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eo eptting an coping. evn he am of iene cnn ol publ VS - DEUTSCHER VERBAND FOR SCHWEISSEN UND \VERWANDTE VERFAHREN EX 1 Soope, 2 Canora requirements 3 Measures Detore wolding 4 4 Hated tool but welding 1+ Heated tool txt welding of pipes, pipeline component, ft fioge and shosts 42. Heated too bist welding of tapping toes 15 Blocrousion welding 151 Description of method 5.2. Welding ouipment 183. Preparation of welding 5 Welding procedure 6 Heated tool seckot welding 6.1, Descripon of method 62 Welding devices 65. Preparation of welding 64. Welcing procedure 7° Testing of walded joints 3 Vaid standaris and drecives ‘Apponctx: Processing instructions (shor versions) Welding protocols 1 Scope “This standard relates fo the heatod tool bull welding of shoots Aczeraing fo DIN 16225, tho haaled fool bull the heated tot Socket ard tho slectrotusion wolding of pipes, fitings and fapring tees made from PE-HD according o DIN 8074 and DIN 8075, DIN 10962, DIN Set2-4 and as42-1, boing used for the ‘conduction of gas bids ard sok, itr regard fo the folowing instructions, suitably wihin the melt flow rates MPR 190/5 0.39 fo 17 g/10 min may be assumed. “Tae into eoccunt ta casein ate malt ow index groups in Figure 1. Foe the heated tool butt welding of tapping tees Toctitione according to eoaton 4.2 ava tobe atenced pos and shoats within tho MEI groups 009, 020 and 022 the [MER value must bo contled (e.g. corilicate of the produce) Matoras outside the hatched area as wo as PE 100 requice an _adatonalprool 0 OVS 220-4, 2 General requirements “The ually of welding joints doponds on the qualification of the ‘waldar the sutabity of te usod equipment and devices a8 well ‘2s 0n cbesrvance (othe welding standatds. The welding joint can bo testod by means of nondostuctive andicr destructive smothecs. “The welding work must be monitored. Kind and range of _Suporvsing has tobe agroed batwoan the contract partners. cis Tecommenviod to reco the welding data in weidng protocals (Gamplo see appendix) or on data canons. Sedona paras ptton te sr rm 0B. Welding of Thermoplastics Heated tool welding of pipes, pipeline componente and sheets ihage fom PESHD Direction DVS 2207-1 Ce] (ugust 1065) Piss, pple component bterhr} a} ae 7 Wl rmveveernmeom Figure. Mos.tow ndox gu for PESHD acortng to DIN 16776- wae) intin the frame of the qualty assurance Ils recommended to perform and tast samples of pnts before begining anc during {he woking works Every welder has tobe tralnad and has tobe in possession of a valid qualfiation cea. The btended appieation range may be decisive ofthe kind of quafication. For the heated fool but ‘woldng of shoets ae woll'as in to Industral pong systom Conainiglon, tho standard DVS 2212-4 is val. For pipes S22smm outside dfameter an addtional. coticale of ‘ualfeaion is oqulod, “To traning and examination ofthe welding oaths doat with inthis document is dascilvod in tho rolovant recive OVGW GW ‘S20 which apples spocifialy forthe conctrucion of gas- and Wwaler pili. The diectve can bo analogously ueod as {uallicaton proof for the hated tool socket welding and tha lecrfusion welding In the industrial piping sysiom construction ‘The equipment and dovicos which aro used for wolng must ‘correspond to the requirements In Grective OVS 2208-1. The Wwolding of plastics for indoor appicatons Is describ in the quidsines OVS 1905-1 and DVS 1805-2. 