English in Mind 2. Student's Book (PDFDrive)

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\5ro#3 rH##ssJs*J
s$Jr *5
Grammar:presentsimp[e;presentcontinuous;haveto ,/ don't hoveto
hobbiesand interests;jobs

andlisten Pnesent
Readand Write the verbs in the correct form
listento Jacki diary of the presentsimple.
entry.What is he I We .__eg!
.eggsfor breakfastevery
worriedabout? day.(eat)
2 Our teacheralways
us homeworkon Fridays.
3 I'msorry- | the
answer.(not know)
l.,laleL ry
4 My father . football.
hrr &rV, (not tike)
l"*,"wi*L? ttiJ ir^, ,,{,7 roor\- - Lt', q.Lnrsb allyourfriends
ct d. I Lrrft. b *^r tar^syr"r., to the sameschoot?
3uf V b*-t | **_t"A*1
I L*A€"to {..i}',Je.
f"*"-""! €v*xx fu<t *^r
'hAi* ""?
f,rer*s yt" "", da ya^-.wn*.*. to be.wt^e&_yo.- 6 Where
,t*t 'Ba pmblr"""-ix, f d,or..'t k:iwl tV - al^m,ys friend
T? "*
s+s, o drc*rr!' B"* sl^_ad^oe.sh_t _ fo
be * d*tt
ya^- ti,^e. to sb^^ty f* * boq, L0\4 tir"*,
H* ior,aru {=.^-- *^" f '^J'*rfi
".orb "f ,**
d tlrtiSy r.l sctr-ool^ '8, Completethe emailwith the
t,,ly d4J,. so,?s, a.;i"l_.lrb.l'
fs La
cr.a1? He, kr^-o,^rs I t lr" flt'*C! correctform of the present
Wiln l'rr-
1aLsol.*- iLe.r-t, "f c*-su f €{JIy wa.,^} b
b- :- 'ocL strr. Yo,^-d-o,^,t L,,ft" to bL *r,
cu i-,t,s
f l.ile&Urte,"rAdtr "f***_,
ry{ct ttY f*.^*^ \,^ri&/ tos. From: j e s s . c h a m b e r s @ m aniel .t
dn^.t W *"1 et^J_| $L^,gye&tly be.dL To:
\ saIly < sjgp 13 5@freepost.net
- bh* ttrr?" ue" Lrbr '
shf,$ Li.le,e"
A".t subject: h o l i d a y !
"f "*A
l'6,^r,l'.*- ar,*d, ,.,/ iV* q-ra t-rr$r^S, too.
O., b h&. I ux.{^i&Je"r}*.l n^+
: 3*0 fr*"*e. L, It' s me - Jessi ca.It
' m.W fLtLng
eed^| 3e u1 hlt Ldrr-r wt*&. l'n_lr1,n4 d"."- (w ri te) t o
you from P ortugal ! W e' re on hol i day her e.
0r .^^fl*--
f1'tf$ 3a.r,*-?becl{im^r, We 2 (stay) i n a ni ce hotel near
d*d{iJnt, d^*L.riL^"sf
t h e b e a c h .I 3 (have)a really
good ti me. It' s a beauti ful day today
- the sun a (shine)and my
brother and si ster ______._._____ (pl ay) on
b Answer the questions. t h e b e a c h .M e ? 1 6 _ . _ (sit) in my
I What time is it? room and I (not do) any work!
2 Why can'tJacksleep? What you
3 Why doesn'the want to be a doctor? W ri te and tel l me!

4 Why doesn'the wantto be a pilot? Love

5 Why is a rockstarthe perfectjob for him? Jessi ca
6 Why is he goingto bed?

vs.pnesent f * haveto t don'thaveto
. Pnesent
;___ simDte
c0ntinu0us Make sentenceswith the correct
Readthe telephoneconversation.
Underlinethe form of have to / don't have to.
correc( opfi-ons. 1 I / tidy my room /
Andy: Hi Sophie.lt's me,Andy.What ido you do / q1e ! hqyeta !!dy my _r.ep_m,
vou doingT 2 | / do the cookingI
Sophie:Nothingreally.Why? I do_n't
Andy: Do you wantto go to the cinemawith me? 3 You / studyfor the test tomo rrow /
| 2go,/ am going every Friday.
Sophie:Wel[,I don't know.I canonly go aftereight 4 My older sister/ go to bed before
o'clock.we always3have / are havingdinnerat 7.30. ll o'clockX
My mum acooks/ is cookingdinnernow.
Andy: No problem.Let'smeetat the cinemaat g.15. 5 My brother/ go to schoolon
sophie:oK. Great!But Andy- | canheara lot of noise Saturday/
in your house.What is it?
Andy: Oh, that'smy brother.He slistens 6 | / get up earlyon SundayX
/ is listening
to musicupstairs.He always6ploys/ is playingvery
loudmusic! ,#\
Sophie:Oh, I see!OK - well,l'[ seeyou at 8..l5.
'&, i J0bs
for calling.
Write the lettersin the correct order
Andy:Seeyou Sophie!Bye. to find the jobs.Write the nameof
'u* @,- eachjob besidethe correctpicture.
# : Hobbies
andintenests hacitterc netidts €{€€dt
Readthe text. Write the missingwords in the correct thtifgtentatdan relawy tipot
placesin the puzzle.Whati the mystery word? heitgfierfr poshsantasist
cheerat tve
My friendJaneand I havegot lots of hobbiesand
interests.We really[ike2 _gotng to the cinemaat
the weekends. Bothof us like, -__
___. to musictoo,
and we like . __._ at partiesif the music'sreally
goodlJane's betterat musicthan me - sheenjoys
__-the guitarwhenshe'sat home. dpc-tpr
We likedifferentsports- Janeoften goes ffi-.
in the parkin the morningbut I preferr ---___ FFITYJ\ T
_--. in
____. P'*+\;nl D

the pool or in the river.| like6

' q

__ $-i Jl
schoolin the Art lessons, but Jane'sfavouritesubject
is English
because she[oves books.There's
- __-
one thingwe both hate- ptaying games!


Xut$uu? J
ll :l

Grammar:past simpte;much/manfi some/ony;comparativeand superlative

Vocabulary:food; multi-wordverbs

andtisten PastsimDte:
a Readthe text.Why wastheir visitto the restaurant Fegutan
experience'? venbs
Completethe dialoguewith the
correctformsof the verbsin
H i O liv ia,
the past.
You can't imaginewhat happenedlast night. Dad took us
A: Dld you-.w-q!eh the film
out to a famous restaurant,but there weren't many people (watch)
on TV lastnight?
there last night. unforgettableexperience,'theirwebsite
B: We[[,I I (want)to
says. Well, it certainlywas unforgettable!We orderedthe
'e x ot ic watchit, but then Natatie
s ur pr is e' a n dth o u g h ti t w a s g o i n gto b e w onderful ,
and we
but it was the most aMul meal I've ever had! The first course
(S")to seethe
was c hic k enand ch i p s !T h e c h i c k e nw a s b a d , b u t the chi ps (b")
were worse. Yuck! Then they gave us'picnic-stylespecial the fi[mgood?
ham with strawberries'.When the waiter broughtit, we saw
A: Not rea[[y.The actors
l i ttleham s andwich e sh i d i n gu n d e rs o me s a l a d .And you
(b")so badthat I
can't believewhat happenednext. The waiter tried to put the
plateson the table, but he droppedone. And then the worst
20 minutes. And whenI
thing happened!He pickedthe sandwichup from the floor, (wake)up, I only
p ut it bac k on t he p l a tea n d g a v e i t to Mu m. M u m asked hi m (see)the lasttwo
'Aren'tyou ._.__
to throw the sandwichaway. hungry?'thewaiter minutesof the film.
asked. My dad got reallyangry and told him off. But he only
B: I'mgladI e (not stay)
l a u ghed!| t r iedt he d e s s e rt.l c e c re a m .N o c o m m ent!(B ut I
at homethen.
d i d n' teat m uc h. )
A: Right.Andro you
Nexttimewe'lltakeyouto the (enjoy)the match?
samerestaurant!Justkidding;-)) B: Wrongquestion! 20 minutes
Yours, intothe gameit rr
(start)to rain.My team
Thomas (tose)
3-0, andthen
PS:The picnic-stylespecialham we13 (miss)
the last
withstrawberriesdidn'thaveany bushome.
strawberries!!! A: So how you
Readthe text ( p h o n ey)o u rd a d ?
againand listen.Write f (true) or F (false). B : N o . I d i d nt . W e
I Thomasand hisfamilywent to a self-service
restaurant. (take)a taxi,and
we (p-y) flO each.
2 Theydidn'tliketheirfirstcourseat all. '
So ^a.e no moneyleft until
3 Thespecialhamcamewith manystrawberries. fhe e^: cf the month!
4 Mum didn'twant hersandwich.
5 The waiterwasrea[lysorryandapologised.
6 Thomashadsomeice creamfor dessert.


#'%1 and #ft Gompanative
uncountable andsuDentative
,,ai Work with a partner.Add asmanyitemsto the list adjectives
asyou can. Completethe sentences with the
vegetables: gFlioFls,
carrots,... comparative or superlative
fruit: apples,... of the adjectives.
starters: vegetablesoup,... I heardaboutyour examresults.
You must be the hqpplest
mainmeals: gri[[edfish,...
personin the world rightnow.
desserts: icecream,... (happv)
drinks: milk,...
MexicoCity is one of the
rFiWhich of the words in your list are countabte(e.9. _ citiesin the world,but
Tokyois even .(big)
apples,carrots),and which are uncountable(e.9.
milk, fruit)? Make a list with your partner. I thinkGeorgeClooneyisthe
actor.lthink he'smuch
than BradPitt.(good)
9nt_an5___. Thisis one of the
filmsI haveeverseen.I think it's
than the film we saw
two weeksaso.(interesting)
I thought losingall my money
iTj Work in groups.lmagineyou are in a restaurant wasthe __experience
orderingfood anddrinks.One of you is the waiter. of my Iife,but this situationis
Act out a dialogue. . thanthat.(bad)

= "i MtIEhl
.: ffi8i4.
nany venbs
tr : Multi-wond
Underlinethe correct word in each sentence. Usethe correctform of the
1 How much/many moneydo you want to spend? multi-wordverbsfrom the boxto
2 We haven'tgot much/many time. completethe sentences.
3 | don't want much/many carrots. giveup theckout eke-up
4 Shecouldn'tget much/many information. lookup workout tell off
5 He hasn'tgot much/monyfriends.
He'salreadyptayingin a band,

: "i Somel
and he only ta-e-kup playingthe
any guitara yearago!
Complete the sentenceswith some or any. It'snot reallymy mistake.
I I wantedto makemyself..sem7.vegetablesoup,but don't me
_- ________-_____________
there weren't gn_yvegetablesleft. ptease.
2 lf you'rehungry,have sandwiches. He has sweetsand
now he'smuchthinner.
3 We bought ._rice,but we didn'tbuy
tomatoes. I can'trememberwhat this word
means.l'I haveto __-__.______..________
4 A: Let'shave_--- dessert.
B: Great.Havewe got ice cream? _.in a dictionary.
I just can't the answer
5 A: Can I have_________ sugarin my coffee?
to this mathsproblem.
B: l'm reallysorry,we haven'tgot sugarat
home. I'veheardthere'sa new pizza
placein town.Why don't we
6 A: Haveyou got plansfor the weekend.
i t ?
B: Not rea[[y.
MaybeI'l[watch DVDs.



iFilUg!$ulxgrJggllultI; a

Grammar:will/won't; too + adjective;adverbs.be going to

expressions to talk about the future: future time expressions;
the weather

Readthe text messages.
What is Janeand Tony'sproblem?

KenondI ore goingto

ptoyvotteybotl tomorrow Hi II
qfternoon. AreYou
coming otong?TheYsoY
it'ttbe hot tomorrow.
pnobably sayyes.flf I
Butnot too hot for
joinyou,I want
votteybottl to be in
yourteam,or else.
[heers,Tony . .ll
Relax My mother,s just
Toobad!Guesswhat talkedto me.f,mnot
Readagainand listen.Write the 'You'ne
going qllowedto go either.
namesnext to the sentences.
to getbadmarksif all Mumsl !!
1 Who would [iketo go to the beach? youdo is PlaYbeacn Anywoy,I hopeto
2 Who can'tgo to the beach?. AnYwaY,
volleyball'. have see you on Saturdoy!
win Cinemq???
3Who saysthe weather's
goingto be nice? fun.I doubtYou'll
4 Who thinkstheirmotherwi[[sayOK? withoutme!
5 When doesTonyhopeto go to the cinema?

t0o + adjective
willl won't Complete each sentence.Use foo and an
Complete the sentenceswith 'll, will or won't adjectivefrom the box.
and a verb from the box.
big cold expensive fast [ate yeuns
know be win go send eeme
I can'tgo in there.Youhaveto be17and
I Youcaninvitehimto the cinema- but I'msurehe l'm .tep.ye-ang,
_.We_n't with usl
_C.e_me_. CanI try a smaller ptease?
size. Thisone's
2 Let'saskMatt - maybehe _. _. the answer.
3 My friendsand I aregoingto playtabletennis 3 Let' sstay here a^c s : l , _-e fi re. It' s
tonight.I haven'tpractised,
so I probabty _ . to go outsi d e.
a singlematchl ^ i
4 Slo,'.:: --'...,a.r
4 Sorry,I can'ttalk to you now.| _ _. . you an
Why don'tyou talkto her?I'msuresne
angrywith you.
the station
I t ' sr e a t l y[ a t es, o l t h i n k | . . h o m e^ : , . ,

,.,EL C O M E
Advenbs timeexpnessions
its correct
Write sentencesusinga verb from A in words? correct
in B' underlined @the
form and an adverbfrom the adjectives option.
A: ptaY run walk cook 1 lt's7.00.I'mgoingout at l0'00'
/ after threehours

loud quiet 2 lt'sSaturdaytoday'SchootstartsaSaln

B: fast good
on Mondalv.
I We camehome very [ate,so we wglked
into the the doy after tomorrow / the next day
housevery quietJY 3 lt's November.I'mgoingon hotiday
2 The bandtastnight so '-'---'--" that we atl in December
got headaches. nextmonth / the nextmonth

3 T h ed o 8 . - - . . . - . s o t h a t G e r r yc o u l d n ' t 4 lt's lO May.My birthdayis on 24 Ma.v'

catchit. next week/ in two week'stime

4 | likeeatingSara's food' She- - '- -' 5 lt's2Ollnow.I'mgoingto leaveschool

in 2015.
tl* yno, after next / in four years'time
ExDnessionsto taLkabout
the futune Theweathen
Usethe wordsin the boxto completethe Do the crossword.

doubt hoPe maYbe ProbabtY

I I don't knowwhat I'mgoingto do tomorrow'

6ut .m-q-yb.q. l't[ just stayat home'
- d a ya f t e r
2 | - . . -- - toseeyoutomorrow orthe
3 Hetendoesn'tlikesportverymuch'so
she'tlcometo the matchwith us'
tired from
4 | . . - -- - - won't go out tonight'I'mtoo

I It wasvery .ea-.d.- lastnight- onty3'C'

be goingto 2 Did you seethat?Therewasa bright
Lookat the Pictures.Write the correct form of f l a s ho f - . .- -- - . -- .
be goingto. It'snot so hot now the --- - - --' has
@ Sonebehindthe ctouds'
1 lt'ssucha beautiful t
Let'swatchthe forecaston TV
tP ta.kethe dog
we -lr.e.3P!ns +l
for a watk. (fi' andseewhat tomorrowwit[ be [ike'
U h o h l M u ma n dd a d #r
Therewasa bigstormlastnight'Did you
hearthe ?
be reatlyanSryaboutthis'
(, -
3 We - -.-- - . catchthe bus! i . ; > lt wasn'theavYrain it wasjust a
_f f i E
rll f ;i.;.; , realtY'
4 He --- - . .-.havean accident' -
/ lt'stoo - --- -- . --to sit on the beach
:Eftb=- let'sgo for a swim!
8 lt wasdifficuttto watkbecauseof the
in our faces'
g Thisis how I tikeit - not hot' not cotd'

kil j u s tn i c ea n d. . . . " -- I

k $estlultI
Grammar:Firstconditionat;shouId/shouldn't;presentperfect with ever/never
Vocabulary: adjectives
for feelingsand opinions;Personality

a Readand listento the
What is Wi[[iamgoingto do
nextweek,and why?
to startdivinglessons!
Sam:Rea[[y? That'sfantasticlBut I'msurprised
- haveyou everdoneanythinglikethis
before? William:I know - but I likeher.I'venevertakena
William:No, never.Andthat'sthe problem.My riskin my tife.And if I don'ttakeanyrisks,l'tl
life'sreallyboring.I'mreallyboring.Wet[, neverget what I want.
that'swhat EmilyJonessaidyesterday. Sam:OK.5o te[[me - if you go diving,wilIyou
Sam:We[[,EmilyJonesisa realtyunkindPerson. enjoy it?
but unkind.Justa minute- are
Attractive, Wi[[iam:Probablynot.To be honest,I'mrealty
you doingthis because of her? frightened! And ...wel[,the truth is,I can't
William:Er,I'mnot sure.Sort of. Maybe. swim!
We[[,yes. Sam:Wi[[iam, do you knowwhat?Youshoutdbe
Sam:You'remad!Youshouldn'tdo thingsjust who you are- a friendty,honest,nervousguy!
to impressotherpeople.Especially ForgetEmilyJonesandforgetdiving.Comeon,
Jones! let'sgo andget a pizza.

Readthe text againand answerthe questions.

I WhatdoesWilliamthinkabouthimself? 4 Why doesWilliamwant to takea risk?
2 What doesSamthinkaboutEmilyJones? 5 Why won'tWilliamenjoydlving?
3 Why doesSamsay'You're 6 What doesSamthinkWilliamshoulddo?

Putthe verbsin bracketsinto
and completethe sentences.
Readthe conversation
the correctform.
A: Let'sgo into town.
B: No, I'vegot to do this homework.lf I I Ba- (go)into town, I wp-n'tfinrsh(notfinish)it today.
A: So what?
B: Wel[,if | 2 ...__ (notfinish)it today,| .... ...(not give)it to the teachertomorrow.
A: I see- and if you 3 - (notgive)it to her,she..---. (b")angrywith you.
B: That'sright.
A: We[[,| 4..___.
._._ (be)angrywith you if you (notcome)into town with me.
B: Oh, no! Look- if I s (come)with you, .-you (hetp)me laterwith
the homework?
A: OK - it'sa deall

10 \'r,,'g_fQ
! s!c-, 3\
@ Adiectives
fon @ pnesent
andopinions neveF
Underlinethe correct option. Complete the questionsand answers.Use the
t The book was so interesting/boring correct form of the present perfect and ever
that he readit threetimes. or never.
2 | didn'tenjoythe film lastnight- it 1 A: ._H q_U_e_
e_n he EiffeI Tower?
was very fantastic/dull. (everlsee)
I don't likethat paintingat all - | B: No, | __v_e.n-Qy.Q.f.b_een
to France.(never/be)
think it's reallyottractive/ugly. you
2 A: __________.
________ scuba-diving?(ever/try)
Thosesunglasses aregreat- you B: No, l----__-_ in the sea.(never/swim)
look reallyawful/cool in them! 3 A: __you -_awakefor 24 hours?
Next weekwe'regoingto Florrida i. (everlstay)
on holiday- we'reatl very uf\,Ynal*'" B: No, and | ___-___-_-____________
for 24 hours! (neverlsleep)
-;,..,-, ,
4 A: | __---_-_-__ food. (never/eat)
I told him all aboutmyselfbut I
B: Really?So,you ".sushi?(never/try)
don't think he wasinterested/
interestingin listeningto me.
@ Pensonality
e shouldt
shouldn't tr Completethe listof adjectives.
Complete each dialogue. Use should oppositesof eachword.
or shouldnf and i phrasefrom the Positive Negative
box. frlendly unfriendly
go this evening go to school
eat more breakfast kind
be more polite be more relaxed dishonest
I A: I'mgoingto takescuba-diving
polite ..i-,--'-t-::.1-9-.----:-i
B: Oh?Wel[,I thinkyou t- !--,.-,--i---.,:-:-i miserabte
relaxed r i
parentt.first. --+--1-,--(,--)--)-!--.'

A: E[[ieandJoshare hungry- again! Completethe sentenceswith an adjectivefrom

B: Well, perhapsthey _________--____-_--_-
in Exercise6a. The missingword beginswith the
the mornings. first letter of each persont name!
A: Are you worriedabout the test I Unasayshorriblethingsabout people,she'sso
tomorrow? unfriend[y .
B: Yes,a bit. I think | -____..._.
_______--__ 2 Robbienevergetsnervousbeforea test - he's
about it. always
A: Let'sgo for a walk in the park. 3 Lucyneverdoesany work,she'sso __-________---
B: No, it'salmostdark.We 4 Peggy'svery ___-_____-
, shealwayssayspleaseand
thank you.
A: I'vegot a reallybad cotd. 4 Mike'sa _-----___________
boy,he neverlaughsor smi[es.
B: Yes,you have.You 5 Don't believeanythingthat Debbiesays,shei very
A: I don't know why he'sso angry 6 Daveis realty -_,there are booksand
with me. magazines everywhere
on hisdesk!
B: lt's becauseyou were rudeto 7 EverybodylikesFrank,he'svery
him.You _-,you know.

* Pastcontinuous
*k Pastcontinuousvs. past simple when andwhile
;ff Vocabulary:get

3 Read
tr Matchthe wordsin the
box with the pictures.
Write 1-8 in the boxes.

1 chewinggum
2 remotecontro[
3 rolterskates
4 dieselengine
5 mousetrap
6 cooker
7 dishwasher
8 windscreen wipers

E Readthe texts.What do you think Listenagainand answerthe questions.

eachpersoninvented? Choose What happenedwhenThomasput a pieceof
from the objectsin Exercise
la. rubberin hismouth?
Listento the complete 2 What did JamesHenryAtkinsondo with hisidea?
storiesandcheckyour answers. 3 Who boughtJosephineCochran'sinventionfi rst?
4 Why did the Dutchmanget impatient?

In1903,MaryAnderson anda friend In 1897,Britishinventor

JamesHenry Intheerlf ycnsoffte eighteenth
weredrivingto NewYork.lt was Atkinsonwaslookingat thefamily's centuryh tr nine oftftesummel
heavilyandtheyhadto open supplyof potatoes,whichtheykeg in il ulqiln lftfma waslooking
thewindows oftheircarandputtheir a roomundertheirhouse. Henoticed d ap dfu Jrttt cilals in Holland.
headsoutto seebetter.Suddenly thatmicehadeatensomeof the ]brcfrli[td heoften
Maryhadanidea. potatoessoheinvented sotn€ilirg ffitghtuen canals on
In1869, ThomasAdams wastrying thathecalled'Little
Nippefb sbp b rEs.D rhbr. Hegota little
to produce rubberoutof thejuicehe them. F.
gotfromMexican sapodillatrees.He In 1886,JosephineGocfra rc
t-trff dfurwinter!'
wantedto produce toys,rainboots standingin herkibfrcnh nir' b- J-
andbicycle tyres.Theexperiment - 'l'
USA. Thefamilyltndt rc 11
didn'twork.Whilehewasthinking Therewasa monlirdcb.
aboutthis,hetooka pieceofthe frontof MrsGocffa d *l
rubber hewasworking withandput quiteil$J,ffinq-
it in hismouth. dothisitbereryd1't--
I'lldoitmys{'*- f
G Gnamman
th Pastcontinuous
tr Lookat the examples.
Mory Andersonand o friend weredrivingto New York... JosephineCochranwasstandingin her kitchen.

tr Underlineother examplesof the pastcontinuousin the textson page12.

Thenreadthe ruleand completethe table.

RU[E:Usethe pastcontinuous
to talk aboutactionsin progress
at a certaintime in the past.

tr YesterdayTom'smathsteacherwas[ate.What
were the students doing when she got to the class?
Complete the sentenceswith the past continuous
form of the verbs in the box.

write de sit play dream

I Lucy was daing a handstand.

2 DanielandSophie. _______-
3 Samuet on the teacher's
4 Ken_____.---_
a text message.
€ Pnonunciation
5 Lisa _.abouta dayon the beach.
tr Completethe sentences.
Usethe pastcontinuousform page110.
of the verbs. ^-.
I A: WhatweLe--y.au. (El
dpinsgou/do)whenI sawyouyesterdafl - Spgalt
B: | _--"----- (wait)for my sister.She-" -- (bry) something Work in groups.One of you is
in a shop.
a famous person.The others
A: Who (you,ztatk)to
when I phonedyou? ask questionsto find out what
B: lt wasmy brother.He ____ (tett)me abouta film he sawon TV. he,/shewas doing at a certain
A: (hisparents,/[ive)
in Englandwhen he wasborn? time in the past.The'star'
B: No,they (live)in Paris.
Hisfather (work) inventsthe answers.
asan architect. Q: What wereyou doing lost
A: (you/watch)TV when I calledlastnight? Sundayot 7 pm?
B: No, I wasn't.I _ _.-__--__--.
(read)a magazine. A: Oh, lwas on a plone.lwos
A: Who (you/have)lunchwith when I sawyou yesterdafl flying from ...to ...
B: With Jane.She'sa friendof mine.We ___-..-_(talk)aboutyou! Q: Who was with you?
A: (you/play)tennisyesterdayafternoon? A: My secretaryand somereporters.
B: No, | ._ | __-__.-
____(not/ptay)tennis, (do)my homework.
____ Q: What wereyou doing during
A: What (they/ wear)for schoolyesterday? Theirschool the flight?
uniform? A: I was talking to the reporters.
B: No,they (not,/wear)their
schoo[uniform,they And I was writint someemoils.
(wear)jeansandT-shirts. Q: Wereyou ...?

G tisten
tr of a sciencefiction
Readthe beginning
story and answerthe questions.
$ilhqo*y-f c*rtu
I Who or what wasin the spaceships?
obuy CorEi. nnt [G d prdE
2 What do you think happenedafterthe werelinig m ttp ffld d ftEt
spaceshiplanded? wqsnterndrWfuryun
3 What do you think happenedafterOlivia so the M of n|lt ser* fu
finishedwritingher story? spoceshipsfro fu rut re oha ttE
Eqrth. As they Here gttrq rcor ttn
Listen to the rest of the story.
Eqrth,four of the spoceshp cnuft
Checkyour ideasfrom Exercise5a.
fire. 0nty one of them got to the
in theend?
Whatdo youthinkhappened Eqrth qnd lqndedsafely.
ln it was....

