SOS Secrets of Opening Surprises. Volume 3

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SOS - Secrets of Opening Surprises 3
Edited by

Contributing authors
Mikhail Gurevich
Alexander Beliavsky
David Navara
Oleg Chernikov
Adrian Mikhulchishin
Carlos Matamoros
Ian Rogers
Karel van der Weide
Jcroen Rosch
Dorian Rogozenko
Mark Bluvshtein
Glenn Flear
Oleg Romanishin

2005 New In Chess - The Netherlands

© 2005 New ln Chess
Published by New In Chess, Alkrnaar, The Netherlands
Appears twice a year

Previous versions of Chapters 3, 7, 12 and 15 have appeared

in New In Chess Magazine.

AU rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written
permission from the publisher.

Cover design and lay-out: Steven Boland

Drawing on frontcover: Zander Dekker
Printing: A-O Druk BV, Zcist, The Netherlands
Translation: Ken Neat (Chapters 9, 10 and 16)
Production: Joop de Groot
Proofreading: Rene OIthof

Printed in the Netherlands

ISBN 90-5691-140-6

Jeroen Bosch The SOS Files 9

2 Mikhail Gurevich Portisch's Ingenious Idea 18

3 Jeroen Bosch A Flank Attack in the Grunfeld 28

4 Oleg Romanishin Catch-as-catch- Kan? 36

5 David Navara The Paulsen Attack in the Petroff 42

6 Dorian Rogozenko Let's wait together in the Slav 51

7 Jeroen Bosch Surprise in the Scotch 62

8 Mark Bluvshtein Out of the French Book 71

9 Alexander Beliavsky Volga Gambit with 4.tlJd2 77

10 Oleg Chernikov Provocation in the Rauzer: 6 ...g6 82

11 Ian Rogers Caro-Kann Fantasy Variation 90

12 Jeroen Bosch A Central Thrust in the Reti 97

13 Karel van der Weide A French Nimzowitsch 104

14 Glenn Flear Protecting the Gambit Pawn in the QGA 110

15 Jeroen Bosch Evans Gambit: 'StonewareDefence 117

16 Adrian Mikhalchishin A Sozin Opening Surprise 127

17 Mikhail Gurevich English or Sicilian Reversed 131

18 Who is who? Authors and their Subject'> 143


CHAPTER 1 - page 9
Jeroen Bosch
The SOS Files

Winning the SOS Competition

+------------ -
CHAPTER 2 - page 18 CHAPTER 3 - page 28
Mikhail Gurevich Jeroen Bosch
Portisch's Ingenious Idea A Flank Attack in the Grunfeld

t!, ttl s
l!. t!, A t!, t!,
J:t~~iVw~ J:l:
King's Indian Reversed with 4 ... 1i,d6!? 4.h4 - Still following a central strategy

CHAPTER 4 - page 36 CHAPTER 5 - page 42

Oleg Romanishin David Navara
Catch-as-catch-Kan? The Paulsen Attack in the Petroff

Sicilian Kan Variation with 6 ...e6-e5!? Play 4.t)·:c4!? en route to e3

_________ ._..L __ . -...J
CHAPTER 6 - page 51 CHAPTER 7 - page 62
Dorian Rogol.enko Jeroen Bosct:

Let's wait together in the Slav Surprise in the Scotch

X ..t • ~A
l!,l!,l!, l!,l!,l!,
l:llLl ~W~ ]I
The Chebanenko Variation with 5.h3!? Play the Blumenfeld Attack - 6.tLib5

CHAPTER 8 - page 71 CHAPTER 9 - page 77

Mark Bluvshtein Alexander BeJiavsky
Out of the French Book Volga Gambit with 4.tL:d2

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d3 A modest move

CHAPTER 10 - page 82 CHAPTER 11 - page 90

Oleg Chernikov Ian Rogers
Provocation in the Rauzer: 6 ...g6 Caro-Kann Fantasy Variation

x i.'it' • ..t &

.A ~A

Combining the Rauzer and the Dragon 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.f3 e5!?
CHAPTER 12 - page 97 CHAPTER 13 - page 104
Jeroen Bosch Kure! va" der Weide
A Central Thrust in the Retl A French Nimzowitsch

t:,[!'t:, £!'At:.
l:t $.~W~~lt
3 ... e5!? - Unhinging your opponent A Little Weird: 3 ... tL:c6

CHAPTER 14 - page 110 CHAPTER 15 - page 117

Gien« Flear Jeroen Bosch
Protecting the Gambit Pawn in the QQA Evans Gambit: 'Stoneware' Defence

Play 3 ... tbd7!? 5 ... .ad6!? - Old Wine in New Bottles

CHAPTER 16 - page 127 CHAPTER 17 - page 131

Adrian Mikhalchi.'ihin Mikhail Gurevich
A Sozin Opening Surprise English or Sicilian Reversed

Hitting the bishop with 6 ... tLia5!? The 'modest' 4.a31?

Jeroen Bosch
The SOS Files

Albin Galore IH~b3 tLixe5 14.tUfxd4 0-0 15.'tWc2\i'g4

505-2. Chapter 5. p.3H 16.$..e4 'l!fh5 17J:tg I c5 18..if3 0xf3
19.ti':xf3 $h8 20.'i'd2 1ff5 ~e6
There have been plenty of high-profile 22.t.Ud3 u'ad8 23.u'ac I hS 24.b3 'li'e4 with a
clashes in the Albin lately. Especially. sharp game and approximately equal chances.
Morozevich and Nakamura are putting up a 8.. .fxe6
decent Albin show. employing of course In Wiley-Rudolf, Budapest 2005, Black had
Morozevich's interpretation with 5 ... CLige7. compensation for the pawn after 8...~b4+ !?N
9.tLibd2 'iYxe6 lO.a3 rucd2+ II.'ffxd2 h6
o Alexey Dreev 12.i.f4 ~xf4 13.'tWxf4 'ffxc4 l4.l:kl 1Wb5
• Hikaru Nakamura IS.t?,xd4 C;;:':xd416.... xd40-O 17.:lxc7 :le8.
Gibraltar 2005 9.a3
The main continuation is 9.0·0 e5 and now:
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5 • lO.t2:;bd2h6 II..Qh4 ~d6?! (11. .. sa as
I wonder how often Dreev has been con- in Krasenkow-Morozcvich, Podolsk 1993. is
fronted with the Albin in a serious game. preferable) 12.c5! (the same trick as in Van
3.dxe5 d4 4.tLlf3 tDc6 5.g3 tDge7 Wely-Morozevich, Monaco 2004 - that game
6.gg2 tDg6 7.~g5 'ti'd7 B.e6 wcnt 1O.'~a4 ~d6 Il.tLibd2 h6 12.c5)
12...iixc5 02 ...i.(7) 13.'ffc2 Cuxh4 14.tLxh4
~b6 15.t;~:g6t:.g8 16.... c4 ..-e6 17_~xc6+
(17.~d5 'i!i'xg6 18.hg8 (18 ..hc6+ ~f8)
18... £.h3 with a certain amount of counter-
play to compensate for the exchange)
17...bxc6 IS.cilxc5 'iWxc4 19.0dxc4 ami
White was better in Susan Polgar-Nakamura,
Virginia Beach rapid 2005 .
• lO.a3 as II.'ffa4 h6 12~c I tL~d8.Black
opts for the ending and is playing it safe lone
would think other openings would be better
suited for such an approach!). 13.'~xd7+
In reply to 8.0-0. 8...h6! was Morozevich's .i.xd7 14.b3 tLie6. Black has no problems in
crucial novelty against Gelfand in Monaco this ending. The players agreed a draw here.
2004 (see 50S-2). After 9..1f4 Ci:;xf4lO.gxf4 lzoria-Nikolaidis, Athens 2005.
g5 Il.t2;bd2 gxf4 a recent game Narciso 9 ...a5
Dublan-Fluvia, Badalona 2005. went: 12.$h 1 Not allowing 10.04. which would gain space
(I2.~e4 was Gelfand's choice) 12...~g7 on the queenside.

Jeroen Bosch
10.'llfa4 h6 Divan Sokolov
This is always useful, Black will be able to • Alexander Morozevich
develop his bishop to e7. He has to watch Wijk aan Zee 2005
out, though. for tricks involving the unpro-
tected knight on g6. 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5 3.dxe5 d4 4.C£.}f3 ~c6
11.jLc1 5.ti'lbd2 tL:,ge7!? 6.tbb311'J5!
Uri-developing the bishop. hut leaving the Stronger than 6.Ji:;g6 7/2,bxd4 which offers
d2-~quare available for his knight. If White Black no compensation.
hadn't played 9.a3 he could have contem- 7.a3
plated playing Qd2 and lOa3. It would be interesting to know what
11...e512.liJbd2 ~e713.0-0 0-0 Morozevich had in mind after the 'boring'
A fairly balanced position. Black's space ad- 7.e4!? The ending after 7...dxe3 8.~~d8+
vantage in the centre (due to the Albin pawn tL!xd8 9.fxe3 first occurred in the stem game
on d4) is neutralized by White's control over Lehmann-Srnedcrcvac, Hoogovens Bever-
the e-l-square and (he h l-a8 diagonal. White wijk 1965. After 9...0;6 IO.~d3 t/Je7
now starts his offensive on the queenside. 11.ti::bd4 .lii.g4 12.h3 hI) 13.~~f3 t.2Jg6
14.b40d8 l4 ..ihg6 hxgf IS.\tle2 Smederevac held a
A sensible reaction. draw after many adventures. The Dutch
15.'i'xd7 ~d7 16.b5 a4! 17.t1':e1 c6 Hoogovens company is now part of the Corns
18.nb1 cxbS 19.cxb5 na5 20.Qe4 concern - did Morozevich know about this
tDh8 21.ltJd3 iZJht722.1DC4 historically significant game? In a recent
Exchanging his weak b-pawn fur the game 9...~b4+ was played, after 10.'&1'2 ~e6
e-pawn. Il ..Q.d3 4~d 12.~hc5 Axd 13.u3as 14.b3
22...l:xbS 23.lbb5 ..axbS 24.Ci:.cxe5 0-0 15.~d2l:td8 16..,t;e2 White skilfully ex-
tDxe5 25.tbxe5 ~d6 ploited his endgame plus in Huvia
Not 25 ...~~e2? when 26.:te 1 $.b527P,g6 Poyatos-Fluvia, Badalona 2005.
is unpleasant. 7...~e7 8,93 a5 9.~d3 a4 10.(i:bd2
h5 11...ah3 g6 1Vt::e4 h4

~ .t.'if~ :!
11 .t.l
'II 1
1 ~1t2J i
~ 'if t2J8Yl.
~ ~~ ~
J:t ~ ~ 1:[
Dreev forces the draw, as he is definitely not With a good feeling for symmetry Black
better after 26.liJd3 lleg 27 .~f3 ~c6. pushes both his rook-pawns 10 the founh
26...Wh7 27,~e4+ 'itlg8 28.~d5+ ~h7 rank. His last move is in fact a mistake as
29.~e4+ Y2-Y2 13.g4! Ci;;g7 14.~d2 t2::e6 15.0-0-0 is virtu-

The SOS Files

ally winning as Morozevich himself indi- o Veselin Topalov

cated after the game. • Alexander Morozevich
13.j)J4? hxg3 14.hxg3 tC.g7 Monte Carlo rapid 2005
Here is answered by J5..i.d7+!
~xd7 16J::txh8 'i'xh8 17,thg3 WeR 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5 3.dxe5 d4 4.~f3 0.06
1fUl-O-O when White is at least somewhat 5.a3 t;i';ge7
better. Mornzevich always plays',ge7 - regard-
15.~~g2 less whether White plays 5.g3, 5.t£Jbd2 or
Instead of the text, 15.0f6+ ~"f6 16.exf6 5.a3 as in the present game. Established
tL:e6 l7:ife4 was better. Albin theory cites 5...~c6 with approxi-
15...l:txhl+ 16.~xhl ~_f5 17.tilfg5 mately equal chances.
~a5! 6.b4
Not 17...$.xg5? 18..lhg5 .hc4 19.'lWd2! More interesting than 6.g3 ltJg6 7 ..2.g2
which gives White a superior game. tGgxc5. Topalov isn't going to give up the
Morozevich just continues to play his trade- gambit pawn for nothing.
mark type of chess. In soccer terms we 6...4\96 7.~b2 as!
would call Morozevich an exponent of A useful interpolation to weaken White's
Dutch IOtaI football. He uses the wings to qucenside before taking on e5.
make the board as 'broad' as possible. 8.b5lL:cxe5 9.C::xe5lbxe5 10.e3
18.'Wf3 ~619.0h7 Here IO..~.xd4 tL:xc4 Il.e3 transposes. Not
19.tL:xc6W8!; less ambitious and wiser. IO.~xd4?! 'f!hd4 11.~.xd4 ti'.xc4 with a
19....Q.xe420:~'xe4 c6 21.e3? nice ending for Black.
Now Morozcvich develops a raging initia-
21...tL:b3 22.l:tdl ~a5+ 23.:J;e2 tL:.ec5
24.1jj'g2 ~a6

i ._.

10....~e6 11._~xd4 fuc4 12.~c2 tLJd6

Considering Black's next move 13.tDd2 co-
mes into consideration. Nothing special is
White's game is beyond saving. 13.'1:c3 ~;r5 l4 ..ie5 .td6.
25.'~f1 'Wxc4+ 26.~gl ~c2 27.~f3 13..:~lt'g5!?
d3 28.i.g5 li.Je4! 29.~xe7 .!lJxf2! Morozevich typically seeks complications.
30.1'kxf2~xd1+ 31.Wg2 'tIi'c2 32.~d6 Both g2 and b5 are under attack.
0-0-0 Or 32...d2. 33.Wg1 'tWx12+ 14.14 'i'h4+ 15.g3 ~h5
34.Wxf2 J:[h8 0-1 According to Nunn White is better after

Jeroen BOsch. :__ _

15...*,h3 16.c;i;f2. Obviously 16.fV xc 7 The trap snaps shut!

would he a big blunder because of both 24.~e5 l:txd1 + 25.l:rxdl &.xa3 26.15
16..."tWg2 and 16...1:[c8. ~a2
16.ttJc3 ttJf5?t Aesthetically pleasing and also the only
John Nunn gives 16...a4 17.()-O ..Iib3 move of course. Topalov's next move is a
concluding that White is slighty better. clear mistake.
17.0-0 0-0-0 27.1:[a11 ~c5+ 28.Wf1 neB! 29J:tel
17... ~xd4 18.exd4 doesn't work for Black 29.llxa2 llxe5 and the bishop on a7 is lost.
because of the threat 19.f5 - his king won't This was still the best chance as the opposite
find a safe haven in time. For example coloured bishops (after a subsequent ~xb6)
18...~d6 19.fS ~d7 2(UXael+. offer White some hope for the draw.
18...ta7! 29 ...f6!
Excellent play by Topalov. For the moment Liquidating into a won ending.
the bishop cannot be trapped, while it assists 30.ttJd3 ~xe1+ 31.Wxe1 .Qi.d63Vbc1
in a deadly attack on Black's monarch. 3id5
18...,*g419_~ Black's bishops dominate, the rest is easy.
Computer programs quickly indicate that 33.~b3 ~e4 34.~>xb6 cxb6 3s..b6+
White wins here with 19.tL:a4! when a pow- <1;;c7 36...t>e2 ~e5 37.4i·..d3 ~d6
erful check on b6 can only be prevented with 38.we3 .idS 0-1
the futile attempt (0 run (but not hide) with
19 <;f;ld7.
19 l:rd7 20.l:rfd1 Falling Short in the fast Lane
And again Topalov misses a good opportu- 505-2. Chapter 8. (J.63
nity (remember that this is a rapid game).
White has an edge after both 20.tL.l2! lffg6 Nigel Short played 3 ...h6 in the French Tar-
21.nfc I, and 20 ..i.c2 'iWg6 21.nfd I (Nunn), Tasch at the 2004 Olympiad. He got a decent
20 .. JWf3 position. but unfortunately missed a specta-
The queen now causes enough confusion. cular tactic.
Winning a piece but suddenly the odd posi- o GaryLane
tion of the bishop on a7 will tell. • Nigel Short
21...lDxe3! 22.lbxf3 lt2xc2 23.Qxc2 b6 Calvia 01 2004

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.0.d2 h6 4.c3

The main line is 4,tL;gf3 ~jf6 S.e5 tL:fd7
6.:M.d3 c5 7.c3 .!Z:c6. In Purtov-Shtyrenkov.
Alushta 2004. Black went 7...b6 instead. after
R.~e2 as 9.0-0(9.a4 h61O.~b5!?) 9 L6
lO.c4 (1O.i.xa6 ~xa6 I I .c4) IO ~c6
I I .cxdS _ibd3 IHWxd3 tLlb4 I HWc4 tDxd5
he had realized his positional idea.
4 ... cS 5.tL:.gf3
The recent Navara-Cifka. Karlovy Vary
200S, went: 5.exd5 'irxd5 (5 ...exd5)'igf3

_---------------------~The SOS

t;:lc6?! (stronger is 6...cxd4! 7 .t;,xd4 -7 ..Q.c4 25.~xd5! Wxd5

'i'hS -7 as in a game Kudrin-Atalik, 25 .. :fhel+ 26.:txe 1exd5 27.11xe7 is rather
see SOS-2) 7.~c4 (now White gains some similar to the game.
time, play transposes into a normal Tarrasch 26..tf4+ .td6 27.~xd6+ ~c8 28.l:txd5
line where ...h6 is not so useful) 7 ...'i'd8 exd5 29.:e7 l:h6 30 ..i.f4 l:thg6 31.g41
8.tL2b3cxd4 9.~bxd4 ~xd4 IO.~xd4 a6 hxg33V2Jg4
IJ .i.f4~ ..id6? and this is a blunder because and Black's rook and pawns are no match for
of 12.ti·iC6! hxc6 13.'fh.dfi 'ft'xdfi 14..hd6 the well-coordinated White pieces.
with a big edge due to the pair of bishops. 32 ...1:%.8g733.Wg2 d4 34.cxd4 cxd4
5_..tL:f6 6.exd5 lDxd5 VDb3 0,d7 35.~e5 d3 36.l:tc7+
8..Si.d3~e7 36.i.xg7 lhg4 was the trap. even though
Gaining a useful tempo because of the 37 ..tc3 wins comfortably. But nOI 37.hxg4?
threatened fork. d2 38.:te8+ We7 (38 ...~d7? 39Jle4+-)
9..tc2 b610.0-0 ~711.~e1 Jle7 39.1:te7+ ~e8 with a draw, as 39 ...~c6?
Black is tine here. 40.£Le5 loses.
12.lLle5 ~xe5 13.dxe5 O-O-D 14.'iWg4 36...~d8 37.~c3 llxg4
h515.~c4 Otherwise White's win is elementary.
15.1txg7? ~h4! traps her majesty. 38.l:txd3+ We7 39.hxg4 l:txg4 4O.l:td4
15...g5 l:tg5 41 ..if4 1:g6 42.~xg3 as 43.b3
Perhaps the crude IS...'lWc6!? 16.~e4 f5 l::tc644.l:te4 '.td7 45.<M3
17.exf6 gxf6 when 18...\tf:\ is perhaps a tad Some accuracy is still required. NOI45.J:x<.:6?
better for White. 'it>xc6 and with 46 ...b5 coming White would
16.a4 a6 17.~d2 '>fib8 18.l:tad1 g4 have to resign himself to the draw.
19.~c1 lldg8 20..ae4 h4 21.tLid3 g31! 45 •..l:tf6+ 4S..if4 1:c6 47.We4 l:te6+
This should have been prepared. for instance 48.c~d5 J:f6 49.,ae5 l:tf3 50.l:tc7+ 'otid8
by 21...<3;>a7. 51.Uc3 axe3 52.~xc3 ~d7 53.~e5 rs
22.h3 gxf2+ 23.lDxf2 'ii!Yxe5? 54.~f4 1~O

~ K!:
Radulskl's Ruy lopez
1. 1.i - SOS-2, Chapter /6. p.121
ii i -~

i&'iW Glenn Hear's expose on the Fianchetto Spa-

~ 'Ii' ~ 1 nish featured a spectacular game by Julian
Radulski, In a subsequent game Radulski
/j, ~ has refrained from the most critical line
/j, ~ CfJ~ (7 ...'ft'b4+) - let's investigate why!
1:[1::[ ~
o Oliver Organdziev
The point of Short's previous moves. There • Julian Radulski
is a flaw however, for. after Vrnjacka Banja 2004
(instead 24 ... Wxd5 25.~f4+ wins even more 1.e4 e5 2.~f3 ~e6 3..Jkb5g6 4.d4
easily) White has A forcing line. More in Ruy Lopez. style are:

Jeroen Bosch

- 4.c3 a6 S.~xc6 dxc6 6.d4 exd4 7.cxd4 SOS-cxpert on this line - Glenn Flear - has
~g4 8.0-0 (8.~e3 see 505-2. the miniature let us know that it is important LO continue
game Jakubowski-Spicak, Polanczyk 2000. with 7 ...ltJf6 R.eS (ilhS! (S ... lf.JxeS? 9.1:[el)
which ended in a quick win for Black) 9 I 0-0 1O..bc6 dxc6 I J. '¥hd4 ~f5 with
8...~g7 9.tLlc3 ti).e110.~f4 0-0 I t.h3 (forc- unclear playas in Galdunts-Giorgadze,
ing his opponent to finally take on d4) Podolsk 1989. SOS-fans of the Fianchetto
11....ixf3 12.Wxf3 i.x:d4 13.l:!ad 1 cS 14.b4 line better take note of S...tLih5~
b615.bxc5 bKC5 16.llJa4 'i'e8 17.~a3 ~c6 7...dxc6
18.::r.xd4 cxd4 19."xe7 lUe8 20.llfa31:tx:e4 Rather than the text. 7 .... b4+ was Glenn
2Urcl 'iti'e8 22.~xc7 d3 and Black was Flear's main line (from the game
winning (but only drew) in Volokitin-Stevic, Zozulia-Radulski, Marseille 20(4). How-
Celje 2004. ever. he later pointed out thai there might be
- 4.0-0 £.g7 5.c3 a6 6...b4 d6 7.d4 ~d7 a few problems connected to the audacious
!S.dS(!Urel 0,ge7 9.~e3 0-01 0."d2 ttlxd4! queen check. After R.c3li'xb2 9.'ffltd4 bxc6
I l.cxd4 ~xa4 is a useful trick to know: 10.0-0 ~a6
12.'l!fb4 exd4 J3.~xd4 cS 14.1!ha4 cxd4.
with a good game fur Black, Fluvia
Poyatos-Narciso Dublan, Mataro 2005)
8...tlJce7 9.c4 h6 1O.t2:,c3 fS II ..hd7+
'i'xd7 12.t;\el and now:
• 12.. .fxe4 seems to give White a slight
edge: l3.tbxe4tL;ft'J 14.0xf6+~xf6;f3
~g7 16"aJ2 0-0 11.!~e4 ~f5 18.Qe3 ti.:)d4
19J1cl <J.>h7 20.f3 :17 21..bd4 cxd4
22.'tWb3 b6 23.lIce I;!;. Stellwagen-Gagu-
nushvili. Vlissingen 2004 .
• 12...tN6 13.f3 0-0 14.0d3 c6?! (this was
a move on the wrong side of the board, cor-
rect was 14...g5. seeSOS 2. the game Khalif- Flear now believes thai I I.tbbd2! is very
man-Short. Moscow 200 I) I 5.~e3 cxd5 strong for White.
16.cxd5.a17 17.~31hfS 18.tLif2and Whi- Another critical try is "JIe I!? f6
te was better in Gelfand-Malaniuk, Tallinn (I1...~xal 12.'ilhh8 0-0-0 13.~d4 allows
Keres memorial rapid 200S. White a strong initiative according to Flear)
4...exd4 5.~g5 fLe7 6.£xe7 iWxe7 IV;;~bd2 'ilfb6 IHta4 :ab5 14.'~fa3 'iWa6
A slightly boring line is 6...ltJgxe7 7.~xd4 15.'iWb2 t~e7 (15 ...d6')! 16.eS!) 16.c4 ~xc4
d5. White had a marginal advantage after 17.'iWxf6 l:f8 IS. 'f# g7 as in the game Bou-
8.tLlc3 dxe4 9.~xc6+ ..'bxe6 1O.t2;xc6 ore-Hear, Bagnols-sur-Ceze 2004. And
'ifxdl+ I l.llxdl bxc6 IVt:;xe4 JiLf5 in now, rather than the weakening 18...hS.
Klovans-Shabanov, Sarka 2004. Curiously, Black should play 18...~g8! when the strug-
it was Black who missed a win in a pawn gle remains unclear (Flear).
ending with his final (35th) move. 8.'t!fxd4tL::f6 9P:c3 ~g4 10.tLld2 ~e6
7.Jixc6 Or IO ... c5 11.t¥e30-0-0 12.h3.ad713.0-0-0
Not mentioned in SOS-2 was the less forcing .tc6 14.f) b6 15..:(;c4 and now 15..:i'e6
7.0·0!? While this is hardly critical our keeps about equal chances. In Vokarev,

_--------_ .. - .. _ _---_ . The SOS Files

Malaniuk, Alushta 2004, there followed in- 24.ned1 ~b7

stead 15...h5?! 16.... g5!t.
11.f3 c5 12.~e3 0-0-0 13.0-0-0 1:[d4
14.rthe1 llhd8
with an equal game.

More Moro
505-2. Chapter 2. p.17

Who else than Alexander Morozevich could

be expected to play an SOS versus Bareev's
solid Caro-Kann. By the way. the fact that
this was a blindfold game is quite relevant to Morozevich now starts a creative combina-
the eventual outcome. tion which unfort unateJy contains a big hole.
2S.a3? ~xa3'!c3
o Alexander Morozevlch Winning the exchange'?
• Evgeny Bareev 2S..,rDxe3! 27.fxe3 ~xc1 28.~xb5
Monte Carlo blindfold 2005 Winning the queen'!
28.....axe3+ 29.<.t>h1 lixb5 30.~e4
1.e4 c6 2.l!:;f3 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.tL:.e5! ~g5 31.t;~)xg5rtxg5
Attaboy! Hm, perhaps a rook. bishop and two pawns is
4...e6 5.d4 t/:c6 a bit too much for only a queen?
Black has hardly chosen the most critical ap- 32.rtd2 lZf5 33.'*lYe3lZd5 34.~f4 .ad7
proach. In SOS-2 Ian Rogers now recom- 35.~e5 .ad5 36.~c7 l:lb5 37.l::td3.ae8
mended 6.c3 _id6 7.f4!? More's 38.~d7 1:[f839.¢h2 ~a8 40J:rc3 l:tb7
6.~b5 41.'i'd6 ~bb8 42.1:[g3 nb5 43.~e7
is perhaps less precise. The pin is not as ef- I:1f5 44.iVh4 ~h8 45:~e7 Wg8
fective because Black can still play .Ji:,gc7. 46.Wg1 g6 47.'lh7 rtda 48.1~·c7
Compare this to Scbag-Xu Yuanyuan,
Cannes 2004, (see SOS-2) where after\e5 Black went4 ...<4·c65.d4 !;\f6 6.~h5!
'W'b6?! 7.c4! dxc4 8.ta:3 c6 9.'c!h4! with a
nice initiative.
6...'IWb67.c4 ~_b4+ 8.tI..·iC38e7 9.0-{)
0-0 1O.~xc6 bxc6 11.ti.·,a4 'il'd8
12.l1fc2 kdS 13.rte1 'fWc7 14.~d2
tL:.f515.tl2f3dxc41S.'li!fxc4 a5 17.1f':c5
White has a slight edge.
17...'fi'b6 18.1:8C1 h6 19.b3 nd8
20.'i'c2 ~f8
20 ...l;,~xd4 21.tL~xd4 .axeS 22.'ti'xc5 ~xc5
23.l:xcS lhd4. After a lenghty manoeuvring game White
21..ie3 i:rd5 22.h3 tt'b5 23.ttja4 ~b4 has managed to get the kind of one-move

Jeroen Bosch

threat on the board that is all-important for Ouch I A double attack.

these blindfold games. 6.'1Ifh5
48 ... h5?? 49. 'ti'xd8+ 1-0 This looks good: 6...lCh6 7.~xc4 is curtains.
Probably this was more of a surprise for However, your computer will like 6.lCxt7!
Bareev than his opponent's opening's choice ... 'iti>xt7 7.~xc4+ and it is right. With three
pawns for the piece and a potentially power-
ful centre, not to mention Black's unsafe
king, White has superior chances.
SOS Miniature 6...td6!
SOS-I, Chapter 9, p.NI A cruel reply, White can take f7 with check
but still loses a piece.
The following game (published in British 7.~xf7+ Wd8akxh7
Chess Magazine) is perhaps not exactly the The desperado of a desperate man. White is
most relevant update of our surprise weapon much worse anyway, but his lack of coordi-
against the 2.c3 Sicilian. However, it sure is nation could not be better illustrated than by
good fun! 8...tLJe5 0·1

o Blair Connell
• Nick Pelling Armenian Tiger Wins SOS Prize
England n 2004 SOS-2. Chapter 12. p.YI

1.e4 c5 2.c3 'ifa5 3.tOf3 ltJcB 4.~d3 Tigran Petrosian is a common Armenian
This 'counter-SOS' is not as stupid as it name, and rightly so. With his refined and
looks - think of the anti-Sicilian line 1.e4 c5 acutely developed sense ()f danger the 9th
2.t2.if3 d6 3.c3 tL:f6 4.~d3. White plans to World Champion must have looked down
castle, play i.c2 and d4. Black had a nice from chess heaven in a state of shock at this
brain wave now - based on a cheapo. effort of his compatriot and namesake. Fol-
4...g5!1 lowing a piece sacrifice on move 4 in Glck's
Playing on the dark-squares. sometimes Four Knights, Pctrosian boldly lakes his
...g4 is annoying too. But can't he just lake king forward to f6 to avoid a quick draw by
the bugger? repetition. Clearly, a deserving winner of the
5.lL:xg5 c4 SOS Competition.

o Deep Sengupta
• Tigran L, Pctrosian
Kochin jr 2004

1.e4 e5 2.t2:;t3 ~f6 3.~c3 ltJc6 4.g3

~xe4!1 5.0.xe4 d5 B.lL!c3 d4 Vbe4
f5 8.tDeg5 e4 9.i.c4 exf3 10..if7+
10.lDxf3 was Smirin-Macieja, Czech It
2003/04, see SOS-2.
10 ...~d711 ..Iil,e6+ <ke812 ...tf7+

The SOS Files

Aiming for a quick draw, but Tigran is out ing 19...f4 19..it7 (yes it's a computer de-
for blood! fence) 19 ...g6 20."'a4 f4 with a very strong
12...<j.Ie7!13..i.b3 'ittf6! attack (Short). Black wins after 16.cxd3 f4
17.h3 tL';d4 (17 ...'i'e2+ I R.'ii'xe2 fxe2+
19.Wg2 f3+) l8.~xhS 'tth5.
16...'!C:d4 17:iWxd3 lCxb3 18.tL:.xh8
An excellent intermediate move.
19.Wg1 ~xa1 20.b3 ~xc2?!
Much better was 20 ...We6oreven 20 ...We7.
Now White restores material equilibrium.
21.1Wd4+ <Ji>eS
22Jtxa1 ~d7 23.~b2
~cS 24.h3 ~cS
There is a huge difference in activity, espe-
cially Black's menacing bishop pair is a for-
14.tLif7? midable force.
Missing Black's 15th, much safer was 14.d3 25.~.xg7 ~xf2+!
'ife7+ 15.:t-f1 'i.!'e2+ 16.'i1fxe2 fxe2+
l7.'~xe2 when Black is fine in the ending,
but White has no particular problems either.
14 ..:~te8+ lS.<l.>f1d3!

26.Wxf2 'ilt'xd2+ 27.wfl 'i¥g2+ wins.
26 'IlVe4?
26 .Yi.xg3+!27.Wxg3 ~d3+ 28.<;Ph4 '*fd8+
Paralyzing White's queenside, freeing (he (this wins as any computerwill point out.It's
d4-square for the knight, introducing a big not so easy for a human to spot such a long
queen check on e2. and ignoring his rook on backward move though) 29.'~g3 ~g5+
h8 completely. 30.wf2 '8!Vxd2+ 31.<.t>g3 'tlt'e3+ 32.'.t>h4
16:thf3 il'f4+ 3Ht>h5 ~f3 mates.
16.tL\xhS li:.d4! 17.c3 'i'h5 (l7 ...'iWc2+ is 27. ~f6+ Wd5 28.l:!c1?
perhaps what a human would play in prac- Sengupta misses a saving opportunity (made
tice: 18.~xe2fxe2+ 19...t;g2 ~xb3 20.axb3 possible by Black's 26th move), 28.:tf1
.i.e6 21.c4 ~d7 and Black should win) 18.h3 would have made it difficult for Black.
(IS.cxd4 'tth3+ 19.r;t:el 'tlt'g220.l:rfl f4 and 28 ...l:e8 29.l:tc4? ~g1+!
2l...i.h3 will kill White) IR...tL',e2threaten- And mates. 0-1

Mikhail Gurevich
Portisch's Ingenious Idea

b CiJb
bbb b b
:CiJil~~~ M
King's Indian Reversed with 4 ....~,d6!?

The following short draw is important for have developed the ideas behind this 'artifi-
the introduction of an ingenious plan to cial' move. We have to admit the theoretical
counter White's King's Indian set-up against significance of this variation, as it applies to
both the Sicilian and the French. A revela- both the Sicilian and the French Defence,
tion in the development of Chess Theory! The common replies to 4.g3 arc: 4...d5,
4 .....'t.ge7,4 ...b6. or 4 ...g6. In developing the
o Vladislav Tkachiev bishop in front of the d-pawn Black aims for
• Lajos Portisch the quickest possible development of his
Tilburg 1994 pieces - without revealing the pawn struc-
ture he intends to build! Black wants to play
1.e4 c5 2.~f3 e6 3.d3 lj':c6 4.93 Ci.:;ge7,0-0, ii..<:7, and then d7-d6, nr d7-d5,
~d6!? depending upon White's choice of strategy.
This new and original move was introduced Although developing a piece in front of the
in this game by the great Creator of Opening pawn goes against the traditional rules of
theory, Lajos Portisch. Obviously, many chess strategy, practice has seen no
players. including the author of these lines. refutation of Portischs idea - at least so far...

Portisch's Ingenious Idea

After ten years of practice in this line the targeted by tL;g8-f6-g4. or by d7-d5·d4 (as
number of its supporters is rising. as the flex- happens in the game).
ible pawn structure gives Black many oppor- See the other games for White's main move
tunities. Grandmasters Kengis, Ehlvest, 5.i.g2.
Kveinis and others play this provocative 5...tLJf6 6.~g2
idea. Some variations after 4 ....id6 lead to Here 6.tL;c3 tbg4 7.~cl 0-0 8.~g2 ~c7
typical Hcdgchog-schernes (when White 9.0·01We7'?! IO.tL:d2 0f6 11.'Cc4 a6 J 2.a4
pushes d3-d4, and takes back with a piece af- nb8 13.lDe3 led to an unclear position in
ter cxd4). In some games transpositions - or Lang-Bezold, Deizisau 2002. The strongest
more accurately 'similarities' - to the Reti player eventually emerged successful after
Opening, or to the Snake Variation of the the complications.
Benoni (l.d4 tL:f6 2.c4 e6 3.<'t:::f3 <:5 4.d5 6 .•..Qe7!?
exd5 5.c.:xd5~d6) occur. With reference to
the Snake Variation please note that in our
line Black will not give up space. A 1.~~ :i
If a classical player like Lajos Portisch Ai 11.111
breaks the strategical rules by putting a piece ~ 1~
in front of a pawn it must be good. Let's fol-
Iowa possi ble line of reasoning when exam-
ining the alternatives. The bishop must be
developed anyway, so the choice is between
the e7-. g7- or dti-square, Positioned on e7
the bishop is not active enough. g7 looks like
the perfect location for the bishop. although
by playing g6 Black weakens his pawn
structure, and in particular the dark squares Portisch has first 'provoked' his opponent to
on the kingside. So, Portisch arrived at the put his bishop on e3, and now he simply re-
conclusion that the black bishop may well treats the bishop to e7 with the idea of
start to operate on the diagonals u7-g1 or d7-d5-d4.
a5-e I.Here I'm trying to analyse the process I think Portisch would have loved to place
of creation, CO explain the logic behind the the bishop on c7. But to make this possible
fantasy of Creator. This is not an easy task. Black would have to play b6, protecting the
However. J can assure the Reader - as Ihave c5-pawn. and (his would disconnect the
known Portisch and his healthy approach to bishop from the a51b6-squares. At least such
life. for many years - that (he Maestro was was Portisch's understanding at the moment
not drunk during the game. So. don 'r you of the game as Isee it. Mind you. this was my
ever believe that the bishop's coming to d6 understanding too when confronted with
was just a slip of the finger. this problem. The Baltic Grandmasters.
5.~e3 however, found a new solution to this prob-
Tkachiev recognizes Black's intention to lem. But let's not rush things at this point.
transfer the bishop 10 e7, and plays prophy- More explanation will be given in our next
lactically attacking the cS-pawn. His exam- game (Yudasin-Ehlvest),
ple did not tind many followers, as (he Instead of 6 ... 1l...e7 the aggressive 6 ...t2ig4
bishop is not well placed on e3. and might be looks more persistent, undermining the po-

Mikhail Gurevich

sition of White's bishop on e3. For example: tre, and with an open centre, as my respect-
7 .~g5 fLc7 (also interesting is 7 .. .f6) able Readers will probably know, flank at-
8 ..1i.xe7 ~xe7 9.h3 ~h6 I O.~bd2 d6 11.0-0 tacks are not so dangerous.
e5 l2.!tJe I 0-0 (with a very comfortable 10.dxc4 ~xe4 11.l~e50-0 12.0-0lIe8
position) 13.g4!? (this kind of 'pseudo- 13.~c2!?
activity' has to be avoided, as it weakens nu- This is an accurate move, with the idea of
merous squares around White's king) 14.tlJd2 Tkachiev keeps the balance in the
13...tbd4 14.4=~c4 lDe6 l5.tbe3 ~t~ and game.
Black is much better, Rivas Rornero-Rocius, 13...tef6 14.tbd2
corr. 2002. And here the opponents agreed a draw in this
7.'ilVe2 d5 8 ..i.f4 highly interesting theoretical duel. Actually,
Just like Portisch, Tkachiev is playing with the position is still full of life. White may
the same piece twice in the opening. Here it even have some symbolic initiative. How-
constitutes an unpleasant necessity. Neither ever, Black's position is solid with no partic-
8.exd5 '£ixd5 nor 8.eS?! /tjd7 9.~f4 g5 ular weaknesses. So, there must be another
I O.~.c I g4 could satisfy Vladislav Tkachiev. practical explanation why the opponents
Black would get the better chances in both agreed to such a 'grandmaster draw'.
cases. For us, the significance of the game is clear.
8 .. :iWb6 9.c3 c4!? With Portisch 's 4 ..._~d6 a variation was born
and it started Life on ils own. As I will dem-
onstrate below it is alive and well today.
& A
~~ o Leonid Yudasin
• Jaan Ehlvest
1 New York 2003
1 /5,~
/5,/5, Cf:j/5, 1.e4 c5 V2.·,f3e6 3.d3 tee6 4.g3 .id6
W1/5,Jl~ This is the main lint: of the variation. White
W 1:[ finisbes his development of the kingside
without paying any attention to the oppo-
This breaks White's pawn centre. and leads nent's 'strange' manoeuvres. With his strong
to an original position. In case of 9 ...0·0 control of the centre White will later make a
10.eS the centre would - at least temporarily choice out of two typical plans: (I) central
- be blocked. In such a situation there is al- play, or (2) a kingside attack. This game will
ways the danger that Black's king would illustrate the lirst (most classical) plan.
come under attack. This is an option, that In the following game While tries to refute
Ponisch docs not even want to consider. Black's strategy by building a strong pawn
However, in my opinion, it is not an obvious centre even before finishing his develop-
decision to avoid the natural 9 ...0-0 IO.e5. ment. In a way. a natural reaction consider-
After I0 ...~d7 II.()-O f6 12.exf6 tLlxf6 the ing the exposed bishop on d6: 5.c3 ~c7
position is not so clear. 6.~e3 d6 7.d4 cxd4 8.cxd4 .:cf6 9.<2bd2 0-0
The move in our main game opens the cen- IO..ad3. Everything would be fine here, if

Portisch's Ingenious Idea

only the g-pawn would be on g2. Here, the strategy perhaps, but we cannot find a game
main supporter of our system Edvin Kengis, where it was refuted. The game now contin-
immediately underlines the disadvantages ued 13.d5 $.xc3 14.bxc3 tL:aS 15.lQh4 .td7
of White's strategy: I O... eS (with such ideas 16..Q.e3 ~\c4 (Black's game is preferable)
as 11...~h3 and 11...~g4, Kengis tights l7.tbf5 .hf5 18.exfS tbxe3 19.11xe3 'finS
White's 'strong' pawn centre, and tries to es- 20.c4 1:ae8 and Black is clearly better,
tablish control over the dark squares. The Namyslo-K veinis. Dresden 1996.
move 1O...ltJg4 was also interesting. win- 6.0-00-0
ning two bishops, and e6-e5 will follow) Ehlvest develops his pieces in a most eco-
Il.d5 ti'th4 12.~e2 ~g4 13.a3 tbxe3 14.fxe3 nomic fashion.
tt':a6 15M tbbR 16.0-0 .Q.h3 lum tL;d7 7.~e3
18.tL.h4 lDf6, Saulespurens-Kengis. Riga This move was always worrying me, that is
2004. The knight enters into play, and Black why I would play the bishop to <;7 earlier,
is much better considering his two powerful Black now has to play
bishops. 7...b6 8.c3 ~c7
5.•.'i:ige7 when the bishop doesn't enter the a7-gl or
Kveinis has chosen another set-up here: a5-c I diagonals. This looks problematic to
5...~..r.;7 6.0-0 ~f6 (another square for the me, but it doesn't worry Jaan Ehlvest,
knight) 7.~el d6 8.c3 0-0 9.h3 h6 IO.M 9.d4 cxd4 10.cxd4 d5!
cxd4 II.cxd4 ~a5 12.tL.c3,!! (this is a primi-
tive reaction -and the reason for White's fu-
ture problems. The stronger 12..1d2 needs to
be researched) 12...e5.

Here it comes, this illustrates the flexibility

of the whole idea behind 4 ...Q.d6. Black did
not hurry with his choice of pawn structure
earlier in the game, having developed his
Exactly like in the previous Saulespurens- pieces while keeping all 'pawn-options'
Kengis game. It is an interesting strategical open. Ehlvest has wailed for the best mo-
point of Black's strategy. Note that both ment for counterplay in the centre. Let
Kengis and Kveinis don't mind allowing White strike first, let him show his inten-
White 10 build a strong e4-d4 pawn centre. tions, and define his pawn structure. Only
Moreover, they develop their pieces in the then you show him that the right coun-
most flexible way and provoke their oppo- ter-measures have been prepared.
nents to build this centre, only in order to at- The set-up with d7 -d6 and e6-e5, as in the
tack and destroy it later on. A controversial comments above, would not be logical here.

Mikhail Gurevich

as the bishop on e7 is blocked by the 17.exf6l:xt61S.tOh2

b6-pawn. So. Ehlvest fights for (he centre in Here 18.tile5 was better: 18.. .l!~xe5 19.dxe5
a different manner, provoking his opponent ~xe3 20 .... xe3 d4 21.~d I with an unclear
to close it. and after position. but Yudasin had no Fritz to his as-
11.e5 sistance.
play has been transferred to a kind of 3.e5 18 ...ti',fS! 19.ttJxbS
Variation of the French Defence. where Or 19..Q.xhS ~llb5 20.t;~llb5 tL;xe3 21.flle3
White's bishop has absolutely no business e5=l' and Black develops a strong initiative.
on g2 whatsoever, 19 ...tbxe320.'tWxe3
Black would also have a good game had Of course 20.fxe3 :xfl+ 21kxfl ~xb5+ is
Yudasin tried 10 keep the centre open. For unacceptable for White.
example, after 11.~';c3 dxe4 12.~xe4 .ib7 20 ... eS21.~b3 ~xd4 2VlJxd4 bd4
13.1kl DeS Black has fine countcrplay.
An introduction to a deep plan. Black's bish-
E ~
ops are coming to a6 and b6. and the ~ .t.t
queenside-pawns will advance to claim 1. & -
space on the queenside.
12."d2 .ia6 13.llcl bS 14.0..c3 ~b6
.t .t.t
1S.h4 ~d716.~fl 1. IS
'lW ~
t!:.~ ~ ~
: n ~~

What a career for the bishop! Here we see

the full realization of Black's strategy,
White is lost,
23.~Lg4 l:tb6 24 ..!Dxe5
A desperate act.
24 ... 't\Vd6 25.1:[c6 !hc6 26.tbXC6
'i'xc6 27.l:d1 ~c4 28.~c2 'ilfcS
The wrong choice in my opinion. Yudasin 29.Wd2 ..ibcf1 30:t!Vxd4 fi'xd4
tries to resist on the queenside. Prohably. 31.nxd4 .*.e2 32.1:1xd5 £c4
16.<I';e2 was better. with the idea of And here was the right moment to SLOp the
~e2-f4-h5 attacking the opponent's king: dock.
16....!L;f5l7.ti;f4 b4 (it isn 't easy for White to 33J~d2 ~xa2 34.tJ.1g2 ~.b3 35.g4 84
develop activity on tbe kingxide. but it was 36.Wg3 teS 37.h5 <j;;f7 38.Wf4 h6
the only way to PUI at least some psychologi- 39.f3 ~e7 40.g5 hxg5+ 41.~xg5
cal pressure on the opponenn IR..ih3 a4 1:1e5+ 42.Wh4 :ld5 43.l:le2 Wf6
19.~·:h5. 44Jlg2 rld4+ 45.~g3 I:lc4 4S.rld2
16 ...f611 ~c2 47Jld6+ riJe7 4S.IZa6 lbb2 49.14
Ehlvest starts a kind of global warfare. Ag- J:a2 50.15~a1
gressioo all over the board. White resigned.

Portisch's Ingenious Ide?

Looking through the games so far, one may hog-like system. I don't see any danger for
come to a clear conclusion: the plan of crea- Black in this kind of position for two rea-
ting a strong pawn centre doesn't work for sons. First. White spent a tempo on playing
White. The pawn manoeuvres d2-d3-d4, in d3 and then d4. Second. one of the possible
connection with g3, are not dangerous for plans in the Hedgehog for Black is the ma-
Black. noeuvre ~fll-e7-dR-c7 where the bishop is
well placed usually. Simple calculation
shows that Black economized and won a
o Vladislav Nevednichy tempo by putting his bishop to c? in only two
• Mihailo Prusikio moves.
Miskolc (Hungary) 2004 10.h3 h6 1 L~e3 d5
Counterplay in the centre - an active (but UJJ-

1.e4 c5 2.4'J3 e6 3.d3 lUe6 4.g3 .QdS forced) response to White's strategy.
5.~g2 .~e7 S.O-O 12.exd5
Black had no opening problems in the fol- Interesting was 12.f4!? with the idea of
lowing rapid game: 6.d4 cxd4 7.ti.,xd4 t'.6ge7 l3.e5 - controlling the centre. In case of
(7',f6'?) 8.0-0 a6 9.tbc3 0-0 1O..Q.e3 d6 12...dxe4 (I2 ...~xd4 13.1Ihd4!? dxc4
11.l:tel tDxd4 12.~xd4 e5 13 ...Q.c3 b5 14.f4 14.Ci;xe4t) 13.tC.xc6bxc614.lL'xe4 White is
.Q.b7 I S.fxeS dxc5 16.~c5 l:te8? (here Edvin slightly better,
missed a chance to seize an initiative: 12...exd5
l6 ....ab617.~xb6l.\Vxh6+ lR.whll:tad1l+) Being an old fan of isolated pawns myself, I
17.W'h5 t"ilg6 1R.l:tad 1 'ilicS 19..ih3 l:te6 feel. that Black has plenty of'counterchanccs
2o ..bc6 fxe6 21.'it'g4 b4 22.~xb4 1-0 here.
Magem Badals- Kengis. Liepaja 200 I. 13.ti':b3 l:te8 14:~c1
6...0\f6 7Pic3 0-0 8.d4 Uncertain play by White now provoked the
A completely different approach. German player into a promising exchange
Nevednichy ha .. developed his pieces. and sacrifice.
then breaks in the centre, effectively trans-
posing the game into an open Sicilian.
8... cxd4 9.ti:'iXd4 a6

14 ...J:!xe3!? 1S.fxe3
Naturally, IS. 'iW xe3 d4 is out of the question.
15 ...~xg3
The game has transposed to a Hedge- Here two powerful bishops and the compro-

Mikhail Gurevich

mised position of White's king give Black o Alexander Dgebuadze

more than enough compensation. The theo- • Mikhail Gurevich
retically significant part of the game has Antwerp 1999

passed. Suffice to say thaI Nevednichy was

very fortunate to save the gnme. 1.e4 e6 2.d3 c5 3.~f3 ti."Jc64.g3 .id6
1S.~d2 .ie6 17.nadl ~e5 l8.~xd5 5.~g2 ;;"c7
<iJxd5 19..ixd5 "g5+ 20JIi'g2 "i'xe3+ After 5 ... ti',ge7 6.0-0 :«'c7 it is possible to
2l.~hl ~xh3 22.'lfU3 Wxf3+ 23Jbf3 play 7.t2,h4 with the idea of 8.f4 and an at-
~g4 24.Uxf7 .txd1 25 ..I:1f1 + 'it'h8 tack on the kingside. This is typical of
26.::txdl l:id8 2V2;c5 ttJb4 2B.c4 b6 Fedorov's approach. This player is always
29.ttJe6 l:id6 3O.b3 ttJxa2 3Utel ~f6 looking for the opponent's king.
3VtJf4 l:idB 33Jle6 llb8 34.~g2 ~b4 It was now correct to play: 7.,.d5 (flank ac-
35,~e4 a5 36.Wf3 t;~,a637 ..tc2 ti\c5 tivity had to be met by central counterplay)
38.l:c6 ~d7 39.tiJgS+ ~g8 40.~f5 8.f4 (8.tL:d2 b6 9.f4 ~b7 iO.f5 ,*d7)
ttJeS+ 41.0xe5 ~xe5 42.'ite4 ~c3 8...dxe4 9.dxe4 ~xdl JO.i:txdl b6 with an
43.~eS+ ~h8 44.~c8 g6 45.~h3 unclear 'endgame'.
~g7 46.l:ic7+ Wi6 47.nc6+ wg5 Kengis instead went: (a nervous re-
48.~eS h5 49 ..if7 ~f6 SO.cS ::tb7 action, that I don't understand) 8 ..!i:·.xg6 hxg6
st ..ieS bxcS 52J~xc5+ ~h4 53Jba5 9kd a6 lO.a3b5 11.ii.c3 ~c7'!! (it was a
l:e7 54Jla6 ~c3 55.~f3 .td4 56.b4 bad day for Edvin, he misses the following
g5 57.~4 ~f2 S8.Wf3 S9.bS blow. Correct was 1 1...d6) IVLxi5! exdS
94+ 60.r;i;>g2~d4 6l.nd6 ~e3 62.b6 l3.exd5 JiLb7 14.dxc6 _bc6 15.~xc6 dxc6
J;lb7 63 ..ad5 In.'ilkf3 (Black's positiou now collapses)
16.. .'ilVdfi 17.~f4 'iWf6 18"~Yc3+ 'lPd7
19.:hc7 cJ;;xc7 20:~xl:5 and White is a
pawn up in a superior position. Fedorov-
Kengis, Vilnius 1997.
s.cea ~ge7 7kg5!?