3 Measures before welding ‘The welding rone must be protected against bad. woathor iniuences (eg. meiatur and tomperatures bolow + 5 °C). tie ‘enaured by sulablo measures (e.g. prebeatng, ten, heating) that the condone are stable for wading, work may be cari Dut al ary cuside temperature Insoler as the welder is not Pindoved In his handing I nocozsary. an addon proof muct be provided by carrying out sample welds undor the mentioned condtons (secton 7). It the soenifinished product f= heated up unevenly under intvence of sunshine, a tersperatura comporssation inthe area of tha wokdag jont ean be reached by covering. A coaling down ‘uring tha wong procass by ventilation has tobe avoidad, 0.0. by casing he piperands during welding, ‘Th pbteaon han boo ean up by gous of exponen’ apace wing nan None stony at cenionon le ecmmand, The ea wuld eee ee eee Sitar cas uct fs vrdon on anda a vba Tho Gmvochor ba ti Swe, DVS, Technical Committee, Working Group ‘Joining of Plastics" ‘Orders CS. GmbH, ® 0. Bx 10196540010 Dusetda, Gormany, Prone: +49(0}2119581-0, Teta + A90} 21/1591 180 ee ee ae Pipos rom coke a oval immediately ater uncoting, The pipe ‘br must be prapared belore woiing, a 9. by careful heating uo (fi a hobair equipment and use ofa sulable camping andor Ferounding dovice. “Tho conection zonae ofthe compononts fo ba welded must be Undarnaged and have to be foe of contamination (2.9 dit, ol shavings) 4, Heated tool butt welding “41 Heated too! bt welding of pps, ppelae components, Milage snd obeste Deserptlon of method [At the noated tol butt welding mathod, the connacton zones of tho componants to be welded are aligned on the heated tool {atonmenil, heated up tothe welding Lomporaluce with reduced prossure (healng-up) and joined under presoure (ning) afer Femoval of tre healed tool (ool romoval). Figure 2 shows the principe f this procedure. [AK woldings must bo performed by means of machines and fsqupmont, wich covespond to the raqufemenis in DVS 220841 preparing manufacturer Infomation, calculated of moasured valves, ‘Adstonaly, at the welding of pips, tha workpiece moving fore esp. moving pressure ie faken from th indicator of te welding ‘machine dung the slow displacement of tha par to be wolded fad have tobe added 9 Bo prior dstermined [ening force resp. folnng pressure. “The nomloat wal thcknossas of the parts to be welded must 1000 20 e00 31500 «2000 32000 22500 32900 = 000 Figure 2. Prince of ha hata ol but weldng with exer pipe. 43.2 Preparation of welaing Porto tho stat ofthe welding process the welding temperature sat on tha hoatod too! fo be checked. This is done 0. 9. by mane ol fastndleaiing measuring device for tia measuisng of the eulace temperatura. The carol moaeuromont must ba dona ‘shia tho araa on the heated tool which corasponds to tha sari {ilshod product, For adjusting a thermic balance, the heated tol may ba insarted 10 minutes after reaching the set temperature at ‘re eartost. “To oneure an optimum welding connoction, the heated tool has to be cleaned wih an absorbent, norfuzzy and nor-coloured paper betora every walding oporaion. Tha ant-adhesive coating or Covering fe Peat Yet mst be oo of drags bn the working zone. ‘Tho jlning forces and joining prossures have tobe specitiod for tha machines to Da used. These can be based on ©. 9 ot, the gap width and the misalignment have to be contoed. ‘Tha mialgnrnent ofthe joining areas on the pipe culside resp. ahset may not pass the poissible size of 0.1 xwall icknes. ‘Too trosted welding arsas should be nether cited nor touched by hand, asa retreatment woud! be necessary then. Shavings {allen into the pipe have lo be removed. If the gap wiath of pips with targa outside diameter cannot be opt ascordng fo Tabla 1, ts allowed to achieve the contact of ‘tho parte on te haatoe toa! by mating of 413 Walding procedure In hosted too! ult woldng the welding aroas are hoated-up to the welding temperature by means offre healed {ool and joined Lndar prascue aftr amoving the heated tool. Tho heated toot tamperale Is 200 to 220 °C. in pancle the upper lemperatre lent i to aspited for smallor walthicknesses, the lower tormperature bt for bigger anes (see gure 9). The lifarent stages of the procoss ara lustratod in figura 4 eae 8 heated tol ternperature 335 waltickness tin Figure. Recommended values for te hosted tcl 1omparatie subjection walbiomess. ) Poe eae ieee ieee eee hee ery [esserg ne Figure 4 Process tagan of hosod fo but wedng Alignment “The ining areas