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Students do not usually manage their time properly for it may look easier said than done but

when applied, it may define your ability and discipline. Time is one precious resource that all would
wish to have more, in today’s fast-paced, multitasking, information-overloaded world.

According to Pia Reyes Cruz, working smart can be applied at several levels from the tactical in the
form of work or life hacks to the strategic level which can involve goal-setting aligned to one’s life
purpose and energy management. The heart of productivity, hence working smart, lies first and
foremost in being crystal clear in what your most important goals are and why. Another way of
working smart is to play to your strengths. Strengths are not only the things you’re good at but the
things that energize and give you enjoyment as well. Countless research has been done on the
strategy of focusing on strengths.

Understudies don't ordinarily deal with their time appropriately for it might look actually quite
difficult yet when applied, it might characterize your capacity and order. Time is one valuable asset
that all would wish to have more, in the present high speed, performing multiple tasks, data over-
burden world.

As indicated by Pia Reyes Cruz, working brilliant can be applied at a few levels from the strategic as
work or tricks of the trade to the essential level which can include objective setting adjusted to one's
life reason and energy the board. The core of profitability, henceforth working keen, lies above all else
in being perfectly clear in what your most significant objectives are and why. Another method of
working keen is to take advantage of your natural abilities. Qualities are the things you're acceptable
at as well as the things that invigorate and give you pleasure too. Innumerable examination has been
done on the methodology of zeroing in on qualities.

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