* Pastcontinuousvs.pastsimple
Lookat this sentencefrom the story.Underlinethe
'* when and while
pastcontinuousverbandGilib the pastsimpleverb.
n Lookat thesesentencesfrom the
As theyweregettingneorthe Earth,four of thespaceships story.Then complete the rule.
Olivio was writing the last sentenceof
Lookat the diagram.Whichsentencetells usthe her story, whensuddenlysheheard a
action?Whichsentencetells us what noisebehindher.
happenedat one moment?Comptetethe rule. While he wassmiling,he got a shock,

Astheyweregettingneorthe Earth
BULE:We often usewhenwith
the past and whilewith
four of the spaceships
the past

RULE:Usethe ------.-. action

for a background
or description. tr Complete Putone
the sentences.
Usethe for an actionthat happenedat
-,""----- of the verbs into the past simple,
one particutar
moment. and one into the past continuous.
writin* (write)an email.
1 | ws.s-
Lookat the sentencesfrom the story.Completethem (ring).
The phone .-.t-ao7"-
with the correct form of the verbs. 2 Harry .-(run)toschoo[.
I Whilehe w-sswa-rkin*(work)on hisplan,hisbrain He .-.-..... (fatt)
and hurt his [eg.
machine -.(check)peopte'sbrainsto find out 3 AlexandSue (pt.y)
whatthey (think). tennis.Lucy (arrive).
2 Everynow and then, Q5 (took)at the huge
. -.-.. 4 Antonio -.(have)
screen.Everything (So)we[[.Al[ the human breakfast.He -- (have)
brains (think)of otherthings.and noneof a qreatidea.
them --(know)abouthisterribleplans.
3 When Olivia (took)at the neighbour.she E Join the sentencesin Exercise6e in
tno different ways. Use when and
--(see)that he (hotd)somethingin'
hishand.lt lookedlikea mobilephone.
, ^6 *r;:nE on email whenthe
We rce7.

wl* ' *cs *'riting an email,the


otr Bead
Try to answerthe followingquestions.Thenread
O vocabuLany
throughthe text quicklyto find the answers.
l_QJThe verb get canmeanorrive,receive
I Whatdidthe Wrightbrothersinvent? or become. Look at these sentences.
2 Do inventions
comefromolderpeopte? Write the meaningof gof in each
He got a little impatient.=___b_e.C.qmg___
The Wright brothersgot the ideafor
buildinga flyingmachinefrom watching
Only one of the spaceships
got to the
ThomasAdamsgot the juicefrom

O"y one spaceship got to the Earth.
'{ I got home at nineotlock.
(not {-5e+teJ+eme.)

tr Completethe sentences
words in the box. Use the past
simple or past continuous forms.

get wet get to school

Se+thnsi#ef get angry

1 The mathsquestionwasvery hard,

but in the end | . gol.the.a_n.s.wer____
2 | wokeup at 8.30this morning,so I
3 Alexstoppedplayingfootball
becauseit wasrainingand he

4 My teacher --becauseI
didn'tdo my homework.

Turnto page112.

tr Readthe text and matchthe two partsof the sentences.

1 Manypeopledon't knowthat but they alsowork very hard.
2 The Wright brothersgot tne iaea\ ; makea mistake,youwon't be successfut.
3 Many inventorshavea lot of talent \ . anybodycan be an inventor.
4 lf you giveup easilywhenyou d buitdingan aeroplane
from watchingbirds.

tr Discuss
1 Do you agreethat'inventingis somethinganybodycando'?why / why noo
2 makesperfect' is a famoussaying.Do you agree?
3 Thinkof a usefulinvention.Tet[the groupabout it. Do they think it'suseful?

E rrr
O Bead
tr In pairsaskandanswer
questions. Read the article again and
I Do you like listeningto music?Why / Why noi? listen.Answer the questions.
2 How do you mostoften listento music:on the I Whenand why did familiesnot want
radio,a CD player,or an Mp3player? p[ayerpianosany more?
What wasthe problemwith the first
tr Readthe articleandchoosethe besttitle for it.
I lsn'tmusicwonderful?
What wasthe maindifferencebetween
2 The historyof listeningto music phonographsandgramophones?
3 Listening
to music100yearsago What did people[ikeabout portable
tr Findwordsin the text that mean:
1 that manypeoplelike(paragraph
@ spealr
Discussin groups
2 not be seen(anymore)(paragraph
2) 1 Somepeoplepaya lot of moneyto buy an old
3 not manytimes (paragraph
3) gramophoneor recordplayer.Would you do that
4 not very differentfrom (paragraph
4) too? Why / Why nofl
5 a personplayingmusicin a clubor 2 What will listeningto musicbe likein the future?
4) Makefiveseriousor fun suggestions.

@ wnire
E ReadAlex'sstory about an inventionand answer
1 What'sthe nameof the inventionand
who inventedit? il
2 Why is it a good invention? il
3 When and how did the inventorget
the idea? il
Match the questionsin Exercisella with the
paragraphs.Write A, B and C in the boxes.

I'm goingto write about the tape calted

VelcrorM.The manwho inventedit was
Georgede Mestral,from Switzer]and.
De Mestralgot the ideain 1948.One day,
when he waswalkingin the woods,he got
annoyedbecausethere were lots of burrs
(from plants)on his coat and trousers,
and it was very difficutt to get them off.
De Mestralnoticedhow the burrswere
stickingto his clothesand he usedthe idea
to makea kind of tape out of cotton. He
started a factory to makeVelcrorMin 1952.
I think VelcrorM
is very usefulfor things
liketrainersand other ctothesand alsofor
bags,becauseiti easyand quickto use.

tr Underline
thefotlowing in
Alex's text:
l'm going to write about ...
Theman who inventedit wos...
...gotthe idea
...started a factory ...
I think...is usefulbecause...

E Write a story about an invention.UseAlex's

story andthe expressions in Exercise
llc to

uNril l
Comparativeand superlativeadjectives Adverbs / comparative adr
Intensifiers with comparatives Vocabu[ary: antonym s/spc
(not) os ...os

@ Listen
tr Matchthe names
of the sforts
eventswith the pictures.
Writel-6 in the boxes.
I throwingthe discus
2 gymnastics
3 throwingthe javelin
4 archery
- !

s vo[leyba[[ +

6 sprinting
"&j .k-
Lookat the profites.
Listento part I of a talk and
completethe information.

The speaker
is this possible?'W
she talking about? What
think the answeris?List
part 2 and check your ar

Listento par
againand answerthe qu
I W h a ta r et h e ) z ' =; - =
2 Whenweret-e t-=:
Paratympic Ga-esl
3 How man)'spc-:s:e::
w e r ea t t h e 2 a : a = = - ='
4 Wheredid \a:: = I -
f i n i s hi n : - e I r - ! . . .-
Olym: :.1
5 W l . a :s l - - : : : : : , : :

@ C.n you think of anyotl

famous disabled people
the classabow thern-
A Gnamma' O vocabulany
lh Comparativeand superlativeadjectives ano
tr lb on page18.
from Exercise
Completethesesentences * Antonyms
Usethe words in the box. 1-10with
their opposites in Exercise
shorter best stower fastest
2b. How do you form the
comparativeand superlative?
t Bolt wasthe fastest runner.
2 Smythwas----------- than Bolt. t bad gppd

3 The throw was by Trafton. z difficult__________

throw was------
4 Buggenhagen's than Trafton's. 3 slow
+ boring
E Putthe adjectivesin the box belowin the correctcolumns. 5 cheao
How do you form the comparativeand superlativeof good
5 low
7 noisv
easy bad tidy yeu% fast quiet interesting 8 messv
beautifu[ high new expensive5eed
e ugly
l0 old /

rh (not)as...as
U We can use(nof)as ...as to
compare things.Look at
the examples.Answer the
Smyth isn't as fast as Bolt.
Smyth is as fost os an ordinary
tf Intensifierswith comparatives othlete.
1 Who is fastet Smythor Bolt?
2 ls an ordinaryathletefaster
than Smyth?

tr the second
sentenceso it meansthe
same as the first.

1 Sarah's brotheris younger

than Sarah.Sarah'sbrother
Nick'smuch / far,/ The red bike is a bit ,/ a little
isn't _q.5..e-l - her.
a lot older thon WilL more expensivethan the
Sreenone. Peter'stidier than his sister.
Peterisn't ---------- his sister.
tr Usemuch,/ for ,/
Comparethe thingsin the sentences. Travetlingby train is faster
a lot, or a bit ,/ a little. thantravellingby bus.
1 watchingTV / readinga book (interestin g/easy) Trovellingby troin isn't
I think watching TV is a lot more interestingthan reading trovellingby bus.
a book - and it's far easier,too. Dogsarenoisierthan cats.
2 a mobilephone/ an MP4player(useful,zexpensive)
3 girls,zboys
4 History/Maths(difficult,/interesting)
Turnto page112.
5 my bestfriend / me (tatl,zyoung)
6 my country / Britain(big,zbeautifut)

@ Pronunciation
. lI Turnto page110.

@ Read
tr Lookat the photo andthe title. What is the sport?
Who arethe teams?Who do you think won?
Readthe text quicklyto checkyour ideas.

tr Readthe text againandanswerthe questions.

1 What wasthe scoreat the end of the match?
2 What wasthe situationafterthreeperiods?
3 What did one of the playerssayaboutthe
andCanadian teams?
How doesthe Australian
coachfeel aboutthe next

@ vocabuLany
?k Sport
j . : l: i-.-
-'l *.
tr Matchthe sentences
withthe pictures.
- g L

1 They'rethe champions.
2 England
3 England
4 lt wasa draw.
l3 5 AustraliabeatSouthAfrica.
6 The USAcamesecond.
7 The coachtalkedto the players.
8 The refereesent a playeroff.
The Australian Men's Wheelchair Basketball team were
only two points away from winning a gold medal last night. Putthe picturesintowords.
ln the ParalympicWheelchairBasketballfinal, Canada (the
world and Paralympic Champions) beat Australia 4g:47. I
At the end of the third period,Australiawere winningby eight
points. But Canada came back - they played brilliantlyand 3
took the lead in the last 30 seconds.The Austrariancaptain 4
had a chance at the very end to make the match a draw -
but the ball hit the basket and didn't go in. The refereeblew
the final whistleand Canada were the champions.
One of the Australian players said: 'We're very proud.
We didn't play badly - in fact, we played very well. But
congratulationsto Canada - they played hard and fast and,
in the end, they played better than us.'
The Australian team now have a few weeks before their
next match, but they aren't resting: they are already
preparing for the next Paralympic Games. ,We hope that
we can go furlher than last time and win the gold medal,'
the coach said. 'We're practisingeven more regularlyand
we're trainingharder than ever. I think we'll do verv well at
the next Paralympics.'

O Gnamman tr Complete
the sentences.
* ldverbs,/comparativeadverbs Write the comparative
adverbsof the adjectives.
tr Lookat the example. Underlineotherexamples of
adverbsin the text on page20. 1 Sue runs _.fo_ste.,f
Wedidn'tplay badly- in foct weployedverywell.
2 Andy writes . (clear)
tr Howdo youformthe adverbs
of: thanme.
. regularadjectives
slow)? PablospeaksEnglish
. adjectives -y
endingin (forexample,eosy)? . (fluent)than me.
o hord,fast andgood? Sorry,I don't understand
- canyou speak
!j I got 90% in the test, but Jeff
*u useadjectives
to talkaboutnouns:Hesa slowrunner. did even (good)
Jf We useadverbsto talkaboutverbs:He runsslowly. than me.
Rebecca ran...._ . (quick)
tr ReadMarki diary. the correctwords.
@ Sandraalwaysworks
. (hard)than
I May The party startsat 9.OO-
L.astnight,my fafher was lalking aboutlanguages. but you cancome
f ie s ay sh e s ? e a k sF re n c h l g o o d/ w " l l ,brt i . di " sn' t (earty)if you want to.
I've heard him speakingFrench:he tries
to speakvery

@ speatr
/ quickly, anA his pronunciation is3terrible
terribly. ButI didn't say that
tr Thinkof fivefamouspeople,
I wa nt f o sp o k ltali a n o{ I u ent / { Iu e
" ntly. ye ster Aay I or people in your class,and
talked fo the rtalian teacher about my test
she saia compare how they do things.
I got 1 out o{ Z0 - I Aid the test ,"olly'baA
/ baAly. Start each sentencewith 'He'
I wass ur p ri s e d .Ifh o u g h t th e te s t w o su
eosy/ or'She'.Usethe verbsand
anAr antwered all fhe questionereaily'qri.k " osi i y
/ qri"kry. adjectivesin the box.
T he t eac h e r s a i d r' l l n e v e rb e s g o o d
/ w . i l atrtari an,
b smiled, troppl_ /
play speak work sing
.utl of h.r, becaure she,s w ro ng.
.happ;ly dance run write learn
I'm goingto learnltalian anAgo to live in Rome.
good hard bad clear
fluent quick...fyourideas]
tr Lookat this exampleof a comparative
adverbfrom the
text on page20. Then complete the rule. He plays tennisbetter thon
We'repractisingevenmore regularly.... RofoelNadal.
Sheworksharder than onyone
elsein the class.
SutE:To form the comparativeof most regularadverbs,
add the word _.beforethe adverb. In pairstell each other your
sentences.Who is your
somecomparativeadverbsadd -er/-ierto the adverb, partner thinkingof?
otherschangecompletely.Completethe examples.
I soon S_aa_n
_e_f_. 4 hard
2 early . eqr.l.te.r
_ 5 fast
3 good 6 bad


G Read
Lookat the photo story.Someoneis takint Part in a sportsevent-Who is it?
What is the event?Why isJoetlaughingin picture2?Readand listento find the

Joet:You'renot goingto betievethis.My dad'srunningin thisl

Debbie:Yourdad?The marathon? | didn'tknow he likeddoing
Joet:Wet[,he doesn't,really.He doesa bit of runningnow and
then,and he goesto the gym andthat sort of thing.But
there'sno way he couldfinisha marathon'

Pete: So,Joel,how did
your dad do?
Joet: Hahahaha...it took
hi m sevenhours and
l 2 mi nutes.
Jess:So he finishedit?
Joe[:Yeah,but Suesswhat?He wasslowerthan atmost
everyonein the race!

26 mileshere.That'san awful
lot of running.There'sno way
I coutddo that!
Debbie:lt wouldtakeme morethan
a month.And honestlY, Joe[,do
you think you coutddo it? Jess:So what?He set himsetfa goa[,and he did it'
At the end of the day,that'swhat matters'
Joet:That'snot the Point.lt took
him morethansevenhours. Joet:We[[,perhapsyou'reright.I'veneverthought
It'sso embarrassing! about it likethat, I suPPose.

tr Findone thingthat'swrongin eachsentenceand correctit.

Readthe sentences.
1 Joe[thinkshisdad is enthusiastic
2 Joet'sdadfinishedthe marathon, with histime.
3 No other runnerwasslowerthanJoel'sdad'
4 Petethinkshe is a betterrunnerthanJoet'sdad'
to run a marathonin sevenhours.
5 Debbieand Petethink it's ridicutous

@ Evenvdav @ Teamspinit@
tr Find the expressionsl-5 in the story'
Who saysthem?
1 ...that sort of thing.
2 Guesswhat?
3 We'retatkingabout'..
4 ...an awfu[ lot of ...
5 That'snot the Point'
6 At the end of the daY,...

E Complete the diatoguewith the

phrases1-6 in Exercise10a.
whqt? | just
Attie:Hey Steve,' .G-ue-s.s-
sawa new ColdPtaY DVDin the shoP'
It costsfortY Pounds.
Steve:Rea[tY? Well, I'm not goingto
Cotdptayhere- one of Your
favouritebands! E ThisyearDebbie, Jess,PeteandJoe[arepreparing
3 for their GcsEexams.In one of their courses,
Steve:I know.But - ------ --------------, you
Attie.Don'tyou remember? My father Joelhasto do a specia[project'What do
money on thinktheprojectis,andhowdoesJoellikeit?
lost hisjob. I can'tsPend
CDs,DVDsand Matchthe wordswith their definitions'
fortY Poundsis E
- -- money'
1 drama a numberor letterthat
Attie:Oh, Yes,I'm sorrY.I forgot' showshow goodYouare
in a subjectat school
Discussion 2 workshoP in a bad mood;unhaPPY
Why do you thinkJoe[laughs with everYthing
whenhe te[tshisfriendsabouthis 3 mark an injuryor condition
father'sfinishingtime? that makesit difficult
Do you aSreewith Jessthat what is for someoneto do what
a goal
importantis to set Yoursetf other peoPtedo
and go for it?WhY,/ WhYnot? 4 disability showinga [ot of interest
r 3 Do you do anYsPortor other in something
.- activitythat YouenjoYwithout comptainabout a meetingof PeoPleto
beingvery good at it? something trainor discussan activitY
grumpy whenactors...,theYmake
up what theYsaYwithout
from a scriPt
@ tmpnovisation
7 enthusiastic { , to saythat something
Work with a partner.Taketwo minutesto

is wrongor Youarenot
preparea short role ptay.Tryto usesome happywith it
of the expressions from Exercise10a'Do
8 improvise a play in a theatre,on
not write the text,just agreeon your
TV or on the radio
ideas for a short scene.Thenact it out'
idea:lt'sthe eveningof the sameday'
JoeIistatkingto hisdad.He'ssorrythat he
raCe t-^ 3t t:s dad'smarathontime'
@ wnire
tr Harry'steacheraskedhim to write a report about tr ReadHarryi reportagainandmatch
a sports event. Read Harry's report and answer the the topics1-3 with the paragraphs.
questions. Write A, B andC in the boxes.
I What kind of eventwas it? 1 What happenedat
{ j$
2 When andwherewas it? the event t............,..

3 How did the teamsand playersplay? 2 Harry'sopinionof

the event il*t
t 3
4 Who scoredthe goalsfor Portugal?
3 Generalinformation
5 What wasthe final score?
aboutthe event t*_"i
6 Did Harryhavea good time?Why / Why noP

Last V'lednesdaq evenin!, I wenl lo a, C I th;nk it wre a lreet natch. Both

{ootball natch at Wenbleq ;n London, teans played really well/ lly dad a-nd t
tily dad Sot Us t;ckets {or the gane eqloyed 't a- lof, and we were verq ha,pptT
belween eryland and forfugal. beCaUse vle 1Aw oone SreAt players/
A{ler lhe nafch, we went {or a- pizza-
the nalch was real/y erct;ng {ron llre
fogefher. lt was a good even;ng or.tf,
start, eryland scored a- goal a{ler ten
ninUles, and they were plaq;E br|lliatrtll,
&tt a{fer hal{ f;ne, lorfugal s-tarted
to plaV befter. Konaldo, uq {avotlr'fe
plaqer, was etCellert. *{ter 60 nitutes, he
sCored a goal, and len n;nUtes laler he
scored anolher one and lhen forfuga) were
Ninningd-/. fut Sve n;ntltes be{ore lhe
end etg/and sCored a7ain 3o ;n the end
they drew d-d, I Nao veft/ happy becoLtse
e6/and dldn't lose/

tr Write a reportfor your schoolmagazineabout

a sport eventyou watchedin the past.UseHarry's
report andthe questionsin Exercise
13ato hetpyou.

@ tast butnotteast:mone
tr Lookat columnA. MakeYes,/No

l B:Name C:Question
I you/ watchsportonTV? What/ watch?
Do you watch sport on TV? What do you watchT
2 you/ playanysport? What/ plafl
3 you/ gota favourite
sportsperson? Who/ be?
4 yourparents
/ likesport? What/ like?
inyourfamily/ playa sportwell?
5 anyone What/ play?

tr Makemorequestionswith the wordsin columnC.

tr Askother studentsthe questionsin A. lf the answeris Yes,write his,/hernamein columnB.

Thenaskthe questions in columnC.

tr Now work in pairs.Tellyour partneraboutthe studentsyou talkedto.

f3 GrammaF ffi vocabuLany

i_!lj Completethe sentences.

Usethe past tr Putthe lettersin the correctorderto find
simpleor past continuousform of the
the adjectivesand write them next to their
White I wqs wqlklng (watk)down the street
y e s t e r d alyr , . . . ( s e ea) f r i e n d o f m i n e . %ed udifticfl guly smeys
He2. " ( l o o ki)n a s h o p w i n d o w . yonsi pxsivenee lows
| 3. . (start)to crossthe roadto
s a y h e [ [ o t o h i m . W h i t e l. 4 . _ ( c r o s s ) I bad
t h e r o a dl,s . ( h e a ra)n o i s e . A b u s 2 fast
. (come)in my directionlThe bus
7 3 cheap
(stop)verycloseto me.I was
luckyit 8 . . (not hit) mel T__r___
4 beautiful
, I l8l s tidy
L!_j Complete
the sentences.
6 quiet
Usethe comparativeor superlativeform
of the underlinedadjectives 7 easy

I'm a good player,but Steveis bettgr . E Completethe sentences.

Usethe correct
thanme andjane isthe b_eSt_ .playerin form of the verb get and one of the words
the schoo[! in the box.
QuestionI waseasy.euestion4 was
thanquestionl, andquestion home a surprise good ideas
6 wasthe . . the answer old we+
. questionof all.
I lt rainedveryhard[astSaturday
when I was
Saturday'smatchwas - than in town, and I gAt very . wet .
lastnight'smatch,and Sunday's match
wasthe ever. 2 Our dog can'twalkverywe[[because
Yesterdaywasa bad day for me, but Yery now.
Thursdaywas. thanyesteroay, 3 I .. . yesterday.
My unclesentme
and Fridaywasthe somemonev!
. . day of
my lifel The partywasgreat,and I didn't
u n t i Im i d n i g h t l
U Completethe sentences.
Writethe My brothersayshe . . whenne
I They ran home quj_ckly. (quick)
6 I loveMaths,and I'malwayshuppy
2 S h es m i l e d .(happy) whenl . . _ right.
My brotherspeaksFrench.
The hairdresser
cut my hairvery Checkyour score.
. (bad)
I answered
atlthe questions
Our teamplayedvery (good) good
t--T---r Grammar j 6 -19 12- 15 less
I l s l
Vocabulary 8-ll 5-7 less

will/won't; might (not) / may (not)for prediction
if/unless+ first conditionaI
Vocabu[ary: the environment

Lookat the photosandthe title. How is
Paristryingto solveits traffic problems?
Readthe text and checkyour ideas.

I Likeall bigcities,Parishasa traffic * Parisis notthefirstcityto havea

problem:lotsof cars,lotsof trafficjams scheme lil<ethis- notevenin France,
andlotsof pollution fromexhaust fumes. whereLyonstarteda'free'bicycle
Soin 2007,thecitybegan a scheme to scheme manyyearsago.Andnoteverybody thinl<s it'sa great
improve thesituation. idea.OneParisian said,'These bicyclesareonlyfor short
journeys. If people wantto travelacross thecity,theywon,t
U n d etrh eV e l i bs c h e m(e' V e l i b ' c o m e s
use a bicycle - they'llstillusetheircars.'
from veloliberte,or'bicyclefreedom')
peoplecantal<ea bicycle, useit for as I A cityspol<esman said,'The bicycle scheme won'tsolveall our
longastheywant,andthenleaveit at trafficproblems, of course.Butit mightreduce pollution levels
thesameor another bicycle station. The in theatmosphere.Traffic, togetherwithfactoryfumes,is a big
firsthalf-hour onthebikeis free,butif problem. Everyone l<nowsaboutglobalwarming anddramatic
youdon'treturnit after30 minutes, you climatechanges - we l<now thisis partlybecause rainforests
haveto pay.But it'sonly€1 a dayor €29 aredisappearing. Butit'salsobecause there'ssomuchpollution
a year! Thebicycles are heavy (25lcg), in theworldandwe canhelpimprove thesituation righthere.
andtheyareall greyandhavebasl<ets. Thebikesmighthelppeople to leada healthier life,too.There
Thereareabout20,000of themin the aren'tanysimple answers to trafficproblems andpollution
city,andaround1,450bicycle stations. in cities.Butunless we dosomething now,there will bemore
Sotherearea lot moreVelibstations trafficjamsandtemperatures will continueto rise,sothe
thanthe298 metrostations! problems in ourenvironment will getworse.'

Readthe text againand listen.Match the two parts of the sentences.

in Paris.-.-..-r.,.
1 In 20OZpotiticians a if they usethe bikefor morethan hatfan nour.
z Peopleonly haveto pay t.,, b stitlusecarsto travelacrossthe city
3 At morethan bicyctestations,\ c mighthelpto makethe air in Pariscleaner.
4 Some ncnnle d peoplecantakebikesand leavethem.
5 Politicians
thinkthe Vetibscheme e the problemof pollutionwill get bigger.
6 lf we don't changethe situation, f starteda schemeto reducepotlutionin the city.

in groups
What do you thinkof the ideaof bicycleschemesfor bigcities?
2 Arethereanyschemesto reducepollutionin your city/town?

U N I T3
O vocabutary
* fhe environment
What do the underlinedwordsfrom
the text on pate 26 mean?
1 lots of cars,lots of traffic iamsand lots
of pollutionfrom exhaustfumes
2 it mightreducepoltutionlevelsin the
3 factoryfumes
4 globalwarmingand dramaticclimate
5 rainforests
6 temperatureswi[[continueto rise
7 the problemsin our environmentwill
tet worse

Match the words with the

pictures.Write 1-6 in the boxes.Then
listen,check and repeat.

1 recycling 2 [itter
I pettutien 4 factory fumes
5 rainforests 6 rubbish

Completethe sentences
with the
verbsin the box.

waste d-ep cteanup recycle

pickup cut down pol[ute

Don't drop litter.Someonehasto

i t l , Speak
We wi[[ your empty bottles.
Leavethem here. Work with a partner.Makea list of problems
in the environment where you live.
Wateris important,so don't
tr. Thereare a lot of cars,and there is a lot of air
thousandsof tonnesof oiI from Thereis a lot of litter on the streets.
Putyour list in orderof how seriousyou think
Factories and powerstations the problemsare.NumberI isthe mostserious.
the air we breatheand our water. Compareyour list with other pairs.
78 millionacresof rainforest,
an area Now makeanotherlist of thingspeoplecan
[argerthan Poland. do to improve the environment.
I think we can usebicyclesor walk for short
Turnto page112. Journeys.
We can recycleour bottles and rubbish.

Whichof the thingsin your list do you do now?

