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How To Get Single Digit Body Fat In 4 W


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"Why is it so damn HARD to reach single

digit body fat?".
"There must be some 'secret' diet or training
method that I don't know else
would Hollywood stars get ripped so damn

Does this sound familiar?

Well, I hate to break it to you...

But there is no shortcut to ripped abs.

If you want to go from 10-12% to 8% body fat (i.e. single digit body fat) then
prepared to put in the work.

The good news is that you don't need to rely on dangerous fat burners or fol
restrictive diets to get results fast.

In this article, I'll be sharing my PROVEN 6-step method for reaching

(in as little as 4-weeks).

Here's what you'll learn:

The pros and cons of getting ripped (6-8% body fat).

What "stubborn fat" is and how to get rid of it.

How to get single digit body fat % in 4 weeks.

Table of Contents

What Is Single Digit Body Fat?

The Pros And Cons Of Single Digit Body Fat (Is It Worth It?)

Why You've Plateaued At 10-12% Body Fat (The Curse Of 'Stubborn Fat')

How To Get Single Digit Body Fat % In JUST 4 Weeks


What Is Single Digit Body Fa

'Single digit body fat' refers to anything below (<) 10% body fat.

But the leanest you can realistically expect to get is 6-8% body fat.
This is because men need a minimum amount of 'essential
essential fat
fat' to survive (a

In the 6-8% body fat range, muscles have greater definition and there is a cle
between each muscle.

Vascularity is also more prominent because there is less subcutaneous fat

“obscure” the superficial veins (close to the surface of the skin).
But perhaps the biggest perk of reaching single digit body fat is having a fully
pack (even when you’re relaxed).

If you pinch your stomach, it will have an almost "paper-thin" texture (like th
The Pros And Cons Of Single D
Body Fat (Is It Worth It?)

I’m not going to lie to you...

Reaching single digit body fat is NOT easy.

And even if you do reach 6-8% body fat legitimately, there's no guarantee th
to stay this lean year round.
I'm not trying to discourage you but you must have realistic expectations.

Having said that, it's still worth it if your main goal is to look good shirtless.

There is a HUGE difference in muscle definition, separation and vascularity

10-12% body fat.

However, you need to have a solid amount of muscle mass (at least
pull it off.

This will help you avoid the dreaded "skinny fat" look.

If you're still not sure whether or not single digit body fat is for you then con
and cons:


Greater muscle definition. Having less body fat gives your mus
definition and makes them "stand out" more.

Greater vascularity. At low body fat percentages, you'll have m

veins in your chest, shoulders, arms and even lower abs. This looks i
aesthetic, especially when you get a big 'pump' in the gym.

Ripped abs.
abs.​ The main benefit of the single digit body fat range (6
you'll have chiselled abs, even when you're not flexing.
you'll have chiselled abs, even when you're not flexing.


Muscles look “flat” without a pump. T​​here are only a handful o

gifted natural lifters who look impressive without a pump when in a
(at a low body fat %). You can see this phenomenon with natural bod
stage. Their muscles have a "flat" appearance, not at all like the guys
magazines (who are taking a cocktail of drugs to retain muscle fullne

You don’t look as big in a shirt. As a natural lifter, you have on

options: You either look big and impressive in a shirt or you look rip
shirt. Very few people can look big and ripped at the same time as a
from veteran lifers with 5+ years in the gym.

Your leverages will be worse on certain exercises.

percentage is the stronger you will be. This is especially true for exe
bench press, where leverages play a big role. When you have more f
your upper back, glutes and chest will all be BIGGER. This reduces t
bar has to travel from the chest to the lockout. Unfortunately, this w
when you’re at a low body fat percentage. Your range of motion is m
reducing the amount of weight you can lift.

Who Should Do It?

Intermediate lifters who want to get lean before bulking.
Getting lean BEFORE you bulkis always a good idea. This will ensure
is geared towards gaining muscle NOT fat when in a calorie surplus.
reaching single digit body fat is that you'll be able to bulk for longer
to cut.

Bodybuilders who are content with their physique and just

maintain a low body fat year-round. If you’re happy with your ‘s
want to maintain then there’s no reason not to diet down to single d
You’ll have more muscle definition and separation in your abs in add
more vascular (which looks awesome).

Who Shouldn't Do It?

Strength athletes (e.g. powerlifters) who don’t care about a

competitive powerlifter then there is no real advantage to maintain
body fat, aside from greater relative strength. Your ‘absolute streng
inevitably be lower due to worse leverages and the fact that you can
much weight at a lighter bodyweight (mass moves mass).

