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S-1. Draw the free-body diagram ofthe $0-kg paper roll which has a Genter of mass at G and rests on the smooth blade ofthe paper hauler. Explain the significance ofeach force acting on the diagram. (See Fig. 78.) The Significance of Bach Force: W is tet of sai weigh on the paper. 1, and Ny athe sot lade scons on the aperrol. 52, Draw the free-body diagram of the hand punch, which is pinned at A and bears down on the smooth surface at B. Fest 3. Dray the free-body diagram of the dumpster D of the truck, which has a weight of 5000 Ib and a center of gravity at G. It is supported by a pin at A and a pin- ‘connected hydraulic cylinder BC (short link) Explain the significance ofeach force on the diagram. (See Fig. 5-7.) ‘The Sigmifitance of Bach Force: Wis eee of eaviy (wegh on the mp A, sa, epi A rents onthe dumper, Fic itp hydra eytinder BC reason on te damper. 5-4. Draw the free-body diagram of the jib crane AB, which is pin-connected at A and supported by member (ink) BC. Ae sky “ES. Draw the free-body diagram of the truss that is supported by the cable AB and pin C. Explain the significance af each force acting on the diagram. (See Fig. 7b.) The Significance of Each Force : G10 G sete pin C acon on the mss, Ty ite cable AB tension om eeu. ‘3 Nand 4 fore athe effec of extemal app freon aru o4n 546. Draw the free-body diagram ofthe crane boom AB a Which has a'weight of 650 Ib and center of gravity at G. ‘The boom is supported by a pin at A and cable BC. The aX Toad of 1250 This suspended from a cable attached at 8, \ Explain the significance of each force acting on the diagram. (See Fig. 5-76.) ‘The Significance of Bach Farce W sinh test of gv (wep coe boom, A, anA, ae te pin A eacions on be boom. Tye ithe cable BC foc estan on he boom. 1250 B ore he surpende lad reston om the boo 5-7;-Draw the free-body diagram of the beam, which is pin- ‘supported at A and rests on the smooth incline at B. 8091 209% | 001 600 5:8. Draw the free-body diagram of member ABC which is supported by a smooth collar at A, roller at B, and short link CD. Explain the significance of ezch force acting on the diagram. (See Fig. 5-76.) ‘The Stemificance of Back Force: 1 $e smoot calla reaction on member ABC. [Ny the ler suppor B econ on mrsber ABC. Fey ihe thom ink reason on ember ABC. 2.5 i tele of exes aplid fre on member ABC. (4am tet exer applied covple momen on ‘member ABC. 5.9, Draw the free-body diagram of the uniform bar, ‘hich has a mass of 100 kg and a center of mass at G.The supports A, B, and C are smooth, am of the beam, which is 5:10, Draw the free-body diagram of t pin-connected at A and rocker supported at B. SIL. Determine the reactions atthe supports in Prob. 5-1 Equations of Equilibrium : By sexing up hex and y wes inthe ‘manner show, one ca obain the direc solution for Ny and Ny. pt HO; My =4905sin 300 Hy ASN Ae Aang ec moses 3020 Nged2SN Ane Ms Ny *5:12, Determine the magnitude of the resutant force acting at A of the handpunch in Prob. 5-2. (Ste A 81.5) - 4,2) | = 6b FR = ¥@) + = 10 Ans 5:18. Determine the eton at the sppors fr he truss in Prob, 5-5. "ren “Equations of Equilibrium : The tesion in te cable cn be obsinet «ducal by serming moments about point C. Me 208 172) +s) -3D-MO) =O Fe \ T= 5938 Ans Ie E gagen 6 -siseura0 IN GaSALN Ans $125 G+ 589 sin30°-3-4=0 G =40SEN Ans Gi ae ae 5-14, Determine the reactions on the boom i su the boom in Prob, Equations of Equilibrium : The force in cable BC canbe obuined icy by summing mornent abou poi (+21, =0; Ths 7.380790) ~ 65060 30°18) aso 100 20 suosomesiie Aw : 2 Sape0 4.-t089(2)=0 avestmontb=snzth Am atryac, 4,-10-1210-110%9(3) Aysisa7becistp A ‘5.15, Determine the support reactions on the beam in Prob. $7 (42Iq, 90: $¥4(03)-$17 (06-8003) -20%6)- 6009) e002) «0 My =214286 = 2.14.p 3210286) -0 A= 1216 1=129%i9 =O: A, +£12142.86)—400- 800-800 600-600=0 4,= M860 149 kip a "5-16, Determine the reactions on the member A, B, C in Prob. 5-8. Equations of Equilibrium : Tae normal reacon N, can be obuined vey by suing moment abot point C. Go Beno, asin 6-250 4913) ~4 Ere & ‘1c 42) “Ngan (10) 0 Z. sson| [an Mj 10s 106N Ame g aa} Losses 4°20" Fog ‘4 A Fey = 0.501 KN Ans +T ER 0; Ny +10sssin 45°~2.50in 60° =0 Ny = 142 ‘as. 5-17. Determine the reactions at the points of contact at A, B, and C of the bar in Prob. 5-9. (42mm = 0; ~100(9.81)(00807 (4.29 ~ 1049.81(030"(04) ++ (03002) + Ne(3) = 0 18987901 + 01N #3 = 0 iy ~ 1006981) + Necoes0" = 0 My = 98 ~ Neleos30%) My — Nella = 0 Ny SN Ame = 20N Ane S18. Determine the reactions at the pin A and at the roller at B of the beam in Prob. 5-10. ~ 200 + 2,08) = 0 1B, = 611.6667 = 62N Ane 4, + s0n{a22.6198") = 0 A126 fn +1ER 0; =A, ~ s00(c0022.6198") + 681.6667 = 0 4, = 190N Aue | | $19. Determine the magnitude of the reactions on the ————— wos Bytes am ae Sen ome a j A= 1033088 ae oe—lhy i 4, = 600 — Aooconis* + 58537 0 4, = 400% ACCEPT TOT Nn 5 221 Determine the ection athe Sopot Aa of the frame, ant (meee 5104794050 -16-4010 20 Ay =739 p= 136g sm Smo, B-0500 B= 0Skip Ane +725 20 8,47387-5-7-10-200 3, = 166i au 321, When holding the S.1b