Reviewer: Third (3Rd Checkpoint Exam in Applied Economics (Spabmeco)

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Most severe type of poverty it can be defined

THIRD (3rd CHECKPOINT as the state in which a subject lacks the means to
meet his or her basic needs.
ECONOMICS (SpABMEco) - Absolute poverty
12. Lee Kuan Yew (1923-2015) is an economic
REVIEWER icon was a prime minister of Singapore.
SCOPE: Module 1-3 - Lee Kuan Yew
13. Was a famous 18th-century British economist
Module 1: Introduction to Applied Economics known for the population growth philosophies
Module 2: Basic Economic Problems in The outlined in his 1798 book "An Essay on
the Principle of Population."
Philippines (Socio-economic challenges)
- Thomas Robert Malthus
Module 3: Demand, Supply and Market
14. The market equilibrium for a commodity is
Equilibrium determined by

1. Which of the following explains economics - The balancing forces of demand and
pertains to the study on how society creates its supply
material wealth, how it makes this wealth available
to its people with minimum difficulties, and how it 15. A fall in the price of the commodity, holding
expands its wealth. everything constant, results in and referred to
- Social science
- An increase in the quantity demanded
2. Economics is the study of _______
16. Using the figure below, a decrease in demand
- people making choices because of the pro is depicted by a:
blem of scarcity
3. Scarcity exists __________

- In all countries of the world

4. Microeconomics approaches the study of

- Individual or specific markets

5. This is an analysis of economics which deals
what should be? - Shift from D2 to D1

- Normative economics 17. When an individual’s income falls, while

everything else remains the same, his demand for
a normal good
6. Which of the following decisions must be made
by all economics? - Falls

- What to produce and how much ? How 18. When the price of a substitute of commodity Z
to produce it? For whom to produce? rises, the demand for Z

7. A person who owns the business, responsible - Rises

for the success or future of the business, enjoy all
the business profits and a problem solver. 19. A government subsidy to the producers of a
- Entrepreneur
- Increases product supply
8. Economic system where women tend crops and
raise children while men hunt and plant more
crops. for items 20-21

- Traditional economy
9. Application of economic theory and
econometrics in specific settings with the goal of
analyzing potential

- Economics as an Applied Economics

10. Still a main problem of the Philippine economy
despite improvements reported by the NSO and

- Philippine Unemployment
20. Refer to the above diagram. A price of P60 in 34. Two goods for which an increase in the price
this market will result in: of one leads to a decrease in the demand for the
- a surplus of 100 units
- Complement goods
21. Refer to the above diagram. A price of P20 in
this market will result in: 35. the more buyers the greater the demand:

- a shortage of 100 units - Number of buyers

22. the desire, willingness, and ability to buy a 36. If consumers expect the future price of a
good or service product to be higher, they increase their current
demand for the product.If consumers expect the
- Demand future price of a product to be lower, they
decrease their current demand for the product.
23. shows the amount consumers are willing and
able to purchase at each price level for a specified a. expect P↑ - current demand ↑
period of time. b. expect P↓ - current demand ↓
- Demand schedule and curve 37. Law of Demand Function:
24. Other things equal - Qd = f(P, T, I, R, N, E) or Qd = f (P)
- Ceteris paribus (latin word) 38. Determinants of Demand: Factors That Shift
the Demand Curve:
25. The demand curve illustrates the inverse
(negative) relationship between price and quantity. - Change in buyers’ tastes -T
- Change in the number of buyers - N
- True - Change in income - I
26. The downward slope indicates a lower - Change in the prices of related goods – R
quantity (horizontal axis) at a higher price (vertical
axis), and a higher quantity at a lower price, a. Change in Price of Substitute Good
reflecting the law of demand. b. Change in Price of Complementary Good
c. Change in consumer price expectations
- True
- Change in consumer price expectations – E
27. Common sense, people usually do buy more
of a product at a low price than they do at a high 39. refers to movements along a given demand
price. curve due to a change in price:

- True - Changes in Quantity Demand

28. A lower price increases the purchasing power A→B

of money income, enabling the consumer to buy − increase in Qd
more at a lower price (or less at a higher price) − decrease P
without having to reduce consumption of other B→A
goods. − decrease in Qd
− increase in P
- Income effect
40. refers to shifts in the demand curve due to a
change in any of the other determinants of
29. A lower price gives an incentive to substitute demand.
the lower-priced good for the now relatively
higher-priced goods. - Changes in Demand

- Substitution effect 41. the horizontal summation of all individual

demands for a particular good or service:
30. Advertising one’s wealth:
- Market Demand
- Snob-appeal
42. refers to the various quantities of a good or
31. goods where demand increases as income service that producers are willing to sell at all
increases. possible market prices:

- Normal goods - Supply

32. goods where demand decrease as income 43. Difference between Individual and Market
increases. supply:

- Inferior goods
33. two goods for which an increase in the price of
one leads to an increase in the demand for the

- Substitute goods
44. Because price and quantity supplied are 57. sometimes called a situation of “excess
directly related, the supply curve graphs as an supply”
- Surplus
- Upward sloping curve
58. a situation in which quantity demanded is
45. Law of supply states: greater than quantity supplied.

- As price rises …quantity supplied - Shortage

rises, As price falls…quantity supplied
59. 3 Dynamic Laws of Demand and Supply
46. Determinants of Supply: Factors That Shift the 1. If Qd > Qs – shortage - P↑
Supply Curve: If Qd < Qs – surplus - P↓

- Change in resource prices -R 2. The greater the difference between Qd &

- Change in technology - T Qs, the greater is the pressure on price to
- Change in taxes and subsidies - TS fall (surplus) or rise (shortage)
- Change in prices of other goods - O
- Change in producer expectations - E 3. When Qd=Qs ↔ Equilibrium ↔ no
- Change in the number of suppliers – N tendency for price to change

47. Resource prices: 60. Changes in Demand and Equilibrium:

price of labor ↑ D increase: P, Q : Increase in Demand-Price-

price of raw materials↑ production cost ↑supply ↓ increasing effect Quantity-increasing effect

48. Technology: - An increase in demand results in an

increase in price and an increase in
produce more, better, faster products at lower cost quantity exchanged.
efficiency ↑ - production cost ↓ supply ↑
D decrease: P, Q : Decrease in demand- Price-
49. Taxes and Subsidies: decreasing effect Quantity-decreasing effect

Tax – expense - production cost ↑supply ↓ - A decrease in demand results in a

Subsidies – grants - production cost ↓ supply ↑ decrease in price and a decrease in the
quantity exchanged.
50. Prices of other goods:

price of other good ↑ - supply of current good ↓

price of other good ↓ - supply of current good ↑

51. Producer Expectation:

expect future price ↑ - current supply ↓

expect future price ↓ - current supply ↑

52. refers to movements along a given supply

curve due to a change in price:

- Changes in Quantity Supply

− increase in Qs
− increase in P
− decrease in Qd
− decrease in P
53. refers to shifts in the supply curve due to a
change in any of the other determinants of supply:

- Changes in Supply
54. occurs where the demand curve and supply
curve intersect:

- Market Equilibrium
55. also known as “market-clearing price”

- Equilibrium price (Qd=Qs)

56. where the supply and demand curves intersect
and quantity is determined:

- Equilibrium Quantity (Qd=Qs)

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