ofthe welding compononts are aligned to the hasted too! unt al areas aro pane-paraltelon tha haated tol, “Ths facts visi onthe Kind cf beads. The alignment i rished wnhen the bead heights have reached the monioned valuos in {able 2, coknn 2.0n the tral pipe cournferance resp. te total shect surface. The baad sizes aro an index for a completo Contact of the Joining areas on the haatod tool. At larger pipe dlamoters (> 890 mm) the sutlont bead size also on the ppe's Inside has to be contaled et he bacining ofthe welding works, Dossy by a test jin. The alignment prossurs of 0.18 Nine Steet dung a total agent process. Hoating-up For heating-up, the joining aroas must contact the heated tect tah iow pressure. ‘The pressure ls reduced 10 nearly zo (£0.02 Nim). Daring heatingup, the heat penetrates the Joining areaa end the Wolcig temperature is reached. Hoating- Up tmes are montionedin table 2, column 9, Removal of heated tool ‘After peating-vp, the joining areas are to be detached from the fhealed tool The heetod tool should bo withdrawn in such a way that tho heated jlning areas. aro nether caragod ner Covlaminated, The (pling arsas should be joined togather ‘uicky unt irecly botore the coniact. Tha changeover time ‘should be as short as possble (sea lable 2, column 4), a ‘otverwiae the plastid eroas wil col down, The welding joint ‘Quay woul bo infvenced negativay. aga Sto DVS 2207-4 grea arr tbat ut wl on are Jotning ‘hw areas fo be weldad should meet wit a speed of nearty zero. The cemanded joining presauro Is bult possibly linear. The required tmes are shown In table 2, column 5. The joining preseure 0.152001 Muro. “The jening proseure has fo be kept curing tho cooling timo (ceo {able 2, ectimn 8). Ralsed mocharical toads during or daly torte declaring ate alowed only after elongated cooing, Atos the joining, a regular double-boad must appear. The baad size shove the togualy of the weldings. Dillront boads could bo caused by diferent melt fow behaviour of tho connocted materia. K must always be larger than 0 (s98 gues). Shot vareon of processing instructions 680 appendtx 42 Hestad to! but welding of tapping te “The heatad foo! butt welding of tapping tes is useable with PE HO pipes according to DIN 8075 of maltslow index group 010. the case of PECHD pipes accorcing to molt ow indax group GOS the welding process 16 usaable only in conjunction wth a reinjoreoment embracing the pipe. The later condon also feppiee tf, eepocialy in tho cave of Sitios atlacned. at a subsequent stago, an attribution within the scope ofthis standard isnot possible, Hosted too! butt wads of tapping tees have tobe cariad outwith the help of welding furs. {Tbie2. Recommended valves forthe hesod ool but welding of ples, ngs and sheste made from PE-HD, alan outside loiprature of ‘pprotimatty 20°C ond toderate nr ow Onto vluea have tobe trpolted). i 2 a 4 = Nominal wall | Alignment Heatlng-up ‘thickness Bead neighton heated — | Heating-up time ‘ment timp (ligament with | (reating-up with 0.45 Nima) $0.02 Nim) en (rian value) tool atthe ond ofthe align | = 10 x walthickness Joining ‘Changeover Talaing Coottng tne under preseure | olning pressure build-up time | p=0.15 Nm? 20.01 ‘a maximum time rin (minimum values) 05 10 15 20 25 30 a5. 40 3 6 oc . 8.10 o. 10. a z 18. 10. 2. 12. % 6 . 4“. 20. 0. ee ee erm cere Wares ead 2 S&S eS fF S&F Se Se SF Se Fe ee & = Shot vetsion of proceesing insincions sve appenctc 424, Description of method “The coneeclion zones of pipe and taping tee arw aligned and froated up by meane of @ shaped hosted tool under alignment praseure. Anor witidrawal ofthe shaped heated tool the joining ‘leas are joned undo oring pressure. 