stone in equilibrium, the humerus H, assumed to be smooth, exerts normal forces Fe ‘and F, on the radius C and ulna A as shown. Determine these forces and the force F thatthe biceps B exerts on the radius for equilibrium. The stone has a center of mass at G. [Neglect the weight of the arm. (emmy 0-503) + RG) 0 m= 30m Am +125 0 ese 362m Ane Sey eo ~ s62eer = 0 R938 ke $22, The manisplling a Toad of 8b with one arm held as shown. Determine the force Fy this exerts on the '*™ naan + B07 «0 humerus bone H, and the tension developed in the biceps Fy = 943 = 94 Ans ™ os te muscle B. Neglect the weight of the man’s arm, Smee bes =0 eos Ane 5.23, The ramp of a ship has a weight of 200 Ib and a center of gravity at G, Determine the cable force in CD heeded to just start lifting the ramp, (ie., so the reaction at B becomes 2er0). Also, determine the horizontal and vertical components of force atthe hinge (pin) at A. Rp = 1949 = 1951 Ans fee Sep = 0; 1949sin30"— 4, = 0 A, = 9741 Ans 6 ATER =0; A; ~200 + 1949 c0930° = 0 A= 312 Ans 5.24, Determine the magnitude of force at the pin A and in the cable BC needed to support the 500+Ib load Neglect the weight of the boom AB. Equations of Equilibrium : The force cable BC can be obained dc by summing omens about pois. (+ 2m 90; sin 1°(8)~ s00006 359(8) =0 Few MOT =k Ane 1820.8 13°— S00 35° 20 A, = 20609 8 ‘4, + 1207in 13° 500508 35° = 0 An0 Ts, =A, =20609 = 206Kip Ane 5:25. Compare the force exered on the foe and het of 2120+ wornan when sbe is wearing fegular shoes and stile heels. Assume al her weight is placed on one foot fnd the reactions aecur at points A and & as shown, Bquaon of Egil: Rega sie, we ave (oem, 1205.5) — ty #9 (or = 986 Ae (oem 1203.25) — 45) 40 p= 100 ns “Te of te wet se I sbjce 0 3 rete than hat | (heel ofthe repr sh, Atal te one per ses) de ‘esa bel il fe rach pet ha he Ge regu se 1th ates that co ee dag oS Boog wo. 0m 5.26. Determine the eactions a the pins A and 8. The spring hasan unstretched length of 80 mn. ee —hew Spring. Farce: The sprog sntohes = 015-008 = 007 Applying he spring orm we have Fy = te = @N00N = 2.0N Equations of Eqitrium: Te wml ain Ny ca be eine ‘Grecy by summing mores Sos poet A (45M, =o 4209005) 49102) =0 N= 103) ne tee, = 42020 4,208 Ans ATE) =0 A,=105=0 4,—105N Ane 5.27. The platform assembly has a weight of 250 Ib and center of gravity at Gj If it is intended to support a ots maximum load of 400 Ib placed at point Gs, determine the ee smallest counterweight W that should be placed at 2 in Whe Urls ces, = 0 a order to prevent in All Prevent the platform from tipping over. (FIM =O =agbe@) + 2500) + CT) = 0 “ : w= 75m bn Lb wo 8.28 Determine the tension in the cable and the horizontal_and vertical components of reaction fof the pin A, The pulley at D is frictionless and the ‘ytinder weighs 80 Ib Equations of Equilibria : The easion free deeoped in he cables ‘Sesame royghout the whole cable The fore in cable canbe bined ‘ee by suming moment sboat pla EM, 20; 71594717 |10)-s00 i 3) bana 4 -nn(55} Aen hae pagee rsoers0[Z) 0-8 00 Ae ans ett es cect nang ara se nea foree atthe whee bearing B. pent ae SER = 6 4 ~63765s030 = 0 A= a09N STE 0 4 = 8+ 6ameseou0 = 0 A, = 2486 = F(ain307(100) = 0 5.30. The cutter is subjected to a horizontal force of 580 Ib and @ normal force of 350 Ib, Determine the horizontal and vertical components of force acting on the pin A and the force along the hydraulic eylinder BC (a {wo-force member) Equations of Equilibriam : Te fore in byte cinder BC canbe obuined det by summing moment about pot A. Gm 2e 80015) Aeeos29 «0 c= STOSD=SER ms FT =O, s7405e0030"4580-4, 20 A,=107 BLOB Ans +TER =O; s7é05in30°4390-4, «0 4-678 5.31. The cantilevered jib crane is used to support the Toad of 780 Ib. If the trolley T can be placed anywhere " Regie x = 7 _s between 15 {=x = 7.5ft, determine the maximum magnitude of reaction at the supports A and B.Note that | *™M4 =O =) + 3,0 =0 oF the supports are collars that allow the crane to rotate freely . x about the vertical axis The collar at B supports a force in 3 =Masn i the vertical direction, whereas the one at A 06S 00 pry wuascg orl * Aco Me2s= 162 Aw +7250 mw H0 3-708 Bo TTR = 17S = LSP haw 95.32. The sports car has a mass of 1.5 Mg and mass center at G. Ifthe frant two springs each have astifiness Of ka = 58 N/m and the rear two springs each have a stiffness of kr, = 65 KN/m, determine their compression ‘when the ear is parked on the 30° incline. Also, what Friction force Fy must be applied to each of the rear Wheels to hold’ the car in equilibrium? Hint First determine the normal force at A and B, then determine the compression inthe springs. ‘Eeuations of Equlibriam -The normal wacon can be bined decty by summing moments about pit 8 (26-8 - eniwaiiia Thea 24,030 Ny = 308732 soxeeyeeTs Wt 14 715sin 30° =0 FeSORISNH360IN Ans Po Bi 20% 2, +2(008732. My = 3284468 14 715606 30° = 0 Spring Force Formula : Toe compression of he sping canbe deem =005323 m= 532 me ‘Ans 1, = FBS a0, 0 Berge #008053 m= 505 mm ron 5.33. The power pole supports the three lines, each line exerting a vertical force on the pole due to its weight as shown, Determine