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The magnitude of English mastery urgency has made the author

of this book formulating guidelines provided for students. It aims making

learners to comprehend and apply what they have gotten in English class

into their lives.

Consequently, the book is composed to provide enlightenment for

early age English teachers on how English should be taught and how to

understand the children’s development process. These are efforts to

optimize the teaching learning process. This book can be utilized by

teachers who will teach English for elementary school students; parents

who will start teaching English to their children; and parties who will open

non-formal education institution.

The author is aware that this handbook is still far from

perfection and has weakness in some aspects. Therefore, criticism and

suggestion are welcomed for the improvement of this work. This

worksheet, hopefully, would give significant benefit among teachers,

students, as well as people in general who read it.

Kediri, 20th of July 2020

The Author

Introduction ........................................................................................................ 4

Part of House ...................................................................................................... 7

Bathing Tool......................................................................................................... 9

House Tour .......................................................................................................... 10

Conversation about Home................................................................................ 12

Kitchen Stuff...................................................................................................... 14

Procedure Text .................................................................................................. 22

Greeting Response
Good morning Good morning
Good afternoon Good afternoon
Good evening Good evening
Hello Hi
Hi Hello


Formal: Reply:

How are you? I’m fine, thank you

How do you do? How do you do


Introducing yourself Responses

Let me introduce myself. I’m … Nice to meet you

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Glad to meet you


See you later / tomorrow / soon. Take care

I’m leaving. Bye!
Nice to see you. Good bye
Introducing Myself

Hello, my friends. I would like to introduce myself. My name is

John Prasetya. You can call me, John. I was born in Jakarta on May 11,

2007. Now, I am 12 years old. I live with my parents in Solo. I study in

State Elementary School of Solo. My hobby is playing football. My

favorite animal is Lion. My favorite food is fried rice. My favorite color

is red. My dream is a policeman. Thanks for your nice attention. See you…!

Read this dialogue!

The first dialogue:

John : Good morning!

Carl : Good morning!

John : I am John, a new student. What is your name?

Carl : I am Carl. Nice to meet you, John!

John : Nice to meet you too! Where are you from?

Carl : I am from Jakarta. What about you?

John : Wow, Jakarta is a nice place. I am from Bali.

Carl : Bali is also nice. Do you like playing football?

John : Yeah! I really like it, because my hobby is playing football.

Carl : My hobby is also playing football. Let’s play football with me!

John : Ok! Let’s do it!

Fried rice : nasi goreng Nice : bagus Really : sangat

Attention : perhatian Place : tempat Let’s : ayo

The second dialogue:

Billy : Hello!
Rose : Hi!
Billy : My name is Billy. What is your name?
Rose : I am Rose.
Billy : How do you do?
Rose : How do you do?
Billy : By the way, what are you?
Rose : I am a student of BahasakuInggris. What about you?
Billy : So am I. Where are you from?
Rose : I am from Kediri.
Billy : Oh. I know that place. I am from Pare.
Rose : Really? So, it is near from my home.
Billy : I think so. May I ask you?
Rose : Please
Billy : How old are you?
Rose : I was born in 2007. So, I am 12 years old.
Billy : Oh my God! I am 12 years old too.
Rose : Billy, nice to meet you! I am so sorry, because I have to go
now. See you later!
Billy : Nice to meet you too! See you…!

By the way : ngomong-ngomong Really? : benarkah?

What about you? : kalo kamu? Near : dekat

So am I : aku juga May…..? : bolehkah….?

Know : tahu Please : silakan


Roof : Atap Kitchen : Dapur

Wall : Dinding Garage : Garasi
Doormat : Keset Yard : Halaman
Fence : Pagar Bathroom : Kamar mandi
Pillow : Bantal Bedroom : Kamar tidur
Table : Meja Floor : Lantai
Chair : Kursi Dining room : Ruang makan
Lamp : Lampu Living room : Ruang tamu
Blanket : Selimut Gate : Pintu gerbang
Bed : Tempat tidur Fan : Kipas

What is the name?

Let’s play this game!

Brush : Sikat Tap : Keran

Toothbrush : Sikat gigi Soap dish : Tepat sabun

Tooth paste : Pasta gigi Bathup : Bak mandi

Soap : Sabun Washtafel : Wastafel

Shampoo : Sampo Shower : Sower

Comb : Sisir Closet : Wc

Towel : Handuk Dipper : Gayung

Hunger : Gantungan baju Sink : Ember

Sponge : Spons mandi Urinal : Tempat BAK pria

Coloring the bathroom


My House

My house is located in Jl Lestari no. 5. There is wall fence in front

of my house to limit the area with the other and many trees such as,

avocado, mango, and guava. Besides that, I also have many kind of flower

and my front yard is filled by grasses. There is a terrace which usually

use for us to do some activities, like chatting with my parents in the

evening, doing my homework, and playing Rubik’s cube with my brother.

The first room in my house is a guest room which functions to

receive the guest and at this room there is one set of chair and a table;

there are also two windows covered by red curtain. My guest room is not

big enough and we usually use family room to receive when the guest is

too many. The second room is my room which contains a bed almost as

long as the room. There is a book rack besides the bed to put my

brother’s books and my books. There is also a desk beside the rack book.
It not only uses to study, but also functions to put my bag, my brother’s

toys, my book, and my movies collection. The third room is my parent’s

room; there is a clothes closet and a bed beside it. The bed merges with

a small closet and it located in the front of bed. It contains my father’s

books and my mother’s cosmetics. The fourth room is family room; at this

room, there are a small bed for us to sit down and to sleep, a television,

a DVD player, a sound system and a small aquarium. I usually spend the

time at this room with my parents and my brother and it uses to discuss

something or to watch a movie. That room is bigger than other room; so

I feel comfortable to spend my time longer. The fifth room is a bathroom

which contains of a bath up and two water tap. I have two bathrooms and

it located side by side; so my second bathroom beside it. The sixth room

is a kitchen; the first thing that you seeing are refrigerator beside the

door, and there is a dining table with four chairs. In front of it, there

are two gas stoves, a rack and two windows behind the stoves.