4422. Preparation of welding ior to the stato tha wading process, the wolding temperature {ton the heated tools 10 bo checked. This is done e.g. by Means ofa factindcating measuting davon forthe maasusing of {ho aucace temperature, The alignment has to be started 10 rites afr reacting the sot tomperature at tho east “To achiave an optimurn welding connection, the heated tol has to be. clsanad_ wih non-uzzy paper before ovary. wetdlng Sparaton. The antkadheeWve coating ofthe heeted tool must be ‘rea of damages inthe working zone. Prior to camping into the weiding equioment the joining suriace Of the pipe has to be scraped by tinming blade oF ancthor futala tock. Shavings have to be removed 8.9 by a brush of a paper. “The oiig areas ot the pipe —unloss clean ~ andthe tapping tee fave fo be cleaned with a dregroasing agant (e.g. technicaly ure wino apt with 99.6% str alcohol, <0.1% water in Grigna container) The degreasing agent i to be applod using ‘Ghused, absorbent non fuzzy and non-dyed paper. “The treated wolding areas shouldbe nsthor died nor touched byhand, asa retratment would be necessary then. ‘The roundness of the pipe isto be made by the camps of the \wolcing equipment of sorespending rounding devices. Tho ft ‘ofthe lapping tee feco is tobe contd. Por woiding the requled foros for algnment and joining have fo be roqussled ‘ut of tale from producer of the welding ‘equipment. 423 Weldtng procedure ‘Tho hosied tool, Nested to tho viclding tomperature (250 to 270°C), ie nvoduced between tha welding components, an is prossed with an alignment pressure of 0.15 Winn fo pipe and {apaing to. ‘Ator beac have formed (lable 3, column 1) the specife sot proseute for heating up fs reduced fo 0.02 Ne The heating Fine depends on data provided bythe manvtactrer ol the fitig. \Wnen the neating tine is elapsed ho shaped heating toa sto bo vithcrayn 20, that ho Hesiod joining faces are neither damaged Or contaminated. The joing areas shovkd be joined together Bromplly aha The changeover tina should be as shor! as ossble (maximum value soe table 3, cole 3) ‘Alter comolete cooling the wolding Fixture Is alowed to be romoved. ‘Short version of procoasing Intructons eee appencix ‘5. Electro fusion welding 54. Deterion of matnod Joining arcas, that maans the pipe surface and te inside of the fing, ate overapped and the resistance wire inside the fiting. (heating cols) are Neatod up by. elociic curent (Plastfcaton). The weld is caused by the lfc! of heat fxpancion (aint preasute) during tho welding time (see figure 6). 52. Weng equipment “Tha welding ecuipment haa fo supply the required voltage forthe locvotusionjaint Tho device must swich off as soon 8 the ecassary quantity of heat has boon fed to the welding zone. Tbe \woldng equipment must be acjusted tothe Elecrofusion tings. “Teble3, Recommunded value forthe hosted oo! butt weling of {oping teea mode from PEMD at ambient lrperatire of Bic and et mocerate a flow. ‘Alignment underp = 0.15 Nina ood height on hosted ial at the end of ‘he alignment tine mm (rinenam vate) | 1.0 Heating up underp s002Nimm™ | according to aatingup tie a] manulecuers ‘maximum tino 8 [10 Changeover Toining pressure buleupime | 5 LE Cooling tine uncer ging pressure IB peas Nie tale (minimum vale) | 16 Figure 8. Bevo taon walsng enc) 152. Propartion of welding Clean surtoces are very Important for the fabrication of parect welding ents. “The end of the pipe must be of nominal diameter inthe area of the heating coi. The pipe surface has fo be scraped in the welding zone and the pipe end tas to be burt outs, Ovaly ‘ust abt excoed 1.5% of the outar lameterin the welding zone Itnacessary, coresponding rounding davices have lobe used. “The preparation of the otning areas has fo bo done inrnedately prior welding i state, 531 Sectrotuston welding of tings “The welding zone of he pip has to be treated mechanical aaa auetsos by seraping cannot be guaranteed, the surace as far as oad by the fing manufacturer ~ and the welding arcas of the fing have to be carefuly coaned by means of Segreasing agers (e. 9. Wecnical clean epit) and absorbent, pon-urzy apd nen-slourod paper. Ovelly must not sxce0d 415 % of the outer diameter in the welding zone. Use a marking or suitabo device