• Multiple Constants for single Sweep Query.

When using the “Constant on Part Sweep” dialog, it is now possible to select more than 1 constant
to be queried during that operation. This will help speed up the creation of multiple constants across
a common part sweep.

• Improve transformation of camera.

To improve the consistency with Fluent user experience for view manipulation, we have added two
new options while in Ansys mode. Translate can now be done via Left + Right mouse button (screen
X/Y translation). Z Translation (akin to zoom in general sense) can now be achieved with Ctrl+Left +
Right button.

• Improvements to Element Filtering.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
102 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Resolved Issues and Limitations

When filtering parts, previously only the elements were removed, leaving the nodes of filtered away
elements remaining. Now, the nodes are also filtered out. This helps maintain correct ranges, calcula-
tions, and palettes when using nodal variables.

• New Filter Part.

Previously, only model parts could be filtered. There is now a new Filter part, which creates a new
part based on the filtering criteria. This allows for filtering to be applied at a created part level, rather
than only at the model part level. This opens up the flexibility in creating multiple parts (some having
filtering, and other not).

• Scale Ruler in Viewport.

Users can display a ruler in the viewport to illustrate scale of the visualization. This requires that or-
thographic view is also enabled (turn OFF perspective).

• Removal of VRML export.

We have removed the long since unsupported VRML export. User attempting to utilize this type of
output should be utilizing the GLTF/GLB export in the same Save Geometric Entities export dialog.

• OneDrive Locations (Reparse Points).

By default EnSight’s File Open dialog does not show Reparse Point locations (which is used by
OneDrive). The Reparse Points may not map uniquely and consistently to fixed locations resulting in
potentially unresolvable physical locations for the data files that EnSight uses. User may be able to
bypass this by typing in the directory name, but the general use of Reparse Points is not generally
supported. In EnSight 2021 R1, users can turn on the display of Reparse Point directories by setting
the environmental variable ‘ENSIGHT_INCLUDE_REPARSE_POINTS’ to ‘1’.

• Updated UDILs for Image Save.

Updated the TIFF UDIL for “deep image” pixel saving. The TIFF UDIL now includes the option (via
Python scripting) to save, along with the color, at each pixel the original variable value (if any) that
generated the pixel coloring, the name and units of the variable and the part name (if any) that each
pixel represents.

11.2. Resolved Issues and Limitations

For a list of issues that have been resolved in Release 2021 R1, refer to the Resolved Issues and Limitations
document on the ANSYS Help website.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 103
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
104 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Part 3: ANSYS Electronics Products
Release notes are available for the following ANSYS Electronics products:

Icepak (p. 107)

Chapter 1: Icepak Release Notes
Release 2021 R1 of the ANSYS Icepak application offers most of the capabilities from previous releases
plus many new features and enhancements.

• Introduction (p. 107)

• New and Modified Features in ANSYS Icepak 2021 R1 (p. 107)

• Resolved Issues and Limitations in ANSYS Icepak 2021 R1 (p. 108)

1.1. Introduction
ANSYS Icepak 2021 R1 is a release of ANSYS Icepak that has new features and resolved issues and lim-

1.2. New and Modified Features in ANSYS Icepak 2021 R1


– Added the ability to display CTM powermap in the specified Resolution.

– Added the ability to display CTM powermaps using a logscale colormap for improved contrast
while viewing power distributions.

– Added the capability to import ECAD whose origin is not centered at [0,0] into package object.

– Added the ability to auto-size or specify the dimensions of a package bounding box when
importing ECAD.

• Import/Export

– Added the ability to export CTM as SIwave powermaps and assign to block objects.

• Meshing

– Added the forced projection of nodes to assembly interfaces setting in Meshing preferences.

– Added the ability to edit per-assembly meshing parameters in a tabulated format.

– Added the ability to specify per-object minimum and maximum refine levels when per-object
size function is enabled.

– Added the ability to edit size region in each assembly's multi-level mesh settings.

• Object Parameters

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 107

– Added the ability to specify piecewise linear temperature-dependent power to network nodes.

– Added the capability to automatically rename a network face node when using the alignment tool.

• Post-Processing

– Added precision settings for time format in Post-processing preferences.

– Added the ability to specify range when saving object face (facet) contours as profile.

– Added the ability to specify All, solids only, or fluids only for plane cuts.

• Reports

– Added the ability to report all sides of 2D objects for summary reports.

• Solution Monitoring

– Added the capability to monitor heat flow on 2D flow boundary as flow rate of enthalpy.

• Solver Settings

– Add the ability to save and load Parallel settings.

1.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations in ANSYS Icepak 2021 R1

For a list of issues that have been resolved in Release 2021 R1, refer to the Resolved Issues and Limitations
document on the ANSYS Help website.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
108 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Part 4: ANSYS Optical Products
Release notes are available for the following ANSYS optical products:

ANSYS SPEOS (p. 111)

SPEOS for NX (p. 115)
SPEOS for Creo Parametric (p. 117)
ANSYS Optical Labs (p. 119)
SPEOS HPC (p. 121)
Chapter 1: ANSYS SPEOS Release Notes
The following sections present the new features, enhancements and changes for ANSYS SPEOS 2021
R1 release.
1.1. New Features
1.2. Enhancements
1.3. Changes
1.4. Resolved Issues and Limitations

1.1. New Features

This section describes the new features introduced in ANSYS SPEOS 2021 R1 release.


Texture is now compatible with infrared simulation. Inverse simulations can now consider ultraviolet
and infrared contributions as they take into account wavelengths ranging from 100nm to 1000000nm.


ANSYS Cloud is now compatible with ANSYS SPEOS, allowing you to launch simulations from the SPEOS
interface or SPEOS Core using ANSYS Elastic Units.

Local Meshing

New local meshing feature allowing you to define specific areas of focus on geometries to improve
simulation results and performance.

Automatic Framing

New Automatic framing mode available that allows you to reframe the 3D view camera to obtain a
sensor's point of view.

HUD Input Parameters

The following input parameters used for HOA definition are now sent and can be retrieved through the
Optis Plugin: Eyebox origin point and X, Y, Z directions, target image look over and down angles, target
image horizontal and vertical fields of view, virtual image distance.


Grouping is now available for any SPEOS object (sources, sensors, geometries etc.). Grouping allows
you to better organize your project and save time during element selection.


Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 111
ANSYS SPEOS Release Notes

• New types of LiDAR sensors and simulations available in ANSYS SPEOS allowing you to model
scanning and rotating LiDAR systems.

• New result file format for LiDAR simulations. The *.OPTTimeOfFlight is a compresed binary file
that can store large amount of data and must be accessed through a specific set of APIs.

SPEOS Live Preview

• Illuminance sensors in inverse simulations are now supported by SPEOS Live Preview.

• Volume scattering material (*.material) files are now supported by SPEOS Live Preview whether they
are based on Henyey Greenstein equation, Gengenbauer equation or MIE model.

• Spectral intensity maps (*.XMP) used as input of a surface source definition are now supported by
SPEOS Live Preview.

Automation [BETA]

New ANSYS SPEOS APIs and model based on the SPEOS user interface.

1.2. Enhancements
This section describes the enhancements introduced in ANSYS SPEOS 2021 R1 release.

Large Assembly Management

ANSYS SPEOS performance on large assembly management has been greatly improved.

Operations like file saving/opening/closing, simulation export or SPEOS objects' update are now much
faster when working with large projects.

SPEOS Selections

• Geometries and faces' selection from the structure tree is improved and now fully functional.

• Updating or editing a surface source with an XMP intensity profile now only takes a few seconds.

Geometric Rotating LiDAR

• Geometric Rotating LiDAR simulation no longer requires optical properties to be applied on geometries
to run.

• Several visualization modes are now available for Geometric Rotating LiDAR simulation, thus allowing
you to select which type of results should be displayed in the 3D view.

1.3. Changes
This section describes the operational and support changes introduced in ANSYS SPEOS 2021 R1 release.

Support Changes

NVIDIA GPU driver version 452.06 is the new supported version for this release.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
112 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Resolved Issues and Limitations

1.4. Resolved Issues and Limitations

For a list of issues that have been resolved in Release 2021 R1, refer to the Resolved Issues and Limitations
document on the ANSYS Help website.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 113
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
114 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 2: SPEOS for NX Release Notes
The following sections present the new features, enhancements and changes for ANSYS SPEOS for NX
2021 R1 release.
2.1. New Features and Enhancements
2.2. Changes
2.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations

2.1. New Features and Enhancements

This section describes the new features and enhancements introduced in ANSYS SPEOS for NX 2021 R1


Texture is now compatible with infrared simulation. Inverse simulations can now consider ultraviolet
and infrared contributions as they take into account wavelengths ranging from 100nm to 1000000nm.

NX Visualization Mode

SPEOS no longer needs to switch NX visualization mode to display results in the 3D view.


ANSYS SPEOS for NX is now compatible with ANSYS Cloud, allowing you to launch simulations from
the SPEOS interface or SPEOS Core using ANSYS Elastic Units.