U N I T3
the correctwords.
I D1n'tthrowyourskisaway.Vou@t
might not needthem [ater.
Lookat the examples. Underlineother Youdon't needto takea jumper.ltwill/
examplesof will,/won't andmight (not) won't be cold there.
./ may (not)inthe text on pate 26.Then There'sa lot of traffic today.We might /
completethe rule. might not be latefor school.
Peoplewill stillusetheircars. Takeyour umbrella.l'm sureit will/may
It mightreducepollutionlevelsin the ratnsoon.
atmosphere. I haveno definiteptansfor my holiday,
but I will/might go to Scotlandfor a
or won'tto express few days.
(not)or may (not)to
certaintyand_..,..___,_,_ A: Do you think Francewill/might win?
B: They will/might, but Hollandare a
very Soodteam too.

Completethe sentences.
Usewill,'ll, or Anneis i[[,so l'm sureshemay not /
won't and the verbs. won't go to the party on Saturday.

1 GreatlThe weathermanon TV says

wlll b-e (be)sunnYtomorrow. Pn0nunciati0n
2 Do you think peoplein the future-_ Turnto page'110.
(trave[)toother planets[ikeMars?

New Yorktomorrow do you think?

| lovethosetrainers!When I get my pocket Work with a partner.Talkaboutlife in
moneynext week,I think | (buy)
-........... the future,100 yearsfrom now. Make
them. predictions. Use will/won't, might (not)
Pleasecanyou help me with my homework? ,/ may (not)and the topics in the box.
I promiseit . ....(take)very long.
Traveland transDort Clothes Food
Completethe sentences.Usemight or Money Education andschools
might nof and the verbs. Soorts Science
'| Entertainment (TV,fitms,etc.) Books
Don'tgivethat icecreamto the cat!lt fyour idea]
nl1hI b_e_
A: Where'sAlicia? I think studentswill learn from home
(be) at
B: I'm not sure. I think she __-____-____-____- with computers.
herpianotesson. Yes,I agree,and there might not be any
I I don't know if this book is a good present teachersor schools!
for my brother.He _..._....__...__...
Thinkof your nextschoolyear.Make
Don'tput that glassthere!Someone notesof what you think will,/might
(break)it. change, andofthe thingsyou think
l'm worriedaboutmy mathstest tomorrow. will / mightnot change.Compareyour
I (pass)
it! noteswith a partner's.
In the future,peoplewill probablytravel A: We'll havethe samenumberof English
in spaceandthey (live)onother lessonsevery week.
ptanets. Yes,but theremight not be the same
lfeelawful.I thinkI (have)flu. numberof studentsin the class.
O cnamman
andsDeaking Make sentencesabout the
pictures. Use /f + will/won't,
* Firstconditionai
might (not)or may (not).
Completethis sentencefrom the text on page26.Then lf the girl doesn'trun,shemight
complete the rule. not catchthe bus.or Shewon't
lf people want to travel acrossthe city, catchthe bus if shedoesn'trun,

8Ut€:Conditionclause Resultclause
lf + ... simple / won't.

Completethe sentences.
Usethe correctform of the -
t tf I (fait)the exam,t llltske (take)it again.
2 lf there (be)morecarson the roadin the future,
(be)more potlution.
3 lf you (see).lane, you
...._...._........... (give)
her my message?
4 lf poltution.__,,,______________..
moreplantsand animals
5 | (nottetl)you my secretif you
(notcome)to Mark'sparty with me.
6 My parents, (be)reallyangryif they

Completethe questions.
correct form ofthe verbs. '* unlessin first conditionalsentences
I What wjll you de (do)if
the weather r,: (be)nicethis Look at the examplefrom the text on page26.
weekend? Then (flid the correct answerin the rule.
Where.......... you ..
.,.,..... (go)if Unlesswe do somethingabout it now, there will be
you (eo)out this weekend? traffic jams and temperatureswill rise further.
What you.............(buy) (Thesentenceabovemeans:lf we don't do
if you (So)shopping this somethingabout it now,therewill be trafficjams
weekend? andtemperatures will rise.)
lf you (notgo)out
= lf we do /
fiUtE:unlesswe do something
this evening,what _ you
don'tdo somethins
5 lf yourteacher (notsive)
you anyhomeworktoday,what Matchthe two partsof the sentences.
you (do)? '|
Unlesswe leavefloW,:. unlessmy dad
6 lf you (phone)afriend Srvesme some.
tonight,what you 2 We won't understand ', he'[[faiIhis
Workwith a partner.Askand answer 3 | won't haveanymoney : c unless
you telt
the questionsin Exercise6c. someone.
A: What will you do if the weather'snice 4 Untess
he studiesharder, ".d we'tlbe tate.
this weekend? 5 Nobodywill know E U N I C S SO U T

B: I'm not sure.I mightplay football with our secret teacherexp[ains.


Listento sevenfactsaboutwater.Numberthe pictures1-7.

Match. Then listen atain and check.

1 99% a of the world'sdiseases
arecausedby drinkingdirty water.
2 70% b of the wortd'sfreshwateris in ptacesthat we cannotget to.
3 500 litres c of waterareusedby one personin the USAor Europeeveryday.
4 20 litres d of water are usedby an Africanfamily everyday.
s 88% e of a[[the freshwaterin the wortd is in Antarctica.

What problemsdo somepeoplein the world havewith gettingwater?Listenagain

andcheckyour answers.

Guessthe answersto thesequestions.

Thenlistento an interviewwith an expert
and check your answers.
I What is the aim of How muchof the total rainfallendsup
2 30%of a[[the world'sfreshwateris not frozenin What aboutthe rest?
in rivers?
the polaricecaps,but we canstillonly get to 1%. Why isn'tthereas muchwaterper
Whereisthe rest? personastherewas50 yearsago?

Work in small groups.Ask and answerthe questions.
1 What do you use water for in your daily life? Makea ftst.
2 What do peopteusewaterfor in your town/city?
3 Makea list of five waysin whichyou could savewater.
4 Compareyour answerswith othersin your class.

@ tisten Wnite
Completethe songwith the wordsin the box. Amy wrote an articlefor her school
Thenlistenandcheckyour answers. website.How many ideasdoes she
havefor making her town better for
lot museumapptes dollar teenagers?ReadAmy's article to find
naradisp l"ave the answers.

Big Yellow Taxi

!oni Mitchelt)

And put up a 2
Witha pinkhotel,
a boutique Firstof all,I thinkthatourtownneeds
Anda swinginqhotspot. morecyclelanes. A lotofteenagers in
(chorus) mytowncycleeverywhere, butit'svery
Don'tit alwavsseemtueo dangerous because thereisa lotoftraffic.
Thatyoudon'tknowwhatyou'vegot lf therearemorecyclelanesinfuture, it
Tillit's3 ? willbemuchsafer forus.
Theypavedparadise Also,I believethatweneedmoreplaces
Andputupa parkinplot. forteenagers to go.Inmyopinion, we
needmoreclubs andotherplaces where
wecanmeet. Teenagers won'tcause
Put'emina treea
problems inthestreetif therearemore
places forusto goto.
As anda halfiustto see'em
(chorus) lnaddition,
teenagers hereneedmore
There areplaces
Heyfarmer, farmer playballgames liketennis
PutawaythatDDT now. \
butwhataboutothersports, like
Givemespotsonmy5,--. \ skateboardingandrollerblading?
But7 methebirdsand
t h eb e e sp,l e a s e ! Finally,I'msurethatwe'llmake thetown
betterif wedon'tdroplifter.Ourtownwill
bemuchbetter foreveryone inthefuture,
Late[astniqht if wealldosomething to helpnow.
I heard
Anda bieyellowtaxi

Write an articlelikeAmy's.Useyour
ideasfrom Exercise9, some of the
vocabularyin the unit and Amy's
articleto help you. Planyour writing.
Here is a possibleplan:
1 saywhereyou liveand whatthe
b l Peoplesaythat this songcontainsstatements environmentaI
problems are
aboutthe environment.
Whichlinesgive 2 saywhat peoplecando
do you think,and 3 thinkof a positiveendingfor your
what arethey? article


Present perfect simple;j ust,/aIready,/yet
Vocabulary: Britishvs.North AmericanEnglish

How muchdo you knowaboutNorth Morganis goingto Canada.
4qelica?Do the quiz.Foreachquestion, He'stalkingto hisCanadian
Q!rcpone answer:a,b or c. Listenandcheckyouranswers to the quiz.

?. .. ,,
'tjr :

E Vancouver

E San Francisco New york E
E Los Angeles


ln landsize,Canada
is ...the USA,
a biggerthan b smallerthan c the samesizeas
A b o u t. . .m i l l i o np e o p l el i v ei n C a n a d a ,
420 blo c50

3 Thecity in Canada
with the largestpopulation
is ...
a Vancouver b Montreal c Toronto

4 Ihe city in the USAwith the largestpopulation

is ...
a NewYork b LosAngeles c Washington
Vancouveris in a oartof Canada
a California b BritishColumbia c Alberta
Thetwo mostcommonlanguages in Vancouver
a English
and French b English
c English
Themostpopularsportin Canada
is ...
a baseball b icehockev c basketball
8 lt's about...kilometresfromVancouver
to SanFrancisco.
a 5oo b r,zoo c 1,5Oo

TheRockyMountainsarein ...
a Canada
only b the USAonly c bothCanada
andthe USA
O cnamman
Writethe questiontags.
* Question Hesawus, dldnlthe ?
Complete these sentencesfrom the 2 They don't live here,_____________
dialoguein Exerciselb. Then listen to part of 3 She Iikeschocolate, _______________
Morgan and Janie'sconversationagainand check 4 You can't come to the party,
your answers.
You'reCanadian,qrenl! -you? 5 They went to New York,--....,. ?
2 lt'ssmatlerthanthe USA, it? ?
6 Shegoesto your school,_________
3 lt isn'tVancouver, ... it? 7 You'veseenthat fi[m, ?
4 Citiesin the USAaremuchbiggerthanthat, ?
8 Shehasn'tdonethat,
. they?
5 You'vebeenthere, you?
5 Wow.Youdon't know muchaboutCanada
at al[,. you? Turnto page1'10.

Altthe questions
in Exercise
2a have'tags'at
the end.
short questionswhich we use SPealt
to check facts or make conversation.Complete
Work in groupsof four.Askeach
the rule.
other these questions.Don't write
the answers!
BUt€:With positivestatements,
we usuattyuse
r What time do you usuattygo to bed
a rc&qtryequestiontag.
You'reCanadian,aren'tyou? at the weekend?
r What do you usualtyeatfor breakfast?
With negative
we usuatlyusea
alr ltrctinn tro o What did you havefor dinnerlast
It isn't Vancouver,
is it? night?
. How often do you go to the cinema?
With be,modalverbs(can,must,should,witt,
might),havegot andthe presentperfect,we . Haveyou everbeento London?
repeatthe auxiliaryverbin the tag. . Canyou walkon your hands?
With attotherverbs,we use-.....-......
/ does Now,try to rememberyour friends'
(presentsimple)or ...........-.
/ didn't(pastsimple). answers.Usequestiontags.
PeoplespeakFrenchin Canadatoo, don't theyT you usuallygo to bedat 11.00
Paola, at
the weekend,
Matchthe statementsandthe tags. Work with a partner.Usethe words
I He'sAmerican, a isn'tit? belowto makesentences abouthim,/
herthat you think aretrue.Thenadd
2 b haveyou?
tagsto makethem into questionsto
3 Shecancomewith us, c aren'tthey?
askyour partner.
4 Theyaren'tfrom Canada, d do you?
food,do vou?
5 They'refrom the USA, e wi[[she?
. Chinese food
6 Yourfavouritefood is pasta, f doesshe?
. 14yearsold
7 Shewon't be at the party, g can'tshe?
. basketba[[
8 You don't know my sister, h isn'the?
I aflat
9 You'vebeento ltaly, i arethey?
. English
1 0 You haven'tgot a brother, j haven'tyou?
. the USA
. sister
. swim

U N I T4
http ://www.vancouver.youropin ion.org

Readthe text quickly.Who thinksfree
Wi-Fiis a good idea?Who thinksit isn't
a good idea?

Readthe text again.Write f (true)or F (false). Vancouver aboutproviding

is thinking a Wi-Fi
Thecityloesn'tknowyet if theWi-Fiwitl network
forthedowntown area.Thecityhasn't
befree.l**l yet,butthenetwork
decided willprobably
2 Vancouver isthefirstcitvto thinkabout Whatdoyouthinkof theidea?Postyour
Iree vvt-l-t.

3 In somecitiqs,peoptepayS1O
It'sa goodidea- butl'msureit won'tbefree.Other cities
a month
for Wi-Fi.ll havealready triedit andit hasn'tstayed free.Mostofthem
charge about$10a month. Butpeople arehappyio pay
4 Annathinksshewitlwantto writeemails
because thentheycanusewifiintheirgardens orinWi-Fi
in hergardenin the future.
l'vealready this, l'll it
said but say again:Wi-Fi is
5 Annathinksthere is a verygood bus
a goodidea,butI'veneverheard of a citywhereit'ssiayed
systemin Vancouver. L*! freeforverylong.
6 Tim thinksVancouver

: v0cabutaFy I'vejustreadMike'spost.Incredible!
| don'twanttowrite
emails fromanelevator ormy gardenlI thinkthisisgoing
Britishvs.North AmericanEnglish
toofar.Thereareotherthingsthecitygovernment could
Match the pictureswith the words in the box. spend themoney on,aren't -
there?forexample, more
sidewalks ora betterbussystem.
pan+s- treus€+s footbal[ * soccer
Comment byAnna(B aby)
lift - etevator subway- underground
flat - apartment lorry - truck I agreewithAnna,A lotof peoplehavealready Wi-Fi
cookies- biscuits garbage - rubbish
fortheirhomes - theydon'tneedit inthestreet,
candy- sweets sidewatk- pavement Spend themoney onother -^
schoolsorparks yet.
by (Ladner)

North America


Write the wordsfrom Exercise

Turnto page113. 6a in the correctlist.Thenlistento Morgan
U N I T4
O Gnamman GnammaF
!b Presentperfect simple
Lookat the examples.Underlineother examples of
the presentperfectsimplein the text on page34. Lookat the example. Then
Thencompletethe rule. completethe rule.
t A lot of peoplehavealreadyboughtWi-Fifor theirhomes. l'vejust readKen'spost.
ree. Thecity hasn'tdecidedyet.
ffiUlfl:We can use with
lnt! FUlfl:We form the presentperfectsimplewith the verb the presentperfectsimpteto
andthe form of the mainverb. saythat an actionhappened
l-)se a veryshorttime a8o'
)m atreadyin positivesentences.
use'yet in questions
andnegativer. lut iust
Fi Usealreadybetweenhaveandthe . Use
is at the end of the sentenceor question
:d Usethe wordsto makea
sentenceabout each picture.
fl Wrlt" the statementsand questions. Usethe Use the present perfect
presentperfect simple andyet or already. simple withiusf and yet.
1 A: Haveyaa seenth7 new,lqme.s..Dq_ndfiln ye_fl 1 get a letter / open
(you/ see,/thenewJames Bondfi[m]
She'sjust got a letter,but she
B: Yes,and . (l / 6uy,zthe DVD hasn'topenedit yet.
too) 2 go to bed ,/ switchoff light
2 A: _-..__....... ? (yourbrother/ eo / to 3 buy new bike/ ride
4 eatdinner/ dothe washing-up
B: Yes,and . (l ,/ move,zinto his
5 makesomefruit juice./ drink
otd bedroom)
6 scoregoat,/ win
3 A : | lovetheir musicbut .(l ,t not
buy / then new CD)
B: Wel[,don't buy itl and it'sawful.
(l ,z listento it)
4 A : Paul? ?(you/do/your
B: Nearly. . (l / finish,/ the Maths,
but | ,/ not start ,z the Geography)

O risten
Danis on holidayin New York.
Listento hisconversation with Maggie.
Tick(/)the thingshe hasalreadydone.Put
a cross(r()next to the thingshe hasn'tdone yet.
1 go up the EmpireStateBuilding '-*."}
t l
2 havea ride in a yellowcab LI
3 travelon the subway
4 seea baseball
5 eat a hamburger
6 meet anyniceAmericanpeople
7 take lots of photosof the city
8 buy a presentfor Maggie
Lookat the photo story.Thereis a newstudentat school.Whereis shefrom?What
is unusualabouther?Whatdo Joeland Petethink abouther?Readand listento find the answers.

Pete:Who'sthat?R new student?

Debbie:Yeah,Natsumi.Herfamilyhavejust moved
herefrom Tokyo.Her mum'sgot a job with a
companyin London.
Joe[:You'renot supposedto saythat,Pete.The girts
mightget jealous.Oh, there'sthe teacher.Endof funl

Joel:Lookat thatl
Pete:ls sheasteep- rightin the middleof the lesson?
Joel:ShhlDon'twakeher up.Maybeshe'sdreaming
about her boyfriend!What do you reckon?

Pete:Good morning,Natsumi.Did you sleepwelt?

Natsumi:I begyour pardon?
Jess:And that'sthe kindof thingthat's
Joel:Sleepingin class.That'sthe kindof thingthat goingto makeNatsumiangrywith you.
Natsumi:Sorry,I haveto ... the lesson,not us.

Debbie:Hey,havea look at this,you [ot.Listento this.
parentsoften tetl their childrenthat if they sleepfor more
than five hoursa night,they aren'tworkinghardenough.'
Pete:Fivehours!That'snot a lot whenyou thinkabout it. No
wondershefetl asteeoin ctassl

Answerthe questions.
1 What makesDebbiego on the internet?
2 How doesJoe['sopinionaboutNatsumisleeping
in classchange,
and why?
@ EveFyday
Enstish lmDnovisati0n
I Findthe expressionsl-6 in the story. Work with a partner.Taketwo minutesto
@ Who saysthem? How do you say them preparea short role play.Tryto usesomeof
in your language? the expressions from Exercise11a.Do not write
rt 'I
You'renot supposedto ...
the text,just agreeon your ideasfor a short
rs. scene.Thenact it out.
2 . in the middleof .
Basicidea:lt's the next day.Peteexplainsto
I What do you reckon?
Natsumi why he and his friends thought it was
4 . the kind of thing ... f u n n y w h e n s h e f e l l a s l e e pi n c l a s s H
. e isasking
5 Havea look ... h e r q u e s t i o n sa b o u t h e r s c h o o l i n J a p a n .
6 No wonder...

I Complete the dialogueswith the

o phrases1-6 in Exercisella.
1 A: .limmy?l'vegot a problemwith my
computerhereat home.Canyou
come over andl haueg i-ook at it?
B: Sorry,not rightnow.l'm
2 A: Theteacherhada verysmall
accidentwith hiscarthismorning
on the wayto schoot.
B: Really? ne
wasso unhappyin the lessonthis
3 A: At my dad'soffice,they don't have
to wearsuitsandties on Fridays any
B: lt'snot a bad idea.On a hot day,a
suitandtie is4-__,________
that no-onewantsto wear!
4 A: You knoWMike,l'mthinking
about gettinga tattoo.

B: We\\, that's coo\, I \ike tattoos.

But Andv - 6
Thechildrenin the photo are'goths'.Do you
set a tattoo without your parents'
p e r m i s s i o nO
, K? liketheir outfits?Why / Why not?

What do you think Debbie,Joel,Peteand

Discussion Jessthink of Goths?
I What do you think aboutJoeland
Pete'sinitialreactionto Natsumi lmagineyour bestfrienddecidedto become
fallingasleepduringa lesson? a goth.Wouldthat changeyour relationshiP
2 What'syour reactionto the in'anyway?lf not, why not? lf so,how?
informationDebbiefindson the
teenagerhasan unusualoutfit. What do you
I What'sthe minimumamountof think of suchreactions?
steepyou needeverynight?
Watchepisode2 andfind out what happens.

U N I T4
wFite H iC h r i s
How areyou?Thanksfor youremai[- | readit yesterday.
Readthe emailfrom
Laurato Chris.Answer - and I'min an internetcafein San
So,hereI am in California
these questions. writingto you!
Whichcitieshas We'vehada greattime so far.We'vebeento SanDiegoandLos
Lauraatreadyvisited? Angeles, andSanFrancisco isthe laststoPon our hotlday(whoopsl
2 Wheredid shego sorry,they say herel)lti a greatplaceandthe weather's
and what
yesterday, beenbeautiful. We'veatreadydonelots of things.Yesterday we went
did shethinkof it? -
to Alcatrazprison reattyinterestingl We been
haven't to the Gotden
3 Hasshevisitedthe GateBridgeyet,but of coursel'veseenit from the city'Oh,but we've
GoldenGateBridge atready (trams)
travelledon one of the streetcars here
yef, - it waswicked!
4 Hasshebeenon a Wetl,iti time for dinner.We'vealreadydecidedthat we'regoingto
tram yet? eat Mexicantonight - | can't wait!
5 What hasshebought
Hopeeverythings OK with You-
asa presentfor Chris?
write againsoon,OK?
Now answerthese LOVC,
How doesLaura
beginheremai[? PSl'veatreadyboughtyour
present- an SFGiantsbasebatI
2 How doesshefinish
the emai[? Hopeyou likeit!

3 Laurathinksof
something moreto
sayafter shewrites
her name- how does
tast but not least:mone
shebeginthis? Work in pairs.Student A - look below. Student B turn to
lmagineyou areon
holidayin a city.Choose Student A
one of the citiesin the Look at the sentencesbelow. In sentences1-5, you can see
box (or a different city). the correct answer.ln sentences6-10,6ircibwhat you think is
the correct answer.
NewYork Rome '|
The capitalof Canadais Ottawa,/Toronto.
London RiodeJaneiro
Paris 2 The biggestlakein the world is in Canadaand the USA/ Canada'
the most poputarsport in
3 Americanfootball/ Basketballis
Writea similaremail the USA.
to an Engtish-speaking 4 About 5%/10%of peoptein the USAspeakSpanish astheir
friend.Te[[him/her first language.
whatyou haveand and K.D. LangareCanadian./American'
5 The singersAvrilLavigne
6 Canadaisthe secondbiggest/ third biggestcountryin the wortd'
emailto helpyou.
7 Thereare50/51statesin the USA.
/ 300milltonpeoptelivein the USA.
8 About2OO'million
9 Alaskais part of Canada/ the USA.
1OThe singersMariahCareyand CherareCanadian/American'

for sentences
Now work with StudentB.Checkyour answers
6-10.HelpStudentB check for
his,/her 1-5'
Canadais the secondbiggestcountry in the world, isn'tit?

U N I T4
O ccammar Vocabutany
Completethe sentences
with the Writethe missingBritishor North American
correct forms of the verbs. English
I lf I clean (clean)thehouse,my BritishEnglish NorthAmerican English
parentswit[ gre (give)mesome 1 spq-rlm-e-(t

2 |
extra money.
..(phone)Mike if he
l" elevator
o'clock. rubbish
3 lf you (speak)very fast, sidewalk
they (not understand)
Completeclues1-9 andfill in the puzzle.
What'sthe mysteryword?
4 lf Marco (phone)
vou (tett)him
l'mat Sally's
Yourparents (not know)
if you (nottett)th e m .

[| Corplete the questionswith
the correct question tags.
You likethis music,dpnltypU?
2 Yoursistergoesto my schoot,
3 Hisfather'sFrench, ? 1 Pleasedon't dr_op_-_
litter on the floor.
4 We'relate, ? 2 Whensomethingis wet it is
5 They aren't at home, _____________ Temperatures aroundthe world arerisingeveryyear.
6 Shehasn'tbeento Canada, Thisis called .......__._____
? 4 Youcan glass,paperand plastic.
5 Please
put your in the bin.
Completethe sentences
with the
correct form of the present perfect 6 Please
turn off the TV.Don't______-____-__
simple. 7 There'sa lot of litter hereon the street- [et's

I it up.
John's/ur! llqd (iust have)his
breakfast. 8 There'sa very largerain,________.____
in the Amazon.
2 A: Wouldyou likesomechocolate? 9 My bike'sverydirty,so l'm goingto it.
B:No, thanks.| ___..._,____________
have)some. Howdidyoudo?
(buy)your Checkyour score.
sistera presentyet?
We (alreadv
finish)our Totalscore
5 Marta (see)the
film yef Grammar
tffi Vocabulary
{r let,/ be allowed to
describinga person'sage

rendoesa teenat
it happenson your 18thbirthday,
, but in somepartsof the
world, you haveto do somethingspecialto enter the world of adults.
0n the islandof PapuaNew Guinea,the Niowratribe livesnear
the SepikRiver,which is full of crocodiles.The peoplebelieve
that crocodilesmadethe Earth and its people.When it is time for
teenageboysto becomemen, a ceremony'takesplace.
Theboysare takento a hut called CrocodileNest'.Thehut is
full of crocodileteeth and skulls.The boysare told to think of their
crocodile and mothers'to help them to be strongand brave.
andlisten Thenthey are beatenseveraltimes a day for six weeksand bamboo
is usedto makecuts on their chestsand their backs.Theboysplay
Whereisthe manin the
picture from? What do the drums togetherduring their time in the hut - this helpsthem to
you think he has got on feel that they are not alone.TheNiowrabelievethat this ceremony
his back?Readthe text makesthe boys strongerand braver,so that they can survive in
quicklyand checkyour the dangerousforest.Theyalsosaythat the boysdon'tfeel the
ideas. pain if they believein their crocodile'fathersand mothers'.And
the amazingthing is that someof the boyssleepthroughthe most
Readthe text painful parts of the ceremony!
againand listen.Answer
the questions.
Whentheceremony is
over,thereis singing
1 What is specialaboutthe
placewherethe Niowra
tribe lives?
2 What do the Niowra thevillage.
3 What is'TheCrocodile
Nest'and why do the
boysgo there?
What do the boysdo
duringthe ceremony?
How doesa boy's
life changeafter the

Do you know of any

ceremonies for teenagers
to becomeadultsin other
countries?Are there any
in your country?

U N I T5
O cnamman
lr*,r**i slmBi* p*s*iv*

a with the verbbe + the pastparticipleof

We form the presentsimplepassive
the mainverb.Lookat the examples.
Thebovs are taken to a hut ...bamboo is used...

I of the presentsimplepassivein the text on page40.