so that the pg in depth ofthe pipe can be checkad. The fing must net be canted or pushed Inko the and of the ppa using force, ‘The contact slaves for connecting tho welding cable must bo located 20 hat they ao oasiy accessibie, “The pipes have to bo cut roctangular with a sutable too. The pipe ens have tobe treated according fo he instructions ofthe fing manutactuor C _ Ss SF SS SS & fe 1532. Electotualon weltag ot tapping 08 “The welding zone ofthe pipe has o be treated mechanical. tf aciean surface by scraping cannot be guaranteed, the surlaco ts farts required by the lapping tae rpanutactrer ~ and the ‘walding areas of tha tapping {98 have to be caretuly cleaned by moans of dogrossing agents (e. 9. tachoical clean stir) and ‘Sbsorbent,non-tzy and por-coloured paper. Clamp the tapping feoonte the pipa using sllable doviens. Cvalty must not excood 1.5% of the outer cameter ia the ‘welding zon0. If Recassary, coresponcing reroundng daviees havo fo bo usod. 54 Walang procedure “The welding equipmert I connoctud by a cable wih the pat 10 be welded. The welding cabla has to be placed witout weight Faded. The contact aveas must bo clean. The required data of the iting or tapping toe for tho wolding procoss are taken ‘ttornalizaly by the welding equipment or must be inserted. Alter Stating the wolding process t's finished automaticaly. The ‘waldg timo ia usualy sown on Be welding equipment has to be Insert to to walting protocol as aso cer shown data rom the welding machine, as fr as no dla record is done. “The patts tobe welded have to bo aocurod by sulable measures ‘asp. davicos against change of positon. The connection may be moved only after cooing down. The Siting resp. mourning ‘manufacturer supplies coresponcing information. ‘Short version of handing ineructions so0 appendix 6 Honted toot socket welding 1, Deverpion of method In heated tool socket wolding (¢e0 fue 7), pipe and pinata Component are welded in overlapped condion. Pipe and and fiting are heated up to waltng temperature by a socket or spiget- shaped hoated tool and subsoquantly joined together. t + eee ee) a me Welded connection eT Figure 7, Heated too eocket wag (pn) Pago Sto OVS 2207-1 Hosting tool and ttings are dimensionally adapted so that on joning a joining prassura wil bo bulllup. Healed tool socket ‘Molding can be performed manvel¥y up to.50 mam pipe dlamotr. MM dlametere ae trom 63mm, a wolding davica ts required “Too hested tools are hosted eloccaly and are coated ant- achesiely. 163. Preperation of weleng ‘The treatmont of te joing areas of the walding components shoud take pace Immeciataly bafora welding fs started. Me pipe fond has to be bevelld accorcing fo figura 8 and table 4. The Jobsing area of the pe is to be Weated acconing to the ‘manufacture guides. At manual weidings the insert depth is tobe markad on the pipe wity distance I accorcing to table 4 sanwards. Figure, Bevin ole ple ed ‘The inside of the fitng has to be cleaned thoroughly wit a dopreasing agont (e.g. tecrnical clean spit) and absorbont, nom iuzzy and ner-olouted paper. Bolore welding stats, tho welding temperature (250 up to 270°6) soton tha sated tol has fobs convald, This checking is cong by moans of a fastidicating surface tomporlure ‘measuring device. The heated tol may bo insortod 10 minutes fatter reaching tho sot femportute atthe earliest. Hating socket and heating spigot must bo treo of ‘cortaminalons and shuld be cleaned belors welding with an ‘sbootbont, non fuzzy aad non-eoloured paper, The ant-echesive ‘coating ofthe heating spigot and heating socket must be fee of ‘Samagee i the woking tea. 4 Weiing procedure Forha purpose of heating, ting and pipe are pushed switty and ‘acally nl tha stop amacrine weldeg resp. ntl tho mark at farual welding ont the dovices fed on the heated tool and Fld thar, tha to be avoldoe that th pipo is pusod ant the fend of tre heating socket, Afterwards, tho heating-up ie stats _gocoing tothe tina vaizes