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c 2012 Modern Science Publishers

Journal of Advanced Studies in Topology
ISSN: 2090-388X Online
2090-8288 Print
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2012, 89–97


Some Results Involving Functions with Negative Coefficients and Al-Oboudi


N. Shilpa and S. Latha
Department of Mathematics, Yuvaraja’s College, University of Mysore, Mysore-570 005, India.
(Received: 24 June 2011, Accepted: 23 August 2011)

Al-Oboudi operator is used here to define a new class of analytic functions whose non-negative coefficients from the
second onwards are negative. We prove some interesting properties like coefficient inequalities, distortion bounds and
convolution properties for the above class. Also a result which unifies radii of close-to-convexity, starlikeness and
convexity is obtained.

Keywords: Univalent function; Convex function; Starlike function; Hadamard product; Al-Oboudi operator;
distortion bounds.

AMS Subject Classification: 30C45.

1. Introduction

Let A denote the class of analytic univalent functions f normalized by

f (z) = z + ak z k , (1)

which are analytic in the open unit disc U.

Let T be the subclass of analytic functions in U, consisting of functions whose non-zero coefficients
from the second onwards are negative, that is an analytic function f ∈ T if it has a Taylor expansion
of the form

f (z) = z − ak z k , ak ≥ 0. (2)

For ∑f and g ∈ A, where f is of the form (1) and g(z) = z + ∞ k=2 bk z , bk ≥ 0, (f ∗ g)(z) =

z + k=2 ak bk z k , is called the convolution or Hadamard product of f and g.
∑ ∑∞
For f and h ∈ T , where f is of the form (2) and h(z) = z − ∞ k=2 ck z , (f • h)(z) = z −
k k
k=2 ak ck z ,
is called the modified Hadamard product of f and h.

∗ Corresponding author
90 N. Shilpa and S. Latha

For a function f in T , the Al-Oboudi operator Dλm [1] is defined by,

Dλm f (z) =z− [1 + (k − 1)λ]m ak z k , (3)

where 0 ≤ λ ∈ R and m ∈ N0 . We have,

Dλ0 f (z) = f (z)

Dλ1 f (z) = (1 − λ)f (z) + λzf ′ (z) = Dλ f (z)

Dλm f (z) = D(Dλm−1 f (z)), λ > 0. (4)

For λ = 1, we get the Salagean operator [2].

Let P1 (A, B) [3] denote the class of analytic functions in U which are of the form

1 + Aω(z)
, −1 ≤ A < B ≤ 1,
1 + Bω(z)

where ω is analytic in U, ω(0) = 0 and |ω(z)| < 1.

Definition 1.1 Let 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1, λ ≥ 0 and m ∈ N0 , −1 ≤ A < B ≤ 1. A function f ∈ T is said to be in
the class Tλm (A, B, γ) if and only if
[ ]
(1 − γ)z(Dλm f (z))′ + γz(Dλm+1 f (z))′
∈ P1 (A, B), z ∈ U. (5)
(1 − γ)(Dλm f (z)) + γ(Dλm+1 f (z))

The class Tλm (A, B, γ) generalizes a number of classes, S∗1 (A, B), K1 (A, B), T (m, α), Tλm (α, γ),
studied in literature by Ganesan [3], Hur and Oh [4], Adrina Catas [5], respectively.
It is our goal in the following sections to prove coefficient inequalities, distortion bounds, radii of
close-to-convexity, starlikeness, convexity and convolution properties for the above class.

2. Main Results

Theorem 2.1 A function f defined by (2) is in the class Tλm (A, B, γ) if and only if

ck (m, λ)[k(1 + B) − (1 + A)][1 + γλ(k − 1)]ak ≤ B − A (6)


ck (m, λ) = [1 + λ(k − 1)]m . (7)

The result is sharp and the extremal functions are

(B − A)
fk (z) = z − zk , k ≥ 2. (8)
ck (m, λ)[k(1 + B) − (1 + A)][1 + γλ(k − 1)]
Some Results Involving Functions with Negative Coefficients and Al-Oboudi Operator 91

Proof First let us assume that the inequality (6) holds and let |z| = 1.