Underlineother examples

G Readthe rule and completeit with is important or isn'timportant.Then

completethe grammartable.

whenit whodoestheaction,

A boyistakento a hut.


a Completethe sentences with the presentsimplepassive

form of the verbs.
Checkwith the list of irregularverbson page127.
1 Millions ArcgSten(eat)intheworld
of pizzas (not grow)in England,
Rice.,,..._,.,,..., but it
everyyear. (grow)in Spain,
2 How manyemails (write)evervdav? mostemails (send)from
3 Chocolate (sett)
in atmostevery homecomputers?
countryin the world. (make)in ltaly.

e Usethe presentsimplepassive.
Rewritethe sentences.
Peoptemakejeansin the USA. 4 Peoptewastetoo muchwater.
sre mqderntheU5A Too much
2 Someonepicksup the [ittereverymorning. 5 Postalworkersdetiverthousandsof letters.
The Iitter Thousands
3 Peoplecut down a lot of treeseveryyear. fitmsin Hollywood?
6 Do they makesuccessful
A tot Are ?

f Lookat the pictures.Makesentences

aboutthe openingceremony
of the OlympicGames.Usethe presentsimplepassive.

1 torch / take,/ to the Otympiccity 3 flame/ light / with the torch

2 flag / carry/ into the stadium 4 Games/ open / with a speech

U N I T5
I a storyfrom PapuaNew Guineaabouta man
Vorkwith a partnerandtry to guessthe correct
r the boxes.

to the story andcheckyour answers. Complete the sentenceswith

your own ideas.
I I You'rea babyuntityouare
pers0n'5 age
2 You'rea toddler from the age
the wordswith the photos.Write 1-6 of to
listen,checkand repeat.
3 | thinkyou'rea childuntilyou
years old.
are ______________________
2achild 3ateenage4
r a$aby
pensioner 4 You'rea teenagerfrom the age
of to
5 | thinkyou becomean adult
wnenvou are vears
6 In my country,you become
a pensionerwhenyou are

How old is someonewho is

middle-aged,doyou think? How
old is someone who is elderly?
How do you say elderly and
middle-aged in your language?
G Gnamman
* :*f ..r*b**;ii*iv*d {';
a Readand listen to the
dialogue.Then answerthe questions.
Melissa:HeyAndy- what'swrong?
Andy: I reatlywantto 80 to the music
festivalin Leedsnext weekend- but
l'm not altowedto go.My parents
ffi Complete the sentenceswith the correct
form of be allowed to.
sayl'm too young.
1 Lookat the sign,Dad!You sren:t sllpwgd .tp
Melissa:I know how you fee[!| hadthe same
turn righthere.
probtemlastmonth- my mum didn'tlet
me so to the I iverooolmatch. 2 Youcantakephotosin the museum,but you
usea flash.
Andy:Actualty,my parentsusua[[ylet me
do things.l'm allowedto stayout untiI It'sOK to takeour bikesinto the park,Steve
midnlghtat weekends. we cyctethere.

That'scootl My mum never There'sa riverin our town, but we
letsme do anything.SometimesI think swimin it.
schoot'sbetterthan home- at leastwe're 5 My dad smokesbut he
allowedto breatheat school! smokeat home.
Andy: Doesyour mum let you stayup lateto 5 you
watchTV? useyour mobilephoneat school?
Melissa:Well,yes,sometimes- but only if
ffi Writ" sentences usinglef (someone)do.
I'vedoneall my homeworkl
- my
I don'tlistento musicaftermidnight
I WheredoesAndywant to go? parentssayno. My psrentsdqnltls_tme_
2 Why can't he go? UsIentp musiesfter uldryBht.
3 Why didn'tMetissago to the match I watchthe [ate-night - my
fi[mon Fridays
lastmonth? parents sayI can,
4 What doesAndysayabouthisparents
andweekends? My brotherdoesn'tusemy computer- | say
5 WhatdoesMetissa's he can't.
tet her do?
We neverrun in the corridorsat my school-
b Look at the examples. the teacherssaywe can't._____________
...my mum didn't let me to to the match
I'm allowedto stay out until midnight We don't weartrainersto school- the head
teachersayswe can't.-------------
Underlineother examplesof let and be
allowed to in Exercise5a.Then complete
I driveour car sometimes- my dad saysit's
the rule with let and be ollowed to.

BUL{:Use to sayyou do or
to do something. D] What areyou (not)allowedto do at your
school?At home?Makea list.Thentalk to
Use------------------ to saythat someone
givesor doesn'tgiveyou permission to do other peoplein your class.
something. A: Areyou allowedto stayup lateat weekends?
Both lef andbe allowedfo arefollowed by the B: Yes,I am.Doyourparentslet ...
l'm not atlowedto go.My mumdidn't
let me to.
With l€f,uselet + Derson+ infinitivewithoutto:
Doesshelet you stayup [ate? Turnto page'l'10.

U N I T5 43
l-?.: Readthe magazine
pageand do the quiz.Write f (true)or F (false).
Thenwork with a partnerand
comPareyour answers.

Listenand checkyour answers.

Are you fed up with your parents telling you what to do? Tired of
them grounding you becauseyou got home late?Countingthe days
until you come of age?OK, so you're pretty normal!
But did you know that in some countriesyou are allowed to do some
grown-up things earlierthan in other countries?Havea go at this quiz
- you might be surprisedat a coupleof these factsl

C Readthe text on page44 again.
Find words or phraseswhich mean:
I be boredby somethingyou havedone
for too long
2 be totd by your parentsthat you can't
80 our
3 becomean adutt
4 try fthe quiz]
5 one or two fof thesefacts]
5 not lessthan [21]
7 if your parentsdon't let you
8 become[21]

O spealt
Work in pairsor smallgroups.Discuss
these questionstogether.
1 Whatarethe minimumageIimitsin
your countryfor:
* stayingat a disco,/concert
* gettinSa tattoo?
* gettingmarried?
* flyinga (glider)planeand driving
a car?
z Whatotherminimumagelimitsare
therein your country?
InJapan, people come ofagewhentheyare20,
3 Whatdo you thinkof the minimum Thiseventiscelebrated
inmostareas ofJapanwitha
age[imitsin your country? special
noHiorComing ofAge.
0nthisimportantdayinJanuary youngpeoplewho
arefromthesame areaandwereallinthesame school
O wPite year,
to theirlocaltownhall,where
a Erihaswrittenan articlefor her English
schoolmagazine abouta Japanese @ Thedayoftenstarts earlyforthegirls,because
ceremony.What is the ceremonyfor? theyhaveto dress upfortheceremony, Theywear
Readher articleto find the answer. a traditional
Japanese dress(orkimono). Theseare
extremelyexpensive,somostgirlshaveto hireor
E Matchthe questionswith the borrow one,Because
thedress isverydifficult
girlsgoto a special
place where
Write A, B andC in the
1 WhatisSeijinno Hi? andmake-up.Mostboyswearsuits,
2 Whathappens duringthe a traditionalJapanese
When theyoung
theyareready, people
3 How do the girlsprepare
for the ceremony?

GI Write a magazinearticleabouthow
you celebratea specialday in your thengivena special orpresent
certificate fromthelocal
country.UseErit articleto helpyou. government,Theboysandgids,nowmenandwomen,
wheremanymorephotos aretaken,
theyleaveandgooutto celebrate

U N I T5
verb and noun pairs

, Bead
What do you think the peoplein the photosaredoing? in smalltroups.
Readthe text and check your answers. Do you find it easyor
difficultto laugha lot?In
Readthe text againand listen.Mark the
what situationsdo you [augh
statementsf (true) or F (false).
1 Doctorsthinkthat laughing
hasno effect on health.
Do you thinkit'strue
2 RedNoseDayis celebratedin England
everyspring. 'laughter
that isthe best
3 PeoplehavecelebratedRedNoseDayfor morethan medicine'? Why / Why not?
40 years. What do you thinkof the
4 ComicReliefcottectsmoneyto helppoor people. ideaof a NoseDay'?
5 Somepeoplein Engtand haveput big red noses ls therea NoseDay'in
on the frontsof carsand houses. your country?lf so,what do
peopledo on the day?lf not,
Answerthe questions. how mightpeoplein your
What do peopledo on RedNoseDay? country reactto it?
How doeslaughterhetpour health?

The er of Humour
Invite friendsround to your Peoplecan buy a red noseat
houseto watch funny films. supermarkets,and part of the
They have to pay to watch the moneygoesto ComicRelief.
fiIms - those with the most
The organisationhas heiped
comfortablechairspay more- peoplefor morethan 20 years
and for food and drinks.
now. And how much money have
Hold a talent showat school they collected since the first
and ask your friends and RedNoseDay?Morethan f600
teachersto sing, danceor tell million! The idea of RedNoseDay
jokes. Sell tickets for the show has travelledto other countries,
to the rest of the school. too. In New Zealand,for example,
peoplehave madebig red noses
Havea'red noseparty'at your
which they put on the fronts of
house.All your friends come
carsand evenbuildings!
The ComicRelief charity, an dressedin red - including red
organisationthat helps people nose- and you servered food
in need,useslaughter to raise and drinks. If they don't wear
{ money.Everytwo yearsin spring, red, they haveto pay a fine.
r many Englishpeopleput on a red Getthe studentsat your school
nose.makea fool of themselves to make funny sculptures,
and do to make using all kinds of art materials.
themselvesand otherslaugh. Sell tickets to your RedNose
Examplesof things' you can Day exhibition.
do are:

U N I T6
Gnamman Completethe sentences
with the presentperfectform
:h Prcsent of the verbs.
pe:"fcetsin:pl* t I luehpd (have)my bicyclefor two yearsand it's greatl
2 My mum ..._.,,_____,_
(work)in this hospitalfor threeyears.
Lookat the example.
3 Maria (live)herefor a longtime?
Thenanswerthe question
andcompletethe rule. 4 How long your parents
...,_____ (be)married?
has 5 | " ..., (notsee)my friendTomfor a longtime.
helpedpeoplefor more 6 DianaandJenny (be)friendssince2004.
Doesthe organisation * {sn vs"siffstr
still exist? Lookat the examples.
The organisationhas helpedpeople for more than 20 years.
Usethe .- ..
How much moneyhavethey collectedsincethe first RedNoseDay?
thingsthat startedin When do we use for and when do we usesince?Write the
the pastandcontinue words in two lists.
to the present(now).
a-we€k Christmas two years an hour 1999
Saturday a month I wasll lastweekend a [ongtime days
Underlineother examples
of the presentperfect
simplein the text.

asyou canwith the wordsin
the table.

I wasll yearsold.
20 years.
Johnhashad hisbicycle ! for two weeks.
I haven'tseenMark ! since
We'velived here
to John i i yesterday.

Usefor or sinceandthe correct
form of the verb.
1 | reallylikeSara.I'yeknp_wn(know)her since I wasten.
2 You (have)acotd . . two weeks.Go to the
My mum'srealtygood at French.
She_ (study)it
I don't knowwherePeteris.I (notsee)him
(not be)to the cinema
We ____-___-_________ a long time.
Why don't we go this weekend?

Turnto page1'10.

U N I T6

---- *'.-*

You'vebeen at a friend's You'veforgotten it's the 1st of

birthday party for two hours Aprit. A friend sendsyou an
and it's boring.Do you: email to tell you that your Maths
teacherwantsto tatk to you.
Whenyou phonethe teacheryou
find out it was an April fool's
joke. Do you:
You'vejust had an argumentwith
your mum. Do you:

It's Saturdayevening.You've
studiedhard for a test at
schoolfor almosta week. A group of friendshaveinvited
You phoneall your friends, you to cometo their after-school
but they have alreadymade club. Whenyou get there, you
You'vejust arrivedat your
otherplans.Do you: seethat none of your friends are
hoiiday placewith your parents.
Do vou: there. You don't know anyoneat
the club. Do you:


andFead 12-20points:
Work with a partner.Ask and answerthe
questionsin the presentperfect.Usefor and
sincein your answers.How long haveyou ...
(know)your bestfriend?
(ptay)fo ot baIl.zvoIIeybaII/ 6 asketball/ [anot her
(have)your dog./computer./bike? I

A: How long haveyou knownyour best filend?

B. For fiveyears.,/ SinceI wasnineyearsold.
Work with a partner.Ask the questionsin the
questionnaireand tick(/) your partner'sanswers.
Usethe for answers'toadd up the score.
Thentell your partnertheir result.

48 U N I T6
G vocabutany Don'fWorry,Be Hoppy
* **a;* pairs
and by BobbyMcFerrin
t Write the wordsfrom the box next to the H e r e ' so l i t t l es o n g I I
verbs.Usethe textson pages46 and48 to
You might wont to sing it note for note
Don't worry, be hoppy
In every lifewe hove some
When you worry you moke it double
Don't worry, be hoppy
Don't worry, be hoppy now

fufl fun of someone a good time Don't worry, be hoppy (repeot)

a fool of yourself plans friends Ain'tgot no ploce to loy yourheod
someonelaugh,/smilea (good)taugh S o m e b o d yc o m e o n d t o o k y o u r
Don't worry, be hoppy
Ihe londlord soy your rent is lote
T Complete the sentences.Usethe correct
He moy hove to litigote
form of the verbs in Exercise5a.
Don't worry, be hoppy
WhenlspeakEngtish, I'mafraidI mightmske
( L o o ko t m e , I ' m h o p p y )
a fool of myselfbecauseI often makemistakes.
Don't worry, be hoppy
2 a good laugh.
It's very important to _____________________
(l give you my phone number,when you worry,
3 Yesterday,
Alan everyonein class
laugh,becausehe told a joke. coll me, I moke you hoppy)
Don't worry, be hoppy
4 | love fun with my friendsat
We always a good time A i n ' t g o t n o c o s h ,o i n ' t g o t n o s t y l e
whenwe go out. Ain't got no girl to moke you
5 Don't laugh at other people and ---------------------- But don't worry, be hoppy
fun of them. 'Couse when you worry,your foce will frown

And ihot will bring everybody

, Turnto page114.
So don't worry, be hoppy

O tisten
Don't worry, be hoppy now
Don'tworry,be hoppy
I Lookat the title of the song.What does

I Beforeyou listen,makesureyou understand

the wordsin the box-

landlord rent frown cash styte

C Matchthe rhymingpairs.Thenfill in the

spacesin the songwith wordsl-5.
I smile *>rx
2 trouble
3 down
4 wrote
5 bed

a Listento the song and check

your answersto Exercise6c.
,a i Lookat the photo story.Who istellinga joke?Who findsit funny?
Who doesn't?Readand listento find the answers.

Joel:I haven'thada breakfor two

weeks.I evenget up earlyin
the morningsto studybefore
I leavefor school.
Pete:Te[[me about it. I was late
for schoola coupleof days
Debbie:In otherwords,we'reall
havinga hardtime here,eh?

Jess: Oh, that reminds me. This boy comes to class. He's really, realty [ate.
Theteachergetsangryandsays,'Why areyou so late?'And the boy says,'Because
of a roadsign.'
Oh,Jess.What'sthe point of tellingaltthesejokes?They'renot funny.
And the teacherasks, roadsign?'And the boy replies,A signthat said:Schoolahead- go slow!'

Joe[,you know
what it's [ike.
Jess,/Debbie: Sometimes things
aren'tvery funny,
but they makeyou
Jess:Knowwhat?I'mgladDebbieand I havea good [augh
togethersometimes.lt reallyhelpswith the stress.

Pete:Wet[,as longasyou don't makejokesaboutJoel

andme,I guesswe couldjoin in.
Jess:Oh, that remindsme of anotherone.There'sa girt
at schoolwho'sgot reatlyboringfriends....

Answer the questions.

How do they feel in pictures.land 2?Why?
2 What doesDebbiethink of the jokeJesshastold?
3 Why doesJoeIsay funny!'in the lastIine?

U N I T6
O Evenyday
Engl,ish lmDF0visati0n
a Findthe expressions1-6 in the story. Work with a partner.Taketwo minutesto
Who saysthem? How do you say them preparea short role play.Try to usesome
in your tanguage? of the expressions from Exercise
8a.Do not
I Tellme about it.
write the text,just atreeon your ideasfor a
short scene.Thenact it out.
2 In otherwords,...
Basic idea:Peteis laughing
aboutsomething and
3 What'sthe point of ...?
findsit veryfunny.Thistimethetwo girlsdon't
4 Comeon seeanyreason to laugh.
5 Knowwhat?
6 ...as tonSas... i Team
I Complete the dialogueswith expressions
l-5 from Exercise8a.
1 A: Sandratold me that shedoesn't[ikeyou
B: Knp_W Whqt_?| don't realtycare!
2 A: CanI useyourmobilephone?
B: Sure, you don't
makean international
3 A: I think l'mthe worst studentin the class!
B: Oh, , PeterlYou
knowthat isn'ttrue!
4 A: I think l'mtoo tiredto go out tonight.
, you don't want to
B: _-__-__--_-_____.-_
go to the cinema.
A: That'sright.
5 A: Homework!Homework!
B : Wett,it helpsyou rememberwhatyou've
6 A : I'vegot hardlyanymoneyat a[t.
B: ! | hadto askmy
little brotherto lendme a poundthis

lli***ssi** **x
Whenthingsget stressfulfor you,do
you 8et up eartyin the morningto Thisepisodeis abouta big
study?What etsedo you do?
misunderstanding.Lookat the photos.In
pairs,makeup a shortstory aboutwhat
2 Doestellingjokesor laughing
you thinkhappens,usingthe wordsin the
you whenyou'restressed?Why /
box below.Useasmanyof the wordsas
Why not?
you [ike.Thenwatchepisode3.
3 How do you feelwhensomeonetells
jokesall the time?Why? revision
for the exams worknon-stop
coolidea to textaboutit embarrassins

U N I T6
From; emilycali5000@edunet.mail
3l Readthis emailfromyour subject; schoolproject
kindof informationdoesshe
want you to giveher?Why?
a longtime.Wherehaveyoubeen?
Listen,we'redoinga projectat schoolabouthow
differentteenagersaroundthe worldhavefun.
likeyouto helpme if youcan!So,canyou
l'd really
. whatkindsof thingsmakeyoulaugh?
. whatthingsyoudo to havea goodtime?
. how oftenyoudo them?
' how longyou'vedonethemfor?
' whyyouthinkhaving fun isimportant?
lf youcanthinkof anythingelseto write,please
do! In
return,l'll sendyousomegreatphotosof meandmy
friendsin California.

Writeyour replyto Emily.Write a paratraphto answereachof

her questions.

tast butnotteast:moFe
1? j Work on your own. Readthese questionsand think about lb ; Make notes about your
your answers. answers,but don't write
In the lastweek... fuil sentences.
o How often haveyou hada realtygood laugh?
Who with? Examole:
What did you laughabout? Last week:three times /
good laugh,/ in class-
In the lastmonth ...
Sandra,/ very funny joke
o Haveyou had lots of good times?lf so,what did you do?
lf not, why not? , C-: Get togetherin small
o Haveyou madeanynew friends?Who did you makefriends Sroups.TelIthe other
with?Wheredid you meet him or her?What do you like studentsaboutyour
aboutyour new friend? thoughtsabout[aughter.
o ls laughterimportantfor you?Why?How often do you laugh?
In what situation(s) canyou easilyhavea good laugh?
When is
it difficuttfor you to havea good laugh?

6 Gnammar v0cabutary
a Complete the sentences.Use the present i-1, Readclues1-7 andfiil in the puzzle.
simple passiveform of the verbs. What'sthe mysteryword?
1 This6ook isn'twriften (notwrite)in English.
2 Manyfilms (produce)
in Hollywood.
3 The OtympicGames (not hotd)
(make)from cocoa
4 Chocolate ____-____-___-____---_
5 Thousands of BeatlesCDs .. .... (setl)
5 How manycansof coke (buv) ,l8,
everyday? In Britain,if you'reover you're
an adult
7 How often the Wortd
Cup (hotd)? 2 Theoppositeof old.
3 A sixor sevenyearold.
b Completethe sentences.
Usethe 4 Someonewho is about50 is
correct form of let or be allowedto.
We let (-)ourdoggo intothe living 5 A morepoliteword for old.
room,but she isn'tallow.e.d,ta
6 Thispersonis over65 yearsold and
intothe bedrooms.
doesn'twork anymore
z We (-) eat in class.
7 lf you're14,you'rea ______.
3 My parents ___- (-) me olavfootball
in the garden. L[: Complete the sentenceswith make or
4 You (+)take photographs
here. have.Usethe correct forms.
5 My brother (+)me usehiscamera. I Comeon, Ken.Thesejeanslook awful.
6 ln Britain,whenyou're17you Don't makg a foot of yourself.
drivea car. 2 She'sdelightful.Shealways
me smile.
C : Completethe sentences.
3 | think it'sgreatto be with friendsand
correctform of the presentperfect
a good[aughl
simple andfor or since.
4 VoU anynew Prans
1 | hsuenteqten (noteat)anyfastfood sincewe tastmet?
5 Youcannotalways
2 My dad (be)ill in bed . time.Lifeisn'talwayseasy!
four days.
(tive)in theirhouse
3 My cousins
20 years,
Checkyour score.
4 | (notsee)jane
tu o ctocK.

5 | reatlylikethisCD,but I
Totalscore o e
(not listen)to it a longtime. E Very
6 My sister'sboyfriend (phone) Grammar )1-23 t5-20
her eighttimes--__--..._ Friday! I vocabulary 8-10 5-7
7 We (noteat)anything
'-* Pastsimplepassive
'*:' a,/an,the or zero article
* Vocabula
ry: disasters


t Lookat the Photobelow'

a What kind disasterdo you think it is?
t: Whereandwhendo youthinkthe disaster
happened? Listento the first part of an

* Disasters
Matchthe wordswith the Photos.
Write 1-6 in the boxes.

1 +nuetearbemb 2 avolcano
3 a tsunami 4 anearthquake
5 aflood 5 ahurricane

The eventin photo F is differentfrom

the others.Why?

U N I T7
T Checkthat you understand the Rewritethe sentences.
Usethe pastsimple
wordsin the box.Thenusethe passive
or presentpassive.
wordsto completethe summary
Someonefoundthe deadmanlatelastnight.
of the storyfrom Exercise
1c. Ihs desdmqn yyosfoLlnd[ste lqslnight
Theyrobbedthe houseat midnight.
rescued lost 90 +5€e 80
kitted damaged Thehouse
Peopteoften confuseme with my older brother,
Thehurricane hit New Orleans on In our town,peopledropa lot of litteron the streets.
29 August2005,and' l,5Q_Q_ people A tot
,vere 2_-.____-... . About Z50O Theymadea fi[m aboutthe earthquake.
:eoplewerer___-_______..,, by police A film
andfirefighters. The city wasbadty
Theycallher'theQueenof Music'.
.-,- aboutt,__-_,___.____-._____
:ent of the city wasflooded.A tot of
--cney was6 - a total of Theycompletedthe EmpireStateBuitdingin 1932.
a:out 7 biltiondollars.
8 Someonebrokeour classroom
window lastnisht.

2 Listento the second

part of the interviewandcheck
your answers.
Turnto page1'10.
Turnto page114.
O Gnamman Work with a partner.StudentA: look at your
* Pastsirrrplepassive questionson this page.StudentB:turnto page
a Look at the example.Underline 126andlookat yourquestions. Askandanswer
other examplesof the past simple the questions.
Usethe pastsimplepassive.
passivein the summaryin Exercise
ld. Then completethe rule. Whenyou'vefinished,yourteacherwi[[giveyou
the answers.
Compareyour resultswith other pairs.
One thousandfivehundredpeople
RULE: fo form the pastsimple When/ the BertinWaIl/ knockdown?
passive,usethe pastsimpleform of When wasthe BerlinWall knockeddown?
the verb_-____,-..,..
andthe . . In 1989or in 1979?
Where ./ the Statueof Liberty/ build?
In Parisor in New York?
I Complete the sentences.Use the
past simple passiveforin of the
How / city of Pompeii,/ destroy,/ year79 AD?
Bya votcanoor a tsunami?
How manypeople/ kiII/ biggestearthquake
1 Thisphoto weslsk7n (take)two in humanhistory?
yearsa8o. 230,000or 830.000?
2 She'sreallyupsetbecauseher
bicycle (steal)lastnight.
3 Thesehouses (buitd)in
the seventeenth
4 Thisbook , (write)in2OO7.
(not use)in
5 Computers ____-.-,__,,___,______
our schooluntil1997.

It,q to thesequestions.
Readthe text quicklyto find the answers
1 What insectsis the text about? for people?
3 How canthey becomedangerous
2 How do theseinsectsnormatlv[ive? a Why arefarmersafraidof them?

i v.tch topics1-5with ParatraPhs

A flving A-E in the text. Write A-E in the

disas+er I Basicfactsabout locusts f--l
A Earthquakes.Floods. 2 Scarynumbers ,J

Hurricanes. Tsunamis.It se'enis 3 A disasterthat we don't

that every day we read about at least one of these atwayshearabout I I

somewhere in the world. But every yeaq somewhere, 4 DesertlocustscandestroY

another kind of disaster causesgreat damage to the food we neeo r:

plants and people. It's something much smaller and 5 The problemcausedbYa
not so well-known as an earthquake or a tsunami
certaintype of [ocust r-l

it's an insect called the locust.

Answer the questions.
The locust usually doesthings alone - it lives on its
What do all the disasters
own and eatson its own. But, sometimes,something
in the text havein common?
changesthe way nature works. When the number
of locustsinCreasessomewhereand there are lots of that locustscan
Why is it surprising
'swarms'. causesuch enormous damage?
plantsto eat, the locustsget togetherin
What proportionof the wortd's
Perhapsthe most dangerouslocustis the desertlocust.
populationcanbe in dangerbecause
It is found in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia in
of locustswarms?
about 60 countriesaltogether.When desertlocusts
4 What makesthe desertlocustso
swarm, they bring problems to one-tenth of all the
humans in the world.
5 Why can locustsbringdeathto lots
The numbers are huge and frightening. A swarm of of people?
desert locusts can be 1,200 km2 in size imagine an
area that is over 20 kilometres wide and 50 kilometres Find words or phrasesin the text
long, full of locusts! And there can be 50 million which mean:
locusts in each square kilometre. Each locust eats t harmor breaksomething
its own weight in plants every day - so a swarm of A)
desert locusts can eat more than 150 million kilos of
food in one day. They can also fly very long distances
- in 1954 a swarm of locusts from northwest Africa B)
2 alone(paragraph

flew thousands of miles to finally land in Great

Britain! when insectscometogetherin a big
It's no wonder that farmers in many countries of the
world fear the desert locust more than snakesand
spiders. It's the desert locust that destroys the harvest 4 verybig(paragraph
hunger to people all over the rvorld.