in abie 5, column 2 ‘Alter the hoating time has elapsed, fting and pipe should bo ‘wtharawn shavply for the heated tool and pushed together Immediately without any twisting unl te stop of mark (maximum ‘cjosting me 220 abe , column 3) ‘At manual woldinge tho jeined components have to be fixed faccordng 10 tho ma mentored in table 6, column 4. The, Connection may be Toadod by fut instalation works ony aftr ening ba Is ovo (aia 5, column 8). “table 4, Values or plpe chamfor and insrt depth Pipe neon ‘chamfer | depth tenn | tem ‘able. Recommended vale forte heute to! socket wolcing ot pipes and pipe: Fin componarta mode fom PEMD, a ambien temperature of 20°C ord moderate ft 1 2 [a 4 3 camat 7 Pips outside Heating-up time © tor | tor p10 | tor PN spa 11? | son 17.0") ‘Changeover (maximum time) 5 7 7% 3 5 7 8 2 2 2 20 40 50 60 1) Duo othe low wall thickness, the welding matiod is net recommended. 2 Standard Damonsion Ratio - dis ‘Tabje@, Possine tet methods for welaing connection [Fest method sheets, pipes, stings ‘heated tool butt welding ‘Tapping toes. ‘tings Electrofision welding tapping Teated tool eocket Se welding DVS 2202-7 table 1, cont. no. 1-9 walded joint ven vs 2202-41 formed and essing | table S,cort. no. 1-5 font whole reumference ‘The mechanical treatment ol tre pipe surace has tobe visible out- side ofthe waling area, ‘pve 22004 ve 220241 {able 3, cont no. 647 table 2, cont. no. 1-5 Apeleabe ‘Slaternont about ‘2g. hots, not about qually aro possible ‘Not meaningist ‘pplcabie Statement about o. 9. polos, aot about qua iy ar possible Fonsio tock vs 22082 ‘short actor. ys 2203-4 long-term factor. Fracors accordiagto DVS 2205-1, table 9 DVS 2035 Mima bending ‘angle according 0 vs 2200-1, figure 1 IN 1696055, section 32.3.1, length of every ripe isea according to DIN 16963 tabla 5. ‘Not meaning or fong-term welding factor> 0.5 DNase, spcton 23 and, reo" DIN 1686355, 2 | secion 32:11 ana 420180°C DINSAaA, DIN 7696355, section2.3and3.2 | section 32.3.1 and at80"C 42a160°C Oe ee ee a Ba Be Sees See Sel ae Ce 7. Testing of welded forts ‘Various tots can be used lo fest the qualiy of Inidual welding Diferentation is made between desturive and non: otarucbve tests. Detale of hosp ae cortanod in taba 6. Tests ‘Shasemping ean be carved out por fo or curing wading work ‘acearing fo agreemont. 8 Vali etandards and directives IN 3549-4 Tapping too fags of rigid polyathyiene fr pipes of rigid Polythylons, dimensions DIN 9544-1. Fitings of rigid polyetnyiane: requirements and testing of tapping te fing IN8074 Pipes of polathylena, PE 63, PE 80, PE 100: cdmonsions. ineo7s Pipes of ne, PE 63, PE 80, PE 100 ‘general quallyrequernents and testing DIN 16776-1 Poletnylene moulding materials, classifeation ard ‘dasignation iN 16925 Extruded sheets ut of PE-HD; tachical tors of cowery DIN 1696 Pipa janis and pipeline componants for pressure pipelines cut of PEHD DIN 19587 Pipes and ftinge out of PE-HD for sowage pipe ‘ines 4 denonsions 2 technical tems of colivory DYGW ——_Walsiag of pipos and pipsine components out of Gwe00 —-PEHD for gas and water mains; taining and fesing scheme PE -waidng supervisor Fadures on. welded jolns of thommoplastis; fo lures, description, evaivation “Testing of weldad joints of thormoplastos; test methods, requirements tenia tost Jong time tensa test; festng of ingtpipe fonts supeement 1 (craft) ‘Tochnologial bending test (DVS 2206-1 Calculation of bins and gadgts out of thermoplax ‘ile; charactoities valu9s VS.2208-1 Machines and aqulpment for tho welding of ther- ‘mopiaetes; heated tool welding DyS.2212+4 Testing of plastic wolders; test group | subgroup 5 sp.6 9 Explanations For the hoat tol butt welding of posta components made from PEHO, the droctve OVS 2207-1 pipes and pinaline Comporients for gas and walor mains, 5.84 = and DVS 2207-2 Sewage sipes, 0.86 — were vald, The cononts ofboth parts were ned Requremonts for the gap wath botwoon the tated ‘Welding areas subject othe