(1 − γ)z(Dm f (z))′ + γz(Dm+1 f (z))′

λ λ
− 1 ≤
(1 − γ)(Dλm f (z)) + γ(Dλm+1 f (z))

[ ∑∞ ]
[1 + λ(k − 1)]m [1 + γλ(k − 1)]kak − 1 B−A
1+ ∑∞
≤ .
1 − k=2 [1 + λ(k − 1)]m [1 + γλ(k − 1)]ak 1+B

Appealing, to the maximum modulus theorem, we get f (z) ∈ Tλm (A, B, γ). For the converse, we assume
that f (z) ∈ Tλm (A, B, γ). Then (5) gives
{ ∑ }
z− ∞ [1 + λ(k − 1)]m [1 + γλ(k − 1)]kak z k 1+A
ℜ ∑k=2 > .
z− ∞k=2 [1 + λ(k − 1)]m [1 + γλ(k − 1)]a z k
k 1 +B

Now we choose values of z on the real axis so that

(1 − γ)z(Dλm f (z))′ + γz(Dλm+1 f (z))′

(1 − γ)(Dλm f (z)) + γ(Dλm+1 f (z))

is real. Letting z → 1− through real values, we have,

{ ∑ }
1− ∞ [1 + λ(k − 1)]m [1 + γλ(k − 1)]kak 1+A
ℜ ∑k=2 ≥
1− ∞k=2 [1 + λ(k − 1)] m [1 + γλ(k − 1)]a
k 1 +B

or equivalently, we have

1− [1 + λ(k − 1)]m [1 + γλ(k − 1)]kak

[ ∞
1+A ∑
≥ 1− [1 + λ(k − 1)]m [1 + γλ(k − 1)]ak

hence we have (6). 

Theorem 2.2 Let the function f defined by (2) be in the class Tλm (A, B, γ) then

∑ B−A
ak ≤ . (9)
c2 (m, λ)(1 + γλ)(2B − A + 1)


∑ 2(B − A)
kak ≤ . (10)
c2 (m, λ)(1 + γλ)(2B − A + 1)

The equality in (9) and (10) is attained for the function f given by (8).
92 N. Shilpa and S. Latha

Proof From Theorem 2.1, and from (6) we have

γλ)(2B − A + 1)c2 (m, λ) ∞
(1 + ∑ k=2 ak
≤ ∞ k=2 ck (m, λ)[k(1 + B) − (1 + A)][1 + γλ(k − 1)]ak
≤ (B − A),

which implies (9). Using (5), it is obvious that

(1 + γλ)c2 (m, λ) [k(1 + B) − (1 + A)]ak ≤ (B − A),

that is,

∑ ∞

(1 + γλ)c2 (m, λ) kak (1 + B) ≤ (B − A) + (1 + A)(1 + γλ)c2 (m, λ) ak .
k=2 k=2

Now, in view of the coefficient inequality (9) the above equation takes up the form

(1 + γλ)c2 (m, λ) kak (1 + B) ≤

(B − A) + (1 + A)(1 + γλ)c2 (m, λ) .
(1 + γλ)c2 (m, λ)(2B − A + 1)

Which completes the proof. 

Theorem 2.3 Let the function f defined by (2) be in the class Tλm (A, B, γ). Then we have

(B − A)
|Dλi f (z)| ≥ |z| − |z|2 . (11)
ck (m − i, λ)(2B − A + 1)(1 + γλ)


(B − A)
|Dλi f (z)| ≤ |z| + |z|2 , (12)
ck (m − i, λ)(2B − A + 1)(1 + γλ)

for z ∈ U, where 0 ≤ i ≤ m and ck (m − i, λ) is given by (7). The equalities in (11) and (12) are
attained for the function f given by

(B − A)
f2 (z) = z − z2. (13)
(1 + λ)m (2B − A + 1)(1 + γλ)

Proof We know that f ∈ Tλm (A, B, γ) if and only if Dλi f (z) ∈ Tλm−i (A, B, γ) where

Dλi f (z) =z− ck (i, λ)ak z k . (14)
Some Results Involving Functions with Negative Coefficients and Al-Oboudi Operator 93

Now from Theorem 2.1, we have

ck (m − i, λ)(2B − A + 1)(1 + γλ) ck (i, λ)ak ≤

ck (m, λ)[k(1 + B) − (1 + A)][1 + γλ(k − 1)]ak ≤ B − A

that is,

∑ (B − A)
ck (i, λ)ak ≤ . (15)
ck (m − i, λ)(2B − A + 1)(1 + γλ)

which implies the assertions of (11) and (12) of Theorem 2.3, and also we note that the equalities
(11) and (12) are attained for the function f defined by

(B − A)
Dλi f (z) = z − z2. (16)
ck (m − i, λ)(2B − A + 1)(1 + γλ)

Hence the proof. 

