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Task 7

Cyber crime is not a common crime it is a crime that you need to use a computer.
Those victims of cyber crimes increases and makes loses of money, information and privacy
because of hackers. Many hackers that committed in cyber crimes have not yet been
punished because it is very difficult for the victim and law enforcement to collect evidence
and know who committed the crime. Technology has changed the world especially we are in
the midst of pandemic that now many people depend on technology because it helps each
one of us to earn some money thru social medias but it is one of the biggest sources that
hackers use to commit cyber crimes.

Internet scams continue to evolve and can vary widely. The term generally refers
to someone using internet services or software to defraud or take advantage of victims
because of the financial gain. We need money because we’re not financially stable so you
need to do something that you can support your needs and wants. Why do we need to do bad
things just to make money? Because it is the easiest way to gain money. Cyber criminals may
contact potential victims through personal or work email accounts, social networking sites,
dating apps, or other methods in attempts to obtain financial or other valuable personal
information. Online libel is simply libel in its traditional sense committed through a
computer system or any other similar means which may be devised in the future. In other
words, the traditional elements or requisites of libel still apply. Many of us mostly the
teenagers they’re easy to get the way that they will trust on you even though you haven’t
met yet. Scammers will try their best just to make you fall in love with them and they’ll force
you to send a sexy picture of you but in the they’ll use it as a blackmail or a threat if you
don’t give a money. Of course you’ll give them a money because it is your reputation and
privacy. Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personal identifying information and
pretends to be you in order to commit fraud or to gain other financial benefits. They’ll try
their best to know your personal information could include your full name, home address,
email address, online login and passwords and bank number. Once thieves access this
information, they may use it to commit identity theft or sell it on the dark web. Photo or
video voyeurism it is the act of taking photo or video coverage of a person or group of
persons performing sexual act or any similar activity of capturing an image of the private
area of a person or persons without the consent under circumstances in which such persons
has a reasonable expectation of privacy or the act of selling, copying, sharing and showing
thru internet. Billions of consumers worldwide are active on social media and these
platforms open up a opportunities for scammers to connect with consumers and they have a
potential to take advantage of consumers. Scammers will use a social media’s to make fake
accounts and they’ll requests to be friends or get to know you and after that they may send
you small amounts of money to build up or to prove them that they’re not a bad person
eventually, it leads to needing money from you. Once this starts, they go for everything they
can get. The Internet technology connects almost everyone, but it also has its complications.
The new coronavirus impacts everyday life in surprising ways including its side effects on
internet security. One trend in scams is posing as the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) selling bogus cures, and offering great deals on the unofficial COVID-19
currency. Internet has become a dependent component for many people all over the world.

We live in an area where cyber crimes is an big issue and cyber crimes is a being
normal nowadays. You might think that the only form of cyber crime you have to worry
about is hackers stealing your financial information. Anyone using the internet should
exercise some basic precautions to protect themselves. Keep your personal and private
information locked down. Cyber criminals can often get your personal information with just
a few data points so the less you share publicly, the better. In a way of fighting cyber crime is
everybody’s business. Think of it as an obligation to do your part in the fight against cyber
Information Accessibility Effectiveness
Scholarly Articles Objective
evaluation of
To construct that is grounded in
the values and preference of
encountered in 2 ranadian evaluators.
urban settings by mobility. 
Books Textbooks are a crucial part of
any child’s learning. A large
Evidence from across the
continent suggests that at this
body of research has proved transition point, many learners
this many times and in many have not developed basic
very different contexts. literacy and numeracy skills.
Textbooks are a physical And significantly, they have not
representation of the acquired anywhere near
curriculum in a classroom enough of the language they
setting. They are powerful in are about to learn in to be able
shaping the minds of children to engage in learning
and young people. effectively.
Government Section 508 Standards are Effective government. We know
established and maintained by it is important documents of
Documents the U. S. Access Board. Under WB, IMF, ADB, DfID, IADB.
Section 508 of the Reflected in WB projects in
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Africa.
agencies must give disabled
employees and members of the
public access to information
that is comparable to the access
available to others.
News/Magazine Make sure you comply with
accessibility standards and
We study the effect on click-
through rates of applying
Articles lower the risk of legal textual and stylistic features
complaints against your often related to click bait to
organization. Hundreds of headlines of newspaper articles
lawsuits regarding accessibility which can be bought in a digital
non-compliance were filed in environment. 
USA last year. Don’t damage
your reputation and brand by
becoming a target.
Reference Materials When you're conducting a
research or any case studies of
These types of resources
provide quick information on a
course you need to have an person place or thing and are
accessible,accurate and often a great starting point for
effective materials to guide you research. In many instances,
cause if you don't have any or you'll only be interested in a
these references are inaccurate paragraph or page or two of
it will surely mislead you and information this can be
your findings of the photocopied while on the
true/reliable outcomes to that premises.
your study aims to showcase.
Task 8
The importance of understanding the content of a particular
material in terms of accessibility and effectiveness

If you want to fully understand the thoughts or messages of

what you are reading use your mind and heart so that we can provide
equality and opportunity for every human being.Today, it seems that
the general mood of the field is changing. There is a significant and
growing number of cyber crime that affects our daily life. A primary
effect of cyber crime is financial and it can affects the support for
your loved ones. Cyber crime affects society in a number of different
ways both online and offline. Becoming the victim of cyber crime can
have long-lasting effects on life. Despite very significant investments
made by governments over the past decade to improve the cyber
security of publicly and privately-operated computer systems, there
is very limited systematic knowledge about what cyber crime
prevention policies have been adopted in various parts of the world
and even less knowledge about their effectiveness in reducing the
exposure of individuals and organizations to cyber crime.

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