5 lt'snot surprising E)

plants,fruit or vegetablesthat
farmerscollect from their fields
or gardens(paragraph E)
O Gnamman
* n, tke or zers artie[e
Readthe text. Underline
a. an.the andthe nouns
they are with.

happena[[the time.Two of the most
everwerean earthquake anda
rrnlrrnir orr rnf inn

Theearthquake happened
in1964in Alaska
andwasthe mostpowerfuIearthquake ever
!'earsago.lt destroyed
a Romantown called

T lcmplete the rule.Write the,no article,o or an.

-:. Use.___._.
_,_or nounto talk about
.ornething for the firsttime.
iad a bananaandan applefor breakfast.
- se......_+ nounwhenit isctearwhichthlngor
::'son youaretalkingabout. Twostudentsaredescribing
Thebananawasverygood,but the applewas imaginarydream. Comptete the
^crrible. dialogue with a/an, fhe or - (no
,se.... , + nounwhenyouaretalkingabout article).
-- ngsin generat. A: Lastnight I dreamedthat I was
Bananas aregoodfor you.I likeapples. somewhere in) a wood.
B: In 2 wood there werelots of
strangethings.First I saw
l:mplete the sentenceswith a, an,the or - (no house.
article). a
A: housewasmade of
i reallylike - bicyclesll'vegot two: chocolate.Whenlwalked closer,
Sreenone anO__________.____..
greyone.I got woman openedthe door.
greenbikeasa birthdaypresentwhen I was12.I B: 6_,.,,________
woman was very old and she
rought greybikewith my own money. was wearingT._...........
: I read newspaperstoryabout 'You
,_____ can eat someof the chocolate,
rew ptaneyesterday. planecancarry but you haveto giveme
3.OOOpeopte,but.. storydidn'tsaywhen present.'
theywill finishmakingit. A: I didn't know what to giveher.But
: My fatherdrives,____________
old car.He lovesit! then I remembered. t hads
It wasmadein 1960,and it looksrealtybeautifut. photo of my dog in my pocket.
Everyweek he gets phonecallsfrom B: I gaveit tota_......._....woman
and she
peoptewho wantto buy it. Lastweekhe Iookedat it,Suddenlythere were
had phonecallfrom
_-.. womanin
.____ spiderseverywhere,
London.My fatherdidn'tknow woman,
A: I hate spidersso I wasa bit
DUrSneoTrereonlm Ltu,uuutor ______.___.. car!
scared,but then I had13 idea ...
: LastnightI had dream.My dreamwas
about___--...,,___ -
dogs lotsof theml Therewas Work with a partner.Inventanother
dog that tried to bite me and I ranaway. dream.Usethe picturehereand
Somepeoplesaythat _.. dreamstell you the dialoguein Exercise
7ato help
thingsaboutyoursetf.Perhaps this dream you.The studentwho saysthe last
meansthat I'mafraidof dogs! sentence isthe winner.

U N I T7
Discussthese questions.
1 What mightbe the biggest
consequencesof global
2 How isglobalwarming
3 Whichcountriesaremore
for globat
warming bigonesor

Readthe text
and listen.Checkyour

Readthe text againand

match the words or phrases
with their definitions.
a not smooth;viotent
b gettingbiggeror gettinghigher
c makelower
d saythat you witl not do or acceptsomething
e likelyto causeharmor damageto someoneor something
6 source f verysmatl
7 tiny g cannotbe [ivedin
8 reduce h the placesomethingcomesfrom or startsat

U N I T7
O speafr Lookat the picturesof a forestfire.
Describewhat you can see in each picture.
! neadthe followingstatements.
Next to each
Use some of the words in the box.
statement,make a note of how much you
atree or disagree(0 = I don't agreeat al[. 5 = |
catchfire strongwinds
very hot weather [eavetheir homes
r Therehavealwaysbeennaturaldisasters. drop a cigarette dry leaves
Peopledon't makethem happen.,____________ not controlthe fire DUrn
o lf we killall insectswith chemicals,the world
will havefewerprobtems. --,,._--_..,_
o The peoplefrom Tuvaluhavethe rightto live
in anycountrythey want to. _____
r The priceof petrol needsto be ten times
higherthan it is now.Thenpeoplemightnot
driveso much,andthere mightbe tessgtobal

T For each statement,write a sentenceor two

about why you agreeor disagree.
I totally agreethat the peoplefrom Tuvaluhave
the right to choosewherethey would like to tive.
Richcountriesneedto help them becausethey
havecausedglobal warming.

C Get together in small troups. Tel[ each other

what you think about the statements.Give
reasonsand discusseach othert opinions.

@ wFire
I Readthe newspaper
story abouta disasterin
Dover.What happened?
How did it happen?

Write a newspaper
story about the forest
Men rescuedfrom sea fire. Use the structure
.|, 28-vear-old man was rescued by of the story in
Hroplgl yesterday in Dover after he Exercisel0a and the
flimo the seanear his holidayhome. phrasesin Exercise
lOb to help you.
L rccident happened while the man,
Fn CarteS was walking along a cliff. Paragraph
E ras blornmoff by a very strong wind What happened,
d ftll into the sea,30 metres below. andwhen?
[. n*ih; a woman saw Mr Carter in the Paragraph 2:
rEEr soon afterwards and she called How did it happen?
" police rescueseryice.He was taken Paragraph
n rolpital with a broken arm. What wasthe result?
[-w night Mr Carrer said from his
h'iral bed, very lucky to be
fre -\Iv life was savedby the woman
u'-. called the police. I cant thank
r rnough.'
'*' will vs.be going to
:fr Vocabulary:homes

andlisten Readthe brochure
againandfisten. Answerthe
Lookat the picturesfrom a holidaybrochure. questions:
Whereis it?What is specialaboutit? Readthe
1 WhichSpanish city arethe caves
text quicklyto checkyour ideas.
2 Whatfacilities
do the caveshave?
@ 3 How cana cavebe more
comfortablethan a hotet?

Ben went on holiday to

the cavesand wrote an emailto a
friend about it. Readand listen to
his email.Answer the questions.
1 Why washe not we[[in Barcetona?
2 Why did they stayin the cavesand
not in a hotel?

Hi Sandra,

If you like a different kind of holiday, then you'll find You'llneverguesswhereI'm writingthis
these historic cavesare just what you are looking for. emailfrom! A cave!

H TO GETTHERE Youknow we'reon holidayin Spain,right?

Fly to the city of Granada, drive to Guadix -and step into Well,we spenta few days in Barcelona
a different world. first, It's a great placeand we had a good
time (thoughone day I didn'tfeel very well
WH U'LL FIND - I think I ate too much ice creamthe day
You probably think caves are primitive. Well, you haven't
before!).Anyway,when we left Barcelona,
seen these caves.A cavehouse in Andalusia can be we cameto spenda few daysin Granada.
anything from a small country cottage to a luxurious cave And guesswhat?We couldn'tget a hotel
hotel. Come and enjoy the peaceful environment. You'll - too manytouristsand not enoughbeds!
be surprised to find everything you need electricity, Thensomeonesaid,'Why don't you try the
phone, hot water... . Some caveseven have a broadband c a v ed w e l l i n g isn G u a d i x ? ' W teh o u g h th e
connection and others have a lacuzzi or a swimming pool. wasjoking.Cavedwellings?? But here we
are - and it's wonderful,
Here are a few more reasonsto visit Guadix! Tomorrowwe're goingto visit the
Alhambrain Granada.We'reenjoyingit
so muchthat we don't know when we're
goingto leave,We'renevergoingto have
enoughtime to exploreeverything.

U N I T8
O cramman
@ look at the examples.
I ate too much ice cream.
Too many tourfsts and not enoughbeds!
We'renevergoing to have enoughtime to

[l look at examplesl-4. What'sthe

difference in meaning between too much/
many and a lot of?
I Therearea lot of people.
2 Therearetoo manypeopte.
3 l'vegot a lot of work.
4 l'vegot too much work.

@ look at sentences
2 and4 in Exercise
2b.Then Completethe text with foo
completethe rule. much,too many or enough.

**1€: Use too .-........._with countablenouns,and too

w i t h u n c o u n t a b l en o u n s . I don't reallylikemy town.
Everysummer, te.amS.ny
touristscomehere,so thereare
I Completethe sentenceswith foo muchor toomany.
carsin the streets,and
1 I think I'vegot.-..... ..., booksl that meansthere's
2 Thereare peoplein there. noise.There aren't 3------..__________.--.
3 I think l'veeaten food. placesfor teenagers to go,either.
4 I spend Therearelotsof shopsbut there
time on the computer.
them!And mostof the clothes
shopsarefor old people- there
.... shopsfor young

Work with a partner.Thinkabout

your town/country. For each ofthe
topics below make at leastthree

television shoos
placesto go music
the environment

Thereare too many newsprogrammes.

@ look at the examples.
Thencompletethe rule. There'stoo much sport on TV.
Thereweren't enoughbedsin the hotels. Therearen't enoughprogrammesfor
Therewosn't enoughtime to exploreeverything.

, Pnonunciati0n
Turnto page111.
* H*rnes
Match the words in the
box with the pictures.Write the
words in the spaces.Then listen,
check and repeat.

a detached house 2 +bteekeFfla+s
3 ahousingestate4 acottage
5 abungatow5 acaravan
7 a semi-detachedhouse
8 a terracedhouse
2 a block of flats
In whichpicturescanyou seethese

a chimney a garden a Barage

a TV aerial a gate a fence

Lookat the picturesand answerthe

1 Where canyou probablyfind stairs?
2 Wheredo you thinkyou canfind
a liffl
3 Wheredo the famities[iveon
one flooi?

Turnto page115.

Listento sixpeopletalking
aboutwherethey live.Whichpicture
showseachperson'shome?Write l-6
in the boxes.

Makenotesaboutthe placewhere
you [ive.Includeone thingthat is not

Work with a partner(someonewho

doesn'tknowyour home).Tel[him.z
heraboutyourhome,including the
thingthat is not true.
I livein a blockof flats.Our flat ison the
thirdfloor.We'vegot two bedrooms.

Whenyou finish,askyour partnerif

she,/hecantellyou whichthingis not
O Gnamman
:h widfvs.be gai fs
a Jakehasplanneda visitto China.Readandcomplete
hisconversation with hisfriendAngie.Usewill,/won?or the
correctform of begoingto. Thenlistenandcheck.
Angie:SoJake, whatareyougoingto do whenyou'rein China?
Jake:Wett,l'lmEplngtp travelto a ptacecalledQinghai.
Therearelotsof Tibetanpeoplethere.
Angie:WowlSounds fantasticl
Jake:Yeah.And | ) visitthem in theirtents.
Angie:Brilliant! ..--------..
you---- --- cf:rr in e tonf tnnT

Jake:I hopeso! But I don'tthinkit 4 be verycomfortable.

Angie:Why not?
Jake:We[t,I don'tthinkthere5 be a bed,and I'msure
there6 ,---be a bathrooml
Angie: 7 it be verycold there? I'm goingto go swimming
Jake:Oh, definitely.So | 8--,---------
take lotsof warmclothes. She'sgoing to to to America
Angie:Well,good luck.I hope I hearfrom you whenyou'rethere next year.
J a k e :O h s u r e ,A n g i e .I e sendyou a postcard- if I can!

Lookat the examples

of will andbegoingto in the dialoguein Exercise
7a.Thencompletethe rule.
I'mgoingto travelto a placecalledQinghai. I'mgoingto take lotsof warm clothes.
won'tbea bathroom. t'llsendyou a postcard.

andplansmadebeforethe momentof speaking,
andfor offersandpromises,
/ .- .

T Circle)thecorrect words in the sentences. Jakewrote an emailto a friendabouthistrip

'I to China.Completethe sentences, usingthe
A: I can'tcarryall thesebooks,they'retoo
heavyl correct form of will or be goingfo and the
B: Givethem to ^", (Ti-ro r-riJiiDl I verbin brackets.
tm goingto carry tneiffi
2 Tom'sreallyexcitedbecausehe'sgoingto
have/ he'llhavehisfirst drivinglesson Hi Harry,
How arethings?l'm reallybusybecauselln Apjn7
3 A: l'm reatlyhot in herel Ip_yLSit(visit)China
nextmonth.l'vegot lots
B: Really?OK,l'll open / t'm going to open of thingsto do beforeI go.l'vedecidedthat I
the window. (tearn)
someChinese. There'sa Chinese
: A: Haveyou got any plansfor Fridaynight? a t s c h o o lc a l l e dC h a n ,a n d h e 2 (teach)me
B: Yes,we'll see/ we'regoing to seea film. some words and phrases

t My sister's
reatlynervousbecause It3 probably (be)verycold when
she'sgoing to take,t she'lltake an I g e t t o C h i n a ,s o I a ( t a k e ) s o m er e a l l yw a r m
importanttest tomorrow. clothes!And I'vedecided that next week | 5_____
( b u y )a n e w c a m e r at,o o . I ' m s u r et h e p e o p l e i n C h i n a
A: I haven'tgot enoughmoneyto go out.
(show)me lots of amazingthings,and | 7
B: Don't worry,I'll lend / l'm going to lend
(want)to take hundredsof photos!
you some.
A: Whatwouldyou liketo drink? S e ey o u s o o n .
B: l'll have/ I'mgoingto havean orange Jake
Altoventhe place
: Read
Look at the photo story.Wherearethey?What areJoeland Petedoing?
What isJoel'sproblem?Readand listento find the answers.

f' Joe[:I hateMathslThere's

no point in tryingto do
this.I can'tdo it. And
the test is in threedays'
time.Whatam I going
: ^
i to do/
:.?l':1i91ffatry:tl11t11tl:ft19.3Yil:i11 .iiii'

Joel:I can'tdo Maths.I'mjust too stupid

Pete:Oh, comeon,Joe[.There'snothingwronSwith you.Youjust haven'tstudiedenough.
Why don't I comeoverto your placethis afternoon?
We canstudytogether.
Joel:Oh, man.Thanks!That'dbe fantastic!

Pete:See?lt's not so difficult.

Joe[:Well,thanksPete.But I
think we shouldstop now.
Pete:Wel[,it'sup to you,Joe[.
Anythingelseyou wantto
Joel:Yeah,there is something.
Justa moment.Let me get
the book.

t."r, r aoJi";u". :.;ii*i.i:::'.'i'e"*

Pete:We[[,it'snot surprising.
area[[overthe place.
Joel:So what?| knowwhereeverythingis.
I atwaysfind my thingsreatlyquickty.

1r, eete: Always?Welt,if you sayso...

so that they makesense.

Completethe sentences
I JoeIdoesn't
of ...
7 loel is cratefrtI because...
3 PetethinksJoel'sroom ...
4 Petedoesn'treallybelievethat Joel...

O Everyday
Enstish lmpnovisati0n
LU Find the expressions1-6 in the story. Work with a partner.Taketwo minutesto
Who saysthem? How do you saythem in preparea short role play.Tryto usesome
your language? of the expressions from Exercise 9a.Do
I There'sno point in ... not write the text,just agreeon your ideas
2 There'snothingwrongwith ...
for a short scene.Thenact it out.
3 lt's up to you. Basicidea:lt'sa few dayslater.Joe[hasjust
received the resultsof hismathstest.
4 Anythingelse?
5 ...al[overthe olace
5 if you sayso ...
[| Corplete the dialogues
with expressions
1-6 from Exercise9a.
I A: CanI havetwo kilosof apples,please?
B: Sure.Thereyou are.1Anythi.1ge[S.g.?
2 A: ThisCD is the bestin the historyof the
B: Well,2 - but I didn't
think it wasveryspecial.
3 A: Wheredo you want to go tonight?
B: 3..____-__--_.____. I don't mind
wnerewe go. tl
4 A: Oh nol lt'sstartingto rain- and we
haven'tgot an umbre[[al
B: Well,a complaining.
We just haveto walk - and get wetl
5 A : What'sthe matterMum?
l .
B: It'sthe Iivingroom,Sarah.
thingss .Pteaseput
6 A : You listento musicvery [oud,don'tyou? Lookat the photo.How doesJoelfeel?
B: So what? 6 that. Makea list of possiblereasonswhy he feels
A: Yesthere is - you coutddamageyour likethis.
Makea list of strongfeelingsandwhat
people do when they havethe feelings:
box Examples:
nervous:bite fingernails,get sweaty
I Do you think beinggoqd at a subject hands,...
mainlydependson whetheryou 'have angry:shout,go quiet, throw things,.
studiedenough'?Why / Why not?
Whenyou havea disagreementwith
2 Areyou different from Peteor similar someone,how do you react?
to him?Giveexamptes.
3 Aretheretimeswhenyou cannotfind What would be a typical way for you to
somethingyou are lookingfor?How solvea disagreement?
do you react?
Watchepisode4 andfind out how the I
differentpeoplein the storyfeel and how
they act becauseof their feelings.

U N I T8 65
l ; wFite
/r Readaboutholidays
A and B and answer
How longis each
2 Thetwo holidays
havetwo thingsin
common- what
Wanta holidaywith a difference? LearnEnglish
witha familyin Britain!
Wheredo you stay
on eachholiday? Come to LeasdaleFarmand spend Spend ten days livingin a Britishcity with
What do you learn four days livingwith a familyand a friendlyfamily.You'llhaveyour own
on eachholiday? workingon a real Englishfarm! room in the family'shouse,and you'll find
You'llstay in rooms in a conveded out what life in Britainis reallylike.
Nadiais goingon barn,and all mealswill be orovided.
Yourfamilywill give you all your meals,
holidayA. Readher Our guestshelp to look afterthe and they'lltake you to interestingplaces.
message. Who is animals- you'lllearnhow a farm You'llget the chanceto meet lots of their
goingwith heron reallyworks! friends- and of courseyour Englishwill
holiday?What does get much better!
Healthyand fun - LeasdaleFarm
shepromiseto do holidaysare greatfor all the family! HomestayEnglishis a greatway to learnl
after her holiday?

tast butnotleast:
Hi Fernanda moPe
How are you?Thanksfor your post - goodto Thinkaboutyour plansfor next
knowthat you'reOK, week and write sentences.
I've got newstoo. I'm goingon holidaynext Freetime: I'mgoingto ...
week with my brotherand Anna,a friend l'll probabty...
from school.We'regoing to stay on a farm Schoolwork: l'm goingto ...
for four days!We'regoingto look after the I'tlprobably...
a n i m a l sa n d d o s o m eh o r s e - r i d i n g
I ,,m s u r e
Food: l'm goingto...
I'll love it - you know how crazyI am about
animalslI want to learnall aboutthe cows t ' t tp r o b a b l y . . .
and the horses- hopeI havesometime to |m going to meet up with my friends
g o w a l k i n gi n t h e h i l l s ,t o o . on Saturdayevening.We'regoing to
seea film.
Well,right now I'm goingto finishmy
homework- lots to do beforethe holiday!I,ll I'llprobably study on Sundaymorning.
write to you when'I get backto tell you what
Work with a partner.One of you
it was like.
sayswhat he,/she is going to ,/ will
Takecare! do. The other one asksquestions.
Love A: I'm goingto meet up with some
Nadia friendson Saturdayevening,We're
going to seea film.
B: Oh, really?What areyou going to
Imagineyou aregoingon holidayB.Write a messate
to an English-speaking A: Burnafter Reading.
friendandtell him./herwhat
you'regoingto do. Usethe informationaboveand B: I'veheardof that. What'sit about?
Nadiat messateto helpyou.

U N I T8
O Gnamman Vocabulany
_!J Complete the sentences.Use the past simple Underline
the odd one out.
passiveform of the verbs. '|
damage destroy hurt rescue
t TheStatueof Liberty wssbatlt (buitd)in
2 bungalow garage cottage flat
3 flood earthquake tsunami bomb
2 lt wasa terribteaccident.How manypeopre
(kiil)? 4 TV aerial semi-detached
chimney gate
3 Tomasfetl off hisbikeyesterday,
but ne
(not injure). caravan terracedhouse bungalow
4 We didn'tplaywellyesterday.
We ru
(beat)a-Ol Completethe sentences with the
5 Whenthe votcanoerupted,the noise correctwordsfrom the box.Usethe
(hear)200 kilometresaway. correctform whennecessary.
Completethe sentences with a, an,the or _ volcano essentialfl€€ds
(noarticle). TVaeriaI hurricaneseventually
livein r_-,qhe-
My grandparents in
otd cottage.lt'sgot On average, kill about140people
bedroom, bathroom,s-____-.,______,,_..._ a yearin the USA.
roomand kitchen. bedroom Lotsof peoplelosttheir liveswhenthe
livingroomarequitebig,but erupted.
kitchen'sverysma[[!| lovero___,____., Peoptelivingin the Caribbean
cottageslikemy grandparents'. sometimeshit by
4 Thecatastrophe causeda lot of damage
Complete the sentenceswith too much,/
too many or not (n't) enough. ano- ----
the governmenthadto help.
'f 5 Thisinformationis. for peopte
There'snowhereto sit - there are_r_,_f_
who livein areaswith lotsof earthquakes.
6 We didn'twatchthe match- there
z I coutdn'tfinishthe test because therewas probtemwith the
3 I feel sick- | think t'veeaten______,____-,___--.___
chocolate! Howdidyoud0?
4 | didn'treallyenjoymy visitto Romebecause Checkyour score.
therewere touristsevervwhere. Totalscore

Completethe sentenceswith will or begoingto.

m -
Next summerwe.'rego_ing (go)to Spainfor our
hotiday.We'vebookedthe flights. 5- 7 lessthan5

l'veput someold clotheson Decause

| (wash)my dad'scarfor him.
What time we _.____-_.______--__
this evening?
canyou lend me somemoney?| Promtse
| (pagyou backon Friday.
I tNilT a
Determiners(everyone,no one,someone,etc.)
must,/mustn't vs.don't have to

andlisten Readthe text again
and listen.Write f (true) or F (false).
Beforeyou read,try a fun
1 The brainis very Iightso it doesn'tneeda lot of oxygen.
memorytest.Listento your
teacher'sinstructions. 2 Youcan rememberinformationbetter if you talk about it.
1 It'snot good to try to learnsomethingfor too [ong.
Lookat the title of the text.
4 It'seasierto rememberone big pieceof information
Howdo you thinkyou can
thanseveral smatler
improveyour memory?
Readthe text quicklyto 5 Our memoryworksbestwhen we areangry.
checkyour ideas. 6 pictures'
in our mindhelpsus remember

humanbrainis verysmattandLight(ontytwo percent Oneof the bestwaysof remembering is to

Jhe 'pictures' 'movie-screen'your
I of our totaI bodyweight),but it needsabout20%of the make on the of
oxygenthat our bodytakesin. Wecan'tthink wetlif our brain mjnd- andifs fun tool Experts saythat our
isn't gettingenoughoxygen,so atwaysmakesurethereis brainworksa lot in pictures. Sosometimes,
enoughoxygenin the air whenyou needto [earnor remember if we wantto remember newinformation, it
somethingl helpsto makea picturestory.Anyonecan
Noonecanremember everything,
but everyone canlearnhow learnto do this. Imaginesomeone wantsto
to improve Herearesometips - noneof themcan
theirmemory. go shopping for the foltowingthings:
makeyourmemory100%perfect,but atl of themarehetpful:
r food for the goLdfish
e batteries
r rotlerskates
o a vocabulary notebook
. a bottleof shampoo

Nowmakea crazystorythat reminds

you of a[[ the thingsin the right order,
for examp[e:
0nceupona time therewasa girt.She
wasveryhungryand wasLooking for F00D.
Hernamewason herT-shirtin big gotden
letters:GOLDIE FISH.Sheopenedthe fridge
and sawit wasfut[ of BATTERIES. Goldiewas
angry.Sheput on her R0LLER SKATES, and
tried to [eavethe house,but shetripped
overherV0CABULARY N0TEB00K andfe[[o-
a BOTTLE 0F SHAMP0O. Theshampoo was
everywhere: on the ftoor,on the chairs....
Letyourselfbe surprised
by your memoryl

68 U N I T9
O Itcnammar
ne,no one, * thinklng
Checkyou knowthe meaningof these
Lookat the examples.
Findother examples verbs.Ask your teacher to help you.
of determiners in the text on page 68 and
to think to realise to imagine
Whenyou want to remembersomething. to concentrate to guessto suppose
Hereare sometips - none of them can make to believe to believein to recoenise
your memory 100%perfect,but all of them to wonder
ore heloful.

Completethe wordsin the chart.Usethe Underlinethe correctoptions.

text on page68 to helpyou. I What?Yougot lOO%in the test?I don't
suppose/ believeyoul
2 He lookedcompletetydifferent- | didn't
recognise/ guesshiml
3 You sawa ghost?You'recrazy.I don't
recognise/ believein ghosts.
It'sa verystrangestory,but it coutdbe
true, I suppose,/ wonder.
Writethe correctwordsin the spaces.
We[[,I don't knowthe answer,so l'[[ have
Choosefrom the wordsin the box.
to guess/ imagine.
S€ff€€rqe everyone everywhere Don't look out of the window-
all of them everything concentrate/ think on your work.
noneofthem no one Livingon an islandin the PacificOcean-
canyou think / imaginethaf,
1 Some_one_ gaveme this bookfor my birthday,
Sheleft without sayinggoodbye- |
but I can'trememberwno.
suppose/ wonderwhy shedid that?
2 | rangyour placefour timesthis morning,but
lt'sa difficultquestion,so guess/ think
answered. carefultybeforeyou answer.
3 UseYourMemory by Tony Buzanis a brilliant 't0
After twenty minutes,I realised/
book.I think shoutdreadit. recognisedI was in the wrong place!
It wasa hardquestion.Sheaskeda[[her
friends,but knewthe answer.
_ ____ Turnto page115.
5 | canremember our teachersaidin
today'slesson,but I can'trememberwhat the
Jim'slost hiswatchlHe's[ookedfor it, Work with a partner.Askand answer
but he can'tfind it. the questions.
My dad doesn'tseehisfriendsfrom London Whendo youfindit easyor difficult
very often. That'swhy he wasvery happythat to concentrate?
cameto hisparty. Areyou good at guessing?
Arethereanythingsyou find very hard
to imagine?
I can't imaginebeinga film star and having
He knowsnothingabout the humanbrain. photographersaround me allthe time.
He doesn'tknow anythingabout the human
(Not:He deesnt knew neth
It ' listen
a,l Whatdo Leonardoda VinciandKeira
Knightleyhavein common?Listento an interview
with a psychologist,
Dr Rebecca
checkyour ideas.