the reactions at the fied support D. If it is possible for wind or ice to snap the lines, determine Which lines) when removed create(s) a condition for the greatest moment reaction at D. oa Azo - fos 135 =o, a, ~ 1650 omy « oon ass An Sauls (ing oa: | Laue sane stan ig « _ 00 4000 = MK 9 400g #0 tg Me towe a uF pee ‘Require 800 Ib line to sap, maPe ne = 30 ey 01 Joe = S00 Ae rae lle S34. The jb crane is pin-connected at A and supported by a smooth collar at B. Determine the roller placement x of the $000b load so that it gives the maximum and ‘minimum reactions at the supports Calculate these reactions in each case. Neglect the weight of the crane. Require 4 fl =x = 101. Eguation of Eqiriom Goqeo mca—se0 m=onee ATER <0, A-$=0 4, =S00KD a A, 08st a ap =0, 4, -0416r ‘By otsryan, the manimam support rections ocr whe 2108 an ‘with = 10 from Bgs.(1], (2 and 3, the maimam support ‘ans AeMe By obser, te minha wnat ‘Ans Wok 44 from Eg, (2 and 2), the maha support reactions a AcaNy= 167k 4,=S008 Ae edt] ‘Ne Beep $35. Ifthe wheelbarrow and its contents have a mass of 60 kg and center of mass at G, determine the magnitude of the resultant force which the man must exert on each Of the two handles in order to hold the wheelbarrow in equilibrium, season (AG =O =a + cor9(05) = 0 4 = 3739 “Te po Leen +125 <0, 37839-0980 +25,-0 Ay stad 2, = 1osa1 *8.36. The pad footing is used to support the load of 12 000 Ib. Determine the intensities ws and w; of the distributed loading acting on the base of the footing for the equilibrium. Equations of Equilibrtam : Te lod inky canbe deermined sty by tomming momen about point A (+m =0;, 1500 Ho,-14io(®) weestagn ego 5-37. The bulk head AD is subjected to both water and soil-backill pressures. Assuming AD is “pinned” to the ground at A, determine the horizontal and vertical Teactions there and also the required tension in the ground anchor BC necessary for equilibrium. The bulk head has @ mass of 800 kg. uations of Egiibrium : Tie foc in ound mchor BC be ‘andy by oing momen sow paw A (220; 1omse2ten~2061339-F06)=0 Pests 31N Ane Sapo As31Ls75+24-1001360 Ante as stag <0 4,-7846=0 Aya 7850 Ans S38 The telephone pole of negligible thickness is subjected t0 the force of 80 Ib directed as shown. It is supported by the cable BCD and can be assumed pinned at itsbase A. In order to provide sidewalk right Stuy where eon asehed tae aC asshown by the dashed ines (able segment CD isemoved). If the tension in CD’ isto be twice the tension in BCD, determine the height h fo plaement ofthe strut CE. 300 ~ 10k = 1423005 haissh Ams 529, The worker sss the Band tk to , move ma down the ramp. If the rack nds nto ee the poston shownand have a weigh of OO Ibe of Baviy at G,detemin the renutan sera both wheels on the ground A andthe mon the : force required at the grip B. ert WY cO830(525 + W,xn30%05) ~ s00%m90%.5) — r0DcouBNrC2.) = + 1621 ® = 81.6% Ane PERO, =, + 1000080" = s1.621830 = 0 3, = 45792 ABR = 0B, ~ 1008030" + s1.621c0830 = 0 3, = -20686 4 = VSBBS CHS « 502% 5-40, The beam is subjected to the two concentrated loads as shown. Assuming that the foundation exerts @ linearly varying load distribution on its bottom, determine the load intensities w, and w for equilibrium (a) in terms of the parameters shown; (5) set P = 500 Ib, Lenn Equations of Equilibrium : Teale inenttyw, cn be determined dct by summing moment about pin A (2)-3P 20 Ek S41. The shelf supports the electric motor which has a mass of 15 kg and mass center at Gy. The platform upon which it rests has @ mass of 4 kg and mass center at Gp. ‘Assuming that a single bolt B holds the shelf up and the bracket bears against the smooth wall at A, determine this normal force at A and the horizontal and vertical ‘components of reaction of the bolt on the bracket. B,(60) ~ 4981) 200) ~ 1502835 » © 2, = 90918 = 99 Ane A, = 99918 999N Ane aeaony oan wa By = 18639 = 185N Ans 5-42. cantilever beam, having an extended length of 3m, is subjected to a vertical force of $00 N. Assuming thar’ the wall resists this Toad with linearly varying distributed loads over the 0.15-m lenyth of the beam portion inside the wall, determine the intensities mand Wp for equilibrium. soon =109~Joan0si009 e) 13a.) 20 ‘These equates become 2s = = 80000 solving, 19 EN Ane 5.43. The upper portion of the crane boom consists of the jib AB, which is supported by the pin at A, the guy line BC, and the backstay CD, each cable being separately attached to the mast at C. If the 5-kN load is supported by the hoist line, which passes over the pulley at B, determine the magnitude of the resultant force the pin exerts 00 tM pn pty, eon athe Bt ee 6 jib at A for equilibrium, the tension in the guy line BC, ame nd the tension Tin the hoist line. Neglect the weight of (424% = 0; 701) ~ 50) = 0 tone ej ley at B has a radius of 0.1 m. yen the ji The pulley at B has aie ers, Fr the . 