plpo lamer are valid also for pipes Used in gas- and wator applications. “Table 2 has been adapled 10 the faost technical knowledge (Gioger walthichneasas, enhanced welding equipment and new Bipetne components). Tho non-contact heeted lool welding (hrenly iscussed inthe woréng grup. ‘The valdty for pipes, pipetine components and ftings hes boon completed by shea in he heated too butt welcing mathod. Page 7 to OVS 2207-1 ‘Appendix: Processing instructions (ahort versions) “To: Heated too! butt weiding of pipes, pipeline compon- ‘ante, tinge and shests Proceésing instustion (short version) 1. Take care for allowed working condtions, op. woking tent. 2. Connect the welding equipment to the net or aerating ‘urtant generator and control the function. Ajst and clamp the parts to be welded undor easy axial movement eg. by doses. 4, Tieatment of connection areas, at pipes 9. by planing toot. 65, Tae off tho planing telat the pipe weling machine. Flomove shaves ftom the sling area forcom, brush, paper. CCoce tha pipe ands against air movement Check the plane-parlolly by coming togethor with the joining arses (maxdmum gap wit aocording table 1) ‘Check the misalgnment(masirmum 0,1 x wall thicknoss) Check tho ested ool temperatura subject to the ‘walthicos (igure 3) 11, Clean the heated fol with nomuzzy paper. 12, Read the mong pressure rasp, moving fore trom the pips ‘Walding machine and insert tothe walang protocol 413, Detormine the value for sligning, hsting-up and joining pressure +4, Fhe guide valves according able 2 418. Sot the haatd tool othe welding postion +16. ign the welding aroas tothe heated tool unt a bead arses {eceording table 2, column 2). 417, Heating-up with reduced prassuro <0.02 Ninn, heating up ‘ime accorting table 2, column 3). 18, Remove tho connecton arees to be welded frm tha hosted teal aor Trishod healing.up Sime and remove I from the ‘waking poston. 48, The joining arose should bo joined togethor within the changeover tia table 2, column 4) irmectatly until dracty bolore te contact, At contacting, they have 10 moet with & ‘speed of neey 2079, Buildup a ear olning pressure lable 2reolumn 5) immediatly orwards 20, Aftor joining with pressure 0.15 Nines, a boad must exis. ‘Acsortng igure 8, Khas to be > 0.on every section. 21, Coaling down under joining pressure sccorting table 2, coum. 22. Deslamping ofthe welded parts ater cooing tina, 23, Complete the weksing protocol. To Heated toot welding of tapping tees Precassing Instracion (short version) 4, Tak care fr alowod working condtion, e.g. welding ten. 2, Control the funtion ofthe welding ecuipment. 3, Ensure the roundness of the pipe by the clamps of the \wolding equipment o° comtespencing rerounding devices . Adjuct end damm the parts to bo wolded under easy axial moverent e.g. by dali. ‘Sorape tho plpe surtice. Focthe welding equpmant onto te pipe. ‘Choose the comect-shapad heating too. Clamp and aust the tapping 00. = a ee ry ee 9, Caan the trated pipe surlace ~as fara ts contaminated — ‘and the heated tool by moane of degreasing agents (2. 0. Technical dean spit) and absorbent, non-hurry end non- ‘coloured paper 10. Determine forcee for allgnmant and joining (table of manufacture’). +1, Check ne welding tomporeture (250 10 270 °C). 12, Set the hested tool othe welding poston. 18. Alln the welding eros tothe heated too unit @ bead of ‘rm arcos. 14, Heatng-up ith reduced pressure $ 0.02 Nimm, heating. up tie aooorsing to manufacturers cela, 45, Remove the connection areas to be woldad rom the heeled {bol after heaingwp Sme faished and romove k from tho ‘woiding poston. 46. The Joining areas should be joined together within the Ghangoows eof manimum ¥0 seconds. 47, Bul up oling prossure within 5 seconds 48. Caaling down under joining pressure, minimum 18 minutes +8, Dectamping ofthe welded parts ator cooting te, 20, Comelete the weking protocol. 