Corollary 2.1 Let the function f defined by (2) be in the class Tλm (A, B, γ). Then we have,

(B − A)
|f (z)| ≥ |z| − |z|2 . (17)
ck (m, λ)(2B − A + 1)(1 + γλ)


(B − A)
|f (z)| ≤ |z| + |z|2 . (18)
ck (m, λ)(2B − A + 1)(1 + γλ)

for z ∈ U. The equalities in (17) and (18) are attained for the function f2 given in (13).
Corollary 2.2 Let the function f defined by (2) be in the class Tλm (A, B, γ). Then we have,

2(B − A)
|f ′ (z)| ≥ 1 − |z|. (19)
ck (m, λ)(2B − A + 1)(1 + γλ)


2(B − A)
|f ′ (z)| ≤ 1 + |z|. (20)
ck (m, λ)(2B − A + 1)(1 + γλ)

for z ∈ U. The equalities in (19) and (20) are attained for the function f2 given in (13).
Corollary 2.3 Let the function f defined by (2) be in the class Tλm (A, B, γ). Then the unit disc is
mapped onto a domain that contains the disc

ck (m, λ)(2B − A + 1)(1 + γλ) − (B − A)

|ω| < . (21)
ck (m, λ)(2B − A + 1)(1 + γλ)

The result is sharp with the extremal function f2 given in (13).

94 N. Shilpa and S. Latha

Theorem 2.4 Let the function f ∈ Tλm (A, B, γ). Then

f • Φ
− 1 < 1 − δ, in |z| < r,
f • Ψ
∑ ∑∞
with Φ(z) = z − ∞ k=2 λk z , and Ψ(z) = z −
k=2 µk z are analytic in U with the conditions

λk ≥ 0, µk ≥ 0, λk ≥ µk , for k ≥ 2 and f (z) • Ψ(z) ̸= 0. Where

[ ] 1
ck (m, λ)[k(1 + B) − (1 + A)][1 + γλ(k − 1)](1 − δ) k−1
r = inf , k ≥ 2. (22)
k (B − A)[(λk − µk ) + µk (1 − δ)]

Proof Consider,

f • Φ z − ∞ λ a z k
k k
f • Ψ − 1 = z − ∑∞ µk ak z k − 1 ≤

∑ ∑∞ ∑∞
z − ∞ λ a z k−z+ µ a z k ak [λk − µk ]|z|k−1
k=2 k k
∑ k=2 k k ≤ k=2∑
z− ∞ 1− ∞ k=2 µk ak |z|
k k−1
k=2 µk ak z

ak [(λk − µk ) + (1 − δ)µk ]|z|k−1 ≤ 1 − δ (23)

where r is given by (22). From Theorem 2.1, (23) will be true if,

[(λk − µk ) + (1 − δ)µk ] k−1 ck (m, λ)[k(1 + B) − (1 + A)][1 + γλ(k − 1)]

|z| ≤
1−δ B−A

[ ] 1
ck (m, λ)[k(1 + B) − (1 + A)][1 + γλ(k − 1)](1 − δ) k−1
|z| =
(B − A)[(λk − µk ) + µk (1 − δ)]

As corollaries to the above theorem we get the following results. By choosing Φ(z) = (1−z)2 and
Ψ(z) = z, we have:
Corollary 2.4 Let the function f defined by (2) be in the class Tλm (A, B, γ). Then f is close-to-convex
of order δ(0 ≤ δ < 1), hence univalent, in the disc |z| < r1 , where
[ ] 1
(1 − δ)ck (m, λ)[k(1 + B) − (1 + A)][1 + γλ(k − 1)] k−1
r1 = inf , k ≥ 2. (24)
k (B − A)k

The result is sharp with the extremal function f given by (8).

z z
For Φ(z) = (1−z)2 and Ψ(z) = 1−z , we have:
Corollary 2.5 Let the function f defined by (2) be in the class Tλm (A, B, γ). Then f is starlike of order
δ(0 ≤ δ < 1), hence univalent, in the disc |z| < r2 , where
[ ] 1
(1 − δ)ck (m, λ)[k(1 + B) − (1 + A)][1 + γλ(k − 1)] k−1
r2 = inf , k ≥ 2. (25)
k (B − A)(k − δ)
Some Results Involving Functions with Negative Coefficients and Al-Oboudi Operator 95

The result is sharp with the extremal function f given by (8).

z+z 2 z
If Φ(z) = (1−z)3 and Ψ(z) = (1−z)2 , then we have:

Corollary 2.6 Let the function f be defined by (2) be in the class Tλm (A, B, γ). Then f is convex of
order δ(0 ≤ δ < 1), hence univalent, in the disc |z| < r3 , where

[ ] 1
(1 − δ)ck (m, λ)[k(1 + B) − (1 + A)][1 + γλ(k − 1)] k−1
r3 ≤ inf , k ≥ 2. (26)
k k(B − A)(k − δ)

and ck (m, λ) is given by (7), k ≥ 2.

