Passive Voice Answer Key

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PASSIVE VOICE – answer key

1. a. present perfect simple active
b. past simple passive
c. past perfect simple passive
2. TO BE + 3rd form or -ed
am, are, is
am /are/is being
was/were being 3rd form/ -ed ending
has/have been DONE/FINISHED
had been
will be
must/should/can/may/have to be

1. was cleaned
2. had been completely repainted
3. have been arrested
4. has been offered
5. was given

2. laughed at
3. slept in
4. directed by
5. decided on
6. heard from

1. It had been blown down in a storm.
2. It was built in the beginning of the last century.
3. He was told to join the queue.
4. She has been chosen for the basketball team.
5. It had been completely redecorated.
6. He was made to sing a song to everyone.

1. was
2. went
3. got
4. checked
5. was taken
6. was introduced
7. has also shown
8. took
9. had
10. have already been told

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