ANSYS Cloud is now compatible with ANSYS SPEOS, allowing you to launch simulations from the SPEOS
interface or SPEOS Core using ANSYS Elastic Units.


New result file format for LiDAR simulations. The *.OPTTimeOfFlight is a compressed binary file that can
store large amount of data and must be accessed through a specific set of APIs.


• New export function available for HOA simulation allowing you to export meshed geometries
to be reused in VRXPERIENCE platform.

• The following input parameters used for HOA definition are now sent and can be retrieved
through the Optis Plugin: Eyebox origin point and X, Y, Z directions, target image look over and
down angles, target image horizontal and vertical fields of view, virtual image distance.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 115
SPEOS for NX Release Notes

2.2. Changes
This section describes the operational and support changes introduced in ANSYS SPEOS for NX 2021
R1 release.

CAD Support

The support of NX 1926 series is introduced in the current release. For a complete list of CAD versions
support, refer to SPEOS for NX Installation Guide.

Support Changes

NVIDIA GPU driver version 452.06 is the new supported version for this release.

2.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations

For a list of issues that have been resolved in Release 2021 R1, refer to the Resolved Issues and Limitations
document on the ANSYS Help website.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
116 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 3: SPEOS for Creo Parametric Release Notes
The following sections present the new features, enhancements and changes for ANSYS SPEOS for Creo
Parametric 2021 R1 release.
3.1. New Features and Enhancements
3.2. Changes
3.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations

3.1. New Features and Enhancements

This section describes the new features and enhancements introduced in ANSYS SPEOS for Creo Para-
metric 2021 R1 release.


Texture is now compatible with infrared simulation. Inverse simulations can now consider ultraviolet
and infrared contributions as they take into account wavelengths ranging from 100nm to 1000000nm.


ANSYS Cloud is now compatible with SPEOS for Creo Parametric, allowing you to launch simulations
from the SPEOS interface or SPEOS Core using ANSYS Elastic Units.

Geometry Selection

Geometry selection is now supported beyond a level 12 hierarchy, that is 12 levels of sub assemblies.

3.2. Changes
This section describes the operational and support changes introduced in ANSYS SPEOS for Creo Para-
metric 2021 R1 release.

CAD Support

Creo 7 support is introduced in the current release. For a complete list of CAD versions support, refer
to SPEOS for Creo Installation Guide.

Support Changes

NVIDIA GPU driver version 452.06 is the new supported version for this release.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 117
SPEOS for Creo Parametric Release Notes

3.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations

For a list of issues that have been resolved in Release 2021 R1, refer to the Resolved Issues and Limitations
document on the ANSYS Help website.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
118 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 4: ANSYS Optical Labs Release Notes
The following sections present the new features and changes for ANSYS Optical Labs 2021 R1 release.
4.1. New Features and Enhancements
4.2. Changes
4.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations

4.1. New Features and Enhancements

This section describes the new features and enhancements introduced in ANSYS Optical Labs 2021 R1


New APIs are available for Virtual Photometric Lab, Virtual Reality Lab, Human Vision Lab and Virtual
3D Photometric Lab.

Virtual Photometric Lab

New measurement grid view available that allows you to get a visual representation of the measures
test points created on an extended map.

HR10 Displays

HDR10 displays are now supported by Virtual Reality Lab.

Material Editor

MIE model has been improved and now considers particles' absorption variation, thus making MIE
scattering results more reliable.


*.material files from previous versions need to be updated. Open the .material file in
the Material Editor and save the file to update its definition.

4.2. Changes
This section describes the operational and support changes introduced in ANSYS Optical Labs 2021 R1

Support Changes

NVIDIA GPU driver version 452.06 is the new supported version for this release.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 119
ANSYS Optical Labs Release Notes

4.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations

For a list of issues that have been resolved in Release 2021 R1, refer to the Resolved Issues and Limitations
document on the ANSYS Help website.

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120 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 5: SPEOS HPC Release Notes
The following sections present the changes and enhancements for SPEOS HPC 2021 R1 release.
5.1. Changes
5.2. Resolved Issues and Limitations

5.1. Changes
This section describes the changes introduced in SPEOS HPC 2021 R1 release.


SPEOS HPC is now integrated into the ANSYS Unified Installer from this release. Consequently, the SPEOS
HPC installation guide is deprecated and replaced by the common ANSYS Inc, Installation Guides.

For SPEOS HPC configuration, you can refer to the following section of the unified installation guide.


SPEOS HPC is now compatible with ANSYS Cloud simulations.

5.2. Resolved Issues and Limitations

For a list of issues that have been resolved in Release 2021 R1, refer to the Resolved Issues and Limitations
document on the ANSYS Help website.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 121
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
122 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Part 5: ANSYS Systems Products
Release notes are available for the following ANSYS Systems products:


Chapter 1: VRXPERIENCE Sound Release Notes
The following sections present the new features, enhancements and changes for VRXPERIENCE Sound
products 2021 R1 release.
1.1. VRXPERIENCE Sound - Analysis & Specification
1.3. VRXPERIENCE Sound - Jury Listening Test
1.4. VRXPERIENCE Sound - Car Sound Simulator

1.1. VRXPERIENCE Sound - Analysis & Specification

The following sections present the new feature and enhancements for VRXPERIENCE Sound - Analysis
& Specification 2021 R1 release.

1.1.1. New Feature

Multiple Profiles Association

Associating several profiles to a signal, such as a speed profile and a temperature profile, allows you
to plot psychoacoustics indicators according to specific factors and explain perception changes.

1.1.2. Enhancements
Intelligibility Profile and Articulation indexes

The new Intelligibility profile in the Psychoacoustics module allows you to study the perception of
human speech.

This profile computes the following indicators designed to rate the interference potential of broadband
background noises with human speech:

• Articulation Index ANSI S3.5-1969

• Articulation Index vs Time ANSI S3.5-1969

• Articulation Index Automobile (%)

• Articulation Index vs Time Automobile (%)

Sound Composer Module

The Mix table for Sound Composer allows you to mix the tracks of a Sound Composer project, dy-
namically change the state or adjust the gain of each track while playing the resulting sound. You
can now adjust the gain of each track directly from the Sound Composer project window.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 125
VRXPERIENCE Sound Release Notes

1.1.3. Resolved Issues and Limitations

For a list of issues that have been resolved in Release 2021 R1, refer to the Resolved Issues and Lim-
itations document on the ANSYS Help website.


1.2.1. Presentation
Dedicated to car manufacturers, VRXPERIENCE Sound : ASDforEV, Active Sound Design for Electric
Vehicles, is an audio design, testing and demonstration software solution for electric, hybrid, plugin
hybrid, and quiet ICE vehicles.

Plug-and-play software thanks to its Graphical User Interface designed for tablets, ASDforEV is partic-
ularly suited for on-board use.

1.2.2. Main Features

• Audio output configuration

Flexible, ASDforEV offers two audio output modes, Stereo and Multichannel, to adapt to
various audio setups, devices, and connection types.

Specific advanced settings, such as filters and spatialization parameters, are available for multi-
speaker listening environment.

• Driving environment configuration

With three driving parameters input modes, ASDforEV addresses many different use cases.

The CAN mode allows you to get external data coming from barely any source, for instance
the CAN bus of a vehicle through a CAN reader device, or a driving simulator. Use the API to
control the parameters sent to ASDforEV, or use the CAN Reader application included into
ASDforEV installation package to receive parameters from a CAN bus through a specific CAN

The Scenario mode enables you to create or edit pre-defined driving scenarios.

Finally, you can manually control each parameter directly from ASDforEV with the Manual

• Sound functions configuration

ASDforEV lets you configure the whole sound functions of a vehicle, therefore create a specific
audio signature for your brand and enhance the driving experience of drivers.

Produce a multi-layered texture for Speed and Acceleration feedback (SAF) sound function
thanks to the wavetable synthesis and the additive synthesis methods, both based on the
hybrid synthesis method.

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126 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
VRXPERIENCE Sound - Car Sound Simulator

Create a rich and interactive Advanced Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) sound function with
a frequency shift over speed complying with any local regulation or with your own standards.

Configure event-triggered sounds for Human Machine Interface (HMI), Advanced Driving
Assistance System (ADAS), and Ambiance sounds.

• Demonstrate and Compare sound configurations

Save up to 4 distinct sound configurations to be demonstrated.

In order to ease the comparison of several sound configurations, ASDforEV includes a fast
rating interface.

1.3. VRXPERIENCE Sound - Jury Listening Test

1.3.1. Change
The text entered in the Comments field is now included in the exported results.

1.3.2. Resolved Issues and Limitations

For a list of issues that have been resolved in Release 2021 R1, refer to the Resolved Issues and Lim-
itations document on the ANSYS Help website.