3. Convolution Properties

Theorem 3.1 If f is of the
∑form (2) and g(z) = z − ∞k=2 bk z belongs to the class Tλ (A, B, γ), then
k m

h(z) = (f • g)(z) = z − k=2 ak bk z will be an element of Tλ (A, B, γ) with −1 ≤ A1 < B1 ≤ 1,
k m

where B1 ≥ A1−α
1 +α
, A1 ≤ 1 − 2α, where

(B − A)2
α= , 0≤γ≤1
[2B − A + 1]2 (1 + λ)m (1 + γλ) − (B − A)2

and these bounds are sharp.

Proof From (6), we have

ck (m, λ)[k(1 + B) − (1 + A)][1 + γλ(k − 1)]ak ≤ B − A.

where ck (m, λ) = [1 + λ(k − 1)]m .

∑ ck (m, λ)[k(1 + B) − (1 + A)][1 + γλ(k − 1)]ak
≤ 1. (27)


∑ ck (m, λ)[k(1 + B) − (1 + A)][1 + γλ(k − 1)]bk
≤ 1. (28)

In view of Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, from (27) and (28), we obtain

∑ √ [k(1 + B) − (1 + A)]
uck (m, λ)[1 + γλ(k − 1)] ak bk ≤ 1 where u= (29)

We need to find A1 and B1 such that h = f • g ∈ Tλm (A, B, γ), or equivalently,

∑ [k(1 + B1 ) − (1 + A1 )]
u1 ck (m, λ)[1 + γλ(k − 1)]ak bk ≤ 1 where u1 = (30)
B1 − A1
96 N. Shilpa and S. Latha

The inequality (30) will be true if

u1 ck (m, λ)[1 + γλ(k − 1)]ak bk ≤ uck (m, λ)[1 + γλ(k − 1)] ak bk

√ u
ak bk ≤ . (31)

But from (29), we get

√ 1
ak bk ≤ .
uck (m, λ)[1 + γλ(k − 1)]

Thus (31) will be true if

1 u
≤ ,
uck (m, λ)[1 + γλ(k − 1)] u1


u1 ≤ u2 ck (m, λ)[1 + γλ(k − 1)],

that is,

[k(1 + B1 ) − (1 + A1 )]
≤ u2 ck (m, λ)[1 + γλ(k − 1)]. (32)
(B1 − A1 )

Using −1 ≤ B < A ≤ 1, it is obvious that

u2 ck (m, λ)[1 + γλ(k − 1)] > 1,

for m ≥ 2 and hence (32) yields

(B1 − A1 ) k−1
≥ 2 = ϕ(k).
1 + B1 u ck (m, λ)[1 + γλ(k − 1)] − 1

Since ϕ(k) is a decreasing function of k, for k ≥ 2, ϕ(2) is the maximum value of ϕ(k) and therefore

B1 − A 1 (B − A)2
≥ = α. (33)
1 + B1 [2B − A + 1]2 (1 + λ)m (1 + γλ) − (B − A)2

Obviously, α < 1 and fixing A1 in (33), we get

A1 + α
B1 ≥ . (34)

Substituting B1 ≤ 1 in (34), we obtain A1 ≤ 1 − 2α. For verifying sharpness, we note that if k = 2,


c2 (m, λ) = (1 + λ)m

and hence by taking

(B − A)(1 + λ)m
f (z) = g(z) = z − z 2 ∈ Tλm (A, B, γ)
(2B − A + 1)(1 + γλ)

we get

(B − A)2 (1 + λ)m
h(z) = (f • g)(z) = z − z 2 ∈ Tλm (A, B, γ).
(2B − A + 1)2 (1 + γλ)2

B1 −A1
If we use this function h in (30), the inequality (33) transforms to equality, that is, 1+B1 = α. Now
if B1 = 1, then A1 = 1 − α, which shows in this case h ∈ Tλm (A, B, γ). 


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