Novice lifters (<1 year in the gym). As I alluded to earlier, it’s n

to get this lean unless you have a solid amount of muscle.
“flat” and unimpressive in clothing but it will also hinder your streng
on certain exercises.

Teenagers. As a teenager, you’re in your formative years for gro

why I don’t recommend worrying about single digit body fat (at leas
main focus should be gaining muscle and strength by eating in a calo
unless you’re overweight (>20% body fat).

Why You've Plateaued At 10-12%

Fat (The Curse Of 'Stubborn F

Are you relatively lean, but struggling to lose those last 5 to 10 pounds
belly or love handles?
You're not the only one to face this problem.

Unfortunately, there are some areas in the body in which fat is more difficul
i.e. "stubborn fat".

Here's the scientific explanation for why:

In the body, there are two types of fat receptors...

Alpha receptors (1 & 2).

Beta receptors (1, 2 & 3).

Activation of Alpha1 and Beta receptors causes fat breakdown whereas ac

Alpha2 receptors blunts fat breakdown.

Stubborn areas in the body like the lower abs and love handles (for guys) and
butt (for women) have a higher density of alpha2 receptors.

To make things worse, there is also less subcutaneous blood flow to the lowe

Adequate blood flow is necessary for transporting free-fatty acids (FFA) aw

(or adipocytes) to active tissues where they can be burned.

Now, there are a few ways to get around this "stubborn fat" problem.

I’ll be sharing some strategies you can use to achieve this in the section belo
I’ll be sharing some strategies you can use to achieve this in the section belo
step 3-5).

P.s. If you want to learn more about the science of fat loss and how to get rip
check out "The Quick Weight Loss".

Everything I've covered here is explained in more detail inside this book.

But for now, I want to touch on another important point about plateaus.

The Role Of Adaptive Thermogenesis In

Loss Plateaus
Loss Plateaus

Stubborn fat isn't the main cause of weight loss plateaus.

It's only a concern for individuals who are relatively lean (10-12% body fat).

Perhaps the biggest enemy you have to face when dieting is yourself.

You see, your body doesn’t care about your aspirations for six-pack abs.

Its only purpose is SURVIVAL.

Therefore, it will do anything in its power to fight against the perceived thre
and bring you back to your natural weight “set point”.

It does this via a process known as “adaptive thermogenesis”.

Ultimately, this makes weight loss harder in various ways:

You burn fewer calories at rest. Non-exercise activity thermo

refers to the calories burned when you’re idle (i.e. resting).
fidgeting, yawning and even chewing. Believe it or not, these actions
calories. The worst part about this is that it’s subconscious.
less to preserve energy but that has the consequence of reducing yo

You burn fewer calories during and after exercise.

decreases, you’ll naturally burn fewer calories per minute when exe
have to work harder to compensate for the lower energy expenditu
Unfortunately, this leads to a diminished “afterburn effect
result, you’ll burn fewer calories after exercise when doing HIIT.

You burn fewer calories when digesting food. Not all calorie
from macronutrients are absorbed. Approximately 5-15% of the cal
in are burned via diet-induced thermogenesis. This number is lower

The “hunger hormone” ghrelin is increased. Ghrelin is a horm

produced and released by the stomach (with small amounts also rele
intestine, pancreas and brain). Its main function is to stimulate the a
promote fat storage. As you get leaner, ghrelin levels are increased.
will have a noticeably larger appetite. This makes dieting a lot more
combined with a low caloric intake.

In short, the odds are pretty much against you when losing weight.

Not only do you burn fewer calories over time but you also have to fight incr
and cravings.

However, there is no “secret” to break through weight-loss plateaus.

The most important thing to remember is “calories

calories in vs calories out

If you’re eating fewer calories than your body burns then you WILL lose wei
If you’re eating fewer calories than your body burns then you WILL lose wei

When you stop losing weight for 2-3 consecutive weeks then simply lower y
intake by 250-500.

Nine times out of ten this will work like a charm.

If it doesn't, then it could mean one of two things:

1. You're not counting calories accurately

accurately...If that's the case, the

2. You're holding excess water which is "masking" your weigh

the case, then read this article.

How To Get Single Digit Body Fa

JUST 4 Weeks
Step #1 Reduce Your Calorie Intak

The first step is to adjust your calorie intake.

Find out what your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is and create a

As a rule of thumb, 3500 calories per week equates to a pound of fat.

