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Lilongwe, Malawi: On Monday, with deep shock and sadness, I learnt about how the Hawks, for 8-

hours, unlawfully detained my instructing attorneys Mr Terrance Baloyi and my legal advisor Mr
Alvin Khosa.

The 8th hour unlawful detention, further, included an officer from the Independent Private
Investigation in South Africa. The said Independent Private Investigator is the one I once hired to
investigate extortion and blackmain acts against me.

It’s shocking to note that after my instructing lawyers and the private investigator who, after being
unlawfully kept in custody like convicted criminals, the Senior State Advocates, who issued the
alleged warrant of arrests was nowhere to be seen and court officials left with no option but to
release my lawyers from custody under the banner of claiming that the police investigation are
incomplete yet we know they have been investigating since 2017, worse they proceeded to arrest.
Clear malice, torture and harassment to the legal practitioners at its best.

Though saddened, I am not surprised with this awful detention because it’s just an escalation and
intensification of a failed scheme, by certain Hawks officers hell burnt to cover up the dirt I reported
against them.

As a matter of fact, I have, on several occasions, shared with the public the agony, pain and
persecution I have persistently suffered after I stood up to a series of extortion pushes from certain
Hawks personnel led by officers Phumla Mrwebi, Colonnel Corrie Maritz, Du Plessis and their

When they launched these extortion pushes on me in 2018, I challenged them that I will hardly give
in to any form of illegalities because my conscious and conscience were undisturbed with any wrong
doing. I even warned Mrwebi that if she and her team continue with their extortion pushes on me, I
will take it up to their seniors.

Unfortunately, all my attempts to dissuade Mrwebi and three others from these illegal and evil
tactics fell on their dry and extortive hearts. They scaled up their attempts which they spiced with
heavy sticks of intimidation.

As a law-abiding citizen, I took legal step, aimed at seeking justice, among others reported Mrwebi,
Maritz and others to the Head of Hawks, and police watch dog, DPCI Judge - ref 0/DPCI/J
218/07/2018 to whom I (through Human Rights Conservative Committee - HRCC ) passionately
appealed to have them disciplined as they were dirtening the good image of South Africa’s justice

Noting eventual inaction from the Hawks leadership, which was frustrating I must say, another step I
took was to open a corruption and intimidation case against Mrwebi, Maritz and Others with police
watchdog IPID. Case number 957/11/2018.

IPID only confirmed in October 2020 that I, indeed, opened a case against Mrwebi, Maritz and others
in 2018. For three years now, no movement on the case—just emptiness almost; a gesture one
would be tempted as a tactical attempt to protect Mrwebi, Maritz and Others. But even as the IPID
case was gathering piles of dust in their good shelves, I refused to let their inaction on it dissuade me
from seeking justice against Mrwebi, Maritz and others.
I reported the matter to the head of police, the police commissioner, Gen Sithole. As if not enough, I
further reported the matter to the then Minister of Intelligence and State Security Agency, Bongani
Bongo. Safe to say I reported the matter to several justice seeking agencies in South Africa, if I was a
doctor I would say "I have done the best I could" as overwhelmingly evidenced herein.

Regrettably, irrespective of all the legal, procedural and civilized steps I enthusiastically took to seek
justice against Mrwebi, Maritz and others, it was my predicament at their hands that scaled up.

To them, the legal steps I took were interpreted as shaming and exposing them. To me, the steps I
took were purely a drive to seek my justice and also, most importantly, to stop them from dirtening
the good image of the Hawks and South Africa’s robust justice system.

In response, Mrwebi, Maritz and their team went amok in designing and executing schemes to cover
up my indictments against them. They recruited various individuals to open unwarranted and
unjustifiable cases against me and then moved in to arrest me, sadly each arrest staged against me,
they with vicious intent and malice involved my wife just to torture, harass and frustrate her.

All the investigations, arrests, warrant of arrests and cases I have painfully suffered in South Africa
has Hawks, that is Mrwebi, Maritz and their team all over as either investigative officers or
persecutors. Is this justice?

To this far, I am reliably informed that Mrwebi is attached to Precious Metals & Diamond
investigations within the Hawks. You must be shocked as I am as to how rape cases fit into her
department. It's shocking, indeed; and, in fact, it sadly confirms what I regard as nothing but
personal. It confirms my stance of her working with various pastors and individual to take myself and
my ministry down.

Officers such as Mrwebi and her team have completely darkened the image of the Hawks in South
Africa—despite all of us being self-evident of the great works of the Hawks in curbing crime. Mrwebi
and her team use State resources to criminalize to deletion young, successful black South Africans
and, again, foreigners (pure xenophobic mentality).

Is this not time South Africans and, Africans in general, stood up to retrogressive elements such as
Mrwebi, Maritz and their teams?

My story, somehow, has been told because I am a constant feature in the media. But, trust me,
there are several young successful black people in South Africa and foreigners who shares my
predicament at the hands of officers such as Mrwebi, Maritz and their colleagues or partners in
personalisation of matters. And they are being squeezed to deletion in silence.

Should we still allow this?

I left South Africa because I was certain that with Mrwebi, Maritz and their team still handling my
cases, as the situation stands, I won’t have justice before South Africa’s justice system.

Mrwebi and Maritz know pretty well that I have verified and documented evidence—in print, audio
and video—against their every push to intimidate us and cover up the issues that I opened cases
against them.
That is why, to escalate and intensify their intimidation against us, Mrwebi and her team have
unlawfully and wrongfully arrested my instructing attorneys counsel Baloyi and counsel Khoza.
Further, to cover up on the intimidation and corruption case I opened against them, Mrwebi and her
team have also unlawfully detained the officer from Independent Private Investigation who was
leading investigations against them.

As things stands I'm not certain whether Attorneys in South Africa will continue to represent me
fearing unlawful arrest and detention, I must add that this is third time my lawyers are detained
wrongfully and unlawfully. How will I receive fair trial without legal representatives as those who
represent me face this kind of harassment from certain Hawks members such as Mrwebi.

Is this justice?

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