63 ...l:tb8 After 63 ....l:xb6 64Jhbn kxh6

the resulting opposite-coloured bishop
ending is a theoretical draw. 64.b7 lif8
65.l:re6 i.a7 66.ne2 fld8 67 ...ae4 :tdl
68.l:tf2 l:tel 69.j(_c6 ~g5 70.l:tf8 l:te2+
71.Wfl l:tc2 72 ..ae4l:tc4 73.~d5 .I:1f4+
74.nxf4 ~xf4 75.<:;g2 h4 76 ...Q.e6h3+ Inspired by Fedorov's ideas, my opponent
77.~hl <l;g3 78.~xg4 ~xg4 introduces an interesting novelty. The
Draw. threats are ~L"i!fhS and X.f4. followed by

Portisch's Ingenious Idea

9.t1Jf3 gaining space and developing activity 20.fxe6?! i.xe6 2VL~xe6 ~xe6
on the kings ide. With the centre dosed White's bishops are
7...f6 paralysed.
Another way to react was 7 ...h6 S.Ci:;h3 22.g5 t".0e5==F
23.gxf6 llxf6 24.lhf6
(S.... h5 g6 9.'¥i'h4 tOd4) 8...dS 9.0-0 0-0 ~xf6 25:~Va4 a6 26.i.d2
1O.f4 with an unclear position. Stronger was 26.fk2 'iWh4and Black is only
8.~h3 0-0 9.0-0 ~e5!? slightly better.
Not 27."e8+ 'fifE 28:\i'h5 {i;xd3-+.
K .t~ K. 27 ...~g6 28:~'a3 "S'b6
ii i~ ii Losing is 2!L~hd2'?? 29.W'b3+. But
~ ii 28 ...~c4 29.dxc4 lhd2 30.'i!ff3 h6 is also

~.-'--~- .t
better for Black.
29.~a5 'Ilfb5 30.~c7 [i;xd3
Black now has a winning position.
CiJ~ 31.~d6 tLJg632.e5 h6?!
a: ~'iV
An interesting waiting move. I try to pro-
voke f4 before breaking in the centre.
Note that 9 ...d5 lO.exd5 exd5 11.t.bf4 would
give White a certain initiative.
10.tLie2 d5 11.c3 d412.c4
A surprising transposition to a King's Indian
defence type of position. The centre is
blocked, which gives my opponent some
chances to attack on the kingside, hut I have Unfortunately, Zeitnot starts to interfere. ln-
more space and good perspectives on the stead 32 ...:'xg2 33.Wxg2 c4 followed by
queenside, 34 ...h6 and 35 ...litd5 was totally winning.
12...l:tbS 13.f4 iLc7 14.94 b5 15.cxb5 33.e6 l:txg2 34.~xg2 'efc6+ 35.~g1
:xb516.~1!? 1iWxd636:fl'xd3 ~xe6 37.Wf5°o ~e3+
Planning 17.f5. In reply to the immediate No better is 37...l!rxf5 38.rlxf5 c4 39.Wf2.
16.f5 there follows 16...~e5 17.t.L:hf4 ~d6 38.Wh1 tDe5 39.~e6+ ~h7 40:~'f5+
with unclear play. 96 4UWf6!= "S'e4+ 42.~1 "ttg4+
16...~d717.f5 fi'b8 42...h543.h4!=.
It is important nut to dose the centre com- 43.'~'h1 "ti'e4+ 44/';'g1
pletely. thus avoiding a straight attack. Draw.
Moreover, control over the e5-square is im-
portant. Considering all commented games I could
1S.tL::ht4i.xf419.tDxf4 ~d6!? come to only one logical conclusion: White
Intending 20 ...~5. Bad is 19...e5 20.t.bh5 has to be extremely lucky to survive after
'i'd6 21.b3 tUbS 22.g5 with an attack. Portisch's ingenious ~d6 idea!

Mikhail Gurevich

I had already finished this article when fate, cal move, but it has its drawbacks.
and Alexander Dgebuadze, gave me an • I I ...wh5 tUxd4 12.~xd4 e5 13.~e3 .lit.b6
opportunity (0 check and test the above 14.J:[fel ~e6 15.l'hdl nc8 16Jld2 Aa5
evaluations. When we met in the French 17.l:tedll:tc618.f4f619.'i'h40g620.'ifh5
league. Dgcbuadz.c gave me a chance to cxf4 2l..ixf4 ~xf4 22.gxf4 ~b!l+ 23.~hl
repeat the line, and I was feeling kind of .te3+, Kl.arsen-Zagorskis, Copenhagen
obliged to let him show what he had 1998.
prepared. • 11.J:[el tL:l(d4 12.Axd4 e5 13...Q.e3 b5
14.t4- ~b7 15.fxe5 dxe5 16.Ac5 (Stronger is
16 ...~b6!,!~) Magem Badals-Kengis.
o Alexander Dgebuadze Liepaja 200 I .
• Mikhail Gurevich In my opinion, 11.... e2 and 1).f4 need to be
French tt 2005 studied.
11...~xd4 12.~xd4 tL.c6 13.~e3
1.e4 e6 2.d3 c5 3.4~f3 ~)c6 4.g3 .Q,d6 lte5!?
5.Qg2 ~ge7 6.lDc3 JLC7 7.~e3 This is the point, and, it seems to me. that my
For 7.0g5 (Dgebuadze-Gurevich, Antwerp opponent missed it. After the exchange of
1999) sec the previous game. one pair of knights White's space advantage
7.•.d68.d4 is irrelevant, ami my second knight develops
This time Dgebuadze makes the choice to- quickly forward, creating (he unpleasant
ward central strategy. threat of 14... t2:.c4. White needs to lose some
8...cxd4 9.lLJxd4 0-0 10.0-0 a6 time to neutralize the threat.
14.'it¥e2 b5
R A'iW
R~ Black's initiative develops quickly and natu-
iA ~iii rally. Already at this point I knew I had a
good game, as Black holds the initiative.
~ii 15.a3
Black is also slightly better after 15.b3 b4
16..~::a4(16.lDdl aSf) 16... J.:.d7.
An unpleasant necessity in order not to give
his opponent the simple advantage of the
two bishops.
Thus. 16.eS is well-met by 16... /D)(e3
This might be an important position for the 17.~xe3 nb8.
evaluation of the whole variation. White's 16...~b7 17.b3
strategy is simple, logical and transparent. A better chance was perhaps 17.a4 'it'd7
His pieces are mobilized, White has more 1R.axb5 axb5 19.:lxaR IIxaR 20. b3 tDe5
space and a certain amount of control of the 21.tDxb5 (or 21.'tWxb5 "c8! 22 .... e2 .ta6
centre. With his following move my oppo- 23.ti:;b5 'ird7 24.c4 j}l(b5 2S.cxbS :Lb8=)
nent connects the rooks in order to develop 21 3:{a2with compensation.
them along the e- and d-files, 17 ga5!?
11.'i'd2 Not allowing my upponent a second for re-
A Theoretical Novelty. It is a purely classi- laxatiun.

Portisch's Ingenious Idea

18.tbd1 Here 31.Wg4 is refuted by (he elementary

This i~ passive, but the alternatives arc no 31....l:rxa I 32.nxa! ~xe3 winning.
better: 31 ....Qa6
- l8.bxc4.ixc319Jlhl ~c620."'d3~e5. White's position collapses as it house of
- 18.0xh5 tOe5! 19.tbd4 (19.b4 axb5 cards.
20.bxa5 '\txaS) 19...~c3 20 ..Ji.e3 .hal 32.f5!1
2JJhal:j:. The attack fails after 32.~h6+ gxh6
18...'iJe519.~b2 ttc7 20Jlc1 b4! 33.ffg4+ Wf8 34.ffg7+ We7 35.f5 e5
An essential brick in Black's strategical 36.f6+ We8.
pian. As White moves his pieces to the 32 ...eS!
kingside, it's extremely important to break Much simpler than 32 ....txc4 33.lDh6+
on the opposite side and to distract the oppo- gxh6 (33...Wf8 34.~xg7+! Wxg7 35.'1Iig4+
nent. with attack) 34.~g4+ <M'8 35.~g7+ (or
21.axb4 .bb4 2Vbe3 a5 35.fxe6l2le5 36 ..he5 dxe5 37.:xf7+ ..-xf7
Intending both 23 ...a4, and 23 .....G.a6. 38.ext7 I:a I+ 39.~f1 nxf1+ 40.~g2 ::r2+)
23.f4 'iJd7 24.Wh1 35 ...'.t>e8 when Black is also better.
Or 24.f5 .2.c5 (24 ...e5 !?) 25.'iPh I ~t:5°o. 33.~d1 l:txc4 34.f6 h5!
Black is slightly better after 24 .... g4 ~c3.
24 ...a4!1 ~
Simple and persistent. As I don't see any real
threats to my king Icontinue my strategy.
~~ 11
Instead 24 ...~a6 2S.c4 ~c5 26 .... g4 would 1. 1 ~
have handed White the initiative. 11. 1 1
25.bxa4 lba4 26.c4
finally creating the threat of 27.'liVg4.
E ~ ttJ
26 ... ~a3! ~
Trying to eliminate the 'main enemy' of my ~~
~ 'iV l:I \it
Or 27.~xa3 lha3:f. A final touch. Black gains a decisive mate-
27...l:tfaS 2S . .Q.c3 rial edge.
But not 28.l:txa3lha3 29.ffg4 g6 30.f5 tZ:;e5 35.fxg7
31 ...axe5 dxe5 32.fxe6 J:taI +. White's weak back rank is (he problem after
2S ... Qb4! 29.l:txa4 ltxa4 30 ..~a1?! 35.tL;h6+ gxh6 36.ffxhS 4'xf6 37.l1xf6
With the desperate hope to proceed with the (37.~xh6l2xe4) 37 .. .1kl+.
attack. Stronger was 30.~xb4 .l:rxh4 31 ..r:tdI 35...hxg4 36.tfxg4
~c5 32.'i!fd2 1:!b6 33.e5 ~xg2+ 34.tL2xg2 Again the hack rank tactics work for Black
tL:e4 35.'(Wd4 ~b7. though Black dearly in the line 36.'i!f'd2 t;:;f61 37.lhf6 ke3!
holds the initiative. 3lt'ilYxe3 llc I + and wins.
30....1c5+ 36...(:£::f6!
I enjoy the bishop's manoeuvres in this 37J:b.f6 l:tc I +.
game. Each move of the bishop works as a 37'.h7 38.~b2 ~c2 39.l~:b1"'b8
nail in the coffin of my opponent's strategy. White resigned. I hope you enjoyed the
31.c~g4 game as well as I did, my dear Reader.

Jeroen Bosch
A Flank Attack in the GrOnfeld

4.h4 - Still following a central strategy

Keeping your main line repertoire against White plays 5.hS. when after 5 ...lDxh5, he
the Griinfeld up-to-date is an arduous task. gains an edge in the centre with 6.cxdS.
Ernst Grunfcld's hypermodern weapon has Somewhat paradoxically. this simple line
evolved into one of the most respectable demonstrates that with 4.h4 White is still
defences against 1.d4. NO! surprisingly, the following a central strategy.
theoretical workload for both sides is wholly In another form this idea is known from a
in line with this status. If you are looking for (Grunfeld) line against the English: I.c4
a weapon against the GrUnfeld this SOS ~f6 2.-2d d5 3.cxdS tUxdS 4.~f3 g6
chapter will be of interest to you. 5.h4''!. Here the knight has already been lu-
1.d4 ~f6 2.c4 g6 3.t;_jc3d5 4.h4 red to the centre. Consequently, White plans
Why not embark on a flank attack the next the crude 6.h5. Two miniature wins by Jero.
time you encounter the Grunfeld? The idea en Piket (both in active chess) demonstrate
of 4.h4 (apart from probing the 'weakness' the dangers facing Black:
g6) is that the knight on f6 cannot defend the _ 5... 1.£7 6.h5 .!;:c6 7.g.1 ~g4 8.h6 (the
squares d5 and h5 simultaneously. Thus af- h-pawn is making a career for itself. Black
ter Black's most natural move 4 ...~g7. now gives up both his bishops. He ~hould

A Flank Attack in the GrOnfeld

perhaps have opted for the simple 8....fH6) I Naturaldevelopment

8...~xc3 9.bxc3 ~xf3 lO.exf3 W'd6 II..~e2 4 ... _Q,g7
0-0-0 12.'itb3 rs l3.a4 es 14.a5 c4 15.f4 tL:f6 The most natural move, but it falls right into
16.0-0 lbg4 17.i.a3 ..-xd2? (a clear mistake White's main idea.
in II difficult situation; t7 ..... d7 was forced) 5,h5!
18.a6! (now that the a-pawn has also reached This is the crux. Note that 5.cxd5lLJx.d5 6.hS
the sixth rank, the game is over) 18...lba5 cS! (Williams-Beaumont, England It 1998)
19.axb7+ Wb8 20.'iWbS e3 21.~c5! exf2+ favours Black.
22Jhf2. and Black resigned, J -0.
Piket-Shirov, Monte Carlo rapid 1998.
- S...lbf6 (laking {he assault of the h-pawn
seriously) 6.d4 fJ..g7 7.e4 0-0 8.~e2 cS 9.dS
e6 1O.hS! tDxhS I l.g4 (according to Shipov
White should have played I l..vgS!?, with
the better chances) 11. ..l(J6 12.~g5 'W'b6
(Black could have taken advantage of
White's 11th move with Shipov's 12...'ifaS!)
13..hf6 .bf6 14.'itd2 ~g7 15.0-0-0 tLd7
l6.gS c4 17.l:lh2 ,C[e8 18.d6 ,C[d8 19.'i!ff4
"'as (it is fitting that Whitenow dealt the de-
cisive blow along the h-file) 20JIxh7! and
White won, Pikct-Svidler, Internet, 5...~xh5
KasparovChess 2000. Considering the circumstances this is
Black's best bet. With 5 ...0-0 Black castles
After this brief outing into the English into it, which surely justifies 4.h4 and S.hS!
Opening, we will examine the virtues (and After 6.hxg6 hxg6 the simple 7 .~h6
vices) of 4.h4. (Davies) gives While an attack. The ugly
Let us divide the material along thematic 5 ... gxlo? gives While a pleasant choice.
lines: Bosboom-Gorissen, Haarlem 2002, went:
6.cxd5 4'xdS 7.,C[xh5;!; lL:xc3 8.bxc3 ti.',d7
Natural development - ignoring the 9.J:[bl c5 IO.'ifa4 cxd4 II.cxd4 <JJf8 12.e3,
march of the h-pawn. and White was better, Finally, S...dxc4 6.h6
II Prophylaxis - stopping the march of the ~f8 7.e4 is simply disastrous for Black.
h-pawn. 6.cxdS 0,f6
III Acting in the centre - neutralizing the Moving the knight back into the fray. In
march of the h-pawn. practice Black has also attacked the centre
here with his c-pawn:
Section I features the 'naive' 4 •••f;;_g7. The - 6...c5 7.dxc5 WaS 8.e4 (or simply 8.~d2
second section examines the 'automatic' re- 'tWxc5 9.(4) 8...Wxc5 9 ..1e2?! (this allows
sponses of the h-pawn: 4•..h6 and 4 ... hS. Fi- Black's next move, simply 9.~d2 preserves
nally, all central responses are the subject of an edge) 9 ...~d4!? IO.~xhS i.xf2+ 1 I.<;tyfl
section lIT. Thus, Black can counterattack .Q.xgl (l1. ..gxhfi) IUhgl gxhS 13.'fi'xhS
with 4... c5, give up the centre with 4 .••dxc4, tbd7 14.... e2 b6 15..ae3 'iWaS 16.tL:b5 tL.f6
or strengthen dS with 4 ...c6. 17.d6 Ad7 18.0c7+ ~8 19.~d4 ~gS

Jeroen Bosch

20.eS l:te8 21.~e3 ~xe3 22 ..be3 exd6 10...'iVa5 11.0-0 0-0 12.~g5 h6
23.exd6 ~e4:j:, Sulyok-Nemeth. Hungary 13.Qh4 i.xe2 14.~xe2l:[eB?!
1993. Slightly better was 14...e6 15.e5 ~d5
- 6...c6 7.e4 (7.dxe6 .txd4 is about equal) 16.~e4. However, since 16... g5? is refuted
7 ... cxdS (7 ... ti)f6 8.dxc6 transposes to the by 17.~xg5 hxg5 18.~fxgS (Davies),
main line) R.eS! (threatening to win the Black's position remains unenviable.
knight. Black is now forced to a sad regroup- 15J:tac1 'Wa6 16.'iS'c2 l£Jbd7 17.e5
ing of his troops) 8....if8 9.g4 tbg7 (White tUh7 18.e6! txe6 19.~xg6 tUhfB
has obvious compensation for the sacrificed 20. ff'g3 'i'd3 21.l:r1e1 "f5 22.0e4
pawn) 1 O.~g2 e6 J 1.~h6 tL c6 12.ti:·.ge2
1 VWd523.b3 ~hB 24.'ifh3 'Wf5 25..l:txc6
_~d7 13.'i!id2 f6 14.exf6'ifxf6ISJlh3! ~b4 ~xh3 26.gxh3 tbg6 27.~g3 tLlgf8
16.:'f3 'fie7 17.~gS 'ifd6 lKa3 i..xc3 28.tLle5 tUxeS 29.dxc5 .l:ted8 30.l:lc7
19.~xc3 lC.a5 20.'@'e2 nrs 21.-0xd5!. and .l:taeB 31..l:txe7 ~xc5 32Jba7 l:ld3
White won in Shliperman-Ady, New York 33.~g2 ~c2 34.];te4 1-0
7.e4 e6 B.dxc6 II Prophylaxis
Black can. of course. stop the h-pawn dead
in its tracks by playing 4 ...h5. Similarly.
4 ...h6 serves the same purpose, as 5 .hS gS fa-
vours Black. Still, these 'automatic' re-
sponses will not solve Black's opening prob-
I don't like this move, although it is better
than 4...h5. The pawn 011 h6 is vulnerable
and provides White with an easy target. In
Chichkin-Nasikan, Kiev 1999, Black opted
fur 4 ...h5,)1 Play continued: S ..agS (this
B...bxc6 demonstrates that 4...h5 is worse than 4.h4!.
Black accepts a clearly inferior pawn struc- Sinee White's bishop is now protected on
ture because 8...tL:xc6 is met by 9.dS. The gS, Black does not have the customary
pawn sacrifice !L.O-O 9.cxb7 .ltxb7 is also ...~\,e4 response) 5...uxc4 6.e4 SLg7 7.~xe4
inadequate. White has a pleasant choice (White has u superior position) 7 ...lLlh7?!
between 8 ..1ie3± !ten 9.tL:ge~ e5 lO.dS Ci:Je7II..~cS
- W.e5 tDdS J l..~h6 ~xh6 J 2.l:Ixh6 'fib6 b6 12.~a3 e5'? n.dxc6 'iWxdl+ 14.~xdl
13.'tIU d2± Johnsrud-Scarani, e-mail corr, tL:xe6 lS.C2:;b5,and While was winning.
2UOO.and 5.cxd5
- IO.f3 ~':c6 I 1.~.e3 ViIIc7 12.Qh5 -.h6 Less good is 5kf3 fLg7 6.Qf4 c6 7.e3 Wb6
13.... d2l:[fd8 14.<i:ge2 ~a6, Seres-Bali nov, 8.'i'd2 .!L:e4'. with approximate equality in
Budapest 1999. Now IS.d5 would have Seres-Blasko, Budapest 200 I.
given White a decisive edge. 5...ttJxdS6.e4 tL~xc37.bxc3 ~g7
9..te2 ~a6 10.0f3 A standard Grunteld position bUI for the po-
White has a clear structural edge here. The sition of the h.pawns. The difference favoun>
game Seres-Dembo, Budapest 2001. went: White. Dnvie~'s suggestion of 8 ..ae3, fol-

A Flank Attack in the Grunfeld

lowed by ..wd2, is one good set-up to take ad- centre. Having lumped them together for
vantage of the inclusion of 4.h4 h6. this reason, it is only fair to add that they are
also fundamentally different. Let us divide
them accordingly into:

A) 4 c5
B) 4 dxc4
C) 4 (6

Lines A and B are tactical in nature, whereas

line C is Black's most solid option.

Variation A
So far, I have not mentioned that the most
faithful adherent of 4.h4 is the Hungarian 1M
The game Seres-Nagy, Budapest 1998, went Lajos Seres. His games constitute the main
instead: body of this article. Seres is, however, not
8.~c4 c5 9.tile2 ttJc6 10.ii.e3 0-0 (he inventor of 4.h4. This 'honour' goes to
11.ac1 a6 grandmaster AlexanderZaitscv. This player,
Instead of the text 11 ... 'iWa5 was better. incidentally. should not be mistaken for his
12.'i'd2 ~h7 13.h5 g5 14.e5! ~h8 namesake Igor Zaitsev, Anatoly Karpov's
15.f4 1616.0-0 ~g417.tng3 long-time second. Alexander Zaitsev can
With a clear edge for White. boast, for instance, shared 1stl2nd place in
17...b5 18.~b3 'W'a5 19.exf6 exf6 the 36th Soviet Championship of 1968 (los-
20.d5 c4 21.~c2 aad8 22.Qbl t:i':e7 ing the play-off fur the Litle 21,4-31,4 (0 Lev
23.d6 tilc8 24.'tWc2 f5 25.1xg5 t~xd6 Polugaevsky). In the stem game with 4.h4 he
26.l:U4 managed to beat no less a player than Vasily
The threat is 27 .:txg4. Smyslov.
26..."'6'a427.'ii'xa4 bxa4 28.g6 ti;b5 Here is the stem game:
Or 28 ...~e5 29.xd4±.
29.l:1xc4 01xc3 30.Wh2 4iixb1 31 J.:Ixbl o Alexander Zaitsev
l:td3 32.Q.f4 l:1a3 33.~b7 +- l::txa2 • Vasily Smyslov
34.l:tcc7 ~f3 35Jbg7 l:txg2+ 36.~h3 Sochi 1963
l::txg3+ 37.Wxg3 ~xb7 38.l::1xb7 l:1eS
39.~xh6 a3 4O.iLg7+ 1-0 4.•.c55.cxd5
Here 5.dxc5 is best. Note that 5.h5? is had
III Acting in the centre due to 5...cxd4.
Clearly. sections I and Il lcavc White with a 5.Ji::xd56.dxc5!?
pleasant opening edge. Nothing but good 6.h5 S2.g7 7.hxg6 hxg6 8.11xh8+ ~xh8:'F.
news for our SOS line so far! If Black is to 6 ...~xc3 7.'t!bd8+ ~xd8 8.bxc3 kg7
find an adequate response to 4.h4 it will have Black appears to have no problems in this
to be ill the current section. The three moves ending. All the more interesting thaL Zaitsev
that I represent here have in common that is able to outplay his famous opponent in his
they concentrate first and foremost on the own territory.

Jeroen Bosch

9.~d2 ~f5 5 ... .Q.g7

Stronger is 9 ...t22a6 1O.~a3 (lO.c6 tL.c5 - A major alternative is 5 ...d4, when play
Davies - is clearly in Black's favour) sharpens considerably: 6.~b5 tLJc6 7.e3 (or
1O....if5, and if now 11.1'3 then 11....i.h6+ 7Jd3 e5 8..ig5 .ie7) 7...e5 8.exd4 lOxd4
12.e3 ~c7 13.~xa6l:lad8+ 14.wel hxa6. (but not 8...exd4 9.~f4).
10.f3! tLld7
Better ix 10...~h6+ I I .Wd I .ttxc I 12. \tJxc I
11.e4 ~e6 12.c6!
Much better than 12.~a3 :rc8::;:.
12...bxc6 13.~e2 iic4 14.wc2 We7
lS.h5 eS?! 16.~e3 .ie6 17.~el a5
18.lL;b3 f5 19.1bd2 f4 20.~f2 g5
21..tc4 ~he8 22.~xe6 ~xe6 23.C.2.c4
.if8 24.~hdl ~b8 25.tiJxaS ~h6
26.J:[d2 J:[xh5 27.l:tadl lbf6 28.tbc4 e5
29.t;\xe5 94 30.4.\f7 gu3 31.gxf3 l:lh2
32.e5 tiJdS 33.~xd5 l:Ixf2+ 34.Wd3
1Ixf3+ 35.~c4 ae3 36.ad7+ ~c6 A tense situation in which White has tried
37.lbd8+ l:Ixd8 38.l:Ixd8 J:[e4+39.Wb3 the following moves:
~e7 40.lIc8+ ~b7 41.lIe8 Ah4 • 9.~f3?! (this is certainly not the correct
42.~d7+ We6 43.axh7 f3 44.c4 1-0 choice) 9 ....hc5 IO.tLlbxd4 exd4 \1.~d3
~g4 12.$.gS 'tWe7+ 13.<;Pfl h6 14.~f4 ~h5
An impressive win that had lillie to do with \5.~d2 <.t>f8, and Black was beuer in
the opening, though. Clearly, White must Porat-Jcrcz. Andorra 2001.
improve upon Zaitscv's S.cxdS. • 9.t'i:.~d4 exd4 10..i.<.I3 i.g7 0-0
4...c5 IVi';f3 J:[e8+ D.WfI stg4 14.... c2 CL;hS
Increasing the tension in the centre, and 15.~d6 i:.xf3 \6.gxB i:.e5 with unclear play
thereby giving White no lime for 5.hS. in Gozzoli- Van der Weide, La Fcre 2004.
• 9.b4!·) a5 IO.~g5~e7 l1.qjxd4(l1.~f3
was my recommendation in New In Chess
Magazine 2004/2) II...exd4 l2.b5 h6
13.i..f4 .ixc5 14.~d3 ~b4+ is.en ~g4
16.0 ~e6 J7 .:8e2 and both sides had their
chances in Ccbalo-Sebenik, Pula 2004.
6.cxd5 "a5
This was Black's idea, but his initiative is
easily stymied.
7.~d2 ~xc5 8.e4 0-0 9.~e2
Preventing both tZ::g4and :k.g4. Black does
not have enough compensation for the pawn.
The game Seres-Orso. Hungary 1997, con-
S.dxc5 tinued:
This is the only serious test of Black's idea, 9...e6 10.l:c1! ~a6 11.liJh3!? exd5

A Flank Attack in the Grunfeld

12.e51? 12.lL.xd5. 12...0.d7 13.tDf4

lDxe5 Black's queen is in ma-
jor trouble. 14...'i.t'd4 14...'''d6 J5.~xa6!.
16.'Wb3 tDg4 16.'6'g3 :IleS 17.~c3
iVc4 18.0-O!+- :xe2 19.~xg7 1:Ic2
20.i.c3 1:txc1 2U[xc1 h5 22.0
22.~xg6! fxg6 23.'i!Vd6 and wins.
22..:.-cS+ 23.~h1 ~e3 24.tUxe3
.xe3 2S.1:Ie1Black resigned, for if the
queen moves, White mates with ~e8-h8.

Variation B
Black releases the central tension. thereby 9..txc4
relieving his knight of the task of defending What happens if White takes back on c3?
dS. Play resembles the Queen's Gambit Ac- After 9.bxc3 ltjd7 it looks as if White can
cepted with the moves g6 and h4 thrown in. advantageously play lO.hS. However,
Tactics reign supreme in this line. Leviczki-Varadi, Szornbathely 2003, went:
4...dxc4 5.e4 c5 IlLtDb6! II.hxg6 fxg6 12.~xc4 exf6 (even
White gains the initiative after 5...0.c6 6.dS better than 12...tLJxc4 13:ffa4+ wf7
lL.e5 7 .... d4 lt~d3+ 8.~xd3 cxd3 9.h5 14.'i'xc4 exf6) 13.~d3 f5! l4.c4 §;_g7
Cordes-Karelin, e-mail corr, 2000. l5J!bl 0-0 16.~~e2 .IiI.a6 17.... c2 'iWd6~.
6.dS b5 9 ...ti.:;d7
Otherwise Whitc would simply retrieve the The most natural reply: Black aims to take
pawn with excellent play. hack on f6 with the knight. After lO.fxc7
7.e5 b4 8.exf6 'llfxe7+ he gains time. No good is 9...cxb2
Here 8.~a4 C d5 9.~xc4 yields some COOl· 1O.~xb2±. There is, however, a sharp alter-
pensation for the pawn. Bosboom-Goor- native available in the form of 9 ..."a5 l?
rnacbtigh, Haarlem 1998. continued: 9 ...e6 White is forced to sacrifice material with
IO.j,g5 'iiJjc7 (lO ...i.e7 11.lf'ixc5) lLU3 1O.4·:e2!'J cxb2+ 11 . .id2
~b7 12.hS I;Ig8 13.h6 tLJd7 14.0·0!? and
White won.
This position should be compared to a
well-known line from the Queen's Gambit
Accepted: l.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.e4 cS 4.d5
tLlf6 S.lLic3 bS 6.eS b4 7.exf6 bxc3. In the
QGA White now takes back on d. In our
Griinfeld SOS he can play more aggres-
sively. The inclusion of h2-h4 and g7-g6
generally favours White. He can probe
Black's kingside with h5 (although this is a
double-edged sword. of course), while the
main al-h8 diagonal is also weakened II.....-b6? (now White gets a virtually win-
because of g6. ning position for nothing. Still, after the crit-

Jeroen Bosch

ical ll. ..bxal~ I 2.'lWxaI 'it'b6 l3.fxe7 f6 This is Black's must solid option. The move
14.exf8'i'+ lhf8 15.0-0 White has huge is perhaps not in keeping with the Grunfeld
compensation for the exchange) 12.l:Ih 1 player's customary active temperament,
exf6 (or 12....ltf5 13.~a4+ tZ:d7 14.j;_bSf) though. Yet this set-up. similar to the
13.'i'a4+ ~d7 (I3....i.d7 14.'t!i'a3) l4J:lh3! Schlechter Variation. is not without logic.
hS'! IS.:b3 'itc7 16.d6 .ixd6 17..ta5 'li'b8 The move 4.h4 wa:) aimed lit the knight's in-
18J:t I xb2, 1-0 Cordes-Greger, Germany ability to defend both squares u5 and h5.
2000. With 4 ...c6 Black overprotects d5, so that
10:~a4! 5.h5 is no longer a threat. The pawn on h4
Not allowing Black to take back on f6 with looks slightly awkward now.
the knight. 5.cxd5
10..JWb6 11.bxc3 '$'xf6 12k,e2 kg7 Clarifying the situation in the centre. No
13.Qb5 good is 5.~f4 which is solidly met by
This move prevents Black from castling. 5 ...dxc4, with advantage.
White is better and won convincingly in Practice has also seen 5.e3 ii.g7 6,.td2 0-0
Seres-Pribyl, Liechtenstein 2000: 7 .l:Ic Iwhen Black has chosen the Schlechter
13...a6 14.~e3 nb8 15.1ic6 'lj'f5 set-up. White has yet to develop his
16.0-0 kingside. He deliberately waits, though: ~f]
Black is unable 10 complete hisdeve!opment would allow ....ltg4. while j;_e2/d3 is met by
and is therefore fighting a lost cause. ...dc4. Kruppa-Aronian. Linares 1998. saw:
16..:~·d3 7 ...C2,bd7?! (this is a mistake, as the knight is
Not 16...0-0? as 17.ti:!g3 wins on the spot. misplaced after the exchange on d5 - it then
17.J::[fe1 l:tb2 18.lDf4 ~xc3 19.1:tac1 belongs on e6. There are several playable al-
'itb4 20.~xc5 ~xa4 21 ..axa4 e5 ternatives: 7 ....~~f5, 7 ...$..e6 and 7 ... a6 spring
Instead of resigning. to mind) 8.cxd5! cxd5 a6 (O.'i'b3 e6
22.dxe6 fxe6 23.11xe6+ ~f7 24.l:te7+ Il.a4l:teR 12.£e2;t.
Wf6 25.j(xd7 ~xd7 26.nxd7 £h6 Also interesting is 5.ilgS 3i..g7 6..i.xf6 gxf6
~~~+ 1~ 7.(;xd5 cxd5 8.d tLjc6 9.h5 g5 10M e6 and
in Claverie-Goloschapov, Le Touquet 2004.
a draw was agreed. Apparently, the stronger
Variation C (second) player did not (rust his position
4 ...c6 here.
5...cxd5 6.~f4
Controlling the e5 square. which is impor-
.i~.t'iK*..t .i tant. as the following game demonstrates:
~~ ii
~, i 6 ..ltg5 ~g7 7.e3 tbc6 !L~d3 O.() 9.~ge2 e5
JO.dxe5 tZ:xe5 II..~c2 ~e6 (2.0d4 J:lc8
l3.rtbl a6 l4.~e2 b5 15.tbxe6 fxe6 16.0-0
,*c7 and in Parker-Webb. England 2001. a
draw was agreed. but Black is slightly better.
Note that we have a Slav Exchange here with
h4 and g6 thrown in. A set-up with g6 is not
to be recommended in the Slav Exchange.
On the other hand. after I .d4 d5 2.c4 c6

A Flank Attack in the Grunteld

3.cxd5 cxdf 4.llJl;) llJf6 5 ..QJ4 g6?! nobody 7...~c6 8.h5 (this looks a bit drastic. The
would play 6.h4?! either. On the whole, modest 8.~e2 threatens hS at some point.
White seems to be slightly better. White has the slightly better chances) R...O-O
(why not 8...t/:::xh5? Was White really plan-
R~.i.~~i. :e: ning 9.l:lxh5 gxhS 10.'i'xh5?) 9.hxg6 hxgo
IO.lC.f3 "'b6and Black is just in time to keep
11 11 1 White busy; play is about equal, Bosboom-
~1 I.Soko)ov. Leeuwarden 1997.
Black must have underestimated this ex-
change sacrifice. With the king on g8 - d.
Bosboom-Sokolov - White's compensation
is obvious.
8..k,xhS 9.~xh5 gxhS 10:~xh5 f5
11..ad3 e6 12.g4 lL;d7 13.gxf5 tDf6
6...~g7 14:ilYh2 exfS lS.lDge2 .i.e6 16.0-0-0
To get a feel for the resulting positions, here White has excellent compensation for the
are some other practical examples: exchangt::
- 6...a6 7.e3 ~g7 8.Q.e2 (hoping to play h5
at some point) lLhS?! 9.~f3 lL;c6 lO.t2.ie5
(now the position has stabilized, White has 1I
favourable Slav Exchange) 10...0-0 11.0-0
.tf5 12.'iii'b3 tCa5 13.'i'b4 ~e.4 14.tZ;xe4
.be4 15.l:tfcl± ~xe5 16.dxcS bS 17.a4
bxa4 18.11xa4 tLx:4 19.b3 Ct:;b2 20.l:txa6
:txa6 21..~.xa611;d3 22.~.xd3 ~.xd3 23.e6!
f6 24.~c7 neg 25.:lb7 fLa6 26.l:tb8 ~c8
27.'ffc5l:!.f8 28.b4 1-0 Seres-Farkas, Szcgcd
- 6... 0c6 ?toG xg7 8.e3 0-0 9.l{.';e5~b6
lO.~xc6 bxc6 11.'tWd2 :re8 12..i.e2 h6 16..JU7 17':1g1 1:rc8 18.f3 wh8
13.~4 'tlYb7 14.~c5 'fHb6 15JlcI oiJd7 19.wbl ~c6 20.J:thl ~g8 21.~b5
16.tL\xd7 .i.xd7 17.0-0 e5 18.kxeS .l:Lxe5 Threatening both 22.~d6 and 22.0xa7.
19.dxe5 l:xe5 20.:fd 1 l1e4 21.g3 .~.g4 21...ti",e8 22.4.~xa7 ltb6 23.ti.;b5 ..G..f6
22.~xg4 J:xg4 23.b4t Krzyzanowski-Ros, 24.tLibc3 J:tg7 25.t['!a4 J:tc6 26.tL:.c5
e-mail COIT. 2000. Qc8 27.tLig3 b6 28.Qb5!
- 6 ... lL:.c6 7.e3 a6 8.~e2 fJ..g7 9.hS ~e4 Winning material.
lO.hxg6 hxg6 Il.lhh8+ flxh8 I Vl::.xe4 28...bxc5 29..ixc6 cxd4 30..i.xe8
dxe4 13.,*c2 ~a5+ 14.'lt>fl ~c6 IS.'tWxc4 dxe3
.ba2 16.~G .idS 17.l:txa5 i..xc4 )8Jtc5 Black is trying to confuse the issue. but is
l:!.c8 I 9.4)d2 ~J5 20.~f3 ti.:d8 21 ..l:c7 ':xc7 gelling nowhere,
22.~xc7 b5 23.l~b3~ Kahn-Szeberenyi, 31.$.b5 d4 32.l2;h5 l:tg2 33.~e5!
Budapest 2000. And after this neat finish Black resigned.
7.e30-O Cebalo-Brkic, Nova Gorica 2005.

Oleg Romanishln
Catch-as-catch ..Kan?

Sicilian Kan Variation with 6 ...e6-e5!?

Home preparation is becoming increasing- players, a lot of mistakes occur - one need
ly more important, as our rate of play is get- only examine the games from the 2004
ting faster and faster, In the old days, facing FIDE World Championship. When a mista-
a novelty during the game, you could just ke is the result of strong and interesting play
spend some time to find, ifnot the best, than by one of the players, a so-called 'forced
at least a reasonable continuation. These error', then then: is no problem. But mostly
days, you will have to react almost immedi- these mistakes were merely the logical con-
ately, otherwise you'Il be under time pres- sequences of the new regulations. If you
sure until the end of the game. In my want to profit from this aspect of modern
opinion this is an important argument chess, then it is very useful to surprise your
against the new time control. The creative opponent with an unexpected manoeuvre.
side of chess suffers £\)0 much at the expen- and better still. with some sharp variations.
se of this strange wish to have chess players Even if the complications are slightly dubi-
play with their 'hands' rather than with their ous: there is every chance of success as long
heads. Indeed, even in the games of top as your opponent lucks the time to calculate


deeply! Of course, objectively bad varia- The move 6 ...e6-eS!? in the Sicilian Kan Va-
tions can never be recommended. riation is another way to start a psychologi-
In the Soviet Championship of 19751 mana- cal fight. Sometimes it is very efficient to
ged to surprise two famous grandmasters: radically change the course of play - avoi-
Tigran Petrosian with l.t~f3 ~f6 2.c4 c6 ding yuur opponent's preparation and thwar-
3.0c3 b6 4.e4 ~b7 5.~d3 !?N ting his expectations. Of course. White can
steer the game into a well-known line from
the Najdorf Variation with 7.tLJb3 d6 8.tL:Jc3
g~ 'iV~.t :! fLe7 9.iLe2. However,there won't be all that
1_tl1 111 many players ready to give back a tempo. On
1 1~ the other hand. White must realize that with
a bishop on d3 he does nor have enough con-
trol over the dS- and g4-squares. Neverthe-
less, it is clear that transferring the game to
the 6 ..ie2 line in the Najdorf is not the criti-
cal test of this variation. So after, 6 ...eS Whi-
te should look for other possibilities.
1_e4 c5 V2jf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.lbxd4
a6 S..ad3 tbf6 6.0-0 e5!?
and Efim Geller with a pawn sacrifice after This move looks a bit strange and lead, to
l.e4 eS 2.lDO lbc6 3.~b5 a6 4.~a4 t2f6 positions that are not typical for the
S.D-O iLe7 6.lIcl bS 7..i.b3 d6 8.d 0-0 9.d4 Paulsen/Kart Variation. It was. perhaps for
~g4 10.d5 0.a5 I U1c2 c6 12.h3 .Q.xfJ the first time, played in the game'xf3 cxd5 14.exdS tLc4 15.~d2 Ci:.b6 Fedorowicz-Dorfrnan, New York Open
16.0.fl! t2jbxdS 17.~g3 19R9. which went: 7.tCOd6 8.~c3 ~e7 9.a4
b6 lO.tbd20-0 Il.tDc4.
K '¥}j :i~ I've played several games with this system,
and I'll mention them with some short anal-
.tll1 yses. White has several options after the au-
1 ~ dacious 6 ...e5:
A) ?CdS
B) 7P,e2
t!:. 'iYltJ~ C) 7.t!!f3
~~~ ~~ D) 7.tbb3
l:I ~ a: w E) 7.~gS

winning both games. Later Tigran Pctrosian Variation A

said to me: 'You are lucky, to have shot two 7.4'.f5?1
novelties in one tournament. Nevertheless. Hardly critical, Black gets to play both ...eS
the event doesn't consist of those two games. and ...dS.
but of the other fifteen' (the Soviet Champi- 7 ...d5 8_~g5
onships were mostly played with eighteen Of course not 8.exd5? e4.
participants) . 8...~xf5 9.exfS e4

Oleg Romanishin

White would answer 9 ...~e7 with 10.c4, 14.'\i\Yd30-0 1S.c'ad1 nc8

when 1O... e4 is well-met by 11 ..iLc2. Ipavec-Romanishin, Nova Gorica 1999,
10..ie2 i.e7 ~bd7 12.~d2
0-0 13Jl.ad1 I.lcB Variation C
Here 7 ...d6?! 8.c4 is preferable for White,

CI) 8.lLd
C2) 8.c4

Variation C1
8.tL;c3 d6

With more or less equal chances.

Variation B
7.tL:e2 aes
Developing the bishop outside the
pawn-chain.,gS d6 t1~:bd710..!LdS h6
11.1i.xfS li\xf6 12.ti'.ec3 Black has a decent position. as is
This is the point of White's 7th move - he demonstrated by the next 1\\10 lines:
gains control over the d5-s(juarc. • 9.tL.d5 tj~xd5 10.exd5 Ci;e7 11.c4 g6
12...~e6 13.$.c4 tl:;h7!? looks OK for Black. A playable alternative
is 11...t2;g6.
• 9.~.g5 sst 10.~.xf6 .axf6 11.CLd5
0-0 12.c3 2e6 13.2c4 Ile8 14.'1~·d3
tl.,a5 15.~_b3 ~g5 1S.11ad1 Qh6
17.~e2 Wh818.~.e2 -4ic419"w..b3 tL.a5
20.~c2 Ci;c4 21.~.b3
Play is about equal here. I now played some-
what inaccurately:
21 ...b5 22.84 f5 23.exf5 £xf5 24.axbS
axb5 25.~c2?;; Kutuzovic-Romanishin,
Pula 1998.

Variation C2
This odd move is in fact a nice strategical 8.c4 ~c5":e3 d610.h3 hS
manoeuvre, which leaves White with two Both sides have prevented the pinning of
knights for only one square. their knights.


1La3 0-0 12.b4 ~a7 11.exd5?

From time to time the Computer makes such
stupid moves. After II.cxd5 C~d7 (l1...f5
12.exf5 .ixfS 13.:ixf5 llxf5 14.t2d2 tt:~d7
J 5.c~e4 is simply better for White) 12..Q.e3
.~.g5 J3.'l!Yd2 ~xe3 14.'ihe3 a5 Black
should keep the position.
11 ...f5 12 ..iid2 a5 13.a4 b6 14 ..lkc2
tL;a6 15.'fi'e2 gf6~
PConNer:; (computerj-Rornanishin, Lippstadt

Variation 01
8.tLlc3 :lie7 9.a4
Black should be fine. Thus, 13JIr'e2 may be Like I mentioned above, White can simply
answered by both 13...ri;h5'? and by transfer to a well-known Najdorf line here
13...tLld4 14..!L:.xd4 exd4 Iskd5 .~c6. with 9.~e2, but-and here isthe catcb -who
While, I3Jlel presents no problems for the is going to throwaway a tempo like that?
second player after 13...~e6 14.~.e3 kxe3
I5 Jlxe3 ii.:.d4.

Variation 0

01) 8.c4
02) 8.~c3

Variation 01
8.c4 soa 9.~c3 0-0 10.tL;dSlDxd5
It was more flexible not to open the c-line
and to keep the position dosed with This position occurred twice in my own
1O...~bd7 11.~.e3 a5. practice.
• 9...b6 1O.~g5 lDbd7 11.taI2 ~c5?!
12._~xf6 .bf6 13.~4 .fib7
And now White withdrew his bishop:
With a slight edge in Herrera-Rornanishin,
Linares 1999.
• 9 ... ~e6 10 ...Q.e3 tilc6 11.l/.\d2 l:ree
12.~c4 0-0 13..igS 0.b4 14..ixf6
~xf6 is.ces tj~,xd5 16.~xd5 ~xd5
17.exdS .ig518.ltJf3 15
And Black wus slightly better in the game
McShane-Romanishin. Lippstadt 1999.

-=O_:_:le:..;;:9z....:Rc...:.o:::.:m..:..:-=a:_::ni:.::.s:_::hi..:..:n •. _ .. _-------_ ... - ---_--

Variation E has the returt 13.'ilfg3! planning 13...~c6

7..tgS!? 14.lLxtl4! with a clear edge.

This brilliant move was invented by the Brit- In this complex position White has two op-
ish grandmaster Peter Wells. Perhaps, it the tions:
most promising. and certainly the most dan- • 13.c3 96 14.t2::xd4exd4 15.tLJf6+
gerous. continuation. Let us first investigate rtJe7 16.lL\d5+ to repeat the moves.
the dangers that Black is running here by ex- • 13.~c4 .ie6
amining two sample lines: Of course not 13...g6? 14.!i:::gJi.g7 15.~b6.
- 7...exd4?! S.e5 .a5 9.~d2 followed by The move 13...4;a5 is simply answered by
IO.exf6 gives White excellent attacking 14.Ab3.
chances. 14:;lI'g3 96 15.tix:J4
-7...d6?! R.l!:f5 Q.xL'i9.~xf6! gxf6 IO.exf5 Dubious is 15.1'4 gf5 16.fe5 'fiVg5(or first
d5 Il.c4dxc4 12.~)(.c4 ~xdl 13..:lxdJ tbc6 16 f4) 17.0,c7 Wd8.
14.t2:ic3 :i.c7 15.fLd5 J:[b8 16..bc6+ bxc6 1S ed4 16.t2::c7 Wd7 17.~e6 fe6
17.4:a4± was the stem game Wells-Rorna- 18.ltja8 'iWa8
nishin, Berlin 1999. The game ended in a And Black is OK in this sharp position.
draw. but White has a considerable posi-
tional advantage at this stage. Variation E2
After 7 ..~.g5 Black's two main options are: 7...d5

EI) 7 h6
E2) 7 05

Variation E1
7...h6!? 8.~xf61i'xf6 9.~Df5
After 9.C~f3 .ii<:5 10..!!::c3 d6 II.CLid5 'lidS
I2.lLh4!? 0-0 r:t<1.~f5~xf5 14.exf5 t?:d7
Black has an equal game.
9...d5 10.tiJc3 d4 11.~d5 ...w dB 12.'l'f3
If Black plays the immediate 12...g6 Whitt:


8.0.f3 And here White can cake a wrong tum with

Best, by attacking e5 White keeps the initia- 14.~xe4? g5 15.~gJ lLlxe4 16.l:lxe4 f5.
tive. Black, however. is now able to transfer 14...lL\xfS lS ..txe4 lDxe4 16.l:txe4 Qf5
the game into a sharp 'ending'. 17.l:te2 .i.e6 18.lDc3 0-0-0
No good is 8... c2.c6? 9.exd.5 'i'xdS 10 ...I1;,xf6
gxf611.c4! -.!Vd.8t2.lijc3 f5 13."e2 ~g7
14.:ad I when White has a dangerous initia-
9..txe4 ~xd110J:txdl tLlbd7!?
The text is better than lO...JLe7 I 1..~_xf6
.bf6 lFa3 cat7 13.ttJd5~d8 14.c40-0
15.b4f5 16.~c2and White keeps a slight ad-
After )(L.l2Jbd7 Black intends to counter
t i.ars by 1l...~b6~ 12..hc8 ~xc813.ft\xe5
(or 13.~c3 ~fd7) 13...:xc2 with adequate
counterplay. Therefore White continues With good compensation due to the pair of
11.~d3 bishops.

Variation E22
Offering a pawn.
12.~xa6 l:txa6 13.lixd5 f6 14.~e3

E21) Il...h6!?

Variation E21
11...h6!? 12.~h4
Alternatively, 12.~xf6 gxf6 J ~b6 Black has compensation for the pawn as the is well-met by 14...Qb4!. intending following lines should prove:
15.~e4 .bc3 16.bxc3 tZ:.a4!. - lSJldl .it'S 16.c3 lDc4 17.~c 1 Ji.xb J
12...e4 13.Uel ~e7 18.l:txbllha2=.
Don', fall for 13...g5? 14..ag3 1;..e715.rile) - lS.l:tbS ~c4 16.ltJbd2 (I6.tOc3 1:tc6)
cxd3 16.~d6. 16...lilxe3 17.fxe3 l%c6IS.c4 b6.
14.~xfS - 15.~xb6 l:txb6 16.b3.

David Navara
The Paulsen Attack in the Petroff

Play 4.ttJc4!? en route to e3

Introduction equalize at some point However, let us not for-

1.e4 e5 2.(';f3 tN6 3.ti':xe5 d6 4.t.2;c4 get {hal in the main line While must make a big
According to my database, Louis Paulsen was effort to reach a slightly better position. It is for
the first player who played this Iine. He played this reason that I employed this variation
it twice in 1887. Let us start with comparing against COM A lexandra Kosteniuk. She reacted
the surprising knight move with the familiar well and reached equality in the early stage of
4/dl. White's knight is exposed on c4. so the game. A few months later. GM Shirov
subsequently White often has to play ~e3. played the Petroff defence against me. He told
Surprisingly. the knight might be very me he was looking forward to meeting
well-placed here. It attacks the d5-pawn. espe- Be that as it may. let's look at (and play)
cially in combination with .~.d3 and c4. In Paulsen's 4.';LC4.
comparison to the classical variations. the Naturallv, the move
pieces of both sides arc in worse places. 4..'c.:::.xe4
Clearly, the positions that arise from Paulsen's is practically forced. as 4 ...'tlfe7 S.-1'..;e3Q_Jxe4
Variatiun are far more unusual. To be honest. 6.d4 is advantageous for White. Now White
objectively I think that 4.q.)c:4 allows Black 10 has three normal continuations:

( • A

The Paulsen Attack in the Petroff

_5.0c3 8.0-0 d5 9.tLle5 (9.tL:e3 ~e6 followed by c5

_ 5.d4 dS 6.lDe3 is OK for Black) 9 ...~f5 with equal play.
-5.ife2 6.bxc3
Other moves are not very good, e.g, 5.d3 The alternative is 6.d)(c3 d5 7.tlJc3. when af-
tlJf6 6.d4 dS 7.~;,e5 is a transposition into an ter 7 ...c6 8.... d4!? the lines fork:
exchange variation of the French Defence. - Black's queen would be misplaced after
7.tDe3 does not seem very dangerous, either. 8...'lWb69.'lWf4.
In my opinion. the black knight is more vul- - 8...tiJd7 9.e4! (9.~d3 1Wf6!?=) 9 ...ftf6
nerable on e4. So more logical is, IO.'iVxf6 ~xf6 1 l.cxdf cxd5 12.c3
when 5...d5 (5 ... go=) 6.d4 is a mere transpo- (I2.~b5+.td7 J3 ..bd7+$xd7 14.0-0.ic5
sition, whereas 6.~e2 ~e6 is too passive. and the while knight is misplaced). I do not
know whether White objectively stands a bit
Old Main Line better or not, but 12...Qc5 l3.0.c2 ~f5
1.e4 e5 tbf6 3.lC.xe5 d6 4.~lC4 14.~e3 is preferable for While.
tUxe4 5.l/lC3 - R ... ke6 9.f4 (otherwise would Black play
0.d7) 9 .. .f6 IO.c4c5 (lO ...dxc4I I.fte4 fte7
K~j_~~.t E
~" ~
,~, 12.1(xc41(xc4
II.'ftd3 d4 l2.~e4
13.Wxc4 'lWb4+ l4.Qd2;!:;)
VJie7 J3.~d5 .hd5
14.'i'xe7+ .ixe7 (14 ...'~xe71? 15.cxd5 Wd6
16.g3 t;~d7 17.c4 f5=) 15.cxd5 tbd7 16.c4.
Sulskis-Zulfugarli, Bydgoszcz 1999, seems
to be equal.
Instead of 7 ...c6 Black can also play
7 ... ~e6!?, as the game is equal after both
K.ad3 Qc5, and H.Wh5 Wd6 9.~d2 tLld7
10.0-0-0 0-0-0, Benjamin-Lev, London
This move caused a rcvi val of this variation 6 ... dS 7.lije3 c6
in the I 990s. However, this line is not very This move, which prepares 8...iLd6, seems
dangerous for Black. to be the best reaction to White's set-up.
5...~xc3 8.d4ltJd7
Black has satisfactory results with 5 ... t.L:f6 (I After 8...~d6 9..ad3 (9.c4 dxc4 10..bc4
find this retreat a bit strange, but the knight 0-0 11.0-0) 9...0-0 10.0-0 fS 1J.f4 .ie6
on c4 is not placed ideally) 6.d4 iLe7 (6 ...d5 Black has equalized. In Mochna-Sudakova,
7.tLie5;l; looks like a strange version of the St Petersburg 2002, White continued
Exchange Variation of the French Defence, 12.g4?~, but Black was better after 12...fxg4
White's chances arc only slightly better) 13.fS 'ifh4 14.:!!:::xg4 snl5.~f4 Qxf4
7.iLe2 (7.$..d3 0c6 8.d5 Ci;e5 9.[c,xc5 dxe5 16.J:xf4VJig517.VJifi tal7(17 ...h518.h4!).
10.0-0 0-0 I I.~e I lL;d7 12..1f5 li:Jb6 9.Q.d3 ti\f6 10.0-0 1l.e7 11.lbf5 itxf5
13.~xc8 was played in a game Khairullin- 12.~xfS 0-0
Bezgodov, According 10 Bezgodov, both White has the bishop pair. but his pawn
lhc8 and ~xc8 should be sufficient for structure gives Black enough counter-
equality as Black has enough compensation chances, Velickovic-Mikhalchishin, Cetinje
for the pawn after 14Jhe5 ~f6) 7 ...0-0 1992.

