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Title OIL - THE WORLD'S MOST IMPORTANT Phytoremediation of lead using Ipomoea
SOURCE OF ENERGY aquatica Forsk. in hydroponic solution

The Structure - Introduction (orientation), - Abstract,

- Middle (content), - Introduction,
- End (closing) - Methods,
- Results
Introduction contains the meaning or orientation of contains abstracts regarding experimental
petroleum. or experimental materials such as uses of

(Petroleum or oil is a thick, yellow to black (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk etc.

liquid found in rock layers. It is made up Ipomoea aquatica Forsk., an aquatic
of organic material, formed millions of years macrophyte, was assessed for its ability to
ago from dead plants and animals. Deep in accumulate lead (Pb) by exposing it to
the ground pressure and heat transformed graded concentrations of this metal.
them into oil. Crude oil is oil in its natural Accumulation of Pb was the highest in
state….) root followed by that in stem and leaf
with translocation factor (TF) values of
less than unity….)
Contents contains general information about contains experimental materials and
petroleum such as petroleum history, methods, experimental steps, and the
formation, prices, and the petroleum accumulation of results.
(Experimental methods
(History of oil Healthy and fully grown shoots of similar
Oil has been used in one form or another height were cut from the same mother
over thousands of years but it has become plant, washed with tap water and
really important to our economy in the last 2 acclimatized in 50% Hoagland…)
centuries. It has been the most
important source of energy since the end of
World War II…)

End contains the impact of petroleum production contains the experimental statistical
on the environment analysis

(Producing and consuming oil and oil (Statistical significance of differences

products affects our environment in many among the data sets was tested with One-
ways.It is a major cause of global warming way ANOVA, with multiple comparisons
because burning fuel releases carbon made by Tukey tests. Significance of
dioxide, thus causing the greenhouse differences between affected and
effect…) unaffected portions of stems were
determined with t-test. All tests were done
using SPSS 20 software for Windows.)
The type scientific articles

Scholarly Journals

linguistic rules article language is easier to understand and

does not use many scientific terms because it
is general in nature language is more complex, using many

scientific terms.

Topic An article is written on a topic of interest to In contrast, a journal is all about a

the author or any issue. particular field of study or a professional
course and its development. Ex : result

Purpose The main purpose of writing articles is to On the other hand, journals aim to provide
influence readers and encourage them to relevant information related to
think. professional studies. or it can be said to be
the form of publication of an experiment
or research.

SCIENTIFIC WORD JOURNAL 1 (Phytoremediation of lead using Ipomoea aquatica Forsk. in

hydroponic solution)
No Scientific word Explain

1. Phytoremediation Phytoremediation is defined as cleaning up of pollutants

mediated primarily by plants. It is an emerging technology
for environmental remediation that offers a low-cost
technique suitable for use against different types of
contaminants in a variety of media. Phytoremediation is
potentially applicable to a diversity of substances, involving
hyperaccumulators heavy metals and radionuclides.
2. Pb Lead is a chemical element. This element is a heavy metal
with a density higher than many everyday materials. Lead is
malleable, malleable, and has a low melting point.
3. Corrosion The gradual eating up of metals by action of air, moisture or
a chemical reaction (such as an acid) on their surface is
called corrosion. The most commonly
seen example of corrosion of metals is rusting of iron i.e the
formation of a brown flaky substance on iron objects on
exposure to moist air.
4. Macrophyte a member of the macroscopic plant life especially of a body
of water. Marine macrophyte beds of seaweeds and
seagrasses are distributed in shallow coastal waters of
temperate oceans worldwide. They have been recognized as
one of the highest primary producers in the global carbon
5. Necrosis Necrosis is the death of body tissue. It occurs when too little
blood flows to the tissue. This can be from injury, radiation,
or chemicals. Necrosis cannot be reversed. When large
areas of tissue die due to a lack of blood supply, the
condition is called gangrene.
6. Acclimatized Acclimatization or acclimatisation (also called acclimation
or acclimatation) is the process in which an individual
organism adjusts to a change in its environment (such as a
change in altitude, temperature, humidity, photoperiod, or
pH), allowing it to maintain performance across a range of
environmental conditions.

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