Disusun Oleh Holifah Raudlatul Jannah X Mipa 2 / 17

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Disusun Oleh ;

Holifah Raudlatul Jannah

X MIPA 2 / 17
(Chapter XXXI)

Story Background
Perhaps, someday, dear—" ButAunt Polly did not finish. Aunt Polly did not daretotell, yet,
the great hope that Dr. Chilton had putintoher heart. Butshedid say this—and surely this was
quite wonderful enough—toPollyanna'smind
Main Characters
Pollyana :
An altruistic, humble, loyal, polite, home-loving animal, and the first character
introduced in the story. Fed up with spring cleaning in his secluded home, he ventures
into the outside world. Initially overawed by the hustle and bustle of the riverbank, he
eventually adapts.
Dr. Chilton :
He is cultured, relaxed and friendly, and enjoys a life of leisure; when not spending
time on the river, he composes doggerel.
Polly Aunt :
She is prone to obsessions and crazes (such as punting, houseboats, and horse-drawn
caravans). She gets bored with each of these in turn, and drops them, finally settling
on motorcars.
Plot Summary
Over in the window the nurse and Dr. Warren were talking earnestly. Dr. Chilton held out
both his hands to Pollyanna.
"Little girl, I'm thinking that one of the very gladdest jobs you ever did has been done to-
day," he said in a voice shaken with emotion.

At twilight a wonderfully tremulous, wonderfully different Aunt Polly crept to Pollyanna's

bedside. The nurse was at supper. They had the room to themselves.

"Pollyanna, dear, I'm going to tell you—the very first one of all. Some day I'm going to give
Dr. Chilton to you for your—uncle. And it's you that have done it all. Oh, Pollyanna, I'm so
—happy! And so—glad!—darling!"

Pollyanna began to clap her hands; but even as she brought her small palms together the first
time, she stopped, and held them suspended.

"Aunt Polly, Aunt Polly, were you the woman's hand and heart he wanted so long ago? You
were—I know you were! And that's what he meant by saying I'd done the gladdest job of all
—to-day. I'm so glad! Why, Aunt Polly, I don't know but I'm so glad that I don't mind—even
my legs, now!"
"Pollyanna, next week you're going to take a journey. On a nice comfortable little bed you're
going to be carried in cars and carriages to a great doctor who has a big house many miles
from here made on purpose for just such people as you are. He's a dear friend of Dr.
Chilton's, and we're going to see what he candoforyou!"
Do not be stubborn because not necessarily whatyou think is right is good for you, but it
makes your own woe and it can make your self sorry

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