Listenagainandanswerthe questions.
Whatarethe maindifferences
frarn nannlaT

2 What wasspecialabout Leonardo's

3 What wasa big problemfor Keirawhenshe
How did Keiramanageto overcomethe probtem? KeiraKnightley Leonardoda Vinci

ln the second part of the interview,

Dr Williams talks about different Look at
these eight examplesof types of inte[ligence'.Complete
the sentencesthen listen and check your answers.
1 Peoptewith hi8h logi.cql.rrthe_nstjcsl jnle_l.llgenee are
often good at Mathsandfindinganswers to probtems.
2 lf you havea lot of ... , you areprobablygood at
logical- verbal
movement,for examplesportsand dancing.
mathematical intelligence
intelligence 3 lf you havea lot of , you are probabtygood at
painting anddrawing.
a 4 lf you havea lot of , you are probablygood at
understanding other peopleand workingwith them.
5 Peoplewith high areoften good at singingor
ptayinga musicalinstrument.
6 Peoplewith good areusuallygood speakers
t o [ikewords.

musical visual 7 lf you enjoybeingon your own,you probabtyhavea lot of

intelligence intelligence inteltigence.
Peoplewho havea [ot of aregood
with handlingplantsandanimals.

. SPealt

Do you rememberthingsbestby seeing,feeling

or hearing?Try a fun test. Listento your teacher's
intelligence intelligence instructions.

In whichof the testsdid you tet the bestresult?lf you

rememberedmost numbersin test one,it meansyou
probablyhaVea goodvisualmemory.lf you scoredwell
in test two, you probablyrememberthingsbestif you've
heardthem.lf you did well in test three perhaPsyou
learnbestwhenyou feel or do things.

Tella partnerhow you learnbest.

intrapersonal naturalistic
intettigence intetligence

U N I T9
O Gnamman
* nTus {./sfni vs. don'f have to
ReadLisa'sletter to a problempate Dear Mandy
andthe replies.What'sher problem? I get bad gradesat school,especiallyin Maths.My
Whichreplydo you [ikemost?Why? dad saysI must try harder,becausehe wantsme to
go to university.He thinksI,m Iazy,butit'snot true,
Lookat the examples.
more I work really hard! I've tried to talk to mv mother
examples of must, mustn't and don't/ - but shesaysI haveto work
ashard as my brother
doesn't have to in the texts. Then does.But my brotherdoesn'thaveto studyhard and
completethe rule. he alwaysgetsexcellentgrades.It's not fairr
My dad saysI must try harder. The only thing I like is Art. My teachersaysI'm the
Youmustn'tthink that your parentsare beststudentshe'shad for years.When I toid my dad,
wrong. all he saidwas, 'You mustn't wasteyour time on Art
My brother doesn'thaveto study hard. and you must work harder!' pleasehelp me _ I don,t
know what to do!

8Uf.€:Use ........ Lisa, Birmingham

.(n't)to givesomeonestrong
adviceor for expressing strongobtigation. ;::,lli,lil,iiia:1ii:,:t:ltliiiatat*:r1,tiitlxti*sltga|::iti:1i:{:ril1,r|''trii:::i3rlita,t::r::::-:r

to saythat something
is not Dear Lisa
Youmustn't think that your parentsare wrong and
you're t. Rememberthatyou,reyoungerthan
theyare and they want the bestfor you.So you must
the correctwords. /istento your parentsand trv harder.
!l.T 8o,oultonight.but you Mandy
Wtn9/ dont havefo come home
'l il]:::lji:]i|]'],.i:i!.]li:.l..||n]]:]ii|l1.|11,].:lii;']:]i'i1::.::|]111]]]]]]]]],;:i'ii:.ll,',
laterthan am,
Great!l'm under12!| mustn't./ Dear Lisa
don't havefo pay! P/easerememberthatyour futureis very important.
GreatlNo schoottoday- | Youdon't have to do everythingyour parentstettyou
don't haveto ,/ mustn'tget up early. to do,and you mustn't worry toomuch about Maths
- you don't haveto be good at
OK,you can keepit - but it mustn't,/ everythinglTalkto
your parentsagain and try not to getangry.
doesn'thaveto leavethis rooml

Completethe sentences
with must,mustn't,or
don't haveto.
1 | mAStnl!forgetto sendmygrandmother
2 You realty seethat film! lt'sgreat!
3 My parents go to work tomorrow
becauseit'sa pubticholiday.
4 My sister ,____.,,___,_
go to schoolyet because
chp'c nnlrr thrpel

5 Hurryupl We be lateagain.

Turnto page111.
f .

Lookat the title of the
magazine articleandthe
photos.Write sixwordsyou
expectto find in the story.

Work with a partner.

Compareyour words.lf you
aresurprisedby anyof your
partner'swords,askwhy he,/

Readthe storyquicklyand
choosethe besttitle for
eachparagraph. Writethe
lettersin the boxes.
I Shewassittingupat fourmonths,makingpyramiddesigns
Not a veryorganised withblocks
at seven months,walking
at eightmonths
student completing
100-piece jigsaw
at t5 months.
Soit is
thatAbigail Wilson,
madehistory whenshebecame theyoungest
about their baby
ofmyself findit hardto getexcited
in,butI usually
Atwaysaheadof other I guess,'said
kidsher age
Hermother, Nancy, aquietbaby,borntrm
A normalteenager's
weeks lateonChristmasDay.Shedidn'tspeak herfirstwor&
untilshewas22 months! Nancyandherhusband thougll
Highverbal-[inguistic something mustbewrong,butwhenshestafted totalbit rE
intelligence perfectspeech.
Shealreadyknewhercolours, lettersandls
abletoread.Herparentsreadhernormal bedtimestoriesaJ
Readthe text
3 Abigail beentheyoungest
hasalways person
in herdm.
againand listen.Answer the
At sixshewasin thefourthgrade,
at eightshestarted
International programme
Baccalaureate andattenshe
1 Why is Abigailproudof herfirsthighschoolclassin Maths.Shehasstudied
herself? languages, includingSpanish,French,Chinese,Russi
2 What wasspecialabout ArabicandCerman.
how herspeaking
4 Abigail
saysthatshedoesn't usuallyplanwhenshe
shecallsherself andshealways delays
What doesshemeanwhen upto thelastminute.Thisgivesherthemotivation
shesaysthat puttingthings dosomething.
off motivatesher?
In herfreetime,Abigail andbasketball,
Why doeshermumthink
learningto playthe piano
areallu and18.Shehasalsostudied
wasgood for Abigail?
helpedherto bea normal
thatAb$ailneededto bein a ationwhere
hadtofai[in orderto learn very
butit madeherle can't
alwaysbesuccessful, people
shewon'tlearnanythingl always
Whatdo the underlinedwords wFite
from the text on
and phrases
page72mean? Readthe advertisement writing
for an English
competition.What do you haveto do if you want
1 it'sprettycool to enter?
2 scatterbrained
3 shehadto fail in orderto learn
4 peopteatwayslearnmorefrom

Work in pairs or small groups.
Discussthese questionstogether.
1 Wouldyou liketo be astalented
What arethe
advantagesand d isadvantages?
2 Go backto the [istof
on page70.
WhichareAbigai['s stronSest
so good at?
3 How did shedevelopthe
that shewasinitially
not so good at?
4 Woutdit be possiblein your
country for a young personto go
to universityat the ageof l5?

ReadFrances'entry to the competition.What are

her answersto the questionsin the advertisement?

I tLlr^-k- |vv gt+- gwd" bvd-1 vu.lv\vu-/'e- be-c,a,cse-l'*- 1-Lte- gvvd- a-L
sivu.^.La,gt fi" ,i*^-yLr, a-a-L t LovL d'o-^-uLW. N sc.l-tvL, n^-y be-st s,^-bi-e-c-ts
a-rv Ma-Ll-s a.a.L Arb. | .4o, dni"-J ^.a-tLs prubl-ens, a-a.L I L.vvv ya-va.Lla4t
so ge-rLa-ps l'vu gr1- ynL uin-*L *J Lug'voa-L La-LvU)1u-c-u, Ltd

1'^- ^-oL vury J.lriL a-L La,a4"-ug.s - W's dLfftx.^'W fn" ^-, to ^'e-^-arixv v\'e-w
wsrLs ^,^-d- Lv n-a-d..arsla-i +;, I l.,o,'JL guL vury ytvL n-a-rk-s, b^-L
I :l
i WLr- I fL.-LsL sc-LouL, l',* lrvn4 tu st'..d.y Lv be- a-a- a.rc-l'LL I tLlu.-le-
l'Wb. a-LtLi-s I
buc,a-n-su a.^- 7wL a-LMa,Ll-s,,udbvc'a-*sv I Le-k-a
'wd. i-ob
Lra-u*vw4 tLlr.4s a.^i d,-;sQni*j. ALsa, a-rc,Llte-c,tx L".n L l-a've- Lt syua-h-a-
s La-u4"'a-gul
F"a-n*us Ma-son-
t Now write your entryfor the comPetition.Usethe
5 advertisementand Frances'entry to helpyou.

U N I T9
Presentperfect continuous/ presentperfect continuousand simple
musicand musicalinstruments

Wheredo you thinkthe
manin the photo is from
andwhatis he famous
for?What hashe done
to changeother people's
lives?Readthe magazine
articlequicklyto check
your ideas.

I Readthe
articleagainand Iisten.
II Answer the questions.
What doesthe text say
2 Why do Youthink
to do somethingfor the
I How do the chitdrenstart
learningto PtaYmusicat
Pracatum MusicSchoo[?
4 How hasthe schoot
s Why hasthe Project
for the

the miracleof Candeal is
'a labourof love'.Do
projectsthat havehelPed
'laboursof love'?Telleach
other aboutthem.
O Gramman fiUt€:Usethe present
* Present continuous perfectcontinuousto:
Lookat the examples. talk aboutsituations which
started in the -------------------
...he'sbeenworkingtherefor manyyears. andarestill continuingnow.
We'vebeenhelpingkidsto stayawayfrom drugs. Example:I'vebeen
teachingfor years.
Underlineother examples of the presentperfectcontinuous
talk aboutactionsthat nave
in the text on pageT4.Thencompletethe tableandthe rule.
just stoppedandmayhave
a resultin the present.
Example:I'm hot because
l/you/we/ l/you/we/they Havel/you/we/ Yes,l/you/we/ I've beenrunning.
they've(have) theybeenworking? they . focuson how longan
beenworking. working. No,l/you/we/ activityhasbeenin
they . progress.The activitymay
or maynot be complete.
He/she/it He,/she/it
hasn't he/she/iI Yes,
he,/she./it Example:l've beenwriting
._--._-__-_ (has
not)been working? emoilsall morning.
working. No,he,/she,/it

Lookat the pictures.Write a sentencein the presentperfectcontinuousfor eachpicture.

I She,/ run. 2 He / cookatlmorning. 3 l/notfeetwell.

Shehqs be_en

4 You / not practiseenoughl 5 They / playfootball. 6 We / watchtoo muchTVI

Usethe presentperfectcontinuous.
I How long / she,/ play ,/ the drums? | ,/ not learn/ Engtish/ very long.
Hp-w plsy-ing
lqnghqsshebe_en Ihe drums?
2 | ,t wait / for you ,/ for agesl How long/ you./ eafl

3 He / not sleep,
il";;;;;; ;;;;;;;"" ;;,,
Turnto page'l'11.
: Gnamman
lk Presentperfectcontinuousand presentperfectsimple
I ; l,l
t l

Lookat the examples.

Thencompletethe rule.
For someyears now, the school has been working together with governmentprogrammes.
Many of the studentsat the schoolhavebecomeverysuccessful musicians.

Usethe tense,not the -...-.. , tenseto showthat an
actionis now comoleted.
Example:I'vebeento ltaly.
Usethe , not the , to stressthe finishedresult I've known Annie for a long time.
of a completedactivityandthe amountwe havecompleted. (Not: l+eSeen*aewng ... )
Example:I've written three emailsthis morning. l've never understoodJohn, (Not:

@ the correctwords.
, ,----::.---\
5hes (writfen) ,/ been writing three
lettersthis afternoon. Readaboutthe pop star,DavidBowie.
I'veread./ beenreadingthis pagefour
timesandI stilldon'tunderstandit all!
He'sin hosoitalbecause
he'shad ,/ David Bowie was
he'sbeenhavingan accident. born in 1941.He
learned to play the
4 Ouch!l'vecut ./ beencuttingmy finger!
saxophone,and then
5 My motheismakingsandwiches - she's
became a singer.He
cut,/ beencuttingbreadaltmorning.
makes records, and
Greatnews!You'vewon,/ beenwinning he is also an actor in
the competition!
films. He is married to
.Jameshasknown./ hasbeenknowinghis a model called Iman.
wife sincehe wasa child.
I'vebeenreading,/ I'vereadthis book
sinceeighto'clock,and I stitlhaven't Work with a partner.StudentA: readthe
finishedl information about David Bowie on this
page.Student B:turn to page126.Ask and
Completethe sentences. Usethe present answerquestionsto complete your missing
perfectcontinuousor the present information.
perfectsimpleforms of the verbs.
A: How long hashe beensinging?
1 | lve-been:.tad-yins
(study)for mytest
cince I o.t rn
2 ---,----------------.you (notfinish)that
He ,z sing/ for .... years.(How long .....?)
book yet?
He / ptaysaxophonefor morethan45 years.
3 He looksterribte!What .. he
(do)attnight? He,/ make/ records/ (How long ?)
4 .. ...that singer (make)any He / 6e in ,/ morethan 15films.
CDsyet? He / marryto lman/ ...............years.
5 l'm sorry,| (not start)my
6 My brotherworksreallyhardwhen he
wantsto. He,_________-___...__
(ctean) four rooms
7 t t (rain)fordays- will it everstop?

O vocabutany
* **S m*si*aii;:*trurne*ts
a Listento the musicextractsand write the wordsfrom the box nextto numbersl-6.

reggae jazz hip-hop rock classical country

4 6

b Matchthe wordswith the pictures.Writethe namesof the instrumentsin the spaces.


1 apiano 2 drums 3 atrumpet a ++4e{in 5 aclarinet 5 anelectricsuitar

7 asaxophone 8 aflute 9 asynthesiser10 akeyboard


What'sthe differencebetween:liye music andrecorded Spealt

music?An album anda singld?A hi-fi anda personal
stereo?An MP3andan MP4? Work with a partner.Ask and
Turnto page116. s Doesanyonein yourfamily
playa musicalinstrument?

O tisten How tonghashe,/shebeen

Listento four peopletalkingaboutmusicand e Do you playa musical
Completethe informationin the table.
instrument?lf yes,how [ong
haveyou beenplaying? lf not,
; Musical : Timespent Favourite Favourite :
wouldyou tiketo?Which
I instrument: playing.z type(s)of way of I instrument(s)
wouldyou like
learning mustc listeningto I
to ptay?
What'syour favouritekind
of music?Who areyour
2 Emma favouritebands,/singers?
How often do you listento
3 Jack
a Sophie How do you likelistening
On the radio?Your

ro I
Lookat the photo story.Who thinksJoe[hasa lot of talent?Who doesn'tcare?
What doesJoelthink of himself?Readand listento find the answers.

Debbie:I haveto say,I reattyenvy.loe[for playingan instrument,

| don't care.
Debbie:What do you mean?
just not my thing,you know.

i, oebbie:I reallyadmire
i: yor.You'vegot
ii toadsof tatent.
il Joel: Talent?Me?What
- makesvou savthat?
i1, oeUUie,We[[,if
Iii didn'thavetalent,
i yo, wouldn'tplay
ilr theguitar.

Joel:lt'sgot nothingto do with talent.

Debbie:Realty? l'veatwayswantedto learnthe
guitar.But I don't haveanymusicaltalent.

Joel:Look,not everyonecanbe EricClapton

I'mjust sayingthat you can learnan
instrumentif you reallywant to. Al[ you
needis an otd guitarandthe internet.
Debbie: The internet. Are you kidding me? ::.*!..,rrr,'r*i,-:ii.r.r.*-**.....*.,.*-,.--
Joe[: No. Check it out. There are [oadsof short videos- they'il help you learnto ptayany songyou want.
Well then,l'm off. I knowwhat I'vegot to do now!

Write f (True)or F (False).

1 Debbiethinksit must be greatto be ableto playan instrument. f":
2 Petewould liketo learnhow to ptaythe guitar.
3 JoelthinksEricCtaptonis not a greatguitarist.
Joelte[tsDebbieto downloadsomesongsfrom the internet,
Joe[thinksyou can learnhow to ptaythe guitarby watchingvideos.
DebbiethinksJoet'sadviceis nonsense.

@ Everyday
Enstish lmDF0visati0n
Findthe expressionsl-5 in the Work with a partner.Taketwo minutesto
story. Who saysthem? How do you preparea short role play.Try to usesomeof the
saythem in your language? expressions from ExerciselOa.Do not write the
I I haveto say... text,just atree on your ideasfor a shortscene.
Thenact it out.
2 What do you mean?
L.. [oadsof ... Basic
for hours.Hermumthinksit istimeto do otner
4 ...got nothingto do with ...
studyfor the exams).
5 I'mjust sayingthat ...
5 Checkit out.
Complete the dialoguewith
expressionsl-6 from Exercisel0a.
Adrian:That'sa niceshirt,Mary.
Mary:Thanks.I boughtit at that
shopin KingStreet- the new
one.They'vegot nicethings.
t C_heckpal, . you
lt needsome
new clothes.
Adrian: . .?
Azlyclothesarefine. l'vegot
J;;;;; iliil,
Mary: I know.Calmdownl
h;;;;;* ;t"th;,:
Mary - really
Adrian:l'm surprised,
surprised. lthoughyou weremy
friend.Now you'retettingme I don,t
l'* ""'ln:ns lilli,l?;
""7 1:' rashion
rjust lmaginethat Debbie,Jess,peteandJoelhaveto
wantedto... oh,forget it! l'mglad givea presentationto their class.What do you
you likemy shirt.Now l'm off. Byel think eachof them wouldchooseto talk about?
Adrian:Mary- don't be angrylCome Do you think they areall equallygood at giving
backlMaryl presentations? Why ,/ Why not?

Who mightget most nervouswhengivinga

box presentation?
When it comesto music,in
what waysareyou similarto or Who might staythe coolest?Why?
differentfrom Debbie,pete
or Joe[?
Watchepisode5 andseewhat happens.
Haveyou everlearntsomething
by watchinga video,/DVD?tf not,
is it somethingyou wouldtry?
Why / Why not?
What instrumentwoutdyou (not)
liketo tearn?Why (not)?
Readthis part of a letterJennywrote to her friend,Sandy.
What kind of informationdoesshewant?

T+tyour .vrextleflert pleaseleII wet

. v,tnnl ri'nd o4 wusic !.iKea+d lnowLo'rw !-iKedit.
6ou ryou've
. wt*o,6our lavourile bn+tdsatd sily'Versare. ttltny do ou li(e flnew?
. do you spetd a !-ol of liwe lisfe'ltill'V to w,IAsic,a+td lnowdo pr"l"r to [i!re+?
torwnrd to lneari+wtron you.

ReadSandytreplyto Jennyand answerthe questionsin Exercise


tast butnot
A l{iJennY, teast:moFe
thornk loryow lefter. I'u^ speaking
hnppy*o tell Yotrwhn*Yow
wanted*oknow- I'u,rur,'ad Lookat thesequestions.
about*nrrusic!UIIYfavourite Think about your answers
is couutrYvlrusic.I've been and take notes.
a coun*rYvtrrusicfan for *wo r Aretheretimeswhenyou
years,siv\ceI t'rBardFaith Fill don't want to listento
ontla.eradio- she'sgreat! I musicat att?Why / tNhy
*hink hBrbestsongis not?
'l* Ullatters*o 0!1e'.
Who isyour favouritesinger
friendsthink I'vr"strange they listen*o
of vri'y
B Soui'e or musician?
bandslikeEtbow andArcticUhonkeys' 0(-of
tln'ey're What do you thinkof TV
cowse,br,ttI preferlis*ening *o QorthBrook andWitlie programmeslikePopldol,
Nelson.I spendnearlyall u\^y oncountrl CDs'
vlnot\ey whereyounSpeoplecan
I'vegotto*sof CDsby Ulleredi*h EdwardsandJessica become next singing
Andrews,'too. I iikecown*r1vtnusic because the singers i superstar'?
hnve9o*greatvoicesand*lte tyricsare usr'ullygoodtoo' . lmagineyou areinvitedto
Sowre peoplethinktha-r
peopte country unutslc
*hir,\|.tha+ co[nTry s all
trt'rusic's savue,
r^e !6vY\(' : takepart in a programme
n '''
bu* there are
wrong!there [o*sof different
are tots ki^ds of
difterent k'inds 0t likePopldol.How do you
Sovrgs - ro$\t\snt\cones)stowones',tast ones [ust tike : feel about it?
any o*her kind o+unusic. Are all starsgood at
I r'tsunlly music,do you think?Give
I C I listen*o countrrynrrusicnearlyatl*lne*itrne' examPtes.
in fvrybedrootivr, Uvty
listen on headphones
How importantare
ror,md*orlv'yplaceand welisten*ogetlrer
{riends covr,re
someone's looksand
on Ur,yiPod- ''
dancingabilityfor becomini
Pleasewriteto lvreagainsoon' a star?Giveexamples.
Arethereany'otdsonSs' -
from your Parents'generaticr
- that you really[ike?

Write a letter aboutyour favouritetype of music. Talkto a partneror a smatl

Organise UseJenny's
your writinginto paragraphs.
answer to helpyou. troup. Askmore questions
questionsandSandy's if you can.

G Gnamman vocabutany
Complete the sentenceswith the words in Completethe sentences. Useone of the
the box. wordsfrom the box in eachspace.

eveFyene everything no one nothing im:sine

ann.enfr2tc or re<q hali.%
noneof them someone somewhere b e l i e v ei n recognise

1 | think the Star Warsfilmsaregreat- I Thatcan'tbe truel I don't believe

-e shou[dgo and seethem!
eyerya-rl youl
2 l'm bored- l'vegot to do! 2 Sophiedoesn'tknowthe answer,
3 Thismorning------. phonedme,but she'lIhaveto
I haveno ideawho it was! or.yor'ff neverfinish
3 You must-,,.-,,--,,--.
4 I wash"ppyin the English
lessonbecause your nomeworK.
I understood--- the teachersaid. 4 They ..-.- ghostsand saythat they
5 | put my magazine , and now haveseenthreein theirhouse!
I can'tfind it! 5 I didn't het shelookedso
6 He foundlotsof shirtsin the shop,but d ifferent!
werethe colourhe wanted. 6 Canyou-------------- beinga famous
7 | tolda greatjokethismorningbut footbalIplayer?
laughed! | don'tthinktheyunderstood
+-ao 6i.l) the wordsto findfourmusical
b Completethe sentences
with | | I irx-T-ruments
andfourtypesof music.
mustn't or don't/doesn't have to. (+ or +)
I Tomorrow'sa hotiday,
so we don'thsu_e
go to schoot.
2 lunderstand-you explain
e v e r y t h i n ga g a i n .
3 You eat in ctass- it'sa schoolrule.
4 Hurry up, Sally - we --------------------.-
miss the bus.
5 My sister's for her exams,so she
do anyhousework.
6 Mum andDadtold us we

the correctwords.
tveqrynS),/ o e e n a n n k2, ,i,n6o f' n
vur ,r r !r u
r yr nJ c vn ,f

l'm reattyh.ppy - my aunt hassenf./ been E
sendingme somemoneyfor my birthday. Howdidyoudo?
My brotherhastalked,/beentalkingon the
The dog'sreallydirty becausehe'splayed,/ Totalscore o o
beenplayingin the garden.
My parentshavevisited,/ beenvisitingmy
M very
onnd OK
Notvery :
good ;

threetimesthismonth. Grammar t5-17 l0 - 14 less l0 .
I'vereod/ beenreadingthis book sinceten Vocabu\ary t0 -t) I - 9 \essthanI
o'clock,but I still haven'tfinished,/
used to

1_?:Matcheachpicturewith a paragraph
below.Write 1-4 in the boxes.

ffieltciue i: @
ince the beginning of timerpeople
tried to cure
had illnesses and doctors have
knew very
g) them. In the days when people
tot"y strange and horrible
little about medicine"o-"
cures were tried' Here are some of the worst!

I Tootdacde :
toothache didn't use to go to
Ar-icient Eglptians u'ho had
any dentists in.those davs'
thc dentist tecause there u''cren't
and put it in their mouth' Readthe text againand
So th"v used to find a <leaclmouse
Did it take the toothache listen.Write f (true),F (false)or N
fh"y i"ft it there tbr a ferv hours
happv that there's a (not enough information).
uo.rol,rWhoknou'sl? But aren't you
dentist near You? I Toothachewasa verycommon
probtemfor the ancientEgYPtians
z "6acEocile
- u'ho suffer lrom it havc 2 Whenthe EgYPtiansPut a
Backache is no t'un at all people
because a vertebra (a bonc in mousein their it died.
a lot of pain. Somettmes itis
ln ancient Greecc' doctors 3 Sometimes backache is caused
the back) is out of position
to a ladder'
to cure backache like this: thev
tied the patient by a bonethat is in the wrong
iadder up high.ancl then *: tt t*,:: the ground' position
.'crtebraweit back into place Well'-th1t rvas thc,
: 4 The ancientGreekcurefor
ld.i but this probably just macle thc backache backacheneverworked.

| " oIfnuco 5 Mixingdifferentfatsto cure

hair is
at ail ' But mcn rnu-hose baldness wasdifficult.
Of , it', not really a clisease
-" th"ytTh"-,,1?""1:.
faliingout ur" n"n", huppyab3uti-t, 6 lt's not clearif the EgYPtian
What did the'v use to cloi I curefor baldness worked
eglpiiurl, ha<lthe solution
a cat and a snake'
took the fat of a lion, a hippopotamus' 7 Peoptewho got scrofulaused
- th"tt tobbed the mixture into
mixed them together urul --but to die from it.
baldness' ma1'benot
thc man's head. May'be it stopped
the man's heatl certainh dltl'-tt
'm"ll too good aftenvards! ' i i lmagineyou werealive200 Year:
Whatdo youthink haPPened
\ 6*"f*I' skin if you had:
lr'hen there rvas a common
The Middle Ages was a time
rvon't go into the details' OK?) toothache?
diseasecalied scrolula' (We - just
easilv get rid of it thev
Peopie u'ho had scrofula coulcl a headache?
to touch them! (The question
hadio get the king or quecn backache?
ot \\'ant to touch a pcrson u'ho
is: n'h)"rvould a Li'-'g queen
had a skin disease?)

