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Quarter 2 - Module 5:
Expository Text

What I Need To Know
Welcome to this new lesson about Expository text! To start with, let us try to find
the learning competencies in which you are going to master at the end of this

Skills and Competencies/Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
• identify the types and purposes of expository text
• write an exposition/discussion on a familiar issue
General Directions:
A. Use another sheet of paper for all your answers.
B. This module shall be returned to the subject teacher after each quarter.

What I Know
Task 1: I Know
Directions: Think of something that you can do and write down the steps on how
to do it. It could be how to fry an egg or how to fly a kite, etc.

I can…________________________________________________
These are the steps on how to do it.
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________

What’s In
Task 2: I Think
Directions: You have successfully written the process on how to do something in
Task 1. This time you are going to write a sentence about your idea on expository

What’s New
Before you start the lesson on features of persuasive text, you need to
answer the following activity below.

Task 3: True or False

Directions: Identify each statement as true or false. Write T on the blank if the
statement is true and F if it’s not.
______1. The purpose of expository writing is to explain something.

______2. Expository text exposes you to facts.
______3. Expository text is fact-based with the purpose of exposing the truth
through a reliable source.

What Is It
What is an expository text?
Expository text is non-fiction text meant to inform, analyze, explain or give
additional detail about a topic. Some types of expository text include cause-
and-effect writing, literary analysis, compare-and-contrast writing and reports.
The two major types of writing are expository and narrative. Expository is
different from narrative in that it does not contain fictional elements, characters or
a plot. Non-written forms of expository text include presentations, lectures and
Expository Writing

Expository essay writing is a type of academic writing that investigates a

particular subject. It describes or explains or provides some important data about
the essay topic. It is a very common form of writing; journals, newspaper articles,
and essays usually demonstrate this type of writing.

Writing an expository essay is like writing a case investigation report. An

investigating agent who has investigated a case and is now presenting his
analysis to solve the case. The agent explains everything to let the reader know
how and why things happened.

Types of Expository Writing

There are six common types of expository essay writing:

• Process essay
• Cause and effect essay
• Problem solution essay
• Compare and contrast essay
• Definition Essay
• Classification Essay

Let’s take a look at them one by one.

Compare and Contrast Essay

The compare and contrast essay is a type of essay in which the writer compares and
contrasts two things. The writer compares the similarities between the two selected
subjects and contrasts the differences in those subjects. The subjects should belong to
the same category.

For example: Compare and contrast two oranges or two apples, rather than comparing
and contrasting an apple with an orange. You can compare and contrast the color of
apples, the shape, the size, etc. You cannot compare the color of an apple with an
orange. It doesn’t make sense as they don’t belong to the same category.

Cause and Effect Essay

In the cause and effect essay, the writer tries to find the cause of something; why did
something happen; and what effects it might have. This type of essay has built around
the reason that caused something to happen and its possible impacts.

There are two ways to structure a cause and effect essay:

• Block structure
• Chain structure

While writing an expository essay; you need to explain everything in detail to make the
idea clear for the reader.

In the block structure, all the causes are presented first and then all of its effects.
Whereas, in the chain structure, each of the causes is followed by its effect straight
away. It could be based upon assumptions or could be based on facts, but either way,
they should be validated.
Problem-Solution Essay

In the problem solution essay, the writer identifies a problem and then proposes its
solution. The writer examines the particular subject from various aspects and
perspectives prior to providing a solution. This essay is somewhat similar to the cause
and effect essay.

For example: You choose to write about the coronavirus. You’ll examine the problem
thoroughly i.e. how the virus came into existence? How is it spreading, What problems
has it caused for society?

After examining the problem, you’ll suggest its possible solutions; how to overcome this
situation? What precautionary measures do we need to take to protect ourselves from
the virus?

Process Essay

The process essay refers to the process of something i.e. how to make an apple pie.
This type of writing includes a step by step process of making or doing something.

For example: You are writing about how to bake a cake. You’ll provide the complete
recipe in a proper sequence i.e.

1. Preheat the oven for half an hour at 180 degree

2. Mix the baking powder, cocoa powder, flour, and sugar
3. Beat the eggs
4. Add the beaten eggs into the mixture
5. Melt the butter and chocolate and add them into the mixture
6. Pour the batter into the pan and bake

This is how you write a process essay, it provides the complete process of doing
something. The goal is to provide the process in such a way that the reader can follow
the sequence without any mistake.

Definition Essay

The definition essay is a type of expository essay that gives a complete description of
the topic. It explains what the term or the topic of the essay exactly means. Some terms

have concrete meanings like glass, book, etc. Whereas some have abstract meanings
like love, respect, honor, etc.

The definition essay revolves around explaining the purpose, what, why, and how
aspect of the topic of the essay. This essay could start with the dictionary definition and
ultimately provide the extended definition.

