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Vivekkumar Patel TeamG

Answer # 1 ::
This kind of motivational pictures is very bad idea because on the picture it says that
"Be a bridge , problems becomes opportunity when right people join together" here the intent of
the message is that work co-operatively while working in teams this message can be easily miss-
interpreted by workers. If people will co-operate every time over everything in a team even
though is some of them knows something is not right with the project and will not argue or say
whatever the truth about how they feel about the project than it may lead to failure. Everyone
should co-operate but sometime some constructive opposition/argument is also necessary for
growth development or success of project because everyone has different outlook towards
different things. This does not mean that every time one should argue, arguments should be limited
to valid points. The point here is that no one should hold themselves back when they found something is
wrong about the project thinking that other team members will look towards him as a non co-
operative team member. My another take on this message is that it try to intend that "Everyone
in the team is right". If everyone in the team will think that they are just right than also it can
cause lot of problems and conflict which will eventually tends to hurt the team and project. This
message in the motivational poster can be easily misunderstood and can confuse anyone .

Also this kind of picture tends to be very annoying for some people , they feel offended
because they don't like when they are told what to do? when to do? etc Sometimes this kind of
pictures makes them think that company whom they are working for looks towards them as
demotivated people and has no faith in them and/or not satisfied with what they are working on
or have done so far for the company. And as a result this so called motivated picture acts as
demotivating picture. Motivational Posters in general can prove motivational or demotivational.
The main problem is when they substitute methods to achieve the aim and also when they tend
substitute for system improvement . Motivational Posters are also used as a way to focus criticism
on individuals. Motivational posters itself has a negative message, Take it and move it
somewhere else and it will do more harm than good . If message from motivational poster
conflicts with what is done every day than it rises cynicism and shows disrespect to people and
its bad especially if the management itself is not even close following the message displayed on
motivational poster

Best ways to motivate the people is to provide them with what they want for e.g. giving
recognitions whenever its needed , Promotions, Bonus's upon job done within given time period,
Equity etc . This are the actual thing employees looks for and are there source of motivation.
Motivational posters will have not affect on workers if they are not getting what they work for.
Company should think of displaying awards/achievements/projects done by their workers or
company in general to motivate workers instead of this motivational posters. Motivational posters
are just an artificial push which will help to accomplish nothing and everyone should ignore it
in the workplace.

Answer # 2::
Yes I believe that friendly user interface means more cost, coding and complex design.
Many companies in market has tried to make user friendly interfaces over a period of time some
of them have succeeded and some of them have miserably failed. Doing beyond the given
requirement is sometimes helpful as well as harmful. Below are the few examples which I have
seen so far where companies tried to make more friendly user interfaces and spend lot of money
and effort to succeeded . Some of this have failed miserably and some of them have succeeded

For e.g Infinity Ward made Call of Duty: Modern Warfare one of the most successful
online games ever created in gaming history. After that they created Call of Duty: Modern
Warfare 2 which is developed using the same game engine as first part and in they used
motion capture technology high-end game play and realistic graphics and which they thought will
be much more successful than first part but at the end Modern Warfare 2 failed miserably. The
reason behind the failure of Modern Warfare 2 was that it did not supported the dedicated
servers unlike its first part, people were not ready for such high-end online game play where
they need to play on steam servers unlike previous versions where they were allowed to
customize servers according to their needs. Infinity Ward spend lot of money in the development
of Modern Warfare 2 than Modern Warfare. Infinity Ward tried to make user's game play much
more smoother, faster and hackers free by spending lot of money in creating game and putting
lot of efforts. And at the end nothing mattered as it got completely rejected by gaming
community. So, they again spend more money and effort and released map packs to get back on
the market after couple of months of release but they still failed.

Another Example I would like to give here is of Windows Vista which many people calls
it as Rough Draft of Windows 7. Microsoft took time, put up a great effort and used lots of
resources to make Windows Vista . They included many new features which were not present in
Windows XP some of them are Aero View, Parental Control. But Windows Vista failed upon
release because the Design was more complicated, System Requirements was very high . So it did
cost lot of money and effort to Microsoft to put up Vista in market but afterwards they had to
spent more money and put up more efforts to fix bugs and resolve problem reported by users
from all over the world.

Another Example I would like to give is that of Apple iPhone. One can say that iPod
touch was there stepping stone for making an iPhone. iPods are used for listening to music,
watching videos, playing games and surfing net. One can say that they developed iPhone by
enabling iPod Touch with communication mechanism. They have released this products step by
step as they progressed. They put more effort and cost in iPod and created iPod Touch, they
again put more effort and cost in iPod Touch and created iPhone. Design of iPhone is much
more complex as it in-corporate features of iPod, iPod Touch and acts as communicative device.
And of course it costs more to build up something more complex like iPhone as you are trying
to incorporate three different devices in one. And at the end iPhone is more user - friendly
compared to all generations of iPods. Apple keeps developing user-friendly interfaces(more
applications, functionality, slim/light weight design, speed etc ) by putting much more effort and cost
on their own released products and try to make the successor better one than the predecessor.
Much more cost and effort is require as the interfaces keeps getting more and more user friendly
and also its leads to an development in technology.

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