1.4. VRXPERIENCE Sound - Car Sound Simulator

1.4.1. Resolved Issues and Limitations

For a list of issues that have been resolved in Release 2021 R1, refer to the Resolved Issues and Lim-
itations document on the ANSYS Help website.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 127
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
128 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Part 6: ANSYS Geometry & Mesh Prep Products
Release notes are available for the following ANSYS Geometry & Mesh Prep products:

DesignModeler (p. 131)

CAD Integration (p. 133)
Meshing (p. 135)
IC Engine (p. 137)
ICEM CFD (p. 139)
Chapter 1: Geometry Release Notes
The following enhancements are available in DesignModeler Release 2021 R1:

• In the Options panel, DesignModeler > Miscellaneous includes a Show QA Services Notice option
where you can set your preference for whether a notification appears when the QA Services
environment variable is active.

• In the Options panel, DesignModeler > Addins includes a BladeModeler Licensing option where
you can set your preference for handling of BladeModeler licensing at application start-up.

• If you open an .agdb file that contains data about unsupported BladeEditor features, Design-
Modeler operates in read-only mode and issues a message.

• BladeEditor can publish read-only parameters.

• You can promote physical properties of cross sections as read-only parameters.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 131
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
132 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 2: CAD
This section summarizes the new features in CAD Integration Release 2021 R1.

For more information, see the CAD Integration section of the ANSYS Help.

Import Facet Quality

The options listed below are available for import facet quality. The default value is Source meaning that
the facets as represented in the CAD system or use a Normal option for those that do not have display.
The others are relative settings compared to "normal" facet quality. Typically, better facet quality requires
more memory and may take additional time to import/update.

• Very Coarse

• Coarse

• Normal

• Fine

• Very Fine

• Source

Geometry Interface Update for New CAD Releases

Geometry interfaces are updated to support new CAD releases including:

• AutoCAD 2021 (Reader)

• AutoCAD 2021 (Plug-In)

• CATIA V5-6R2020 (Reader support on Linux)

• CATIA V5 – (CADNexus CAPRI CAE Gateway 3.70.0) V5-6R2020 (Reader)

• CATIA V6 R2020x (Reader)

• Creo Elements / Direct Modeling 20.3 (Plug-In)

• Creo Parametric 7.0 (Reader)

• Creo Parametric 7.0 (Plug-In)

• Inventor 2021 (Reader)

• JT 10.5 (Reader)

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 133

• NX 1899 (Reader)

• NX 1926 (Plug-In)

• SketchUp v2020 (Reader)

• STEP AP242 (Reader)

For detailed version support information, see CAD Integration> Geometry Interface Support in the CAD
Integration section of the ANSYS Help.

Information about past, present and future CAD, operating system and platform support is viewable
via the Ansys, Inc. website (Support> Platform).

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
134 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 3: Meshing Application Release Notes
Release 2021 R1 of the Meshing application contains many new features and enhancements. Areas
where you will find changes and new capabilities include the following:
3.1. Changes in Product Behavior from Previous Releases
3.2. Connect
3.3. Freeze and Unfreeze Mesh
3.4. Enhancements in Weld Control
3.5. Repair Topology

Many of the enhancements detailed in the Mechanical Application Release Notes (p. 3) are also relevant
to the Meshing application.

3.1. Changes in Product Behavior from Previous Releases

In Meshing 2020 R2, Batch connections allows you to connect the beams and shells assembly by default.
Now, you must use Connect control for connecting the beams and shells assembly. All the old databases
saved with Mesh Based Connection set to Yes under Batch Connections is resumed with Connect
control scoped to the entire assembly. Batch Connections uses Repair Topology to defeature the
model at mesh level.

3.2. Connect
The current release is the first release for Connect. Connect control allows you to create conformal
mesh between the selected entities. Connect control is enabled only when Mesh Based Connection
is set to Yes in Batch Connections. All legacy databases saved with Batch Connections will resume
with Connect control. To access Connect control, right-click Mesh object and click Insert>Connect.
For more detailed information, see Connect.

3.3. Freeze and Unfreeze Mesh

ANSYS Meshing is enhanced to include freeze and unfreeze mesh on all parts and on selected parts.
For more detailed information, see Parts and Bodies.

3.4. Enhancements in Weld Control

Weld control has been enhanced to:

• Create tent and extension faces when the Source is Geometry and Type is Seam.

• Create Skip offset layer

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 135

• Specify the direction of tent creation

• Import and export worksheet as csv file and edit the same

• Define the thickness of weld bodies during meshing

• Support multiple offset layers for tent and extension

• Generate end-caps per weld instead of global for all welds

For more detailed information, see Weld .

3.5. Repair Topology

Repair Topology has been enhanced to include:

• Repair Short Edge Options

• Fill Hole Options

For more detailed information, see Repair Topology.

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136 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 4: IC Engine Release Notes
Release 2021 R1 has no new features.

The documentation for IC Engine has moved to the Fluent in Workbench User's Guide, with the sections
relevant to Forte moving to the Forte User's Guide. To access documentation files, go to the document-
ation area of the customer site.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 137
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
138 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 5: ICEM CFD
Release 2021 R1 development efforts included enhancement of ANSYS ICEM CFD as a standalone ap-
plication as well as continued development of its underlying technology exposed within the ANSYS
Workbench-based Meshing application.

ANSYS ICEM CFD 2021 R1 includes new features and improvements in the following areas:
5.1. Enhancements to Multizone Blocking on Faceted Geometries
5.2. Changes in Product Behavior from Previous Releases

5.1. Enhancements to Multizone Blocking on Faceted Geometries

3D Multizone is now enhanced to support STL and faceted geometries efficiently in ICEM CFD.

5.2. Changes in Product Behavior from Previous Releases

The 2019 R3 release includes the following changes in product behavior:

• ICEM CFD executables depending on VS2010 runtime libraries are replaced. There are three affected
executables. They are:

– bin/autohex.exe

– icemcfd/output-interfaces/firev8.exe

– icemcfd/output-interfaces/wind.exe

For customer using these executables, kindly refer Ansys Customer Portal > Knowledge Resources
: Solutions #2060051,#2059061,#2059063 respectively for the workaround.

• Improved the performance of hexa meshing for models with a large number of blocks.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 139
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
140 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Part 7: ANSYS Simulation Products
Release notes are available for the following ANSYS Simulation products:

ACT (p. 143)

ANSYS Viewer (p. 145)
DCS (p. 147)
DesignXplorer (p. 149)
optiSLang (p. 151)
RSM (p. 161)
System Coupling (p. 163)
Workbench (p. 171)
Chapter 1: ACT
No enhancements were made to ACT in this release. However, for scripting enhancements specific to
Mechanical, see Scripting (p. 14).

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 143
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
144 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 2: ANSYS Viewer
The following sections contain release information for ANSYS Viewer 2021 R1:
2.1. New Features and Enhancements
2.2. Resolved Issues and Limitations
2.3. Known Issues and Limitations

2.1. New Features and Enhancements

No enhancements were made to ANSYS Viewer in this release.

2.2. Resolved Issues and Limitations

See the Resolved Issues and Limitations document for information on previous limitations and key defects
resolved in the current release.

2.3. Known Issues and Limitations

All issues and limitations known at the time of release are listed in the Known Issues and Limitations
section of the ANSYS Viewer User's Guide.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 145
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
146 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 3: Distributed Compute Services (DCS)
Learn about the new features and enhancements in the following applications:
3.1. Design Point Service (DPS)
3.2. Distributed Compute Gateway (DCG)

3.1. Design Point Service (DPS)

The following new features and enhancements are available in DPS 2021 R1. Unless noted otherwise,
referenced topics are in the DCS for Design Points Guide.

First release of the DCS – optiSLang integration

You can now open, execute, and postprocess DPS projects in optiSLang by adding a DPS system
to your optiSLang workflow and establishing a connection to DPS. For more information, in
the optiSLang User's Guide, see the DPS topic. Once DPS is connected, you pick an existing DPS
project, select the parameters to use, and run design point evaluations in DPS.

Live monitoring of simulation runs and evaluators

DPS now includes several ways to monitor simulation runs and evaluators:

• When you define the workflow, you can edit the file handling to collect a solver’s log
file. For a structural simulation for example, you can add **/solve.out to collect the
solver’s output file. In the design point's details view, you can then view the solve.out
file for the design point to monitor the evaluation as it is running.

• From the Evaluators page in the DPS web app, you can now monitor the evaluation
tasks that are currently running. Additionally, when you click the name of an evaluator
to open the Evaluator web app, you can view monitoring, log message, and property
information for the evaluator.

• If you turn on Enable Debug Views in the DPS settings, a new Monitoring page is
shown in the DPS web app. On its DPS, Evaluators, and File Gateway tabs, you can
view log messages. On the additional Custom tab, you can set up subscriptions to
monitor other topics. For more information, see Overall System Monitoring.