My back yard is divided into two sections by small fence; the

first section is the area for my family and me; the second is for my pets

and my plants. In the first section there are a well and a small warehouse.

The second sections contains of many pets, such as, fishes, rabbits,

chickens, and bird.

Conversation about home

Dita : Hi, Ayu. Long time no see. How are you?

Ayu : Hello, Dita. I’m fine as always. You?

Dita : I’m fine too. Where do you live now?

Ayu : I live in Jalan Pahlawan. Do you still live in Jalan Merdeka?

Dita : No, I live in Jalan Kebangsaan now.

Ayu : Really? That’s near my workplace.

Dita : You should come over to my place sometime then.

Ayu : Of course, I should. What part of Jalan Kebangsaan do you

live in?

Dita : Do you know the mini market in Jalan Kebangsaan? I live right

at the alley near the market.

Ayu : Yes, I know it. Dita, your house is so close to my workplace,

but how come we never met?

Dita : Well, it’s probably because I rarely go outside.

Ayu : No wonder. Anyway, can’t wait to visit your house.

Dita : Me too, I’m so looking forward to it.

Let’s play this game!

Blender : Pencampur Plate : Piring

Bowl : Mangkuk Refrigerator : Kulkas

Cup : Cangkir Rice cooker : Penanak nasi

Fork : Garpu Shelves : Rak-rak

Frying Pan : Wajan Spoon : Sendok

Glass : Gelas Stove : Kompor

Knife : Pisau Tablecloth : Taplak meja

Microwave : Oven Tablespoon : Sendok makan

Mug : Mangkok Teapot : Teko

Napkin : Serbet Teaspoon : Sendok teh

Coloring the kitchen

Cooking Words with Pictures and Examples


She breaks 2 eggs into a bowl.


Melt the chocolate and allow it to

cool slightly.


He spread some strawberry jam

on his toast.

This cake has a layer of fruit in

the middle.

Roll out

She rolls out the pastry on a flat



The ground was hot enough

to fry an egg on.


As you peel away the onion skin,

you will find another skin


After you have beaten the

eggs, mix in the flour gradually.


I can easily whip up an omelet.


We should saute the onions for

five minutes.


My mom tastes the soup for the


She cut the meat into small



Chop the carrots up into small



It’s best to slice into a rich cake

from the middle.


How about grating carrots for

the salad tonight?


You’re pathetic! Can’t you

even boil an egg?


You should steam the carrots

until they are just beginning to

be tender.


I pinch little salt into the soup.


When you’ve ground the coffee,

use a funnel to pour it into the


I’d like to add some pepper to

the bean curd.


If the weather is fine,

we’ll barbecue in the ranch.


Are you going to roast the



Nowadays, I bake my own bread

rather than buy it.


I need a teaspoon to stir my tea.


Please weigh out 10 pounds of



 3 – 4 spoonful of flour  1 mixing bowl

 2 eggs  2 table spoons

 1 ½ (250 ml) of milk  2 cups

 1 stick of butter  1 small pan


1. Put the flour in the bowl.

2. Put milk in a cup.

3. Make sure it’s 250 ml of milk.

4. Put the milk in the bowl.

5. Break the 2 eggs into the bowl.

6. Mix it with a spoon.

7. Heat up the pan and put the butter

8. Put the mix in the pan.

9. Let the pancake mix cook about 5 minutes

10. Flip pancake over when the top is brown.

11. Your pancake its ready to be serve.

How to Make Sandwich


 White bread without the skin  Tomatoes

 Onions  Boiled eggs

 Leaf lettuce  Mayonnaise

 Sardines fish without the sauce  Cheese

How to make:

1. Toast the bread on the Teflon without put anything on the

surface. Let the bread until you find it turn to be brown.

2. Lift and grease by using mayonnaise as your taste on the bread’s


3. Make the content of your sandwich by combining all the materials

together. Add the mayonnaise and stir until blended.

4. Take bread that has been baked. Layer it with lettuce and cheese

on the top. Also, put the contents of the sandwich’s mixture on

the top, then cover with sliced tomatoes and lettuce.

5. Add the mayonnaise over the lettuce before it is covered with

the last layer of your sandwich bread.

6. Ready to serve.

How to Cook Instant Fried Noodle

Do you love instant noodle? Absolutely! Especially when you don’t have

money left in your pocket, this instant food definitely be the best choice

hehe. If you want to serve a delicious instant fried noodle like you have

never taste before, try to follow these following steps.


 A pack of instant fried noodle  3 stalks celery

 2 glass of water (400cc)  A carrot

 2 spoon of cooking oil  3 to 5 stalks chili


1. Boil 400cc of water in a pan

2. While waiting the water to get warm, prepare the vegetables:

peel the carrot and chop it into a few chunks. Wash the celery

and the chili and cut it into small pieces.

3. Add the carrot, chili and the celery into the boiling water and

wait for 2 minutes.

4. Open the pack of noodle and take out the dried noodle, then put

it into the boiling water, stir it frequently

5. Add 2 spoon of cooking oil into the boiling water, stir it


6. Turn off the stove and drain the noodle and the vegetables

7. Put it on a plate, then pour the instant spices on top of the noodle

and mixed it evenly

8. Delicious fried noodle is ready to be served

9. Now, make your own procedure text!

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