Therefore, you need to eat at least 500 calories below maintenance

at a reasonable pace (e.g. 1 lb per week).

But I'd recommend bumping that up to a 1,000 calorie deficit to spee

loss (e.g. 2 lbs per week).

For example, if your TDEE is 2,500 then you'd need to consume 1,500 calori
lose 2 lbs per week.

If you're already relatively lean (10-12% body fat) then you might not be abl
this rapidly.
this rapidly.

So you'll have to settle for 1 lb/week (or less).

Step #2 Increase Your Protein Intak

Protein is your friend when dieting down to single digit body fat.

If possible, I recommend getting at least 1 gram of protein per pound

bodyweight (most of these calories should come from carbohydrates).

Here's why:

Protein burns more calories. Protein is the most thermogenic

of all. Around 15-30% of the calories ingested from protein are burn
induced thermogenesis. One study found that replacing carbohydra
18% protein as pork or soy-protein increased energy expenditure b

Protein is highly satiating. Researchershave found that high pr

very effective for managing appetite during calorie restriction.
dieting below 10% body fat as ghrelin levels are much higher in lean

A high protein intake is more effective for retaining lean bo

when dieting. Study after study has shown that higher-protein die
body mass more effectively compared to low protein diets.
Step #3 Fast For 4-6 Hours Every D

Intermittent fasting is a MUST if you struggle to control your appetite.

By delaying your first meal late into the day you narrow your “feeding wind

This has the inadvertent effect of decreasing your meal frequency

meals less often.

This has several advantages:

Increased satiety. Contrary to popular belief, eating “six small m

not more satiating than eating 2 or 3 large meals a day. There is
that the opposite is true.

Greater thermic effect. One study showed that eating 750 calo
meal burns more calories than six small meals throughout the day.

In addition to the aforementioned benefits, fasting is also useful for getting r


Fasted training has been shown to burn more calories and increase subcutan
flow to the lower body.

As you may recall, this aids fat burning by transporting FFA's away from fat
can be used by active tissues).
can be used by active tissues).

If you plan on doing fasted workouts then I recommend taking either a scoo
HMB tablet.

This will slow down muscle breakdown without putting you in a ‘fed’ state (i
raise insulin levels).

1. 8am- 12pm: Fasting period (only consume black coffee & water)

2. 12pm-2pm: Fasted weight training (take 1 HMB tablet).

3. 2.
30pm: Meal 1

4. 5.
30pm: Meal 2

5. 8.
30pm: Meal 3

6. 10pm+: Fasting period

Step #4 Do 2-4 HIIT Cardio Workouts Pe


High-intensity interval training is without a doubt the most effective way to

It burns twice as many calories as low-intensity cardio, not to mention the fa

many other benefits like suppressing appetiteand increasing EPOC
many other benefits like suppressing appetiteand increasing EPOC

Studies have also shown that HITT cardio elevates catecholamine

Catecholamines are hormones produced by the adrenal glands (e.g. norepin

epinephrine) which travel through the blood and latch on to fat receptors to
(thus, triggering fat breakdown).

The basics of HIIT cardio are as follows:

You alternate between high-intensity intervals and

The goal of high-intensity intervals is to give 100% effort.

for a 17-19 on the RPE scale (e.g. 170-190 BPM).

The low-intensity intervals are a form of active recovery between

They're essentially a chance to catch your breath while keeping you
steady. You should be aiming for a 9-11 on the RPE scale (e.g. 90-11

For beginners, a ratio of 1:2 is a good place to start (for intensity/r

for every 1 minute sprint, you would follow that up with a 2 minute

I recommend doing 2-4 HIIT workouts per week @ 10-20 minutes per sessio

​P.s. it goes without saying but avoid doing HIIT if you have any pre-existing h
conditions. This is a VERY intense form of exercise that shouldn't be attemp
you're reasonably fit.
you're reasonably fit.

Step #5 Take This Fat Burning Supplemen

A good fat burning supplement will do one of two things:

1. Suppress your appetite and cravings.

2. Increase your energy expenditure.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many fat burners that fit this memo.

But there are three I recommend when trying to lose those last 5-10 pounds

These aren’t going to give you ripped abs “effortlessly” or eliminate your cra

But they will help you shave 1 or 2 weeks off dieting.

The good news is that they’re all fairly cheap and won’t break the bank.

Green tea extract: Green tea is primarily marketed as a health product du

high content of polyphenols. These are molecules found in plants that can po
off all sorts of diseases. There are also studies showing that green tea consu
promote fat oxidation in humans at rest (by as much as 17%). However, this
promote fat oxidation in humans at rest (by as much as 17%). However, this
vary from person to person.