David Navara

Paulsen's Idea • 6 ... 1i..e7 7.~d3 (after 7.tbd2 (iixd2

1.e4 e5 2.lDf3 t;jf6\xe5 d6 8..Q.xd2White has at best a tiny edge) 7...0-0
tiJxe4 S.d4 d5 6.tDe3 s.o-o tL:f6 (!L~c6 9.c3) 9.4~f5 (or 9.~d2
This is Paulsen's idea. OM Smagin played it c5!'! 10.dxc5 .1t.xc5 II.<1::b3 .i.b6 I VtJf5
until 1990. (iie4=) 9...~xf5 IO.i.xf5 with a minimal ad-
6 ...~f6 vantage .
• 6...c6 and again White can consider both
7 .~d3 and 7.t2Jd2.
- 7.gd3 .ad6, and now:
- 8.c4 0-0 9.cxd5 1ith4 1O._b.e4 (I 0.g3
~xg3 II.fxg3 lbxg3oo) 10...'iWxe4 II.IQc3
'i!Vh4 with good compensation.
- lt~d2 f5 is also good for Black. In
Tigran L. Petrosian-Nasri, Fajr Z003, White
played 9.c4 f4 10.cxd5 ~xd2 Il.lQc2, but
Black reached a good position after
1l...~e7+ 12.'iVe2 (I2.f~xd2 O-O~)
12...t'iif3+! 13.gxf3 'it'xe2+ 14.~xc2 cxd5.
- 8.0-0 0-0 9.c4 ~e6 (for some strange
We will treat this as the main line, because reason, this move has not been played so far)
Black has terrible results with many of the 1O.~c3 (1O.~xe4 dxe4 II.tbc3 f5 12.d5
normal moves. including 6....1e6. 6 ... SLe7 cxd5 13.cxd5 .i.d7 looks like an equal posi-
and so on. Let us investigate. for, objectively, tion, especially since 14.lL.~4 fails I\)
they cannot be all that bad: 14... gxh2+) 1O... ti:oxc3 I I.bxc3 ~d7 with
• 6...~e6 7.Qd3 ~d6, with two options. equality,
- 8.c4 .i.b4+'!! (8 ...c6 9:f'b3 '*c7=) - More chances for an advantage are of-
9.~fI! O-O?(9...c6 cxdS 11.~xe4 fered by 7 .It:id2tL:xd2 (7 ... ~d6 8.tL:xe4 dxe4
dxe4 12.dS ~d7 I HWd4 and the arising 9.gc40-0 10.0-0 with an idea f2-f3 is a bit
complications seem to be in White's favour) unpleasant for Black. Perhaps simply
lO.a3 sa Il.cxdS i.",dS IH~xd5 ,*xd5 7... ~e7!'!) 8.~xd2 0d7 (White's pieces are
13.• e2+- 'lWc6 14.'iIt'xe4 'tiYxcl+ 15.~e2 a bit better placed, but Black has no major
'ffxb2+ \6.lM2 f5 06 ...g6 IUthbl) problems) 9.lI@I'e2 (or 9.~f3!?) 9...~e7!fxe71Dc6. 10.0-0-0 tLif6 II.~b4 ~e6 l2.i.xf8 1:lxf8
- 8.0-00-0 9.c4 c6 lO.lDc3 (lO.~xe4 dxe4 planning .ad7, 0-0-0.
Il.dS cxd5 12.cxdS ~d7 13.tL:c3~h4 14.g3 • 6...~c6 7.c3 ~e6 8.tbd2 (8.~d3 'tIt'h4!?
~e7 15.f3 exD 16:~xf3=) IO...tL::xc3 9.i¥f3 0-0·0 JO.0d2!?) 8...f5 9.'Wb3!'!.
II.bxe3 ~7 equal. • 6...g6 was twice played by Mikhal-
Instead of 7.~d3 I played 7.<1ld2?! ~xd2 chishin, but White was better in Srnagin-
8..ixd2 c5! when Black had easily equalised Mikhalchishin, Russian Championship
in Navara-Kosteniuk, Lausanne 2004: Riga 1985, after 7.lbd2 fig7 8.lf'lxe4 dxe4
9.i.b5+ tLlc6 1O..i.c3 (lO.e3=) 1O...~b6 9.c3 0-0 10..1t.c4 (;d7 11.0-0 c5 12.dxc5
Il.i.xc6+ bxc6 12.0-0 and now White has to li'lxc5 13.~c2 .ie6 14.lIdP (Smagin).
be careful. After 12...~d6 13.'tIt'd2 0-0 7.'ife2
14.dxc5 hc5 15.b4 the game was equal. More spectacular is 7.£Lb5+ which was once

The Paulsen Attack in the Petroff

played by Smagin: 7 c6 8.0-0 cxh5 (accept- Stronger is 9.tLJd2 0-0-0. when:

ing the challenge, 8 ~e6 leads to an equal - 1O.tL::xd5cannot offer White any advan-
position) 9.~.xdS ..-d6 IO.nel ~xd5 tage. The following continuation seems to;,c3 fi'd8 12.lhe4+ ~e7 13.~g5 (in thc be the simplest way to equality: 10....1xdS
game happened 13.lWe2, when Black could 11.t;~xe4 ~xe4 (11..:i'g61'! 12.CLlg3 ..I!l.d6
have played 13... ~f5 14.l:e5 tt;,c6+. How- promises Black full compensation. e.g.
ever, Black transposed to the main line after IHth5 ~e6+ 14.~e3 go=) 12.Wxe4
l3...tUc614.$.gS) 13...lDc6(13 ...f614 ..hf6 tDxd4! 13.~d3 (not 13.cxd4?? i.b4+, after
gxf6 IS:t'h5+ ~fR 16.nael o!6c6 17,tLd5 13 ...ie3 tUf5 Black has no problems)
probably leads to a draw) 14.'iWe2 l3 ...~c5. The game is equal. Therefore,
- 14...f6 IS.dS tDe5 (l5 ....i.f5 J6.dxc6 stronger is
~xe4 17.'iWxe4=) 16.~xb5 is about equal, - 10.g3 t2:.xd2 (I(L~ g6 II.tbxe4 dxe4
as White has enough compensation after 12.i.g2 f5 13.f3 seems to be slightly better
16...a6 (16 ...0-0 17.d6 ~xd6 18.ndl) for White as Black's knight is not placed
17.nxeS! fxeS 18.~xe7 'i;;xe7 19.'iWxeS+. very well) II.~xd2 h5 12.h4;!; 02 ..Q.g2
- 14....i.e6 15..he7 !?'xe7 16.d5 Ci;xdS Smagin-Makarichev, Moscow 1990, 12...h4
17.11d I is equal according to Smagin. 13.0-0-0 is also playable) and While has
- 14...~fS IS ..be7 ::c,xe7 16.ne5 0-0 better prospects owing to the weakness of
17.lhe7 Y2-Vl Smagin-Makarichev, Mos- the d5-pawn. White intends 13.0-0-0, ~g2.
cow 1987. ~f3. t;;.g2. tL;f4.
7...~e6 B.c3 8...cS was played only once, in Jansa-
But nor 8.g3? "xd4 (Sulskis-Mamedyarov, Volkmann (Austria tt 2(02). but it deserves
Dubai 2002) 9.... bS+ tL.d7 IO:W'xb7 l:[b8 serious attention. After 9.c4! (9.dxcS ~xc5
II.'iWxc7 i:.tl6 12."c6 0-0+ (12 ...:xb2!?). and White's knight is placed pretty badly)
9...cxd4 IO.tLJxd5 ~xd5 II.cxd5 .ib4+


8...c6! Not dangerous is 12.WdI: 12..' i!i'e7 n.e

Less accurate is 8 .._4:x6. White should not (13.ti~:d2 .Q.xd2 14..hd2 t007=) ILtLif6
play 9.g3, as this allows Black to play (I3 ...tL::d6?! 14.a3 ~a5 15.~f4) 14."tWxe7+
9 ...0-0-0 IO..tg2 -S6 (lO ...hS lJ.lL:d2 (14.a3 .id615."tWxe7+'iPxe7 16.i.c4tLlbd7
tLlxd2 12.~xd2 h4 is about equal) 11.t2:.d2 f5 does not cause a big difference) 14...~xe7
IH~xe4 fxe4 13.f3 (13.~d2 h5 !'!) I Lexf3 I S.~c4 llc8 and Black has equalised.
14..i.xf3 i.d6 with equality. Therefore, Jansa played 12.~d2, when after

David Navara

12...\\Ve7 13.~xb4 'fhb4+ 14.4\d2 "-xd2+ The strongest line

15.~xd2tbxd216.wxd2~e717.Wd3.!:tdR, 1.e4 e5 VDf3 lDt6 3.tC.xe5 d6 4kc4
us in the game, [ think that White could have li'.xe4 5.'fre2 fie7 6.lL:e3
preserved some edge with 18.~xd4
(ISJ:te I + ~f6 19.\t>xd4 ~c6+ and C;\e7 is
good for Black) 18...lLx:6+ 19.~c5 09.<.i>e4
fS+=:) 19...t!Je5 20J!d Illac8+ 2 i.Wd4 c;.td6
(2l..5~f6 22.f4) 22.J:lel, but I can easily be
Instead of going for the ending, Black could
also try 14...Wd8!? and White has to be care-
ful in order to avoid difficulties: IS.f3!
(15.0-0-0 'i'c5+ is good for Black after both
1o.'J;b I d3! 17.'i!iel 'fi'c2+ 18.~al tUxf2
19.11cl l:!e8! and 16.tbc4 l:te8 with threats
17...d3 and 17...b5) 15...t2lg3 16.hxg3 neB
17Jlxh7 lIxe2+ 18.~xe2 and White has a This line is the 'youngest' one. White has
small advantage as the move 18 we7 good results with it. Nevertheless, Black
(IS ...'t!tfS 19.0-0-0 lDd7 20.t2ie4;t; IR 4·,d7 should not have any problems if he plays
I 9.1:h8+ 0f'8 20.a3 ~c7 21.c1Je4±) is met by well.
19.:h8! li'c5 20.la4 (20 ..t.c4!'?) 20 ...'fi'xd5 Innocuous is 6.d3 C~f6 7.~g5 iLe6: tL:c4 is
21.::tc1. not placed very well. nuw.
9.tL:.d2 6...c6
White cannot gel along without this move Sensible is 6...lbf6. Nothing is gained by
and 9.g3 ~d7 IO.~g2 'fIg6 (10 ....td6!? 7.h3 ':;';c6 8.~b2 X(.e6. or by 7.d4 d5 !S.b3
1 J . 0 ~xg3+!; II ...tbgS !2.h4 .itxg3+ lL:c6 9.c3 ~d7.
13.~d!) Il.tUd2 f5 is OK for Black. After White's main attempt after 0...0fo is 7.g3:
12.ti:xe4!? (White needs to destroy Black's - 7...1t..d7 8..ig2 ~c6 9.0 g6 lO.lDc3
centre otherwise be would be worse) the (I 0.0-0 ~g 7 Il ..t:r.e I 0-0 12.d4l:te8 is OK for
chances arc cqual: Black, as l2.c4 is harmless due to !2 ...d5)
- 12...fxe4 13.f3 ~:;f6 (I3 ...cxfJ 14..hf3 1O...Cilbd7! (10...~g7 11.d4()-O 12.d5 .td7
0-0-0 IS.tLg2!?) 14.fxe4 tf';xe4 15.0-00-0-0. 13.0-0 and White was better, Planinc-Jones,
- 12... dxc413.f3exf314 ..£xf30-0-0 15.0·0 Niee Olympiad 1974) J 1.d4 t!':h6 12.£d2
.id6 16.d5 cxdf 17kxd5. planning to castle qucenside is slightly
9...lj',xd2 better for White owing to a spatial advan-
Also playable is 9\d7: IO.g3 'tWg6 tage.
II.tbxe4 dxe4 12.~g2 f5 13.f3 exf3 14..hf3 - 7 ...d5 (for some curious reason, [hi s move
0-0-0 15.0-0 ~d6 16.d5 cxd5 17.tbxd5=. was not played so far) 8.d4 tL:e6 9.c3 .ie6
Yegiazarian-Marnedyarov, Thilisi 200 J. 10..tg2 0-0·0 11.0-0 and Black cannot be
10..lbd2 worse after both 11...hS and 11..... d7.
Nothing is promised by IO."i'xd2. Playable is 6 ...~e6 7.g1 (7.d4 d5 8.lbd2;d7 11.g3 ~d6 12.~g2 0-0 might be more dangerous) 7 ...0,c6 8.jLg2 d5
13.0-0""'g6 9.0-00-0-0 lO.e3 h5 when Black was OK.
With equality. Cabrilo-Marciano, Sabac 1998.

The Paulsen Attack in the Petroff

7.c4 g6 8.d3 This may not be the strongest move.

Alternatively, 8.g3 does not seem to be very 14.0-0-0!'? Cc,c6 IS.d4 0-0 16.dxc5 dxcS
dangerous 8... ~g7 9.S;Lg2 0-0 10.0-0 l2g5 17.h4 tL::ed4 18.0xd4 cxd4 I9.h5 b5 leads to
(also logical is IO .. JIe8). So far the game complications which seem to be favourable
8Jaracz-Lysiak. Wisla Hugan open 1999. tor White after 20.~f3 (20.cxbS ~xd5
In this position a logical continuation 2l.bxc6 ~c6t) 20 ... iJ5 21.g4 'i'g5+
would be I\c) ~h3 12.f4 _hg2 13.~xg2 22.='d2 tL:e5 23.'it'a3! (23:tt'g3 ~xg4 24.f3
tLle6 after which 14.f5 0c5 15.f6 does not J:Iac8 2Htgl d3) 23...tL:xg4 24.f4 ~d8
work: 15... :hf6 16.tUed5 cxdf l7.tuxd5 2S.llJe7+ and White is better, especially af-
~d4+. ter: 25...Wg7 26.~g2 tt;c3 27 ..i.xa8 'f!fxa8
8 •..'!Ll9S 2R.l:tdh2.
Also natural is 8.. .lL:f6: 14 •.•hS?!
• 9.tLlc3 ~g7 lO.g30-0 I J.~g2 tL:a6 was Belter is 14...lj\,c6 IS.hS 0-0 16.0-0-0 tLied4,
played in the game Sasu-Ionescu, Bucharest e.g. I7.tL:xd4 -8xd4 18.lDe7+ ~g7 19.~e3
1998. The game continued! 2.d4 '1:,c7 13.d5 i.e6 20.hxg6 hxgo and Black has no prob-
(13.0-0 dS 14.b3!,!=) after which Black lems.
could play 13...cxd514.0cxdS (l4.cxdS b6) 15.0-0-0 l?,c6 16.d4 0-0 17.dxc5 dxcS
14...tDcxd5 JS.ttxd5 ~'ixdS 16. .Jli.xdS.De8
with a pleasant game. I would prefer 12.0-0.
especially when it is nOI a good idea to play
12 ... tL:.cS?! 13.d4 tLlcc4? because of 14.C,0c2
ne8 ISJlel. White posicion seems a bit
better to me .
• 9.b3!'! ~g7 IO.~b2 0-0 I J.~L:c3
- 1l...l:te8!? 12.0-0-0 dS 13.d4 ~e6
(13 ...~h6 14.h3!?he3+ IS .... xe3 ~xe3+
16.fxe3 ='xe3 17.g4=) 14.'~Wf3 leads to a
complicated position with equal chances.
- 11...aS 12.0-0-0 -tibd7. Would you guess
that this position originated from the Petroff
Defence? J3..c.el lLib6 14.0g4 ~xe2?! And now, instead of 18.l\fe3 (as in
(14 ... ge6 IS ..tJxf6+ ~xf6 gives Black more Cabrilo-Marjanovic, Pancevo 1987) when
play, as-a4 might be dangerous) IS.[i;xf6+ Black could have equalized with IS ...4Ied41,
.ixf6 16.sixe2~ happened in Cicak-Oral, 1 prefer
Ostrava 1998. 18.g4 C/\ed4
9.~d2 ~g7 ie.aea £xc3+ 11.liJxc3 Of course, IS ...hxg4 19.'i'xg4 is very risky,
lLle6 12.tbc2 too.
More promising than 12.0-0-0 <1jd4 J3.~d2 19.tLJxd4 ~xd4 20.1i'e5 f6 21.~e7+
.te6 14.tLie2, which is about equal after 21.'ite4!? fS 22.gxfS ~xf5 23.tLJe7+ is also
14 lt'f6 IS.tL!xd4 ~xd4 16.~c2 '(;'f6. very promising.
12 cS 21 •./Jijlf7 22:ihc5 'i!Yxe7 23."'he7+
Black misses his g7-bishop after 12...0-0 -:3;xe7 24.J:[xd4
13.0-0-0;l;. And after 25.$.g2 White will have a huge ad-
13.l1~d5 ~d814.h4 vantage.

David Navara

Let us examine two recent games in this 11.ti\xdS

modem line. I believe that 11.lDxd6+ was stronger, e.g.
I I... c;t>d7 12.'ti'xe7+ <i;;xe7 I3.tQxc8+ l:xc8
o Mladen Paise 14,~g5+ jLto 15.tbxd5+ cxd5 16.~xf6+
• Ante Sane ¢xf617.0-0-0t.
Zagreb ch-CRO 2004 11...ifxe2+
Another possibility was 11... cxd5
1.e4 eS 2.lLlf3 lLlf6 3.tL:xe5 d6 4.0c4 12.~xd6+ Wd7 13.'W'xe7+ (l3.lUxe8 :'xc8
tDxe4 5:it'e21te7 6.tDe3 016 7.d4 g6 14.~e3? 'itb4+ 15.c3? ~xc3+) 13... :.t>xe7
I believe that 7...dS is stronger. and now:
a/bc3 c6 - 14.o1·;xe8+ :Lxe8 15.~3 (IS ..f&.g5+ f6
White can choose between two promising 16.~d2 lhc2 17.~c3 d4 18.~xd4 ~e6
moves after8 ...~g7 as both 9.g3 and9.lDed5 19.~c3 ~d8 20.~e2 ti.'ieS) IS,JDC6
~xd5 1O.0xd5 'ii'xe2+ II.~xe2 ~d7 give 16.~g5+;t, Black has to be cautio LIS in order
him the slightly better chances. (0 fully equalise.

9.dS - 14.tbbS!? ;t;d7 (14 ...<1!a6 15,~g5+±)

Otherwise Black would play d6-d5 with a 15.~e3 ~xb2 16.1:d I might be a better try.
solid position. 12_~xe2 cxd5 13.tUxd6+ <t;d7
9•..~g7 Here 13...'.t1e7 is also unpleasant as a result
The move 9 ...~bd7 also has its drawbacks: of 14.tDb5 (I4.tL:xc8+?! lhc8 15.~g5+ f6!
I O.~d2 (I 0.g3 0b6 II.iLg2 cxd5 12.~cxd5 16.~d2 llxc2 17.i.e3 0d7 18.Wd I .lhc3
Ci;bxd5 13.0xdS tt:;xd5 14..txd5 .ie6 19.bxc3 f5=) l4...tba6 (I4 ...'itd7 15.-'1.f4)
15..tg2 ~g7=) 10... 1I.g7 11.0·0-0 ~b6 15.~g5+;t.
(11...0-0 IVLlc4t) 12.ttJc4(12.'tS'f3 ~c7t) 14.tDxf7 neB
12..."i'xe2 l3.he2 tt:;xlA 14.~xc4 While is Black has some compensation for the pawn,
better as Black has serious problems with his since the white king is not placed ideally.
d6-pawn. 15.\t>d1!?
10.tDc4 lQcd5 15.c3 tLic6 16.~e3 might be a good alterna-
Black does not want 10 develop the white tive to the text.
bishop for free: IO..:"xe2+?! II.~xe2 1S...tiic6
tLlxd5 13.tLixd6+ is quite sim- IS .. JU8 16.~g51lxf2 17.kf3leads toa loss
ilar to the game continuation. of an exchange. Black will have some com-
pensation, but not enough.
After 16.~f3 ( 16.~f4 ?'? J:{fS 17..ig4+ ~e 7)
White can win a second pawn: 16...'Ot>e7
17.~xd5. but Black's compensation seems
to be very good after 17....i.e6 18.i.xe6
Wxe6 19.tL:g5+ wf5 20.0f3 llad8+
16.A;>e7 17..bc8 :axc8 r,!?d7
seems to be good for Black ax he threatens to
play 19...tLJb4. After the text White keeps a

The Paulsen Attack in the Petroff

material advantage and Black has not

enough compensation.
17 ..~f4+ ~b6 18.~xc8
Also good is 18.~f3!?
Not 18...l::taxdf? 19.Ca.t6+-.

• 14...'tIVxe4
Now after IS.g3?! ~xhl I think thaI Black
has a few ways to a draw after 16.iUd5+
(16.1i.g2 ~xdl+ I7.Q,xdl+!?=):
- l6 ... :;tJrs 17.'fie7+ :;tJgR.
- l6 .. ke4.
- l6 ...~e6 17kxf6+ ~7 18.d5 ~xf6
Now White is a dear pawn up. Black rooks 1<.l.dxe6d5 20.l1el (20.0 'ttgl 21.f4 rJ.tg7
are no more active than White's. 22.ext7 'ilNc5) 20 ... ~e4=.
19.....t>a6 20.1I:.e6 ~xb2 21.J:tb1 ~d4 However. on move 15 White can play 15,B
22.Ci;c7+ lIxc7 23.i.xc7 ~xf2 24.lIf1 'fie7 16.'ltd2;t;.
l:Ic8 2S.lbf2 lbc7 26.]:116 ::te7 • 14...ti:;xe4 15.'1!fc2 (J·O;i; due to
27.<ot>d2 Qe4 28.J:tf7 %th4 29.l:tbxb7 the control of the centre and the safer posi-
l:txh2 30.J:txh7 J:txg2+ 31.'>tlc1 95?! tion of the white king.
Here 31 ...d4± was more tenacious. 14.~f3 t'jjc7 1S.$..d3 0-0
32.lIbd7 +- d4 33J~h6 ~b5 34 J:t b7 + 15...0e6 16.d5 l;;d4 17."f4 07.'itg3??
1-0 tLh5) 17...~e5 18.~xe5+ dxe5 19..l:.hel is
also better for White. because 19...0·0 is met
by 20.~c2 tLxc2 2 J .;t?xc2 cxd5 22.cxd5 and
o Tatiana Kosintseva Black has significant problems with his cen-
• Ivan Akimflv tral pawn (J:!e2, ndel).
5t Petersburg 2003 16.h4
White had another promising. continuation:
1.e4 e5 Vbf3 tCf6 3.tUxe5 d6 4.tDc4 16Jlhel Ci;e6?! (16 ..:~fd8) 17.d5 t[;d4
tLlxe4 S:twe2 VJ!ie7 6.tLJe3 c6 7.c4 g6 18.lIff4 'ire5 19.'fih4!±.
8.d3 {,c5 9.~d2 ~7 10.~c3 ~xc3+ 16...d5
11.4~xc3 tf'jbd7 12.0-0-0 tbf6 13.d4 Here 16... h5t has other drawbacks. the
.!L;a6?! go-pawn becomes weak and 17J:lhel ~d8
This is a little dubious. Instead, l3.Jiice4 18.~g3 followed by f2-f4-f5 is very danger-
looks much more natural and J think it ous. 16 ... tL::e6 17.~e2 (or 17.~e2) does not
should be better. Nevertheless, White main- change a lot.
tains a slight edge after l4.tL>xe4 17.cxdS lZ!cxd5 18.lt2Cxd5 cxd5

David Navara

No better is 18... ti::xd5, since 19.0xd5 cxd5 Black cannot prevent White from playing
20.h5 is also better for White, as the line d4-d5.
20 ...... gS+ 2 I .~bl i.g4 22.'iWg3 is danger- 26.l:hd1 :te8 27.d5 }i,d7 28.h6
ous only for Black.
i<.H:'xd5 till.d5 20.'lWxdS ~e6 gives Black R ~
good counterplay, li 1. i i
19,..~e6 20.hS14ad8 K it::,
If Black takes on h5 - 20 ... l?·,xh5- then sirn-
plest is 21.~xd5 hdS 22.'lWxd5~. True, the ~ ~
more spectacular 2Ulxh5 gxhS 22 ..Q.xh7+ 'iN i~
leads to a win after 22 ... ~xh7? 23.~xh5+ tLJ
~g7 24.11';xd5 ..-d8 (24 ....txd5 25.~g4+
~f6 26.'lWh4+ ~e6 27.~el++-; 24 ... .tf5+
~~ 1:[ t::,
25.~xf5±) 25.l:td3 ~f5 26.'II#xf5 !leB ~ Ir
2Hlg3+ ~f8 28.tfhS+-.
However, Black has 22 ...'&>g7which leads to 28...l:te8?!
a position with mutual chances. Alas, 28 ...~b5 would allow a beautiful fi-
21.94 14d6 22.g5 tLJe4 nale after 29.'i'e5 ~tl3+ (29 .. .f6 30.gxf6
Here 22 ...t/:xh5 23.:xh5 gxh5 24 ..txh7+ J:tf8± is better. but nOI satisfactory)
:JJg7 25.'ilfxh5 ~c8 26.~:xdS is also favour- 30.J:txd3 t f6! 31.gxf6exd3 32.lf.';c4t! (Fritz).
able for White, but Black can still fight after - 32 ...!lxc4 33.'lWe8+ 'ilffl 34.f7+
26...'lWe6 27.tbf6 'lWh3 28.~c4~. - 32...'\Wxc4 33.f7+ -t>xf7 34.~g7+ q;,e8
23.Qxe4 dxe4 24_~f4 35JXel+ with male, or
White knight is very well placed, now. It - 32 ...:la6 33.t7+ wxt7 34.'~g7+ We8
helps 10 neutralise the black bishop's attack- 3S.d6 J:[xd6 36kxd6+ 'fWxtl6 37.:cl+ ~d8
ing power after d4-dS. 38.'iYg8+ '4id7 39.'t!Yf7++-.
24...l:tb6? - Best is 32 ...:'f8 33.t2]xb6 'Si'xb6 34.l:!.xd3
Black's attack can be successfully parried. It '\Wxf6<34 .. :ihf135.'tte6+ Wh8 36.!le3+-)
was better to keep the rook on the d-filc with 35.t4 and White has a winning position.
24 ...:fd8 25.'i!fe5 "d7. The direct approach 29.d6
is not the best now: 26.h6?! (26.hxg6 fxg6 Now the weakness of the black king turns
27.'l!fxe4 iLd5 28fi;xd5 J:[xd5~) 26...f6 out to be decisive.
27.gxf6 fif7. 29 ..•~b5 30.C2;d5 .Qf5 31.'tl¥e3 Uxd6
Note that White is clearly better after 3VLe7+
24 ... ~d5 25.tL:g4 e3 26.n. Even stronger is 32.'t!Vc3 f6 33.'i!Vc7. How-
25.l:td2 ever, the text move is good enough.
This move is more solid them the alternative 32...I:txe733.l:txd6 ~e6?!
25.05 'i'b4 26.b3 ~..d7±. 33...f6+-.
25 ...~b4 34.ifd4 1-0

Dorian Rogozenko
Let's wait together in the Slav

I~j_~~j_ I
i iiii
i ~
t2J t2J
The Chebanenko Variation with 5.h3!?

1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.l'd3 ~f6 4.t.2;c3 a6 followed the development of 4 ...uo long be-
The move 4 ... 016 has proved 10 be a tough nut fore it became popular on the highest level.
to crac k and in spite of various continuations Therefore. I can tell the reader that when in
for the first player. Black is usually happy the late 1980-ies we (Moldavia» players)
with the resulting positions. finding an ad- were using this move at different Soviet
vantage for White against the Chebanenko tournaments. the reaction was something
Slav is certainly not an easy task. but what like 'come on guys. what are you. beginners
about surprising your opponent? or what?'. Indeed, at tirsl sight. the advance
First of all let's figure out the purpose of the of the a-pawn seems to serve only one pur-
move 4...a6. One might think that by playing pose: to follow-up with ...h5 and nothing
4 •.. <16 Black wants to play ...b5. However. else.
that's only a (rather small) part of the story, In fact the real advantage of the move 4 a6
For instance, after 1.1I4a6 Black also wants lies far beyond the mere preparation of b5.
to play ... 05. which does nOI mean that 1...a6 Without making any serious concessions
is a good or popular continuation. (like giving up the centre with 4 ...<.Ix.c4.or
1 was a pupil of Chebanenkos myself and dosing the diagonal for the bishop on cl:!

Dorian Rogozenko

with 4 ...e6) Black passes the ball into In 1997 when I saw this move fur the first
White's court and wants to force his oppo- time my reaction was 'what is this begin-
nent to make those concessions, For exam- ner-like kind of play?'. Doesn't it remind
ple a natural developing move like S.~f4 has you of something mentioned above?
the drawback that after 5,..dxc4 6.a4 Black Strangely enough, facing it as Black in a
plays 6;d5, attacking the bishop, The Bundesliga game I felt quite uncomfortable,
move 5.~g5 before Black has played ...e6 since I couldn't get rid of'the feeling that my
always means that White must reckon with opponent was trying to trick me. Why was
the immediate answer ...0e4. The move that? Very simple - 4 ...a6 suddenly appears
S.c3 is just the sort of concession 1 was talk- to be just a 'pale waiting attempt', since it
ing about, since it closes the diagonal of the has been answered with an even more pro-
bishop on c l , and allows Rlack to comfort- voking 'waiting' move. Hmm, J felt
ably develop his bishop on g4. The advance confused.
5.a4 before Black has played ,..dxc4 creates With the move 5.h3 White asks his oppo-
some weaknesses in the q ueenside pawn for- nent: 'OK, great, I practically changed noth-
mation. The most principled answer to the ing in the position, now show me the merits
Chebanenko Slav is probably S.cS, but with- of 4...a6'.
out being forced to release the central ten- We'll see below that this provoking and
sion, in a way White gives up the fight for the wailing attitude is not only unexpected for
centre. Please don't get me wrong: some of Black, but is also quite a reasonable ap-
the above-mentioned possibilities to meet proach from White. Just like 4 ...a6, the move
the Chebanenko Slav are by no means weak. 5,h3 has benefits beyond the 'wait and see'
What I am arguing is that usually after strategy. l-irst of all later un White can de-
White's fifth move Black will be satisfied in velop the bishop to f4, not fearing its ex-
having forced his opponent to make some change after ...~h5. Secondly, the move
sort of concession. 5.h3 fits in ruther well with almust any future
Therefore, J would suggest the following arrangement of White's pieces. Of course
SOS-solution to meet the 'ugly-looking' taking control over the g4-square will often
4 ...a6. Let's play an even more surprising ad- turn out to be useful for the first player. In
vance from (he other side. modem opening theory the advance g2-g4
S.h3!? has become a rather common theme. so I
would not be surprised if in the future weIl
see (hat (he main reason forplaying S.h3 is to
follow-up with g2-g4.

o Rainer Knaak
• Dorian Rogozenke
Germany Bundesliga 1996197

1.d4 d5 2.04 c6 3..:Df3 <£)164.~c3 a6

5.h3 e6
The main alternative S... b5 is analysed in the
next game.

let's wait together in the Slav

Some respectable grandmasters have rec-

ommended 5...dxc4. Nevertheless I think
(hat taking on c4 here is 3 dubious continua-
tion. In most of lhe variations given below
we will see that the pawn on h3 favours
White. Let us investigate the situation after
• 6...~f5 7.e3 c6 lLbc4 h6 9.~b3 Wic7
10.0-0 tDbd7 Il.l:tel i.e7 12.e4 .i.h7
13.i.d2 0-0 14.a5± Stocek-Berthelot,
Sautron 2003.
• 6... ~d5 7.a5! (7.e4 tbxc3 R.bxc3 h5)
7...~f5 8.e3 ~d3 (8 ...e6 9..hc4 ~b4 An amazing situation: we have a position
1O.'iYb3:!:; 8...tL::b4 9.e4±) 9.$.:.xd3 cxd3 from the Queen's Gambit Accepted (QGA)
10.'i'xd3 ti,b4 II. ... e2 ~2d7 [2.0-0. White with an extra tempo for White - the pawn on
will play e3-e4 next with a clear advantage. h3 instead of h2. The chances that this will
Please note that if Black would have had the be favourable for Black are very small. This
pawn On a5 and White the pawn on 34, the would occur only in case of a kingside attack
position would have been close to equal. In with the pieces, when the first player won't
the game Eingorn- Volkov. SI Petersburg have the possibility to use square h3 for the
1996, Black now tried a radical method to rook. However, much more realistic is that
solve the opening problems. It brought him only White will benefit from the pawn on h3,
nothing but trouble, though: 12..:~c7 13.e4 since it restricts Black's options. Normally
e5 14.dxe5 t2}xe5 15.kf~ f6 16.~xe5 fxeS in the QGA in a similar position from the last
17. 'i'h5+ ~f7 18.lhe5+ ~c 7 I\Ulad I and diagram Black has two possible plans:
White is winning. - to take on d4 and play against the IQP, or
• 6 ...e6 7.e3 (this I:; simple and good. - (a safer pian) to develop ~c7, ~e7 (.ad6),
White can also play the sharper 7 .e4 ~b4 0-0, b6 and ~b7.
8.'itc2 b5 9.QeZ with compensation for the In the second case White often plays for
pawn. The game Hcllstcn-M.Andcrsson, d4-d5, followed by e3-e4. The move h3 is
Sweden 1999, continued: 9...C.0bd7 10.0-0 very useful for that plan, which means that if
~b7 I l.e5 <2;d5 )';e4 f'5')' 13.exf6 gxf6 Black doesn't wish to recognize the fact that
14.b3 cxb3 15.Wixb3 ~e7 l6.tLle5! - after pawn on h3 clearly favours White. he is
this unexpected blow Black is in dire practical! y forced to play against the isolated
straits - 16... 0-0 l7.tlJxd7 ~xd7 18.~h6 pawn. 9 ...~e7 1O.'i'e2 cxd4 II.~dl e5
"e719 ..hrRlhf820.l:1fcl and White con- (11. ..0-0 12.exd4 4"2b4 \3.tDe5 ~bd5
fidently converted his extra exchange into a l4 ..ig5 ~xc3 15.bxc3 lM5 16.~d2 i.d7
full point) 7 ...c5 (7 ...b6 8..bc4 £b7 9.0-0 l7.~d3 ~c7 18.1!ih5 f5 19.1:1el ~d6
~e7 10.'ife2 ~bd7 Il.e4 bS 12.~d3 b4 20. 'i'fJ l:tac8 21.aS ± Golod- Yeke, lzrnir
13.eS bxc3 14.exf6 ttJxf6 15.bxc3 c5 2(04) 12.exd4 exd4 l3.~e3! (with the pawn ~xf3 17."xf3 "d5 18.1te2 ~c6 on h2 in a similar position of the Queen's
19.~g5 tbd5 20.~xe7 <t>xe7 21.~f3;!; Gambit Accepted this move would have
Lerner-Ragozin, Metz 1996) 8.~xc4 ~c6 been bad in view of the answer ...i.g4!)
9.0-0 13...0-014.tbxd4.c715.lUxc6bxc616.aS

Doria~. Rogozenko

c5 17.tL:a4 .tb7 18.lf.~b6'i'c6 19.'i!i'f1l:radH 12.lbxe4 fa.e7 IH!fe2 lilxe4 14.Sii.xe4 0-0
20.l:tdc 1 and White was slightly better in 15.~f4 l:te!! 16.'itc2 h6 l7 ..hc6 bxc6
Speelman-Schandorff, Calvia 01 2004. 18.Wxc6 .Q.e6 19.trfd I 'ita5 20.tbd4 J:l!lc8
6.cS!? 21.'i'f3 i.f6 22.i:.d2 'ffb6 23.~c3:t
White's idea is to play just as in the line S.cS. Eingorn-Kir.Georgiev, Halkidiki 2002)
where the set- up with the pawn on e6 is not 7.l\tc2 ~d6
the most optimal for Black.
I should like to present the reader with some
other options too:
• 6.cxdS brings nothing: 6 ... exd5 (or
6...cxd5 7 ..1f4 .1d6=) 7.~f4 (Hlic2 ~d6
8..Q.g50hd7 9.e3 h6=) 7 ...~f5 8.~b311a7
9.e3 lbbd7 IO.~e2 ~e4 11.0-0 SLe7
IVuxe4 ~xe4 lh·Jh Sokolov-Ehlvest,
Reykjavik 2001 .
• 6.~g5 h6 (6 ...dxc4!'! 7.c4 b5 8.e5 0600)
7.kh4 g5 8 ..i.g3 ~e4 (again the most princi-
pled move is 8...dxc4) 9 ..Q.e5 f6 lO..ihbR
nxh8 11.e3 'i4'a5 12.~b3 kd6 (12 ...~b4 Now we have the Meran Variation with the
13.l:rcI 00) 13..Qd3f514.g4b5 !5.cxd5exd5 moves h3 and 36 included. The position after
!6.11clIU8?! 17.i..xe4! fxe4 18.ttje5 ~.xe5 R.g4!? h6 can even arise via a 'pure Meran'
19.dxe5 llb7 20.0-0 l:tc7 2U!fdl± 'ilfb6 move order: l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.tbf3 ~to
2H}¥b4~b7 4.ti.~c3eo 5.e3 .!ilbd7 6.'fi<.:2 ~d6 7.g4 h6
R.h3 a6.
Docs White have the advantage? Objec-
1. ~g tively the position offers mutual chances. but
'i¥g it is very likely that your opponent will be
i i i surprised finding himself in a such position:
when Black is playing the Chebanenko Slav
i i~ i I doubt that he would be happy suddenly to
'iY i ~ find himself within the realm of a sharp vari-
ttJ ~ ~ ation from the Meran. Here are a few practi-
cal examples:
~~ ~
:ll ~ - 9JIgi dxc4 IO.e4 e5 I1.g5 hxg5
12..hg5 b5 LtO-O-O f¥c7 14.~e3 g6
23.tLxe4! c5 (23 ...dxe4 24.lld8+! 'otxdR 15.dxe5 ~xe5 16.ti.;g5 ~b7 17.f4 0d3+
25.~xf8+ ~d7 26.lldl+ we6 2HWf6 18.$_xd3 cxd3 19.1:txd3 $i.xf4 20 ..bf4
male) 24.ti\d6+ <J.;>d7
25.tL;xb7 cxb4 26.e6+ .....xf4+ 2! .Wb I While is better thanks to the
1-0 Handke-Volkov, Port Erin 2004. safer position of his king. In the game Dao
• 6.e3 (together with 6.c5 this gives While Thien Hai-S.Farago, Budapest 1995 Black
the best chances for an advantage)';hd7 quickly lost after '11...'f'e5 22.'I'f2 ;Pe7
(6 ...cS 7.cxd5 exdf R..Q.d3 - 8.~e2!? -';f3 "c7 24.~c5+ weX 2S.eS ~d7
!LCL;C69.0-0~d610.dxc5.he5) l.e4dxe4 26.~e3 tL.f8 27.."i:e4.

Let's wai1 together in the Slav

- 9.~d2dxc410 ..bc4b5 II.Qd3~b7(ac- 10.a3 also with a slight edge for White.
cording to Zviagintsev White's chances arc 7.cxb6 ~bd7
also preferable after 11. ..~5 12.-1.)e4 oli\,xe4 Simply bad is 7 .. .'tli'xb6?!! ~b4+
13.i.xe4 tb8 14.0-0-0) 12.g5 hxg5 9 ..ad2 '!Wa5 I0.a3 ~xd2+ 11.ti',xd2±.
IH::xg5 fle7 14.Dgl cS IS.tZlce4 cxd4
16.ti::;xd6+ 'ffxd(l 17.~g6!

Interesting play. Stocek-Movsesian, Czech
This position is from Zviagirusev- Republic 2003/04, went S.e3 'ir'xh6 9 ..i.d3
Burmakin, St Petersburg 1999. After es lO.O-O .i.e7 Il.tLla4 \!fa7 12.dxe5 tl.:xc5
17...<1:e5 White could have achieved a big ~xc5 14.b3 0-0 15.~b2 $.d7
advantage with l!L~.xn+!. Therefore in 16,Ci;e5~.b5 1Uk I 'tIi'b6 18"txb5 axbf
Nyback-Dautov, Calvia 01 2004, Black im- 19.t;·\c6 Qa3 20.Axf6 gxf6 21.fig4+ WhH
proved with 17...0-0 18.~xf7+ :txt? 22.~h4 :tJg7 23.'~'g3+ WhH 24.~h4 J/Z-J/2•
19.~:'xt7 'itlxf7 20.~g6+ We7 21.~xg7+ In my opinion the move lL§Lf4!'!, followed
o.t.>e822.exd4 (Zviagintsev mentioned al- by e2-e3, deserves attention.
ready back in 1999 that White achieves a 8 ..•'lWxb6
clear advantage in the endgame after Black captured with the knight in
22.'i'h8+ 'tIi'f8 23.'fixf8+ \t>xf8 24.exd4. Handke-Miloradovic, Stockholm 2004. Af-
Maybe this evaluation is a bit too optimistic ter 8 .. ,ciixb6 9.~g2 ~d6 (9 ...(;5 10.0-0 $_e7
though) 22 ...l!fxd4 23Jld I ~e4+ 24.~e3 l1.b3;!;) 10.0-0 0-0 l1.b3 cS 12.~a3 c4
flb4+ 2S.J:d2 :c8 26.~g6+ <tie7 27.!;;:g4 13.~c5 cxb3 14.axb3 I:[b8 15k;eS 'llKc7
QrJ 28.'irg7+ and the players agreed to a 16.b4 tLfd7 17k-d3 tbc4 18.e4! ~xc5
draw. The general impression is that only 19.bKc5 dxe4 20.l2:;x.e4± a5'! 21.ffc2 ~a6
White can search for further improvements, 22.l::lfcl h6 23.:a4 White was winning.
since hc always has a draw in the pocket. 9..ig2 c5
6... b6 A logical move. which, however. does not
The only way to get counterplay is con- reach equality. In a later Bundesliga game I
nected to this advance. Leaving it for a later postponed this advance for a while. but ap-
stage offers White an additional possibility parently White keeps the better prospects
to protect the pawn c5 with b2-b4: 6 ...tDbd7 anyway: Y...~d6 10.0-0 0-0 11.~c2
7.~f4 b6 8.b4 a5 9.a3 and White is slightly (ll.e4'!! tDxe4 12.tL:xe4 dxe4 l3.tDg5 f5!
better. Or 6...JLe7 7.~f4 0-0 !I.e3 b6 9.b4 a5 14.t2:;xe6~eH~. also interesting is I U:rbl !'!)
Dorian Rogozenko

11...c5. Here in the game Ftaenik-Rogo- Unclear is 19.~xcS e5!?

zenko, Bundesliga 2000/01. my opponent 19...~b5
played 12.dxc5 tDxc5 13.SiLe3and after the After 19...'i'xc5';xc5 e5 21.~xd5 ~xh3
precise 13 ... SiLd7! Black equalized com- 22.l:tfdl White is much better thanks to his
pletely. Stronger for White was 12.~e3! queenside pawn majority and the poor posi-
with an edge. tion of the knight on g5.
10.0-0 .id6 11.:lb1 0-0 12.<i:Ja4!~b5 20.~e3 h6 21.l:tfdl
13.b3 ~b8 White has a small, but stable advantage.
White abo has a slight edge after 13 ~b7 21...~b4
14.dxc5 tDxc5 15.tDd4 ~e8 (I5 'iWa5? No better is 21 ...l:lb7 22J~bc I Uc723Jhc7
16.b4 'iWxa4 l7.bxe5+-) 16.Xf.a3 ~c7 'iWxc724J:tc I ±.
I7.tLxc5 ~xc5 18..i.xc5 'lWxc5 19.M. 22.l;Ibcl ~d6 23.f4! tLlh724.Uc2 o1\f6
14.~a3lbe4 15.fkc2 25.~d4 ~b8 26.4\c5

This position is slightly better for White. Very skilful play by Knaak. Something defi-
The second player can hardly achieve more nitely went wrong for Black, since now
than an endgame where White will have a White is already much better.
queenside majority. Clearly, Black may 26...l::rb4 27."'IIVf2a5 28.Udcl lab5
never hope to achieve more than a draw.'e3 ~a7 30.Wf2 ~b7 31.c,,\xb7
15...~a5 '¥fxb7 32.nc7 ~b8 33.1!Ya7~d8
Or 15...~b7 16.dxc5 tLidxc517.~xc5 tLxc5 Black keeps the queens on rhe board since
18.~g5t. 33 ..:*x<l7+ 14J~xa7 is completely hope-
16.dxc5 tL:dxc517.tL:g5! less.
After this strong move Black faces an un- 34.~a6 nb8 35.~xa5 ~a8 36.1id2
pleasant choice. 17.tbxc5 tLxc5 is more or ~bB 37J:t7c2 ~b6+ 38.'i'e3 d4
less equal. 39.ffd3 Ua3
17...tDxgS Black does not have sufficient compensation
The knight will be completely misplaced on for the pawn, but finally in this game he has
g5, but I didn't like 17...fS [8.~':xe4 tDxe4 some activity at least,
19.~xd6 Q,xd6 2(}.'lWc5.with a clear posi- 40J:lc6 iWa7 41.nc7 'i'b6 42.nlc6
tional advantage for White. 'itb8 43.ttc2 l:td8 44 ..tb7 rUB 4S..Q.f3
18..lixcS ~xc519."'xc5! But nOI45."xd4'! Un7 46.'lWb4 0d5-+.

Let's wait together in the Slav

45 ...tld8 46.r.t'g2 h5 47.Wic4 h4

48.~c5! l:la6 49.l:lb7 'i'd6 50:i!Yxd6
l:ldxd6 51.84+- hxg3 52 ..!:td2?
White spoils a very good game in a techni-
cally winning position. The easiest win was
52...lDd7! 53.l:b4?! ti'.c5 54..!:tbxd4
l:lxd4 55.l:lxd4 liixb3 56..!:td8+ r;iJh7
57.na8 l:I.d658.a5 ~d4 59..i..e4+?
This mistake caused by the time-trouble al-
lows Black to escape using tactical motifs
connected with the passed pawn on g3. On
(he other hand it is also very likely that Black The differences with regard to the line S.eS
can reach a draw in the endgame after are obvious - White has the pawn on h3 and
59.'.!/xg3 ltJxf3 6O.<oPxf3 1:td2 6l.a6 :':a2 Black the pawn on b5 insteadofb7. Lei's see
62.h4 c;t>g6. who will benefit from this. Black can claim
59 ...15 60.~d3 tnxe2! that his queenside is not blockaded and with
his pawn on b5 the weakness of square b6
(and sometimes of pawn b7 as well) is prac-
tically non-existent. Besides, White's space
advantage is less obvious now. This is cor-
rect and it is also what I thought during the
game. However, the more I delved into the
position the more I realized that White's ad-
vantages are no less valuable. Here they are:
I. Black does not have at his disposal the
counterplay with b7-b6
2. The pawn on h3 is a necessary move in
the line S.cS, since the best diagonal for
White's dark-squared bishop is b8-h2 and on
Unexpectedly the pawn g3 saves the day. f4 the bishop needs to be protected against
61.~xe2l:td2 62.wxg3 the exchange ... ti',h5. With the pawn on h3
Or 62.<;t.f3 g2 with a draw. the move ...~h5 is obviously pointless due
62...l:lxe2 63.86 l:le3+ 64.'.t>g2 l:le4 to the answer ~h2
65.a7l:la4 66.~ Ua3+ 67.'it>e2g6 3. The advance e2-e4 is much more dange-
VJ-1h rous for Black now, since now the weakness
of pawn c6 will be fatal. Therefore Black
must prevent e2-e4 at all costs.
o Peter Heine Nielsen In my opinion White is slightly better in the
• Dorian Rogozenko diagram position and I am not the onl y one to
Germany Bundestiga 2000101 affirm that. Viktor Bologan expressed the
same opinion already in 1997, when he
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.4\f3 thf6':c3 a6 faced the movc S.h3 for the first timc.
5.h3 b5 S.c5 Apart from 6.cS White has an interesting op-

Dorian Rogozenko

tion to transpose into a kind of position simi- 13.0-0 0-0 14.l'.Gd2 0a5=i= Rugozenko-
lar to the Exchange Van arion of the Slav De- Saltaev, 's-Hertogenbosch 2003.
fence with 6.cxdS. The justification of this • 7...e68.e3
decision is that with the pawn on b5 Black's
development options are considerably re-
stricted. Nevertheless the drawback is obvi-
ous too - the arising positions offer both
sides limited fighting resources. After
6 ...cxd5 7 .~f4 Black has several options:

8 ....Qd6 (less good is 8 ...A.e7 9,.i.d3 ~b7

10.0-0 0-0 - 10...0c6 I Uk 1 0-0 12.a4 b4
13.tL:;bl ~b6 14.tL:bd2;!; Eingorn-Lendwai,
Oberwart 2002 - I1.a4 b4 12.~b 1 tbc6
I3.ti'.bd2 ~a5 14.~e2 with a slight plus in
Zviagintsev-Bologan, New Yorlc 1997)
• 7...:af5? (with the pawn on b5 Black 9.j_xd6 (9.tZ:e5!,! 0-0 10.~d3 Ab7 -
should keep the bishop on the queenside) 1O".~)bd7? 11,l('::xf7! - 11.~g.5 ~e7 12.0-0
8.e3 e6 9J:tcl JJ..e7 lO.a4 and Black has Cilbd7 13.f4 ~e4! 14..be4 dxe4 15.~xe7
problems protecting his weaknesses. The ~xe7 16.~c1 1:I:acS IVL~xd7 ~xd7 and in
game Eingorn-Gartner, Oberwart 1998. con- Legky-Kornliakov, Sevastopol 1997, Black
tinued IO...h4 II.tLle2 (11.0b I!? is also in- didn't have any real problems to hold the
teresting, going to d2 and then to b3) draw) 9 ...'i!fxd6 IO.gd3 tbbd7 11.0-0 .J;1.b7
II...~a7 12.tDg3 .i.g6 13..Q.d3 0-0 14.U-0 12.tDe20-0 13.a4 _~_c6 14.a5 0e4 15.tbf4
Si.d6 15.i.xg6hxg616.l.xd6'1!fxd617.~c2 ~ac8 16..~.e2 ~h7!dJ '¥He7 18.tbd2
.!1:hd7 IKb3. White has a stable advantage. ~\d6 19.~~b3 tL:c4 20Jla2 J:tc7 21.<1\nc5
Eingorn gradually increased it: l8 ...a5 ~xc5 22.Ci;x<.:5 :fc8 23.~d3 White has a
19.~c6 ~b8 20.Ac2 Ild8 21.Arc I ti',e8 positional advantage, Gareev-Krivobo-
22.tUe2 1'k7 2Hi'a6 :a7 24.'l!fd3 .l:!c7 rodov, Kaluga 2003,
25,J:[xc7 0.xc7 26.tlJeS! 0xe5 27.dxe5. Let us return to our main game after 5.h3 b5
White's next istDd4 and Black won't be able 6.c5.
to protect pawns a5 and then b4, 6...~f5
• After 7 8.e3 e6 9.£d3 ~d6 White There are two alternatives:
must chouse between 10.~xd6 "xd6 - 6 ...ti··,e4 was never met in practice. After
u.zcr. or 10.a4~'1 b4 (10 ....bf4 l Laxb.S") 7.a4! the position looks better for White, both cases the first player is only - 6 ...g6 7,.if4 .Qg7 S.c} (}-O 9.i.d3 tCofd7,
marginally better. Considerably weaker is Here in the game Braun-Murariu. Ohre-
1O..itg5?! h6 II..illf6 ~xf6 12.:%cJ ~d7! novae 2004, White played 10.b4 as II.a3 f6

Let's wait together in the Slav

12.e4 axb4 l3.axb4 Ihal 14.~xal e5 9.exf3

15.~e3 and now instead of 15...dxe4 Here 9.~xf3 e5 also deserves attention
16.lDxe4 exd4 17.~xd4 tLJeS 18 . ..\te2!±,
Black should have started convenient com-
plications with 15...f5. Therefore, stronger
was the simple 10.0-0 with advantage. Now
if 10...f6, then l l.e-l! b4 (even worse is
11...e5 12.i,e3 f5 13.exd5 e4 14.dxc6 o!l._jxc6
15.~xc4 fxe4 16.~xe4±) IVi:Je2 e5
13.~g3 dxe4 14.~xe4 f5 15..i.d3 e4
16..ic4+ <.t>h8 17.tbd2. Black has serious
problems with the development of the
queensidc, Besides, his position contains a
lot of weaknesses.
7.g4! This advance of the c-pawn was the idea of
my previous move. Without it Black is just
dearly worse. Now White has at his disposal
an interesting piece sacrifice. which J under-
estimated during the game: lO.dxe5 cDfd7
II.C:xd5! cxd5 12.'llixd5 :la7 13.c6 ~b4+
14.wfl tL:b6 15.W'xd8+¢'lld8 16.~J4 lk7
17.rte I and White has excellent compensa-
tion for the piece.
White is also slightly better after 9...g6
10.0-0 (I 0.~.f41·) Ji.g7 II.""d2 0-0 12.Ji£.h6)
1O... ~g7 I Ui.el.
10.14 g6
It's a pity not to play this advance with White's advantage ili out of the question af-
tempo. even if 7.$;.f4 is not a bad move ei- ter IO...h5 Il.g5 -1'g8 12.f5' ed5 13.0-0.
ther. Maybe objectively best was IO...ser. hop-
7...~e4 ing to hold an inferior position.
Practice has also seen 7....~.g6 8.:~.:;t'5!
(8.~g2 is just marginally better for White)
8....8fd7 9.thxg6 hxg6 IO.e4 e6 (IO ...h4 1:6\ 'iH.A I:
II.t2::xd5! cxd5 I:!.exd5 t2::to J3.~g2gg) ~ ~
11..~g2 Jl..e7 12.0'{) Ita7 13."~d.~ dxc4 ~ ~ ~~~
14.'ii"xc4g5 15.f4± Lautier-Marzolo, Scnat
8.~g2 ~xf3 ~ ~ ~~
What else? White threatens 9.gS. For in- ttJ ~
stance: tL.:2;bd7 9.gS tbh5 IO.o!l._jxe4 dxe4
Il.tDd2±. Or 8...g6 9.g5 .hf3 IO...bf3 ~~ ~1l.
ti.:;fd7 II.c4. with a clear initiative. ~ A'ifw I ~

Dorian Rogozenko

11.f5?! 19...tLJd720.h5 gxh5!