4M = 0-55) + Taek ‘ ae Tye = 164055 = 1646 Ane HaHa =A, + CRIN I~ 4-0 San =O A 16a Zee) = 5-0 ree a 5-44, The mobile crane has a weight of 120,000 Ib and: center of gravity at Gy; the boom has a weight of 30,000 Ib and center of gravity at Gy. Determine the smallest angle of tlt of the boom, without causing the crane to overturn if the suspended load is W = 40,000 Ib. Neglect the thickness of the tracks at A and B. ‘When tipping aces, Ry Gm o 0; =(20.000)(120080~3) ~ (40 000)(27eor 0-3) + (120.000)(9) = 0 0 = cos 10.896) 26a Ane SAS. The mobile crane has a weight of 120,000 tb and center of gravity at Gy; the boom has a weight of 30,000 1b and center of gravity at Gy, If the suspended load has a ‘weight of W = 16,000 16, determine the normal reactions at the tracks A and B. For the calculation, neglect the thickness of the tracks and take @ = 30° = (30 000)(1260830°~3) ~(16 000)(27e0830°-3) ~ (13) + (1200000)(9) = 0 R= 40931 b = 409 kip Ans 40981 + Re ~ 120000 ~ 30 000 ~ 16000 = 0 R= 125 Kip Ans 5-46. ‘The winch consists of a drum radius 4 in. which is pin-connected al its center C. At its outer rim is a ratchet gear having a mean radius of 6 in. The pawl AB serves as a two-force member (short ink) and holds the rum from rotating. f the suspended load is 500 Ib, determine the horizontal and vertical components of reaction atthe pin C, Equations of Equiibritm : The forein shor ak AB cnt tina recy by sdecing momen tow poi. Gare se-talF)oo-0 Ay sense 3 Smo, woe Z)-< <0 Gam Ans 3, G=mn Ans +135 = 5-s0-anal F)-0 S47. The ctane consists of three parts, which have weights of W; = 3500 tb, W = 900 I 5 = 1500 Ib and centers of gravity at Gy, Gz, and Gy, respectively. Neglecting the weight of the boom, determine (a) the reactions on each of the four tres if the load is hoisted at constant velocity and has a weight of 800 Ib, and (b), with the boom held in the postion shown, the maximum load the erane can lift without tipping over. Equations of Eqailibriam : The nomal ection Ny canbe bined Seely by sumeing moments bout point A GBH 2% mcnewam-s500 Soot 150000 =0 Ny = 13942-02961 mu Using the esuk y= 2788.24-0.5882", +725 =0; 2N,+27824—05882)—W ~3800-900~1500= 0 Ny, O7841W+ 1555.88 a 19 Se W= $00 and subs ino Bas. (1a 2] ys i, =07941(400)+155588=2191.181B=21985p Ane Ny = 139412 -02961(800) = 1158821= 1164p Ans 1) When te cranes abou op ove, te normal aston on Ng =0. From Ba (1) 19412-02941" W = 4700 = 476 ip 5-48, The boom supports the two vertical loads. Neglect the sizeof the collars at D and B and the thickness of the boom, and compute the horizontal and vertical ‘components of force at the pin A and the force in cable CB Set F, = 800N and F; = 350N. omy = 0; “Bosom = s9128 7) fracas» Bryaseasor= 0 fy = mis mas fom 0 ane 549._ "The boom sintnded to support vo verte oa F,and Fy If tecable CB can ssn a maximum load ot 1300 To before it fil, determine the crea! Tons i f= 2F Ale, wha is the magnitude ofthe maximum reaton a pin om Sag +0: te = “2m 15 a = Resa) + fasts eaaoy « Zasamersona «0 Peory ro al ‘= 2K = 1448 : | Z\n. fone _ Ee = 0% p< Ta = 2as09 = 0 4, un i = AOR T RDF = 19m = 17S pA ‘550, Three uniform books each having a weight W and. Tength ae stacked as shown, Determine the maximum distance d that the top book can extend out from the bottom one so the stack does not topple over. Ealibram : For top two books. hewper Book wil pple when the centr of gravity of hs bok the igh of pont A. Therefore, te ‘saximum dance fom he ight eg fis bok o point Ais 2. Egugtion of Equilibrium : ore ence re books the tp wo books wil ppl about point 3 smm=0 wera-w(e-f)n0 a ane 5.51. The toggle switch consists of a cocking lever that is pinned to fixed frame at A and held in place by the t= ((0SF + (UAF= ROUT = acTeet m / spring which has an unstretched length of 200 mm. Sy Determine the magnitude of the resultant force at A and $88 «S15. «agg x the normal force on the peg at B when the lever is in the 3 967668 : position shown = be = 5067664-02) = 23828 cal (4mm, = 0; -(2ea2a124009(04) + ¥(01) = 0 My = 20377 = 2N Ane 22K, = 0) A, = 238%2em 12408 = 0 A, = 22089 ‘Nah = 0; A, 4 211927 - 2aazemi2408 = 0 4, = ~Lsis0N A = CRT THD = 281N Ane *5.82. The rigid beam of negligible weight is supported horizontally by two springs and a pin. If the springs are ‘uncompressed when the load is removed, determine the force in each spring when the load P is applied. Also, compute the vertical deflection of end C. Assume the spring stiffness & is large enough so that only small +, = 0, : 3 deflections occu. Hint The beam rotates about A sothe " §"% BD *RAD-AG~o deflections in the springs can be related. poo $53. The uniform rod AB has a weight of 15 Ib and the spring is unstretched when 0 = 0°. If 6 = 30°, determine the stiffness & of the spring. Geometry From tingle CDE, the cosine aw gives ta (TROT TB=TE BO (Tow HF = 37188 Using he sig ae, sna _ sina Tae" Te 773620 Equations of Equilibrium : The orcein the spring canbe obsincd dict by stuning moment aboot pin A Geom e0: sen 30.9 feu 362"0)=0 Tetons Spring Force Formula: The sping sweches x «3.718-3=02718 aa He BO Ane 5.84, The smooth pipe rests against the wal a the points of contact A, B, and C, Determine the reactions at these points needed to support the vertical force of 45 Ib. [Neglect the pipe's thickness in the calculation, (AIM = 0; eon IK) = 45m - READ + RCS aRIT) = 0 TER = 0; Reoensor~ Ryere30r- 45 = 0 aso an