Classification Essay

The classification essay divides the essay topic into different groups and categories.
The categories are further explained in detail to clarify the topic. Each group or category
has its own examples, object, character and ideas.

For example:

If you write about different types of shoes, each of the body paragraphs will define the
characteristics of different shoes.

Features of expository writing

The main features include:

▪ Informative
Expository text is meant to deposit information
▪ Clarity
Using words that clearly show what the author is talking about.
▪ Organization of the text.
A well-written exposition remains focused on its topic and lists events in chronological
▪ Impersonal
Second-person instructions with "you." However, the use of first-person pronouns should
be avoided.
▪ Unbiased

Expository Writing Structure

In order to understand expository writing, you'll have to think like a teacher. Expository
writing is when you want to inform others or give them facts about something. In fact, we
also call it informational writing.
First, you'll need to start out with a topic sentence. A topic sentence tells what the piece
of writing will be about. It's like an umbrella that tells the main or general idea. Let's look
at these examples of topic sentences:

• Pollution is a growing problem in our world.

• It's important to eat healthy foods.
• Basketball is a high-energy sport that many Filipino people enjoy.

Notice how they are broad sentences about what the entire paragraph or paper will be
about. Don't give too much away in the opening line!
Next, the body of your paragraph or paper will need supporting sentences, which are
details that explain your main topic. Look at these examples of supporting sentences for
the topic sentence examples just a moment ago.

• 80% of marine pollution comes from humans on land through trash and chemicals.
Levels of air pollution, from factories and cars, are higher than they have ever
been. Our health and environment is at a greater risk than ever before because of
the rise in pollution in cities around the world.
• Doctors recommend balanced diets that contain fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy,
and protein. Eating healthy foods correlates to lower risks of health problems, such
as diabetes and heart disease. Remember to pair eating healthy with exercise in
order to truly keep your body as strong and healthy as it can be!
• Basketball is a team sport in which two teams, most commonly of five players each,
opposing one another on a rectangular court, compete with the primary objective
of shooting a basketball while preventing the opposing team from shooting through
their own hoop. A field goal is worth two points, unless made from behind
the three-point line, when it is worth three. After a foul, timed play stops and the
player fouled or designated to shoot a technical foul is given one or more one-
point free throws. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins, but
if regulation play expires with the score tied, an additional period of play (overtime)
is mandated.

Notice how all of our supporting details in the sentences are facts about our main
topics. We do not include opinions in expository writing.

Finally, your expository writing will need a closing sentence that mirrors the
topic sentence. The closing sentence wraps up your piece and reminds the
reader of the main topic of your writing.

• Pollution has become a global issue that is on the rise.

• That's why it is so important to choose healthy foods in your diet.
• People often bond over their enjoyment of the exciting sport of basketball.

Sample of an Expository Essay


Of all the friends one gets to have in a lifetime, the good friends are the ones who last
longest and become family. Friends are the people we let into our walled-off lives – they are
the people we know well and with whom we have a bond of mutual affection. A good friend is
INTRODUCTION someone who defends and protects, who is loyal, considerate and kind, a person who is fun and
brings out the best in their friends. The list of qualities making up a good friend is endless and
depends on the individual. However, there are many common qualities that can be seen in all
“good” friends.

For starters, a good friend is a person on which someone else can always depend. This can
probably be said about all good friends. They are dependable. When another friend needs them,
they are the first there to help. They make their friend’s problem their own problem, too. Whether
it’s about money, time, resources or emotional support, a good friend is always there for someone
they care about, for their other friends. They are reliable – you can always rely on a good friend.
It's kind of a little miracle that your friend always happens to be there for you, willing to offer their
BODY time and energy.

Also, another quality of a good friend is being a good listener. Sometimes, people just need
someone to talk to, someone who will listen and put their own thoughts, concerns, and opinions
aside just for a few minutes. Being a good listener is a friend attractor, actually, because listening
demonstrates one’s support, sensitivity, empathy, kindness, and consideration – among other
things. In times of celebration and in times of hardship, what everyone needs and wants and
requires is someone they can express their thoughts, emotions, concerns, and celebrations to.
It’s a rather simple, almost innate need – to have a friend.

BODY Lastly, a good friend is thoughtful. A good friend is a friend who will, upon hearing of their friend’s
bad day, will change their plans and plan something that friend will definitely find uplifting. A good
friend in someone who will, upon getting the news about their friend’s promotion or a new job,
will throw a party in their name and celebrate with them to make the moment memorable and

special. Thoughtfulness means mindfulness, which requires being a good listener and caring
about a person.

The qualities of a good friend range, as there are tons of different qualities that people find
CONCLUSION valuable and attractive in others. But the qualities listed above – that illustrate how a good friend
is dependable, a good listener and thoughtful – are the ones most people most likely see, or want
to see, in a really good friend.