This is a poor decision. helping Black 10 Far better than 20 ...tDxcS? 21.hxg6 fxg6
open the e-file for counterplay, 22.dxcS ~xa2 23.l:td6! 'ifxb2+ 24.'~d I
seems more to the point. White has a space :ad82S ..td2±.
advantage, and although it is certainly not 21.l:tdg1
easy to break through Black's bastions. it is This is superticial and without concrete sup-
definitely the first player who has the better port. Correct was 2 I .<,t;>bI tLif8 22.1!i'h4=.
prospects. Black's problem in such positions 21...cDf822.~h3 <i.ig623.~f5?
is his lack of counterplay. The second player The last chance to hold the balance was
must mainly wait and try to be prepared for 23.'i1i'gS 'ilVxg5 24JhgS .cr.ad8 2S ..af5
White's actions. ~xd4 26 ..bg6 fxg6 27.lhg6+ <J;f7
11..,exf5 12.gxf5 ~g7 13.i.e3 0-0 28 ..!::.x.c61:!:eS.
Black is doing okay here. From {he opening 23...11ad8!+
point of view the rest is not really relevant. After this precise move bringing the last
since White could have achieved an advan- piece into play, Black's advantage is clear.
tage earlier. 23...'fVx.a2 24.1!i'x.hS l:tad8 25.~f5 ~c4+
14.~f3 26.r,t,>hl ~d3+ 27.'~al :lxd4 28.i.xd4
Or 14....wd2!? l:te8 IS.O-O-O unclear. 'ilrxd4 29.1!{;e2 ~'f4 30.'Il¥c2 was far from
14...11e8 clear to me, due to the open g- and h-files.
Weaker is 14...ti.:e4?! lS.ti',xe4 dxe4 Unfortunately it took me (00 much time to
16.'itxe4 Ite8 17.'ifd3 'itxd4 18.'itxd4 figure out the most precise continuations.
i.xd4 I9.0-0-0.w.xe3+ 20.fxe3 and Black re- 24.~b1 ~xd4 25.~xd4 'i.t'xd4
mains with an undeveloped queenside, 26.'i'xh5
15.0-0-0 -tJe4!? 16.fxg6 hxg6
More solid was 16...fxg6!,? with the idea
... .cr.a7-f7, but during the game I felt that
Black is able to create cnunterplay after
White starts to advance the h-pawn. ~ ~
17.tLxe4 dxe418.'1i'f4 ~d5 ~~ 'if
~~ ~
~ I l:tx:t
A silly blunder in time-trouble. After the
simple 26 ...'iIf'g7 with the same threat of
27 ...l:d2. White must play 2HWe2 (other
moves lose at once: 27.1HSJ:d2-+; 27.l:dl
Cd4 28."114 .cr.xd1+ 29 ..::lxdI lLJd3-+). but
after 27 ..Jld5 with a pawn up and no rea) at-
19.h4 tack for White the position is technically
Double-edged is 19.~bllC.d7 20.h4 £.01'6. winning for Black.

Let's wait together in the Slav

27.~f5 l:d228.'*'h7+ 33.fxe3 l:te5 34. ~h3 J:[e6

This is {he difference. The queen on g7 Another nice mate on h8 exploiting the pin
would have protected against this check. on the g-file is: 34 ..Jb.cS 35.~e8+ ri;g7
which for some strange reason I thought 36."hS mate.
was completely harmless. Maybe this is the 35J:tf1 '*"'g7 36.'i'fS as 37.'ii'g5 a4
right place to recall that years ago. during 38.l:td1 l:teB 39.l:td8 l:txd8 40.'t!i'xd8+
our training hours. Chebanenko would lose tLlf8 41.a3 '*'g2 42.l%d1 Wg7 43.~d4+
any interest and he even used to stop analys- Wg8 44.e4 'iirc2 45.l:if1! ~g6
ing the games if he knew that I had been in 46.~d8+ ~h7 47.J:lxf7+Wh6 48.-.d4
time trouble. He used to say: 'In time-trou- 'fYc1+ 49.Wa21!fg5 50.'ffg7+ 1-0
ble one does not think normally, so I see no
point to search for reasonable explanations In conclusion. sometimes a good waiting
of the mistakes. As a result I see no point of move can be well met by another waiting an-
watchi ng it at all'. I brought up this episode swer. Nor only can you pass the ball back
in order (0 avoid any other explanation for into your opponent's court. What is more,
the lack of detailed comments of the rc- you can also hide your aggressive intentions
rnaining part of the game. Black is now very well (just luuk at those possible mates
dead lost. at the end of my game versus Nielsen). And
28../~f8 29.'tIi'h6+ wg8 30.'iYxd2 yes, the move 5.h3 clearly contains the ele-
'6'xf5 31.ii'h6 e3+? 32.~a1 'iVt6 ment of surprise as well. Can you expect
I was about to get mated after 32 ...cxf2 more from a single marginal pawn advance
33.'W'hS mate. on move 5?
Jeroen Bosch
Surprise in the Scotch

Play the Blumenfeld Attack - 6.llJb5

This chapter features a surprise weapon for these days, Neither is S.t:35 for that matter.
Whitt: in the Scotch versus 4 ....~c5. The 5..J~Yf6
word 'surprise' is not necessarily synony- Lasker's suggestion of 5 ...i:.b6 is a (minor)
mous with 'novel'. of course. The whole line alternative here, when 6.~f5 is widely ac-
was first played by Blumenfeld over a cen- knowledged to yield White an edge. After
rury ago! It was popular in the first decade of the text While's usual response is n.d.
the 20th century, only to fall into neglect for However, why not attack your opponent
the next XO years or so. Recently head-on?
Blumenfeld's idea was taken lip by grand- 6.~b5!?
masters Zclcic and Natal'. Subsequently, This is called [he Blumenfeld Attack by
even Ponomariov has given it a try. Estrin and Panov, probably because of the
1.e4 e5 Vi,'3 ~",c6 3.d4 exd4 4.Q,:xd4 game Blumenfeld- W.Cohn. Berlin 1903/04.
~.c5 5.~.e3 White accepts II serious structural weak-
Here 5.'!.1~xe6is the other main line, While ness- isolated doubled p<lWIlS- in return for
5.tL,;bJ used to be popular, it is hardly played II lasting initiative, Blumenfeld was a strong

_____________________ ---=.;Sl!rprisein the Scotch

master, but on the whole it is not his chess squares d4, dS. f4 and f5. Moreover. the
games for which he is remembered by the half-open d- and I-file may be used to good
chess world. He made important contribu- effect. The direct threat of 8A)xc7 forces
tions to the field of opening theory. Think of Black to make up his mind. Should he pro-
the Blumenfeld Gambit: l.d4 l?:f6 2.c4 e6 tect c7 (and how?), or should he counter-
3.~f3 cS 4.d5 b5, and also of the Blumenfeld attack with 7 ...~h4+ ami 8..:i!t'xe4'! Unat-
Attack in the Meran: l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 tractive, by the way, is 7 ...'''xb2?! 8.lUlc3!
tiJf6 4.t2k3 e6 5.e3 lLibd7 6.Qd3 dxc4 ~h4 9.tilxc7+ Wd8 IO:ilVd2t.
7..hc4 b5 8.~d3 a6 9.e4 c5 10.e5 cxd-l
11.0xb5. Blumenfeld is also known for his
research into the psychological aspects of
our game. Chess trainers allover the world
advise their impatient or blunder-prone pu-
pils to first write down their move on the
score sheet, 10 double-check il for gross mis-
takes, and only then to execute it 011 the
board. Sensible advice, first formulated by
Blumenfeld and therefore rightly known as
'Blumenfeld's rule'. Coming back to 6.tLib5,
this move (just as Blumenfeld's other open-
ing variations) starts major complications
right from the start. Play has an open. tacti- We will investigate:
cal character which ought to suit the player
of the Scotch. A) 7...<t>d8
6...~xe3 B} 7...... d8
The only natural response to White's auda- C) 7...'it'e5
cious knight move. There is a practical ex- D) 7 ..."*'h4+
ample with 6....ab4+: 7.j_d2 .hd2 + 8.[i:xd2
,,*,e5 (8 ...,,*,d8 9 .• g4fJ 9.~d3 t"i;d4? 1O.tL;c4 Variation A
~\:5 Il.b4!. and White won in Hari-Drozg, 7 .•.Wd8
Slovenia 1996. However. Black could have Postponing his decision about where to
put up some serious resistance now with move the queen. Black reasons that he will
11..:'i!i'xb4+ 12.c3 'it'xb5 13.Cild6+ cxd6 have 10 defend c7 with his king anyway
14 ..txb5 tL:xbS. In answer to the check I (which is indeed true in some lines). Still, it
would recommend 7.c3 ~a5 a6 means giving up the ngmro casde as early as
9.tC.a3!?, which is very pleasant for White. move 7!
7.fxe3 8.tD1c3 CDge7
The isolated doubled e-pawns look ex- Not. of course. 8 ...a6? 9.tbxc7+-.
tremely ugly. Indeed. in an ending White's 9.'I'f3!1
pawn structure would be a very serious defi- Now that Black has moved his g8 knight
cit. Still. in a middlegame there are also While proposes a queen swap, either to im-
some positive features connected to the prove his own structure (gxf3) or 10 fracture
e3-e4 pawn set-up. The white pieces may his opponent's (gxf6).
find useful strongholds in the centre on the Less good is 9.~c4, although in the game

Jeroen Bosch

Gantner-Manz, Germany 1991192. interest- Variation B

ing complications arose after 9 ... d6 IO.'iWd2 7...~d8
(DeS I l..ie2 ~e6!? <l;;xc7 Defending c7 with the queen without inter-
13.tlJb5+ ~d8 14.'i'xd6+ ~d7 (I4 ...tlJd7 polating the check on h4 (line D2) is less log-
IS.'itc7+ 'it>eH 16.()-O-O±) 15.'it'c7+ We8 ical.
16.ttJd6+ ~f8 17.llfI 'fi'e61H.tbxf7!? tbxf7 8. 'i'g4 g61!
19J:dl. Black could now have won with This is the most popular move in practice.
19... ~c6. After the game continuation Wor';;e than the text is 8... ltJf6'! 9.tCxc7+!
19..J:tc8? White could have landed a spec- 'ilxc7 10.'i'xg7 .CI.g8ll.'tIkJlf6~b4l2.lL::.a3
tacular blow with 20Jhd7!+- (instead of and White was clearly better in Mieses-
20.f¥xd7). Lester. London 1944. However. the alterna-
A serious alternative. though, is 9.'iVd2!? In tive 8...~f8 is probably a lot stronger. Black
the game N,Kosintseva-Petrukhin. Dagornys does not weaken the dark squares. which
2003. Black now played the loosening 9..,a6 eases his defensive task. Chances are proba-
1O.tL:d4 b5?! when after 11.0-0-0 ~c5 bly about equal. For example. 9,1t'f4 d6
12.~e2 d6 13,l:lhfl fih6 14.'~:;f3 C,0g4 White lO.tblc3 a6 1I.[iJd4 ~eS 12.0-0-0 l[:;f6=,
correctly invested some material with 15.e5! Farah-Bielicki, Buenos Aires 1992.
tLixe3 16.exd6 cxd6 I7 .~g5! ~xfl 18..l:txfl 9. 't!Yf4 d6 10 ...Q.c4 tt.'\eS
~e6 19.~ce4 with a winning attack. Bad is IO... tLif6? 11.()-(}~e5 12.~xf6 'ft'xf6
Preferable - after 9. 'ilfd2 a6 10.t(jd4 - is 13.l:txf6±. Schneider-Spranger, Oberhof
IO ... tt::e5 11.0-0-0 d6 12.~e2 with a bal- 1998.
anced position. Black's king will stay in the 11.0-0
centre for some time to come. meaning that
White has definite attacking chances. On the
other hand, Black is pretty solid and has
some long-term advantages.
9 ...'ilVh4+
White has a pleasant ending after 9, .. 'i/Vxf3
lO.gxf3. The game Gaponenko-Stiazhkina,
Belgrade 200 I, continued 10...d6 1 )Jlg I g6
12.0-0-0 a6 J3.tlJd4 tlJxd4 14Jhd4
(I4.exd4!?) 14....i.e6 15.f4 f6 16.l:ld2 '.t>eR
17.Q.g2 J:1b8 18.~f3 ~t7 19.h4t.
Perhaps Black should opt for the ending af-
ter 9 .. ,d6!? 10..Q.e2?! tf',e5 11.'tIkxf6 gxf6 11...~d7
12.0-0 f5 as in Remrnler-Korneev, Bohlin- The only move in this difficult position for
gen 2003. Black. However. as the queen will have to
10.g3 'fi'h6 11.'ii'f4! move later on, (she is dearly obstructing
White nevertheless succeeds in exchanging Black's development) this move involves a
the queens under favourable circumstances. further loss of tempo. To illustrate the prob-
11...'itxt4 12.gxf4 a6 13.t;"d4 .!t\xd4 lems that Black is facing:
14.exd4 - l1. ..~e6 12.,Q,xe6 fxe6 13.~Ic3± (im-
And White had a slight edge in Kccic- mediately winning is 13.~xc7+! 'i'xc7
Milosevic, Kranj 1999. 14.~fR+ Wd7 15.'iha8+-) 13...'it>d7'?

Surprise in the Scotch

14J:tadl ~R 15.'ii'xe5 1-0, Blumenfeld- 15...~e6 16.e5! dxe5 17.tL1exeS0-0-0

Helbach, St Petersburg 1905. 18.ttJd4 f6 19.~ec6! bxc6 20."ijxc6
_ 11...'tfe7 12.~lc3 c6 (not much better is 'lieS 21.~xd8 ~xd8 22.Uad1+ ~e7
12... g5 13.~f2c614 ..txf7+~d7 15.tC:d4± 23.r!d3 g5 24.'tWf3 ~e5 25:.-a8 .id7
13.ll)xd6+ (l3.ht7+
Vreugt, Hoogeveen 2(04)

13... 'itxd6
is also completely
14..bt7+ We7
26J:tfd1 ~e8 27J:e3 W 28.'if'xa6c6
29.tvc4+ ~g7 30.'il'd4+-
0,e7 32.'tWd6 'ifxd6 33.nxd6 ltJd5

15.1fh4+ Wf8 16.i.xg8+ ~xg8 17J:tadl 34.nb3 sst 35.nb7 <bg6 36.e4 lLJe3
-"e6 18Ji.d8+ <l;g7 19.1lxh8 <l;xh8 37.e5 ~d5 38.1:.xf6+~h5 39.85 0xg2
20.'i'd8+ 1-0, Batkovic-Jevtic, Belgrade 40.a6 ttJe141.a7 1-0
1993. Zelcic-Kuba, Pula 2003.
Keeping the momentum, and therefore
stronger than 12.ge2 a6 13.l1.ld4 'i'e7 Variation C
14.~c3 ~e6 15.liX15 .lhd5 16.exd5 hS 7...'lie5
17.tDf3 li:;xf3+ IRJhf3 Cbh6 19.'ilfa4+. This is Bronstein's move.
Gaponenko-Maric, Vrnjacka Banja 1996. 8.'~·d5
Although in that case While keeps some ad- This move forces Black to protect c7 with
vantage too. his king. and. therefore, looks strong. Still,
Equally good as the Text-move. though, is Black is often forced to play wd8 at some as Zelcic played against Abbas at point anyway. In any case, there are clearly
the 2004 Olympiad in Calvia, White won some interesting alternatives at this stage:
convincingly after 12...h5 13.tLlc3 :lh7 • No good is! after both 8...a6
14.~b3 ~g4 15.tLidS! q;dH 16.tbt6 tL.xf6 9.tL:d4 tbf6 lO.lbxc6 dxc6 Il."'d4 "'e7+
(16...'iWxf4 17.exf4 ~xf6 18.fxc5+-) Oksanen-Rautio. Finland 1999/00. and
17."'xf6+ ~e8 18.tbf3! ~xf3+ 19Jhf3 9 .... f3 a6'oa3 d6 II,l[)c4 -.e7
'ilid7 20.llafl 'tfe7 21.~.xf7+ and Black re- 12.h3 0-0 MammoJa-Masera. Sottomarina
signed. 1973, White has no compensation whatso-
12•..a6 ever for his structural deficit.
Clearly, 12..k:xc4 13.tbxc4 leaves Black • In practice White has also been success-
defenceless against the menacing threats on ful with moving the knight to the edge of the
d6 and c7. board with ~:.~ J a3!? .!Z!ce7?! 9.~c4 'llkc5
While, the immediate 12...ffc7 fails to W.c3 ue 11M "'c6 12."'d4 tbf6 13.CbaS
13..lhf7+! ti:.xf7 14.ti;xc7+ 'iWxc7 15'ci;b5 ~d7 14.eS! l2f5 15.'f¥f4 tDh5 16.Wf3±
'fie 7 16.... xf7+ 'f¥xf7 17.tDxd6+ 1f;e7 Stamnov -Pancevski. Skopje 1998. How-
18.tLlxt7 ~e6 19.LCxh8 -1\f6\xg6+ and ever, in reply to !tlDla3 the customary
White's rook and fourt ') pawns are stronger !L\t>d8 looks stronger.
than the two pieces. • !:U2:id2>t>dS(not 8...0f69.tL:c4!+-) and
13.tLld4 tIIe7 14.tbf3 now the lines fork:
Ready to exchange an important defender. - 9.lDc3 ~t'6 10.1ff3 d6 II.h3 ~e6
14..•llJxc41S.lCxc4 12.0-0-0 'itcS (12 ...l:te8 13.~b5 a6 14..bc6
White's enormous lead in development now bxc6 15.'t!ff4 .id7 16.Wh4 'tfh5 was
gives him the edge. Zelcic won convincingly Lipman-Averbakh, Moscow 1978) 13.... f4
after: t;\e5 14.<.t>bl We7 15.<1.}f3t£jg6 16.'Wg5

Jeroen Bosch

Wo'xg5 17.ttJxg5 c6=i= Rootanen-Pererjat- After the text Black gets a counterattack, ac-
kowicz, cr 1973. cording to an analysis by Estrin and Panov.
- 9.~d3 looks stronger, after 9 ... C.6f6 However, after
1O.0-Od6 Il.ttJf3"e7 (l1...iWxb2? 12.l:tbl 10.~f4!
'irxa2 13.e5!) 12.iWcl _Q_d7 13.~g3 White can at the cost of some material take
Pinkas-Sokolov, Lublin 1974. White keeps over the attack. The game Stocker-Nowack,
the initiative, according to Gutman. The Schleswig Holstein 1996. continued quite
more recent Predojevic- Tomashevsky, romantically with
Halkidiki 2003. went 9...tDh6 10.0-0 b6 10..:~xb211.'¥.txc7+ ~812.lC1c3!?
I I.'ire I f6 12.tQf3 'ire7 13.tLic3 tDe5 Here 12.'iVd6'IWxal':c7+~d8 14.lfje6+
14.(2;d5 'ird6 15J~'g3. draws.
8...Wd89.'¥.txf7 12...'fltxa1+ 13.~d2 ~f7 14:~f4! <M8
Alternatively, 9.tDlc3!? may also be investi- Equally bad is 14...lflCe5 15.ta.l6+! ~e7
gated. for example. 9 o0f6 (9!'~) 16.tL;xf7 tbxt7 17.~c4 -.xhl 18.ffxf7+
10.... xl7 o0xe4 (10 g5 11.0-0-0 and ~d8 19.'ifxg7. winning. In my opinion
Black's king will he stuck in the centre for a 14...t;:·,fe5! with a very unclear position is
long time) Il.tDxe4 'iVxe4 12.0-0-0 (l2.'irxg7 best.
'fixe3+ 13.~2:e8 14:~f6+:%e715.'fih8+is 15.~d6
a draw) 12.... e7 (I2 ..:.xe3+ 13.$bl will Also winning is 15.~c4.
only make matters worse, as White can use the 15 ...Q',e516.tDxf7 ~g6
open e-file for his attack as well) 13.'irf4 do Or 16...lbxf1 17.~e4+-.
14.~d3 ta5 IH[hfl ~d7 16.c2.d4g6 17/.6f3 17.~d6+ ~g8 18..ic4
l:[f8?! 18.• 04 tlx6 19:fhh7 :b8 20.fla6 Mate.
l:tb6 21.'*fa3 '*fxe3+ 22.<;1(bl £.f5? 23.~h4
a5? 2Htfel 'i!fg5 25.i.xf5 'itxh4 26.lhd6+
1-0 Kecic-Tavcar, Ljubljana 1998. Variation D
9...ttlh6 7...~h4+
This is stronger than 9...~ge7 IO.tL:.lc3 a6 The main line. b5 12.0-O-Od613:trf3 ~e6 14.lLd5 8.g3
_hJ5 15.exd5l.?~a516.-.f41?Ci;g6I7.'ffxe5 Now the lines fork:
0.xe5 18.~e2 We7 19.b4!± Bontempi-
Taccalati, Italy 1996. DI) 8...... xe4
D2) 8...'t!rd8

Variation 01
8...\'Ifxe4 9.tI.'xc7+
White should take the rook now. for after
9.t2::le3 'ii'xh I I (ttbxc7+ q"d8 11.~d6 ~f6
12.tDxa8there is Fine's recommendation of
12...'iH3! to consider. Instead, 12...tUe8?!
proved less good in Blackburne-Ward, Lon-
don 1907. White won after 13."f4 f6
14.0-0-0 tLJe5 J5.tLJd5 lJxh2 16.~b5 tCc6
1?tL:ac7 'fkh6 l8.tbe6+' dxe6 19kb6+ ~e7
Surprise in the Scotch

20.tlJ"d!+ c;t;>f8 21.W'f3 lbe5 22:.-e4 'ifg6 II... .. dS? 12.'i'xg7 'tIfe5 13:*f8+ ~e8
23. W'b4+ 1-0. 14.... xe8+ ~xe8 15k,c7+ Benderac-
9 ••.q,;>d8 Drljevic, Herceg Novi 200 I.
As always the king should go to dR. After - ll...g6 also looks weak after 12.lL:d2
9 .. .'l;'f8? lO.tDltaH W'lthl II.~d2 h5 IVuc3 'tWx.h2 13.0-0-0 ~h5 14.'tIff4 'tIfe5 15:*x.f7
h4 \3.0-0-0 ~f3 14.~g2 'ifg4 15.'i'd6+ Ci:Jge7 16.lL!c4 .-b8 17.lQd6.-xa8 18.... f6
t:bge7 16.'Wc7 d6 17.:xd6 g6, Miiller- :g8 19..tc4+- Godani-Duarte, Pontremoli
Stockfleth, Hamburg 1989, White gets a 1998.
winning advantage with 18..Cf.d8+! Wg7 Black has some stronger moves at his dis-
19Jbh8 ~xh8 2o.hc6 tDx.c6 21.1i'ltf7. posal though:
10.lLixa8 ~xh1 - Langer-Karnberi, Oklahoma 2003, ended
in a repetition after ll...'f.¥gl 12.'tlixg7
'G'xe3+ 13.~e2 'iVg I+ l4.~fl -efe3+ and so
- Also interesting is 11...~ge7 12.<8c3
(12.'i'xg7 :g8t) 12...~xh2 13.0-0-0 hS
14.1iVf4h4, which is given by some sources
as better for Black. However. it seems to me
that IS ..!t:Ce4!gives White a tremendous at-
tack. Instead of 12...... xh2 Black should pre-
fer my suggestion (in NIC Magazine
2003n) of 12...tLle5~,!. This was tested in
R.Swinkels-llallebeek, Eindhoven 2004:
13.'iWxg7 qlf3+ 14.<J;>fHlg8 IS.'ffx.h7 tLlxh2
So after a mere 10 movcs we have reached a 16.lj!fe4 tLlg4+ 17.r~e2, and now according
position that is completely unclear, and to Hallebeek best was 17..:it'h2+ planning
might just as well have been played in the 18.St.g2? ~f5~ and 18.'ilig2 b6!.
19th century. Material is equal, Black's king!
is worse placed than White's. White's knight This time there are no playable alternatives.
on a8 is trapped. but it could also turn out to There is no time to pull the knight back:
be a major asset in a direct attack (square 12.tbc7? -eft] 13.tbc3 'iVx.e3+ 14.lte2 ~d4
c7t). IS.tD7bS Cilf3+ 0-1 Penillas Mendez-Prieto.
11.... d6 Asturias 1998. Also bad is ) 2:~IC7+ We 7
The most popular move, and it sure looks l3.~c3 '\!if3 14.e4 ~e8 15..Cf.dl tbxe4+
logical. A recent but dubious attempt is Haapaniemi-Pitkanen, Helsinki 2000.
II.'i-'d2?' when after 11. ..'l!fe412,tbc3 ~e5 While 12.t'bc3 ~f3+ was an old analysis by
B.O-O-O lDf6';b5 ~e8 15.t2Jd6 l:!e7 Keres. In all these lines ~f3 is the key coun-
16.~g2 tDe8 l7.ltk4 '*i'c5 1~!.'1Wc3b5~ ter-attacking move. which is why 12Jiid2 is
19.i.xc6 bxc4 Black was winning in necessary.
N.Kosintseva- Velcheva, Istanbul 2003. White is now ready to castle queenside leav-
Worthy of serious attention though is ing Black two possibilities:
1l.llrg4!? The attack on g7 is rather annoy-
ing for the second player. Oil) 12...lL:.e8
- White gets a superior ending after D12) 12...tLle4

Jeroen Bosch

Variation 011 with the direct 1S.Wxf7 'ii'b8 16.l!:.e4 ['Lie5?

12...tbe8 (I6 ...'fha8 17.Qh3+-) 17.'ft'f4+-.
According to an analysis by Estrin and 1S.•:iWxf416.exf4 f6 17.lud4
Panov, Black is better now. This verdict This is rightly given by Gutman as advanta-
turns out to be too optimistic. The text de- geous for White. as Black has no way of win-
fends the important c7 square. Here is what ning the a8 knight.
happens if White is given free rein:
- 12...Ue8 13.0-0-0 "d5 14."c7+ 'i;e7 Variation 012
15.0.c4 tic5 16.lCd6+- Haapaniemi- 12 ... ti\e41
Tuornala, Finland 1986. Play now assumes a forced character.
- 12 't!t'd5 13.~c7+ <1;e7 14.0-0-0 ~e5?! 13:~'c7+ we714.0-0-O lilltd2 lS.kb5!
(!4 c5!? [5.~g2 Ue8 Hallebeek) If it wasn't for this move White would be in
15.4',c4 "'xc7 16.4)xc7 Ud8 l7.lud6± serious trouble. However, this has been
Janz- Von Rahden, Binz 1995. known for more than 50 years now.
13.~f4 "d5
Keres ended his analysis here, opining that
Black was better. More recently Gutman has
argued that the opposite is true! Instead of
Keres' move, 13... 'ifxh2 14.0-0-0 'tWh6.
Crespo- Pock, cr 2000. also merits attention.

This is Gutman's discovery, which appears
to save the entire line for Black. Turning
12...tDe4? into 12...t;';e4' so to speak. Thus
Black is inferior after both:
- I 5... 'i.fx h2 16.~.xc6 bxc6 17.l!t'e5+ Wd8
14.0-O-0! H!.~c7+ <J;;e7 19.'ilie5+ ~d8 20.'iVxg7±
Not fearing 14... 'i!t'xa2! White is losing the Schneider-Leuchter, Bad Wiessee 1999, and
trapped knight after 14.~c4? ,*e5 15.0-0-0 - 15...'ii'd5 16.i.:.xc6 bxc6, and now White
"xf4 16.exf4 b6 17.~xf7 ~b7 I R.t.i,xb6 must realize that there is no hurry to recap-
axb6-+ Bucan-Bogic, Yugoslavia cr 19H3. ture on d2. with 17.'iha7~±. Instead the
14..:~e5 game Mieses-Sergeant, Hastings 1945/46,
For after 14...1ha2 1S.ti)b3!. and the Black went 17J1xd2 'itc5 18.Ud4 f6 19.b4 'lWc3
queen is merely trapped on a2: 15, 20Jle4+ ~t7 21. ~xa7 l:te8 22.11xeR 'iWe1+
fails to 16.... g5+. 23.¢b2 "'xb4+ 24.Wcl 'ft'el+ 25.Wh2
1S.~f3 '¥¥h4+ 26.<.tc I \12-'12.
White won in Guez-Lcbon, Bethune 2004. 16..Q.xc6 bxc6 17.l:txd2 ~xe3

Surprise in the Scotch

18.-.td6+ ~d819.'iWc7+ After IO.tLllc3 d6 II. e2 a6 12.tLlu4 0c5

with a draw by perpetual is Gutman's main 13.... g2 (l3.tL:.f5) 13 ~e6 14.0-0-0 "'d7
line. IS.h4 Black faces a difficult choice. Should
Ifthis analysis of 12...tDe4 is correct (and it he move forward with the g-pawn or take on
is quite possible that discoveries can be h4?
made here), then White should tum his at-
tention to 11.'i'g4. a') given above.

Variation D2
Naturally this must be compared to the im-
mediate 7..... d8 (line B).
Here 9.lblc3 a6 10.~d4 tbe5 II...~g2 d6
12.0-0 was Nirnzowitsch-Spielmann,
Munchen 1905. According to ECO play
would have been equal after I 2. Ji:Je7 . Actu-
ally, Black's position looksjust better. White
has no tactical chances to makc up for his • IS...g416.~e2 ().O-O J7.~d5 ~xd5
structural deficits. l8.ex.dS 0.e7 19.1:1hfl h5 20.e4;!;
9_..~f8 Prcdojcvic-Kizov. Belgrade 2004 .
Again 'rt is better to avoid weakening the • IS ... gxh4 J6.gxh4 ~.g4 (Godena gives
dark squares. After9 ... g610 .• f4d611.~c4 16...0-0-0 17.'@'g7 tL:.e7 18.tL:.xe6 fxc6
.ie6 (I1...c~c5? 12.0-0 We7 'IFi;Ic3 <:6 19.Qh3 t"i:.7g6 as about equal) 17.i.e2 Ci.::,e7
14.~xf7+ - or 14.t("\xd6+ - 1-0 Berndrsson with fairly even chances in Ponornariov-
Kullberg-Bengtsson, Copenhagen 1916. Godena, Plovdiv II 2003.
This win is identical to that in the line with 1o.iff4 d6"1 c3
7...Wd8) 12..hc6 fxef J 3.0-0 I£ge7 Stronger than the immediate 11.~c4 tL:e5
14.tLdc3 (this is better than 14.'fYf7+ wd7 12.0-0 tLih6 ( 12...tDf6=) l3.~b3 ~h3
15.a.f6?-15.~4-15...~g816.tDc1"'xf7 14kIc3!? i.xfl l5":hfl as in Blurnen-
l7.lhf7l;\e5=t= Mieses-Johner, Berlin 1924) feld-W.Cohn. Berlin City Championship
14...lDe5 15.~f6 <;Pd7,d4 '@'g8 1903/04, the stem game of the 6.lf';b5 line.
l7.tZicb5 tD7c6 bxc6 19..1hdl!!H8
20.'iheS %lxfJ+ 2J.~xfl 'i!¥f7+ (2l...cxb5
22.,*xb5+ <J.;e7 23.e5±) 22.',tg2 l:1t'S
23.tbx.d6 fff3+ 24.wh3 "*fxd I 25.'twg7+
Q;>xd6 26.~xfR+ Spielmann-Rubinstein,
Stockholm 1919, and White won this queen
ending easily.
However, there is something to be said for
Godena's 9... gS!? By moving the g-pawn
two steps forward Black not only defends
against the threat on g7, but he also takes the
important f4-squarc from White's queen.

Jeroen Bosch

11..•lDge7 Black's single pride and joy is {he stronghold

This is an unfortunate idea. Tn general Black on e5, but to adapt an aphorism of Tarrasch:
should place his knights on e5 and f6. The one strong square does not make for a strong
game Bernstein-Swiderski, Ostend 1907, position.
went instead: 11. ..t~e5 12.0-0-0. The point of 17.h3! h5
11.4~ I c3 is that White will castle queenside Otherwise White just goes g4.
rather than kingside. After 12...~g4 13.~e2 18.lUd4 c6 19.1Df5
h5 14.~xg4 hxg4 15.~d5 the white knights All these knight jumps demonstrate the ad-
are taking up a menacing position: 15...g5 vantages of the e3-e4 structure.
16.~f5 llJh6 17.... 1'2 c6 18.tiJdc7 ;;;t;g7 19...~xf5 20.exf5 CUe721.e4
19.tZlxa8 cxb5 20.14hfl ~h7 21.'ilfe2 'fie7 Now White has a huge edge. The Black king
22.ttJb6 axb6 23.~xb5 '!Wc7 24.~f6 wg7? is in mortal danger.
25.~fxd6 ~c8'n 26.~xe5+ 1-0. 21...aS 22..Qe6~c7 23.g4 951 24.h4!
However, readers might like to investigate What follows is a massacre.
II...a6 12kd4 tC.e5 13.0-0-0 ~f6 14.~e2, 24...gxh4
which is given as equal by Gutman. Instead Also losing is 24 ... tLixg4 25.hxg5 fxg5 26.f6
onhe last move, 14.h3!?isa minor improve- ~g6 27.ihg4 hxg4 28.l:txh8+ Ci::xh8
memo 29.~f5.
12.~c4 f6 25Jbh4 ~b6
Preparing tL:;g6. but Black is going to regret Not even allowing Black [he pleasure of
the weakening of the diagonal a2-g8. After 'llfe3.·':e5 13.~b3 White also has a pleasant 26 ...'\t>g7 27.gxhS Wh7 28.J:rg2 thgB
edge. 29.Ug6!
13.0-0-0 t2}g6 14.'iWt1 tLice5 15..ib3 In such a position good moves are easy 10
~g416J:d2 ~d7 find. Naturally just taking the rook also
29 ...'ilVdB 30.i:Vf4 ~f8 31Jth2 t!h8
.i 'Wi 3Vt:;e3 l:eB 33.l:hg2 ~~5xg6
iiii. 34.fxg6+ ~g7 35Jlh2 15 36.exfS
i i'il ti,xg637.f6+ 1-0
Nataf-Onischuk, Montreal 2003.
.ittLJ ~ So the next time you are facing this line of
the Scotch, write down the move 6.~b5 on
~~~~ your score sheet. think of Blumenfeld. and
~ play it'
Mark Bluvshtein
Out of the French Book

~~~ ~~~

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d3

Doesn't it sometimes feel as if there is so thing about this line from my point of view is
much theory to know. and even if you know that everything is 10 be solved over the
it there doesn't seem III be any advantage for hoard. 1':0 real analysis has been done in this
White? This was my feeling about the line. Games in this line always become en-
French Defence, Every time I play it I need tertaining in no time! I am not a fan of theory.
to know tons of theory, which is supposed to never was. I enjoy playing chess in unfamili-
bring an advantage that is hardly discernible. ar territory for both players. Surprisingly.
The line with 3.~d3 has never heen serious- this line has brought me unbelievable
ly analyzed until this article. I am the only success in important games. Hope you
player in the world who plays this line 011 a enjoy!
regular basis against top class opposition.
Most of the ideas arc shown in my games. Clearly, 3.~d3 is a very rare move. but it is
bUI the credit should go to my former trainer connected with several positional ideas.
Yuri Ochkoos who showed this line tu me White will castle kingside as SUllO as possi-
with confidence. He introduced me (0 it and ble. The bishop move does not hlock any
tested most of our analysis himself. The best pieces. and is a standard developing move.

Mark Bluvshtein

In contrast, 3.tbd2 for example blocks the idea is to make the bishop on d3 feci mis-
dark squared bishop, which does not make placed as quickly as possible.
much sense. With 3.~d3 you keep your op- 4.c3 ttJc6 5.tDe2 cxd4
tions open. At first, this move does not seem This is a good move, but Black has a sensible
to make much sense due to dxe4 followed by alternative here. After S ... dxe4 6.i.xe4 t.Wf6
tbf6, thus Black gains time in development. 7 .~f3 1J..e7 8.()-() 0-0 9.~e3 -'e7 IO.tL:d2
However. it is not So simple, as the UI18 the position is about equal. Abo good in
light-squared bishop on the long diagonal is this line is 7 ...cxd-l 8.cxd4 ~d6 9.~bc3 0-0
controlling the board. This is a great line to 10.0-0 h6. This is no typical isolated pawn
surprise Black. Every French player has position. White's bishop on f3 looks rnis-
played the lDc3 and tbd2 lines hundreds of placed but actually control s the main diago-
times, while the quiet.id3 line immediately nal and therefore his counterpart on c8 with
takes the opposition out of book. on move 3! ease. With the idea of tOe7 Black looks OK
though. This actually transposes to the re-
By the way, the natural 3 is no good, mark on move 6.
for, after Ltt'.f6 4.e5 li.jfd7 5.1!Jf3 c5 6.c3, A sample line after 5 ...lL::f6 is: 6.i.g5 dxe4
White is significantly better positioned in 7 ...Q.xe4 fiLe7 8.~xf6 ~xf6 9.~xc6+ hxc6
comparison to similar lines in the Advance IO.dxc5 0-0 II.'iWxd8 Uxd8 IV2:;d2 Q.a6
Variation or the Tarrasch Variation. 13.tL:g3 Uab8 when Black has some com-
pensation for the pawn.
Studying the following illustrative games is 6.cxd4
all you need to play 3.~d3 confidently in This is better than 6.lbxd4 tl..lxd4 7.cxd4
your next game, dxe4 8..be4lZif6 9.~f3 i.d6.
6 .._ti')b4
Interesting play. In Bluvshtein-Barsov,
o Mark Bluvshtein Montreal 2002, there followed: 6 ...dxe4
• Jean-Marc Degraeve 7.~xe4 l'iJf6 8.~("3 $'.d6 9.lf.Jbd 0-0 10.0-0
Montreat 2002 h6 1I.fiLe 3 [tie7. OM Barsov plays the posi-
tion with good understanding. he is aiming
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d3 c5 to blockade the pawn. Chances were about
equal after'-e4 lihe4 13.he4 £d7.
Black is tine after7 .e5lbxd3+ 8.'i!rxd3 ~d7.
7...ft.d7 8.Qxd7+ 'ii'xd7 9.e5
White has more space, but Black is comfort-
able enough as shown by OM Degraeve.
9...~e7 10.tL\bc3 lbf5 11.a3 tDc6
12.b4 $i.e7 13.0-0 !:lea'd3 16
15. f4 0-0 Black is again very comfortable.
15...tbh4 16.f4 f5 17.h3
Positionally undesirable is 17.gS h6 when
Black is slightly better.
Black is trying to over take the initiative. The H...

_-------- Out of the French Book
-.'_ -- .._----_._-----=-.:....;_;:........:;--=-:....:....::..:..:...:..._....:....:._

Or 4.td3 Cilb4- and it is impossible to imago

ine that Black can ever really be worse with
the tWO bishops.
4...e5 5.4·\f3 exd4 6.exd5 'ftxd5 7.0-0

18...h5 19.9xh5
After the positionally desirable 19J5 Black
gets a winning anack with 19...hxg4 20.fxe6
~l\e6 21.£f4 ~h6.
Black has more than sufficient compensa- II seems as if here While is developi ng very
tion for the pawn. Important squares are con- quickly.
trolled by Black. and Lhe white king is nor as 7 ... Qd6 8.cxd4 tLige7 9.~c3 'ifih5
safe as White would like. 10.tLJe4
20.)i;lg2 White is slightly better here.
20.b5 (i!cxd4 21.~xd4 o.l:;xd4 22.'t!t'xd4 10...0..0 11.ti'\xd6 exd6 12.h3 CL.;b4
$.c5-+. 13.~b1
20....Qh4 21.~b5 ~ee7 22.a4 a6 White keeps his bishop pair.
23.tlJd6+ tLlxd6 24.exd6 tL;f5 25.b5 13 ...'lWb5 14.~e1 lbbd5 15.~,d3 ~b6
J:lxh5 26.bxa6 bxa6 27.~a3 Wf7 16.$,g5 t;·.c617.'ire2 l'Lidb418.d5!
28.l:tfe1 Uxel 29Jbc1 t;\xd6 Trading the bishop pair for a considerable
30.~xd6 ~xd6 31 ..l:!.cB J:th6 32J:ia8 space advantage.
~e7 33.l:!.xa6 'e'b4 34.f5 'i¥bB 35.~g3 18...tL::xd3 19.~xd3 tCb4 20.'iWe4 f5
Correct was 35.fxe6+ ~g8 36/iig3. 21,1lWe4 ii.d7 22.~e7 llf7 23.11ae1
35...'fi'bl 36.fxe6+ wg8 37Jla8+ 'it>h7 nea 24.'l!4Tb31:cf8 25.~d2!
38,<,t,'f2 Qh4 0-1 Well-played! With simple means White has
achieved a winning position.
25...l2:a6 26.lIhb6 axb6 2V2~g5 ::t.ic7
2B.l:bf7 llxf7 29.~xf7 Wxf7 30.~f4
o Maxim Uritzky tDxd5 31.~xd6 ~c6 32.f3 'it,?f6 33. Wf2
• Eduardas Rozentalis h5 34.h4 g6 35.a3 b5 36.J:le2 ~f7
Israel 1999 37.We1 Wf6 38.~d2 f4 39..Qe5+ wf7
40.J:le4 1-0
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d3 0c6
Rozentalis always comes up with interesting A nice game by Uritzky, showing a good le-
ideas in the French. and this is another one. vel of class in defeating Rozentalis after get-
4.c3 ling an advantage in the opening.

Mark 81uvshtein

In the remainder of the games we will 8.dxc5 Qxc5 9:~xd8 1:Ixd810.Ci;bc3

examine Black's main option to 'refute' tDc6 11.~f4 .id7
3 ..~.d3. An effort to connect the rooks and keeping
the position solid. II. ..e5 12..igS (Black has
weakened a few squares for (he development
o Mark Blu\'sbtein of the light squared bishop) 12....lif5 (Black
• Heikki Westerinen is quite comfortable in this position)
Gausdal 2003 i3J:tac l.
12.l~ad1 ~~e813.a3
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d3 dxe4 White is dreaming about somehow advanc-
The most obvious solution to the opening ing the queenside pawns with b4 and c4.
problem. Black wins a tempo off of {i;f6 13...a6 15.Qxe4
pushing the bishop back. Black's position looks very passive now.
4.~_xe4li::f6 S..5tf3 15...~ac8 16.b4 fi.a717.c4
The queenside majority is set in motion.
17...f6 18.~e3~ be3 19.fxe3 ~xd1
20.l:bd1 ~h5 21.<M2 ~f8 22.~d7
4.\e523J:txb7 1%xc424.tbd4 sst 25.h3
f5 26.~b1 f4 27.exf4 ~xd4 28.fxe5
l:d2+ 29.We3
Setting off on an impressive journey.
29...~xg2 30.c..9d4lld2+ 3V~c5 .te8
32.~b6 ~h2 33.l:ta7
The white king wins this game.
33 ...Qb5 34.a4 ~xa4 35Jba6 .~e8
36._Qe4~xh3 37.b5 .stxb5 38.~xb5
:le3 39.1:Ia4 ~7 40.Wc5 :tc3+
This is the idea behind 3.$.1.13. now the de- 41.Wd4 :rh3 42.11a7+Wf8 43..!.id3 1-0
velopment of the black light squared bishop
must be delayed. The white knight will settle
nicely into the c2, c3 squares. White's idea is
to simply develop. o Mark Bluvshtein
S...Qe7 • Yaqoov Vaingorten
Black makes a very simple decision to keep Montreal 2001
6.tbe2 0-0 7.0-0 c5! 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.11d3 dxe4 4.~xe4
It is hard 10 come up with a better plan than tUf6 5.~f3 c5
c5, the only active way to play the position. This is the main variation. The idea is to put
Black's problem here is that the light- pressure on White's d4 pawn, as well as play
squared bishop will never get the chance to tbc6 without leaving the c7 pawn behind.
develop to a powerful square. White's light- 6.tbe2 tUc67.~e3
squared bishop, on the other hand, has al· I have never seen an opening where White
ready found the long diagonal on which he is develops pieces like this. White's idea is to
comfortable. simply castle next move. A very unorthodox

Out of the French Book

formation of white pieces at the board's line

of scrimmage.

29.•.'it>e830.~d4 g6 31.a4 Qb4 32.Wf1

'ltd7 33.we2 Wc6 34.wd3 ..t>d5
35..ab6 ~c6 36.~e3 ~d5 37.h3 h5
3S..ab6 15 39.13 g5 4O.a5 ~c6 41.'lt>e4
This is a very critical line. The idea is to take ~d2 42.~d8 g4 43.a6 ~c1 44.a7 Wb7
advantage of the f3 bishop not having any 45.Qb6 gxf3 46.gxf3 f4 47 .~d3 was
squares. As well as hoping to exchange 48.we4 ~d2 49.~d4 ~7 50,l.1:lf5~e3
queens ami putting the white king on d I. 51..~f6 ~xa7 52.~5 ~c6 53.~xh5
8 ..Q.xc6+ bxe6 9.c3 ~d5 54.'Ji>g6 iLd4 55.~xd4 ~xd4
9.dxe5 '¥fxd I + IO.Wxd I C~g4 and Black has 56.~f5 ~e3 57.~g4 1-0
satisfactory compensation which is shown
by the fact that the king is stuck on d I, and at
any time Black can take the e5 pawn back. o Mark Bluvshtein
Here Black holds the initiative, Even worse • Keith Arkell
is 9.dxc5 "iWxdI + 1O.<bxd I t;\g4+. Gausdal 2002
9...cxd4 10.cxd4 exd4 11.'ilVxd4
~xd4 12.hd4 YJ..e7 13.0bc3 0-0 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d3 dxe4 4..be4
14.0-0 Cd6 5.~,f3 c5 6.4\e2 lile6 7.Qe3 <1.\d5
The result of this game does not really pro- This move makes great sense, trying to get
vide a clear look on the posi tion. A realistic rid of the bishop 011 e3.
evaluation is equal. Black has the two bish- 8.jLxd5 't1Vxd5
ops, but a weakness on c6. This asset cancels After 8 ...exd5 9.dxc5± White is simply a
out the liability. pawn up. The c5 pawn is doubled and quite
14...e5 15.~e3 ~d7 l6.ti':f4 Qe6 weak. The d5 pawn though is also weak and
17.tDd3 :afeS lS.nfd 1 t;"e4 19.1L;xe4 isolated.
Qxe4 20.nacl .Q.d521.b3 as 22.ll:ixc5 9.tbbc3 'i'c4
.ic6 23.tbd7 .i.xd7 24.J:!.xd7J:!.xc1
+ Or 9 ... 'l!!i'xg2 IO.Ugl "ti'xh2 11.~f4±.
25..\it.xc1 ~f8 26..ie3 a4 27.bxa4 White's next move is tt2b5. and Black's
l:txa4 28.r.ta7 1:txa7 29 ..i.xa7 pieces simply are not developed fast enough.
White has been able to win the weak c-pawn. 10.b3 'i'a6 11.dxc5
and transformed the game into a technically White is simply up a pawn. All counterplay
winning bishop ending. was quickly deflected.

Marl< Bluvshtein

- 9...'tlixd4 IO.Axd4;!;. This transition to a

simpler position helps White. There is no evi-
dent way of getting the Iigtu-squared bishop
on <.:8out. After White plays Cild and long
castle it is clear chat White has an edge.
- 9 .. JWa5+ 1O.~3 e5 11.'i1i'e4 ~e6
12...Q.c6+! tbd7 13.Qd5 ~xd5 14.~xd5
fixdS 15.tLixd5 J:tc8 16.0-0-(). And White is
slightly more comfortable in this ending and
won in Bluvshtein-Gorlin, Chicago 2002.
White's plan is to tight for an advantage with
11...Qe7 12.'lt'd3 ttJb4 13.iVe4 ~a3 his edge in development.
14.0-0 f5 15.~c4lbxc2 16.tLlb5 ~xe3 9...t,7··,xf3+10.thf3 e5
17.fxe3 ~a5 18.b4 'ird8 19J~ad1 After IO... ~e7 I lJ~dl;!; White's pieces are
~d7 20.~6+ ~xd6 21.l:txd6 ife7 very active.
22.l:tfd1 :td8 23.b5 '1/f'g524.c6 'iYxe3+ 11.tL::b5 a6 12.rtdl ~d7 13.0d6+
25.t.t>h1 bxc6 26.bxc6 0-0 27.l:txd7 ~xd614Jbd6
l::1c8 28.'iYd4 'i¥g5 29.~e5 llxc6 White is already feeling very comfortable
30.ti:'d4 J:tc1 31.lDxe6 l:txd1 + 32.J:txd1 with the position.
'iYf6 33.~d5 1-0 14 ...Wc7

o Mark 81uvsbtein
• Hoang Thanh Trang
Budapest 2003

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~d3 dxe4 4.Axe4

tUf6 5.~f3 c5 6.lbe2 ~c6 7.Jie3 cxd4
Here 7...'t'b6 - trying to go after the 'poi-
soned' pawn - is quite risky. After 8.<2;bc3
'll:i'xb29.dxc5 all of White's pieces arc dcvcl-
oped, while Black's pieces are far behind.
Equally had is 8...cxd4 9.tL:xd4 iLc5 15J:txf6 gxf6 16.~xf6± 1:g8 17._Q.g5
IO.~xc6+ bxc6 II.O-()±. White is simply Qc618.tL:;c3
much better in this position, the threat of Black is completely dominated.
.:Lia4 is coming. Black's pieces are badly 18...h6 19.'ibh6 b5 20.l:tdl rtb8
misplaced. 21.~f6 <;ttf8 22.Qh6+ ~e8 23.tUd5
8.lbxd4li~e5 tlxg2+ 24.~fl
The idea is simple and obvious: to get rid of This is a bit sharper than necessary, but is a
White's bishop, or to at least kick it off the nice way to finish a sharp game.
long diagonal. 24.....Q.xd5 25.l:txd5 'i'c4+ 26.l:d3
The alternative was 8.....'L;xd49.... xd4. when 'ite4 27."iWh8+ ~e7 28.1!fxb8 l:g6
there arc two options: 29.Sil.g5+ 1-0

Alexander Beliavsky & Adrian Mikhalchishin
Volga Gambit with 4.ttJd2

A modest move

In principle. the Volga gambit can be com- • 4 ...b4, avoiding a clash in the centre.
bated in two ways: (A) accept all the sacri- However, (0 me this appears to favour White
frees; (B) avoid falling in with the - he has very simple and concrete play.
opponent's wishes and pay no attention to • 4 ...~a5 is an exclusively tactical move,
his tactical trickery. For many years J It is not in the spirit of the position. Catastro-
(Alexander Beliavsky) have followed the phes are possible, as in the game Beliavsky-
first strategy, but in recent times I have de- Rukal.
cided to switch to strategy B. I very much • 4...g6!'! is an interesting continuation,
like it, although as yet it has produced no aiming for free development and subscqucnt
tangible results. play in the centre, as in the game Bcliavsky-
In recent times the set-up with the modest Martinez. This is not at all a bad plan.\,d2 has begun to occur very often in my • 4...bxc4 5.e4 e6 6.dxe6 dxef 7.~xc4
games. The move 4.Q:d2 against the Volga ~b7 8.'i'e2. In my opinion. this is (he criti-
Gambit is a very cunning and complicated cal position of the entire system, and it is on
(for both sides) weapon. Black has four fun- its evaluation [hat the fate of the variation de-
damentally different responses: pends (see the diagram 011 the next page).

