Unconditional Love For Your Cash

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Unconditional Love… for Your Cash

by perryoveritas, thetahealingfraud.wordpress.com January 22, 2013 07:50 AM

A few things stood out to me the first time I watched it. I put up my prior post (The Healing
Touch) the night it aired, in the midst of my shock that the BBC actually did a story on
ThetaHealing after all this time…

But I couldn’t get one part of the report out of my mind. It just kept gnawing at me!

This goes back to the core of why I’m still doing this. No matter how sarcastic I can be, or
how much I joke about Vianna’s gross nasal issues, the reason for this blog, for my book, for
comments on YouTube, etc. is for one reason only: It is heartbreaking and hurtful to my
very soul to know that people around the world are innocently searching for help, and
Vianna’s lure traps them when they’re at their most vulnerable.

The anonymous man on the BBC Newsnight story spent £1,200 (approx. $1,920) on
worthless ThetaHealing sessions. He represents all of the anonymous,
faceless, embarrassed, duped people in many parts of the world. His identity may be
hidden, but his voice speaks for those whom fake healings and devotion are given- those
who Vianna and her underlings care nothing about. To them, he was a walking wad of cash.
And for those of us who had/have placed undeserved faith in the Theta clan, as he did, our
health and well-being are code words… lures… to trap us into paying for that which they
are incapable of providing. They see our need, find the vulnerability, and pounce.

Unconditional Love: The Theta Way

It goes something like this: “I care so much about you! I want you to be healthy, with a hot,
rich husband/wife! You have no legs? That’s okay, we can regrow them! Want a summer
wedding in mid winter? That’s okay, we can change the weather! Cancer? Well, that’s our
specialty! Who are you to say you can’t afford our fees… you can’t afford to not do this!!”
ThetaHealing: We Love Your Money

It’s all just a lure, a lovely worded modality, filled with terms like “unconditional love” and
“love and light” and “going up to God” and “downloading feelings”. There is no shortage of
people telling me, “But Vianna did a healing on me FOR FREE!!! So she’s definitely not all
about the money!” Like any cult, they’re not going to come right out and tell you all of the
hidden, strange beliefs that ThetaHealing actually embraces. They’re not going to sell you
their pitch of why you should join by stating that it takes many, many thousands
of (US) dollars to get to the top of the Theta pyramid, and that you have to re-certify every
couple of years (not for free), and that Vianna comes out with a new book whenever she gets
a new sickness or near death experience (which is shockingly- or not shockingly, depending
upon your stance- quite often) and that teachers are required to purchase the newest
editions of her books, along with manuals, travel costs, etc.

ThetaHealing is NOT an inexpensive hobby. It’s a cult that lures in those who are in need of
something- usually money, relationships, babies and weight loss. Now may be a good time
to mention again that Vianna and her son have both been married 4 times each and one
daughter has 3 kids with a man who refuses to marry her, that one of Vianna’s daughters
has had repeated miscarriages, and that Vianna (and her heaviest daughter) have had
liposuction and still struggle with obesity… and that clearly the money they earn is from a
rather unconventional source.

Payment for Services Rendered

I’ve heard too many times to count, that “Vianna has to make money, too!” and that such is
the reason she charges for healing. I definitely wouldn’t care that she was making a fortune
off of people if it was actually a worthwhile spending of money… money that other people
had to work hard for. I believe that people have original ideas all of the time! I’m definitely a
fan of thinkers, of those who use the brains that God gave us to find new ways to improve
the old and invent the new. Making money is a part of this culture, and making a LOT of
money is not a bad thing!!

But this is no regular job. Vianna is still pretending after 16 years that she healed herself of
her invisible cancer. And thus the Theta trap, with “unconditional love” for money.

The Sick Stay Sick

The anonymous man from the report mentioned that he should have sought medical help,
and that, “There was never any suggestion I should go back to my doctor, which is what I
needed to do.” and this is where my heart aches!

It’s not common for ThetaHealers to want to involve doctors. In fact, in my experience with
the family, Vianna and her children/grandchildren visited doctors far more than any of
their followers… which is something they worked very, very hard to cover. Generally, if
doctors (or other sources of health- acupuncturists, massage therapists, etc.) were involved,
then the sick would get better. And where would the need for ThetaHealing lie? The sick
must stay sick, and receive healing after healing after useless Theta healing, or they’d be out
of business.

There are many, many people in the world searching for answers, searching for help- sick,
lonely, poor, or simply seeking improvement- and the self help conmen are aplenty! There is
no shortage of those who promise the world for a small fee, we all know that. But when
someone starts a business, and makes a ridiculous amount of money off of an unproven
healing technique, off of lies??? That’s despicable!

There is no longer an excuse needed for Vianna- she can get a real job, like all of the rest of
us, who actually do something to earn money. I don’t get paid to pray for people. And if
that’s truly all Vianna does, then she should do it, too. I can promise you right now that
Vianna is no closer to God than the fat, drunk guy down the street from me.

Healing, Not ThetaHealing?

There never has been, and never will be, any proof that Vianna Stibal ever had cancer. Since
it is impossible to heal something that never existed, the very premise of ThetaHealing (aka
the fake channeling from God) is nothing but a sick conning of the sick.

I believe in healing. I believe in God. I absolutely believe that faith can work miracles! But
ThetaHealing is as much about healing as Bill Gates is a master of gates. ThetaHealing is
merely a con, a way to lure those in need to follow someone whom appears to have healed
herself of cancer! But it didn’t happen. Save your money. You don’t have to pay for faith or

If this sounds like a group that you would want to learn more from, please visit the
ThetaHealing website for more information. But while you consider it, remember what our
good friend Jiminy Cricket said…

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