Lesson Learned Paper - Lacno - 3B

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Republic of the Philippines


Ormoc City, Leyte

1ST SEM SY 2020-2021





Virtue Ethics

This lesson discussed about the virtue ethics. Virtue is behavior showing moral standards and ethics is
moral principle that govern a person's behavior. Virtue ethics is to live a life of moral character and we
achieve it through practicing good behavior like being honest, brave, just, generous, and other good
behavior. If we have this moral character or behavior in our life and apply it in ourselves we can do what
is right, especially in the situation where in we choose a decision.

Virtue serves as a guide to human that can lead to happiness. Many people being happy because of the
earthly things to satisfy their desire like money, power, fame or any kind of pleasure but this lesson
teach about that the earthly things or pleasure is not true happiness because it is temporary. Happiness
depends on acquiring a moral character, being a good person, and has a good relationship to each other
even your not rich.

This lesson is important to know because it helps us to understand what destination brings to us of
being virtous person and being contentment like if we have good character the benefit of it is we can
avoid harm. And it gives us path for living a good and happy life.
Natural Law

I learned in this lesson that discussed about Natural law. It talks about doing things naturally, it means
thay are fixed, built in, and unchanging and separate from human opinion and discoverable through
reason. It is called natural because it is set up in our nature, created by God and it is revealed to us by
the natural process of reason.The main idea i learned natural law is good to be done and evil is to be
avoided. God gives us instinct with intellect in order to have a better life and it does not mean that God
control us but we have given a freedom to know and choose what is right and wrong.

Also this lesson talks about the happiness as constitutive of moral and cardinal virtues because of four
principal moral virtues. In order to act well we need to make good judgement about how we should
behave. In times of temptation we can resist it because of fortitude because it gives strength to us when
there is a problem that pulling us in wrong direction. Temperance and justice are also discussed to
achieve peace and happiness because in our life is full of situation that we must manage through moral

In our generation those moral virtues is important to apply or restore in each of us in ourself that can
help us and use in different situation in our family, friends, work, and those people surrounds us then
remembering the phrase of "good is to be done and evil is to avoided". God gives us light to use it to
those people needs help and make us happy if we choose the will of God.

Different Kinds of Rights

I learned in this lesson about legal rights it means the right that are granted to the people of a country
such rights are defined by the law. A right is something a person has which people think should not be
taken away. It is a rule about what a person is allowed to do or have. A right is different from a privilege,
which is something that must be earned. Rights may be put into laws, so they have legal protection. To
say you have a legal right is simply to say you have standing to get something under the legal system
that applies to you.

Moral right are interpreted by a community leader not by a legal system. Moral rights are rights we in
according with our nature. The law must protect these rights and do not confer these rights on us at all.
There are rights that are legal such as the right to abortion. The most human right is the right and
obligation to preserve one's being. All rights are limited. The right to self preservation is absolute. One
may be obligated morally to fight in a war but self preservation is primary.

It is important to know and understand this lesson that gives us ideas about rights that belong to every
person in the world, from birth until death because it gives freedom. They apply regardless of where you
are from, what you believe or how you choose to live your life. They can never be taken away, although
they can sometimes be restricted for example if a person breaks the law, or in the interests of
security.These rights are based on shared values like dignity, fairness, equality, and respect. These
values are defined and protected by law.

I learned in this lesson that discussed about utilitarianism. The idea about utilitarianism is a moral
principle that holds that the morally right course of action in any situation is the one that produces the
greatest balance of benefits over harms for everyone affected. Utilitarianism for deciding the morally
right course of action for any particular situation we may find ourselves in. To discover what we ought to
do in any situation is to identify the various courses of action that we could perform and we determine
all of the benefits and harms that would result from each course of action for everyone affected by the

It is built on the idea that every action holds some good within it, and that the level of happiness that an
action can provide to a person is the difference between how much pleasure it causes and how much
pain it causes. By actually weighing the benefits against the risks, one can determine whether or not an
action is overall good or evil.

Utilitarianism also talks about the benefits and harms not in terms of pleasure and pain alone but in
terms of the quality or intensity of such pleasure and pain and it is describe benefits and harms in terms
of the satisfaction of personal needs.

Kant and Rights Theorists

I learned in this lesson in title Kant and rights theorists that talks about the liberty of every member of
the society as a man, the equality of every member of the society with every other, and the
independence of every member of the commonwealth as a citizen. The duty of man is the one idea
pointing out of Kant more important than what it leads to or what might be the result, one must have
pure motives based on reason and rules. Then according to these theories, the rightness or wrongness
of actions does not depend on their consequences but on whether they fulfill of duty.

Most of us say that duty is an obligationupon us, imposed by some human being with authority over us
like parents, or the government. But this lesson for Kant duty differs from obligation, because duty is
motivated entirely within our own hearts. Even if somebody in authority orders us to do something, it is
not our duty until we recognize it inside of our heart that it is the right thing to do. Then we do it
willingly, because it is our duty.

In order for an action to be our duty it must also be an example of justice, according to our own opinion,
in our heart. Everybody knows this, just by virtue of being a human being, which is to say, a reasonable
Being we are born with a human moral. Duty enhances ones own virtue and this enables one to believe
they truly deserve happiness when it comes their way.

Justice and Fairness: Promoting the common good

This lesson discussed about justice and fairness. Justice It is the actions taken by the court of land on the
people of state by treating every individuals are equal. Justice is dependent on the culture administering
it. It attempts to enforce fairness and righteous behavior, and provides a system for punishing those
who violate it. Its details vary greatly based upon the value system of the society that created it. It's
importance is most noticeable by the unrest that develops among a populace that feels they are not
receiving it.

As cultural societies often find, different factions within the society can have very different, even
conflicting ideas on what justice is. Justice is a balancing of rights versus wrongs. Justice allows us to live
our live peacefully. without war and fights. Justice is given to each and every citizen of every kind. It is
fairness among all citizens of the country. Fairness means that every individual has the same
opportunities and is subject to the same limitation, which is law.

Justice and fairness is important to have peaceful and better community then is that it’s something
we’re all born with. We all have an innate sense of justice. When we are wronged, we want to do
wrong to the person who wronged us. When someone does us a favor, we tend to feel obligation
towards that person and do him a favor in return. Where this sense of justice comes from depends on

The challenges of pluralism and fundamentals. The search of universal values.

I learned in this lesson that discussed about ethical challenges and problems brought about by
globalization and Pluralism, which has arisen in the age of globalization. Globalization is a process that
will happen, regardless whether we want it or not. Globalization can be regulated, and should be, to
avoid problems caused by a race.The challenge of globalization is to regulate and steer it properly.
Without regulation it causes the problem.

It can reflect a recognition by an increasing number of people of the need to think ethically in a
globalized way and hence a recognition of the global of responsibility or obligation. Also it discussed
about fillinialsin our generation it increased used and familiarity with communications, media and digital
technologies. Then this lesson discussed about the role of religion even there are different religion in our
world with own beliefs and doctrines but for me if you have good relationship with God it is enough
because all religion teach about good and because of that you can determine ethical views.

In this lesson it is important to know and especially applying those principles and teaching. Ethics made
up of different views of how we have to behave in order to succesfuly accomplish our goals.
Signature of Student over Printed Name

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