is EG =O, Asa ~ Rcoth = 0 2750 an ER, =O, Asem Re — By ~ 2598 530" =0 (42m = 0, Ase U6) ~ Ay(0-8 un30 ~ 2888830" + 208207) = 0 Rese a + 69% Ase "5.88, ‘The horizontal beam is supported by springs at its ends. Each spring has a stiffness of k = SkN/m and is ‘originally unstretched so that the beam isin the horizontal position. Determine the angle of tilt of the ‘beam if load of 800 N is applied at point C as shown, Equations of Bquiibriam : Th sping fore 2 sd B em be obit Giroly by sorming momen about pois Band A, respectively (m4 #0, M00) -HO)0 BIN (emg 20 HE-mmn=0 2260" Spring Formala: Aoping =f, wehsne $3333 oscar Ane "5-56. The horizontal beam is supported by springs at its ends If the stiffness ofthe spring at A is ky = SkN/m, ‘determine the required sifiness ofthe spring at B so that if the beam is loaded with the 800 N it remains in the hhorizantal position. The springs are originally constructed so that the beam isin the horizontal position wher unloaded. beim Equations of Equilibrium : The sping forces and B an be ‘bse dry by summing moment about poi Band A reper Fy20 mo-R05)20 esssN (240, He-mo)=0 H=266N Spring Formula: Aephing = 7, wehave 266.6 ae Gets by =2500 N/m = 2.504 5.57. Determine the distance d for placement of the load P for equilibrium of the smooth bar in the position 6 as shown, Neglect the weight of the bar. +125 =O Remora 0 Vtg = 0 - Ado) + m=85) =o pee = REG) 558 The wheelbarrow and its contents have # mass m and center of mass at G. Determine the greatest angle of tilt # without causing the wheelbarrow to tip over. 5.59. A man stands out atthe end of the diving board, ‘Which is supported by two springs A and B, cach havi a stiffness of k= 15 KN/m. In the position shown the board is horizontal. If the man has a mass of 40 ke, determine the angle of tilt which the board makes with the horizontal after he jumps off. Neglect the weight of ‘the board and assume itis rig. Equations of Equilibrium : Toe sping for a 2 B an be oie dre by sting momen about pins B and A, respectively Gmys0 RUD-mA~0 -H=NITAN Gam 0; (D=324(H) #0 180.6" Fr Spring Formula : Aoplying A= =. wehave uma 15006 722. goratem Ay = 32S wo.10i6tm SF) OMEN TSO Geometry : Tee angle of ka 108 ‘Ans eon emest, *$-60. ‘The uniform beam has a weight W and length and is supported by apin at A and acable BC. Determine the horizontal and vertical components of reaction at A land the tension in the cable necessary to hold the beam, in the position shown, [Equations of Equilibrium : The exson de cable cn be obained recy by sunning mores soot pt A. Tein (9 )1-Weos of)-0 Woos & Bae-H 5-61. The uniform rod has a length {and weight W. It is supported at one end A by a smooth wall and the other end by a cord of lengths which is attached to the wall as shown. Show that for equilibrium itis required that = le? - yay? Equations of Equilibrium : The esio inh abe cn be ‘bained dec by summing owen sboat point A tebe (O-a-teeo ? Grom: ope see vio 19P-0 a8, wee Bo eats a Sean 0 0 on e-ned ® ving esi (0-0) aoe on ay) oe @ ‘Equa Es.) an (6 ye 5-62 ‘The disk has a mass of 20 kg and is supported on the smooth cylindrical surface by a spring having @ stiffness of & = 400 Nim and unstretched length of Jy = 1m. The spring remains in the horizontal position since its end A is attached to the small roller guide which has negligible weight. Determine the angle @ to the nearest degree for equilibrium of the roller. Reino ~ 200981) = SER = 0 Remo — tne = 20081) P 10+ dy Since cos = 40+ 2b fm a 2a jae 22e00 = 10 2480, .,. £80 sind = 400 une + 249.81) saving, @ = 201and 0 = 502° Ame 5-63. ‘The uniform load has a mass of 600 ke and is lifted using uniform 30-kg strongback beam and four wire ropes as shown. Determine the tension in each segment of rope and the force that must be applied to the sling at. Equations of Equilibrim : Doe syemeny, all wie ae subjeced the save wasn, Thi condonstsfis moment oqiram abou ex andy aes and fore equim along yas. af) 5886 =0 Te e9.315 N= L844 Ans 2R =o; “The force F api wo te lng A ost support ihe weight of he ada strogback beam. Hence BR =o, F-600(981)~30(981) =0 F=61803N=6181N Ane *5-64, The wing of the jet aircraft is subjected to a thrust of T = SKN from its engine and the resultant lift force L = 4S KN. Ifthe mass of the wing is 2.1 Mg and the mass center is at G, determine the x,y z components of reaction where the wing is fixed to the fuselage at A, mm, «0, 5465. The uniform concrete slab has a weight of S500 Ib. Determine the tension in each of the three parallel supporting cables when the slab is held in the horizontal plane as shown, Equations of Equilibrium : The cable wasonT; can be bined dct by summing momen about he y axis 2H, =0; $50(3)-H (620 T=27Skip Ane TM, = 0; %(6)+275(9)~$506) 20 Te= 1375 kp An BE=0; 1,4275+1375-550-0 T= 1Skp Ane 4 4 se00 fy aft ae Atom a - Pees : toot 4 bon = A,=20001 + 45000 « 0 Ae MAN ee 4M ~ 28000) = 0 My = 20000 Ane 45000115) ~ 2060109) ~ Me = 0 Moa sreim Ane me, - 100K = 0 Mn OWNm Ane eS fae 5466, The air-conditioning unit is hoisted to the roof of a building using the three cables If the tensions in the PE =G 20+ 300+.200-w = 0 cables