Easy collection of output files matching a given wild card definition

When configuring a process step in a DPS project, you define the output files to collect and
store for each design point. Previously, when you used the common asterisk (*) or question
mark (?) wildcard, only the first matching file was added when multiple matching files were
found. Now, all matching files are added. Thus, you can enter **solve.out and **.*.png
to recursively search subdirectories to collect all solver log files and image files and
*/file*.err to collect all error files. For more information, see Files.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 147
Distributed Compute Services (DCS)

Support for shared HPC licenses (beta)

You can enable HPC license sharing in DCS using the beta option Enable Shared Licensing.
When this option is enabled, DPS opens and closes shared license contexts as needed and
propagates the environment to evaluators and simulation runs. For more information, see HPC
License Sharing.

3.2. Distributed Compute Gateway (DCG)

No enhancements were made to Distributed Compute Gateway in this release.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
148 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 4: DesignXplorer
DesignXplorer Extension Compatibility Updates
Compatibility updates for DesignXplorer extensions are in progress and will be released promptly upon

To access DesignXplorer extensions, go to the ANSYS Store and filter the apps available by typing
DesignXplorer in the Search field and clicking the search button. To further filter the results, you
can make a selection in the Product Version field.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 149
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
150 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 5: optiSLang
The following sections contain release information for optiSLang 2021 R1:
5.1. General Enhancements
5.2. Integrations
5.3. Algorithms
5.4. Postprocessing
5.5. Remote Control
5.6. optiSLang Web Service
5.7. Licensing
5.8. ANSYS Workbench Extension

5.1. General Enhancements

The following general enhancements were made:

• Added a node status overview table for displaying and altering status per node/design.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 151

• Improved the file-selection default paths for parameter and criteria import/export.

• You can now import and export designs in JSON format.

• Added examples and descriptions to the Python API documentation.

• Improved setting definition for Python-based algorithms and surrogates.

• Revised and unified distinction of failed and incomplete designs.

• Made integration addins available in the ANSYS unified installer

• Added a new optiSLang setup in ANSYS Electronics Desktop (Beta).

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
152 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

5.2. Integrations
The following integration enhancements were made:

• Added support for ABAQUS version 2020

• Beautified the function definition for the data mining node.

• Added the following to the Design Point Service node:

– Released from beta state

– Supports output file retrieval

– Starts statistics postprocessing with data from any DPS project

• Added the following to the ANSYS Electronics Desktop node:

– Simulation data purge options

– Remote simulation using scheduler submission (including ANSYS Cloud)

– Support of post-processing variables

• Improved loading performance of the ANSYS Workbench node.

• Added option to control interaction with global degree of parallelism setting

• Converted user_settings to settings dialog in the integration addins

5.3. Algorithms
The following algorithm enhancements were made:

• Added the following to the Nature Inspired Optimization algorithm node:

– Released from beta state

– New evolution strategy with Covariance Matrix Adaptation

– Improved constraint handling

– Avoids creation of violated input constraints and duplicated designs

– Simplified settings interface with pre-defined search strategy configurations

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 153

• The Adaptive Metamodel of Optimal Prognosis (AMOP) algorithm has improved multi-object refinement
and convergence criteria for single-objective refinement.

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154 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

• The Metamodel of Optimal Prognosis (MOP) algorithm node uses incomplete designs as new deafult

• You can now calculate parameter importance in the Adaptive Sampling algorithm node.

5.4. Postprocessing
The following postprocessing enhancements were made:

• Added the text import wizard.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 155

• You can now apply fitting of descrete distributions to statistics.

• Added the Fititng Residuals residual plot.

• Added a new design comparison plot.

• Added a new reliablity input importance plot for adaptive sampling.

• Add the All archive designs design set for new Nature Inspired Optimization and Evolutionary Algorithm

5.5. Remote Control

No new enhancements were made.

5.6. optiSLang Web Service

The following optiSLang Web Service enhancements were made:

• Added basic web-based postprocessing.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
156 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

• Added the ability to download and/or preview project and node result files.

• Added the ability to install optiSLang Web Service as a service on Windows platforms and a daemon
on Linux platforms.

• Improved project start error handling.

• Added the Python optiSLang Web Service AppWizard (PyOWA) template.

• Moved the default search/creation directory for database serialization, projects, and log files to the
user directory on Windows platforms.

5.7. Licensing
The following licensing enhancements were made:

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 157

• Now supporting shared HPC licensing for concurrent parametric variations inside an optiSLang

5.8. ANSYS Workbench Extension

The following ANSYS Workbench extension enhancements were made:

• You can now extract and reuse DesignXplorer data in optiSLang components.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
158 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ANSYS Workbench Extension

• You can now export DesignXplorer design tables.

• You can now reuse project data in the ANSYS Workbench node in optiSLang.

• Added a filter to the Data Send node in Workbench.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 159
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
160 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 6: Remote Solve Manager (RSM)
The following sections contain release information for ANSYS Remote Solve Manager 2021 R1:
6.1. New Features and Enhancements
6.2. Issues Resolved in this Release
6.3. Known Issues and Limitations

6.1. New Features and Enhancements

No enhancements were made to Remote Solve Manager in this release.

6.2. Issues Resolved in this Release

See the Resolved Issues and Limitations document for information on previous limitations and key defects
resolved in the current release.

6.3. Known Issues and Limitations

All issues and limitations known at the time of release are listed in the Known Issues and Limitations
section of the Remote Solve Manager User's Guide.

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 161
Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
162 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 7: System Coupling
ANSYS System Coupling 2021 R1 includes new features and improvements in the following areas:
7.1. System Coupling Core Functionality
7.2. Participant Library Extensions
7.3. System Coupling Controls and Output
7.4. Changes in Coupled Analysis Support
7.5. Known Issues and Limitations

7.1. System Coupling Core Functionality

The following features have been added as core System Coupling functionality:
7.1.1. New Multiphysics Applications
7.1.2. Expressions Support for Data Transfers
7.1.3. Export a System Coupling Setup from Workbench
7.1.4. Mapping Accuracy Improvements
7.1.5. Performance Improvements

7.1.1. New Multiphysics Applications

The following enhancements expand System Coupling's range of multiphysics applications:

Improved Stability and Accuracy for FSI Co-Simulations

Fluent's new contact-detection functionality, when used in conjunction with remeshing, improves
the stability and accuracy of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) co-simulations.

Contact detection and remeshing are demonstrated in the Reed Valve FSI Co-Simulation (Fluent-
Mechanical) tutorial.

Rigid Body Motion Specification on Coupled Regions

Specification of rigid-body motion on coupled regions via expression or displacement profile is

supported for co-simulations with Maxwell-Fluent coupling participants.

• Fluent:

Rigid body motion can be defined with respect to System Coupling time on coupled cell zones.

• Maxwell:

Rigid body motion can be defined with respect to System Coupling time on coupled bodies.

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System Coupling

Specification of rigid body motion on coupled regions via displacement profile is demonstrated
in the Bar-and-Coil Induction Heating Co-Simulation (Maxwell-Fluent) tutorial.

Time-Dependent Transient Electro-Magnetic Conditions

For Maxwell's Eddy Current 2D designs and Transient 2D and 3D designs with time-averaged
results, motion and excitation can be defined with respect to System Coupling time.


Fluent participants support both time-dependent motion and excitation, but Mechan-
ical coupling participants support only time-dependent excitation.

Specification of time-dependent motion is demonstrated in the Bar-and-Coil Induction Heating

Co-Simulation (Maxwell-Fluent) tutorial.

7.1.2. Expressions Support for Data Transfers

System Coupling's user interfaces support the use of expressions and named expressions to define
source-side data transfers.

You can define and edit expressions using any consistent mathematical combination of values, variables,
quantity units, standard mathematical operators and functions, and conditional and Boolean statements.
Expressions must adhere to the syntactic requirements of the Python 3.7 programming language.

During the solution, expressions are evaluated on the source side of the coupling interface and then
mapped to the target side.

For more information, see Expressions in System Coupling in the System Coupling User's Guide.

7.1.3. Export a System Coupling Setup from Workbench

System Coupling provides you with the ability to set up a coupled analysis in Workbench, ex-
port its setup, and then run the analysis in one of its user interfaces (GUI or CLI).

When you select the new Export System Coupling Setup context option on the Coupling system's
Setup cell, System Coupling prompts you to specify a coupled analysis working directory and then
writes all the files required for execution to that directory.

You can export either a partial or a full coupling setup by performing the export before or after the
coupling setup is completed in Workbench, respectively.

• A full setup export includes setup information for coupling participants and for the co-simulation
itself. The coupled analysis can be opened and executed in a System Coupling user interface without
further setup.

• A partial setup export includes only participant setup information. The co-simulation setup must
be completed in a System Coupling user interface before execution. This is the recommended ap-
proach, as it provides access to a broader range of coupling capabilities.

The export of a partial coupling setup is demonstrated in the Oscillating Plate FSI Co-Simulation with
Partial Setup Export from Workbench (CFX-Mechanical) tutorial.

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164 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
System Coupling Core Functionality

For more information, see Exporting a System Coupling Setup and Running an Exported System
Coupling Setup in the System Coupling User's Guide.

