Disspeta 1

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(INDIVIDUAL) Mini Performance Task for D.I.S.S.

1 (First Quarter)

Understanding Various Social Phenomena in the Philippines through

the Integration of the Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences


1. Choose a topic that you consider as a social phenomenon here in the Philippines. The
topics may range from something that’s serious and considered as a national concern
(like poverty, extrajudicial killings, unemployment, HIV/AIDS epidemic, etc.) to something
that’s of novelty (Filipinos’ Fascination for the Free and Discounted Stuff, KPOP Invasion
in the Philippines, The Jeepney as the Ultimate Filipino Icon of Society, etc..)
2. Once you choose a topic, create a catchy title for it, just like those mentioned above.
3. Below your title, please create a short paragraph explaining why your chosen topic
should be considered as a social phenomenon in the Philippines. Provide evidences to
support your arguments.
4. Your next goal is to analyze and explain how your social phenomenon relates to the
different fields of the social sciences. Apart from giving a short overview on how it’s
connected, you also have to provide sources/evidences to support your claims.
5. You can choose a minimum of seven (5) social sciences to integrate on your topic. If you
can integrate all nine (9), then it’s better.
6. Use the proper format for APA in-text citation and bibliography or your preferred citation
7. Follow the format of the table on the next page.

Other instructions:

 Save your file as PDF. Other file formats won’t be accepted.

 Save using this format: diss_peta1_lastnameSECTION.PDF
 Keep your papers brief and concise.
 Your outputs will be uploaded on eLEAP, and the anti-plagiarism feature will be
 Papers with 15% level of similarity and below will be given a “free pass”. Those
with 16% - 49% level of significance or similarity will be given deductions, and
those who will get 50% and above will be receive a grade of ZERO.
 DEADLINE: September 30, 2017, 11:59 PM
The “Sinigang” as the (Official) National Dish of the
Philippines (Arial; Bold; 19)
(Please provide a short paragraph here explaining why your topic should be considered as a
social phenomenon; provide sources if necessary and available) (Arial 11)
The ingredients of the dish vary depending on the place where it’s
being prepared (you may elaborate on this further).

Geography Supporting ideas/evidences:

 Idea/evidence 1 (source). Short elaboration.
(Arial; bold;  Idea/evidence 2 (source). Short elaboration.
16)  Idea/evidence 3 (source). Short elaboration.

(All texts on this side of the table are using Arial 11. Make sure that you
BOLD the ideas/evidences that you gathered. DO NOT FORGET to
include proper citations.)
Sinigang, like any other food, can be traced back to several
generations. Some families even “save their recipes” for the next
generations to appreciate, making it an “heirloom” for them. By doing
so, these families preserve their traditions, with hopes that their
successors will continue to appreciate how sinigang became a part of
their lives.

Apart from sharing the recipes, the elders will also be triggered to
Anthropology remember lived experiences that they can share to the young ones.
Through this, the younger generations can have a grasp on how life
was back then, thus preserving the memories of their ancestors through

Supporting ideas/evidences:
 Idea/evidence 1 (source). Short elaboration.
 Idea/evidence 2 (source). Short elaboration.
 Idea/evidence 3 (source). Short elaboration.
Sinigang has been around for more than ….. years. Several historical
documents can prove that it exists even before the 1900s (sources). It
only proves that sinigang has been a part of the Filipino culture ever
History since.

Supporting ideas/evidences:
 Idea/evidence 1 (source). Short elaboration.
 Idea/evidence 2 (source). Short elaboration.
 Idea/evidence 3 (source). Short elaboration.
Because sinigang is considered as a dish that’s loved by the Filipinos
from all walks of life, several companies made efforts to produce
products and good for the “sinigang-loving” market. (Further elaboration
Economics and sources.)

Supporting ideas/evidences:
 Idea/evidence 1 (source). Short elaboration.
 Idea/evidence 2 (source). Short elaboration.
 Idea/evidence 3 (source). Short elaboration.
Serving and eating of sinigang may vary depending on the occasion
and the people you’re with. (Elaborate further; include sources)
Supporting ideas/evidences:
 Idea/evidence 1 (source). Short elaboration.
 Idea/evidence 2 (source). Short elaboration.
 Idea/evidence 3 (source). Short elaboration.
Because the flavors of the sinigang are distinctly Filipino, OFWs cook
sinigang as a comfort food to remind themselves of home.

Psychology Supporting ideas/evidences:

 Idea/evidence 1 (source). Short elaboration.
 Idea/evidence 2 (source). Short elaboration.
 Idea/evidence 3 (source). Short elaboration.
Several surveys were conducted to see how people perceive sinigang
as a national dish and their preferences, among others.

Demography Supporting ideas/evidences:

 Idea/evidence 1 (source). Short elaboration.
 Idea/evidence 2 (source). Short elaboration.
 Idea/evidence 3 (source). Short elaboration.
Linguistics For this topic, I decided not to integrate Linguistics and Political
Science. If you are going to omit a field, do not include it on your table. I
just included these two on the table for your reference.

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