Alex?nder Beliavsky & Adrian Mikhalchishin

In Beliavsky-Sermek, Black chose the plan And Black resigned for he is losing a piece,
of fighting for the c5 square - 8...~bd7, Beliavsky-Bukal, Nova Gorica !999.
9...~c7 and IO...~d6, which led to very
sharp play. In this variation White needs to
seek an improvement. o Alexander Beliavsky
The second plan, involving a fight for the d4 • Tibur Fogarasi
square, was chosen by Fogarasi. Hungary Hungary tt 1998/99
200 I. Here White's chances are nevertheless
somewhat better. 1.d4 tl.lf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.Q."id2bxc4
We will investigate the positions arising af- 5.e4 c3
ter ~d2 hxc4 5.e4 On the basis of three of
my games. Here are some 'stage directions'
considering Black's alternatives: R~.t~<w.t R
i iiiii
• 4...b4 5.e4 And While continues natu- Ij)
rally with ~d3. Cugf3 and 0-0. Sometimes
adding f4 for even more punch in the centre.

• 4...g6 5.e4 d6 6.cxb5 a6 7.a4?! i

This is not the best move. Simply 7.t~gf3
is correct. 8.tijgf3 0-0 9..l:!a3e6
~~ ttJ ~~~
10.dxe6 Qxe6 11.~e2 axb5 12.Qxb5 ~ ~'iY~~ttJIi
Vllic7 13.0-0 ~c6 14.:re1 d5! 15.exd5
~xd5 16.lL:e4 ~cb4 17.1We2~f5! with To weaken White's pawn structure. Another
an unclear game in Beliavsky-Martinez. common move is 5 ...06. when White contin-
Las Vegas 2000. ues 6.iLx(;4 g6 7.b3 ~g7 8.i.b20-09.tL';gD.
6.bxc3 d6 7.c4 g6 8_.Q.b2i.g7 9.~d3
• 4...'ita5 5.~c2 bxc4 6.e4 e6 The main attraction of the whole 4.Ci;d2Iine
7 ..txc4 ~6 8•.:Llf3 ..'t.lb49.1lj'c3 exd5 is that White has so many natural moves at
10.exd5 .ad6? This is a blunder, Black his disposal.
had 10 play IO...~e7! 11.0-0 0-0 12.a3 9...0-0 10.~bl
..o,a613.b3! It is abo possible to play 10."*(;2. However,

Volga Gambit with 4.tLJd2

after W...e5 White should play IU'iJe2 tLih5 29.fxe5 ~e4 30.Qxd7 ti¥xd7 31.~h2
12.0-0;; as in the main game. rather than 'iWg4 32.C2;gl! i.f5 33.1:If4 'lfdl
Il.dxe6 .he6 12.t'LJc2 t'i!c6 13.a3 l:!b8 34.'lWf3?!
14.ii.e3 ~g4 15..ixg7 Wxg7 16.0·0 'f'f6 Missing the last chance for some advantage
17.l::ta2g5!+, Grachev-Poluliakhov, Kras- with 34.~b2! J:re835.tbf3.
nodar2002. 34..:~e1! 35:~e2 'i'xe2+ 36.tLxe2
10...e5 11.~e2 ~h5 12.0-0 ~d7 1:Ie837.g4!
Alternatively, Black could play 12..._~h6t? Now a drawn rook ending is reached.
intending 13...tL:f4. 37 ...~xe5 38.gxf5 Uxe2+ 39.Wxh3
13.~c3 gxf5 40.1:Ixf5 l::txa2 41.d6 l::td2
And here 13.g3!? to prevent the knight from 42.l::txc5l::txd6 43.1:Ia5a6 44.Wg3l::td4
coming to f4 was entirely possible. Draw.
13...lZ;f4 14.~c2 h5 15..'sia4h4
Now it was definitely time for 15...~h6.
o Alexander Beliavsky
I A'i¥ I~ • Tibor Fogarasi
~ ~ i.t Hungary 112001

i i 1.d4 -i:::f62.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.C2;d2bxc4
~~i 5.e4 e6 6.dxe6 dxe6 7.hc4 gb7
~ ~ i As mentioned above. , consider this to he the
critical continuation.
~ 8.iYe2 .te7!? 9.c~gf3 0-0
~ CiJCiJ~~~
l:t 'if ~~
White could also enter the following forced
line: I 6. l'i;xf4 exf4 17.~xg7 Wxg7 18.~.cti
.t:i.b819.~f3 ~f6 20.~a3~.
16...h3 17.g3 tLih5
Or 17...~xe2+ 18.'(!gxc2 tiM 19..G·.cti~h8
20JHb I with a slight plus for White.
18.14!? exf419~xg7 wxg7 20.gxf4
White is not forced to recapture on f4. He is
also slightly better after 20.~xd7!? ~xd7 10.0-0
21.Wa I + ~g8 2V?:xf4 -1:;xf4 23J1xf4. There is something to be said for delaying
2o.. :ifh4 21.~h1 nb8 22.'i'a1+ ~g8 castling. After 10.b3!? tiic6 11.~b2 t;',d4
23.~t3 'tl'e7 24J:txb8 tt.~xb8 25.eS 12.tbxd4 exd4 13.0-0 White has kept a slight
id5! 26.'t!fc3 l"i:.d727kg3 opening edge.
Perhaps 27.l:!el !?;;c6 11.~b3
27...o1;Xg3+28.hxg3 dxe5 Trickier is 11.J:d I !? hoping for 11.JDtl4?
And here Black could keep the tension with 12.c~xd4 cxd4 13.e5 ~and White is better.
28...r:b8!? 11...a5!?

Alexander Beliavsky & Adrian Mikhalchishin

But not J I...We7 J 2.e5 tDd7 13...Ilt4 when 41.l:tg8+ Wf5 42.l:th8 ~g6 43.J:ig8+
White's advantage is not to be disputed. ~h7 44.l:ta8 ~g6
12..tg5 84 13.~xf6 Draw.
Making use of the fact that the b3-knight is
still attacking cS. No! l3.lIfd J 'iWc7
14.tLlbd2 tLlg4 and Black has grabbed the o Alexander Beliavsky
initiative. • Drazen Sermek
13 ...gxf614.tbbd2 a3 15.b3 Bled It 2000
The game is unclear after 15.ti:b3 axb2
16.~xb2 ~c7. 1.d4 tLJf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.Q.d2 bxc4
15 ...lL:;d4 16.ttJxd4 'tWxd4 17J:Uel 5.e4 e6 6.dxe6 dxe6
'i'e518.'i'e3 ~fd819 ..tf1 ~d6 Taking back with the f-pawn is not a good
idea. White is better after 6 .. .fxc6 7.e5 tL;d5
.I .I !ttLixc4 'fVh4 9.0tJ 'tite4+ 1O.'ff'e2 'fi'xe2+
Il.ihe2 ~a6 12.t~a5 Jl.e7 13.~d2.
A 7.~xc4 ~b7 8.~e2
Possibly White can even play differently
here. How about !I.D!? Q,c6 9.t1·;e2~.d6
10.0-0 ~e5 I J .lL:b3~?
8...8bd7 9.tLlgf3 V/Hc7
Black fights for control over the c5-squarc
with all his might.

Stronger was 20.g3!') planning·,c4 with
a nice edge.
20...~f4 21.g3 1Wxe3 22..l:!.xe3 _~f8
23.S-ael ~h6 24 ..Q.c3~d2!
Correctly exchanging the bishop pair for a
rook on the second rank. The advantage bas
clearly passed to Black. White must defend
accurately to keep the draw.
25.ti.lxd2 ~xd2 26..l:!.e2.l:!.xe227.ii..xe2
:i.xe4 28.~f3! 10.b3
But not 28JlxcS ~b J 29 .1:c I ~xa2 30 ..i.c4 And White does just the same! Castling is no
nb8 with a clear endgame plus. better, as R lack has I0.0-0 ~d6 I I .lIe I tLeS
28...~xf3 29.l:ld3 J:ld8 J 2.~b5+ ~e7 13.0xe5 ~xe5 14.0f3
Bad was 29 ...f5? 30.tk3 1:a5 3 J .~fl intend- llhd8!? The king on e7 causes Black no
ing ~e2-d3-c4. b3-b4±. headaches.
30.J:lc3 .l:!.d2 31Jtxc5 J:lxa2 32.':a5 10....Q.d6 11.~b2 ti:'.e5!?
Wg7 33.b4 J:lb2 34.lha3 J:[xb4 Here 11... ~f4!'! 12.0-0 :IdS I.Utfdl O-U is
35.Wg2 f5 36.l:ta2 e5 37.l:ta5 16 about equal.
38.1:188 h5 39.J:la7+ cJlg6 40.l:ta8 f4 12.~b5+ <be7

Volga Gambit with 4Ji\d2

13.0-0?! No better is 17.~hl -»_f4.
It was still too early for castling. Still, after 17...ttd2 18.Ilxc5 'tlVb6 19."i¥c4 ~xb2
13.~dl CL!xf3+14.'ffxf3 ~a5 15..~.a4 c4 20.a4 a6!
Black has counterplay too. Accepting the sacrifice with 20 ....£xc5 gives
13...~xf3+ 14.ti';xf3 ti::xe4 1S.:lac1 White decent compensation after 21.bxc5
White plays for compensation. Clearly. ~c7 22.~h4+ ~f8 23.c6.
15..hg7 l:rhgR 16.1!rb2 f6 17..lth6 l:lg6 21.l:tc7+ <;fJf822.l:txb7 ~xb7 23.kc6
18.~e3 llag8 with an attack. was not 10 his l:tc8 24.Qxe4 l:txc4 25.i.xb7 l:tcxb4
liking. 26.~xa6 l:txa4 27..iid3 l:td4
15...C.hd8 Correct was 27 ... h628.4:f3 g5 and Black has
Also!'! to put the onus on While all the chances in this ending.
was possible. 28..5ia6 l:ta4 29 ..ad3 e5? 30.J:le1 ~d4
16.b4!? Black allows White 10 escape 10 an elernen-
Again it is dangerous to play J6 ..'lxg7!"!. as tary draw.
16...llg8 17.~b2 r6 18..llh6 ~f4!'! gives 31_~xh7! 96 32.l"d3 l:tf4 33.~xg6
Black an attack. However, in the game Black fxg6 34.l:txe5
also grabs the initiative. Draw.
Oleg Chernikov
Provocation in the Rauzer: 6...g6

.t.iV~.t. .I
ii i
~i ~,

Combining the Rauzer and the Dragon

1.e4 e5 2kf3 [LieS 3.d4 cxd4 4.<L.xd4 Karner-Chernikov, Soviet Union 1965:
CL;f6s.cea d6 g6 7.:-iLxf6 cxf6 8.'l!!fd2 iLg7 9.ti]db5 (J-O
A surprising answer 10 Rauzers 6.~.g5. 1O.-1.xd6 rs 11.0-0-0 ~a5~. and
since the bishop move is thought to prevent Suetin-Gurgenidze, Tbilisi 1969: 7..~.xf6
Black's fianchetto. The idea of 6...g6 is 10 cxfo lL&.b5 £d7 9.0-0 ~g7 IO.~d2 0-0
forcibly transpose into the Dragon Varia- 11.[t.:,b31'5 !=.
lion. Black as though ignores the move ~J6, Over the 50 yeurst ') since the time of the first
xubsequently pinning his hopes on his f~ known game, not so many games have been
bishop. The source game Gromek- played with this variation. The aim of this ar-
Bondarevsky. Lodz 1955. is widely known: ticle is to show in more detail the history of
7.~xf6 exf6 8.~c2 ~g7 9,ciJdb5 0-0 the development of [he variation and to dem-
lO.~xd6 1'5 11.0-0 fxe4 12.'V;\Yxd8J:xd8 onstrate the most relevant games played with
l3.tiJxc4 ~xb2~. this variation. So, in the position after fi.$.g5
Luter, the first edition of the Encyclopaedia g6. the most critical continuation is
of Chess Openings cited the games 7 ..iii.xf6 exf6

Provocation in the ~auzer: 6...96

But sometimes While avoids this in favour

of the sharp 7.ltJxc6 bx«i 8.eS.

• 1O.~d2 ~e8 ! l.~b3 .a5 12JladJ If\d7

13.f4 tLlc5 14.1i'e3 'i!ib6 15JHei tLixb3
16.axb3 £I.e6 17.'l!t'xb6 axbo=, Fri-
Several games on this theme have been Chcrnikov, Soviet Union 1963.
played largely by the author of this article, in • 10..ab3 ~e6!? II.~xe6 fxe6 l2.eS!')
which Black successfully defends and even dxe5 13.'ir'e2 ttcd5 14.~d2 W'b6 15.tL;e4
launches a counterattack: 8...dxeS 9.~f3: ~xb2 16.lltbl 'iixc2 17.:tcl tdf4 IH.~c3
• 9... ~g7 IO.'fixc6+ Qd7 Il.~c5 0-0 ~b2 19.93 ~d5 and White's slight initiative
12.Qe2 ~bH 13.0-0 1i'xb2 14..H3 .l:u<.:8 hardly compensates for the three (!) missing
15.'~xe7l:tfe8 l6.'~'d6 l:e6 1 HWdl ~xc3 pawns, Matyukov-Chernikov, Soviet Union
I!L~xf6~b5 19.~xg7 _1hf120.~h6~bS+ 1963.
and Black converted his material advantage.
Kokorin-Chernikov, Soviet Union 1962. Let us (Urn to the main reply. the variation
The following reply is also interesting: 6 ...g6 7.~xffi exf6.
• 9...~d7 10.0-0-0 ~g7 II...hf6 exf6 In this position White ha:.. a number of con-
12.t2le4 'fIIe7 13.016+ ",1'8 14.~c4 _~h6+ tinuations, which we will examine in the fol-
15!J;>bl Ae6~ 16.'~'x(;611d8 17..he6'). This lowing order:
is a blunder because of 17.. :iJYxe6 18.J:rhel
<J;>e7! winning a piece and the game, A) X..ie2
Bastrikov-Chernikov, Soviet Union 1963. B) lL~c4
The exchange of queens after 8...dxeS C) 8.~h5
9.'ihd8+ (instead of 9.'fff3) also does not D} 8:tl-¥d2
promise White any advantage: 9 ...<.t>xdg E) R.~b3
10.0-0-0+ ~c8 I J..iLc4 ~g7 12.llhel .!L:d7
13.0a4 f5!'? (14.f4 was threatened) 14.f3 Variation A
:Ws IS.l:td3 ~b6 16.~xb6 axb6 17.l:tedl 8.~.e2
~a6 1!U1a) h5 and Black retained his extra Along with 8.gc4 and 8.~.b5, this is the
pawn. Sporyagin-Chemikov, Soviet Union most frequently occurring continuation.
1963. 8...~g7
Quieter positions arise when instead of Ke5 Sacrificing the d6 pawn. is the main varia-
White plays the more restrained 8..ic4 fLg7 tion. but since 8.~e2 is 1I0t the most active
9.0-0 0-0: continuation. 8...u6 is possible. One game

Oleg Chernikov

went9."d2~g7 10.t:dl 0-0 11.0xc6bxc6 18 ... l:rad7 19.axb5 axb5 20.14 kb7
12.0-0 nh8 13.1!hd6 'ii'xd6 14Jhd6 .t:!xb2 21.tDe3 iLc6
15..t:!xc6 f5 16.exf5 1:xc2 17.f6 .hf6 Black is slightly better. Kurolap-Chernikov,
18J:txf6 1:xc3 19.i.xa6 i.e6 20.a4 l'la8 Soviet Union 1960.
21.~b5 ~c4 Vz_Ii2, Stoica-Tischbierek, Ro-
mania 1984. Variation A2
AI) 9.0-0 This looks more energetic than 9.0-0.
A2) 9.tL2db5 9 ... 0-0
And now White has to decide how (0 lake on
Variation A1 d6:
9.0-0 0-0 10.talb5 f5 • JO.ltJxd6 f5 II.exf5 (a later game went
This is a recurring theme in all lines. Black 11.0-0 Ci:d4 12.l'uxc8 l:rxc8 13..§Ld3 f4'! - too
needs to open the main diagonal for his optimistic; easy play was given by l3. ..b5
'Dragon-bishop' . with compensation for the pawn - 14.t-Lid5
.ie5 15.d tDe6 16.rlel ~g7 IHWc2 h5
18J:tadl 'iWh4 19.f3 "gS 20.'iWf2~, Vitinik-
Chernikov, Vladivostok J990) 11..:tlt'a5
12.0-0 .t:!d8!'!(Black is close to equality after
12....i.x.f5 I3.~xf5 Wx.f5) 13.fxg6 hxg6
14.4·'ce4 $.e5 15.kc4 ~xd6 16.tL!x.d6 'i'c5
17..ixt7+Wg7 lR.bg6! .uxd6 19.~d3 ti';e5
20.'~e2 ~g4 21.'iWe4 rlh8~, Zhilin-
Chernikov, Soviet Union 1961.
• lO.ffxd6 f5 II.'6'xd8 rlxd8 12.0-0 a6?!
13.~c7 :Xa7 14.l:!adl tlJl.dl IS..t:!Jl.dl bS
1 17.'-La4 0.d4 18.~c4 gd7 19.wfl
11:ihd6 .ii1.e5 20.tL:b6 :!.e7 21.0xc8 1:lxe8
Relatively the best move. although it must be ~xd6 23.U.xd4 rlxe4 24.~xt7+ Wxf7
dear that the endgame is advantageous for 25.lhd6 rlc4 26.rtd2~, Tappyrov-Chernikov,
Black. Even worse are: Soviet Union 1972. Not wasting a tempo with
- II.exf5 fufS IVbxd6 Qxc2 13.1!hc2 12.. .fxe4! comes into consideration; as the
'fYxd614."a41Ut41S.1lfel't}'b616Jlahl above game shows. the knight at e8 stood well.
:ac817.~f1 .t:!fd818.h3tL:fS 19.~b5~xb5
20.ti:,xb5 rlc2:f. Ivlev-Chernikov, Soviet Variation B
Union 1964. 8 •.1i.c4
- 11.~f3 ~c5 12.exf5 .lhf5 13.'i'd2 a6 Along with 8.Q.b5. one of the most active
14.tL:;a31k8 15.tL.c4 ~d4 16.ti';xe5 dxe5 + continuations.
17.11fdl? ~xc2 18..hh7 ~xdl+ 8 ... kg7
Korkishko-Chernikov, Soviet Union 1960. The main move. Ochers have also occurred:
11...a6 12:fbd8 l:txd8 13.tL:c7 lla7 - 8.Juc5'?! 9.~b3 a6 10.f4 tL:;d7 11.'iWf3
14.~7d5 fxe4 15.l:ladl ttJd4 16.1311 fig7 12.0-0-0 0-0 13.¢>b I tL:c5 14.f5 .1d7
b5 17.~2 t5 18.a4 15.h4 llJxh3 16.cxh3 neS
17.h5 g5±.
Preferable was 18.fxe4 with an equal position. I.Gurevich-Burnett, USA 1986. and

Provocation in the Rauzer: 6 ...g6

_8 ...~e7?9.ftd20-{) IO.O-O-Olle81I.Wbl In practice Black was able to keep the bal-

a6 12.h4 h5 J3.f3 rJ;;g7 14.rldg 1 tLlxd4 ance:
15.'i'xd4 J:lhS 16.g4 .te6 17.tC.d5±. Roiz • II.exfS i.xf5<.I6~xc2! (the alter-
Bazlan-Igea. Oviedo rapid 1991. native is 12...~xc3 13.ltJxf5 .axh2 I
After 8...~g 7 White must decide whether to ~f6 is.eae tLle5 16.11xb7 Qe7 17.t~Jxt7
castle kingside or quecnside: tL:.xt7 18.lld7 "ftc8 19.~d5 ftc5 20.i.xu8
llxa8 21.lle l;t Tukrnakov-Gurgenidze,
BI) 9.0-0 Kiev 1969) 13.ttJxb7 llxdl 14.lUxdl .:I.a08
82) 9.~db5 15.t?:d64"\a5 16.tiie3 ~xc4';dxc4 kd3
I!UHdl ~xc4 19.&c4 .c.fcR 20.J:racl
Variatton 81 ~xb2=, Volkovich -Chemikov, 1961.
9.0-0 0-0 10.tDdb5 • II.(bxd6 tL:.d4 12.tDxc8 J:lxc8 13...i.b3
The most thematic continuation. White was (the alternative is 13..ild5 f4'? - a mistake:
not very successful with the alternatives: 13 ... b5! 14.a3 as is correct; the standard mi-
• 1O.~d5 "ftb6 1l.tDdb5 f5 12.11bl iic5 nority attack leads to equality - 14.(be2 ~c6'la3 1'4 14.lL:;c4 '&'c5 15.b4 ~d4=. 15.<.:3 f3?! 16.gxf3 tZ::g5 17.... d3 lUh3+
Mudrak-Chernikov, Soviet Union 1965. 18.<t>g2 tfh4 19.f4 'ilt'g4+ 20.~hl t;\xf4
• IO,l;~xc6 bxc6 11.'ilkf3 'ilkh6 12..b3 f5 21.tDxf4 'ttxf4 22.1:Iad 1±. Kopylov-
13.l::tadl ~e5 14.:fel a5 15.a4 flic7 16.h4? Chernikov, 1961) 13...lDxb3 14.axb3 ~xc3
f4 17.lbe2 "ftc7 IS.g3 fxg3 19.fxg3 h5+, 15.bxc3 fxe4= 16.1tcl 'irb6 l7.c4 .:::I.fe8
Gedevanishvili-Chemikov, Soviet Union 18.'We3 'ilt'xe3 19.fxe3 a6 W.llfd I hS=.
1973. Vitolins-Chernikov, 1975.
• lO.t2::de2f5 I l.exf5 ~xf5 12.e.g3 (pas-
sive is 12.'~!t'd2lk8 13.tadl ceeS 14..ltd5 Variation 82
tt:'lc415..Q.xc4J:rxc416.-'xd6"'xd617.J:rxd6 9.~db5 0-0 10.1!:fxd6 f5 11.0-0-0
.i.xc2 IUtd7 llb4 19.b3 ~f5'f Cesnauskas- There [Ire now two queen moves to consider:
Chernikov, Soviet Union 1973) 12...gc8
13..tb3 llbS 14.f4 tUi4 15.tL.d5 b5 16.<.:3 B21) II... ... a5
~xb3 17.axb3 as 18.f5 l:le8 19.'f'd3 l:le5 822) 11... ~g5+
20.'>th I ~b7 2I.tL'-e3 ~gS 22/2..;c2 .:lbe8
23.fxg6 hxg6=F. Sleich-Chemikov, Decin 1997. Variation 821
10 ...f5 11..:~a5 12JWc7 a6 13.1ha5 tbxa5
The strongest; the more usual 14.tbc7 does
not give any advantage after 14...1:a7
15.iLb3 .bc3 16.bxc3 fxe4 17. llhc I b5
18.tC.d5 f5 wg7 20.1:1<.16lk7
21. <t>b2 .ab 7 22.g3 llf6 23.J:red I llxd6
24.llxd6 ~c6 25.c4 bxc4 26.4:.xc4 ~b7
V2-V2. Kholmov-Chernikov, 1982.
14...tLlxc41S.ti.)xc4 ~xc3?!
It is possibly better to retain both bishops:
15... .i.e6 16.tbb6 llad8 with quite good
compensation for the pawn.

0le9 Chernikov

16.bxc3 fxe4 17.tbb6 :tb8 18.:td6 in a comparatively recent game. lS...rtad8

l:te8 19.c4! wg7? 19...e3!?;j;. 20J%e1 (instead of 15 ...:16) proved not [he best con-
~fS 21.¢>b2 l:tbd8 22.c5 .l:[bS tinuation: 16.4}f6+ 'it1h8 17.4'lxg4 'ith4
22 ...]lxd6°o. 23.wc3 .l:[e724.l:te3± llt~c7! 'tjt'xg4 19.1bd6 _d7 20.'ilVxd7
Petrushin-Chernikov, Soviet Union 1973. 1:txd721.lLie4 tL:d4 22.c3l:tc8? 23 ..i.xf7 llf8
Instead of I 1...... as, more complicated play 24..ic4 b5 25 .i.d3 ~f3 26.11d I +-,
results from: Goloscbapov-Chemikov, Moscow 2002.

Variation 822 Variation C

11 ...~g5+ 8.~b5 ~_d7
In the books [his move is given a poor assess- In this position 9.0-0 often occurs with nu-
ment. I 1...1Ifg5+? 12.f4 ~xg2 13.e5±. but merous branches, as well as the knight re-
after 12...'~b6! (instead of 12...'~xg2) all is treats 9.tDde2 and 9.lbb3. We will examine
not yet clear. Several games played at quite [he variations in order.
high level provide confirmation of this.
12.14 iWh6 13.<Ml1 .ig4 Variation C1
15.:tde1 a6 16.tbbc3 l:Iad8 17.~f6+ 9.0-0 ~g7
<;t>h8 18.CDXg4 'i'h4 19.'fLfc5 'lWxg4
20.i!fg5 "'xg5 21.fxg5 .ixc3 22.bxc3 :i I 'iV. g
ii 1. i.ti
~i ii
~~~ ~~~
l:t 'if l:[~

Here various other have been played:
I had no problems in two of my games: • lO.tLJd50-0 11.c3 ~e~ l2.~d3 V2-V2. Af·
- 23 ..~d3 :d5 24 ..i.e4 l:1cS25..ixc6 1:hc6 ter 12....i.e6 the game is completely equal,
26.l:1e3 ~c4 27.g3 h6'= 28.gxh6 \t>h7 Petrushin-Chernikov, 1973.
29J:tfJ f5 30.l:te6 l:tfdi with equality, Mo- • lO.Jhc6 hxe6 II.~e2 i.e6 12.11¥d3
kry-Chernikov, Rimavska Sobota 1990. 'Wie7 IU[ad ll:td8 14..!C.d40-0 I S.Wa6 Ik8
- the later game Klovans-Chernikov, Gries- 16.tL:ce2 l:tfe8 17.c4 'ilk'b6 IR.... xb6 axb6
kitchen 1998. went 23 ..i.b311d2 24.g3 ~g7 19.~xe6 lhe6 20.la3 :lal)=. Ermakov-
25.h4 '[jaS 26.l:hfl 1Dc4 27.:he4 bxc4= Chernikov. 1965.
28J:te4 :tg2 29.:xc4 :txg3 30.J:ra4 l:xc3 • 10.f4..-b6 I ULxc6 bxc6 l2.lba4 'ti'a5
3 IJ:txa6 !1e4 32.l::h I ]leI) 33.~a3 l:te2 14.~hl 0-0 15.exf5"'b416.t£:.b3
34.l:fl l:texc2. ItPh. gx.fS 17.a3 'iWb6 18.'itd2 l:tahR 19.1:radl
The 'improvement" employed by the author J:fd8=l=,Ukhanov-Chernikov, 1960.

Provocation in the Rauzer: 6...g6

• iO.lDxc6 bxc6 (I 0 ...~xc6 is also not bad) l3.g4! ge6 14.f5 ~xb3! 15.axb3 '*'b6+
11.~a4 ~f8 (the natural 11...... c7 is infe- 16.'~hl ~xc3 17.bxc3 ~xb5 18.'t!Yxd6
rior: 12.'fi'd2 l::ld8 13JXadi .Qe6 14.llJd5! (IlUlel+ ~d7!) 18.. .10<:7 19.J:feJ 0-0
'6'b7 15.tlJb4±) I2.'tWd2 "as 13.:tadl soa 20J:lxe7 :tad8°o.
14.Wh6 zrs IHi'd2 i.e7= Belyaev- In Palac-Chernikov, Rimavska Sobota 1990.
Chernikov, 1960 . 13.l:[el+ was played instead of 13.g4 and the
• 10.... d2 0-0 II.~b3 (another plan is players agreed a draw. White has nothing in
I 1.II ad I f5 12..Qxc6 bxc6 13.exfS d5 with particular after either 13...~e6 14.f5 gxf5
counterplay. or I z.t~xc6 ~xe6 13.gxc6 15.~d5 0-0 or 14..a.c4 0-0 15..he6 fxe6
bxc6 14.exf5 d5 15.f)(g6 hxg6 with quite 16.l::txe6Ihf4= 17.l::lxd6? .Qd4++.
good play for Black) 11.. .fS 12.'Ii'xd6 fxe4 10.__~e6
IHJc5~c8l4.c'tj5xe40d415.'Ii'xd811xd8 Rather than 1O... .tc8 I l.~d2 0-0 12.1:1<1dl
16.~d3 ~f5 l7.f3 l::lac8, Y2-Y2 Suetin- f5 13.exfS ~xf5 14.~xc6 bxc6 (5.t·i:;d4 ~g4
Gurgenidze, Thilisi 1969. 16.f3 i.d7 17.~b3 d5\a4 Wlc7
However, the main alternative LO lO.o1}de2i~ 19.1.Gac5:!:Van den Doel-Bakhtadze, 1993.
lOk:;b3. After lO._~e6 White has tried: 11.'lWd2
11 •• d2 0-0 12.!tad I f5 13.l::lfe1 (another In the variation 1 l.tLif4 (instead of II.Wld2)
game went 13..Qxc6 bxc6 14.t'iJd4 'iWb6 11...0-0 12.tDxe6 fxe6 J3.Qc4 ~e7 14'[4 f5
15.exf5 .YLc4 16.nfel Wxb2 17.11bl 'ita3 Black has at least equal chances.
18.llJe4 llfe8 19.f6 dS $.f8 21.l:[e3 11 ... 0-0
"'xa2 2V.ijc3 '¥.fa3 23.l:!h3 d400 And now:
Novopashin-Chernikov, Dnepropetrovsk • 12.t:adl f5 ~8? 14.~fel t;~d4
1964) 14..b(;6 bxc6 15.f4 ~b6+ 15.tLlfd5 iWa5 16.exf5 YLxf5 17..Jid3 ,$_£4'1
16.';!;'hl gg7 17.'iVxd6J:ad818 .• c5~xb3 (17...~xd3 18.Wxd3±) 18.'e'g5! (threatening
19.'fi'xb6 axb6 20.axb3 fxe4 2J..!L.xe4 19j1h.g4 and 19.1N6+) 1!L..ltfS J9,CL;f6+
.ixb2=, Skotorenko-Chernikov, 1962. Q.xf6 20.fixf6 tL\e6 2J.hf5 '(WxfS22.~xf5
A sharper continuation is 11.f4 (instead of gxf5 23.~xd6±, Klovans-Chernikov, Weil-
I J.... d2) I l...f5'?(of course, it is possible to burg 1998. The variation can be improved with
allow the squeeze f4·f5 and then bring OUI 13...thd4 (instead of 13...~cR) 14_..';.xe6fxe6
the bishop via h6toe3 and d4. but in this case 15.£c4 fxe4m or 15.~3 ~f6=, when
White has a slight advantage) 12.cxf5 i.xf5 Black's centralised knight securely covers his
(White is slightly beuer after 12...gxfS) weakened pawn chain.
• IUtfdl f5 13.~xd6 '{Itb6 bxc6
15.~f4 ~xb2 I 6.l'1ab I ~;}3 17.'iWd6it'xd6
18.11xd6 fxe4 19.a4 ~.eS 20.:xc6 llac8
21 l:txc8 llxc8~ Zhelnin-Chernikov, 1972.
• ·12.~a4 f5 1~\.cxf5 ~.xf5 I4.nad 1 0.a5
15.gb3 ~xb3 16.cxh3 h5 17.h3 h4 J8.'iWxd6
$.c2 19.'ifxd8l:[uxd8 20.1:Id5 J:[xd5 21.~xd5
~xb2~, Astashin-Chernikov- 1974.

Let us turn to variation:; in which White im-

mediately retreats his knight with ~..t:.~de2or;b3, retaining the possibility ot 0-0-0.

Oleg Chernikov

Variation C2
9.lDde2 ~e6
A game ofthe Dragon expert Eduard Gufeld
went S... a6 10.i.a4 ~e7?! - dubious. with
all respect 10 the grandmaster - I I .tbd5 0-0
12.c3 f5 13.exfS ~xf5 14.0·() ~f6 15.t£2g3
.ix8 16.0xf6+ ~xf6 17.tL:e4 fJ'e5 18..hc6
bxc6 19.t'i;xd6 ~e6 20.!lel .f4 21.c4 c5
22.t;i·,e4 ~xc4 23."cl .-xcl 24.l:lexcl;!;,
Bronstein-Gufeld. Thilisi 1969.
• 10.h4 ~g7 11.hS 0-0 12Juf4 "fie7
13.hxg6 hxg6 ~xdS
lS:-I!Pxd5l::tfe816.f3 f5!~ 17.~fl 't!¥f6 Variation C3
18.'*Yb3fxe4 19.1DdS~d8 20J:td1 a6 9.tbb3 ~e6 10.f4
21.~e2 tL:.d4 and Black was slightly The most critical continuation 10.0-0 a6
better in Astashin-Chernikov. 1973. Il ...G.e2..ag7 12.f4 f5 13.exf5 ~xf5 14.~d3;l;,
• 10.~d2 ~g7 Apart from this natural recommended in the Encyclopaedia of Chess
movc. Black can also consider IO...a6 Openings, is not obligatory for Black.
IU:.a4 ltc8 12.0-0-0 i.e7 or 12...b5, re- IO...~g7. instead of I0 ...a6.leads to variation
fraining from the development of his C I, notes to move 10, where an advantage for
dark-square bishop; however. White has a White has not been demonstrated.
slight advantage. 11.~d4 l:lcB 12.l:ld1 10....tg7
12.0-0-0 is beuer, 12.•.'..t,>e7'?!
Optimistic, Here 10...f5 is also not bad.
of course; if White had played 12.0-0-0. 11.f5 gxfS 1ViJd4 0-0 13.4~xe6 fxe6
this move would have been very risky. 14.exfS d5 15.0-0 ~e7 16.wh1 d4
13.0-0 tL:xd4 14JWxd4 'i'b6 15.tbb6 17.tL:e2 t2.Jxf5 18.11xf5!? exfS 19.Ci:.f4
axb6 16.~a4l::tc5 17.J:lfel f518.tLJd5+ 't!Yd6°o Bergin-Chernikov, 1963.
~xd5 19.exd5+ ~e5= Matanovic-
Chcruikov, Elista 2002. Variation D
The game examined below was played by 8."d2
two strong grandmasters, but with the rather A very rare continuation is R.g3 ~g7 9.c_Qdb5
slow manoeuvre ~d4-e2-f4 White is nOI 0-0 1O.~xd6 1'5 II.~g2 ~a5 12.'iWa3
able to refute the variation. ~xa3 13.';';:xa3 fxe4+ 14.0-0-0 .i.g4 15J~d5
• 10.0;14 iLg7 11.'ii'd3 0-0 1V/,xe6 ..he3 16.bxe3 f5 17.h3 ~5 18.ltel 1';1ac8
fxe6 13.l::tdl f5 14.~xc6 bxc6 15.~xd6 19.Ci,jc4 IXc7 20 ..~L::e3 tL'.C5!~, Delektorxky-
~b6 16.0-0 'fVxb2 17.4::a4 'i'xa2 Chernikov, 1961.
lB.tLlc5 fxe4'? )8 ...1:t1~8!. 19.tL:xe6 ;c[f6 Reckless is 8.h41i..g7 (or 8 ...h5=) 9.h5 0-0
20.ii'xc6 ;c[af8 21.c4'? 21.1:td6. 21...e3! I O.hxg6 hxg6 11.~c4 f5? (much better was
22.'tWdS l:lfS 23.'it'b7 1:[517 24.'i' bl I 1... <8xd4! 12.• xd4 f5~) 12.0xf5! .bf5
~xc4 25.C_Qxf8 e2 26.~xg6 exfl~+ 13.cxf5 li'a5 14.fxg6 i.xc3+ 15.Wfl .Q.f6
27.1:[xf1hxg6 28.f¥xg6 a5 16.l:th5 Ci:.e5 17.~xf7+ llxf7 IR.gxf7+
and Black's sole surviving pawn decided the <i.>xt7 unclear, Belov ..Chernikuv, 1966.
outcome of the game. Nataf-Nisipeanu, Ger- 8 •.. .Q.g7
many Bundesliga 2004/05. The main continuation. Instead 8...a6? has

Provocation in the Rauzer: 6...g6

been played, but is not rated highly: 9.0-0-0 Variation E

lLie5 1O.<.pbI h5 11.f4 ~h6 12.h3 h4 13.tDd5 s.cea
tLld7 14.'W'b4 ~5 15.e5 fxe5 16.fxe5 0-0 A quiet continuation. usually associated
17 .it)f6+ 'YtTg718.lLlf3 "i'e7 19."\Wxh4 .ad8 with kingside castling,
1.0, Tseshkovsky-Polovodin, Moscow 1992. 8...~g7 9.~e2
9,~db5 Another move is 9.~d3 0-0 10.0-0 as 11.34
Or 9.0-0-0 0-0 and now: tbb4 IViJd5 tLlxd3 13.~xd3 f5 14.c3 l:!e8
• I 0.tCJb3 f5 II.h41? a5 12..Jii.h5 ~b6 13.a4 IS.exfS .hfS 16.1i'd2 lk8 17.~d4 i.e4~
fxe4 14.h5 ~e6 15.hxg6 hxg6 16.tL;xc4 18.~b5 .acS 19.~e3 :h5 20.h3?
..txb3 17.'i'f4 IUdS 18.cxb3 tCJe5~. As often (20.'itxd6~) 20 ...:xh3! 21.f3 i.xf3!
happens in the Dragon Variation. the attack 22.gxh3 'fig5+ 23,Wt2 ~h6 24.nael ~c6
on the quecnside proved effective, Genin- 2H!Vd4 l:te4 26.~d2 'Uff4+ 27.~gl 'ffg3+
Chernikov, 1962 . 28.'i1i'g2 l:txe3 29.ffxg3 lhg3+ 30.';1;f2
• 1O,0xc6 bxc6 II.~xd6 ~b6 12.1Wd4 l:lg2+ 0-1, Tappyrov-Cbernikov, 1973.
"'xd4? (the exchange of queens is not oblig- 9...0-010.0-0 f5 11.exf5 ~xf5 12.'iVd2
atory - 12...~7, 12...'fYb8 or 12..."35 all a5!
give prospects of an attack, and if Black
wants to exchange queens. he should play
12...f5! 13.'i¥xb6 axb6. when he has a fully
equal gamc) 13.:hd4i
15..aa4 .afd8 16.f4 ~.h6
i.e6 14,.ad3 c5
17.g3 .ctd6
18,..ic4±. Mrdja-Berna. Rome 1990.
9...0-010.liJxd6 .i.
Or 1O.'.-xd6 "'a5 I I.Ad3 a6 12.t;\c7 l:!dR
13.'.-g3 fS 14,t1:xaR Jl\.xc3+ 15.'~fl ~xb2
16.l:tel ~c3 17.l:tcl f4 18.~h4 Qe6 0-1.
Shahade-Kachcishvili, New York 2002.
Also very strong is 11...f5 (instead of
12,exf5 a6 13.f6? .ae8+ 14.Wfl ..Q.f8 15.'~'t4
axb5 16.~xb5 tE.eS 17.Jle2 ..Q.d7-+. Also possible is 12...tL;b4 I 'jWh4
G. Mukhin-Chernikov, Ozery 1997. 14.a3 tDc6 IS.g3 ...wf6 16.f4 d5 17.~f3 d4
10...f5 11,0-0-0 1Wa5 18.lDe4 ~d8~ Privorotsky-Chemikov,
Alternatively, 11...'ii'f6!? also comes into 1967.
consideration. 13.a3 a4 14k,cl d5 15.~d3 d4
12.~c4 16.~3e2 jLg4 17.h3 ~d7 18.i.e4 neB
More thematic than 12.exf5 :ld8 13Ji'd5 19.iI'f4 lla5 20.tlJxd4 ttJe5:r
nxd614.'i'xd6.iixc315.bxc3..ixf516 ..id3 Cherskikh-Chernikov, 1974.
lld8 17."f6 'lIfa3+ 18.~b1 :d6! 19.'UVxd6
'itxd6+. Karner-Chemikov, 1965. Summing up. it can be stated thaI the 6.~g5
12...fxe4 12...tLxt4. 13.~cxe4 'iVb6? g6 system is perfectly viable and, taking ac-
13...1We5!~. 14.Ab3 .ie6 15:it'd3 ltJd4 count of the surprise element, you could
16.~xe6 lillte6 17.1'i'b3 'i'a6 score well in practice. After all. White has to
18.tbxf7?? 18.c3t. 18...l:txf7 19.1:td6 conduct the fight in a strategically very com-
tt2d4-+ Plokhushko-Chernikov, 1973. plicated situation. Take a chance with it!

Ian Rogers
Caro-Kann Fantasy Variation

ii iii

~~~ ~~

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.f3 e5!?

Combatting the Fantasy Variation - l.e4 ~'6 weakness of the a7-g1 diagonal will then be
2.d4 d5 :U3 -can be an annoying problem for of paramount importance and the soundness
Caro-Kann players. Transposing to a French of 3..,e5 will stand or fall on the question of
Defence via 1 ..c6 4..:ie3 0f6 5.e5 [i..fd7 6.f4 whether Black's control of that diagonal is
is hardly attractive to most Caro-Kann devo- worth a pawn. In theory the compensation
lees, while the main line - .l..dxe4 4.fxe4 e5 may not he 1000/r adequate but, as with the
5.t2:f3 gives White the type of attacking. posi- l.e4d5 2.exd5 tL:.f63.d4 ~g4 4.£3 .~.f5line-
tion he is hoping for when playing this line. another variation where at first sight the f3
However Black has another alternative - weakness could not possibly be worth a
grabbing the initiative immediately through pawn, in practice Black scores well. Since
1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.f3 e5!? after 1...
e5 Black has the threat of capturing
The advantage of this move compared to the on e4 followed by 5...'j!Vh4+. White's op-
3.,.dxe4 4.fxc4 c5 5.0f3 line is obvious - tions arc relatively limited.
Whitc docs not have 0 for his knight. How- 4.dxe5
ever the disadvantage is that White can now Grabbing the garnbir pawn is the only criti-
win a pawn and try to hang on to it. The cal continuation.

Caro-Kann Fantasy Variation

After4.exdS Black has a choice of attractive White must be prepared for a difficult defen-
possibilities. The main line is 4 ...exd4. sive task ahead} 8 ••.tlJfd7 9..be7 ~xe7
However. apart from the simple 4 ...W'h4+ lO.f4f61 VtJOfxe512.rxe5tt::c5 and Black
which equalises instantly. Black can also had no problems, going on to win in
try 4..... xdS!? as played in the original Lutikov-Bronstcin, Moscow 1972.
3...e5 game in 1932 between CHO'O
Alexander and Sir George Thomas. To 4.~e2?! is as awkward as it looks: 4 ...dxe4
judge just how good Black's position is af- 5.fxe4 'i'h4+ 6.0g3 ~d6 and Black was
ter 4 ...'i!txd5. consider the opening line very comfortable in Cvitanic- Trbojevic,
l.e4 dS 2.exdS ..-xdS 3.d4 c6 and ask Szeged 1994.
yourself why any player would choose
4.f3? here, asking for Black to blow open 4.~e3?! dxe4 S.i.c4 has been tried as a
the position with 4...e5. The Alexan- Blackrnar-Diemer style gambit, but after
der-Thomas game continued 5.~e3 ttJf6 5•••~h6! 6Jlt' d2 l6.~l<h6 'ii'h4+) 6•••CLlf5
6.lDe2 exd4 7.~xd4 ~e7,bc3 ~a5 White is already worse.
9.'tIVd2 0·0 10.0·0..0 ~e6 IJ.Wbl c5?
12..hf6 IDf6 13.tLid5 tfxd2 14.t'~xf6+
gxf6 15.l::!xd2Ci:.c6when. even after his in-
ferior 11th move, Black had no trouble
holding a draw.
After S.'i!i'xd4 cxd5 White may again live to
regret his f3 move as the normal anti-iso-
lated pawn strategies are not available. Play
can continue 6.~c3 ~e6!? (6 ...ti2f6 7.~g5
lle7 8.~d3tDc69.~f20·0alsogave Black a
very comfortable isolated queen 's pawn po-
sition in Tereladze-Meskhi, Batumi Open
2003) 7.~f4 .!i'.c6 8..~.bS ti'f6 9.0-0-0 and
now 9...~e7 and 10...0-0-0 is probably the 4....ac5
simplest equalising method, as opposed to Here 4 ...dxe4?! leads to a highly unpleasant
9 ...~aS which also led to no trouble at all af- endgame after 5.'fVxd8+ <it>xd86.fxe4 .~.e6
ter IO.ti,hV· (lO.t;'ge2) 10...0-0-0 !Lhctl 7.tLJ3tLd7 8.~f4e:-e71J.tLlbd2q.lg610 ..~g3
bxce 12.tfa4 ~xa4 l3.tLixa4.bh3 14.gxh3 when Black will probably never regain his
\-'l-Y2 Obst-Giang Nguyen, Canberra 2004. pawn.

4.t.!';c3 is a sensible but rarely played try. Therefore the choice for Black is between
Black has always responded 4 ...exd4 (al- the text move and 4....'~fb6!? - the first of
though4 ...dxe4 5.dxe5 'ifrxdl+6.Wxdl exfJ many moments when Black can choose to
7.tLlxf3 lL:;d7 does not seem at all dangerous play ...'tVb6.
for Black) 5.fhd4 tL;f6 6.~g5 ~e7 7.0-0-0 After 4 ...... b6 White's best is to transpose
0-0 S.eS (the critical test in this line comes back to the main line with S.0c3
when White grabs the d-pawn with 8.exd5 Alternatives also tend to transpose buck to
cxd5 4~xdS IO..txe7 'itxe7 4...~c5, e.g.
II.1i'xd5 but after 11. ..~e6 l2 .... e4 <1.\d7!·} - 5.~d3 ~c5 will lead to4 ...i.cS lines, al-

Ian Rogers

though Galkin tried 5 ...dxe4!? 6 ..be4 lure on e5 with a much better version of
.a5+ 7.ti~c3'fixe5 and held off White's the main tt:;;c3-a4 line.
development advantage after fttLJge2 Q)f6 -5 ....bgl?! 6.l:txgl 1th4+ 7.g3 'fixh2
9.~f4 WaS 10.0-0 i.e7 II.Wel 0-0 It~e3 when White has the two bishops at
IHJd5!:r*,cS+ 13.~e3 cxd5! l4.~xh7+ no cost.
<4tiIxh7IS.~xcS ~xc5+ with an unbal- 6.~e2 tDd7. A~ usual in this line, the check
anced struggle which was drawn ten on f2 should usually be kept in reserve. It is
moves later in Ivanov-Galkin, St Peters- less precise to play:
burg 1993. - 6 ...dxe4 in view of 7.he4! (and not
- S.g31? is not as silly as it looks, but after 7.fxe4?! ~d7 8.i.f4 W+ 9.'iPfi ..te3!
5...$.c5 6.liJh3 (the point) 6 ...dxe4 7.fxe4 when Black will win back the pawn with a
~e6 followed by ...tDd7 and ...0-0-0, superior pawn structure) 7 .. .'~Jd7 8.f4.
Black has more than enough for the pawn. - 6 ...~f2+?! 7.'~f1lthl7 8.f4 ele7 9.tDbc3
- 5.exd5 ~cS transposes to variations leaves the bishop on f2 misplaced and
considered under 4 ...~cS. lO.lUa4 in the air.
After 5.tL:c3 Black may have nothing better 7.f4
than 5 ... ~c5 since 5 ...d4?! 6.t''iJce2 c5?!
(6 ...~c5 is a beuer try) Vuf4 lDe7 8.t.Gd5
tl,',xd5 9.exd5 c4 10.~e2 ~c5 I J.tL!g3 [.0.d7
12.f4 should have proved far too extravagant
for Black in Butkiewicz-Maciaga, Wysowa
2003. (Black won anyway.)
The only good way to prevent Black from
causing havoc with 5...'tWb6.
The most popular alternative to 5.ti)c3 is
S.~d3 and since the frequently played
S...'iWb6 has some problems, there may be a
need to investigate:
- 5 ...dxe4!? 6.~xe4 ~f2+ 7.'it;e2 'lWxdl+ Only hanging on to the e pawn makes sense
8.wxd I tLd7 9.f4 f6!? which may be play- as can be seen from:
able for Black, although few 3 ...e5 players - 7.exd5 ~xe5 8.lbf4 ~f6 9.ti'd g5
seem to want to steer towards an endgame. IO.'~c2 (lO.lDfe2 tljxf3+! is Black's idea)
- 5...~e6 has been tried a number of times and now instead of 10...0-0? II.'t!fxe51'1e8
and looks rather insipid. However after IV;\e6! as in Mtlller-Bruchrnann, Ger-
6.~c3 Black can try 6 ...'Wb6! (not 6 .. .f6'!! many 1997, Black should have played
7.exd5 cxd5 8.ife2! i.d4 9.~b5 fxe5 1O...~d6 II.(iih3 ..hh3 12.gxh3 0-0-0
Vasconcellos-Anic, Paris 1993, and now with a dangerous initiative.
White could have secured a huge advan- - 7 ..tf4 li~e7 8.li_jbc3 d4 9.tfJa4 'iWa5+
tage after lO.lLlx.d4 'fih4+ II.g3 ~x.d4 IO.c3 dxc3 II.ti}axc3 tL!g6 and Black was
12.c3 'it'b6 13.ihe5) with the idea that af- fine in Mashinskaya-Chasovnikova, Mos-
ter 7.loa4?! (7.tOge2! is the real test of cow RUS Women's Ch. 1999.
Black's plan)? ...ifa5+ 8.c3 ~xg19.:xgl 7 .. liih6!? Now the threat of 1:L.tbg4 gives
dxe4 hits a bishop, enabling Black to cap- White something to worry about.