7.1.4. Mapping Accuracy Improvements

The 2021 R1 release includes the following improvements to System Coupling's mapping capabilities:
Mapping Algorithm Improvements
Initialization Mesh Import and Mapping

Mapping Algorithm Improvements

Surface Mapping: Shape Functions

For profile-preserving mapping between surfaces, both Linear Shape Functions and Quadratic
Shape Functions are available, with the function used determined by the source mesh provided
by the coupling participant. System Coupling uses linear shape functions for source meshes with
linear elements, and quadratic shape functions for source meshes with quadratic elements, resulting
in improved mapping accuracy.

With the introduction of quadratic shape enhancements, results are up to 20x more accurate than
in the previous release.

For information on controlling this functionality, see the SCOPT command in Mechanical APDL's
Command Reference documentation.

Surface Mapping: Improved Large Gap Handling

With the introduction of a new surface-mapping formulation, mapping is performed in space that
is defined by shape functions (instead of space defined by the transformation of elements into
an x-y plane, as previously).

The resulting improved gap-handling capabilities remove spurious wiggles in the profile, yielding
results that are up to 3x more accurate than in the previous release.

Volume Mapping

The following improvements have been made to the mapper used for profile-preserving mapping
between volumes:

• Radial Basis Function (RBF) controls are available as an expert setting. For more information,
see Configure Radial Basis Functions in the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference

• Accuracy is improved with an enlarged interpolation stencil. This particularly impacts interpol-
ation from low-order source elements. Polynomial augmentations allow System Coupling to
capture linear source profiles more accurately.

• When requested by the participant solver, the volume mapper maps directly to volume element
centroids. This removes the need for mapping to the target nodes and then arithmetically av-
eraging to the element centers.

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System Coupling

Initialization Mesh Import and Mapping

System Coupling imports participant meshes and calculates mapping weights during the initialization
of a coupled analysis (either the initial or a restarted run). Mapping/remapping may be performed at
the beginning of a coupling step, according to the current state of the mesh (that is, whether mesh
was imported during initialization and/or whether the mesh has changed from the initial mesh or
from a previous step).


• For ANSYS Electronics Desktop participants with dependencies on System Coupling time,
mesh import and subsequent mapping is deferred until the beginning of the first
coupling step.

• You can revert to System Coupling's previous behavior (that is, mesh is first imported
and mapped at coupling step 1) by performing the following steps:

1. Enable alpha-level settings, as described in Activate System Coupling Hidden Features

in the System Coupling Beta Features documentation.

2. Set the Solution Control | Mesh Import on Initialization | Option setting to False.

7.1.5. Performance Improvements

Coupling performance was evaluated over a range of cases. On average, core System Coupling oper-
ations (e.g., data transfers, mapping and interpolation, co-simulation management) is approximately
2 times faster the previous release. This translates to an average speed increase of approximately 5
percent for the overall coupled analysis.

Applications involving volume data transfers (e.g., losses for electric motors) will exhibit more signi-
ficant performance improvements. Conservative mapping weights calculation for 2D/3D and 3D/3D
applications are approximately 3 and 18 times faster, respectively, than in the previous release.

7.2. Participant Library Extensions

Extensions to the System Coupling Participant Library improve usability and broaden the functionality
available to co-simulation participants. The following extensions have been made:

Fortran and C ++ API Documentation

Documentation for Fortran and C++ APIs is available under Multiphysics on the ANSYS API Docu-
mentation site. The documentation includes usage guidance, examples, and API reference materials.

Standalone Surface Mapping APIs

Standalone surface mapping APIs for the Fortran, C, and C++ programming languages have been
added to the System Coupling Participant Library. These APIs allow System Coupling to perform
mapping inside the Participant Library in the absence of connections to coupling participant solvers.

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166 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
System Coupling Controls and Output

Standalone mapping processes support most surface variables (both scalar and vector, intensive
and extensive), multiple mesh-element types (Tri, Quad, and Polygon), and the use of SI units.

For more detailed information, see the "Steps to Perform Mapping" section and the "Pipe Mapping"
tutorial in the Participant Library Developer's Guide published for a given language on the ANSYS
API Documentation site.

Beta-Level Python APIs and Documentation

Python APIs are available as beta functionality. Corresponding documentation is available under
Multiphysics on the ANSYS API Documentation site.

7.3. System Coupling Controls and Output

The following changes have been made to System Coupling's controls and output capabilities:
7.3.1. EnSight Postprocessing Improvements
7.3.2. Debug Logging Files
7.3.3. Improved Region Selection in the GUI
7.3.4. Expanded APIP Data Collection
7.3.5. Changes to the Transcript/Log File

7.3.1. EnSight Postprocessing Improvements

The following improvements have been made to System Coupling's EnSight postprocessing capabil-

EnSight Output Frequency Controls

You can now specify the output frequency of System Couplings EnSight Gold-formatted postpro-
cessing files.

By default, System Coupling generates EnSight Gold-formatted postprocessing files to a

SyC/Results folder in its working directory with the same frequency as restart points. You can
now change the output frequency of these results files by selecting from among the following

• Program Controlled: Results are generated at the same frequency as restart points. (default

• Off: Generation of results is disabled.

• Last Step/Last Iteration: Results are generated only for the last coupling step or coupling iter-
ation completed.

• Every Step/Every Iteration: Results are generated at the end of every coupling step or every
coupling iteration.

• Step Interval/Iteration Interval: Results are generated at the end of coupling steps or coupling
iterations at the interval specified by the Output Frequency setting.

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System Coupling

New Displacement Since Mesh Import Variable

In EnSight results files, the previous total-mesh-displacement variable has been replaced with
a displacement-since-mesh-import__NV variable. This variable accumulates the displacement
calculations since the last mesh import (typically, at the beginning of the analysis or at the last
restart) for all incremental displacement variables defined on the coupling interface.

For more information, see Variables in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Expression Indicator in Source Variable Names

When the source variable of a data transfer is defined by an expression, a "_source_" indicator is
added to its name in EnSight.

For more information, see Variables in the System Coupling User's Guide.

7.3.2. Debug Logging Files

System Coupling has new command-line options that allow you to request debug logging files that
record transactions between itself and participant solvers. Previous methods of generating debug log
files have been replaced by the following command-line options:

• -l or --logLevel: Enables log file generation and verbosity level

• -logDir: Specifies the log file output directory (default is System Coupling's working directory)

• --logMaxArrayElements: Specifies the maximum number of data array elements that can be
included in the file

For more information, see:

• Requesting Debug Log Files and Migrating Command-Line System Coupling Scripts in the
System Coupling User's Guide.

• Debug Logging Command-Line Options in the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference

7.3.3. Improved Region Selection in the GUI

The System Coupling GUI provides a Select Regions list-selection control for easier selection of the
regions to be associated with a coupling interface side.

If the list of available regions is long enough to require scrolling, a green ellipsis icon to the right of
the Region List field allows you to open the Select Regions control. Once the control is open, you
can use arrows to move regions between the Available and Selected lists.

7.3.4. Expanded APIP Data Collection

If you have agreed to participate in the ANSYS Product Improvement Program, System Coupling now
collects information in the following categories:

• APIP Data

• System Data

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168 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
System Coupling Controls and Output

• Coupling Participant Data

• System Coupling Data

• Coupled Analysis Data

For details on the specific data collected, see Data Collected by ANSYS System Coupling in the System
Coupling User's Guide.

7.3.5. Changes to the Transcript/Log File

The following changes have been made to System Coupling's Transcript/Log file:

Summary of Coupling Setup

When the Summary of Coupling Setup section is printed at the beginning of a solve, only the
regions and variables actively involved in a data transfer are now included.

When printed using the PrintSetup() command, however, all variables and regions defined
for the participants are still listed.

Coupling Participants

In the Coupling Participants section, each variable is now listed separately, along with its values
for the following settings: Quantity Type, Location, Tensor Type, Is Extensive, Variable Name.

Coupling Interfaces

In the Coupling Interfaces section:

• Data transfer variables defined by an expression show their values for the following Source
Expression settings: Value (for scalar variables); Value X, Value Y, and Value Z (for vector
variables), and Target Variable.

• A Mapping Type setting shows the type of mapping used for each data transfer.

Mesh Metrics

• A Mesh Metrics section is written each time participant meshes are updated.

• Nodal coordinates and related mesh quantities (areas and centroids) are now updated in every
coupling iteration after displacement is transferred.

• Area-weighted diagnostics are now weighted by the most recent mesh (instead of the initial
mesh, as previously).

Mapping Diagnostics

• A Mapping Summary section is now written each time participant meshes are
mapped/remapped. Depending on the analysis, it may be written at the following points in
the analysis:

– At coupled analysis initialization

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System Coupling

– At the beginning of a coupling step each time participant meshes change

– At the end of the first iteration for each subsequent coupling step

• Mapping diagnostics between 99% and 100% are now shown as >99% and all other values
are rounded to the nearest whole number.