are Ty = 2501, Ty = 300Ib, and T- = 200'b, wenn Ane determine the weight of the unit and the location (x,y) of “ its center of gravity G. Bo 7500) = 25010) ~ 200e9= 0 san Am BM, =O; 25065) + 3003) + 2005) - 7800) = 0 yes7n Ame 5.61. ‘The platform truck supports the three loadings shown. Determine the normal reactions on each of its three wheels, Dy =o BOK + SHEED + OS) — C89 R= 2am sm Aw mag sau = H(A = KID + RAID knoe \ $5.68, The wrench is used wo tighten the bolt at A. IF the force F = 6 1b is applied to the handle as shown, termine tbe magnitudes of the resultant foree and {moment dat the bolt head exerts onthe wrench, The force Fis ina plae parallel to the «~2 plane. Equations of Eulieiun: ER ao Gems 4,20 4, =5:1960 EAH, A,—6sin30"=0 A; =2001 EM, 0 (iy), ~6030°8) $2010-i6 0 (a, EM, =O 66003012) = (Mahe =O May EM; a0 (My ~6oa WC) =0 (4) The magniade of ce a ment ens ee Pia JAF = STOO = 600 Ans My = {CVS OO ETS TOES ITE Loin = 705 0-8 Ase 5.69, The cart supports the uniform crate having 3 mass of 85 kg. Deternine the vertical reactions on the thee casters at 4, B, and C. The caster at B is not shown, Neglect the mass of the cart. Equations of Equus Te poral reaction No be ined {icy by summing moments at © at EM, =0; Neth3) -*2450045) <0 Nem 28864 N 0 29.8 ne EM, =0, S535) — 204.6103) — H4(02) =0 N= 21306 N= 213 ane ER 20, Ny +26+ 21308 — m8 Ne=3N as 5-70. ‘The boom AB is held in equilibrium by a ball-and- socket joint A and a pulley and cord system as shown, Determine the x yz components of reaction at A and the tension in cable DEC if F = (—1500k} Ib. om FBD of boa, BE tlt - 19019 = 0 Te = 16705 ano ane | x x % i 4,- PLasnas =o 2 7 i Bz © 2M my doo f= 100m = 1501p Ane A B84 sens tena =0 Aa 70 my an roa ’ owen «0 27st # Teouse= 910% ws 5:71. ‘Thecable CED cansistain a maximum esion of D1 before it fais Deteine the greatest vertial force F that an te cond tothe boom. Ako, what are the xz components ‘eres tthe Balland-socketjeint A? oa BD pater ae AoeH2AOF ~ hem 0 fe 14039 Pom PD bss mam zycanmca no <0 Pe goom = inp ne i ss men no a ea ay fe 5 ee = : 2 ae ¥ Aston =i he mao A. -possn + Zeus «0 Asean ae *5-72. Determine the force components acting on the ball-and-socket at A, the reaction at the roller B and the tension on the cord CD needed for equilibrium of the quarter circular plate. Equations of Equilibrium : Te nor reaction Nan A cn be buined dec by summing moment aboot ie andy aes espe EM, =0; Hy (3)~200(3)~200(380 60") =0 =3121N=303N 380(2) + 200(3005 6) 4 (3) A= S03N2533N iy =0; Bh #0, %4373.214333.33-390~200-200=0 858 BE 0: A=0 2 =0; 420 5-73, The windlass is subjected to a load of 150 Ib. Determine the horizontal force P needed to hold the handle in the position shown, and the components of reaction at the ball-and-socket joint A and the smooth journal bearing B.The bearing at B is in proper alignment and exerts only force reactions on the windlass. ae =o, ayo, aR a0, (50,05) ~ PA) = 0 parse a ae Ane sme +805 #0 i io nats cea +75 150=0 ~ a> Ao 75-19 A NS Aan a 2H) ~ 7510)" 0 aetase12m Aw A= 12547590 A= 35 an | | Br ER=0 EM, =o: EM, =6: Egeations of Elian: 0, + 80sn as" — sins o.=0 0, + 6acueds + eoemas* =0 o=-49b 0,-8020 09001 (+800) — 00450 Uy, = 9848 (Mo), Osa H8)~ eosin) =0 0%, =0 (2), + sind") ~ sing) 0 #0 ‘5.74, The pole for 4 powerline is subjected 10 the to table forces of 60 Tp, each force lying ina plane parle! fo the xy plane, If the tension in the guy wire AB is 80 Ib determine the, v. = components of reation atthe fixed base ofthe pole, O ER =o EF, <0 Bree EM, =0; EM, 20: eral Sieh) ve(})n8 ae tn, - 9006) (M),= 409 (my, <0 : Ohne 5.75, Member AB is supponed by a cable BC and at 4 by a square od which Mts loosely through the square hole atthe end joint ofthe member as shown. Determine the components of reaction at A and the tension in the ‘ble needed to hold the 800-5 eylinder in equilibium. an Ane *8.16. The pipe assembly supports the vertical loads shown. Determine the components of reaction at the ball and: socket joint A andthe tension inthe supporting cables BC and BD. say 20-105 = ay» Bat + Ft # Std + Bettie = sy 20 Bact Fone hehe 7 dye =0 & 2 B+8719-W-65"0 = ston mee Aaya o ae tisur ai mo oo an end yee Aside indy -a-4 asta | ae 5-77. Both pllys are xed tothe shaft anda the salt tus will constant angular veld, he. power of pulley ls bansmited to pulley B. Detrine, the on Fevsona esion inthe belt on pulley Band he 3). 