Caro-Karm Fantasy Variation

Black can also try interpolating Other fifth moves for White are less testing.
7...dxe4 8.~xe4 before 8.J~h6 but this 5.tbe2 is a curious pian. intending to bring
also runs into 9.liJec3! (9.c3, intending the king's knight to c3. Not surprisingly.
1O.~d4, is less incisive in view of Black has many attractive options:
9....i.f2+ IO.wfl ~c5 11.0d2 ~e6 S...ttd7
12k,d4 and now instead of 12...~e3?! as - 5...'itb6'? 6.tbec3 ~f2+ 7.We2 Sid4
in Thornen-Livner, Borlangc 1995, Black should be enuugh to turn most players off
should play 12...~xd4 13.cxd4 tUxe4 this idea for While. while
14.tbxeA 0-0 with ample compensation - 5...dxe4 6.Wxd8+ Wxd8 7.fxe4 il2d7
for the pawn) 9...~f2+ 10.WfI /:i':c5 8.~f4 Cjje7 is a safe enough equalising
Il.tDd2! and the threat of J VDc4 gives method for the faint-hearted.
White the edge. e.g. II ...~e6 12.f5!. 6.Ci.iec3 ll:;xe5 7.exdS 1Wb4+ 8.g3 'i'e7
8.lL!ec3! 9.tUe4 tLif6 lOkbc3 tljxdS 11.<1:xdS
- 8.h3 wastes an important tempo and af- tDxf3+! IH!i'xf3 cxdS 13.~b5+ ~1'8
ter 8...~f2+ 9.WfI dxe4 1O.~xe4 tilc5 14.£d3 dxe4 lS.~xe4 ~3 16.'ihe7+
Il.tbd2 Sie6 12.g4?! (I2.b4!? has the ~xe7 and Black eventually converted his
clever idea 12....ifxb4? 13.d ~b6 tiny endgame advantage in Srnagin-
14.:tb I. but instead Black can play Meduna, Prague 1992. However Medu na
12...0a6 when Black is fine after both could have saved himself a lot of trouble had
l3.a3 0-0-0 and l3.f5!? tbxf5 14..£xf5 he played 1O...0xe4! Il.tilxe4 ~f5 when
.bf5 15.~c4 :ld8! 16.tbd6+ .uxd6 White has difficulties in surviving the open-
17.~xd6 ~h4) 12...0-0-0 13.ted Sic3 ing.
14.f5 tj"\xe4 15.tLJcxe4 ~d5 16.ti"d6+
llxd6 17.exdfi 'itd4!, Black soon won in Of course if White tries to be greedy with
Nikolova-Frenklakh, Zagan 1997. S.exdS then 5...'i'b6 causes big problems for
- 8.0g3 .if2+ 9.'.t.>f1ll:;c5 IO.ltf3? kd4' White (although 5...cxd5 6.~b5+ 0c6 is not
when the dual threats of ...~g4 and bad either) .
..._~xb2 win for Black. Elgaard-Hanvig,
Hedehusene 1994.
8...~f2+ 9.'iW1 ~ lO.exd5 tbg41l'ci:.a3

White is then forced to play 6.~h3 (the

Bronstein-like 6.d6!? i.f2+ 7.~e2 .txgl
It is not clear where Black's attack is going. 8.1j'd3 actually secured a full point in the
So 5.~d3 1!i'b6is currently under a cloud. game Agorneri-Boccia Mattia, Italy 1997,

Ian Rogers

after 8 ...~d4 9.tDd2 ~e6 10.f4 but the result 12.fxe4 gives White a safe advantage,
would have been reversed had Black found with the pair of his hops and big pawn cen-
8...lbd7! 9.[4 -.f2+ 10.'~d1 li)c5 when the tre) I I.'ti'xe5+ lbxe5 12.exd5 cxd5
threat of 1I ....Q.g4+ decides) 6 •••.bh3 13..tf4 f6 14.0-0-0 and White was well on
7.gxh3 and now Black should probably play top in Srnagin-Berg, Copenhagen 1993)
7 ..... b4+ (7 ...~f2+!? 8.~e2 .i.d4! and the IO.exd5 'i'xe5+ 11.<t>f2 (on 1 UWe2
similar 7\d5!? 8.lLlc3 Af2+ 9,r;t;e2 .td4! 'i!fxh2!? is playable for Black) I 1... 0-0
give excellent value for a pawn as well) forc- l2.d6!? ~d8 IHllel 'it'xd6 14.~g5 ~e8
ing Ui'd2 (since 8.ttJc3 "'h4+ 9.~e2 f!l!f2+ 15J~dl 'fie7 when White's slightly ex-
IO.Wd3 'ifd4+ and M.c3 'tWh4+ 9.<.tJd2 tLJd7 posed king counter-balanced his initiative
arc dreadful for Whitc). Then after 8•••'iIfIh4+ in Mitkov-Izeta, San Sebastian 1993.
9.t.>dl 0d7. White will need to play well Note that White gains nothing here by
just to survive. playing 16.M4?! I$'xf4 l7.the7 due to
5 ...tLJe7!? the simple 17...~d7!.
Not many players have been willing to try 8•..dxe4 and now White should preserve the
this move, wh ich argues that the weaknesses e5 pawn. although exactly how is far from
in White's position are long-term and do not clear. The obvious move is 9.r4! but there are
need to be exploited immediately. Most two other serious options:
players prefer S...'iti'M but it is far from clear -9 ..iJ4lLid7! (dubious is 9.Ji:,e7 10.b4!
Ihat the main line 6.tlJa4! "a5+ 7.c3 '*Y'd5OO ...'i'c7 11.'i'd6±) II.c4 'ffxdl+
( I I. .. 'i!t'e6 12.lDc5 'is'f5 13.Ag3 ttJg6
14.t2:.xe4 0-0 IS.ltid6 "'e6
16.f4 ~e7
l7.cS and White had the advantage in
Kalendovsky-Mlynek. Bmo 1999)
i 12.lhdl tL:g6 13.gg3 ~d7 14.f~ with a
typical endgame where White's bishops
'i! .ti~ and space advantage are worth a 101) 10.b4
ttJ [!:, 'i!Vd8 11.'tI9d4 0e7 12.'i!Vxe4 0d5 and
~ [!:, Black probably has enough for his pawn.
[!:,[!:, [!:,[!:, e.g, 13.~d2 (13.0-0-0 as! 14.bS 04.e6
t;.·7f6!oo) 14... 'iife7 is a total mess}
l:r ~~W~ttJM 13...0-0 14.gd3 ~Sf6 IHid4 tL;xe5! and
Black was already slightly better in
is satisfactory for Black. Black should con- Wartlick-Metz. Schwabisch Grruind
tinue 7... ~xgl (7 ....i.f8 is hardly in the spirit 2001.
of the variation, and after 8,b4 W/c7 9,exd5 - 9.~d4 ext1 (9 Ci::.c7 is well met by
~)u:5+ 10.'iWe2 'ffxe2+ I l.tLixe2 even a 1O.~g5! t2::.g6OO 0fS'?! II.~xe4 0-0
player as strong as Vladimir Tukmakov was l2.g4± Czebe-Stumrner, Budapest 1993:
not able to hold the resulting endgame in IO.. .f6 Il.exf6 'thg5 12.fxe7±) I L~cS
Gallagher- Tukmakov, Geneva 1994) 0-0 12M b6? (l2...lle8 13.lC.xe4 llxe5
U:.xgl 14.b4 fIIc7 15.h5±);xe4± and Black
Inserting 8.M 'f#c7 before 9.l:xgl is not was in dreadful trouble in Bcblik-Franke,
helpful because of 9...t2:.e7! (9 ... 'ft'xe5 Germany 200 I) I 0.'£f4 (lO.gxf3 may be a
10.Wd4 ~d7 (10 ...... xd4 II.cxd4 dxce bener try. but Black should be OK after

Caro-Kann Fantasy Variation

iO...lLl(7) 10...liJe7 was satisfactory for you do not trust Black's compensation ill
Black in Priser-Theon, Guingamp 2002. such positions, 5._.... h6 will not be your
9...t1Je7 Nut the only option: choice.
- After9 ...11.ld710.b4 'ilfdR Il.tlfd4 Black
should resist the temptation to grab the h- However S....i.e6!? is worthy of attention.
pawn and play 1l...~e7 12.'tWxe4 0-0 The bishop on e6 can be vulnerable to a later
13.~d2 b5 14.cU:5?~ tL;xc5 15.bxc5 $.f5 f4-f5 but first White must find a useful de-
16.'iWf3f617.g4~e618.exf6l:.txf619.f5 veloping move. (As usual, exchanging on d5
il.d5 20.W'g3 tH8 when Black was very gives away the c6 square to the Black knight
active and went on to win in Tirard- and makes Black's life easy.) White should
Gi ffard, Hamburg 1996. However White probably try 6.~d3 (6.tljge2?! '*'b6 7.l2:f4
can improve with 14.~b2 when Black's .1f2+ 8.;t;>e2Ad4 9.exd5 cxd5 1O.~e3lL;c6
compensation for the pawn is nebulous. II.~xd4 t;';xd4+ 12.We I lbe7 and Black
- However 9...~e6?1 is not to be recom- was in control in Czebe-Szabolcsi, Budapest
mended. After 1O.b4 ~c7 II.-0cS the 1998, since 13.~a4 allows 13...~xc2+~.
bishop on e6 proved to be misplaced in Note that 6J4?~ 'iWb6! is even worse, e.g.
Torok-Balogh, Hungary 1999. 7.tN3? ~f2+ R.We2 dxe4 and Black wins)
lO.b4(1 O.g4~?~d7 Il.b4 'lWd8! 12.'i!fd40-0 and now Black can switch plans with
13.'iWxe4 is similar to the game 6...ffb6!? because VL.u4?! 'S'a5+ H.c3
Tirard-Giffard but with the strange g4 .i.xg I 9Jhgl dxe4 iO.$.xe4 "xeS is at least
thrown in. Black should have ample equal for Black. However White can im-
counterplay after 13...lC.d5) 10.. :tWc7 prove with 7.~':ge2, when Black should
J l.~lc50-0 12.~xe4 ~d8 13.'tlff3 probably disrupt the White king with
7 ....tf2+ s.en .ih4, with II messy position
with which Black should not be 100 un-
:i~.tK ~ happy.
"'if ~"l 6.~d3
1 Clearly, 6.exd5 cxd5 7.:«-d3 0-0 8.f4 Ci:bc6
9.1'fh5 g6 1O.~h4 f6! gives precisely the
son of wide open position Black dreams of
when playing this line. After 11.4=·J3
(Il.exf6 can be met by 1L.fie8!'1 - 12.f7+! <Jdg7 i3.~xd8 :xd8 is
only equal - with the idea 12.fxe7? ~xe7!,
winning) 11...l"dS 12.fih3 fxeS and Black
was already well on top in I.ibiszewski-
AI first sight Black has nothing for the pawn Sulava, Monaco 1M 2003.
but as usual in (his line, the lack of pawn pro- In Mannion-Gorrnally, British Champion-
tection for the White king can tell in the long ship 2004, 6.f4 worked out well for White af-
run. In the game Maslak-Martynov, ter6 ...i.b4?! 7.0.f3 0-0 !L~.d2 .bc3 9 ..hc3
Serpukhov 1999. Black generated sufficient ~b61O.~d3 tL:a6 II.We2lOCS 12.0-0-0 and
coumerplay after 13•••a5! 14.bxaS "*YxaS Black had nothing for the pawn. However,
15•.~e2 ~a(i J6.~e3 lbfS~ 17.<&>1'2 i.e6 6 fI'b6 looks logical, since 7.~a4 allows
UJ.g4 tt)xe3 19."xe3 ~c7 20.c4 bS but if 7 trM+. After o...... b67.t~f3 ~f2+ 8.lit'e2

Ian Rogers

~cS, 9.tLia4 is still not playable so Black will and the c5 pawn may soon come under at-
have time to start developing. tack with ...ne8.
6...0-0!? 11 ... tL';xd3 12.cxd3 !:lad8 13.tLJa4 'it'a5
Continuing (0 play calmly. Of course it was 14.t.uxc5 ~xc515.(i)c3
still possible to play 6 ....ii'b6. transposing to In theory the exchanges should have eased
positions similar to those considered earlier White's position. yet the king on fI remains
after 7.ttjge2. Note once again that the posi- a big handicap. e.g. 15.f5 dxe4 16.dx.e4 and
tion of the bishop on d3 makes 7.o1'la47' un- now Black can choose between I 6 ..:i'xe5 '?
playable in view of 7...'ffaS+ 8.c3 ~xgl and the simple 16...~c4.
(Hixgl dxe4. 15...b5! 16:~'f2 ~b4 17.f5 dxe4!
7.f4 ~a6!? 8.• f3 18.a3 iVb319.dxe4 .erd3!20.~g5 ~c4
8..~~f3 is the critical test of Black's play. Can 21.'it>g2
Black really have enough for the pawn in
this position? I doubt it. yet I also had my
doubts about Black's compensation in the
game continuation and even after ex-
changes, Black wins the game fairly com-
fortably. So presumably Black would reply
8 ...l'i;b4, capture the bishop and then try to
show thar While's pawn centre (and king)
are not going anywhere.
8..:~Wb69.~ge2 tL:b410.g4?!
If White wants to play f5 and shut the c8
bishop out of the game. he should do so im-
mediately. 21...tLig6!
10....ae6! Now the knight is invulnerable and the faJl of
the e5 pawn will cause total collapse in the
white position.
22.tL;e2 ~xb2! 23.<t:Jc1 t!Jh4+!
On 24.~xh4, nd2 wins easily, This was the
game Mitkov-Kallai, French Teams Ch.
1994, a convincing advertisement for 3 ...e5.
However it should be clear from many of the
examples given in this article chat to play
3 ...e5 requires strong nerves, an ability to ig-
nore your opponent's extra pawn and big
centre and a sense of exactly the right mo-
ment to play ...'iiib6. JUSt bear in mind that it
11.Wf1 needs even better nerves 10 play White -
A sign chat not all is well with White's posi- caught by surprise on the third move, keep-
tion. However after 11.f5 dxe4 12..1xe4 ing your king in the centre and under con-
~d5, Black's pieces coordinate beautifully stant threat along the a7-gl diagonal.

Jeroen Bosch
A Central Thrust in the Heti

3 ...e5!? - Unhinging your opponent

When playing Black against the Rcti it is not the main options in this position. Below you
so easy to create unbalanced positions. On will find a list of White's alternatives. ac-
the whole. the play after I /.:J3 tends to be companied by some SOS suggestions.
less theoretical (unless White transposes to • 3.e4!'! c5 4.iLxe4li';c6 5.0-0 e6 6.L1d a6
I .d4 positions, of course, as Kramnik was is a reliable set-up for Black. For example,
wont to do). Equalizing is perhaps not your 7.d3 ~f6 8.eS .... i:::d7 9.l::tel ~e7 1O..i.f40·0
bigges: worry as Black: unhinging your op' I l.a3 b5 12..f:La2~b 7, with approximately
poneru is a lot trickier, though. In a previous equal chances in the game Krasenkow-
SOS chapter I have made a case for 1...h5. Volzhin, Koszalin 1998.
but this may not be to everybody's taste (see • 3.g3, when in practice Black often plays
Chapter 14 of Secrets ojOpening Surprises). 3 ...g6 4.~g2 SLg7 5.~a3 c5 6.0:;xc4 ~c6.
The present chapter advocates a bold central Now after 7.0-0 the Black knight can be de-
thrust - 3...c5!? - brainchild of that veloped to the edge of the board with
sacrificial genius Rudolf Spielmann. 7 ... tt_:.h6!? when !S.d3 ~f5 gives equality.
1.ti"\f3 dS 2.c4 dxc4 3.t1\a3 • 3."a4+. and now 3...c~7 is most popu-
We will focus on this move. dearly one of lar, e.g. 4.g3 a6 5.'ihc4 b5. Instead of 4.g3

Jeroen Bosch

White can also play 4.'it'xc4 a6 5.d4 e6 4.t1':xe5

6.~g5 liJgf6 7.0,c3 b5'b3 .ib7 9..I:I.dl The only serious reply. Note that after
c5= Vaulin-Sherbakov, Novgorod 1997. 4.liJxc4? e4 the modest 5.lL!gl is forced.
Slav players may prefer 3...c6 in answer to since 5.ttife5? f6loses a piece.
the queen check. More original than either of 4•..~xa3
these moves is the manoeuvre 3... 'tWd7 Pure tactics. Now 5.bxa3 fails to the double
4.• xc4 Wc6 to force a queen swap; now attack 5 .. .'i!t'd4. So White's reply is again
5.b3 is best met by 5 ....ie6. forced.
• 3.e3 is the main alternative to 3.tua3. My 5.'~a4+
SOS recommendation is 3 ...~e6, an original
move devised by Keres.
Now the lines fork:
- 4.~jg5 ~dS 5.e4 ~c6 6.~xc4 e6 7.d4 (here
serious attention should be paid to 7 .d3, e.g.
7 ...riif6 8.0-0 h6 9.lbf3 ~e7 IO.liJc3 0-0
11 .• e2~ Van der Sterren-Flear, Wijk aan
Zee 1987) 7...~e7 8.h4 tt.';f6 9.<1.:Jc3h6
IO.tbxe6!? fxe6 1l.e5 tL;d5 12.'UNg4?
(I2.'irh5+! ~d7! 13..bdS ~xd5 14.liJxd5
exd5'g4+, with a perpetual, Taimanov)
12...b5 13.~b3 b4 14.'i'xe6 bxc3 15.'itg6+
WfS 16.bxc3 ~e8, and White does not have
enough and lost in Darga-Keres, Bevcrwijk An interesting position has arisen, Black is
1964. at a crossroads. The few theoretical works
- 4.QJa3 tDf6 5.~x.c4 g6 (5 ...~d5 introduc- that mention 3 ...e5 devote their attention to
ing a set-up with e6. c5 and ~e7 is also play- 5 ...05 (perhaps because ofa neat tactical trap
able) 6.b4!·) (6.b3 ~g7 7.~b2 0-0 8.:ic2 c5 mentioned below). However. there is no ub-
9.0-04iC6 10. .I:[cl .l:[c8 1 J.d4cxd412.1'i;xd4 jective reason to neglect 5...t/.d7 which, in
Geller-Keres, Moscow 1963, and now my opinion, contains more venom.
Suetin's recommendation 12...tL:.x.d4.with We will investigate:
equality) 6... ~g7 7 ..i.b2 0-0 8..i.e2tt:.c6 9.a3
1i'd5 10.0-0 a5 II.bxa5 4',xa5 12.04·x015 A) 5 b5
'ii'xa5 13.~c3 ~a4= Kozul-Sokolov, R) 5 li:;d7
Sarajevo 2003.
The main line is 3...c5. and after 4.!t·xc4 Variation A
0':c6 5.g3 either S...f6 or 5 ...g6. The text was 5...b5
first played by Spielmann in 1925. Black This was Spielmann's choice in the stem
grabs a lot of space and will be able to de- game against Euwe in 1925. Black forces
velop his pieces quickly from now on. 6.lIVxa3, as 6.'iWxb5+ c6\xc6 {£:xc6
Clearly the nature of the position is radically ~. W'xc6+ ~d7 9:~e4+ ~e7 is a lot beuer for
changed with this bold centra) thrust. Play Black - the piece is much more important
becomes' forced' and the price of each move than the three pawns.
increases. 6:~4Ixa3

A Central Thrust in the Reti

15..Q.xa8 c6 16.d3 Wd7 17..Q.e3 cxd3

18.exd3 ~a6 19.fLxc6+ ~xc6 2(Hpd2±
Euwe-Spielrnann, Wiesbaden 1925. Euwe
failed to bring home his advantage, though.
In the same year Spielmann also tried
6 ...~b7. After 7.e3 ~d6 8.ti'xd6 cxd6
9.~f3 tLlc6 lO.b3 d5 Il.bxc4 dxc4 12.a4!
.Q.a6 (12 ...a6 13.l:tbl) 13.~b2 f6 14.d3± he
was again in dire straits, and lost in
Tartakower-Spielmann, Moscow 1925. Still,
this game apparently did not dishearten any-
one. In this period we also saw:
Time to take stock. Black has the freer game - 7.b3 ti'd6 8.Qb2 f6 9.~xd6 cxd6 1O.ltJf3
(his pawn on c4 gives him a space advantage cxb3 II.~d4 a6 12.axh3 wd7 l3.lDf5 g6
for the moment). and easy development. 14.~e3 We6 15.11cl tDc6 16.g3~. although
White has some important structural advan- Black won eventually, Torre-Ed.Lasker,
tages, though. Apart from the bishop pair, Chicago 1926. See below.
his pawn structure is also more solid. Black - 7.d3 'iVd6 8.'W'xd6 cxd6 9.tbf3 cxd3
has weakened his queenside with 5 ...b5. IO..af4 0'J6 11..bd6± was Reti-
Somewhat annoyingly. Black cannot castle Tartakower, Bad Homburg 1927. And this
kingside SQ easily, since the White queen is game ended in a draw.
eyeing the fR square from a3. Usually. Black 7.d3
will therefore play 'i'd6 at some point. This The following tactical trap deserves a men-
means taking the game into an endgame tion: after 7.b3 ~d6 Whitc should avoid the
which should suit White because (If his natural 8 ..Q.b2? because of
bishop pair. In addition. Black must take
care not 1t1 fall into a trap based on a combi-
nation of the weakness of the a8-h I diagonal
and square [], Taking all factors into ac-
count, we must assess White's game as
6 .. .l;-·.f6
The best move. given the circurnstances.Im-
mediately losing is 6 ...'lWd6?? 7.'i'f:l. Also
bad is 6."!2c7. as in the game Novak-Nun.
Siary Srnokovec 1980. Instead of the game
continuation 7.d3?, White can win on the
spot with 7.~xt7! wxt7 8.'iWf3++-. Chang-
ing the move order does not work, though - 8 ... c)!. The point is 9.'ihd6 cxd6! when
after 7."fI'O Black has 7 ...'lWd5. White gets only two pawns for his piece.
The stem game went: 6 'W'<.I5 7.'1'0 Instead of the unfortunate bishop move
(7.'tYg3!? looks good too) 7 tNfJ f!'~xd5 White should exchange queens. A fine ex-
~:;xd5 9.g3 f6 IO.~g2 ~h7 Il.tbg4 h5 ample (from Black's point of view) is
12.!i\e3l,i·:xe313 ..Q.xh7ttlCZ+ 14.Wdl tZ:.xal Claescn-Motwani. Belgium tI 2002:

Jeroen Bosch

8.'ltxd6 cxd6 9 ..cf31Dc61O.a4 ~b4 I;d4 White's bishops promise him the edge.
cxb3 l2.axb5 .ie6 13.f3 ticS 14.'st>dl tL;c2 11.e3 lL',c6 12.ttc1 ~b7 13.$.xd3± a6
IS.~\xc2 ~xc2 and Black's game is clearly 14.~e2 d5 15.l:thd1 I:lfe8 16..ifS g6
preferable. 17.~h3 ~g7 18.tDd4 tDxd4+ 19..!:txd4
Stronger than 7.b3 is 7.'i'f3. After 7...'i'd5 ~c8 20.~xc8 J:[axc8 21.J:[xc8 J:lxc8
S.d3 White preserves a slight edge after 22..Q.e5+- 95 23.ilxd5 I:lc6 24J:td6
both: I:lxd6 2S.Qxd6 tDe4? 26.~e7 16 27.13
- 8...cxd3 9.'iWxd5 'Cxd5 )().tL:xd3 ()-o rJ;Jf7 28.Qa3 1-0
II.g3 t Cobb-Duncan. England 1999/00. and Nyback-Deva, Halkidiki 2001.
- 8....ie6 9.'ilhd5 0xd5 IO..id2 cxd3
II.e4 tUb6 12..1xd3 a6 13.b3 f6 14.ftjf3;!; Variation B
Shamkovicb-Estrin, Moscow City Champi- 5...42d7
onship 1964. First played by Edward Lasker, who had ear-
7..:fi'd6 lier used S... bS in a game against Carlos
As mentioned above, Black can hardly do Torre (see Variation A; (he note to 6 ... lC.f6).
without this move. He needs to castle at The text was. in fact, a suggestion of Ossip
some point. Still, White's bishop pair will Bernstein's in a private discussion with Ed-
now become a force to be reckoned with. ward Lasker. Black docs not weaken his po-
8.iVxd6 cxd6 9.ltJf3 cxd3 sition (as he does with S...b5) but simply
In Alvarez-Pina, Matanzas 1992. White was continues his development His intention is
better after 9 ...ltJc6 IO.Qd2 cxd3 J I..:::tcI to sacrifice the c4-pawn for a considerable
0e5 dxe5 13Jk5 0-0 14.exd3. lead in development.
10..if4 6.0,xd7
Active play by White. Also good is IO.e3 This is most logical. However. White may
0c6 I l.bd3 nb8 12.0-0 Cile5 13..i:.e2 try ttl preserve the pressure with 6.bxa3!'?
0.xf3+ Wexler-Dodero, Mar del Plata 1955. The simple 6 .. .c6 fails to give Black equal-
and now 14.~xf3 rather than the game con- ity: 7.tiJxc41We7t. After6 ...4:f6 7 .4",xc4 0·0
tinuation 14.gxf3. In his book on the Reti, Black is a pawn down. although he may trea-
Osnos rightly indicates 11...a6 12.i.d2l'i:e5 sure some hope on account of his lead in de-
13.~e2 as very pleasant for White. velopment.
Probably insufficient is the ultra-sharp
~ ~ 6 ...b5!'.' 7.~xb5 J:rb8:

~~ a:
Or IO ... dxe2 I l.~xc2 0-0 12.0-0 and

A Central Thrust in the Reti

A) 8.'it'c61lb6 • 7 ...~e6!,! 8.e3 (8."g3!? lbf6!? 9.• xg7

- 9.Wa4 and now either 9 ...'I'f6 or 9... 1:[a6 llg8 10.'it"h6 We7 with compensation)
IO.1!tb5 l:tb6, with a draw by repetition. 8...lbf6 9.d3 (9.~e2 We?) 9...cxd3 1O...Q.xd3
- 9.'i'd5 -.f6 10.f4 t?:,e7 11.'i'xc4 ~xeS VJle7 I I.'i'xe7 + ~xe7 12.0-0 l:thd8 13..1e2
12.fxe5 "i*'xe5 13.11fc3 Wxc3 14.dxc3, with cs, and Black had an easy game in
equal chances. Horowitz-Tenner, Bradley Beach 1928.
B) 8."fia4 Wf6 9.tDxd7 (or 9.f4!'!) • 7...tlJf6 8.e3 (8.... c5!?) 8...tCg4!'?
9....hd7 lO.~x.a7 llb6 (8 ....te6 transposes to the previous note)
- II....a8+~e7 12.'i'e4+:l.e613.'i'bl :b6 9.~e2 VJlh4 I O..axg4 'ftxg4 was about equal
is a curious geometrical draw. in M.S.Hansen-T.Christensen, Tjalfe 1995.
- Il.:bl! .I:txbl 12.~a8+ followed by More ambitious is 9..Q.xc4 (instead of
13:~e4 check picking up the rook. Still 9..Q.e2). Play becomes very sharp after
Black has some compensation for his 9.... h4 lO.g3 -.f6 I I.O"()CLieS (l1 ...,*f3
two-pawn deficit after 12.....Q.c8 13.'i!fe4+ 12.e4! ~xe4 13.d3±) 12.~d5 ~f}+. with
CUe7 14:ti'xbl 0-0, when Black is fully de- the following possibilities:
veloped and White's pieces are all on the - 13.~hl??llf5 14.i.xb7.h3-+.
first rank. Food for thought. - 13..txf3 "'xf3 I4.e40 'ihe4:f IS.d:!...we7
The safest answer to 6.bxa3 is 6...a6. In the or IS ... '1/Id5.
game Tiggelman-Martyn. Belgium 1999. - 13.Wg2! tLJg5 14.f4 ~h3+ 15.~gl 0-0-0
Black had good chances after 7.~b2 b5 (I5 ...~xfl 16.~xb7 lld8 17.1!ta4+ wf8
~Ui'c2 lbxe5 9..Q.xe5 0f6 1O.11d1 Wlc7 I 8.<;Pxfl ±) 16.Wb3 <.:6,with roughly equal
1Ubf6 gxf6 12.d3 ,*xa3 13.dxc4 'iWb4+ chances.
14.l:td2~e6. Instead of 7 ..tb2 it is better to 8. 'ilfc3
play 7.tL:xc4, as 7...bS'! fails to !!.0d6+!' So This double attack picks up the c4 pawn. The
Black should simply continue his develop- move 8.e4 refuses to take the pawn, but fails to
ment with 7 ...tlJf6. achieve anything. The game Roe-Motwani,
6...~xd7 7.'tWxa3 British Championship 1986. went 8 ... .Q.c6
9 ..hc4.be4 10.0-00-0 I 1.<13 ~d5 12.i.g5.
The weakness on d3 is compensated for by the
bishop pair and some temporary activity.
12...f6 13.~f4 l:tf7 14~fe) ti~g6 (14 ...c6 is
solid, but Motwani prefers to attack) 15.kg3
f5 16.~e5 f4 17.Wi>3Lc4 (l7 ...c6) 18.dxc4
and now 18.... gS?! W'.IS perhaps too sharp.
The alternative 18...c6 yields equal chances.
This was Black's intention; at {hecost of one
pawn he will gain a big lead in development.
One more suggestion for the reader: is
7...tDe7! 8... .Q.e6 9.1!txg7 J:lg8 10."xh7 'it'd7, plan-
Preparing to castle and showing Black's ning to castle queenside, really too wild?
willingness to sacrifice a pawn. 9.'tWxc4 ~e6
In practice Black has done well with other The game Century-Thomas. British Cham-
moves too. pionship, Brighton 1977, saw a completely

Jeroen Bosch

different set-up: 9... lLlf5 1O.e3 ~c6 II.'iVg4 Understandably, White moves his queen
"'f6 12..i.e2 ~fe8 13.0-0 l:ad8. Black has somewhat 'out of reach'. On f4. h4 or e3 the
compensation due to his lead in develop- queen can easily be attacked by the knight
ment. The game continued 14.d3 Ad7 (lO.~f4 ces. IO.'ifh4 ~d7; IO.We3 ~d5).
15.*'f4 c5 16.~bl .g6 17.~d2 ~c6 18.D While 1O.'''d3 is too ugly to consider
(18 ..if3 ~xf3 19.... xf3lhd3; 18.... g4 tL:.d4 (1O .. .'.-xd3. with excellent compensation).
19.exd4 l:xe2 20.'i!hg6 hxg6~; J8.~g4 The game Lagrain- Versyck, Belgium 1998,
tZlh4; I 8.g3 ~d4) IlLttJd419J:tbel 0xe2+ went: IO.~c2 tDc6 II.e4 (ll.e3 tOb4)
20.Uxe2 Wxd3. with equality. Perhaps I Lt'2.d4 12.'l:!t'c3 ne8 (l2 ...c5) 13.b3 lidS
White could have improved on move 17: 14.1'3 "'f6 15.~b2 c5 16.~c4 and now. in-
17.:el .ic6 I8.g3 (18.~f) :xd3; 18"'lWg4 stead of 16....ctad8? Black should have
'i'xg4 19.~xg4 lZ.ih4 20.e4 Ihd3 21.~g5 played 16....Q.xc4!, with a distinct advantage.
0g6=) 18...ltJd4 (I8 ....Q.b5) 19.exd4 Uxe2 as 17.bxc4 (I7.'1li'xc4? ~f3+ l8.gxf3
20Jlxe2 "'xd3 21.J:%.el,*xbl. Now every- 'iitxf3!-+) l7...~h4+ is.en (l8.<;t>dllb.e4
thing would be OK for Black if it wasn 't for t:, 19.fxe4 ~g4+-+) 18..Jlxe4 t:, 19.fxe4
22.d5!± J:te8 (22...~xd5?? 23.'l:!t'd6+-) ~f4+ 20.Wel 'l:!t'xe4+ 2l.WdJ ~g4+ wins.
23.J:txe8+ .bc8'e5 'l:!t'xcl+ 25.';t>g2 10...ii'd5
~f8 26 .... d6+ <bg8 27.Vie7 g6 28.'Wxe8+ Another active move hindering White's nat-
~g 729. "'e5+ wg8 30.d6, and White should ural development. White's next chases the
win this queen ending. queen from its excellent position but accepts
a gaping hole on d4.
This is certainly not forced. hut it is quite un-
derstandable. White needs to solve his main
problem of developing his kingside forces
and castling as soon as possible. Black's play
is easier in a practical game. He will central-
ize his rooks along the c and d-files and move
his knight into the centre. The square d4 will
usually draw the knight like a magnet
11...'ilid612.d3 ~613.~d2 b5!

This position is critical for the evaluation of E

In his Chess Secrets l leamed from the Max-
ters (1951), Edward Lasker aptly summa-
rizes White's predicament: 'White is a Pawn
ahead and he has two Bishops. But how is he
goi ng to get his pieces out? No matter where
the Queen moves, she will be subject to fur-
ther attack by the Black minor pieces. as
they gradually occupy the most aggressive
posts they can find.' (p. 363. Dover, 1969)
10.~a4 14.'iWd1

A Central Thrust in the Heti

Considering how the game develops, White majesty has escaped. Not, however,
should perhaps have taken on b5 here. Let us 2l.fxe4? 'i'f6 22,i.e3 (22.~f4 'iWl'.f4
investigate: 14.... l'.b5 l:[ab8 l5.'i'a4 l:[xb2 23.'i'xf4 !:lxf4, and Black has retrieved his
16..tc3Ihf2!? 17.'oPxf2 'i'c5+ 18.d4 'lWxc3 investment with interest) 22 ...'i'h4+ 23.g3
19,J:[dl f5! 20,e5 and now: 'S'xe4 24J:f1 l::txfl+ 25.<.1.>xfJ 'ithl+
- 20,.,~b4 planning f4, e.g, 2 I,lfi'b5 winning.
(21..~e2 f4) 21...f4 22 ,'iWe2c5 23:tWd2 '*i'e3+ 21.Wf2 'i'xe4
24,~xc3 fxc3+ 25,~xe3 cxd4+ 26,l:[xd4 Superior is 21. .. ~xe4! 22.l:re 1 ~)xf3
(26.we4 g5!; 26.wd2!? l:[f2+ 27.~el !:lxa2 23 ..bf3 (23.gxf3 'i!r'd6 24.1:r.xe4 ~xh2+
28 ..CI.d2!:la5 29.~f2~) 26 ...lbc2+ 27.c.t>d3 25.wel Wg3+ ze.en ltxf3+ 27.~xf3
~xd4 28.'.1;>xd4with equality. 'S'xf3+ 28.~g 1 'l'xe4-+) 23 ....Q.xf3
- 20 ... f4! 21.ltd3 'S'b2+ 22.~e2l.Gb4. when 24.gxf3 'l'd6 and wins, Lasker.
White must return the exchange. 22.Ag5 Ude8 23.'G'e3 'G'f5!!
14,..f5 The exclarns are Lasker's.
Lasker energetically opens files against the 24.'ihd4 ~xg5 25.'ii'xd3 fics+!
uncastled white king. 26.~fl fie5 27.<M2 1WcS+ 28 ...t;>f1
15,ke2 fxe4 16.dxe4 :ladS 'it'e5 29_~f2l!¥xal 30.\hh7+!
Black has fully mobilized his forces and pre- The wily Kevitz goes for the best practical
vents White from castli ng. With his next few chance.
moves he pursues the same goal. Black is 30 ...Wxh7 at.zez- ~h6 32.:xal
clearly better. Taking into consideration that
our main focus lies with the opening phase
let us continue with some light comments.
17.'iYcl tLld418.~dl ~c4 19.b3 i.d3
Emphasizing the complete success of
Black's strategy. White is almost immobi-
lized, while his harvest of one meagre pawn
can be recaptured at any time.

White has escaped into an ending where he

has one pawn for the lost exchange, He is
still lost because of Black's quecnsidc ma-
jority, which will enable Black create a
passed pawn.
Since this is not a book on endgame tech-
nique we will mercifully gloss over the rest
Suffice co say that Edward Lasker managed to
lose from this posicion! For this tragic fact he:
20 ..:tWg61 duly praised his opponent's handling of the
As Lasker indicates in his notes. this is even endgame (while castigating his own play).
stronger than 20 ...~xe4!'? 2l.0-0!, when his Kcvitz-Ed.Lasker, New York, 1931.

Karel vall der Weide
A French Nimzowitsch

A Little Weird: 3 ... tZJc6

Although 3.JLlc6 may look a lillie weird, rues to you in which White used different
some strong (grandjrnasters have made it methods to tackle this system.
into a respectable line. I would like to menti-
on Eduardas Rozcntalis, Josef Klinger, Lud- Game 1
ger Keitlinghaus and Matthias Thesing.
Occasionally il was used by world-class o Bart Michiels
players like Veselin Topalov and Viktor • Karel van der Weide
Kortchnoi. Groningen 2001
By playing this system, which Can also occur
from a real Nirnzowitsch (l.e4 Ci.:c6 2.d4 d5 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.tbc3 t/;c6 4.e5
3.t'....:c3 e6). Black restricts his options. The With this move White tries (Q smother his
c-pawn becomes immobile and it is difficult opponent immediately.
to develop the bishop on <.:8. Moreover, 4...16
Black looks up to a spatial problem. On the Black immediately attacks the pawn chain at
other hand, the Black position is without the front. White keeps control over the e5
weaknesses. I would like to present six gao square with:

A French Nimzowitsch

5.~b5 side of the board. 6 ....i.b4 is a decent alterna-

Consistent. The alternatives are inferior: tive for those of you who arc afraid the
• 5.exf6?1 is contradictory to White's for- bishop will never be developed. Rolf
mer strategy: 5...tbxf6 6.ltJf3 (after 6..!.tf4 Schwarz gave 7.~xc6 ~xc6 8.0-0 "'d7
.id6 7.~xd6 cxd6 8.g3 e5 Black seized the 9.t2.e2 0-0-0 10.d with a slight advantage
centre in Z.Polgar-Topalov, Singapore for White.
1990) 6 ~d6 7..tbS (7.~g5 0-0 8..~.d3 7.0-0 ~f7 8.ttel
'ffe8 9 e2 'ii'h5 IO.h4 e5 II.dxe5 t;"xe5 Instead of the text, 8.a3!? is a further attempt
12.ti'.xe5 'O'xe2+ 13.~xe2 .Q.xe5 definitely to suffocate Black. 8...0-0-0 9.h4 tijge7
wasn't worse for Black, Gunnarsson- 1O.i.d3 was Nijboer-van der Weide, Rotter-
Keitlinghaus. Reykjavikl(97) 7...0-0 8.0-0 dam 1997. Here Black definitely should
~d7 9Jlel liteS iO..bc6 £xc6 I U2;e5 have played JO .. .fxe5 Il.dxe5 h6 with some
..ixe5 12.lhe5 'fin 13.f:\ ~ae8 and a draw counterplay.
was agreed in Spassky-Keitlingnaus, Ger- The game Maus-Keitlinghaus, Germany
many 1988. 1992. shows a similar position. Instead of
• 5.tL:f3 gives Black a choice between 1O.i.d3. White played IO.rlel. Black got se-
quiet development with 5 ....id7 or the wild verely punished when he decided not 10 fix
5...fxe5 6.dxe5 ttih6 7.~g5 'ifd7 R.~xh6 e5: 10...h6 11.~d3 g5 12.exf6 'ilYxf6
gxh6 9.~b5 ~g7 ICl.O-O~d7 ll.llel 0-0-0. l3.~a4.
Paneque-Arencibia, Bayamo 1990. 8 ... 0-0-0 9.a4
5....ltd7 6.tL;t3 Here 9.'ffe2 tLige7 I 0.exf6 gxf6 ll...if4leads
The enterprising 6 .... g4 was played in to a complicated fight for the e5-s4uare. After
Drexel- Van der Weide, Liechtenstein 1997, tbg6/l:e8 or It..g7 things are unclear.
after 6 ...'llt'e7 7.tL;f3 "iWf7 8.~d2 0-0-0 9...~b4 10.~d2 ~ge7 11.ttJe2 ~xd2
9.0-0-0 ~ge7 10.llhei t£f5 11.~.x(;6 .~xc6 12.~xd2 fxe5 13.dxe5 ithtB 14.ttJed4
12.'i'h3 ~d7 l3.g4 Ct.:e7 14.g5 fxg5 'iWf4 15.11e3 tf"'::xd4 16.tbxd4 c5
15.Qjxg5 ~g8 16.f4 h6 I7.tLf3 tL:f5 Black 17.lLxd7+ Wxd7
was OK. White cannot profit from the curious posi-
6...iVe7 tion of Black's king.

In these lC.c6-lines, Black regularly aims for 18.lL:b5lL.c619_~e2 ~c8

castling queenside. The black king is quite Followed by <;t>b8gives Black a slight ad-
safe there, because the tension is on the other vantage due to his nice centre.

Karel van der Weide

Game 2 9..ixe4
White has some compensation for the pawn
o Paul Keres after 9.0-0 ~xc3 iO.bxc3 .xc3 I U[bl
• Anatoly Lein lIi'a3, but I doubt whether it is enough.
Baku 1961 9...dxe410.a3

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.~c3 ttJc6 4.t:~f3 CL;f6 R .t

5.~g5 ~e7 6.e5 iii
This is how Bronstein and Keres handled the
~c6 system. There is always some logic ill ~ i
exchanging your bad bishop. ~
6...~',e4 7.$.xe7 'it'xe7
~ ~i
~ tiJ tiJ
~~ ~~~
1:[ 'iV~ Ii
A nice zwischentug which emphasizes
White's main idea. The position opens up
while the problematic French bishop on c8
has still not been developed.
10 .. :Wxb2 1 V2Jxe4 'fS'b5
The immediate retreat is best. The queen
should not hang around too long: 11...b6?!
8..ad3 12.0-0 .~.a6 "'a2 14.llb3 was al-
8.a3?! (l\xd! (8 ...~d7 gives White the op- ready lost for Black in Hazai-Kckki, Espoo
portunity to prevent the destruction of his 1988.
pawn-structure by playing 9.'tIHd3) 9.bxc3 12.~ed2 ;~a5
.id7 IO.~~.d3 .!2:a..'i I 1.0-0 cs 12.a4'!~ t:d! Stronger than 12... 0-0 13.c4 'iWb2 14..l:tbl
(Black's play is very easy here. Just aim for 'tW:<.a315.0-0 J:[d8 16.:t:e4 b6 17.0fg5 'IIIc7
the weak ca-spot) I3.h4 exd4 (13 ...0-0?? I ~\'~h5 h6 19.0·:f6+, which gave White a fe-
J4 ...G..xh7+) 14.cxd4 tl2c4 15.'liVcl h6 16.g3 rocious attack in Bronstein-Zarnicki, Bue-
0-0 17.4·,d2 f5 18.1'4 (after the alternatives, nos Aires 1988.
Black seizes the initiative: 18.exf6 ~xf6 13.c4 'ilfd714.0-0 b615.J:lc1 ~,b7
19.c3 e5, and 18.tL;xc4 dxc4 19..Ii;.e2 f4) Black's position is acceptable.
18...t:fd8 should have given Black a plus in
Czup-van der Weide, Bad Wicsscc 2004, be- Game 3
cause after 19.0x<.:4 uxc4 20 __ Qe2 d the
white pawn on d4 is a siuing duck. o Petr Zvara
8...~b4 • Liidger Keitlingbaus
It is quite interesting to play fL.lbxc3 any- Prague 199'
way, despite the fact that White did not com-
mit himself to a3. The extra tempo will not 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.-41c3 tLlc6 4.tN3 <816
benefit White that much. 5.~g5 Si.e7 6.~xf6

A French Nimzowitsch 13.f4 f6 14.exf6 gxf6 15.tbf3

J:%hg816.11cllle8 17.h5 'bb8 18.~dJ _td6
J9 ..1b5 J:.g4 20.g3 l'Jeg8 21. ... e3 a6
22 ..hc6 "xc6 23.t1)h2 l:t4g7 24.g4 lle7
25.:t>b I e5 and Black got the posi lion of his
10...h611.0-0-O fi'd7 12.tth3 ~f8!
This subtle retreat secures the evacuation of
the black king.
13.tDh2 0-0-0 14.h5 f6 15.exf6 ~d6
16.~d2 gxf6
Because of the bishop-pair and his central
This is possibly too ambitious. White in- domination Black should be better,
tends to combine the motifs we saw in
Games I and 2. White gets rid of his bad Game 4
bishop, and also wants to smother his 0Ppo-
nen\. o JanTimman
6...~.xf6 7.e5 • Matthias Thesing
After 7.kh5 Black has a lot of ways to Hengelo 2000
achieve counterplay. One way I really like is
7 ... 0-0 S.O-O<£:bR!? 9.:le I c5!'! IO.exd5exd5 1.e4 eS 2.d4 d5 3.tbc3Ci:c6 4.0.f3 ~f6
l l.dxcf ~xc3 12.bxe3 'fi'a5. as played 5.e5 ti;e4 6.tbe2
by both Josef Klinger and Claude Landen- In this line White hopes to prove lhal the
bergue. black knight 011 e4 is badly situated, The
7...~e7 B.h4 b6 variations involved show little analogy with
On the kingside the black king is an easy tar- other tL;c6-lint:~.
get, so the castling-choice is limited. 6...t67.t/\g3
9.~d2~.b7 The alternative 7.exf6 'il'xf6;g3 e5 can
lead to enormous complications. How about
these two games:
• 9.dxe5 tL::xc5 JO.~xd."i ~b4+ J I.d
.sxf3+ 12.gxll >8xc3 l3.bxc3 _~.xd+
14..:~.d2 .hal 15..Q.b5+ c6 16.0-0 ~.e6
17.~xe6+ .t>t7 18k,e4, Luther-Keitling-
haus, Germany Bundesliga 1990/9 l.
• 9.iLb5 exd4 10.0-0 ~.d7 J l.t;4 dxd
12.'tIYxd5 0-0-0 U.t,;·;xe4 cxbz. Hclkrs-
Klinger. Gausdal 19R6.
In both cases the resulting position i~a mess,
7.._fxe5 8.~b5
10,~f4 Recapturing with 8.dxe5 is line for Black af-
Play in the game Jonkrnan-Van dcr Weide. ter 8...~d7 9.~.dl .:2:<:5 10.~.h5 -4:xd3+
TIle Hague 2001. developed along almost II.'li:Yxd3 'fIIe7. Hector-Rozcntalis. Malmd
identical lines: 10.0-0-0 'i'd7 11.:1h3 0-0-0 199.3.

Karel van der Weide

8...exd4 Here S..Q.d3 ~b4 transposes after 6.e5, but a

In order to avoid drawish lines. I once took a separate line is 6 ..1gS dxe4 7 .~xe4 h6
glance at 8...i.h4+ 9.(;3 (9.qyf) exd-l) 8. .txf6 'i'xf6 where Black at least has his
9...tL:x(;3 IO.bxd 1i.xc3+ II..td2 $.xal dark-coloured bishop to count on. I should
12.~xal e413.tL:.e5~d7.Givingitasecond mention that both Rozentalis and Agdestein
thought. I saw Black was completely tight have played S...tL;b4 after 5..i.d3, so that is
up after fLxc6 and ~b4. Back tu the drawing allowed too.
board! 5 ...tlJe4 6.~d3
9.tiJxe4 dxe4 10.q·,xd4 'iVd5

11.tLixc6 This is quite of len played against (£;c6. so

Stronger than Il.c4·~! ~b4+ 12.<;;>fl W'd6 maybe it is fair \I) call this the main line.
13.QeJ .Q.d7 14.~a4 eS 15..Q.xc6 bxc6 6...Q.b4 7.kd2
16}·2;e2c5 and Black was a Iittle better. Hec- Instead 7.0-0 is an interesting pawn sacri-
tor-Rozentalis, Malmo 1997. fice. although it should nul worry Black
Now Thesing played much: 7...8xc3 8.bxc3 ~xc3 9.~hl hti. A
11..:t!fxd1+? 12.wxdl a6 13.~a4 common reply in order to prevent tbg5. Ac-
~d7 14.l:Iel .i.xc6 15.i.xc6+ bxc6 tually. the game Koch-Prie, Paris 1989. has
16.l:Ixe4 demonstrated that preventing the knight sor-
which gave White a clear advantage. tie is not obligatory: 9 ... ~b4 IO.tiig5 1i..e7
Therefore I think it is better to play: Il.tbxh7 (11.tfh5 g6 12.'lfg4 tL:b4) I \...g6
11...a6'xd5 exd5 13.tLb4+ axb5 12.4,f6+ ~.xf6 13.exf6 '*'d6 and a pawn is
14.tbxd5 Ji.d6 15.tbc3 ~b4 still a pawn. Sti II. 9 ...h6 is also sufficient.
With equality. Several games have shown that White has
not enough compensation after IO..Q.a3 a5
Game 5 I 1.~b5 .id7 12.~d3 ~b4.
7 ...tL',xd2 8.~xd2
o Janis Klovans Here Black has a choice. depending on his
• Alexander Riazaotsev intentions. I will consider the solid 8....td7
Bie12000 first. We will examine the sharp 8.. .f6 in
game 6 (Shirov-Rozentulis).
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.lLic3 tUc6 4.~f3 {i.Jf6 8..,~d7 9.a3 ~xc3
5.e5 Of course. it was still possible 10 keep the


bishop on the board with l.f8 or i.e7. A line

that was played several times by Firman K
goes 9 ...~e7 10.0-0 g5!? Well, why not? 11
10.1Wxc316 11.exf6
Otherwise Black will take on e5. Now there
are some weaknesses for White to attack.
11...gxf6 12.0-0-0 -.e7 13.~he1 0-0-0
14..ab5 ttJb81S ..if1lDc6

How about the 'weird' 9...j:J8!,!.ln that case

the pieces do not obstruct each other. E.g.
I0.0·0 ~d7 I Urae 1 fxeS 1Vi.';xe5 l1\xe5
13JXxe5 iLd6 14.11h5~'f6and Black should
be fine, De ViJder-Van der Weide. Amster-
dam 1997.
Exchanging the bishop with 9....lii.xd
10.'il'xc3 .ltd7 would transpose to game 5. but
16.g3 it is interesting to take on c5 instead of
Black should he able to hold after moves like 10...i.d7: IO...fxef l l.dxef i:.d7 (Rozeruulis
'itd6 or r:tde~. By the way, 16.£b5 Can lead once castled here) \ 2.~c5?! ~e7 13.~xe7+
to a repetition of moves. ~xe7 was Ott-Keitlinghaus, Germany 1989.
It would appear that Black is better prepared
for the ending.
Game 6 10.exf6
After IO.~e2 fxe5 I l.dxe5 0-0 12.h4 Black
o Alexey Shirov has 12...11xf3 13.gxf3 0xe5 which is a very
• Eduardas Rozentalis interesting exchange sacrifice that was
Titburg 1993 played twice by Rozentalis. In Yearbook 20
he comments on his game against Kuzmin,
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.ri:;e3 .:De64.<'i:;f3tUf6 Leningrad 1990. Rozcntalis considers
S.e5 0e4 6.~d3 ~b4 7.i.d2 tUxd2 14.0-0-0 'iWf815.f4lLxd3+ 16.'ihd3 ..Q.d7to
8.~xd2f6 be equal.
When played with the intention of keeping His game with Chandler, Germany 1992. on
the dark-squared bishop this is a much the other hand, went 10.h4 fxe5 l LdxeS 0·0
sharper attempt than 8...~d7 as in Game 5. 12.11Ve2'iWe8 13.0-0-0 ~h5 14.rrdcl ~d7
9.a3 15.11h3 J:f4 16.¢hl rra fR and Black was
Both 9.exf6 ~xf6 and 9 ..ltb5 ~d7 IO.~xc6 well mobilized.
.ltxc6 are harmless. 10...~xf6 11..~.b5 0-0 12.~xe6 bxc6
9....Q.e7 13.0-0 c5 14.dxc5 c6 1sJtfe1 tea
This is the most natural move. Still, two other 16.CL.:e5 d4 17.:£;a2 as
bishop moves come into consideration. The position is undC<lr.

Glenn Flear
Protecting the Gambit Pawn in the QQA

E .t~*.t~E

Play 3 ...ttJd7!?