Multi-Run Log File Output

When there are multiple runs for a given coupled analysis (for example, when a restart is per-
formed), output for the new run is appended to the previous run's output in the scLog.log

7.4. Changes in Coupled Analysis Support

In the 2021 R1 release,changes in external support impact the use of System Coupling as follows:

Removal of Shared and Academic Licensing Support

Shared licensing and academic licensing are no longer supported. This results in the following li-
censing requirement changes for System Coupling:

• Changes to licenses applicable to System Coupling analyses

System Coupling can be used with Multiphysics Licensing Bundles or combinations of various
participant solver licenses. For more information, see Coupled Analysis Licensing Requirements
in the System Coupling User's Guide.

• Changes to the System Coupling Server file

The last two lines of the scServer.scs file, which indicated the licensing ID and the license
server's port and host, have been removed.

• Removal of command-line options

System Coupling's -scid and -sclic command-line options, which specified the licensing ID
and the license server's port and host, respectively, have been removed.

Submit Design Point Updates to RSM

Full project updates are no longer supported by Remote Solve Manager (RSM). To send a System
Coupling job to RSM for remote processing, you can submit a design point update, as described in
Submitting System Coupling Jobs to Remote Solve Manager in the Workbench User's Guide.

7.5. Known Issues and Limitations

All issues and limitations known at the time of release are listed in the Known Issues and Limitations
section of the System Coupling User's Guide.

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170 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 8: Workbench
The ANSYS Workbench platform offers many new features and enhancements. Areas where you will
find changes and new capabilities include the following:
8.1. ANSYS Workbench
8.2. Engineering Data Workspace
8.3. External Data
8.4. External Model
8.5. Injection Molding Data

8.1. ANSYS Workbench

Enhancements were made to the following areas for Release 2021 R1:
8.1.1. General Workbench Enhancements
8.1.2. Design Point Update Enhancements
8.1.3. Workbench Journaling and Scripting Enhancements
8.1.4. Mechanical APDL Enhancements
8.1.5. ANSYS Workbench-Remote Solve Manager Enhancements

8.1.1. General Workbench Enhancements

The following general enhancements were made:

• You can now transfer SpaceClaim meshing to Fluent and CFX by connecting a Geometry component
system to the Setup cell of either a Fluent, CFX, or Polyflow component system.

• ANSYS HPC Parametric Pack licensing and reserved licenses is no longer supported and the func-
tionality has been removed from the user interface. The new ANSYS Common Licensing provides
an alternative licensing model for parametric studies using an HPC sharing context. This model is
used by the new Remote Solve Manager option for design point updates in Workbench.

The legacy RSM option that supports reserved licenses and HPC Parametric Packs is no longer
available and has been removed from the user interface.

• The Chemkin component system has been added. It launches ANSYS Chemkin-Pro, allowing you
to employ both an array of reactor models that include 0-D, 1-D, and 2-D models and complex
detailed chemical kinetics mechanisms to investigate concepts in combustion, emissions, and ma-
terials synthesis.

• The GRANTA MI component system has been added. It launches GRANTA MI: Materials Gateway,
an application that can be embedded in a variety of CAD and CAE environments, allowing you to
directly access your company’s GRANTA MI database.

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• The GRANTA Selector component system has been added. It launches GRANTA Selector, a suite of
software tools and materials property data that supports systematic materials selection.

• The Injection Molding Data component system has been added. It allows you to import injection
molding simulation results from other software tools.

• The Sherlock Pre and Sherlock Post component systems have been added. They launch ANSYS
Sherlock, a Java-based application that allows you to analyze the reliability of circuit card assemblies
based on their design files.

• New unit system for LS-DYNA implemented.

• Chinese language support for the Workbench user interface implemented for Windows systems
only. The Chinese language option is not supported on Linux.

• You can now specify the Workbench licensing method in the Workbench Options dialog box under
Project Management. This option has been removed from the User License Preferences application.

8.1.2. Design Point Update Enhancements

Workbench now supports the use of Design Point Service (DPS), a part of Distributed Compute Services
(DCS) (p. 147), for updating design points in 3D ROM systems. For more information, see the DCS for
Design Points Guide.

8.1.3. Workbench Journaling and Scripting Enhancements

No enhancements were made in Workbench with regard to journaling and scripting.

8.1.4. Mechanical APDL Enhancements

No enhancements were made in Workbench with regard to Mechanical APDL.

8.1.5. ANSYS Workbench-Remote Solve Manager Enhancements

No enhancements were made in Workbench with regard to Remote Solve Manager (RSM).

8.2. Engineering Data Workspace

For Release 2021 R1, the following enhancements have been made to the Engineering Data Workspace:

• Piezoelectric Material Support. Engineering Data includes the new material properties, Piezo-
electric Matrix, Anisotropic Elasticity, and Relative Permittivity to support Piezoelectric ana-
lyses. The Piezoelectric Matrix and Anisotropic Elasticity material properties support data in
both IEEE and MAPDL format.

• Hill Yield Criterion. The Hill Yield Criterion property now supports Coordinate, Time History,
Displacement, and user-defined field variables.

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172 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Injection Molding Data

8.3. External Data

When importing data into Mechanical, the following External Data enhancements were made at Release
2021 R1:

• The Workbench property Files Import Type provides the option By Reference. This option en-
ables you to reference the External Data file instead of transferring the file to the project folder.
Now, when you wish to use this option, you can also archive your files. The archive feature was
previously not supported when you specified the By Reference option.

8.4. External Model

When importing data into Mechanical, the following External Model enhancements were made at Release
2021 R1:

• New Spring Connection Element. External Model now enables you to import the nonlinear
spring element, COMBIN39 into Mechanical.

• Two-dimensional Model Import. When you are importing a two-dimensional (2D) model into
Mechanical, the application checks that the model is 2D using the tolerance value of the 2D
Tolerance property of the Geometry object. This property now validates upstream systems, in-
cluding External Model systems, when you set the Workbench Analysis Type property to 2D.

• Importing Rigid Bodies from ABAQUS. You can now import rigid body definitions from ABAQUS
files that contains the *RIGID BODY command from External Model to Mechanical.

• External Model CDB Commands. During import, Mechanical now supports the Mechanical APDL
Commands, BF, BFE, BFBLOCK, and BFEBLOCK as Interfaces provided by CDB Commands Re-

8.5. Injection Molding Data

A new Injection Molding Data component system is available in Workbench. When simulating the
thermo-mechanical behavior of short fiber reinforced composites, the Injection Molding Data system
allows you to import injection molding simulation results from other software tools into a Mechanical
system. It is part of a streamlined workflow in Workbench which also employs Material Designer.

You will find detailed instructions in the Short Fiber Composites Guide.

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174 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Part 8: 3D Design Products
Product Advisory
The Discovery AIM and Discovery Live products have been discontinued at Release 2021 R1.

Release Notes
Release notes are available for the following ANSYS 3D Design products:

Discovery (p. 177)

SpaceClaim (p. 183)
Chapter 1: Discovery Release Notes
Release 2021 R1 of Discovery contains the following new features and enhancements.
1.1. Discovery Product Changes
1.2. Enhancements Overview
1.3. Caveats and Known Issues

1.1. Discovery Product Changes

Areas where you will find changes to existing features in Discovery include:

• The default for File Menu > Settings > Physics > Fluid Flow > Stop on has been changed to Engin-
eering convergence.

• An improved steady-state solver has been added for solving fluid flow simulations in the Explore
stage. You can switch between the legacy solver and the recommended new improved accuracy
solver by setting File Menu > Settings > Physics > Solver Settings > Fluid solution (in Explore).

Also see Enhancements Overview (p. 177) for features that have been added or enhanced in Release
2021 R1 of Discovery.

1.2. Enhancements Overview

For changes to Discovery features that existed in earlier releases, see Discovery Product Changes (p. 177).

Areas where you will find new capabilities and enhancements in Discovery include:
1.2.1. Fluid-Solid Heat Transfer
1.2.2. Project Management
1.2.3.Tree View
1.2.4. HUD Control
1.2.5. Modeling Tools
1.2.6. Simulation Tools
1.2.7. Contact
1.2.8.Topology Optimization
1.2.9. Remote Displacement
1.2.10. Design Variations
1.2.11. Monitors
1.2.12. Interactive Tours

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Discovery Release Notes

1.2.1. Fluid-Solid Heat Transfer

The following enhancement related to fluid-solid heat transfer is available in Discovery Release 2021

• You can set up a fluid-solid heat transfer (conjugate heat transfer) simulation and solve it in the
Refine stage.

1.2.2. Project Management

The following enhancements related to project management are available in Discovery Release 2021

• You can now generate a project report that will open automatically in your default web browser
or Microsoft Word.

• The ability to export a simulation to Mechanical or Fluent has been enhanced. When exporting,
you now have the choice to either export the file only, or export the file and launch the other
ANSYS application at the same time. Support for additional boundary conditions (including struc-
tural-thermal and fluid-thermal) has also been added.