What’s More
Task 4: The Write Time
Directions: Answer the questions below.

1. Choose at least three types of expository writing and write an expository statement to
each of them.

What I Have Learned

Task 5: Which is Which?
Directions: Analyze each expository statement below and identify its type. Choose your
answer from the box and write it on the space provided bellow each number. Use another sheet
of paper.

Process Essay Cause and Effect Essay Problem Solution Essay

Compare and Contrast Essay Definition Essay Classification Essay

1. When water is heated, the molecules move quickly, therefore the water boils.
2. It is a known fact that the environmental conditions affect the years of the life of a person.
For an average person to live to the age of 50, he needs to have clean water, a supply of
fresh eatables and a proper disposal system for wastage.
3. Types Of Friends You Need To Have in Your Life
To up your chances of living a long, happy life, having a bunch of fair-weather buddies
won’t do the trick. You need a diverse, well-rounded friends that will stick with you through
thick and thin. The following types of friends are just what you need to keep the doctor
1. A Loyal Best Friend - This is the kind of friend who lets you be a hot mess and knows
all of your deepest and darkest secrets, but still loves you all the same.
2. A Fearless Adventurer - We live in a big world where there are so many places to see,
people to meet, and experiences to be had, yet so many of us are stuck in our own
routines and forget to, well, live. We all need an adventurous friend who will pull us out
of our shells and introduce us to new ideas, cultures, philosophies, and activities.
3. A Brutally Honest Confidant…

4. Science and arts are the two sides of the same coin, while science is about the fact, art is
about fiction.

5. The word “love” has gone through various dictionary definitions throughout the
eons. According to the Harvard Crimson, “The roots of the word “love” can be
traced back to the Indo-European root leubh, meaning “to care” or “to desire,”
approximated from words including the Latin lubet, “it pleases” and the Sanskrit
lubhyati, “he desires.” Along with “love,” related English words like “libido” and “belief”
also descend from *lebuh.
6. How To Make Popcorn Balls
I was surprised by how easy the popcorn balls were to make. I was even more surprised
when I took a bite. They were delicious! I ended up eating two of the five I made. The best
part? These popcorn balls are husband-approved!
Directions. Place popcorn in a large baking pan; keep warm in a 200° oven. In a heavy
saucepan, combine the sugar, corn syrup, water and salt. Cook over medium heat until a
candy thermometer reads 235°

What I Can Do
Task 6: Exposition Time
Directions: What do you think about this idea? Write a 5-sentence exposition
paragraph. Refer to the rubrics for the scoring.
Staying At Home to Beat COVID-19

Task 7: I Learned
Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer in your
activity notebook.

1. Which of the following statements BEST describes expository writing?

a. Expository writing is a form of writing that exposes readers to different types of
literary genres.
b. Expository writing seeks to explain or inform readers about a subject.
c. Expository writing is form of writing that exposes readers to the life of the
d. Expository writing is mainly used in plays to expose actors to the play and the
vision of the director.

2. When using expository writing, it is important to assume that your audience has:
a. Some background knowledge about the topic
b. Personal experience with the topic
c. Little to no background knowledge about the topic
d. An understanding of the meaning of the word expository

3. Which of the following would be an example of process writing?

a. An essay comparing the similarities and differences of breeds of cows
b. An editorial about what's wrong with our youth today
c. A recipe of a dish
d. A magazine essay about the causes and effects of water pollution in a region

4. What is the purpose of an expository writing piece?

a. To inform/explain
b. To persuade
c. To express ideas/feelings

d. To entertain
5. Which of the Following is not a Variation of the Expository essay?
a. Definition
b. Classification
c. Narrative
d. How To
6. A synonym for expository essay would be...
a. Story
b. Short Story
c. Informational Essay
d. Sensory Detail Essay
7. Expository means...
a. informative
b. interesting
c. descriptive
d. delicious
8. Combine, in a large bowl, mix the eggs, oil, and water. Beat on low for until
moistened, then beat on high for two minutes. Pour the batter into a greased
baking pan. Bake according to the table below, or until a toothpick inserted in the
center comes out clean. What is this passage about?
a. Baking a cake
b. Degreasing an engine
c. Making a cabinet
d. Playing football
9. Metamorphic rock did not start out as such. This class of rocks are created deep
underneath the crust of the Earth through an intense process of heat and
pressure. Sedimentary rocks are pulled under the crust by tectonic forces, where
the heat and pressure transform them into metamorphic rocks.
What is the purpose of this passage?
a. To inform
b. To entertain
c. To complain
d. To bring joy
10. An expository essay is responsible for doing what?
a. Convincing
b. Persuading
c. Narrating
d. Explaining

Additional Activity
Task 8: I Write

Directions: Complete the sentence below in your activity notebook.

I learned that expository text is

Congratulations! You are done with Module 5.

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