2 components of reaction athe journal beating C ad thras Bearing D it @ = OF The bearings rein propet fment ond er only fore reactos on the sa ; Equations of Eqs 4-0; s(000 -s0(005 +7¢R1)-s0(015 «0 T=580N Ans ON 3M, =0; — (65480)(0.45)~¢,(025) #0 E Ganon Ane BeH0, 04s80)02)-G (075.20 G 22888 Ans Hae aso an 2500; 4288-s0-s80%0 BemaN Ane 5-78. Both pulleys are fixed to the shaft andas the shaft turns with constant angular velocity, the power of pulley A is transmitted to pulley B. Determine the horizontal tension T in the belt on pulley B and the sy, components of reaction at the journal bearing C and thrust bearing D if @ = 45°, The bearings are in proper, alignment and exert only foree reactions on the shaft Equations of Equilibrium : EM, = 0; 65(008)~20(008)+7(0.15)-50(01) T=s80N Ans BM, =0; (65+ 8)(0.45)~S0sn 45°02) -G (075) =0 G=TSIN=7168 Ans MG =O; $80(0.2) + S000 45%(0.2)-G (075) #0 G = WEON=249N Ans B=0 Ans BR =O, 0,+2429-someds'-s80=0 2 =0sN Ane B20, +7157+S01in4s*-80- 6500 Demin Ane 5.79, The bent rod is supported at A, B, and C by smooth journal bearings. Compute the x, z components ‘of reaction a the bearings if the rod is subjected to forces F, = 300 Ib and F; = 250 Ib. F, lies inthe y-z plane. The bearings are in proper alignment and exert only force reactions on the rod. 1, = (-200e0045%j ~ 008i") = cary - 2200» = (250 costa + 250 conte ~ 250ends"H) Aoa (oe3m + 15541768) 4 c) } + rhe A 4B +I ‘ e ’ = 4g = mai +t = 0 . Bae AG a%, wpa + G~MAL- 16820 x Ba, = 0 -BU AH + 21D) + 2121) = 0 m= Gi HAH =o pe AFB - GO HO 42 63D ane Ae an = mim an a= sb re = 2008 an G6 ane +540. The bent rod is supported at A, B, and C by smooth journal bearings Determine the magnitude of F, which will cause the reaction C, a the bearing Cto be equal t0 zero, The bearings arc m proper alignment and exert only force reactions nthe rod Set F, = 300 b. = (ates - i085 = (ia ame Ba euruan share) hemew 8 6 = (0ssegt s06i245) 07071 bs Boao Ben A +B +0880 <0 f. BG A, rosin 2121 = 0 a mee = + G-oWmMR-21-0 * TM = 0-2) AH + BDH #21 = 0 Mae — GSA HO Mae A+B HO Ana 4 =m aw -s96m Amen q=-mew Keown ke $81. Thesilo has a weight of 3500 Ib anda center of gravity tS cms em es eo wi nc pl oe ere setnabjeceswoareutant 258% AHN =< (sue mas 0 ‘wind loading of 250 Ib which acts in the direction show, en 7 DG #0: B(SemerD+ GtSemer)-A(5}+ 250-5715) =0 2sno2s¢—s4os0er6=0 Whe AoBsG-380-0 a Stvg Bg an yi: attr Gann S82. Determine the tensions in the cables and the components of reaction acting on the smooth collar at A necessary to hold the 50-b sign in equilibrium. The center of gravity forthe sign is at G. Be t,o Fat Fcc - 90 0 0 043, Fran Fret +5005) «0 Bee = 0, ~3Toe(2 ~ Fal + Hck + Fre) = 0 Sobving Tye = 321090 3210 Ame Tie = 428571 « 29 an A, 23574 = 357 ans 4-00 Ane 4), = 0 ane (4p)y = =17AS71 = 179 Ane 5.83. The boom is supported by a balland:-socket joint ft A and a guy wire at B. If the S-KN loads lie in a plane ‘which is parallel to the x-y plane, determine the x, y. 2 Components of reaction at A and the tension in the cable at B. Equations of Bquiibra BM, =O; 2Ssin30"(S]~T(19) =O Ty = 1667 EN = 1678 Ans 1M, <0; Sens 30°) ~ Soo 30%(5) = 0 (Staisfted) E20, A, +Sc05 30° Sco 30" = 0 ‘A =0 ro Bh a0, A,~2(5Hn307)=0 4, = 50088 BRO, A-1667=0 4, =167—N “5-84, ‘The boom AC is supported at A by a balland- Socket joint and by two cables BDC and CE, Cable BDC is continuous and passes over a pulley at D. Calculate the tension in the cables and the x,y, z components of reaction at A if. crate has a weight of 80 Ib. a8 (law +a) rere Ne = (02182 ~ 05729} + 364K (tan + [aecie ee Yeo “Fi = ( -02208 pct ~ 09231F pc} + 03072 och 1 a+ “Belarc e = Finc(-D468st ~ 01047) + 0.6247) Finc(O624T(4) + 04364Fe (1) + 030TH oc(12) ~ 8012 = 0 y= 0 De = 0meBSpc) + 02208 pe) O2182% (10 inc = @02= 208 Aw Keg = 10099 110 Ans Bh = A, + 0218210999) a2see207 ~ 2488(E2.00 = 0 A= wae ro Bh =; A, ~ OBTIICION9H - aszs1{s24D — BADET.ED = 0 4 stm a Bh = 0; A, + 0406410895) + 03076202) + 0.624762.) ~ 80 = 0 A= 288m 5-88. Rod ABs supported by a ball-and-socket joint at ‘A and a cable at B. Determine the x,y,z components of reaction at these supports if the rod is subjected to a S0bIb vertical force as shown, Wee -BrA=0 WG A+B 00 Wat +0400 By = 50)- B00 Dy = 0@- HHO hy = 5-H =0 Solving. ‘5-86, A vertical force of $0 Ib acts on the crankshaft Determine the horizontal equilibrium force P that must bbe applied to the handle and the x, y, z components of feaction at the journal bearing A and thrust bearing B. ‘The bearings ate properly aligned and exert only force reactions on the shaft Equations of Egailibrium : EM, 90; 8,(28)-50(14) «0 Ans 24, <0; P(6)=50(1)=0 Paes Am EM =0; 8, (28-5110) =0 2-22be23b Ans B20, 25+2252-A,=0 A= Ane By =o, 300 Ans Hy =0, At250-90=0 A=2580 Ane 5.87. The platform has a mass of 2 Mgand center of mass located at G. If itis lifted using the three eables determine the force in each of these cables. Solve for each force by tusing a single moment equation of equilibrium. 3, - Je fhe & He = Be f soar freto fate =0 Fre = ic = 6131 = 613 BN Lease - 10800) +e = Bervesnan oe Senn fem mewn 0 ont *8-88. ‘The platiorm has a mass of 2 Mg and center of ‘mass located at G. If itis lifted using the three cables, determine the force in each of the cables. Solve for each force by using a single moment equation of equilibrium, By =O Ral) - 20814) = 0 Figs BIN Ame T= alta Hae) + Ba ltggX W) = 0 fom cuere 0) pags aaere eve 3|+[2 3 a f-0 © 06. athe! | 9 8 ~ 04944908) ~ 08944 3)¢-1960) ~ c4e2(—44-1962) = 0 Fic ADEN ne Boy = sed + me lo =O [oss oan 0 oe} © a6. osrel sf WS" 6 [oases -o4sre 3 ~o 0AM OORT) ~ 08944-31-1942) + (04472-44196) = 0 Fie = 4000 Ane 5.89. “The cables exert the forces shown on the pole. Assuming the pole is supported by a ball-and-socket joint at its base, detemine the components of reaction at A. ‘The forces of 140 Ib and 75 Ib lie in a horizontal plane. 