O Gnamman
clausesto makeit ctear
tF **fin;r:greietiv*e3axses exactlywho,or what,you
Lookat theseexamples. Findmoreexamples of defining Use or that for people.
relativeclausesin the text on pageg2 and underlinethem.
Use or _..-,_____.
for things
AncientEgyptianswhohadtoothachedidn'tuseto go to thedentist. andanimals.
Men whosehair is fallingout areneverhappyabout it. Usewherefor places.
Comp lete the rule. Write which,/when,/who,lth at. Use for times.
Usewhosefor possessron.
@ the correctword.
The pills@)D,/whereare usedherecost There'sa gir[ in my classwhich,/whogetsterrible
a lot of moneyl headaches.
The nursewhich,/whosawme wasvery My grandfathercanrememberthe dayswhen.l
nrce. which almostnobody traveltedby ptane.
That'sthe officethat,/wheremy mother I know a girlwho/whose father is a teacherar
usedto work. yourschool.

O vocabuLany
* Fuded;e
Matchthe partsof the sentences
to completethe definitions.
1 A hospitaIis a placewhere a takespeopleto hospital.
2 An ambulance
isa vehiclethat b tiquidis put into a person's
arm with a needte.
3 A patientis someonewno c doctorsand nursesworr.
4 An epidemiciswhen d operateson people.
5 A vaccination
is somethingwhich e a very [argenumberof peoplehavethe samedisease
6 A surgeonis someonewno f you put on a cut to keepit clean.
7 An injectionis when g hasa heatthprobtem.
8 Antisepticis somethingthat h preventsyou from gettinga disease.
Match the
pictureswith the sentences.
Write the letters in the boxes.
The listen,check and repeat.
I I'vegot toothache.
2 l'vegot stomachacne.
3 My eyeshurt.
4 l'vegot a temperature.
5 I'vegot a sorethroat.
6 My anktehurts.
7 I'vegot a cold.
8 l'vegot a painin my chest.

Listento four
patients at the doctor's.
What problem does each
Mr Parker.._______.______.._.
3 MrJohnson
Turnto page116.
2 MrsJones___..____._..___.__
4 MrsSmith
:lc usedto
from the text on page82.
Lookat theseexamples
They used to find a dead mouse and put it in their mouth.
Ancient Egyptiansdidn't useto go to the dentist.
What did they useto do?

Lookat thesesentences.
Can you explain
the difference?
My dad usedto listen to U2
songsallthe time when he
was a teenageL
My dad listened to the new
Alicia KeysCD this morning.
He reallv liked it!

Completethe rule.

usedto + verbexpresses
an actionwhichhappened
in the
k,,+ q
. | ^o^e
. ^s
' +n l ^ - ^
DUr r napPen

1-5 with sentences
1 Janeusedto eat lots of hamburgers. a ShereadsteenaSemagazines
2 Karenusedto readlots of comics. b He still playssometimes,
but I don't play
3 We often usedto go to our flat on the beach. We don't go thereanymore.We prefer
4 fony and I usedto playtabletennis. d Shestoppedeatingfast food a yearago.
5 We usedto go to Greecefor our holidays. e We sotdit a yearagoand boughta bigger
one in town.

Completethe sentences.
Usethe presentsimpteandthe correctform of usedto.
ta b_e (be)a clothesshop,but now it sel[s (sett)CDs.
That shop _Lts_e-d
2 You _________________
(b") my friend, but now you only . ... (r"y)horriblethingsabout me!
3 Hisfather (notsmoke)anymore,but when he wasyoungerhe (smoke)
60 cigarettesa dayl
My favouriteplayer (not be)very good now,but he (be)the best
in the country.
A: ........,._..._...,_
(you/ tike)eggswhenyou werea child?
B: No, but now | ([ove)them.
(yourfather / play)football when he wasyounger?
A: _-____--___--___-___..
B: Yeshe did - but he (b")too old now!

G spealr * tisten
I Work in pairs.Lookat the informationhereand _9=, Listento the song.
thinkaboutwhenyou werefiveor sixyearsold. Circlethe correctwords.
Readeachquestionandtick (/)the box if it is
true for you.Puta cross(X)if it is not true.

{Faul Sin"r*ni
YOUB I went to my doctorlteacheryesterday,
FRIEND ShesaidI seemto be OK.
... cry a lot? i''- i Shesaid 'Paul,you'd better drive around I
i ..::l
... read comics? t : look qround.
... watch eartoons on TV? : l How long do you think that you can
Run that body down?
... worry about the clothes
How many nights do you think
you wore?
That you cando what you'vebeendoing?
... listen to music in your Now, who are you seeinglfooling?'
... think there were I camebackhomeandI wentto bed.
monsters under your bed? . : I was restingmyfeetlhead.
My wife camein and shesaid:
What's wrong, sweetdreamslboy,
b Now askyour partnerabout him/her,for example: what'swrong?'
I told her what'swrong.
WhenI wassmall,lusedto crya lot.DidyouT I said:'Peg,you'dbetterlook around.
Puta tick (/) or cross(X)in the boxesunder How long do you think that you can
'your Run that body down?
How many nights do you think
That you can do what you've beendoing?
0 tisten Now, who are you seeinglfooling?'

0 JosephListerwasthe Kid, you'dbetterlook around.

manwho first used How long do you think that you can
What are Run that body down?
usedfor? How many nights do you think that you can
Do what you'vebeendoing?
Listento Vicky Now, who are you seeinglfooling?'
tellingAndyabouta protramme
shesawaboutJosephLister.Why did
a lot of patientsuseto die in hospitals?
apiWhatdo you thinkthe song
C Readthe summaryand completeit is about?
with the missing
your answers.

Joseph Lister was a doctor from I . He lived in the 2 ____-

century and was the first doctor to use antiseptics in 3 _______-
In those days, hospitals used to be really a __--___, and so a lot of
patients Doctors didn't use to 6 ___ their hands before
they treated patients. In the hospital where Lister worked, a lot of people
were 7______________--___-._
, so he decided to tell all the to wash their
hands. But even after this, o/oof the patients died.

Later, he started to use ro to clean all the medical

instruments and after that, only 7oof the patients died.
At first, other doctors laughed at Listel but in the end they realised that
he was

U N I TI I 85
Readthe text quickly.Findout what
happenedin theseyears:
2 2004 3 1999

Readthe text againand

listen.Answer the questions.
How and when did MddecinsSans
Frnnfi)ro< heoin?

Wheredoesthe moneyfor MSF

3 Who doesMSFhelp?
4 What kindof work do MSFpeopledo?
5 Why and how \s the work dangerous?

l l l l n 1 9 7 .t1h e r ew a sa w a ri n a p a r to f N i g e t i a [ 3 ]T h eo r g a n i s a t i ohne'asd q u a r taertesi n G e n e v a ,

e e f ed y i n g , Switzerland. lt is non-political - whichmeans thatno
calleB , w e s t e tA
d i a f i ai n n f r i c aP. e o p lw
c h i l d r ewne r eh u n g rayn dt h e r ew a sa l o to f d i s e a s e government controls it.About900/o of themoneythat
T h e rw e e r et h o u s a n o d fsp e o p l w e h on e e d em d e d i c a l MSFneeds comes fromindividual donations; thetes:
h e l p b u tt h e t ew e r en od o c t o rosr n u f s etso h e l p comes from governments and businesses. MSF helps
t h e mS . o m ed o c t o rf st o mF r a n cwee n tt o w o r kt h e r e evelyone, it doesn't mattef what their race, religlon r
a sv o l u n t e e a t sn,ds o m eo f t h e md e c i d etdo s t a r t p o l i t i casr e .
a no r g a n i s a t i n t o h e l pd i s a s t v
e i
r c t i m as l lo v e t
r h e doctors in neatl'.
[4] MSFhasabout3,000volunteer
world.ThatwaswhenMddecins SonsFrontteres different countries. These volunteers do many diffei
( M S Fw) a sb o r n .
things: some,of coufse, careforpeople whoaresic.
Medectns Sons Frontidres has or iniured. and others train local doctors andnutses n
[2] Sinceit started,
h e l p epde o p lael lo v e rt h ew o r l dT. h ed i s a s t m e ri g h t M
t h e i ro w nc o u n t r i e s S Fa l s os e n des n q l n e et o
r s
b ew a ro t a ne a r t h q u aokrea t s u n a m o ir a f a m i n-e countries to helppeople to dothingslikemaking r',
g a tm e a nps e o p lnee e dm e d i c ah le l p
a n y t h i nt h sotheycanhavecleanwatet.
15]lt is oftendangerous wotkfor
thevolunteers. Theyaresometimes
aitacked, or kidnapped, or killedFc-
example, fiveMSFvolunteers were
killed i n 2
i nA f g h a n i s t a n 0 0 4 .
f6l ln 1999,Mddedns SonsFrontids
wontheNobelPeace Thistt=
of thework
in recognition that /t4S;
hasdone,andof thecourage of tre
c , Find words or phrasesin the text
that mean:
re Write a short articleaboutsomeone
famousin science you can
or medicine.
I to work without a salary usethesenotesaboutAlexanderFleming,
(paragraphl) or choosesomeoneelseif you want.
2 started(paragraph t)
3 whenthere is not enoughfood for people
to eat and Iive(paragraph
4 mainoffices(paragraph 3)
5 look after(paragraph
6 badlyhurt (paragraph

d Use a word or phrasefrom Exercise9c to

complete each sentence.
I He can'tplayfootballnextweek- he,s
2 Manypeoplediedin the
they didn'thaveanyfood.
born t88t (Scotlond)
3 Theyweren'tpaidfor the work - they / died lgSS /
were.- medicine 192g
Speciolised in ontiseptics
4 Seethat bigbuilding?
of the companymy dad worksfor. 1928: discovered penicillin

1.945:,won Nobel prize

with two
@ wnite other scientists (Floreg
& Choin)

q l
Readthe text aboutMarieSktodowska-
Curie.Howdid shebecomefamous?
Work in sma[[groups.Discussthese
Morie Sklodowsko-Curie wos born questions.
in Polondin 1867. Her fotherwos o
I What do you think arethe most imDortant
Physicsteocher,ond she usedto enioy
Physics ot school.Morie went to poris
2 lmagine
you couldfind a curefor one
i n l 8 9 l o n d m e to s c i e n t i scto l l e d
Whichone wouldit be andwhy?
PierreCurie in 1892. Theygot morried
in 1895. Together, Pierreond Morie
discoveredrodium on elementthot is
very importontfor nucleorscience.Morie
Sktodowsko-Curie wos the first personto
usethe word 'rodiooctive'.
In Morie becomethe firstwomon
to win o Nobel Prize- she shoredit with
Pierre.Then,in 1904, Pierrebecomeo
memberof the 'Acod6mieFrongoise,.
Women weren't ollowed fo become
members,so Morie wos neveroccepted
by them.
Pierredied in on occidentin but
Morie went on workinguntilher deoth in

U N I T1 1
informationtechnologyand computers,
the language
of the internet

andlisten 'c. Readthe articleagainand listen.Write f (true)
or F (false).
A . How often do you use a
1 Kyliehasa blog.
computer?What do you use
it for? What do your friends 2 Bretthasneveroosteda video.
or family use a computer for? 3 Kytiedoesn'tlikethe reading
stuffon agirlswortd.com.
4 The intervieweraskedBrettto recommenda website
: b Readthe magazinearticle
but he didn'tanswer.
quicklyand find out who:
5 Brettwoutd Iiketo havemoretime to listento podcasts.
, hastheirown web page
6 Kylieisn'tsureif shewouldwantto work in computing.
Iistensto oodcasts
wouldliketo work in :_d,,Whose ideasabout computersare closestto your own
computing Brettl or Kylie's?


O Gnamman with the correctform

Comptetethe sentences
ofthe verbs.
:t Second
1 I think it :d b_e_(be)a greatparty if the music
Look at thesesentencesfrom the
be)so slow.
text on page 88. Are they about real
or imaginedsituations? z What (you/do)if your do8
lf we didn't have the internet, life would
be really boring. 3 She (tatk)to you if you ....... (be)
lf someoneaskedme that question,I nicerto her.
wouldn'tknow what to sav. 4 He (nottidy) hisroom if hisfather
(nottett)him to.
Findmoreexamples of the second
conditionalin the text on page88 ..(have)moremoney,I
lf | ............
andunderline them.Thencomplete (buy)nicerclothes.
the rule. Who (you/invite)if you
(win)a hotidayfor two?
6 * ......simple, + ....../
wouldn't (would nof) + vg15.
Turnto page'l'11.
the correctwords.
t tf l6idl would havea bit more
money,I bought / would buy a new
: sDeak
We often uself I wereyou,l'd ...to giveadvice.
They would pass/ passedtheir Work with a partner. Look at the problems and
examsif they would work / worked take turns to give advice.
A: I'm bored! BiIf I wereyou, I'd read a book.
lf we would live / Iivednearerschool,
1 | haven'tgot any money.
we wouldn'thave/ had to take a bus.
2 My parentsdon't understand
fhey came/ would cometo your
party if you asked/ would askthem. 3 My computerkeepscrashing.
lf she was/ would be reallyi[[,she 4 | think I mightbe addictedto the internet.
went / would 80 to seea doctor. 5 | don't know whatto do next weekend.
I gave/ would giveyou her addressif 6 I'm not doingveryweil at school.
I knew / would know it mvsetf.
Putthe verbsin the correctform to make
questionsin the second conditional.Then ask
and answerthe questions.
A: Where would you go if you could visit any
country in the world?
B: I'm not sure.PerhapsI'd go to Mexico.
Where ...you ...(go)if you ...(can)visit anycountry
in the world?
Where...you ...(tive)if you ...(haveto) livein a
lf you ...(can)go to any event in the world you ...
(want),whichone ...you...(go)to?
lf you ...(can)meet an importantperson,who ...
you ...(meet)?
5 What...you...(do)if you...(be)invisible
for a day?
6 lf you ...(can)haveone wish,what...you ...(wish)for?
Who do you thinkthe
girl in the photograph
is?What do you think
the magazine articleto
checkyour ideas.

Answerthe questions.
Why doesJennythink
. boysdon't createweb
2 ln what threeweb-
more active than boys?
3 In what wayswould
boysneedto be
differentto changethe
4 What is strangeabout
the numberof women
and men in computer- saythatamong
Experts younginternet ifs notthe
relatedjobs? boyswhocreatemostwebcontentThepioneers
internet arethegirls.
Whatdo the underlined
wordsfrom the text
According toJennyBaker, whose aredesigning
hobbies icons,layauts
mean? 'slifters'
and just patient
, rnostboys aren't for
enouEh uploar
I the pioneersof the
internet(ParagraPh 1) 0nherownwebsite, andbelievesthatmostboysdon'toftenhavetheir
2 Girls areaheadof boYs ownsites.Shethinksit'smainly girls.
AndJennyis right.A studyshowsthat,amonginternetusersaged12tc
3 an interactive 17, alotmore dirbblogthanboys(35percentofgirlscompared (32
(paragraph5) peicentofboyi). A lotmoregirlsalsoworkontheirownwebpages
percentof giriscompared with22percent0f boys).Girlsarealsgahea:
4 in the iob market people'
0f boysin working0nwebsites forother
(paragraph 6)
Girlsalsoseem t0bemore active theirownwebbusiness'
podcastswhichhavebecome t
successfulandsometimes have
thecreators theirown'

sometimes morecreative thanboys'

Other girlshavestartedinteractive aftic
'Girls reao
written forgirlsbygirls. from
articles, andtheyask lots ofquestions,'
they say''l
-boysliketo helpotherpeople more''Oneexpeft sai
weremoreinterested inhelpingotherpeople'
numbers would bedifferent.'
Butif girlsaremoreenthusiastic aboutcomputers'
dowomenonlyhave27 centof computer-rela1
jobs?Maybe thiswillchange inthefuture- after

G vocabutany
Matchthe wordsin the box with the
numbereditemsin the pictures.Writethe words
in the spaces.
Thenlisten,checkand repeat.

screen keyboardUSBstick CDdrive

adapte+ mouse touchpad printer
USBslot powerlead

Completethe text with the wordsin

the box.Thenlistenandcheck.

crashed downtoad loggedon network

passwordp+€ run runout save surfed

Mydadtoldmea storyaboutwhenhewastravelling
Listento three
to usehislaptop peopletalkingaboutproblems
wasa placetot pl.ag hislaptop
to dosomework.There in- with computers.Matcheach
withhim,sohehadto 2,
speaker with a picture.Writel-3
onthebattery. in the boxes.
Anyway,heswitchedthecomputer onandfoundtherewasa free
Wi-Fi sohegota username
. ___---_ anda a and
He 6________________-__
thenetfora while,
to hisworkthathe
wantedto 7 ontohisharddrive.
Sohestafted to
them.Whilethatwasgoingon,hewentoffto get
somethinotodrink. Listenagainand
answerthe questions.
Whenhecameback, hefoundthathiscomputerhade
Thebatteryhad _______________ Andnotonlythat- his
, of course. How manyhoursa daydoes
wasdelayed forthreehoursandhecouldn'tusehislaptop the first speakerspendon the
anvmore! computer?
How doeshe try to stop getting
:h g5:eiang*ag*cf the intern*t What kindof work doesthe girl's
Matchwords1-6 with definitionsa-f. father do?
'I 4 What doesherfatherwear?
online./offline 4 to publish(apage)
2 a chatroom 5 a searchengine 5 What do the third speaker's
3 a provider 6 a browser friendsthinkabouthim?

to put (apage)on the worldwideweb

b a programme
that letsyou readinformationon the
internet Work with a partner.Ask and
c connected./ not connectedto the internet answerthese questions.
'talk'to 1 What advicewouldyou giveto
d a placewhereyou can otherpeopleonline
a companythat givesyou an Internetconnection the first soeakef
t softwarefor findingweb pageswith the information 2 What advicewouldyou giveto
you want the girl'sfather?
3 What advicewoutdyou giveto
Turnto page117. the third soeaker?
Don'tjudgea book.!.
Lookat the title of the photo story.What do you think it means?
What kindof book
is Debbiereading?
Readand listento find the answers.

Pete:Good book?
Debbie:Yeah,it is,and at the sametime it
helpsyou find out moreaboutyourself.
Pete:Oh, one of those.I neverreadthat
sort of thing.lt's not worth it.

Debbie:No, sometimesthey'rereallygood.Thisquestionnaire,
for example.lt'saboutyour hiddentalents.
Debbie:Well,Pete- | think it'sa shamethat you feel that way.
Pete:Well,OK.Let me havea [ook.

Debbie:Lookslikehe finds i.
it interesting
afteral[l ir Pete:SorryDebbie
- it'sno good.
l. Oebbie:Why?
i e"t", lt says
i brilliantat design
and at manual
1,things.'Me! I'mnot
!: brilliant
at aItllt just
i goesto show.
i o"bbi"' What?That
i: schooldoesn't help
il:you discoveryour
Pete:No, that you can'tjudge a book by its cover.

Putthe sentences
in the correctorder.
1 DebbieshowsPetehow the book can helpspeopleto find out what they aregood at
2 DebbietellsPetethat the book hetpsher understandherselfbetter.
3 Petetettsherthat he doesn'tfind this kindof literatureinteresting.
4 The resultsconfirmwhat he thinksaboutsuchbooks.
5 Debbieis readinga book.
6 Petestartsto try it out himself.

@ Evenyday
Engtish @ tmpnovisation
Findthe expressions
l-6 in the story.Who Work with a partner.Taketwo minutes
@ saysthem? How do you saythem in your to preparea short role play.Try to use
language? someof the expressions from Exercise
'L.. lOa.Do not write the text,just agreeon
at the sametime...
your ideasfor a short scene.Thenact
2 lt'snot worth it
it out.
3 lt'sa shame
Basicidea: Pete is havingtrouble in the
4 Lookslike... d e s i g nc l a s s H
. i s t e a c h e ri s t a l k i n gt o h i m .
5 lt'sno good.
6 lt just goesto show Team
Completethe dialogues
with expressions
O l-6fromExerciselOa.
I A: Haveyou heard?Sarah's
fatheris in
B: I know. lt's a shame._
. He'sa reallynice
2 A : Hey,[ook at the sky!
B: I know- a[[blackclouds!
it'sgoingto rain!
3 A : Patricklost the final.That'sawful.
B: Yes,it'sa shame.Wel[,
- sometimes
bestplayersdon't winl
4 A: Areyou goingto the concert?
B: No. Haveyou seenthe price?f85.O0l!

5 A: Areyou OK with the German

homework,Evie? Makesureyou understand the meaning
B: Not really,no.Oh,
of the wordsbelow.Usea dictionaryif
I just don't understand
this stuff!
6 A: Wow - the mathsteachergaveus30 deadline folding
problemsfor homeworkl
B: I know! And designproject toy rabbit
wantsusto get everythingrightl
let someoneoff dustbin

*iseussi*nb*x hangon to something Senlus

1 Do you agreewith Petethat it's
not worth readingthe kindof Peteis in a difficultsituation.Canyou
bookthat Debbieshowshim? guesswhat the problemis?Useasmany
Why / Why not? of the wordsfrom Exercise l2a asyou
2 How do you choosethe books like.Thenwatchepisode6 andfind out
you read? whathappens.
3 Haveyou everreada book
you [ikedthe covef
@ wPite
Readthe advertisement
1 Whichtopic did he chooseto write about?
2 Do you think he shoutdwin the competition?Why / Why nofl

or with
If I could study English on a computer
not choose
books in a library, I would definitely
the librarY!
Write q short qrticle and I
to, our mog.,zi,.e I would have to be quiet in a library'
(tz6-15g wor{5) ond yqu
could win q probably wouldn't find all the latest information'
new computer! I
If another student had the book I wanted'
W r i t e i n E n g l i s ho n o ' 1 eo J That would be
there topicsl would. most likely have to wait'
really boring.
If I studied on a computer, I would easily
podcasts to listen to
lots of websites to read' and
and email
in English. I could find a chat room
That would
other teenagers who speak English'
certainly helP.
languages and
There are CD-ROMs for learning
You can
you can practise things you find difficult'
Iisten to it'
record. your own voice and then
I needed if I
I would get allthe information
- be really
worked. on a computer it would
Lookat the five undertinedexpressions.
: convenient.
Whichone doesnot sayhow surethe
writer is aboutsomething? ,,lx.r.r11,!f.*:::l1l.:r':1|rlllaril"lllll'ili:rrr|'119r'}:"":'r|rt9:::r:'llii::::t1lr:1"rl]r'rr'fll:'::!'l::::

Writeyour entry to the competitionandchooseone of the other topics

(2 or 3).Write 120-150words.UseAhmed'sarticleto hetpyou.

Lastbut not least:mone
Readthesesentences. Who do you think saideachone:a parent(P),ateacher(T),
a doctor (D)...?Then,look againandtick your opinion.
Who Agree Disatre e N o

I Computersaren'tgood for your concentration. I

2 Most internetsitesdon't giveyou reliableinformation.

3 More thanthreel-toursa day in front of a computerisn't
good for you. t_-

4 Computersaregood for makingfriends. il:

5 Usingcomputersall the time makesus stressed.
6 Computersarea realtypositivepart of our lives.

7 Computersmeanwe canspendmoretime enjoyingourselves' il l


I ComputerusecancausephysicaIprobtems. il L-

for your choices'

Work in pairs.Compareyour answersandtell your partnerthe reasons
Choosethe two statementsyou feel most
Work in smalltroups (differentpartners).
stronglyabout and discussthem.

% Grammar # vocabutapy
a ; Complete the sentenceswith the correct relative :* Completethe sentences
with the
pronouns:who, that, where or which.Sometimes wordsin the box.
there are two possib[ecorrect answers.
--t-.,,l^^-^ ^-;^ l
1 That'sthe boy whpllhqI. scoredthreegoats aFftDU€F|re Patn IemPeraIUre

yesterday. hurt patient injection

2 | lovethe shop I boughtthisshirt. 1 Johnwastakento hospitalin an

3 | don't tikepeople , don't taughat my jokes! ambulance
4 Our neighbours havegot a dog , always
.____. 2 | fettoverand now l'vegot a
makesa lot of noise, nere.
5 LastnightI downloadeda computerprogram 3 l'm DoctorChen'snew
letsyou playmusicon the computer.
4 Jenny'sgot flu anda __..._ of
6 There's
a girlin our class speaks 40 "c.
nerfect Snenish.
5 I'vebeenwalkingall day,and my
legsreally now!
,b,i Completethe sentences. Usethe presentsi
or the correct form of usedto. 6 | askedthe dentistto giveme
d t l beforehe started
1 That shop usedto (setl)CDs,but now it 1S
workingon my teeth
(be)a supermarket. E
2 My grandparents
__. (live)in Francenow,but i n t Write the words from the box in
they (tive)in London. the lists.
3 | (enjoy)Mathsa lot now,but when I was
younger,| (hate)it! CD drive print
mouse save togon
4 My sister (eat)a lot of chips,but she powerlead download crash
(nottike)themanymore. surf network USBslot
5 | (notuse)my mobilephoneverymuch,
but now I . (use)it a lot! Partsof a computer
6 A: ...___.____..___.._
you __..___. (have)baddreams key.b-q-qrd
whenyou werea chitd?
B:Yes, I did,but I (not have)
them anymore. lTil Usinga computer
t t " l
,E Completethe sentences.
Usethe correctform of
the verbs.
The internet
1 lf I had (have)
I d bay
(buy)a newcomputer. surf
2 tfl (know)hername,| (tetl)you.
3 he............ (surf)the net all dayif he Howdidyoud0?
(have)a computer? Checkyour score
4 lfwe (Set)homeaftermidnight,
vour Darents (be)angry?
! Totalscore o e @
very Not very
I'msurehe (go)out with you if you onnd OK good
Grammar t2-15 9 -12 less
lf there (be)a betterclothesshopin
Vocabulary |-14 8 -10 less
town, | (not buy)my clotheshere. l:

U N I T1 2 95
Vesl[u[ary: noun suffixes
-r. -er.-or and -ist

Whereis Tikal?Who do
you think livedthere?Read
the text quicklyto find the

Readthe text
againand listen.Answerthe
1 WhydidAmbrosio Tutclimb
a treeinthesummer of 1848?
2 WhatdidTutfindin the
3 WhendidtheMayans
4 Whenandwhy did the
5 Who werethe first peopleto
talkaboutthe hiddencity?

Do you knowof anyother

placesor thingswhichwere
again'after hundreds
of years?Tellthe class.
O Gnamman A = beforeTut ctimbeduo the tree
B = afterTut climbedup the tree
tr Lookat the informationin the box.Thenreadsentences
l-6 and write A or B in the boxes.
He ranto te[[the governor.
2 No one had seenTikalfor centuries.
3 Two explorershadwritten a report- but they hadn'tmentionedTikat.
4 Thetwo mensawtemptesand pyramids.
5 LocalIndianshadtold Europeans
abouta greatcity.
6 The city of Tikalhad beenthe centreof Mayancivilisation.