How to take it:

1. The recommended dose for green tea extract is 400-500mg

it’s not practical to get this amount by drinking green tea regularly a
contains only 50mg. Ideally, you’d take one green tea extract capsul

2. The fat-burning effects of green tea are dependent on being naive

not drinking it daily). Therefore, you have to cycle your caffeine inta
full benefit (see below).

3. To increase bioavailability, it's recommended that you take a fish


Yohimbine: Yohimbine is a herbal stimulant that produces adrenaline in th

inhibits alpha2 fat receptors (these prevent fat breakdown). It’s an extensiv
researched supplement that has been proven to boost fat loss (even in elite
However, you may want to avoid taking this supplement if you suffer from
least start with a smaller dose).

How to take it:

1. The recommended dose for yohimbine is 0.

2mg per kg of body

2. Yohimbine should be taken on an empty stomach.

Caffeine: Caffeine is a popular stimulant that is used for its ‘nootropic’ effe
Caffeine: Caffeine is a popular stimulant that is used for its ‘nootropic’ effe
caffeine is ingested in the body it inhibits adenosine receptors and gives you
dopamine. This wakes you up and boosts mental energy and alertness.
yohimbine, caffeine has also been shown to have a “thermic effect
calories. Although, you need a considerably large dose of 400 mg per day (ar
coffee) to burn an additional 80-100 calories. Anecdotally, I (and many othe
that caffeine also acts as a great appetite suppressant. But there is
support this claim. It’s reasonable to assume that this might be dependant o
so you may need to test for yourself.

How to take it:

1. Researchers have found that the body builds up a tolerance to caf

So it’s recommended that you cycle your intake throughout the wee

2. An easy way to do this is to alternate between high caffeine day

mg), low caffeine days (150 mg) and zero caffeine days (<50 m

Step #6 Do A Refeed Day Every Sund

If you’re at the point in your fat loss journey where you’re already fairly lean
trying to get to that next level (i.e. single digit body fat) then regular refeed d

Here’s why:
Here’s why:

Carbohydrates provide the body with its main fuel source glucose

Because the body only wants so much glucose circulating in the blood it stor
the liver, with the rest being converted to glycogen and stored within the m

You can think of glycogen as a reserve of energy that is called upon during in
training (to fuel muscle contractions).

The problem with dieting is that you need to “restrict calories” and these cal
often than not come from carbohydrates.
And as a result, your body has fewer carbohydrates to replenish depleted gl

This can lead to reduced strength and endurance in workouts.

Your muscles will also look noticeably more “flat” and stringy.

This is because the muscles are comprised of 79% water and for every gram
carbohydrate consumed 2-3 grams of water are stored in the body.

The purpose of a refeed day is to temporarily increase your carbohydrate i

replenish glycogen stores and raise leptin levels.

It’s a good idea to strategically place your refeed day before a heavy training

For example, if your workout is on Monday then do your refeed on Sunday.

Guidelines for a refeed day:

Eat at maintenance calories or in a small surplus (5-10%).

Increase carbohydrate intake to 50-60% of total calories.

Keep protein intake the same (i.e. 0.75-1 g/lb).

Lower fat intake to compensate for the higher carbohydrate intak

Try to stick mainly to “high quality” low GI carbs such as whole gra
fruits, oatmeal, rice etc.


Here's a summary of what we learned in the article:

Anything below 10% body fat is considered 'single digit body fat'.
amount of essential fat needed for men is around 2-5% so it's not he
below 6-9%.

Novice lifters with less than 6 months in the gym shouldn't waste
Novice lifters with less than 6 months in the gym shouldn't waste
dieting to single digit body fat. The same goes for teenagers.

The main reason why weight loss is slower in lean individuals is "s
The best way to combat this is by taking the right supplements (yohi
and doing fasted HIIT cardio 2-4x per week.

Going from 10-12% body fat to 8% body fat will take 4-8 weeks (d
the size of your deficit).

Now it's over to you.

Do you have any tips to share for dieting to single digit body fat?

Let me know in the comments below.

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October 25, 2019

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About the Author

Hi, my name is Marcus and I'm the founder of Mindtomus
mission is to help guys get bigger, leaner and stronger WIT
drugs. All of the content written on this site is science-bas
grounded in the latest research, so you can be confident t
getting accurate information. If you want to learn more ab
visit this page:
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