75 Mom 1 2 The = Tighe ~ Fesok Tae = Faget + Feat ~ eek 5 0) adoeaaae + 2908) - EareC15) - Ferolls) = 0 mM, = 0 KID) ~ Fee ~ Fe =o 4 159 - FE ncuis) = 0 Bs = 0 Momma - Fmt 0 0 A+ Moma - He 0 ps Tre =13096= 151 Ans To = $108 Ase Ano Ase A= 5590 Ans so, note at BA a aono-force mem, 408A, = A, = 0. 5.90. ‘The pole is subjected to the two forces shown, Determine the components of reaction at A assuming it to be a balland-socket joint. Also, compute the tension in each of the guy wires, BC and ED. Force Vector and Position Vectors: FeAteA ede FRc x(R HAH XE =O = 860{co8 45% sin 44) N = (608.11°-608.118) N 2, 9p t 5 = 450{-cs 20 30% +00 2%cn 30° 0) N (ipfictFihel-FFick) = (-366211+21149)~ 153910) N “+x 241 90142143)— 762.024) we tee o1e(0-0k IO ao HORS, ung dK cmponens, we be 2 + FMiol- Had Piok 36 =o Sieratp-teissa0 “4 Er met Sae-upemszaeo ‘8 saa 1 Bho eee nAlaia” pete: gels Fig =MSODN@205N Fig =62457N=GQ9N Ans euatons of quilt Fo tir ste ‘Sebstinsng the resus ino Eg), (2} an 3] yids Sine ApeSRAN A,=1OTN A, =I27S0N=1284N Ans (4st -s21-2hue 5.) sfoyrate tis 2c +(s-tonus—snsi ‘Bgeaing 1) apa componens, we have BO A c6-3621—-FigrBeeno Hy : Fhhe=o oy ee Anetta Beoo (9 Bae Aerts Liy +591, The shaft assembly is supported by two smooth journal bearings A and B and a short link DC. Ifa couple moment is applied to the shaft as shown, determine the ‘components of force reaction at the bearings and the force in the link.The link lies ina plane parallel to the »-z plane and the bearings are properly aligned on the shaft. 0,280 + Re coxtOr(025 e009) + Fey sa20"(025 un) = fp = 10806 = 1m Ae Bly), = 0) ~A(ON ~ 101540 sanOo4D = 0 1 Ae ==20838 = -206N Ane fae 38 + saa mt on 0 ; a = 19H a ay), =O; A (07) ~ 101549 conO(0.42) By A ne Be = | SSL 101SAs coor + 8, a= 38N an $92 Determine the horizontal and vertical components ‘of reaction at the pin A and the reaction at the roller B required to support the truss Set F = 600 N. Equations of Equilibrium : Tye somal eaion My canbe obtained cy by sumining moment shout point A. G+ 2a = 0 60016) + 600(4) + 600(2)- Nyeon48°(2) 0 My = SOIT N= 5.008N Ane SER =0 A, -s0oLtTee as 20 A, =3600N=3.600N +T2A 0; S0n.176n45°—3(600)~4, 20 4, = HOON = 180 Ane $93. Ifthe roller at B can sustain a maximum load of 3 KN, determing the largest magnitude of each of the three forces F that Gan be supported by the truss. of Equilibria : Toourknowns A, and A, canbe cine by summing momen saat poi A. e™ (6) + FA) + F(2)—3eo8 48°(2) =0 FHO3S26 EN = 3548 Ans 54 Determine the norma eatin atthe roller A and ‘orizontal and vertical components at pin B for equilibrium of the member. pas Equations of Byalibrium : The nol aston N, canbe obtained eaty by summing omen abut point 3. Gm =0; 10(06+ 1.200) +640.4) HN, (12+ 12008607) 20 Ny =800eN me FEA 0 2600300 8,2 5202N Ans +150, 8, +800-65n30°- 10-0 3, =S00uN Ans "5.95. The symmetrical shelf is subjected to a uniform load of 4 kPa. Support is provided by a bolt (or pin) located at each end A and A’ and by the symmetrical brace arms, which bear against the smooth wall on both sides at B and B', Determine the force resisted by cach bolt atthe wall and the normal force at B for equilibrium Equations of Equilibrium : Each shel spotted seppors all of he ppd loa, 4000(0.2)(0.73) = 600 N.The normal reaction Ny ‘an be obuinet diet by summing moments about pia A Sao o0-, 4125 =0, 4,-00=0 4, =40N “Te force ested by te ot ais 5,2 NAR = (OTTO = a1 Ane $96. Determine the the journal beari BD necessary for and z components of reaction at ing A and the tension in cords BC and equilibrium of the rod, coe sepa « fe Gee cere es f — Ro = ot = (06th + 08% 8) 8 Bee Ao ro 35 = 350-065 + O6fy = 0 =O 4-0-4085. + O8y = 0 Bh =O, My + ORF (6) + OB l6) ~ 3046) = 0 By = 0, 8012) - Om (2) ~ 085,50 = 0 Bh =O; My, ~ O62) + O62) = 0 i 2m Ane $97. Deterinine the reactions at the supports A and B for equilibrium of the beam. Equations of Equilibriam : The nomalreacion Mca be obtained ‘Arecty by summing momen abou pola A $M, =) Np (7) 1400(3.5)-300(6) =0 Mpa SSTN=9SN An Ay~ G00 -Be04JSTano atah—e ae 20, Aso a 400m 5.98 Determine the x,y, 2 components of reaction at the ball supports 8 and Cand the balland-socket A (not shown) for the uniformly loaded plate. = GManann = 6B ys Wa Ae Sy AO An AS Bye 4 a0 Am eG Arm rG- bao Myo 2-16 +G=0 @ y= =A sKED-GO=0 & Seting Ea. (1 = 0): ATR=G0s0R Am *5.99. Determine the x, yz components of reaction at the fixed wall A. The 150-N force is parallel to the z axis and the 200-N force is parallel to the y axis, Equations of Bqultriam 2h <0, Ao Ave Th =0 442m=0 4 0-200N Ame The A120 A eLON Am MG =O; (4), $200(2)~ 15002) 20 0G), 2-100 Ane 1 =0; 4), =0 Ane 24 =O; (4), #200025) =0 (M)=-50ON-m Ane 2000 TRepepsh iin tt eden of te racon component ‘vin he oppste sense of those shown on FB > £100, Te horizontal eam ssopported by springs at sends the sities ofthe spring A wk = oti determine the required sins ofthe spring st Bw hot if the beam is oaded with the 80-N fore emai {he horizontal position both belore and afer laedne FA(2)= 8001) #0" Fy 26660 800(2)-F.3) 0 Re S3333N

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