1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.~t.Jf3 4.e4

In this standard position imagine your oppo- - Instead 4.e3 is nut very testing: 4.Ji:b6
nent's emotions when you play 5,04.od2 (5 ..i.xc4 makes less sense here as
3...ri.:d7!? White will realistically have to lose a tempo
He is already out of his theory on move ~! with e3-e4 to get his bishop out) 5...k.e6!'!
You intend to follow-up with ... ~h6 to pro- (not the only. but perhaps the most provoca-
tect the extra pawn and there's no obvious tive plan for Black) 6.ti.:g5 (6.~e5 .£f6 7.0
continuation for him. I suspect that hell al- Farago-Kovacevic. Sarajevo 1910. and now
ready feel a shade uncomfortable! Let's have 7...g6!) 6....~.d5 7.e4 e6 8.cxd5 ~xg51).dxc6
a look at some variations and see if y()U agree 0-0-0 IO.exf7 !!':h6 with great play for Black
with me that the idea holds water, with who leads in development. Niknlac-
White's best chance for an edge probably Kovacevic. Yugoslavia 1974.
being 4.e4 and 5.~xc4. The main proponent - 4/i;c3 ·!2:b6 5.ti!c5~? is interesting. S...g6
of this line has been the Russian Dmitry (I'm not sure thut White would fcc I that com-
Godes who over the years has tried il both fortable after ) ...~e6~? 6.e4 co 7 ..~.e3 .:'tf6
over the board and in correspondence chess. with some practical compensation for While

Protecting the Gambit Pawn in the QQA

but nothing concrete) 6.tDxc4 (6.e4 Sig7

7.Sie3lbf6 8.f3 0-0 9.~xc4 is analogous to a
number of positions from the notes of
Gavrikov-Gulko, (except tha: here a2-a4,
a7-a5 haven't been played). Black has a
Grilnfeld set-up where White has a pull due to
his good hold on the centre) 6 ...~g7 7.lL\xb6
axb6 8..if4 c6 9.d tDf6 10..ie5 0-0 11.i..e2
b5 12.a4! and White has the tiniest of edges,
Mishuchkov-Godes, Soviet Union 1981.
- After4.lba3 Black can of course continue
with ...tDb6 but Godes has shown a prefer-
ence for playing as in a more traditional If you don't mind this sort of position then
QGA aiming for an early ...c5 e.g. 4...tbgf6 3...lL;d7 could be for you. In any case one
5.tbxc4 e6 6.e3 iLe7 7.~d3 0-0 8.0-0 c5 thing is clear: If you like 3 ..k:d7 you'll have
9.~e2 b5 IO.lbce5 c4 II.Q.c2 .iLb7 l2JXdi Godes on your side!
'ifc7 13.lbxd7 0xd114.e4 e5 Mikhalevski-
Godes, Tel Aviv rapid 1996.
- 4.'t!Ya4aims to transpose back to familiar o Georgy Sapundzhiev
territory. 4 ...c6 (4 ...tDf6 transposes to the • Dmitry Godes
line 3.~f3lbf6 4.~a4+ ~bd7 which is con- Markov mem corr 1987
sidered to be less likely to equalize than
4 ...c6 5."iihe4 ~f5. After S.tbe3 c6 6.e4 1.t;",13 d5 2.d4 0.d7!? 3.c4 dxc4 4.e4
ECO prefers White after both principal 4.~b6 5.~xc4 .!iJxc4 6.~a4+ c6
moves 6...a6 and 6...t:5) 5.'lWxc4e5!? 6.dxe5 7.lhc4
41xeS 7.-1.':xe5 '$'a5+ as in Efimov-Godes
should be OK for Black. ~ At¥~.t.~!:
4...~b65 ..~c4
Alternatives are discussed in the notes to
il illl
Gav ri kov-Gulko. 1
5.•.CDxc4 6.~a4+ c6 7.~xc4 ld6
The risky 8...b5 is featured in Bonsch-
Godes. I think White should take up the
gauntlet with 9.~xc6+!'
As in Sapundzhiev-Godes, sec below. The
position can be considered as a type of Black has scored badly from this position
Grunfeld where While has been able to build which can be considered as the main line.
his centre. The exchange of one pair of mi- Let's see what hc can do.
nor pieces should ease Black's defence, who 7•..cre 8.lbc3 SLe6
is only slightly cramped here. Having the For R...b5 see Bonsch-Godes.
bishop pair may become a factor later. but at 9.~d3 96 10.0-0 ~g7 11.h3 0-0
the moment it's not that significant, 12..te3

Glenn Flear

It's remi niscent of a number of] ines from the Black has more or less consolidated the ex-
GrUnfeld. Black is solid but lacks counter- tra pawn. There arc some technical diffieul-
play, so White with a well consolidated cen- ties due to the bishop having an influence on
tre keeps something out of the opening de- both wings, but Godes gels there in the end.
spite Black having the bishops. 25.~d3 b5 26 ..tf2 a6 27.b3 ~c6
12 ...lL;e8!? 13.tLJg5 'iWd7 14.Ci;xe6 28.'lWe2 tDf5 29J:t4d3 'tWf630.a4 b4!?
'iWxe615.d5 Another try is 30...bxa4 3I.bxa4l:tc6.
15.f4 is well met by 15...f5! e.g. 16.e5 (Lx7 31.85 aea 32.~e1 J:[xd3 33:~'xd3
17...';:a4 b6! and Black has a nice light- nb8 34.We4 ti'od6 35.'Ii'd4 ~e6
squared blockade. 36.'iWa7l:1.b537.~f2?
15...cxd516.tDxd5 b6 17.~a3 The best chance is 37.'CWxa6!,after 37 ..,~e2
Strongest is 17.Qg5! when Black has to play 38J:tal 'CWe5(or 38 ...'iWb2 39.11dl .!Ig5
precise! y: 17...~xb2 ( 17...f6 seems playable 40 ..tf2 'iWxb3)39.l:td ll:txa5 Black is always
but a shade passive e.g. 18..2.f4 J::[d819J:ifd I better but still a long way from the ful Ipoint.
lId7 2(Utaci ffn) IS..he? (18Jlabl Qf6 37 .•.'ihb3 38.ne1 e5 39:~xa6 'iWd5
19..Yl.xf6ci;xf6 20.&:;C7"ii'xe4 leaves Black 40:~a7 b3 41:itc7 b2 42.,*d8+ wg7
with enough compensation for the ex- 43.Qh4 ~d4+ 44.'M1 ti'\e4!
change) I 19.1ha I Ci::,g720 ..Q.xfR Simplifying to victory.
:Xxf82IJlel f5! and Black seems lobeOK. 45:.Wxd4 exd4 46.fxe4 b1~ 47.nxb1
17 .. :~xe4 18.Aad1? llxb1+ 48.~e2 lIa1 49 ...lid8 lIa3
White should simply regain his pawn as after 50 ..Q.b6f6 0-1
1!l.lZJxe7+ Wh8 19.1:tfel 'fi'b7'!! White has
the rather strong continuation (Black should
instead settle for 19"k.f6 20.~h6 'tIVh4 o Uwe Bbnsch
21.~xg7+ ~xg7 when White only has a • Omitry Cedes
nominal pull) 20.Sl.d4! t2:;f621.~c3. Herzliya 1993
18...~d6 19.f3 ~e6 20 ...Q.e1 llad8
21JUe1 1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxe4 3.o11f3t1id7 4.e4
After 21 ......xa 7 tl}fS Black has good chances lbb6 5..ixc4 0.xc4 6.~a4+ c6

K 1:.
due to White's weakened kingside.

7. i¥'xe4 ~f6 8/be3 b5?!

~ ~~ ~

21.. ..ad4+! 22.~e3 'i'xd5 23.l:txd4

..wb7 24.lted1 J:[e8

Protecting the Gambit Pawn in the QQA

A positional approach that isn '( the best. In A strong positional player like Bensch is un-
my opinion White can grab the pawn: impressed by his opponent's antics. His
9 .... xc6+! .td7 IO.... h7 (Petursson consid- strong bind forces Black to play eccentri-
ers White to be clearly better after IO:~c5 cally to try and free his position. Afterwards
e6 II.1!te5 b4 12.t2.\d5!) 10.. J!b8 I I.'iWxa7 he avoids the temptation to grab a pawn
l:ta8 (after II...b4 12.lDe2 ~xe4 Black is which would free Black's game.
still a pawn down and will need lime to com- 17...f5!? 18.exfS ttJf4 19....c4 ..-f7
plete development) 12."c5 e6'e5 ~a5 zo.nes l:tfB 21.l:tae1 exf5 22:f1lxf7+
14.0-0 b4 15.Q.:;d5 tDxd5 l6.exd5 f6!? (or wxf7 23.l:te7+ <Ji>g8 24.lbc5
16...~xd5 IHWxd5 exd5 IlL~el+ ~d~ Black's weaknesses won't run away.
with an inferior ending) Zharkov-Godcs, 24...a5 25Jlc7 ttJds 26.llxc6
Riazan 1986, and Black is worse as he lacks Finally! The rest is even more one-sided.
compensation. $Q I can't believe in 8...b5 Black resigned on move 41.
and prefer the solid 8...~e6.
Pushing the knight away in order to gel play D Viktor Gavrikov
on the a6-fI diagonal. • Boris Gulko\a4 e6?! Frunze ch·USSR 1981
Too slow. Instead IO...1!ta5! II.b3 (! I .ci:;c5c6
to get the light-squared bishop on the a6-fl di- 1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4'.f3 ti'.d7 4.e4
agonal. l2.CM2 .ixc5 13.~b3 ~d8 14.dxL:5 ~'~b65.a4
a5 with ...~,a6 in the air) 11... 'ti'h5 (or 11...YLa6
12.'*i'c2 ~d7!?) l2.~c2 tL:.d7 13.YLb2 c6
14.0-0-0 i.e7 15.wbl 0-0 which wasn't at all
clear in Miles-Bellon Lopez, Montilla 1978.
11.0-0 fLe7 12.fLgS 0-0 13.l:tfcl h6
White shouldn't be in a hurry to take the
c-pawn as after 14.•\h.f6 ~xJ6 15J:t"c6? he
gets into hot water following 15...~d7.
14...l:te8 15.h3 lbhS 16.gxe7 ~xe7

Forcing 5 ...a5, which is a sensible inclusion

from White's point of view. Practice has also
- 5.lL;e5 g6! 6.0a3 tDf6 7.0 ~g7 8.!eaxc4
0-0 9.~e3 tDfd7 iO.0xd7 .hd7 II.eLia5
l:1h8 12..te2 c5 was line for Black in
Akopov-Godes, corr. 1986.
- 5.h3?! is tantamount to a loss of tempo.
After 5 ...tL:f6 6.tLlc3 e6 7 ..bc4 tbxc4
8.'i!h4+ c6 9:.wxe4 b5! (here this works')
iO.'iWxc6+ ~d7 II.'iWa6 b4 l2.tbb5 'tt'b~

Glenn Flear

Black was beuer in Zilberrnan-Godes, 14.~a2 ~d6 15.h4 ~e6 16•.Qxe6

Chelyabinsk 1975. fxe6?!
- 5.tDc3 (this transposed from J .d4 d5 2.c4 Opening the f..file at the cost of chronically
dxc4 li:.d7 4.e4 ~b6 5.~t1) 5...i.g4 weakening his pawns. Gavrikov suggests the
6.~e3 .ixf3 7.tfJtJ3e6
8.• dl c69.~e2~d6 more circumspect 16...\\he6 e.g, 17.~xg7
10.0-0 C,';e7. Sadler-Vladimirov. Hastings (instead 17.hSl2Jc4 J~!.~cJ ~xh6 J9.'f,fxh6
J 990/9 J, with a murky game in prospect tbxb2 20.nd2 ~c4 2 U{d3 g5! 22.'iWxg5+
where White has some compensation for the Whg isn't clear) 17...<j;>l'.g7IS.h5 f5!'! leads
pawn (bishop pair. centre, space etc). to complications where While is probably a
5._.a5 6.tL!e5 l~f6 slighl favourite.
A move order worth noting is 6 ... g6! with the 17.~xg7 'it'xg7 18.h5 'lWf4 19.'Il\fxf4
point being that after 7.tL:xc4 tLlxc4 8..2.xc4 l:!.xf4 20.hxg6 hxg6 21.We2
j_g7 Black gains a tempo against d4. 9.gc3 White's pleasant endgame edge is largely
t;':f6 1 O.f30-0 11.<7.'c3 probably yields White due to his superior structure.
a small edge, 21...l:!.ff8 22.l:!.h4 :the 23.l:tg4 l:!.ad8
7.~c3 ~fd7 8.tDxc4 g6 9.Sii.f4 24.e5 c5 25.~b5 l:rh5?
Otherwise White has tried 9 ..~e3, e.g. 25 ...1::t<.l7 26.<.Ix<.:5
nxd J 27.~xd I (Lid7repre-
9...i.g7 10.-.d2 0-0 1 J.~e2 c6 12.0-0 sents a better chance.
tLlxc4 J3.kxc4tL.b614,j_b3~d615.'UVd3 26.t:,jc7~f7
~e6 J 6.lhe6 'itxe6 17.dS cxdS l8.exd5
W'd6 Yrjola-Koskinen, Tarnpere 1991.
when Black has equal chances.
9...c6 10.'ifd2 £g7
Another move order 10... .Q:;xc4 Il..lhc4
tL;b6 12.~a2 ~g7 1Uld 1 0-0 slows down
the white attack but on the other hand Black
is unable to access d6 with his queen as in the

11.$.h6 0-0 12Jld1 0.xc413.kxc4

.I i.'iK
,, "'lA'\xe6!
31.'.t>d3cxd4 32.l:tb5
28.lbg6+ Wf7
3O.l:txd4 l:!.xe5+

32J:txb7 is perhaps simplest.

32 ..J:te1 33.nxa5 e5 34J~b5 We6
The rook ending should be winning but still
requires good technique.
35 ...l:ld1+ 36.~e2 l:[a1 37J~b4 ~d5
38.f3 I:g1 39.~f2 l:[c1 40.g4 .l%c2+
13 0b6 41.'itle1 e4 42.fxe4+ ~xe4 43J:tb8
13 ~xh6 J 4.1ixh6 'Wb6 is given us unclear ..te3 44J%e8+ c.td3 45.a5 l:!.xb2 46.g5
by Gavrikov and Slckis, :b1+ 47.c,t.>f2 l:tb7 48.g6 1:197 49.a6

Protecting the Gambit Pawn in the aQA

~c2 50.We1 Wel3 51.:rh8 :ra7 sz.nea 1 J.g3 is met by II...'tlfe7+. I then prefer
Wc2 54.a7! 1-0 Black after 12.~e2 l:txd4 13.0-0 li'xf7
14.... c2. although Kovacevic feels that
White has compensation.
o Juraj Nikolac 11.•:~Wg612.g3 ~b4+ 13..id2 .ixd2+
• Vlatko Kovacevic 14:~j'xd2 'iWxf7 15.~e2 c5 16.0-0
Yugoslavia 1976 J;[he8
Material is equal but Black's forces are bear-
1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.~f3 ltJd7 4.e3 ing down on White's centre in a menacing
No good is 4.lL;bd2?~ as it allows Black to fashion.
take immediate control of events after e.g. 17.a4
4 ...b5! 5.b3 c3 6.ltJbl b4 7.a3 e5 8.dxe5 l'L:xc5 17.l:tad I is well met by n...
9.~c2 ~e6 IO.e3 a5 and Black was better in 17...cxd418.a5 d319.~d1
Borisenko-Dorfrnan, Chelyabinsk 1975. Kovacevic points out that 19.axb6 is hope-
4...tL·"bd2 less after 19...dxe2 20.bxa7 exfl..-+
Here 5.fLxc4 gives White a poorer version of 21.~xfl '1;c7 22."i!i'a5+ b6.
4.e4 and 5.ll.xe4. White will have to play 19...ttld5 20.a6 b5 21.'i!Ya5it'd7
e3-c4 anyway to gel his bishop out. White is left thrashing about looking for
5...~e6!? tricks, but cannot save the game.
This seems perfectly sound here. 22.~d2 tL:f5 23.~g4 g6 24JUc1 Wb8
6.t~g5?! 25.b3 c3 26.:'xc3 lL~xc3 27:tWxc3
White can try 6.tlJe5 ~f6 7.0 as in ~c7 28.'ii'b4 ~d4 29.~f3 'jIb6
Farago-Kovacevic, Sarajevo 1983, but after 30:iYd2 ttJxb3 31.1Wf4+~c7 0-1
7 ... g6! 8.tbdxc4 YJ..g79.e4 0-0 JO.~c3 tbfd7
Black has a reasonable game. Otherwise
6.~<.:2 tLif6 7.lAx.c4 00xc4 8..hc4 ~xc4 o Igor Efimov
9.'iitxc4c610.0-0e61 J.~d2~d5wasequal • Dmitry Godes
in Lukacs-Kovacevic. Tuzla 198 J. Belgorod 1989
6...gd5 7.e4 e6 8.exd5 ~xg5 9.dxe6
O-O-O! 1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.~.J3 ttJd7 4:ifa4
Rapid development is the main priority here. c6
4...~.:J6 is best avoided for two reasons:
I. It's too conventional (why are you read-
ing an SOS-book anyway') and
2. It's not that great for Black after 5.lloc3 e6
5 ...tL;gf6 was played in Euwe-Alckhine,
World Championship match Holland 1935.
This position could also occur from a Slav:
l.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.~f3 ti.lf6 4.'i'c2 dxc4
5.'i;'xc4 Q·ohd7.
6.dxe5 t.i.\xe57.t!2xe51ta5+ s.eea
10.exf7 ~h6 11.tL.if3 Not R.flc3?? ~b4.

Glenn Flear

8..:~xe5 9.Qf4 'Wc5 A tactical error! Instead, 17.11fd 1 is about

equal after 17.. Jlad8 18Jhd711xd7.
R .t *A~g 17..:~·d6
j.j. Fritz would play 17....ixa2! which looks

slightly precarious but White cannot exploit
j. Black's cheeky pawn grab. e.g. 18.lLld5
~ (l8.ttJxa2l!txd2) 18...'t!t'b3 19.~xe7+ llxe7

'if ~
20.1'3 'iYxc2 21.l:txc2 .ie6 and Black is more
or less a clear pawn to the good.
~ 18.~e3 tilg4 19..bg4 bg4 20.f4
~~ ~~~~ ~e6?!
Jl ~~ )::t Slightly risky as Black now loses control of
thc d-file. Safer is 20 .. J:Idd8 with equality.
10.e3 21.11cd1 'CWb422.f5 ~xd1 23.11xd1
lO.c4 wasn't successful in Romsdal-Hcim, i.c4 24J:td7?
Norwegian team championship 2001, as af- 24.a3! 'ilfaS 2S.1:id7 would favour White.
ter 1O... ~e6 I J.'fixc5 .axcS 12.~d3 0-0-0 24...~xa2!
13J:td I (De7 14.0-0 lbg6 15.Qg3 l:l.d7 Black Not missing the opportunity to grab the
had more than equalized. a-pawn this time around!
10...~e611.W84 2SJWd2
In Shainswit-Adams, Ventnor City 1943. 25.~xa2?? 'life I matc.
play was dead equal after 11.'iixcS QxcS 25...~b3 26.e5 .tf8 27.h3 a5 28.~e2
12.0-0-0tL:f613.a3 ~b3 14.11d20-0 IS ...td3 l:lea
llfd8 16.~c2. Stronger is 28 ...a4! intending ...a3.
11...tLJf6 12.~e2 Qe7 13.0-0 0-0 29.e6 fxe6?
14.llac1 "'b4 It's still possible to play 29 ...a4!? with the
idea of 30.1:ixf7 a3.
30.f6 gxf6 31.~h5 J:le7 32.l:ld4 ~c4
White wins a piece with :n.'I4t'g4+ .ag7
34.1:ixc4 nxg4 3S.nxg4+ ~xg4 36.hxg4 but
the ending isn't clear.
Or 33 ...b5 34.'t!t'xf6 l:l.g7.
Instead 34.~xc4 l:lg7 35.1Ve4 leaves Black
with four pawns for the piece. but White has
reasonable chances of holding his position
Black has a fully satisfactory game. Efimov 34 l:tg7;xf6+ <J;>h8
36.lbg4 hS??
decides to keep the queens on in order to try 36 ..w.dSlocks the white rook out of play
and use his cent ra 1pawns to generate an at- and should win. The text is crazy!
tack. 37.l:td8 'Wa3 38.1:!i'f2 hxg4 39.11xf8+
1SJWc211fd816.e4 nd717.~d2? 1-0

Jeroen Bosch & Carlos Matamoros
Evans Gambit: 'Stoneware' Defence

5 ...~d6!? - Old Wine in New Bottles

In the famous tournament of Hastings 1895 o Baadur Jobava

the young Harry Pillsbury emerged victori- • Alexander Grischuk
ous after 21 rounds, This caused quite a sen- Plovdiv Ech·t\ 2003
sation since all the top players of the time -
Chigorin, Lasker, Tarrasch, and Steinitz - 1.e4 eS VL.Jf3 tLic6 3~c4 ~cS 4.b4
were among the participants. Pillsbury twice Here it is. the gambit devised by captain Wil-
defended against the Evans Gambit with the liam Davies Evans around 1824. It became
odd- looking 5...~.d6. Interestingly, this old general practice after his 1827 win over Al-
defence of the brilliant American has in re- exander McDonnell (one of the strongest
cent times been taken up by several grand- players at the time). This game is generally
masters including among others: Alexander considered the stem game of the Evans
Grischuk and Ivan Sokolov, Gambit even though Evans himself used un
Let us examine the recent (and old) theory inaccurate move order (4.0-0 d6 5.b4
by means of rhe games Johava-Gri schuk and Evans-Mcfxmnell, London 1&27).
Short-Sokolov, McDonnell, impressed by what the captain

Jeroen Bosch & Carlos Matamoros

had shown him. used it in his famous match

against De la Bourdonnais, The Frenchman
himself became equally willing to sac the
b-pawn in their following match games.
Anderssen, Chigorin and Morphy were
other adherents of the Evans Gambit in the
19th century.
Eventually, however, the popularity of this
romantic gambit waned. This was partly due
to the efforts of the first and second world
champion. In the case of Steinitz it is clear
that the spirit of the impetuous 4.1>4 went
against all that he stood for in chess. How- 5...~d6!?
ever, his defensive methods were rather odd. The bishop retreat to d6 naturally earns the
Lasker - one of the greatest defenders in the SOS stamp of approval. Pillsbury, in his
history of chess - devised the standard de- choice of S... .Q.d6. was influenced by two
fence accepted by the players of his day and American players (Stone and Ware) which is
modem theoretician. s alike. why 5...~d6 was called the 'Stoneware' de-
All was Quiet on the Evans front until the fence according to Blackburne. The avid
mid-1990s. when none other than the 13th SOS-reader will probably recognize this
world champion Garry Kasparov played 4.b4 move from several earlier SOS-subjects
to annihilate both Anand and Piker, (It has to featuring .td6. See also Chapter 2!
be said. though, that Fischer used the Evans in Before we exarni ne the main idea or 5...~d6.
a few casual games - two of which made it it is useful tu give a brief overview of the
into his My Sixty Memorable Games!) 'normal' lines.
Kasparov's efforts put the Evans Gambit - s...~c5'!! 6.d4 exdd 7.0·0 d6 8.cxd4 .ith6
back on the modem chess map. Nowadays, was once the main tabiya position of the
Short is the strongest grandmaster to play it Evans Gambit. Although playable, it is il-
more or less regularly. But you can expect to logical to give White the tempi to build up
meet Captain Evans' move on all levels. his centre.
4...~xb4 - 5...i.e7 6.d4 tL:aS 7.YJ..e2 (7.~xe5)
Accepting the gambit pawn was once a qucs- 7 ...exd4 O...dri) R.'ilfxd4 liif6 (there are
tion of honour. Nowadays all beginners stronger alternatives at this stage. such as
grow up with the rule that the only way to re- 8...ciic6 9.~xg7 i.f6 JO.~g3 d6 or 8...d5)
fute a gambit is to accept. This SOS supports 9.e5 ..'t_;c6 10.... h4 ~dS II.ffg3 g6
this view! Naturally, 4....ib6 is playable. It (ll...Wf8) 12.0-0 ~b6 13.c4! d6 14.Udl
was this move that Piker chose when tLid7 l5.~h6~, with excellent compensation
Kasparov surprised him with 4.b4. After for White. Kasparov-Anand, Riga 1995.
4...~b6 5.a4 as (5 ...a6 is considered better) - 5 ...~a5 is the absolute main line. 6.d4
6.b5 tLld4 .bd4 8 .c3 ~b6 9.d4 cxd4 (6.0·0 d6 7.d4 .1b6~ was Lasker's sugges-
10.0-0 cc,e7 II.£g5 h6 12..ixe7 ~xc7 tion. which highlights the inaccuracy of
l3.cxd4 White had a pleasant edge in 6.0-0) 6 ...d6(6 ...exd4 7.0-0tnge7! 8.~g5 d5
Kusparov-Piket, Amsterdam 1995. 9.cxd5 tL.c5 is a modern recipe. Black is OK.
5.c3 as demonstrated by Short-Adams, Sarajevo

Evans Gambit: 'Stoneware' Defence

2000. and Morozevich-Adarns, Wijk aan 6...~f6

Zee 2001) H!t'b3 .-d7 8,dxe5 ~b6!; with Speedy and natural development is a neces-
this last move (similar to Lasker's 6".~b6 sity after a move like 5".$.d6, In the 19th
above) Black prepares ~a5, century players were fond of moves like:
Looking at the Sth move altemuti yes. we see 6 ...h6 (McDonnell). 6".~e7 (Kieseritzky)
that White will always play 6,d4, creating an and 6",'iWf6 (Bilguer and Hanham),
ideal pawn centre, He tries to open up the po- 7_0-0
sition and go for an immediate attack. With The most logical. Rather meek is 7,lZ)bd2
S",~d6 (Uherdeckung!) Black is winning 0-0 8.~b5 ,!;leIS9,d5 tDa5 10,()-0 c6 II.dxc6
time to consolidate his position, The bishop dxc6. and Black was a pawn up for nothing
protects e5. making it easier for Black to in Szarka- Kcszlcr, corr, 1991.
keep the e5 stronghold, Thus, he not only It is important to react correctly when White
gains time for completing his development, takes on e5.
but he also keeps the position closed for the So, after 7.dxe5 7.,.~xe5 is a mistake, be-
moment. Another advantage of keeping the cause 8.tilxe5 ~xe5 9.f4 is awkward to
bishop on the a3-f8 diagonal is that ~a3 (a meet. Therefore, Black should continue
standard move to prevent castling) is 7.,,~xe5, as g,tL'xe5 ~xeS gains a valuable
avoided, Naturally, there are some dangers tempo, After the consistent 8,tLgS Black
connected to the move 5.".id6.1L takes more must take care:
time to develop the c8-bishop, which might
make it difficult to prevent the manoeuvre
4-"h4-f5 (however, see the main game!).
Instead, 6,0-0 is a less forcing move order,
6."tbf6 (6".lLJaS has been played here. it tries
to show that 6.0-0 is inaccurate, However, I
cannot recommend it on account of the sim-
ple 7,1;..e2 4if6 8,d4, when Black must play
8".c2;c6, Now 9,~c4 transposes to the main
line, but 9,dxeS looks like a strong alterna-
tive) 7.,!;Iel (7.d4 transposes to the main linc)
7 ...~.e71 (well-played' White has dithered - R.._O-O?! 9.f4 h6?! lO.l?ixf7 ::ixn
with 6,(}..0 and 7.!1e I, giving Black lime for II..i.xf7+ ..t;>xf7 12.fxeS tbxe5 13,0-0 d6
this unexpected loss of tempo, Pillsbury now 14"i.f4± Annageldiev-Najjar, Beirut tI
gets a 'normal', Ruy Lopez-like position with 2000.
a sound pawn up) 8.d4d69,'1!fb3 0-0 10,Ci;g5 - 8 ...d5' (a well-timed centra! thrust)
~e8 (White's primitive attack on f7 has 9.exd5 tL:a5 10,'&'a4+ c6 11.dxc6 0-0
failed, and his pieces will he thrown hack, 12,~a3 t2:ixc4 IH!hc4 (13.~xf8? 'tIi'd3! or
The threat is 1l...~5, Instead of 1O",~e8 13",,axc3+, and Black should win) 13".h5
also strong is 1O... d5) ll.'ii'dl h6 12,tL;f3 14.'lWb3?! b4!? 15"bb4 (!S.~xb4)
.tg4 13,lL:a3 ~h7 14.lIbl J:lb8 IS.tLc2 tL:g5 15",l:tb8 16,'lWc4 lIxb4! 17.~xb4 'fi'd3
16,'\t'hl ~h817,ta3..txf318,gxf3(ilh3,und Fiorito-Krantz. COlT, 1988, and White re-
Black was materially and positionally better, signed as there is no satisfactory defence to
Schiffers-Pillsbury. Hastings 1895. the multitude of threats (.ia6. !le8), Instead

Jeroen Bosch & Carlos Matamoros

of 14...b4 Black may also consider (17 .. :~rc6 or I7 .. '<.Pg7are likely candidates)
Stefanova 's 14...~f4 (see the note to White's I8.tDc5 ~xb3 19.'i.hb3+"'f7 20.llJxb7±.
7th move in Short-Sokolov below). Anderssen- Kieseritzky, London 185 I.
Another direct attempt is: 7.ti:JgS 0-0 8.tbxf7? 7 ...0-08.1:I.e1
1:txf7 9..txf7+ Wxf7 10.f4 exd4 I l.e5 Ae7 The main move, but it is good to examine the
12.exf6.ixf6 13.0-0 d5. when Black had fine alternatives, too .
compensation for the exchange in Bird- • 8.tDbd2 'tie7?! 9...Q.d3 tl:e8?! (9 ...b6)
Pillsbury, Hastings 1895, after 14.tL:.d2dxc3 JO.tL:.c4f6 I J.~e3 (now it clear that White
15.~f3Wg816 ..Ilbl b617.~e3~g418.'i'a4 has sufficient compensation) ll...g6 12.lud5
~xf3 19.1txf3 'i!Vd620.l:ldl .ad8 21.lth3 d4 ( 12...'i'd8 13.~e3 Ae7 14.l2:d2d6
22 I '*00 23.'i!Vc2 d3! Pillsbury secured a 15.f4 tt.:g7 16.f5 g5 17.h4!± gxh4 18."g4
winning advantage. Wh8 19.fhh4 'fid7 20.c.iH'2 S;i.d8 21.~hl
However, after 7 .~gS 0-0 the correct way to tL:.e822.IIh3 tba5 23.I!ah 1 nn 24.£.e2 IIg7
proceed is 8.f4!' 25 ..b5 .t>g8 26.~xe8 ,*xe8 27.,*xh7+ (in
style, but 27.~g3 was also sufficient)
27 .. .l:xh7 28.IIxh7 hf5 29.exf5 'iWf8
30.l:lh8+ \tIf7 31.1:1 h7+ _g7 32.~h6 _ xh7
33.l'hh7+ (missing 33 ..Ilf8 mate) 33 ...r.ttg8
34.ng7+ 'It>h8 3S.tL:.e4 1-0 Kennedy-
Pillsbury, Philadelphia 1895. This game was
played before Pillsbury's triumph at
There nrc improvements for Black, of
course. Thus, 8 ...b6 was seen in Johnson-
Montecatini, correspondence game 1996.
After 9 .~d3 tte8 I elld4 I I .cxdc .if4
Now 8...exd4 9.eS ~xe5 IO.lbxn .:Ixn 12.4:.ifl .i.xcJ l3.ttxcJ .i.b7 14.c5 White had
Il.~xf7 + Wxf7 12.fxe5 tl:xe5 13.cxd4 fa- attacking chances for the pawn.
vours White. However, for the piece sacri- On the 10th move (so after 8.lZjbd2 b6 9 ..id3
fice 9 ....ic5 see the note to White's 7th move Ile8 lO.ttel) Black. in my opinion. can play
in Short-Sokolov below. So Black should 1O...~b7!'? After Il.tUc4 exd4 there can fol-
play 8...exf4 9.eS ~xe5 (Here 9 ...~xe5!? is low:
a suggestion of Zaitsev's, After lO.dxe5
~xe5 Black has four pawns for the piece and
an edge in development. This may well
mean a comfortable advantage!) 10.dxe5
~xe5 II..~b3 h6 12.0h3 g5 13.0-0
(13 ..bf4!? gxf4 14.tlJxf4, and White is
better, according to Zaitsev) 13...d6
(l3...tlJg6 14.• d3 d5 IS.ndl ~g4 and
Black had excellent compensation in
Diani-Correa. corr, 1992) 14)uf2 Ae6
15.tbd2 'itd7 16.tUfe4 tUxe4 17.lf':xe4, and
now Black should improve upon 17... f5,!

Evans Gambit: 'Stoneware' Defence

- 12.cxd4 ~b4!. ~g5. A possible drawback is that the light

- 12.t;i)xd6 cxd6 13.cxd4 Q_jh4. squares on the kingside (f5, g6) are weak-
- 12.e5lbxe5 13.lLlfxe5 ~xeS (or ened. Jobava attempts to demonstrate this
14.a.xe5 d5 l5 ..!:xe8+ 't!fxe8 16.tba3 dxc3) with his next move.
l4 ...d6, with an unclear position.
As an afterthought, 8...h6!? is also interest-
ing after 8.~bd2. R 1.'if i~
• 8.tDg5 ~e7, and now the sharp 9.f4 d6. ~~~~ ~~
for example: ..1. ..
~ tD
~ ~~~
stDjl'iYa: ~
Consistent in a way. but the move is refuted
by Grischuk's energetic play.
In Yearbook 70 Genna Sosonko analysed
9.~d5 l2..ixd5 10.exd5 CiJe7 II.dxe5 ~c5
- IO.'fid3 h6 (better is 1O... exd4! II.cxd4 l2.d6 t'Ug6 (so far an analysis by
d5 12.exd5 (l2.~xd5 ~xd5 13.exd5 Jk.xg5 Mikhalchishin who gave (he verdict 'un-
14.dxc6 iLf6+) 12...1Z1b4+) 11.tL:.t3 d5?! clear', Sosonko continues his line with)
12.fxe5 dxc4 13:~e2. Quintero Velez- 13.~c3 cxd6 14.cxd6 ~b6 to conclude that
Valencia Obando, Medellin 2000. BIl:Icki:;OK.
- 10.'iJd2 exd4 II.cxd4 dS 12.exd5 h6'l It is better to complete development first
(correct is 12...tDxd5!. when l3.~xt7? lhf7 with 9 •.!Dbd2. Let us examine this line in
14:1Ii'h5 ~e6 15.f5 has been suggested. but some detail:
this loses outright to 15 ... t'c.:;f6) 13.t2:xt7 A) 9...a6 iO ..ib2 b5 II..~b3 !;le8 12.tL:h4
tlxf7 14.dxc6 'fWxd4+ 15.<;t:hl "",xal? (only nowl) 12... l;-·a5 13.4';f5 t;';xh3 14.l:Ixh~
16.'iWb3. and White won in Seidman- exd415.~xd6cxd616.cxd4d5 (or 16...~b7
Mengarini, New York 1951 . l7.d5g'i!) l7.c5 tLili7 18.~a3;!; Grosar-
• Finally, 8.1i'e2 b6 (8 ...h6) 9.~d5 .l:te8 Vodopivec, Nova Gorica 1997.
1O.~g5 ii.b7 II.lL:xe5 ..IixeS 12.dxe5 .l:txe5 B) 9 ... exd4 is extremely risky, but per-
13.f4 ne8 14.e5 'WIe7 15.~xc6 .Q.xc6 haps worth investigating for Black: IO.e5
16.'iVc4 'ili'e6! 17:ilhe6 :txe6 was Law- (after lO.cxd4 ~b4 Black is fine after both
rence- Woschkar. IECG email 1998. The Il.e5 d5 and Il.d5 ~c3) IO...dxc3 II.exd6
draw is forced after 18.cxf6 :te2 19JH2 cxd212.'it'xd2cxd613.Wxd6~e814:ii·g3
!tel+ zo.nn !te2. dS 15..id3 (not 15.~xh6 dxc4 16.nxe8
8...h6 "f6-+) 15...Wh8 l6.i.a3 rl.g8 17.h4 "f6
Black prepares to regroup with rl.e8 and (17 ... t2Jf6) 18.:ab I (White has obvious
~f8. With 8 ...h6 he prevents both o!Dg5and compensation. Pillsbury and consultants

Jeroen Bosch & Carlos Matamoros

now return a pawn) 18...~f5!? 19.i.xf5 (15 ...tL:xc3 was recommended by Harding,
"ti'xf5 20.l:txb7 Wg6 2l.Wf4 f6 2HWa4 but the game continuation looks stronger, for
rtc8 23.l%d7 *,fS 24.rtf7 'i'd3?~ 25M 16.i.c2! ct.:.b5 17.Wd3 is scary to say the
ttJeS 26.:xeS fxeS"xeS 'f'b I+ least. But perhaps it would be only a draw af-
28.<it>h2 tCf6? (better was 28 ...'tWb8) ter 17...~c5+ 18.Whl tDd4 19.'it'h?+ ~f8
29.~g6+ <;Ph?30.l:txf6!, and with this coup 20.'it'h8+ ~e7 21."'xg7 ~xc2) I6.'it'e4 tCf6
de grace the lust World Champion soon 17. 'liYf3 (hoping for a draw) 17...d5
won in the exhibition game Steinitz- (17 ttJd5) l8.l%f! ~g4?' (much better was
Pillsbury/Stone/Barry, Boston 1892. 18 .tc5+ 195~h I ttJg4. and with threats
C) 9...l:te8 like 'it'h4, tDh2 and "'b6 Black is on top)
19.tLJb3 c5 20.~c2 d4 21.h3 dxc3,! 22.hxg4
c4 23.~c4!+-, Markosian-Mukhaev, Mos-
cow 1995.
C32) I 0 exd4 II.cxd41l.fflI2.e5 (12.d5
tL_jb4or 12 0e5 13.lDxe5 l:xe5 14.~b2
J:te8) 12...t;2.d5 13.~c4 ti;b6 14.~b3 d6, and
White has no real compensation for the
pawn. The game Sermek-Mikhalchishin,
Bled 2002, went: IS.'tWc2 dxe5 16.tL.xe5
0xe5 17.dxe5 i.e6 18.~b2 tDd5 19.'iWe4
t;~b4 20.l%ad I 'i'c8 21.a3 .txb3 22.lbxb3
~c6 23.f4 'ilre6 24.'flc2 1fg4 25.f5 rtad8
26,l:txd8 ttxd8 2?c6 f628.lUJ 'iWa429.'C!fc3
This is Black's most sensible reply. There ~b5 30."g3 rLd3 31...wg6 l:txb3 32.~f7+
are several practical examples from this po- <J.>h70-1.
sition. Ithink Black should be fine. C4) IO.gd5 exd4! II ..hc6 (or 11.cxd4
C I) IO.i.b2 b6 II.a4 .ub8 12.h3 i:.b 7 t'i;xd5 12.exd5 tl:xel+ i3.'lWxc I lbe7
13 ..2.a2 sra 14.'ffb3 d5 15.exd5 [~a5 14.'l!He4 <.:6) II...dxc6 12.eS dltc3 IVi;c4
16."'c2 exd4 17Jhe8..-xeS 18.l:rel "d8 1l.e7 14.'fVxd8 l:txd8 15.exf6 ~xf6 16.~f4
19.t2Jxd4 tL2xd5~, Ellis-Tait, corr. 1999. ~e6 and according to Sosonko in Yearbook
C2) 10.~b3 .i.f8 (not 1O... tL_ja5II.~c2 70 Black's future is bright - 17.tbcxe5 is an-
exd4 12.eS. However, for IO... h5 see swered by 17... l:rd5.
Short-Sokolov below) 11.~xe5 tbxe5 After this theoretical overview we now re-
12.dxe5 :1xe5 J3.tlJf3 lIe7 (or 13... l:!e8 turn to Jobava-Grischuk.
14.eStLih715.ifd5We7 16.i.a3) 14.e5 tUe8 9 ...exd4 10.tLlf5
15.teh4 (Sveshnikov has timed this ma- Here lO.cxd4 is what you would expect
noeuvre well. An alternative was 15.e6!?) However, all the tactics work for Black after
15...d5 (in view of the threat of tef5. Black the intermediate iO ... i.b4! 11..ltd2 tL.xe4~
returns material) 16.i.xd5 ~e6 17.i.xb7 12.ttxe4 (12.~xb4 ttJxb4 13.1:[xe4 dS-+)
l:[d7 18.'ft'a4 1:[b8 19..i.e4± Sveshnikov- 12 d5,
Zheliandinov, Bled 2000. 10 ~c5 11.cxd4
C3) lO..td3 White's position looks rather menacing. An
C31) 1O... ~f8 I I.tCxe5 tLxe5 12.dxe5 impressive pawn centre, an outpost on f5
l%xe5 13.f4 l:te8 14.e5 ~d5 15.'iWf3 c6 and an attacking bishop onc4. Grischuk has

Evans Gambit 'Stoneware' Defence

prepared a nice central thrust to counter all column on openings). However, please play
this. through the rest of the game. Grischuk's
technique may not be impeccable, but it cer-
tainly is razor-sharp,
16.tbc3 l:tfe8!
See what I mean? By gaining a tempo on
White's weak back rank, the f8-rook is
brought into play, threatening WcS. But not
l6 ...'t!i'xcS? 17.~a3, nor 16...'CWc617..tf4
'itxc5'? l8.1:teS.
17.&e3 'fi'c618.'iWb5
Illogical, though it is hard to give good ad-
vice here.
18 .. .'~txb5 19.1Dxb5 ttJd5 20 ..Q.d2
11...d5! l:ted8!? 21.l%ac1 ~g6 22.a3 c6!?
Clearly reminding White thai he has a hid- Luring the knight to d6.
den lead in development. Suddenly, White's 23.tLld6 b6!
attacking pieces are hanging in the air. To undermine its position straightaway.
12.exd5 24.-8c4 16 25.f3 ~d3 26.tbb2
Worse are 12.dxc5 dxc4 13.'fNxdR .l:!xd8 26.t;\e3 4'f4.
14.~h2 ~xf5 15.~xf6 (IS.exfS tLie4-+) 26 ....Q.g6
15...gxf6 16.exfS .l:!d3-+ and 12.~xd5 The well-known Russian ploy of repeating
.bf5 (12...~b4) 13.dxt:S .be4. moves in a superior position.
12...~xf5 13.dxc5 tba5 14.~b3 27.ti",c4
Possibly 14..llbS or 14.~f1 arc better. but Instead 27.cxb6 axb6 28.11xc6 l:ha3 was
White's position is not to be envied in these possibly a better chance for White. Ex-
cases either. changing pawns is generally a good idea for
14...tL~xb315.'~¥Xb3'il'xd5 the defender.

Black is nuw simply a pawn up, having kept

his lead in development. The rest is a matter 28.~ed1?!
of technique, we could say (especially in a Here 28.cxb6 axb6 (28 ...~xb6 29 ..h5 llb8

Jeroen Bosch & Carlos Matamoros

30Jle6) 29.0xb6! ltJxb6 )0.~a5 gives 1O.~xd4 .ixd4 11.1Dc3 tDf6 12.0bS!!.
White good defending chances, since Black There followed 12...dS 13.exdS ~xa I
cannot keep the knight. 14..aa3 tfe5 15.f4 .ad4+ 16.<lPhl 'iVe3
After 30 ...tJ.Jd5 White has 31..hd8 llxd8 l7.tbxd4! ~x.b3 18.11el+ <lPdS 19..ie7+
32.11xc6 !:laS 33.1%al. So Black should go '>!;>d720.c~xb3 with tremendous compensa-
for30 ...l:td3! 31 ..ixb6l:txa3. when he is still tion although the game ended in a draw,
a long way from victory. Short-Nielsen, Skanderborg 2003. We faced
28...J:td7 29.jLe3 l:lcd8 30.cxb6 axb6 ourselves with the unappealing task of im-
31.~f2 b5 proving Black's play. Luckily the Women's
Now the queenside majority gives Black a World Champion Stefanova came to our res-
winning advantage. cue some rounds later when in the premier
32.<8a5tiJf4 group at Drammen she won a brilliant game
Again playing for tactics. with 5 ... 1i.d6 which caught our attention.
33.l:lxd7l:txd7 34.Ua1 6.d4 ~f6
A sad necessity. The apparently offbeat 5 ....ad6 has a quite
34...l:td6 35.~e3 0.d3 36.a4? J:.e6 classical idea, namely. to hold the centre.
37.~d2 Ideally Black will unravel his pieces by
37.axb5 .c.xe3 (3? ..cxb5) 38.b6 l%e5 39.nb I means of ...h6 (to avoid ~g5) .... :e8 and
~c5. ...~,f8. If the circumstances are unfavour-
37...J:.e2 38.l:la2 ssr
39.J:.c2 b4 able the B plan will be ...exd4 followed by
40.wf1 :f2+ 4Ut~g1 b3 42.l:tb2 <8xb2 the retreat of the king's bishop. In this case
White resigned, as the b-pawn goes for Black gives up the centre but only when he is
touchdown after43.r.t>xf2lZld I+ 44.<.&e2b2. more developed. Black can also play ...b6
and ....ab7 but this seems to me reliable only
in some very particular situations,
o Nigel Short 7.0-0
• Ivan Sokolov After 7 .t;jg50·0 8.f4 although 8 ...exf~ might
Sarajevo 2004 well be playable as seen above. Paloma
came out with the following interesting idea:
Comments: Carlos Matamoros 8 ... exd4!? 9.e5
1.e4 e5 Vet3 ~c6 3.~c4 ~c5 4.b4
At the end of the last year I played at the
open section of the Drammen Festival in the
company of my pupil Wf'M and Spain fe-
male junior champion Paloma Gutierrez. In
her very first game she had to face the Evans
Gambit and although her loss was not due to
the opening we decided to do some theoreti-
cal work.
4....ixb4 5.c3 ~d6
We first concenrrated on the generally ac-
cepted S...~a5 until we saw that Short had
come up with the following shot: 6.d4 exd4
7.'ib3 'file? 8.0-0 ~b6 9.cxd4 lL,xd4 9 ....acS! (Black jettisons a piece as with

Evans Gambit: 'Stoneware' Defence

8...exf4 but wants 10 lake advantage of pie variation: 17.1t' c5 ~a6 1!Uk I tlad8
White's uncastled king) IO.exf6 (this is of 19.~bd2 tld5-+) and now instead of
course critical, the alternatives shouldn't 14...h4 as mentioned on the notes of the
worry Black: 10.lt2xf7 (lO.~d3 d5 Il.exf6 Jobava-Grischuk game, Stefanova came
ne8+ l2.'it>f1 g6 13.~b3 ars 14.'f'dl h6 with another nice solution.
15.~f3 'f'xf6-+) 10...~xt7 Il.~xf7+~xf7
12.exf6 _e8+! (an important intermediate
g 1.if !~
move to avoid 1i'hS+, picking the bishop on
c5) 13.MI (after l3.'iWe2 'iWxe2+ 14.Q;>xe2 ... ... ......
~xf6+ Black has too many pawns for the t!::, ~
exchange, not to mention the bishop pair)
l3...~xf6!. I really like Black's position.
... 1. 1LJ
White's king is much more insecure than
Black's and ...b6 followed by ~a6+ ~'iYt!::,
(amongst other ideas) is coming) 10 d5.1f
t::. t!::,t!::,t!::,
Black is allowed (0 play ...lIe8+, and .. :G'xf6
(possible after ...h6) he will have three IIttJ W l::t
pawns for the piece plus attack. The follow-
ing variations are only sample lines of what 14...~f4! IS.~xf8 1t'e8+ 16.wfI .Q.xg5
may happen: l7.h4 ~h6 18.~c5 W'xc6 19.~d4 t6e4
- 1l.$.d3 tle8+ 12.'~f1 g6 followed by 20."d I .tb7 2l.tlh2 tld8 and due to the
13...ihf6 with good attacking chances. threats of ...b4 and ....if4 Black is already
- II...-h5 i.f5 12.fxg7 ~e8+ 13.~fl .1g6 winning, Lie-Stefanova, Drarnmen 2005.
l4.'f'f3dxc415.fS1!re7 16.g44\e5 J7.'i'dl It looks logical to develop the queen's
'irf6-+. bishop before playing tilbd2: 7.i.gS 0-0
- I I. 1i.e2 1t'xf6+ 12.0-0'1 d3+. 8.l;~bd2 (on 8.0-0 there follows 8 ...~e7f
- II.~b3 J:[c8+ 12...t;>f1 h6 13.<'L:f3 'lWxf6 9.tDbd2 - 9.dxe5 tDxe4 - 9...d6 and White
14.~xd5 dxc3+. would be tine weren't for the fact that he
misses a pawn on b2, Kantsler-Kosashvili,
The aforementioned game of Stefanova's Israel 2003) 8 ...exd4 (Black makes use of
continued 7.dxeS .Q.xeS! 8.CL:gS(8.~a3 was plan B) 9.cxd41Le7 10.e5 (the alternatives
played in Van der Wiel-Sokolov are no better: lO.d5 liJa5 11..~.d3 4\xd5';
Leeuwarden 2004. After R...d6 9.1i.b5 ~e7! 10.0-0 dS! II ..bf6! i.xf6 12..hdS
1(>.0-0 0-0 II.tL:xe5 1t'xe5 12.~d3 ::le8 ~xd4+) 1O...~h5! II..be7 (or II..1e3 d5)
13.f4 ~a5 14:~c2 b6! 15.~b2 ~a6 II...'fhe7 12.0-0 tlJf4 l3.g3 (IHlel dS
16.i.xa6 ~xa6 White was simply a pawn 14..Q.b3 .tfS+) 13...d5! 14ib3llJe6+.
down) 8...d5~ 9.exd5 ~a5 IO.'tWa4+ c6 7...0-08.J:[e1 h6 9.lLlbd2 !:le8 10.~b3
l l.dxco O-O~12.~a3 (12.c)(b7 i.xb7 13.0-0 This retreat of the bishop eyeing f7 and pre-
~xh2+ 14.Wxh2 W'c7+ I 5.'.ti)g I ~xc4+) paring 0.c4 is perhaps the most dangerous
12...~xc4 13.1I'xc4 b5! 14.... b3 (after move for Black. Against IO.~d3 I very
14.Wxb5J:[e815.()-O"'c716.~Da.')! Black much like 10... ~f8 (I0 ...exd4 as above is
has very good compensation for just one also interesting) II.dxe5 tDxe5 IVtJxeS
pawn. It's nOI easy to lind good places for tlxe5 13.tLJf3 (\ 3.f4 wac; mentioned above,
both White's queen and king's rook. A sam- out Paloma came out with 13...~c5+!

Jeroen Bosch & Carlos Matamoros

14.:t'h l11h5! IS.e5 - else ...d6 or ...d5 - and directed against ...d5 - 13. .. d5! - anyway-
now she uncorked 15...~e4!!-+) 14.exd6 .!:rxel+ 15.tLJxel "iWxd616..bf7+,?
~xf7 17."iWxh7 lDxd4-+) 13...i.xd2!
(l3...tL:e7? 14.i.xf7+) 14..ixd2 /:i:,e7
15_.ic4 dS. Now White can get his pawn
back but after 16.exd6 cxd6 17.~h3 d5!
18,.hd5 tDxd5 19..axe8+ lIt'xe8 2o.fixd5
tLJf6Black is better due to the coming block-
ade on d5, better bishop and better pawn
For IO... ~fR see the notes 10 Jobava-
Grischuk. White is on top.
11.a4 b4 1VDc4 bxc3 13.dxe5 £ixe5
14.tUfxeS tUxeS 1S.tlJxe5 l:[xe5 16.Af4
Ue717.e5 tiie818.~d3
13... 11e8 14.e5 4)d5 15.~h7+ (it doesn't White has very good compensation for the
seem very logical to part with this important invested pawn. Although Sokolov manages
bishop but the alternative 15.i.c2 doesn't to get rid off the pressure by giving back the
worry Black - after IS ...c6! 16.Wld3g6 fol- pawn I think Black would do better to im-
lowed by ...d6 Black is absolutely fine) prove his play before, maybe with IO ... cxd4.
15...<.f,>xh716."iWxd5Wgg 17.~f4(Whitehas 18_..d519J!rxc3
some pressure but Black is a pawn up, the Interesting is 19..2.c2!?
bishop pair and no immediate danger faces 19...~f5 20.J:[ad1 l:[d7 21.a5 c6!
him) 17...d6 18.exd6 .!:rxel+ (this looks Now the knight gets back to work via c7 to
better than I g ... Qe6 from P.H.Niclsen- e6. The passed pawn and counterplay
Johannessen, Sweden u 2003/04, which en- against White's a-pawn balances White's
ded in a draw after 19.~xb7 ~xd6 20.~xd6 pair of bishops.
~xd6 2I.iVb4) 19.1hel cxd6 20.tL:d4 22.ihc6 zea 23.fka4 CiJc7 24.jLe3
(20. l:td I 'Wf6 2Ui.xd6 ke622.~xh7 ~e6 25.a6 ees 26.~xcS J:[xc5
:d8-+) 20 ... 1!Yb6 and Black seems 10 me to 27.l:td4 J:[a5 28.'fl'c6 ~b6 29.'i'xb6
be a good pawn up (21 ..!:re8lIi'b 1+). axb6 30.f4 l:[xa6 31Jlxd5 J:[xd5
10...b5 32.Q.xd5 b5 33Jtc1 J:[b6 34_~f2 b4
Directed against 0.c4. IO ... b6 may nOI stand 35.~b3 95 36.fxg5 hxg5 37.We3 ke6
up to scrutiny: 11.t!.lc4 .kb7 12.d5 t"Ljb8 38.l:tb1 ~xb3 39.lbb3 nbS 40.cj;>d4';xd6 cxd6 14.lLlh4!. With ideas of Ci:f5. ~g7 41.94 Wf8 42.Wc4 l:txe5
'itf3-g3. ~a3. Black. is in grave danger. 43.r:txb4 ne2 44.h3 ne4+ 45.~cS lIe3
Plan B might well do the Irick lO...exd4!? 46.9.Jd4J:[xh3
J I.cxd4 and now 11...~b4! 12.e5 (I2.d5 After all the Evans Gambit is just a pawn up
~c3 13.l%bI tLJe5) 12...tZ:h7 with the idea for Black.
of ...dS, for example 13.~d5 (lHWc2 - 47.~e4 ~g7 1f2-'h
Adrian Mikhalchishin
A Sozin Opening Surprise

Hitting the bishop with 6 ...ttJa5!?

1.e4 c5 2.~f3 ~c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.~~xd4 I I .b3 0-0 I2,ci:;ce2'!! (this allows the liberat-
~,f6 5.t/';c3 d6 6..~,c4 tl;a5!? ing 12...t15. Simply was better)
This variation was introduced into modern 12...d5 13.exd5 <1:xd5 14.c4 4'M 15.'l\fc3
practice by grandmasters Rashkovsky and ti:ac6 Black equalises. Ciganikova-Grabics,
Ubilava, It is an interesting idea, radically Nadllie 1995.
changing the direction of the play in this 8...e6
variation. White has the following It is risky to play R... ac8 9.~.g5 ~Jl.b5
conti nuations: 1O.~xb5+ f:'::d7 11.ti.;d5 (here 11.0·0-0 a6
12.'t!fe2 <2c4 U.t[jb3 is stronger) II .. J:tc4!
A) 7..~.b5+ 12.1Ld2 (12.0·0-0) 12..Jlxd4 13...!ha5
B) 7.~.d3 b6 14.Qd :xc4+ 15...t>d2 e6, and Black
C) 7.:1t..e2 achieved an excellent game. Gross-
Chernyshov, Czech Republic 2000/0 I.
Variation A However, there is the natural continuation
7.~b5+ xd7 8.1jWe2 8...a6 to consider. After 9.~.xd7+ the lines
After 8..Q.xtl7+.xu7 9.0-0 c6 10.'lWd31Lc7 fork:

Adrian Mikhalchishin

I SJ:lhdl b5 16.e5 tbc4! l7.exd6 'C!t'xd6!with

very sharp play. Rodin-Chemyshov, Voro-
nezh 2000.
It is a pity. but, considering the weakness of
d6, Black has no choice but to take on b3.
14.axb3 ltc8 15...-d2 rtc6 16.rthe1
0-0 17 •.CI.e3 .CI.d8
After 17 ... 'i'g5 18.g3 liJf6 19.:l.d3 'i'xd2+
20.: I xd2 J:[d8 21 .e5 White clearly has the
advantage in the ending. W.Arencibia-
Hernandez. Oropesa del Mar 1996.
• 9 ...'1!t'xd7?! 1O.~g5 e6 11.0-0-0 ~c7 18.f4 b5 19:>t>bl'd4l1cc8
12..bf6 gxf6 13.(4 tbc6 14.f5 and White
has only a slight advantage. Anand-Leko,
Munich blitz 1994 .
• 9...~xd7 10.0-0 g6 Il.kg5 h6 12.kh4
tbc6 13.tLixc6 bxcf 14.'.t>hl 'ifb6 15..CI.abl
§;..g7 with equality. Sluka-Chernyshov, Ry-
maTOV 1993.
Ifno improvement is found in our main line
below. then Black may weI! prefer to play
8...a6 instead of 8...e6.
9..tg5 YJ..e710.0-0-0 a6
Forcing White to release the tension
(l1..id3 is odd of course). In practice all 21.f5!
bishops were exchanged now. And White has the advantage, Hracek-
11.~xd7+ lbxd712 ..txe7 ~xe7 Chernyshov, Czech Republic 2000/01.

