Teaching With Songs: Music Video Lottery

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Teaching With Songs:

Music Video Lottery ​with Greyson Chance


Here is the place to be if you believe in the power of songs to teach English!.
The place to find ​Creativity​, ​Inspiration​, ​Teaching Ideas​ and ​Resources​ to bring Musical
Innovation​ to your English Language Teaching Practice!
Whether you teach English online or not, teaching with songs has a wider scope than you might think,
and it does not only mean gap-fill!. Check my older posts and don’t be afraid to try something new!
This week, the ​Song Activity Factory​ features an activity called ​Music Video Lottery​!
I hope ​YOU​ and your students have a BLAST with it!

Photo by sarahparker1028


This song-based ​STEP-BY-STEP LESSON PLAN​ for ​ENGLISH​ language ​TEACHING​ features the
lyrics and music video for “​Holy Feeling​” by ​Greyson Chance​. Students ​REVIEW ​parts of the body,
LISTEN to ​the song and identify body parts, ​PLAY ​a music video lottery team game with things that
appear in the video, and ​DO ​an exercise with the lyrics (​interactive worksheet​).

OBS​: This lesson plan was made for ​ONLINE TEACHING​, but it can be modified for face-to-face
instruction, as well.

Language level:​ B1
Learner type​: All ages
Skills​: speaking, reading, listening and writing
Language/grammar​: parts of the body
Materials​: Youtube video, genially presentation and Interactive Worksheet
Duration​: about 1 hour
Download your free teaching resources:​: instructions


Genial.ly present. Interact. worksheet

Music Video


Step 1​ Warm up (5 min)

Write BODY on the board and ask students to give you words for the parts of the body. Write them on
the board.
Make sure you include the following words, too: eyes, skin, knees, lungs, heart, arms

Step 2​ (2 min)
Divide students into pairs or trios (it can also be done individually, depending on the number of
students), and tell them they are going to listen to a song and that 6 parts of the body will be
mentioned in it. Their job is to find them. Tell students to write down the words they find on a sheet of
paper to share with their teammates later.

Step 3​ (9 min)
Play the song twice.

Step 4​ (5 min)
Put the teams in breakout rooms for them to compare their words, and decide on their final answer.
Tell them to decide who is going to be the captain for the group.

Step 5​ (5 min)
Back to the main room, have the team captains send you the answers via chat box privately.
Award points for the right words. The team with more right words wins!

Step 6 ​(10 min) Music Video Lottery

Tell students they are going to watch the music video for the song. However, before watching the
video, they are going to do a ​Music Video Lottery​.
You can use the same teams from before or make new ones.
Show the slide with the pictures. (TV, hammer, guitar, flower, violin, piano, ballerina, policeman,
horse and painting) Explain that ​only five​ of those things will appear on the video. Their task is to
choose the things and come up with reasons why they chose them. (The aim here is for them to use
their imagination to come up with creative reasons why those things would appear on the video).
Tell them that the crazier the better!

Step 7​ (7 min)
Put the groups in ​breakout rooms​ and give them 5 min to choose the pictures.
When the time’s up, have the group captains send their list of things via ​chat box​ privately, for you to
check later who got more right things. Have students from the groups explain their choices.

Step 8​ (5 min)
Play the music video for them to check (or share the link for them to watch on their devices)

Answer​: piano, violin, painting, ballerina, hammer

Step 9​ OPTIONAL (10 min)

Interactive worksheet. Share the link to the ​worksheet​ and Play the song for your students.
Listen to the song ​“Holy Feeling” by Greyson Chance,​ identify the ​wrong ​words in the lyrics
and​ ​Write the right words.

To check their works, tell students to click FINISH!! And then CHECK MY ANSWERS!

That’s it for this week! I hope this activity is helpful and



Happy teaching! :)


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