• You can now import an Autodesk Fusion 360 Simulation project. The import includes all geometry
and simulation settings from Autodesk Fusion 360 Simulation studies. The design can then be further
simulated and modified from within Discovery.The import requires a separately installed Discovery
Addin, which you can download from the Discovery Forum.

• Body (geometry) visibility, Legend, and Results Arc settings for each simulation are saved along
with the project and are available when the project is resumed.

1.2.3. Tree View

The following enhancements related to the tree view are available in Discovery Release 2021 R1:

• In-line editing

• Right-click context menus

• Drag-and-drop

• Unit synchronization

1.2.4. HUD Control

The following enhancement related to the HUD is available in Discovery Release 2021 R1:

• You can move and change the position of the HUD by clicking and dragging the HUD control .

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178 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Enhancements Overview

1.2.5. Modeling Tools

The following new modeling tools are available in Discovery Release 2021 R1:


These modeling tools are common between Discovery and SpaceClaim, although imple-
mentations differ depending on product. The Overlay Help provides information about
how to use the tools in Discovery, but you can refer to the SpaceClaim Documentation for
additional details.

Design Tools
The Replace tool has been added to the Edit group in the Design tab. The Equation tool has been
added to the Body group in the Design tab.

Prepare Tools
The following tools have been added to the Remove group in the Prepare tab:

• Faces

• Interference

• Rounds

• Short Edges

The following tools have been added to the Detect group in the Prepare tab:

• Bad Faces

• Clearance

• Sharp Edges

Repair Tools
The following tools have been added to the Fix Curves group in the Repair tab:

• Curve Gaps

• Duplicate Curves

• Fit Curves

• Small Curves

The following tools have been added to the Adjust group in the Repair tab:

• Inexact Edges

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Discovery Release Notes

• Simplify


All other tools in the Repair tab existed in the Prepare tab prior to this release.

1.2.6. Simulation Tools

The following new simulation tools are available in Discovery Release 2021 R1:

The QuickScope tool has been added to the QuickStart group in the Simulation tab. Use it to identify
the bodies to include in the simulation.

The following tools have been added to the Fidelity group in the Simulation tab:

• Resolution: Display areas in the geometry that are not being captured by the simulation. You
can then try increasing the fidelity to resolve the issues.

• Size Preview: By moving the cursor near geometric features, display the 3D volume element
being used to represent the geometry.

1.2.7. Contact
Discovery Release 2021 R1 contains numerous improvements to ease use of contacts and contact
review, including:

• Naming changes in the tree to distinguish between the default generated contacts and other
contact groups.

• The ability to split sliding or prevented contacts into individual per-body contacts, or, if a single
contact references multiple face pairs, into individual face pairs.

• A new icon, Remove pairs from contact group, removes selected contacts from the group and
returns them to the default contact group.

• Label changes to clarify expected behavior.

1.2.8. Topology Optimization

The following enhancement related to topology optimization is available in Discovery Release 2021

• Discovery optimizes all bodies in the simulation by default. You can now select specific bodies to
optimize. This enables you to include bodies in the simulation that are protected from optimization.

1.2.9. Remote Displacement

The following enhancement related to remote displacement is available in Discovery Release 2021

• In the Refine stage, you can now apply a displacement from a point in space.

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180 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Caveats and Known Issues

1.2.10. Design Variations

The following enhancement related to design variations is available in Discovery Release 2021 R1:

• You can parameterize some physics conditions to be used in design variations. Physics conditions
that are parameterized are identified with a blue triangle in the value input field.

1.2.11. Monitors
The following enhancements related to monitors are available in Discovery Release 2021 R1:

• You can export each monitor chart's data or data for all monitored variables to a CSV file. Data for
detailed charts can also be exported.

• Total Pressure and Mass Flow monitors are available for fluid flow simulations.

• A Heat Flow monitor was added for fluid flow simulations and is available only in the Refine stage.

• The ability to allow point monitors for select structural, fluid, and solid thermal variables is available
for the Explore stage.

• In Discovery 2020 R2 and 2020 R2.5, pressure drop was based on static pressure. In 2021 R1, pressure
drop is based on total pressure.

1.2.12. Interactive Tours

The following enhancements related to interactive tours are available in Discovery Release 2021 R1:

The Steady-State Fluid Flow tour has been enhanced to solve in the Refine stage.

These tours have been added:

• Solid Thermal Design Variations

• Topology Optimization

• Contact Setup and Review

You can access interactive tours from the Learn menu on the Welcome Screen, from the Home page
of the Discovery Help, or from the Navigation menu of the Discovery Help.

1.3. Caveats and Known Issues

At the time of publication, caveats and known issues in Release 2021 R1 of Discovery include those listed
below. Also refer to the ANSYS, Inc. Known Issues and Limitations document.

• In subscription licensing mode, running multiple sessions of Discovery simultaneously may incur li-
censing errors. Specifically, if a Discovery session is closed, licensing operations called from other
Discovery sessions that are still open may fail. Workaround: If this issue occurs, save your model and
then close and re-open Discovery.

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Discovery Release Notes

• When importing a Discovery Live project (saved in a previous release), the fluid material may be as-
signed to all bodies rather than just the fluid volume. Workaround: Assign a solid material to the
solid bodies or exclude the bodies from the simulation.

• When using the pull tool with a selected face, the delete key commits the value rather than deleting
the value in the input box. Workaround: Press Escape OR click undo then redo.

• When using the probe tool, the units cannot be changed in the input field. Workaround: Change
the model units under system settings.

• Result visibility control does not show up in the tree for components. Workaround: Collapse and expand
the tree again to refresh.

• When unlocking a body in the tree, all bodies in the simulation become included in the simulation.
Workaround: Revisit and reset suppression states in the tree.

• When typing in the materials entry field, special characters and spaces are not accepted. Workaround: Se-
lect material from drop-down list.

• When double-clicking on a tree node that is active in full edit in the HUD, it appears as light edit
mode in the tree. Workaround: Press Escape or click anywhere in the background.

• When changing the pull distance in the entry field using the keyboard arrow keys, the geometry
zooms in and out. Workaround: Double-click to highlight the string in the entry field and replace.

• When interacting with an input field, the behavior of the cursor in the input field to select/modify
the value may be inconsistent. Workaround: Click in the input field until you get the correct behavior.

• When interacting with an input field, entering special or unexpected characters will change the units.

• When working with multiple screens/monitors, the iso-surface slider may appear on a secondary

• The HUD width may not always automatically adjust.

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Chapter 2: SpaceClaim Release Notes
Release 2021 R1 of SpaceClaim contains many new features and enhancements.
2.1. Enhancements Overview

2.1. Enhancements Overview

Areas where you will find changes and new capabilities in SpaceClaim include:
2.1.1. UI/Graphics
2.1.2. Constraint-based Sketching
2.1.3. Facets
2.1.4. Repair
2.1.5. Prepare
2.1.6. Block Recording
2.1.7. Scripting
2.1.8. Performance Improvements
2.1.9. Import/Export
2.1.10. Meshing

2.1.1. UI/Graphics
Enhanced Shading

Enhanced Shading is now enabled by default. The shading represents the exposure of the scene
to ambient lighting, with shadows and highlights to improve rendering.

Selection Enhancement

The visual representation of selections has been enhanced to show a light orange box around
selections to help indicate more clearly what is being selected.

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SpaceClaim Release Notes

Display Performance

Performance gains have been made with bodies containing faces of different colors.

Default Note Space

You can now select the default space for adding notes. The options available are View space
(default) and Model space.

Notes in the Model space are their true size and are not scaled based on the Detail scale setting.

Orient Facets

The Orient Mesh tool has been renamed to Orient Facets for consistency. The tool functionality
remains the same.

Measuring Quality

The following improvements have been made:


The following improvements have been made:

• You can see the draft angle at any given location by hovering over the display. The probe
indicates the draft angle at the location.

• You can now set probe location(s) to see the draft value at the selected locations. Set the
probe locations using the Draft Probe tool guide.


The following improvements have been made:

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184 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Enhancements Overview

• The deviation display options are consolidated in the Options panel for easier use.

• You can now set probe location(s) to see the deviation value at the selected locations. Set
the probe locations using the Deviation Probe tool guide.

• You can also see the deviation value at any given location by hovering over the deviation

2.1.2. Constraint-based Sketching

The following enhancements have been made:

• The Autoconstrain tool can be used to find potential constraints of the specified types and auto-
matically set up constraints.

– Select the Curve options to allow points and/or axes to be considered for creating constraints.

– Select the constraints to be automatically set up from the Constraint Options list.

• Dimensions for constraint-based sketching have been improved.

– Each dimension is automatically assigned a label. You can also specify labels of your choice.

A valid label should have an alphabet or an underscore (_) as the first character.

– You can now define dimensions using basic mathematic expressions.

– You can now create relationships between dimensions (for example, Dim1=Dim2+10mm). These
relationships can be created within the Properties panel.