05.3.1 Eleetrofuston welding of ftings Processing instruction (shor version) 4. Craeta permitted working conditions, e. . wading tet, 2. Connect walding unit fe the mains oF thea. c. generator and ‘hack tncton 9, Debur outer edges of pipe ends out off a ight angles (or connocton wit tinge). 4 Ensure that pipe end are round using recunding clamps, permitted ovaly up {51.5% of outer carta 5. Procoss pipe surface inthe ving zone with a seaping to! 6. solo, tan tho processed pipe surface and, if appcable fon manuiacturer’s instructions, the fing. tapping tee accossory thoroughly wih a degreasing agent {erg technically puro wine spint wh 90.8 % ety eloohol, < 0.4% wator in orginal container) and unused, sbsoront porefuzzy and non-dyed paper. Push pip int iting and check insertion depth by marking or using stable devo 3. Conn eae to iting. Cable must be fre of weight load. Wome opps, choc stings on Bo wang 410. Camy out welding process according to manulacture's Inston. 11, Disconnect eabe from fiting. 12. Observe cooling down time according to manuiactuers instructions, 18, Complete the wetlog protocol form. 053.2 Electrofusion weleingof tapping tees Proosesing ination (chat version 1. Create permed working conten, 9. welding te 2. Connect wating unit tthe mains or hea. goneratr and heck Tunes | 2. Eneut hat pipe i round using orunding clamps, parmited ovate {01.5% of ctor danoter 1. Process pips surace mechanical in wong zon. I soled, dean the process pipe surlace and, if appteabis pending on manutscurere ietucsons, ho tng. oF tapping too acoosenry thorough with a degreasing agent (eer Rawicnly pure une sere na 99.8 aby aes of senator igi cover and unused, absorber, sonfuzzy and nerdy pap 6. Fastontepoing ta onto the pipe 7. Connect cable to tapping tos. Cable must be tree of weight foad. 8. Where applicala, check sotingssplays on the welding Dnt 8. Cany out welding process. according to manufactuars Instructions 10, Disconnect cabo from tapping oo 11, Observe coating tina according to manviactuer’s Instructions 42, Complote the wesing protocol form. To6, Heated 100} socket welding Processing intruction (shor version) +1, Tako care fo allowed working conditions, o.g. welding tent. 2, Connect the welding equipment to the net or atemating fcurent generator and cana the function. 9. Claan the heating tools by nom fuzzy paper. ‘4. Chock the walang tomporatra (280 fo 270 °C). 15. The inside of tho sting has to be cleaned by means of 2 ‘dpgraating agant(@. .technical ean spc) and absorbent fon fuszy and noncolcured paper “Treat tha rectangular cut pipe ond according figure 8 ane fable 4, resp othe fing manufacturer Instruction. - Insert the fing and pipe simultaneously into the nesting ‘Spigot resp, the heating socst. The ppe end may net contact the ond ofthe heating socket. 1. Koop the heatingn time aezording table 8, column 2. Poll off he Siting and pipe and push them switty and axaly Together tothe stop resp. ark (maximum adustig time see table 5, column 2) and hold tis poston (s00 fatto, col a 410. Cool down the connection. Mechanical oad of the connection nly altortniened cooing te ascording ible 8, column 5. 41, Complate tho wading protocol. sanzany Supout oop sd 21 Ueudnbe Buapon ‘essa june jo EP BUBIODY ee “arma panes a ‘g1'7 4 Gupsooe even ee 006 ‘eens Gopi p oats pum ana ‘mies ee Page 9 9 OVS 2207-1 wewente BUENA punasionun ps pune pao s]uauoduios seurjedid pue| sodjd Jo Bupjam yng Joo} payee} EU 40) WO} [09010d anh ponsveu 213 | -onasex! uyou soevom sd 98 weuinbs BupyoN de reese wow jo BRP A SUEY | 2 pei apo fovsroay Tove oped und ‘ade en james pos 9 ree eH 2960 °N act won| uc Bane 2910 owen 05er9| Page 10 to DVS 22071 syeoys Jo Buyplom Ung ]00} PaIveH By} 40} WO} [O90}01d c si nn Eom mllllkO UCC eC elec Camg=e wed Bue = 1 0=3 eee wooing ebuy=e mene poo bans a “Sones penswou 2H seen peo gamete = “pean wae of Bunion oe 8K 083 peed Bunge emeite pum er) sets Bape Page 11 10 VS 2207-1 sedid jo Buipjem uojsnjooe]3 64} 405 Ww. 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