Variation B
This was played by the great Bobby Fischer
in 1964, in the first game known to the data-
base featuring 6
7 ...g6
NOI illogically Black opts for a Dragon
set-up. There Black often embarks upon the
manoeuvre ~c6-a5-c4. The first tempo has
already been gained!
Also quite possible is 7 ... e5 8.fLb5+ Ad7
9 ..bd7+ ""xd7 IO.liJb3 (or IO.tZ:dc2 h6
13.~b3 II.~d3 rLe8 12.0-0 'ii'c6 13.b3 a6 14.a4
In this critical position the other possible JJ..e7 15..ad2! with advantage to White,
continuation is 13.f4 0-0 14.lld3 .ctac8 E.Ghinda-Lendvai. Budapest 1991)\c4

A Sozin Opening Surprise

II.~gS!,! (a sharp pawn sacrifice) White to stop the advance of the a-pawn with
II...~xb2 12.,*f3 'it'g4 13.,hf6 'it'xf3 12.a4. when he can use the b4-square for his
14.gxf3 gxf6 15.lf'id5 .c:.c8 with a sharp knight.
game. Fischer-Allen, Santa Barbara simul 12.84.te613.~cl llJb4
However after 7...c6 8.0-0 ~e7 9.f4 a6
1O.<;t>hl 'f!Ic711.tL:f3e5 12 .... e l l White is a
little better, Petrienko-Korpics. Dresden

Here 14.<;t>hl followed by 15 .... e2 would
have been better.
14...kd71S.~g5l::!.c816.Wh1 ~h8!
A remarkable manoeuvre - see Black's 19th
8.0-0 move.
There are several alternatives at this stage. In 17.tL:.le2 tLg4! 18,~el gxfS 19.exf5
the event of S.b3 ~c6 9kxc6 bxc6 I0.~b2 l::!.g8
~g7 11.0-0 0-0 12.lL:a4 c5 13.c4 cuh5
14.cLic3 ti:f4 15.t'Lie2 WaS! Black has no
problems. Murko-G, Kuzrnin, Alushta 2002.
Possible is 8.~e3 ~g7 9.fl 0d7 IO.f4
0-0 11.0f3 lLic5 12.0-0 0xd3 13.cxd3
~d7 14.'CWd2 e6 I S.\t;'h I Ci:c6 16.g4 f5!
with a double-edged game. Martin
Gonzalez-Ubilava, Candas! 992.
Sharper is 8,~g5 JJ.g7 9.'f!Id2 0-0 10.0-0-0
tL:c6 Il.tDf3 ~g4 12M hS 13.~h6 .l'!c8
14.~xg7 <j;xg7 15.l:dgl! 'i'a5 16.:bbl
Soloviov-Chernyshov, Pardubice 2001, and
here Black should have played 16...tt0b4.
8...~g7 1O.~d2 t?-,c6 With an excellent game for Black. Fedorov-
The healthy Dragon-position of Black's Chernyshov, Srnolensk 2000.
pieces makes up for the apparent loss of
tempo. Variation C
11.'4 as! 7.~e2e6
Characteristic of the Dragon. Black forces Ubi lava played cunningly against Sofia

Adrian Mikhalchishin

Polgar: 7...36 R.f4 e5 9.~f3 'ilih6 1().t2:;d5 12.~el 1:.1'>813.a4 0.d7 14.h3 1'>615..ta3
~xd5 Il.exd5 ~g4! 12.fxc5 .ixf3! 13.~xf3 J:te8 16.11dI kb7 17.0.de2 with a slight ad-
dxcf 14.e3 .id6 and achieved an excellent vantage to White. Yilmaz-Leko, Budapest
game. 1992.
The move 7...g6 has no point - 8.~g5 fLg7 In the recent game Rocha-Bauer, Nancy
9.~d2 tDc6 IO.tDb3 0-0 11.0-0 ~e6 2005. Black played 10...ti'!d7 l1..liLe3 a6
J 2JZad 1 and White is powerfully central- I HIVe I 1Lh4! 13.'1!r'd2 'fIIe7 14.fS tbe5
ised, Zimmcrsman-Gyorkos, Balatonbereny IS.~g5 ~xgS 16.W'xg5 to.

E •
~~ ~~~

8.0-0 11.4."::.f5
dtxf5 12.exf5 );le8
Played in Scheveningen style. It ix also pos- White now started to bum all his bridges
sible to launch an immediate attack: !i.g4 a6 with
9.g5 ~d7 IOJ:tgl bS II.a3 ~b7 12.b3!'! 13.g4 exf4 14.g5 ~d7 15.f6!? gxf6
'iWb6 13.'Ilid2 ne8 14.£i.b2 g6 15.0-0-0 es: 16.gxf6 9.xf6 17.$.J(f4 ~xc3! 18.bxc3
16.b4! with an unclear game. Hernandez- tL~je5!
Damaso, Novi Sad 01 1990.
Yet another possibility is 8.ggS a6 9.l\Yd3
SLc7 1O.f4 'iWc7 11.0-0')1 (the more aggres-
sive 11.0-0-0 is clearly better) 11...£d7
12.'.t>hl .:L:c6 I3J:adl 0-0 14.~g3 0xd4
15.lhd4 ~c6 16.fS ~h8 17.e5! dxeS
18.11h4 with a very complicated game.
Kupreichik-Rashkovsky, Kuibyshev 19R6.
8 ..•.Q.e1
In the game Dimitrov-Leko, St. lngbcrt
1990. Black gained equality after 8...a6 9.a4
~e7 10.f4 'fIIe7 II.~h I 0-0 12.~d3 .td7
13.'i'g3 :LacS 14.~d3 tLc6 tbb4!.
9.14 0-0 10_~h1 e5! with a highly double-edged game in
More passive is 1O... a6 II.£i.f3 '*I'd Donccvic- Ubilava, Pamplona 1991.
Mikhail Gurevich
English or Sicilian Reversed

~ .t~~.t I
iiii iii
~ ~

The 'modest' 4.a3!?

1.c4 e5 2.4:c3 l/it6 3.-1"f3ti:2c6 4.a3!? until today. Many of the world's leading
This variation in the Classical Four Knights players were among my opponents as I kept
Variation of the English Opening has been testing this 'modest' 4.<13 move and - let's
around for a hundred years or so. However, forget about modesty for a moment - I was
the ideas behind this line have considerably satisfied with the results.
changed and developed in lime - as in any Before we proceed with the moves, Jet's dis-
other opening. Thinking back of the year cuss [he ideas behind this 'strange' continua-
19881 vividly remember the game Chernin- tion. White plays a move with his rook's
Vaganian (see our first game below) which pawn rather than continuing to develop his
attracted Illy attention 10 the 4.a3 variation. pieces with more useful pawn moves like
It was this game thai made me want to learn 4.g3, 4.d4, 4.dJ, or 4.e3. After all, these mo-
and understand the ideas behind the move ves would open up some diagonals for the
4.a3. Alexander Chernin, is a great friend of bishops. What. [hen. is the idea behind 4.a3'!
mine. and we both (Chemin first and I fol- It isn't exactly a clussical approach, but let's
lowed) started to play this variation on a reg- not use the word 'classical anymore when
ular basis. Something. I've actually kept up discussing the Engli!-.h Opening.

Mikhail Gurevich

First of all. 4.a3 is a prophylactic against o Rafael Vaganian

Black's bishop coming to b4. as in the 4.g3 • Alexander Chemin
~b4 variation. Remember, this is generally Naberezhnye Chelni 1988
seen as Black's best option. So, it's especial-
ly advisable for rapid and blitz chess where 1.c4 e5 2.tDc3 tDf6 3.tDf3 tlJc6 4_a3!?
there is always a chance the opponent will d5
play 4 ....i.b4 ... The most principled reaction, and the main
OK let's not kid ourselves, back to serious line. Black occupies the centre, following
business. The move 4.a3! has a great psy- the rules of classical chess. Although
chological advantage, it might surprise - in- Chemin was not a l.e4 player, faced by a
deed even shock - our opponent(s). Just surprise continuation, he follows the general
consider for a moment the situation. Put rules. Only to find himself in an unfamiliar
yourself in your opponent's shoes. He position a few moves later.
thought he was playing an English Opening 5.cxd5 tLixd5 6.ftc2
with Black, where he properly learned all
these lines after4.g3 ~b4. And, suddenly, he
finds himself playing a Sicilian with White a
tempo down - a tempo which we wisely
spent on the typical Sicilian move a6 (in our
case 4.(3).
White can afford to 'lose a tempo' in the ope-
ning to hide his real intentions. Indeed, 4.a3
is a flexible continuation, which leaves us
many opportunities, White will start buil-
ding his pawn structure depending upon
Black's next move. Studying the games of
the best players who employ this powerful
opening weapon you will see that there art: An excellent (Sici I ian!) move. Other contin-
different interpretations. Every player uations can be considered:
adopts the plan (and chooses the pawn I will largely leave the alternative 6.e4 to the
structure) that suits his taste. blind followers of the Sicilian Sveshnikov,
So, tosummarizemy argument in a different - After 6 ... CL;f4 7.d3 ~g4 8.~e3 ~.xf3
way. In order to understand the move 4.a3, I 9.'ifxf3 tL:d4 IO.-etd I c6 Il.g3 tbfe6 12.~h3
can give only one recipe: learn to play Chess, iLe7 13.0-0 0-0 14.f4 exf4 15.gxf4 f5
and once you understand Chess, you under- 16.~e2 ~c5, Ibragimov-Galliamova, St Pe-
stand how to play 4.a3. Or. alternatively.just tersburg 1998, Black had a comfortable
go and play it. enjoy it and love it. And, if one game. A Sveshnikov player would seriously
day you feet mat you understood it, give me consider 7.d4 though.
a call. J will pay for the lessons ... - Rechlis-Manor; Tel Aviv 1994. went
We will examine a selection of games star- 6...tN6 7.~b5 .td6 8.d4 exd4 9.~xd4 0-0
ting with the answer that is most populur in IO.1Lxc6 bxcri, when after the blunder
practice: 4 ...d5. The final three games are II.e5'1. White had to suffer in order to survi-
devoted respectively to 4...e4. 4...d6 and ve: 11...i.xe5 12.~xdH 1Lxc3+ 13.bxc3
4...g6. J:[xd8 and so on.

English or Sicilian Reversed

Naturally, one can play in Scheveningen

style with: 6.d3 1Le7 7.e3 .te6 8.~e2 0-0
9.0·0 a5 I0.'itc2 ~b6 II.b3 f5 12..tb2 .tf6
13.~d2 1Wd7 14.hlfdl !:lad8 15.~abl ttf7
I 6...ia I i.e7 17.llJb5 liJd5;c4 .1f6
I 9.~f3, Kharlov-Stefanova, Ubeda 1999,
with a complicated, typically Sicilian, posi-
Also playable is 6.e3.
6 ...<iJxc3
Possibly not the best reaction. This ex-
change allows White lO improve his central
pawns structure. We will subsequently dis- 20.g4!± It::a5 21.'ilVa4! lDc6! But not
CliSS some alternatives. 21. ..b6? 22.gxf5. 22.~d2! ~e6 While
7.bxc3 £d6 8.g3!t calculated: 22 .. .fxg4 23.11xt7 Wxt7
Both the exclamation mark and the evalua- 24.1Wc4+! (not 24J!f1+? <J.o>g825.'1It'c4+
tion are Vaganian's. They reflect his under- ~c6!) 24 ...'i!Ye6 25.~xe5 ~xe2 26.'iiffS+
standing of the position at the time. I don't ~g8 27 .l:e I+-. 23.J:laf1 ~g6 24.g5! In-
want to be too critical. After all. we learned a accurate is 24.11g2?~ 'ti'd5!. 24 ... l:le6 Re-
lot from his games. turning to the centre as 24 ...h6?! fails to
Still, Black didn't do anything criminal, and 25.'iifc41 intending 26.~t7 or 26.1:f5.
hardly suffers from any weaknesses. So, in 25.e4 g6 Or 25 .. .f4?~ 26..bf4 'iWxc3
my opinion, the evaluation that White is 27.~d2+-. 26 .... b3 ~a5 27.iWc2!
slightly better can only be justified by 27.'f¥d5? 'ffxd5 28.exd5 fle8. 27 ... c4?! A
Vaganian 's optimism and the outcome of the decisive mistake in Zeitnot. Rafael now con-
game. verts his initiative into a winning endgame.
8...'iVe7 9.d3 0-0 10.~g2 ~d7! 11.0-0 After the stronger 27 ..kc6!? White plays
t2:;a5 12.lbd2! 28.~a21 planning 29 ..if4. 28.exfS gxfS
Stronger than the active l2.Ci:g5 f5!? 29.d4! 't!¥e4 30.lWxe4 lbe4 31.l:lxf5
13.1i.d5+!? (please don't win a pawn with l:tg4+ 32.Wh1 l:txf5 33.lhf5 tile6 No
13 ..hb7'!! lL::xb7 14.Wb3+ wh8 15.'if.!lxh7 better is 33...tLib3 34.~f4. 34.l::tcS l:le4
ho when Black is slightly better) 13...WhS 35.l:lxc4 <M7 36.~c5 ~g6 37.Wg1
14.'lfa2 .te8~ with unclear play. l:le2 38.~f4 c,';e7 39.M1 l:lb2 40.Wel
The game is equal after 12.d4e41 13.!Z:;g5f5 tUf5 41.d5 tDh4 42.wdl <1'\g243.j(d2
14.0 h6. Interesting is 12.e4!? c5 13.t;jh4 '.M5 44.d6+ Black resigned because of
go, though chances are still even. 44 ...~e6 4S.J:d5 <.t>d74fl.:td4.
12... c513.tDe4 '5!?
After 13 ... ~c7?!, Whitc has 14.c4 (t.
~c3·d5, ~b2) l4...1tk6 15.e3±. o Mikhail Gurevich
14.tZJxd6 'i'xd6 15,f4! • Anatoly Karpov
White has U pair of his hops and is opening up Cap d'Agde 2000
the game in the centre.
15.. J:tae8 16.fxe5 "'xeS 17.l:tf2 Qc6 This was an 'active' chess game. I present it
18.~xc6 tbxc619.'W'b3+ !:lf7 because of the interesting strategical fight.

Mikhail Gurevich

1.c4 ~f6 z.eea e5;f3 4Jc6 4.a3 d5 Underlining my own weaknesses on the
S.cxd5 tDxdS 6.1Wc2 tDxc3 7.bxc3 queenside,
~d6 18.ti\h4 ~e8 19JWd1!
In Chemin-Friedman, New York 1997, This is a multifunctional move. The queen
White was clearly better after 7 ...ge7 B.g3 eyes the kingside. and liberates the second
0-09.~g2 J:[b8 IO.O-Oho11.d4.id612.i.b2 rank for the ~al-a2-f2 manoeuvre, which
1Ilte7 13.e3 b6 14.c4:le8 15.J:fcl e416.tlJd2 would increase the pressure on the kingside,
f5 1H~;b3 tt'~d8 18.c5 bxc5 19.dxc5 ~e5 19...c5!
20.~xe5 ii'xe5 21.tDd4 c6 ..Q.d7 A counter-action in the centre - a classical
23.'t!t'a4. reaction.
8.g3 0-0 9.~g2 h6 10.0-0 l1b8 11.d4 20.dxe5 fxeS 21.f5 1116!
It was time to take the centre, was my feel- This is Karpov's high class play, he prepares
ing. After all, for how long could I play to occupy the d-file with counterplay in the
against the great Champion with my pawns centre.
on d2 and e2. Note that Karpov's strategy 22.g4 ~e7 23."e2 lld6 24.lLlf3 ~d8
would have been successful in case of II.d3 25.a4
b6 12.a4 il.b7. While this isn't my side of the board, the
11..... e712.e4 ~d713.~e3 b6 temptation to get rid of a weakness (and 10
The a3-pawn was untouchable: 13.....ixa3 activate the a l-rook) was too strong.
14.dH\d8(14 ...~ia5 15.~a2)!xe5. My 25...a6 26.axb5 ~xb5
pieces are developed, it is time to choose a An active approach, although it leaves Black
plan. with numerous pawn weaknesses.
14.4~d2! 27.~f2l:td3 28.h4
The sign for a decisive attack. More cautious

:1* was 28.'iWe I.

.t E 'if
1.. •
~ ~ .it ~ .t~~
'iVt2J ~i,.~ ~ ~
1:[ l:[W ttJ
Planning 15.f4 with an initiative in the cen-
tre and on the kingside.
~ l:[w
14...~a515.f4 f6 A critical position in the game - Ioften give
Black had to support his central pawn. hut it to my pupils to solve. A great example to
the weakness of the pawn structure on the test your chess understanding.
kingxide is now obvious. Naturally, I start 29 ...hxg5?
the hunt for the opponent's monarch. The wrong answer, Karpov cracks under the
16.tL:.f3tlJc4 17.gcl b5 psychological pressure of White's attack.
English or Sicilian Reversed

After the opening up of the h-file Black's especially suggest the reader to study the in-
king is indefensible. Instead. Anatoly had to tricacies of 9..ihc6.
play 29 ..J;[b6!, activating thc last 'sleeping'
piece and taking the sixth rank under con-
trol. In that case it would have been very dif-
ficult to continue the attack. After 30.f6
(30.Wh I 'lifdJ 31. ~g3 'tWxe4) 30 ...gxf6
31 .gxh6 Wh8 the position is unclear.
30.hxg5 .!:lxc1 Karpov was hoping 10
neutralize my attack by this exchange sac-
rifice, but after: 31 ..!:laxc1 ~xg5
3Vt)xgS \!Vxg5 33 . .!:lc3! the attack con-
tinues, with a material edge for White.
33 ...W'd2 34.lfWg3 ~d4+ 35.<;!o:h1..Q.e8
The best chance to complicate things was - 9.iLc2r? ~h8 1O.tL;gS ~xg5 II..ixg4!.
35 ...eld2. 36_f6 g6 37J~d3 'lWb2 White has the advantage of the two bishops,
38J:rd7! Q17 39.'t!th3 With two unavoid- as in Matamoros Franco-Korneev, Seville
able threats - 40.'ffh6 and 40.l:txt7 - Kar- 20(H. In a couple of moves Korneev com-
pov resigned. mits suicide: 11...f5 12.~xf5 tbd4 13.exd4
exd4 14.Ci;xd5 ..wxd5 15.~e4 d3 16.~xd5
llae8+ 17.~f1 uxc2 18.d3 ars 19.1:a2 Ad4
o Alexander Chemin 20.f3 ~e3 21..ctal+-.
• Zsusza Polgar - 9.'i:Yd3. A creative approach of Kortch-
Brno 1993 noi's, although it didn't bring White any par-
ticular advantage: 9 ..P~xc3 IO.1!Vxd8lf'.xd8
1.c4 eS VLlC3 q.,f6 3.tI':f3 ti',c6 4.a3 d5 Il.bxc3 e4 12.0e5 ~e6 I3.Ae2 f5 14.d4
5.cxd5 ti2xd5 6:t!fc2 ssa exd3 15.t2Jxd3 tL:c6 16.~b I ~5 17.t2Jf4
Black wisely keeps the tension. continuing ..ia2 18.11b2.if7 19..dbS tL:b3 20.0-0 tL;c5.
to develop her pieces. Kortchnoi-Rublevsky, Rethymnon 2003,
7.e3 Black has a comfortable game.
One of most critical position ofthe variation. - 9 ..Q.xc6 ~xf3. This is modern, a com-
7...a6?! puter's approach to deal with the problems.
Zsofa 'blinked' first. This passive move pre- An eye for an eye: 1O.j.xb7 (lO.gxf3 bxcti
vents the threat of 8..tbS. but allows Alex to II.b3 lUxe3 12.dxc3 .<15 13st>e2 e4
demonstrate the hidden dynamic resources 14.'i.he4 (14.fxe4 'i.fh5+ with an initiative)
of the position. 14... ihb3 15..cthl ~a2+ 16.~h2 "xa3
The best response is 7 ...0-0, proceeding as 17.~xc6 .Q.f6 UU:tb7 ii'a5 19.~b2 .ctad8
quickly as possible with the development of 20.l:tal 11rf5. Beim-Rublevsky, Frankfurt
the pieces. Let us consider two moves in this 2000, and White has constant problems with
position: 8j~b5 and his king) IO....txg2 (a natural reply. but not
After 8,~b5 Black should reply with the best one it seems to me. Both 1O... ti;xe3
8 ...~g4!? This is an important position for and IO...4:-,b4 deserve auention) 11.~xd5
the evaluation of the variation. Below you Axd5 12.~xa8 ~xa8 13.1:81 li.D 14.d3 f5
will find some relevant examples. I would 15.e4 ~h8 16.~e3 fxe4 17.dxe4 .Q.d6

Mikhail Gurevich

J8.11g3 a5 19.1:c I 'ti'h4 20.h3 h6 21.~d3 Better than the alternatives 8.~e2 and 8.b4
.ah5 22.~d2 l:ld8 23. -..c4 and White was 4'lxc3! 9.dxc3=.
better in Harikrishna-Dao Thien Hai, Cal- 8...'ilYxd5 9.~d3!
cutta 2000. This stops Black from castling, and creates
Having discussed 8.~b5, we will now inves- the unpleasant threat of 1O..i.e4, II..ixc6,
tigate 8.t;\xdS. After 8...'i.t'xd5 White may and 12.tijxe5. Weaker was 9 ..i.c4 ~d6 with
consider 9 ..ltd3 g6 1O.b4. Practice has seen equality.
instead 9 ..ic4 'fid6 lO.b4 and now: 9 ....Q.d7 A blunder is 9...~g4? IO.~e4
'ifd6 II..axc6+ bxc6 12.0xe5+-. 10.b4
~.t g~ ~e6 Slightly unnatural, but the immediate
1O....id6?? is met by 11..t.c4+-. 11.~b2
111 .tlll ~d6 Or 11...f5 12.0-0 e4 l3.~c4 'llfg6
~'i¥ 14.tL;e5±. 12.tLig5! While's initiative de·
1 velops naturally after this move. Less ac-
curate was 12.0·0 ~6!=. 12...tfg4?!
White is also better after 12...1fh6 13.h4±.
Best was 12 'i!Ye7 13.lf';e4;t. 13.h4!
~xg2 Here 13 h6 is met by 14.0e4 (af-
ter 14.i..t:2 Black has 14...'*l'xg2 (not
14 ...... f5 15.ti\e4 f::,. l6.g4±) 15.~f3
- I0 ...~f6 I !.1:b I Ci:;e7 12.d3 ~f5 I3.h3 'tIYxhI + 16.~xh 1 hxg5 with compensation
nad8 14.e4 ~e6 IS ..txeti 'iiVxe6 16.0-0 IId7 for the queen) 14...'tIYxg2 15.0-0-0 with ex-
IHtdl t:fd8 18.~c3 a6 19.a4 h6 20.'~Wb3 cellent compensation. 14.0-0·0 tfg4
(20.b5!? was interesting pressurizing the 15.l:tdgl 'i!'Vh516.~c4! Even better than
queenside) Black is OK in the endgame. 16.tL:xh7 0-0-0 l7Jhg7 ~xb4 I R.ti'J6
20 ...'fixb3 2 Ulxb3 t2:g6 22.<.t>f1 Y2'Y2 ~h6 19.11xf7 i.e6 20.~f5±. 16... 0-0 This
Pikct-Ivanchuk, Wijk aan Zce 2001. is the only move as 16...tL:d8 is answered
- 1O...a6!? II.xb2 i.e6 (an accurate way of by 17.f4+-.
neutralizing the activity of White's bishops)
IZ.O-O!? ~f6 (planning 12...e4) 13..id3!? h6
14.~h7+ ~h8 15.i.e4 .2.dS 16.~c3!,! (in-
tending ~abl. a4. b5) 16.. .l:Ue81 17..~.)(d5
(this allows Black to equalize the game. Play
is also equal after 17.a4 tDd4! 18.exd4 ~xe4
19.''ilixe4 e,.;d4 20.~xb7 llab8 21.'i!fa7 dxc3
22.dxc3 §ixc3 23.:lacl i.b2 24.11xc7 llxb4
25.11b7. But 17.l:lab II? continuing an active
plan on the queenside was correct. then
17...ti'id4 is answered by 18..ixd4! exd4
19..bd5 1txd5 20.'ihc7;i;) l7...fixd5 IS.d3
J:!.ad8 19JUdi Etd7 20.04 (or 20.a4 b5 21.c4 17.f41! White had an aesthetic manoeuvre
'fie6=) 20 .....We6 with equal cbances in available to finish Black off: 17..ae2! .h6
Gurevich-Khalifman, Wijk aan Zee 2002. 18._~d3! f50 19.~c4+ (l9."c4+ '\th8
8.tUxd5! 20.tL:t7+? Etxt7 21.'fixt7 ~e6-+)

English or Sicilian Reversed

19...<.t>h8 20.liJn+ l:hf7 21..ixf7 with a 9.b40-0

decisive edge. 17•..'J;~h818.Qd5 The im- Intending .. .f5 and ...e4. Losing is 9 ...ihb4?
mediate 18.<1·:xf7+? fails to 18 ..JXxf7 lO.axb4 tL;xb4 II.~b5+ c6 12.'f6'e4+-.
19.:g5"'0 20.JIfi 'fi'h3. Possible was White keeps an opening advantage after
18.~e2 "fi'h6 19..1d3. The text sets a trap. 9 ..,a6 IO.~e2 (IO.~b2 ~xb4 11..~.e4 ~d6
18...l:tae8? Correct was 18... W 19. .Q.f3 12..bc6+ bxco 13.iOe4~) 10...0-0 Il.d3
'i'h6 20 ..te4 exf4 21.<1\xh7 fxe3!!. Now ~e6 12.0-0 ~e7 13.~b2.
the combination from the previous note is 10..ie2 f5 11.d3 '*16 12.~b2 £d7!?
playable. 19.tOxf7+! l:txf7 20.l:tg5 The 13.0-0 'itg614.b5!?
game is over. 20...l:lf5 Or 20 ....if5 White is abo slightly better after 14.0b5! '!
21.~xf7 .hc2 22.~xh5. 21J~xh5 lbh5 ~ae8 (14 ...ti:xb415.axb4.L.b5 16.lLlxe5t)
22.~f7 I:I.h6 23.~xe8 ~xe8 24.~f5 15.tbxd6 cxd6 16.!!.ac I.
l:lf6 25.1!fc8 .tUB26.l:I.g1 ~f7 27:~xb7 14.•.tDe7 15.~a4
And Black resigned. A great creative To gain control over the e5 square. Instead
achievement of Alex Chemin. 15.d4 exd4 (l5 ...e4 16.~xd4 is
well-met by 16.. .f4! 17.'ifxg6 tLlxg6.
o Mikhail Gurevich 15...f4!?
• Juan Gomez Esteban A blunder is 15...~.xb5? 16.'l!fb3+.
Linares zt 1995 16.t1'iXb6axb6
No good is the intermediate 16....ih3. White
1.c4 e5'c3 ~f6 3.C.wf3~c6 4.a3 d5 wins after 17.Cbh4 'Wg5 18.tL.xa8 0
5.cxd5 ~xd5 6.... c2 tDb6!? (I8 .."txg2 19.1l'oxg2 n 20.~xn+-)
Another way to deal with the tension be- 19.~xf3 JIxf3 20 ..:"";xc7.
tween these knights. although Black's 17.';t)h1
knight withdraws from the action zone. Black gains the initiative after 17.c1.'.xe5?!
7.e3 ..ad6 8...ad3!? .he5 18..he5 f3 (18 ... ~3 19.~f3 fxe3
20.fx.e3±) 19.~.d3 ~xf3 20.'iWxc7 ~f5!
(20 ... ~h3 21..itg3 ~d5 22.'Wxb7±) 21.d4
'lWe622.1!hb7 l:I.af8.
17...fxe3 18.4'ixeS!
Much better than 18.fxe3 tLId5!? intending
19.~d2 iLxb5 20.tDxe5 tig5 when Black
holds the intiative.
White is better after 19...:xf2 20.!!.xf2 exf2
21.'i.hc7 'i.Vf522.~d41. planning moves like
23.~g3 and 23.!!.fl.
20.~c4 ~e6
An important mano:uvre. It forces Black to White's game is slightly preferable after
play: 20 ... ~e6'e4 "fi'xe4 22.dx.e4 tUf4
8...h6 23 ..w.xf41hf424.t1.
Which takes the square from Black's major 2U4! c6 22.• e4!1
pieces in the future, and therefore helps to White chances are on the kingside, worse
protect White's king. is 22.a4 cxb5 23.axb5 ::lxa 1 24Jha I tL'xf4

Mikhail Gurevich

25.~xf4 tf'xc4 26.dxc4 llxf4. 22 ... ~f7!? 8.b4

Or 22...cxb5 23.f5 'iJ¥f7 (23 ...rlxf5 24Jhf5 8.ti.\e4 is the alternative.
~xf5 25.'ihd5++-) 24.f6! with nice at- 8...0-0 9.~b2 'i'e7!?
tacking chances. 23."'3!? Aiming to Black may also consider 9...s6 and 9...tbxc3.
play 24.1tg3, again eying Black's king. 10.~b5
23 •.•~g6 Again Black gets into trouble Perhaps it is better to puuhe pawn on b5. Af-
on the kingside if he takes on b5: 23 ... cxb'i ter IO.b5!? 01:a5 (IO ...0b8 11.'!cxd5 .txd5
24.1Wg3~c6 25.~h5 ~e7 26 ...Q.g6.24.g4! 12.e4 .Q.e613.tDxe5~) Il.d4 ~xc3 12.dxe5!
1tae8 25.'i!t'g3 After 25.d4 Black was pre- ~xb5 13.exd6 tLixd6 I4.'i!fc3 ~f6 15.~xf6
pared 10 sacrifice the exchange with gxf6 l6 ...ixf6 White has a slight advantage.
25 ...rlxe5 26.dxe5 lIxf4. 25...cxb5 10...tL:b6!?
26.Wg1 ~c6 27.f5g? ~f7 28.1tae1?! Also good was 10... a5!? 11.~.xc6 (11.LDxd5
Equally inaccurate are 2S.£d6?! ti:;c3 and ~xd5 12.e4 tZid4'+) 11...bxc6 12.bxa5 f5.
28.d4·n tii<:3 29.""xe3 <12xe2+ 30."IWxe2 11.0-0 a5 12.hc6 bxc6 13.tiJe4f5
't!rd5 31.'ilVa2cx:.Best was 28.~h2! (intend- 14.q,g3!?
ing to attack on the kingside with h4 and Stronger than 14.ll~c5 £<1..,}.
g5) 28...lDf6 29M 'ifd5 30.~h2 and White 14.•.~d7
is better. 28 ..:~e7! 29.~d6? Another It makes sense to transfer the knight to the
mistake. Since 29.~b2 is mel hy 29...b4, queenside with 14...0c4!? 15..ic3 e4
White should play 29.~al! when 16.tLid4tLJe5 17.hxa5 t;';g4.
29 ...'I!ha3? is a blunder after 30.g5! (but 15.d4 e4 16.ltJe5 .ixe5 17.dxe5 axb4
nOI 30.h4 It)c3+ intending 31.g5 18.axb4 "+Wxb419.ttJh5!?
fNxa I !-+) 30...hxg5 31..ixg7! (31.'Wxg5
11#'c7+) 31..5.txg7 32.'fhg5+ ~h8
(32...'i;f7 33.~h5 mate) 33.'f'h6+ ~g8
34.l\Yg6+ Wh8 3SJ:~f3 tDf4 36.'@'h6+ ~g8
37.Ug3+ Wf7 3lUlg7 mate. 29 ... ~f6
30.~xf8 'fi'xf8 Black has enough for the
exchange. 31.f61? t)'.xf6 32.g5 hxg5
33.~xg5 li'c5 34.1tf5 '¥Ye3 35.1tef1
~e6 36.~g6 ~d2?? This blunder de-
cides the game. Correct was 36 ....~.e8
37.,*"g5 and now a repetition after
37...~c6 38.1!fg6. or 37...0h7 38.'Wd8°o.
37.1tg5+- ~e7 37...~f8 38.'iWxg7+ ..t>e8
39Jhf6. 38.iixf6 1-0 With dear intentions along the main diago-
19...~e6 Or 19...~c4 20.'iWbl 'ilVd3
o Mikhail Gurevich 21.'ilrcloo. 20.'i'xc6 ssr 21.~c3 'i'c4
• Florian Handke 22.~xc4 'L:xC4 Simpler was 22...i.xc4
Amsterdam 2002 23 .l:fc I =. 23.ttJxg7 <;f;lxg7 24.e6+ 'it;g6
25.exf7 :lxal White is slightly better in
1.c4 t;'1f6 z.oea e5 3.tDf3 tDc6 4.a3 d5 the ending after 25 ...~xf7 26.1:ae 1 11a4
5.exd5 tiJxd5 6:.-c2 ~e6 7.e3 .~d6 27.l:Ifdl ~e6 28.l:Ibl. 26J%xa1 Wxf7

English or Sicilian Reversed

27.na6 lilb6!? Planning 27..J:ta8. This important new concept allows White to
28.l:ta7 t1.Jd529.~d4 nb8 30.h4 :tb1+ take the centre and to develop his pieces in
31.~h2 :tel 32.na6 c5 33.:c6 c4 the most natural way.
34.:td6 liJe7 This is correct. Afler the ac- Previously White used to play 7.'i'ixd3 tbe5
live 34...lj~b4 White keeps a slight edge 8.'ffc2:
with 35J:tf6+ <l:Je736.l:txf5 ~d3 37.11h5 c3 - 8 ...h6'?! 9.tL;ge4 ~xe4 lO.lijd5! 'i'd6
38.lhh7+ Wd6 39.l:1h8 c2 40J:tc8 ~xf2 I\.~xe4c612.~e3(no( 12.f4cxd5l3.cxd5
41.~b2 lle I. 35.~c5 c3? Bul this is a f6 14.fxe5 "xe5 15.'~!t'xe5+ fxe5=)
mistake. 3S ...liJg6 36.h5 l[}e5 37.~d4 ~.·!d3 l2 ..:~e6 13.g3 d6 14.£g2 g6 (perhaps
38.ll.d7+ ~6 39Jbh7 q'xf2 40.Wg3 tLd3 14... ~e7!?) 15.f4 f5 (15...~g4? 16.tUxg4
4l.h6 c3 42.J:tc7 c2 4Ht?h2 ~f2 with 'il'xe4 IV2:;[6++-) 16.'tWd4(ilf7 J7.~d2
equality. 36.rld7 e2 37J:lxe7+ ~f6 !1g8 18.0-0 xg7 19 .... d3 ~d7 (19 ...~xb2
38.~a3 Play is only equal after 38.:c7 20.J:tabJ ~f6 21.~c2 ~f8 2VDd4~)
l:1hl+ 39.'~xhl cl~+ 40.Wh2 '1t>g6 20.J:rabl sre 21.tL:c2..tn8 22.c4 White was
41.~d6. 38 •.•rta1 39.11xh7 rlxa3 better in Chernin-Mikhalevski, Beer Sheva
40J:th6+ We5 41.J:l:c6 rla2 42.h5 c1'i1k 1993.
White also wins after 42 ...<t>d5 43.:c8 - lLc6 9.e4 h6 IO.thf3! tLxf3+ Il.gxt1 g6
!:ta8 44.ll.xc2 l:th8 45.'~g3 llxh5 4fi.wf4. 12.~e}. Nogueiras- Vilela, Matanzas Capa-
43.nxc1 l:1xf2 44.h6 Wf6 45.~g3 rle2 blanca Memorial 1993.
46.rlh1 1:txe3+ 47.Wf4 1-0 - 8 ...d6 9.e3 g6 1O.:a,e2 1i.g7 II.h3 0-0
12..ad2 h6 13.ti":tl ~f5 14:"b3 ~d3+
15.~xd3 ~xd3 16.0e2 'ife4 17.l:cL C~d7
I!Ltb4 as 19.t;·~g3 "c6 20.1I""d3 axb4
o A1exander BeJiavsky 21.axb4 ~xb2 22J:tc2 J:[a3 23.'i'id2 lbe5
• Maxim ThI"Ov 24.0-0 ~xf3 25.l:1xb2 'ii'c6 26.11c2 nfa8 and
Copenhagen 2002 Black was better in Kortchnoi-Ivanchuk,
Roquebrune rapid 1992.
1.c4 e5 2.<iJc3liJf6 3.tbf3 ttlc6 4.a3 e4 7 ...h6 8.4':f3 d5
This is the most aggressive way to deal with VelY aggressive. Black cannot take on e4.
4.a3. The present game was responsible for - 8 ...tuxe4 9.tL!dS 'iWc5 (9...'CWd8 10.~xd3
putting the line out of fashion it seems, Ci:c5 II..lLc2 (11.0-0) 11... ~c7 12.0-0 0-0
5.4·'g5 Wie7 6.d3 exd3 7.e4! 13.114 with the initiative) 10.'iWxd31 ~xf2+
(IO .. :i1Va5+ 11.b4 .'.txb4+ IVDXb4 oi.!x.b4
13.'I!he4+ ~d8 14.~d2 J:re8 15:~he8+
rJixc8 16..Q.xb4±; IO... 0xf2 II.'ffe2+l
II.Wd I (2;c5 12.'CIYb I ! and wins because of
two unavoidable threats: 13.~e3 and
- 8...g6 9.:it.xd3 d6 IOk'.d5 "'d8 11.0-0
1:Lg7 12.h3 0-0 13.~e3 l:e8 14.... c2 ti~e5
15.t2~xe5 dxe5 16.0.xf6+ 'i'xf6 17.c5 c6
IlUlfd I White is slightly better. Schlosser-
Schenk. Austria 2004.
9.cxd5 tLJxe4 10.j(e3 li:xe3 11.bxc3

Mikhail Gurevich

ttJe5 12.~xd3 lDg4 about the subject. However. having known

White is also better after 12...tDxd3+ him for many years, I wouldn't expect to
l3.1ltxd3 'W'd8 14.0-0Ae7 l5.c4e5 16.~f4 hear any compliment!'> with respect to my
0-0 17.lDd2 b618.l:tael.id6 19..bd6 'irxd6 ideas ...
20.~e3 ~d7 21.tLle4 ilVg6 22.l:rg3 'i"f5 In the following two games unclear posi-
23.'W'e3 ~h7 24.1ltc3 f6 2S.J:te3 .aae8 tions arose after 5.d4 exd4 6. tOxd4 g6 7.Ag5
26.~fe I, Delchev-Papa, Zurich 2002. ~g7 8.e3 0-0 9.~e2 h6 10.~h4 and now:
13.0-0 tDxe3 14.fxe3 j(d7 Black does
not survive after 14...'fhe3+ 15.'it'hl ~e7
(l5 ...'ilkcS 16.tDe5) 16.~b5+. 15.e4 ~c5+
16.'lPhl 0-0-0 17.'ft'b3 .l:le8 18.a4 With
a decisive attack. 18...a5 19.e5 g5
20,~b5 gxb5 21.axb5 b6 Or 21...g4
22.0.d4 J:rxe5 23Jha5±. 22..l:la4 ~b7
23..l:lc4 ~a3 24.ifc2 With multiple
threats like 25.'We4 and 2S.d6. Black re-
signed. An important theoretical game, no-
table for Beliavsky's power-play.

- IO... tLJxd4 II.exd4 ~f5 12.0-0 (;6 13.g4

o Mikhail Gurevich i.c6 14.f4 d5 15.f5 ~c8 J6.cxd5 cxdf
• Anato)y Karpov 17.~hl i.d718.~f3..ac619."c2gS20.i.g3
HiI\lersum 1993 :XcS 21.'ilig2 ~e8. Knrtchnoi-Bacrot, Cannes
1.c4 e5 ViJc3 tDf6 3.ttJf3 (!jc6 4.a3 d6 - 10...!le8 II. tL;xc6 bxc6 12.0-0 a5 13.i.f3
This continuation, as well as 4 ...g6, often ~d7 14.Uhl lite8 15. .aet l:b8 16.b4 axb4
leads to transpositions to the theoretical 17.axb4 tLig4 HCWb3 ttJeS 19.~e2 ~f5
lines 4.g3 g6, or 4.g3 d6. That is unless 20.e4 i.e6 21.f4 ~d7 22.1ltc2 'ilka6 23.~f2
White plays: i.xe4 24.:al .txe2 25J:txa6 ~xa6 26.b5
5.e3 i.b7 27.bxe6 ~xc6 28.0.d1 iLa829.'tltxc7
or 5.d4. Here is the main difference in ap- tL:f6. Kortchnoi-Sokolov, Rethymnon 2003.
proach to the 4.a3 variation between 5..·966.d3
Kortchnoi and me. I prefer to play flexible In a later game against Karpov I played 6.g3
structures here, like 5.e3 or 5.d3, since they .i.g77 .~g2 0-0 8.d3 ~d7 9.()-() 'ii'c8 1O..ab I
promise a long and complicated rnanoeuv- i..h3 l1.b4 i.xg2 IHPxg2 .ae8 13."c2
ri ng game. Kortchnoi uses every opportunity (l3.e4!?) 13...~d8 14.~b2tDe6IS.J:tbdl e6
to open the centre with 5.d4 - in both the 16.h3hS J7.tLle40xe418.dxc4'i!i'c719Jtd3
4 ...d6 and the 4 ...g6Iines. In my opinion. it's as 20.J:rfd I axb4 21.axb4 .aed8 22.!l3d2 and
just a mutter of taste. Although J don't like White was slightly better, Gurevich-Karpov,
White's pawn structure on the queenside in Cap d' Agde 2000.
case of 5.d4, it leads to interesting dynamic 6...~g7 7.~e2 0·0 8.0-0 ]:le8 9.... c2
play in the early stage of the game. It would ~f5
be interesting to know Kortchnui's opinion Anatoly would like to provoke me into

English or Sicilian Reversed

playing I O.e4 in order to meet it by IO...~g4, 26,,,94 27.tije1 1Lf8 28.ti';xd7 'iYxd7
when Black would eontrol the d4-square 29.'4! exf4 30.~xt4 l:l.ea831.g3 l:ta2
with comfortable play. Perhaps just 31 .. JlaS!'!.
10.lLid21? a6!? 32.i.dl!
Not the blunder 1O...d5? l l.cxdf tl:,xd5 A blunder is 32.Qlg2? .Ihb2 :tt"'xb2
12.tDxd5 'i'xdS 13.e4 c1~d414.'ii'dJ+-. ':a2-+.
11.l:tbl 32 ...1j/gd833.lLJg2 Il8a5
Preparing b4 rather than falling for J 1.b4?! Stronger was 33 ...tDg5! 34 ..i.x.g5 'i'xg5
e4! l2.dxe4'tjxe4 i3.tL:dxe4 ~xe4. 3S.tL.f4 ~2aS=F.
11...hS12.b4 34.l:txa2 l:txa2 35 .• b1 'O'aS
Starting active play on the queenside. Again the alternative was 35 ...0g5.
12...tbh7 13.tL,d5!? 36.~b3 ~xb3 31.1i'xb3 tDf6
Intending a4 and b5. The immediate 13.a4 is Again aiming to attaek the c5·pawn with
answered by l3 ...a5!'? 38...~d7.
13....te6 14.a4li\b81 3S.Itfll?
Intending c6, d5. This is a clever way to deal White leaves his c5-weakness in favour of a
with the threat ofb4-b5-b6. The alternatives hunt for Black's king.
were: 38 ...l:~a3 39. tt'b8 "'xeS 4O.1Lh6 {Lid7
- 14...i..xd5 15.cxd5 'lie7 16.'iVh3 en 4Uj'e8 .e7 42.'iYc8 l:txd3 43.tbh4!
l7.uxc6 bxe6 18.ti\c4!? planning 19.~a5. With compensation.
- 14...a5 IS.bS ~xdS 16.cxd5 C~b4 l7.'t/Vc4
~f6 l8.~f3;t aiming to play I9.~a3.
15.b5 axb5 16.axb5 c6 17.bxc6 bxc6
Equal is 18.0e3 dS 19'ci:f3. But more inter-
esting was l8.tDb4!?
Not J8 .. J:!.a6 J9.cS dS 20.e4! f; 2J.d4.
19.e5 d5 20.e4?!
This is the cause of my future problems with
the e5·pawn. Belter was 20.itb2!? with
ideas of 21.lbf3 or 2 J .f4 and While has the
better perspectives. 43...We6 44.~xf8 ~xf8 45.1!fd8! cS A
20 .. :~e7! perpetual results from 45 ...'it'xe4 46.'i'g5+
Emphasizing the weakness of c5. Worse is tt:g6 47 .... d8+. The same goes for 45 .. Jre3
20 ...d4?! 21.l£idc4tOO7 22.~d6.:::tf8 23.f4±. 40.1:1f5' l:rxe4 47.1:[g5+ <J;>h7 48.rtxh5+
21.rd3 l:taS 22.~a4 tiJd1 23.-'i..d2 1:a7 :;.tJgS, but not 4!L.Wg7? 49.11Jf5+ ~g8
24.l:tfcl d4 25J:tb2 5o.ffxf8+ 'Itoxf8 5U!h8 mate. 46A~f5 But
Intending C~b6.Black is slightly better after not 46.IlfS? rtdl+ 475bg2 'iWxe4+-+.
the immediate 25'cilb6 l:a2 26.J:lb2 l:txb2 46...l:tf3 47.l:txf3 47.Ci::,e7+ 'Itog7 48.o!'cf5+
27."xb2 ;b8. lhf5? 49.1:[xf5 t2!g6 50:"d5;t Karpov.
25...g5!126.tiib6 47...gxf3 48.0e1+ Wg7 49.ttJf5+ ~g8
Or 26.~b4 g4 27.t~d2 ~h6 28.l:eb I h4. Losing is 49 ...~g6 50.h4! "'f6 (50 .....!he4

Mikhail Gurevich

51.'i!i'g5+ Wh7 52.1Wg7 mate; 50 ...tL:h7 16...tDf6?!

51.~gll+ ~f6 52.'~!rg7 mate) 51.'lWxf8. Correct was 16... lbc8! (planning 17...c6)
50.0.e7+ ~g7 51.~f5+ 1h-Y2 17.b5 as 18.f4 b6 with unlcear play. Black
An interesting manoeuvring game which intends 19... t"i.e7 and 20 ...tLJf6.
led to dynamic equality at the end. 17.lL:xf6+ :Lxf6 18.b~ 1:[H8Or 18...a5
19.tbd5 ~xd5 20.cxd5±. 19.bxa6 bxa6
o Mikhail Gurevich 20.~c2 Planning to exchange all rooks
• Attila Groszpeter with 2U'Lxb8 and 22.~bl. Black's a-pawn
Pardubice 2000 (5) is weak. 20...Q:\c6!? 21Jbb8 .l:t.xb8
22.l:rb1 r~b4 23."*'d1 a5 White is
1.c4 e5 2.lbe3 lDf6 3.lDf3 lUe6 4.a3 g6 slightly better after 23 ...cS 24.a5 !?
5,93 .Rg7 6.~g2 0-0 7.d3 d6 8.0-0 h6 24.~d5!? ~xd5 Not 24 ... c5'1
9.b4 a6 1O.m,1 ~e6 11.~d2 ~d7 25.~xh6+-. 25.cxd5 Wh7 Aiming to ex·
12.lZ:d5! <i:.e813.lbe4!? change the dark-squared bishops with
26 ...h5 and 27 ....2.h6. 26.e4!±

Intending 14.~x.b6 or 14.lLiec3. Worse was

13.(14, as in Bcim-Gurevich, Bad Godesbcrg Suddenly 27.~h3 hangs in the air with
2000. The gam~ Chuchelov- Winants, good attacking chances on the kingsidc,
Brussels 1997. saw 13..I1el .th3 14.~hl Black therefore gives a pawn pinning his
~:;d4 IS.e3 tL:.e6 16.~b2 Itd8 17.a4 c6 hopes on the bishops of opposite colour.;b6 '¥Vc7 19.a5 f5. 26 ..J1f8 27.~xb4 axb4 28Jbb4 14
13...f5\ec3 Itb8!? 29.a5 !'!a8 30.1$'a4 ~c8 31.'i'b5 h5
Black wants to play 15...b5. 32.l:tb1 White prepares the put the rook
15.a4 ~e7!? behind the passed pawn with 33.J:Ia I. Of
15...a5 is best met by 16.bxa5 (rather than course not the immediate 32Jta4? l:rbll-+.
16M ([jdS 11 17...b6) 17.~a3. 32 ...fxg3 33.hxg3 ~a6?! 34.~xa6
planning 18.c5 with good play on the l:txa6 35.l:ta1 ~h6 36.1:[a2 The ending
queenside. wins for White. 36 ...g5 37.~f1 %ta7
16.~d21? 38...Q.e2g4 39.a6 ~g6 40..Qd1 ~g5
Preparing 17.b5, since after 16.b5?! a5 41.~a4 Black resigned since there is no
17.tLixc7+ 'i!i'xe7 18..i::d5 tfd7 19..ili.d2 good answer to (he manoeuvre .fi.a4-c6-b7.
Black has 19...b6. as 4l...lha6 fails to 42.~e8+.

Who is Who
Soon after his naturalization Mikhail the lever c7-cS? Dutch grandmaster Karel
Gurevich jokingly remarked that he had van der Weide explains ihe main ideas of
even started '10 play like a Belgian' (no 01~ the expert!' Rozentalis, Keitlinghaus and
fence intended). Innumerable tournament Thesing.
wins later we know better of course, It is
ages ago that Mikhail wrote a theoretical ar- Ian Rogers has quite a reputation for play-
ticle, so should we be surprised that he wrote ing all sorts of dodgy lines. Fact is that the
two chapters for this SOS volume? man from Down Under plays the Caro- Kan n
more often than. say. the Scandinavian.
In between working for his un iversity exams Check out a bold central thrust versus the
and winning the Championship of his coun- popular Fantasy Variation.
try twenty-year old Czech top grandmaster
David Navara graciously consented to In a thorough theoretical overview Oleg
write an SOS. As there is no easy advantage Chernikov demonstrates that Black is OK
for White against the Petroff anyway, you in the Rauzer with 6 ...g6. With some 45
might as well play 4.e.c4!'1. years of tournament experience in this line
the grandmaster from Nizhny Novgorod is
Top GM Alexander Beliavsky - the for- its main protagonist.
mer trainer of Karpov and Kasparov - needs
no introduction of course. In this SOS Vol- Former Ukrainian. now Siovenian. OM
ume 'Big AI' presents his favourite weapon Adrian Mikhalchishin takes a critical
against the Volga Gambit. SOS look at the Sozin, Why not just attack
that bishop with'a5?
Bucharest-based former Moldavian grand-
master Dorian Rogozenko has estab- Carlos Matamoros, grandmaster from
lished quite a reputation for himself as a Ecuador, makes good use of his experience
serious author. As a former student of the fa- as a trainer in our chapter on Pillsbury's old
mous Moldavian trainer Chebanenko who weapon against the Evans Gambit.
could be better qualified to write on 5.h3 as
the ideal weapon versus the Chenanenkn When reviewing SOS Volume 2 in Yearbook
Slav? 73, SOS-aulhor Glenn Flear argued that
there was no conflict of interest whatsoever.
The young Canadian grandmaster Mark It is clearly in our SOS interest to keep him
Bluvshtein is the strongest player in the writing on surprising opening lines. So, here
world to regularly employ 3.j:d3 against the is Glenn's survey on a QGA sideline - why
French Defence. With his natural adversity not just protect the gambit pawn?
to theory he explains the ins and outs of his
pet system. Creativity is Oleg Romanishin's hall-
mark. The Ukrainian grandmaster advocates
How natural is iuo develop your knight to c6 to radically change the course of play in the
in the French Defence not allowing yourself Kan Variation by means of 6...eS!?

The 50S
AND WIN € 250,- (OR 275 US DOLLARS)

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