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SpaceClaim Release Notes

– You can modify the arrow style, expression, label, type of dimension, and precision in the Prop-
erties panel.

• The sketch constraint icons have been improved at Release 2021 R1.

See the Sketching with Constraints section for details.

2.1.3. Facets
The following enhancements have been made to support Additive workflows:

Regularize Tool Improvements

Additional options are now available for the Regularize tool:

• Use the Deviation option to specify the maximum distance between the new and old faceting.

• Use the Curvature dependent option to vary the facet size based on curvature. Enabling this
option makes the triangles conform more to the shape with different sized triangles.

Original Faceting

Faceting after applying Angle threshold and Max edge length.

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Enhancements Overview

Faceting after applying Angle threshold and Deviation, with Curvature dependent

See the Adjusting facets section for details.

Scaling Faceted Bodies

The Scale tool allows selection of multiple bodies to be scaled.

2.1.4. Repair
The following enhancements have been made:

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SpaceClaim Release Notes

Missing Faces tool

The Missing Faces tool now creates tangent faces, when neighboring faces are tangent.

2.1.5. Prepare
The following enhancements have been made:

Midsurface tool

The following improvements have been made:

• You can now select the location for the midsurface created.

Choose from Middle (default), Bottom (green), or Top (blue) for the Create midsurfaces at

• The robustness and speed of the Midsurface tool has been improved. For stamped parts or
sheet metal parts, problems with missing faces or duplicate faces have been resolved.

2.1.6. Block Recording

The following enhancements have been made:

• Objects hidden during sketching are remembered during block recording.

• Block recording is available for Meshing workflows at Release 2021 R1. See the Meshing (p. 190)
section of the Release Notes for details.

2.1.7. Scripting
The current Scripting version is v19, beta version v20 is available.

The following enhancements have been made:

Using the InputHelper

The InputHelper (previously beta) is available as a full release feature at Release 2021 R1.

The InputHelper enables you to pause the execution of the script to get various inputs from inter-
active tools, before continuing to run the script. You can set up custom workflows using the In-
putHelper functions, including creating widgets and tool guides for user input.

• You can create tool guides and specify selections which can also be filtered based on type. For
example, you can choose to filter faces, edges, or bodies. You can also specify if the selections
are mandatory or optional.

• Script variables can be added to the Options panel as buttons, check boxes, drop-downs, or
groups of such controls. You can also add tool tips for the controls created.

See the Scripting section for details.

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188 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Enhancements Overview

Script Recording

• Script recording has been added for:

– Exporting .pmdb files

– Repair curve tools

• Script recording has been improved for:

– Midsurface tool

– Creating Rounds

2.1.8. Performance Improvements

The following enhancements have been made:

External Document Workflows

Locked body workflows with external documents have been improved.

Beam Improvements

• Beam extraction of profiles containing many cutouts has been improved.

• Beam suppression states now show up correctly.

Miter Improvements

Multiple miters no longer require large openings when created.

2.1.9. Import/Export
The following enhancements have been made:

• Discovery files (*.dsco) can now be read in SpaceClaim.


If the model contains simulation data from Discovery, the Physics objects and existing
simulation data will be removed, and will be lost when the model is saved.

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SpaceClaim Release Notes

• Revit files (*.rvt, *.rfa) can now be imported in SpaceClaim.

• The following are now supported:


– AutoCAD 2021

– Creo Parametric 7.0

– Inventor 2021

– JT 10.5

– NX 1899

– Parasolid V32

– SketchUp 2020

– Teigha/RealDWG 2021


– JT 10.5

– Parasolid V32

– SketchUp 2020

– Teigha/RealDWG 2021

• KeyShot 9 is now supported.

• Object names are now imported correctly.

• You can export the SpaceClaim mesh data to the Abaqus .inp file format.

• You can now transfer the SpaceClaim mesh data to downstream Polyflow systems.

2.1.10. Meshing
There have been several improvements to the SpaceClaim interactive meshing tools ("Meshing") in
this release. These include:

• Block recording with Meshing workflows

• CartSweep method for axis-aligned geometries

• Improved robustness, usability and performance for:

– Add tool

– Move tool

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Enhancements Overview

– Pull tool

– Block Material Assignment

– Blocking display

• Improved transfer to other applications

Block Recording for Meshing

Block recording is available for Meshing workflows at Release 2021 R1.

• Block recording can be used to record operations as blocks that capture the workflow.

• Block recording can drive persistent and parametric design changes in and/or be used to create
input parameters for Workbench where tools like Design Xplorer can drive the design studies
from the Workbench schematic.

• Note that Block recording cannot be enabled midstream in the meshing process. Hence, if you
have a model that already has geometry and mesh, the block recording button will be greyed

See the Recording Blocks section for more details.

CartSweep Method

The CartSweep method is available as a full release feature at Release 2021 R1.

The CartSweep approach works best for geometries that are axis aligned. The approach is to
generate a Cartesian mesh, convert that Cartesian mesh to sweepable topologies and smooth it
out. Next you can use the block editing tools in SpaceClaim Meshing to improve the mesh.

Select CartSweep in the Blocking drop-down list.

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SpaceClaim Release Notes

• The CartSweep method is appropriate for hex meshing complex models that have features
oriented along the global coordinate system.

For example, in the case below, the highlighted faces are found as source faces for swept blocks.

In such cases, you may split the geometry in two and mesh the two parts separately, and then
merge the blocks together afterwards. Here the model can be split into three bodies. The two
bodies are meshed separately using the CartSweep option and the middle body is meshed
using the Standard option. Then the blockings are merged to get the mesh.

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192 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Enhancements Overview

• For non-aligned geometries, you can define the sweep direction by selecting a face normal to
the sweep direction. Use the Select Source/Target Faces tool guide to set the sweep direction.


Non-aligned geometries may require additional sizing adjustments as compared to

those aligned to the global coordinate system.

• When setting up the model, ensure that the sizes specified are appropriate for capturing the

Unlike other mesh methods, reducing the Element size may cause the mesh to fail. Setting
appropriate sizes is key to obtaining a good mesh.

• Performance (time of mesh generation) is dependent on two main steps:

– Time to generate the Cartesian mesh is dependent on the element size, Cartesian size
and tolerance.

– Time to convert from Cartesian to sweepable topology is dependent on the number of

topological blocks/bodies created. Many stairsteps can slow things down so setting
reasonable sizes and defeaturing non-axis-aligned features helps improve performance.

• You can choose the CartSweep method for selected bodies in a multi-body component.

• You can also use the CartSweep method on the simplified geometry, and then re-use blocking
on the more complex original geometry.

See the CartSweep Method section for details.

Add Tool Improvements

• You can now specify that materials follow component grouping rather than body grouping.
Select the appropriate option for the Block Material for the Add tool.

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SpaceClaim Release Notes

The Block Material is set to Body, by default, where the block materials are assigned based
by the body. You can also select Component such that block materials are assigned by the

• When loading a blocking topology (Blocking = Load), you can enable Improve Association
to improve the blocking edge to curve associations when the blocking is loaded.

See the section on Selecting a Blocking Technique for details.

Pull Improvements

The Pull Tool has been improved to better handle the following workflows:

• Workflows involving building up the mesh model through pulling with revolve.

• Workflows involving pulling of thin solids.

• Workflows involving pulling shell block topology to solid block topology. Topology mismatches
and features along side faces are automatically handled in such cases.

See the Pulling a Mesh or Blocking section for details.

Move Improvements

The Move tool has been improved as follows:

• You can select a blocking edge to set the Move direction.

• You can select block entities for the Move Up to operation.

Aligning Block Vertices

The new Align tool enables you to align block vertices to a line or axis, or a plane.

• The line can come from a blocking or geometry edge, an axis or from 2 vertices.

• The plane can come from a blocking or geometry face, a plane or from 3 vertices.

See the Aligning block vertices section for details.

Assigning Block Materials

The following options are now available:

• You can now specify that materials follow component grouping rather than body grouping.

• You can move the selected blocks to new material using the Move to New Material option
from the context menu for block(s) in the Structure tree.

• You can select the block(s) in the Structure tree and drag and drop to the material you want
to move the block(s) to.

• You can merge block materials using the Merge Materials option from the context menu for
block(s) in the Structure tree.

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Enhancements Overview

See the Editing the blocking section for details.

Blocking Display Improvements

The blocking display has been improved to enable the following:

• Faster switching of visibility of blocking on/off

• Faster clipping plane toggle

Mesh Transfer Improvements

The following enhancements have been made:

• You can export the mesh data to the Abaqus .inp file format.

• The transfer of mesh data to the LS-Dyna format (*.k) has been improved.

• You can now transfer groups of blocks to Mechanical.

• You can transfer the SpaceClaim mesh to a downstream Polyflow system in ANSYS Workbench.

• The CGNS Export Format has been updated to Version 331.

Quality Metrics

Characteristic Length is available as a quality metric for blocking mesh and body mesh to help
identify worst quality elements affecting time step. See the Viewing quality statistics section for

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