In Exercise
2a,the verbsin sentences 2, 3,5 and6 arein the pastperfect.Underline
examples of the pastperfectin the text on page96.Thencirclethe correctwordsin the
ruleandcompletethe table.

Usethepastperfectto makeit ctearthatoneactionhappened

before/ at the same time as another action in the past.

E Completethe sentences. the correctwords.

Use the past perfect form @
of the verbs.
ln l53l Francisco Pizarro'6inAZ had
1 Whenlgot home,my goneto Peruto look for gold.Whenhe
brotherwasn'tthere- he arrivedin Peru,he foundthat the Incas
hsd Sp_ne (go)out. ) built ,/ had built a hugeempire.Peopte
2 Shecoutdn'tget into 3lived,/ had livedin Perufor centurieswhen
the housebecauseshe the lncasstartedbuilding theirempire,
([ose)her keys.
Thor Heyerdah[, from Norway,a was,/ had beena famous
3 My parentswere upset explorerin the twentiethcentury.After Heyerdah[ 5built ./ had
becauseI built hisfamousship,the Kon-Tiki,he sailedin it from Peruto
(notget)good marksin Polynesia in1947.The Kon-Tiki6 sailed,zhad sailedformore
the test. .l955
than 8,OOO kilometreswhen it reachedPolynesia, ln and
We didn'tgo to the party HeyerdahlT went,zhad beenon anotherexpedition, this
on Sundaybecause they time to Easterlsland.
(not invite)us.
I didn'trecognise my uncte
because he Completethe sentences.
Usethe pastsimpleor pastperfect
(change) a lot sincethe last form of the verbs.
t i m el s a wh i m . 1 My mum wasangrybecause| ..-h.a.dn't
dpne.. (not do) my
Theymissed the train. homework.
Whenthey got to the 2 lt wasgood to seeCarollastweek.I (not see)her for
station,it 2 opc

already (leave). 3 A hundred yearsago,someone-__.___--___--__--.__-

(find)the Inca city of
MachuPicchu. Tourists (So)thereimmediatety to seeit
Turnto page111.
" l

SPealt I unhappy I lostmywatch.

Work with a partner. Myparents tare you 'd veryhard.

Makeasmanycorrect Myfriend NCTVOUS WC forthetest.
sentences asyou can because
with the wordsin the We tired they wona prizeina competition
were hadn't
tabte. excited she asked question.
a diffrcutt
Theteacher anSry he sleptfora longtime.
Iost my watch.

A story:Andyhelpsa iitttegirl
Findthe followingthingsin the pictures.

two teenagers a bandage an ambutance an Americanfootba[[ a smallgirl crying

Work with a partner.Putthe picturesin orderto makea story.Write 2-5 in the boxes.

Tellthe story.Startwith pictureC.

Andy wasgoinghome from school.He was walkingthroughthe park when
he saw a little girl who had fallenoff her bicycle.

Now te[[ the story again,but this time start from pictureD.

Thinkof a situationthat you were in, in the past.Saywhat it wasandwhat happened.

A'.Twomonthsago I couldn'tget into my housebecauseI'd lost the keys!
8.. LastFridayI couldn'tpay for my hamburgerbecauseI'd left my moneyat home.

O risten
fhe paintingsof Lascaux
Pictures A-F tellthe storyof how somevery
old paintings werefound.Putthem in orderto tell the
story.Write l-6 in the boxes.Thenlistento the first part
of a radioprogrammeand checkyour answers.

Use-f -er, -ist,or -or to make

nounsfrom the words.
1 plumb p-lumber
2 journat
3 present
4 cycte
5 art
5 farm
7 invent
8 juggte
9 decorate
10 reception

Completethe sentences.
Choosefrom the nouns in
Listento the secondpart ofthe
programme and answerthe questions. '|
Whenyou leavethe hotel,
I How old arethe paintingsin the cave?
pteasegivethe keyto the
2 How manypaintings
arethere in the Lascaux
caves? r_eeeplie-ni5!.
3 What do most of the oicturesshow? 2 There'swater a[[over the
4 How manypeoplewent to the caveseverydayto see kitchenfloor. We need a
the paintings? rightnow!
5 Whenwerethe cavesctosedto visitors? 3 Whenwe wereat the circus,we
sawa real[ybad .He

i vocabulany droppedthe batlsthreetimesl

OprahWinfreyis a famous
!b Nounsuffixes-r,-er,-or and-isf AmericanTV show
Findnounsin the text on page96 that mean: Carscan'tcomedown here-
I a personwho cotlectsthings it'sonly for pedestrians
2 a personwho exptoresother countries________
A dairy hasto get
3 a personwho is in chargeof a politicalunit
up earlyto milkthe cows.
4 a personwho travels
5 a personwho worksin archaeology .
6 a personwho studiesthe starsand ptanets
Beadandlisten Readthe text againand listen.
Answer the guestions.
Lookat the namesof the three
1 Whendid the El Doradolegendbegin?
citiesin the text.Whichone was:
2 Whatdoes'E[Dorado'mean
r inAsia?
3 Why werethe peopleof Atlantisrich?
r in SouthAmerica?
4 In what waysdid the peopleof Atlantischange?
I on anislandinthe ocean?
5 How wasAtlantisdestroyed?
Readthe text quicklyandcheck
6 What do peoplesayaboutShambhata
andthe people
your ideas.
who livethere?
7 What do somepeoplethinkwill happenin 2424?
Findwordsor phrasesin the text on Useone of the words/phrasesfrom Exercise7c
page 100 which mean: to complete each sentence.You may need to
1 a storythat mitht, or mightnot, be changethe form.
true '|
We coutdseethe bottom of the mountain,but
2 thingsthat existin a placeandthat there were ctoudscoveringthe . pggks...
Peoprecanuse 2 Hernew dressmustbe veryexpensive - it looks
3 wantinga lot more(food,zmoney) !
thanyou need 3 A kingcalled'YikinChanKawiil'was one of the
4 the highestpoints(of mountains) Mayan of Tikalin the past.
5 amazing,
wonderfu. 4 Thiscountryhasgot oil, minerals,forests- lots
6 peoplewho leadcountries of naturaI
5 He wasn'thungry,but he ate everythingon the

@ (,
A short stoty
. ,
Readthe story and -.
e?4€- -

matchit with one of 4s 4>.

the pictures.

About a month aRo,I waswalkingaloneon First,I totd the childrento moveawayfrom the
the beachin the evening.I hadfinishedmy bomb.FortunatelvI hadmy mobitephonewith me,
homework,and I wantedto relax. so I caltedthe poticeandtotd them what we had
SuddenlvI sawtwo childrenstandingon the found.15minuteslater,the policearrived.ThenI
beach.Theyhadfound something, andthey went homeagain.
were[ookingat it. lt wasbig,reddish-brown The nextday,I heardthat the policehad blownthe
and madeof meta[.When I lookedat it, I bomb up. lt had beenin the sandon the beachfor
knewimmediately that it wasan old bombl over 60 years,and it wasvery dangerous!

Matchthe topicswith the paragraphs

Write A-D in the boxes.
in the text. Spealt
'| Work in pairsor small
What the peoplefound,and what it tookedlike.
troups. Discussthe
2 What happenedin the end,andan explanation
for the event. following questions.
3 Settingthe scene(wherethe peoplewere,what '|
Haveyou heardof any
the weatherwas likeetc.). il other'mythicalcities'?
4 What the peopledid afterfindingthe object. TetIyour partner(s).
Lookat the underlinedwordsin the story.Whichones 2 ls it possiblethat there
describe: areplacesin the world
that no one hasfound?
o thetimewhenthings happened?
Why / why not?
e the orderin whichthingshappened?
3 lmagineyou couldvisit
Whichof the underlinedwordsareusedto makethe one ofthe threeptaces
story more interesting? describedin the texts
on pagel0O.Whichone
Write a storyaboutsomethingyou found.Chooseone of would it be?Why?
the other picturesin Exercise
8a,or write your own story.
Usesomeof the underlinedexpressions in your story.
noun suffixes-ation and-ment

Readthe article.Numberthe pictures1-4 in the orderthey happened.
Readthe articleagain.Answer Putthe reportedspeechinto directspeech.
the questions. Mr Chevalier saidhe wasa luckyman.
I Whendid Chevalier's
historyof accidents
begin? q msn: , saidMr Chevalier.
l|n luc_.k_y
2 Why wasChevalier
not kittedwhenhe fell out Mr Chevalier saidhe hadhada lot of luck
of the plane? in his life. saidMr Chevalier.
3 How badlyhurt wasChevalier
whenthe bus Mr Chevalier saidhe wasgoingto marry
hit him? hisg i r l f r i e n d.' saidMr Chevalier.
a Why did he drivehiscar off the roada few Mr Chevalier saidhe wantedto enjoy
yearslater? the restof his[ife. 1 said
think he'svery lucky,or
5 DoesMr Cheva{ier Mr Chevalier.
veryunlucky? TheTV companysaidChevatier would be
6 Why did he decidenot to fly to America? realtygood in an advertisement.
saidthe TV company.
Do you think Mr Chevalieris very lucky, could
TheTV companysaidChevalier
or veryunlucky? ', ',
earna lot of money. saidthe
TV company.

O Gnammar Putthe directspeechinto reported

* speech.
'l 'l'm Tom
Who saidthesethingsin the text on page102? tired,'said
Write Chevalier/ The doctors / ATV company. Tom said(that)he WssfltQd.
'You 'l'm
1 were [ucky.' Thedocto_rs said goinghome,'he said.
He saidhe home.
'l'm 'l've
2 goingto enjoymy lifefrom now on,' workedhard,'saidMaria
Chevalier said Mariasaidshe hard.
'We 'l'[[
3 wantyou to makea commerciat.' do my homework[ater,'Johntold Kim.
said john told Kim he tater.
'l 'You
4 won't fly to LosAngeles.' said 5 can phoneme,Laura,'I said.
I told Laurashe me.
6 neverhadso much[uck,'said Ellen.
How arethe statementsabovereported Ellensaidshe so much[uck.
in the text on page102?Findthe reported
statementsin the text and completethe
sentences in Exercise
2a. SPealt
Work with a partner.StudentA, look at
Lookat the directspeechand reported
this page.StudentB,turn to page'126.
statementsin Exercise
2a.Completethe table.
-- StudentA: askStudentB thesequestions,
t*;** t R"ft;'p"J***: but don'twritethe answersdown;you
Presentsimple ) mustremember them!Thenfind another
Pastsimple ) partnerandtell him,/herwhat you found
Presentperfect ) Pastperfectsimple out aboutStudentB,
am/is/are going to t I spoketo Maria.Shesaidshecouldremember
can/can't ) could/couldn't herfirstdayat school.Shealsosaidthat ...
will/won't t o Canyourememberyourfirstdayat
r Whatdidyouhavefor breakfast
o What did you do lastSaturday?
a Haveyou beento the USA?
say:He said (that) he didn't want to go.
tell: He told the teacher,/me,/us,lher[etc.]
(that) he didn't want to go.
r v0cabulaFy , listen
!h Noun suffixes-ation and Sebastian
phoned Emilyyesterday.
Completethe sentences.
Usethe Listento their conversation
noun forms of the verbs. and answerthe questions.
1 Mr Chevalierneeded treatment for 1 Wheredid Sebastian
shockafterthe trainaccident.(treat) Emityto go?
2 Mr Chevalier
got an ... ...to do 2 Whattimedidtheyarrange
to meet?
an advertisementin America.
Thingsdidn'tgo well!Lookat the
3 My teachersaysshe'snoticeda real
picturesandseewhathappened. Putthem in
in my French.(improve)
the correctorder.Thenlistento Sebastian's
4 Our schoolneedssomenew conversationwith Melindaandcheckyouranswers.
I did a quick ...__________-___..,,
to see how
muchmoneyl'd spent.(calculate)
6 He studiedhotel ano now
he runsa hotel in Paris.
Excuse me,cou[dyou giveme some
about busesplease?
Leti go to the cinema- | needsome

Completeeachspacewith one
word.Choosea verbfrom the box
andwrite the correctnounform.
Listento part of the conversation
canceI entertain complete the sentenceswith the correct verbs.
equip inform pay reserve treat
Yourfoot's in olaster!What
We went for a biketrip on Saturdayand we
werejust ridingacrossthisfield whenthe suncarrE
jWindyhols Holiday out, so I put my sunglasses
Wet[,a minute[aterwe werein the woodr
A comfortable 1 accommodation- andthe sunwasgone,and it wasreallydark,and I
in modern tents didn'tseethis bigstoneand I fell off and brokemy
A great withmusicanddancing ankle.
everynight Melinda:Oh,dear.So if your DUt VOUTPIA
A lotsof sportsto play(andyoucanhire on, you wouldn't off. That'sbad luclc
fromus) Sebastian:
Well,I'mnot sure.Maybeit wasgood ludc
A doctorin case needmedical them on in the first place,the sun
haveblindedme.lf the sunhadblindedme,I
Goto our websitevuvuw.windyhols.com
havefaltenoff eartiermaybe.And who knows:
for more . ltlakeyour online
lwould both my anktes.
n ! Weonly accept
creditrard. 100% in advance- Melinda:Oh, Sebastian,
you canbe so funny.
allowed! Sebastian:
And there'sanotherreasonwhv I thinkit
good luck!
Turnto page117. lf I hadn'tbrokenmy ankte,you s
stoppedto talkto me!
U N I T1 4
Gramman tisten
* rh;rd conditionai
Readthe wordsof the song.
Lookat the examples.
Thencomplete Whichwordsin italicsdo you thinkyou
the rule. wi[] hear?Listenand checkyour answers.
It wouldn'thavehoppenedif t hadn'tgone on
that biketrip.
lf the sunhad blindedme, I would hovefollen
frUIE:/f / hadn'tput them on, the sun
lf * ._,___-_.__.
, would(n't) *
lsrck4DuV brlcltri;
Usethe thirdconditional A littlebitof doylightshineson myiptilowfcorpet
to talkabout
imagined in the past.
situations Comesthrough mywindowpone
Speoks of the2 eventngf
Betterio lookot it thiswoy.
Underlineother examplesof the third Thiscouldbe myluckydoy
conditionalin Sebastianand Melinda's [Thoughit'scrazy,I heoryou soy]
conversationin Exercise5c.
A glossfilledwith3woterfcrystals,
Matchthe beginnings sixmillionroinbows,
with the endings.
Giftedto seewithchildren's
1 lf I hadn'tbeenso tired lastnight
Alwoyso smollchonceof shooting thotroinbow,
2 They'dhavewon Blessthiso downfdaywithsweetsurprise
3 lf l'd hada bit moremoney Thiscouldbe myluckydoy.
4 My parentswould havebeenreallyangry
noive5 sometimesfforever,
No inhibitions,
5 lf I'd studieda bit more Betterlookingup thonlookingdown
Don'ttryto beotit,twistond defeotit,
if I hadn'tpassedthe exam.
Leovefhosekindof 6 problemsfcomp/lcoflons,

D I wouldn'thavegoneto bed at 9 o'ctock. Never to be found

c l'd probablyhavegot bettermarksin T h i sc o u l d b e m y l u c k yd o y
the exam.
o if they'd ptayeda little better.
e l'd haveboughtthosereallyexpensive
Matchthe phrases
from the songwith
Completethe sentences.
Usethe correct the meanings.
form of the verbs. '|
Giftedto seewith children's
1 lf I'd kno_r.rz.n
(know)it wasyour birthday,
2 Alwaysa smatlchanceof shootingthat
I w.puldhsue bousht (buy)youa present
2 lf you (study)harder,you
3 Betterlookingup than lookingdown
your exams.
4 Don't try to beat it, twist and defeat it
3 W e , (not win)the gameif we
a You'reluckyif you canseethingsthe way
4 John . (buy)the new trainersif he childrendo.
(have)enough money.
b Thereis alwaysa smallpossibility
that yo,
5 Sarah (go)to the cinemawith paul willgetsomegood luck.
on Fridayif he (ask)her.
c lt isn'ta good ideato try to be cteverall
the time.
Pn0nunciati0n d You't[be happierif you think positively.
Turnto page111.
Listenagainandsingthe song.
aD0utthe exams
, Bead
Lookat the photo story.How doesDebbiefeel in picture1?How does
Petefeel at first?How do hisfeelingschange?
How doesDebbiefeel in the end?
Readand listento find the answers.

Debbie:lf we couldonly get theseexamsout of the

way.l'm so stressed
out. I can'tsteepanymore.
Jess:lt'sa bit likegoingto the dentist,isn'tit, and
not knowingexacttywhat'sgoingto happen.
Debbie:lt'sworsethanthat. In fact it'sthe worst
thingthat'severhappenedto me!

Pete:oh, Debbie!
Surelythere Joe[:What's
are better goingon?
thingsto What'swrong
do thantatk with Pete?
aboutexams i:rJess:He was
atlthe time. ;: so rude!
Debbie:But... 'Stop
Debbie:He wastike goingon aboutthe exams!'
SureI'm nervousaboutthe exams,but why can'tI
tell my friendshow I feel?

Pete:I shoutdn'thavesaidthat. lf I
only l'd kept my mouth shut! Pete:Debbie,
can I havea
word with
Do you mean
Pete:Of courseI do. I know I waswrongto get angry:
It'sjust that l'm nervousaboutthe examstoo.
Debbie:You?| wouldn'thaveexpectedthat.Well,
welcometo the ctubl

Complete the sentencesmeaningfully.

1 Debbieis sufferingbadtybecause... 4 Debbiesaysthat shefeets...
2 Jessthinksthat the probtemwith exams 5 Peteregrets...
isthat ... 5 When PetetettsDebbiethat he'snervoustoo
3 Joel,Jessand Debbieagreethat ... shefeets...

U N I T1 4
English lmDFovisati0n
Findthe expressions
l-6 in the story. Work with a partner.Taketwo minutesto
Who saysthem? How do you saythem in preparea short role ptay.Tryto usesome
your language? of the expressions from Exercise 10a.
Do not write the text, just atree on your
1 lt'sa bit like...
ideasfor a short scene.Thenact it out.
2 Surety...
3 What'sgoingon?
+ [He]waslike...
5 ...havea word [with]
6 lt'sjustthat ...

Completethe dialoguewith expressions

A 1-6 from Exercise
Canlt ..hSyg_S
Sally:Sure.What about?
Dana:Welt, my friend
How do you know?
Satly:Oh reatly?
Dana:We[[,I wastalkingto himyesterdayand
he 3..._.._.._.._.... , really
nice'- you know.
Salty:So what?Boysalwayssaythings[ike
that.4.....____,__ whenthey tatk
aboutfootbalt.Theyjust talk,talk,tatk.5
.-you know that, Dana? Lookat the photo.What is happening?
Dana:Oh, careful- herehe comes!
Why doesDebbiehavea toy animalon
Hi Dana.6
Jamie:Hi Satty. ... ? her desk?How did sheget it, do you
Dana:Nothing,Jamie!We'rejust talking. think?
Sally:Yes- about how you likeme.
Wouldyou everput a toy animatonyour
Jamie:Oh, Dana.Youtold her! desk?Why / Why nofl

Watchepisode7 andseewhat happens.

'| 'going
.Jess to the
dentist'.What wouldyou compare
them to?
2 Do you agreethat Pete'sreactionis rude?
Why / Why not?
3 How easyor difficultis it for you to
whenyou feelyou havesaid
somethingthat you havesaid'?
I Giveexamoles.

U N I T1 4
@ wnire DearSarah
Readthe emailthat Jackwrote to a I ' m w r i t i n g b e c a u s eI w a n t t o a p o l o g i s ea b o u t l a s t
friend,Sarah.Findthree reasons
why Sunday.
he waslate.
I ' m r e a l l ys o r r y , I k n o w w e s a i d 8 . 3 0 , a n d I w o u l d ' v e
Readthe emailagain.What words g o t t h e r e o n t i m e i f e v e r y t h i n gh a d n ' t g o n e w r o n g l I
doesJackuseto: d i d n ' t g e t t h e r e u n t i l n i n e o t l o c k b e c a u s em y w a t c h
1 apotogise? brokeand I didn't know what time it was, So you see, I
would've arrived on time if my watch hadn't broken.
2 inviteSarah
to theparty?
T h e n I h a d t o w a l k b e c a u s eI ? m i s s e dt h e b u s . A n d -
You arranged to go on a date with a believe it or not! - I fell over a cat and my trousers got
friend. Youagreedto meet at your dirty, so I had to go home and change. Then I decided
favouritecafdat 6.30,but whenyou to catch another bus, but it was late. I would have
arrivedat 7.30your friendhadalready p h o n e dy o u b u t m y b r o t h e r h a d t a k e n m y m o b i l e -
left. Why wereyou late?Write down sorry again!
somereasons(theymust be different
from Jackt!). A n y w a y ,I h o p e y o u a r e n ' t t o o a n g r y w i t h m e . C a n w e
g o o u t a n o t h e rd a y ?W o u l dy o u l i k e t o c o m e w i t h m e t o
Writean emailtoyourfriend. M e h m e t ' sp a r t y n e x t S a t u r d a y ?P l e a s es a y y e s l
Apologisefor not meetinghim./he6
Hope I hear from you soon/
andtell him,/herwhat happened.Use
Jacktemailtohelpyou. lack

Lastbut not least:moFe

Readthe followingsayingsfrom different countries.Try to
understandwhateachone means.
Whichof the sayingsdo
you (not)agreewith?
Workin smallgroups.
Choosethree of the
Lucksometimes visitsa fool, they meanandwhat you
withhim. thinkaboutthem.Give
bufif neversitsdown examples.

Te[[eachother a story
of a time whenyou were

else'Hardwork- end
Luckfo meis somefhing
whafis opportunity

Gnamman v0cabulary
Completethe sentences.
Usethe pastsimple Completethe sentences.
or past perfect form of the verbs. correct form of the words.
1 | p-nl.o.y.ed
(enjoy)the fitm a lot yesterday 1 Thosepeopleareon holidayhere-
hsdnl!wstched (watch)acomedyfor a long they're Ip_uus.ts. (tour)
2 My father'sa stamp
2 | (feet)reallytired yesterdaybecause (cottect)
| (not sleep)well the nightbefore.
3 Picasso
wasa famous (art)
3 We (have)greatfun lastsummer.We
4 lknowa at the local
(not be)to the beachsince2001.
4 The house.___-. (be)reallycold because
5 Thepipe'sburst- phonefor a
someone (forget)to ctosethe
. (ptumb)
windowsbeforewe [eft.
6 My sister's
a _____.__.
at the new
5 John (tive)in Londonfor a hotpl /rerpnfinn\
'l -a"n6o t' i"m e hpfnre ho (move)toOxford?
7 lt mustbe very interesting
to be an
6 (know)eachother
. (archaeology)
for a longtime beforethey
(getmarried)? Choosea word from the box and
write the correct form.
Putthe directspeechinto reportedspeech.
'I 'l'm
said. Shesaidshe wasbored catcutate entertaiR equip
'l improve inform invite reserve
2 want to go home,'saidmy little brother
I thinkfitmsaremy favouriteform
3 didn'tdo my homework,'he totd the teacher of entertainment
Helto. We've got a ____...__ for a
4 payfor the meal,'saidLuis. room here,for two nights.

Look! I'vegot an to a party
5 brothercan'tcome,'mv aunttold me. next week.
6 neverbeento the USA,'he said madea lot of
5 We needsomenew sports

the correctwords. 6 There'slots of useful about

the city in thisguidebook.
I lf we didn't wake/@up late
yesterday,we weren't/@ Quiet,please!
l'mdoinga very
latefor schoot. complicated
I didn't buy ,/ wouldn'thavebought it for you if
I knew/ had knownyou atreadyhad it. Howdidyoud0?
lf I had known,z would haveknown the answer, Checkyourscore.
I had told ,/ would havetold you.
\Ne had phoned,z would'vephonedyou if we Iotal score o r.\
hadn't forgotten,/ wouldn'thaveforgotten E very
good OK
Grammar ll-14 8-10 less
\Nhathad you done,/ wouldyou havedone if
your parentshad found,/ wouldhavefound Vocabulary ll-12 8-10 lessthan8
out/ [E

I . Unit 4 Intonation
in question
II Listento the Your voicetoes up 'f in the tag if you aren'tsureof
{J sentences.@ the examples the answer.
of was and wosn't where it is
weak.Underlinethe examples
Yourvoicegoesdown O in the tag if you think you
knowthe answerbut you wantto makeconversation.
- of was and wosn't where it is
-t stressed. Doesthe voicego
Listento the sentences.
F up or down at the end? Write U (up) and D (down).
I I He wasn'twatchingTV.
g 2 Wasit raining? 1 You'refrom Canada,aren'tyou? i t

2 You'refrom Canada,
c 3 Yes,it was.
do you?
3 You don't knowa lot aboutCanada,

t l
Listento these 4 Thereare50 statesin the USA,aren'tthere? ! t
sentences.@ the examples ! l
5 Peopletalk differentlyin the USA,don't thd 1 t
of were and weren't where it is
weak.Underlinethe examples 6 You haven'tbeento New York.havevou? t

of were and weren't where it is

Listenagainand repeat.
What werethey doing? _ _ : l r : j ; ' ' r i r ' j l :

2 Werethey listening
to music?
Listenand repeat.
3 No.thev weren't. 'I
now 2 how 3 out 4 shout 5 loud 6 allowed
Listenagainand repeat.
Underline the syllables
with the laul
r Unit 2 thanandas sound.Thenlisten,checkandrepeat.
I Howareyounow?
2 I'maltowedto goout.
underlinethe stressedsyllables.
'| 3 We'reatlowed to playloudmusic,
brotherisn'tasold as
4 Youaren'tallowed to shout.
2 Peterisn'tas messyas hissister.
, Unit 6 hsys,focsandfor
3 Travellingby train is fasterthan
trave[lingby bus. Listenand underlinethe stressed
iseasierthan sy[[ables.
French. I A: How [onghaveyou livedhere?
B: Forthreeyears.
How do you pronouncethan
andoi? Listenagain,checkand 2 A: How longhassheworkedin London?
repeat. B: Fora year.

How do you pronouncehave and hai?How do you

pronouncefor?Listenagainand repeat.
Listenand repeat.
I I won't open it. Unit 7
2 He won't answerthe question. , ln manyEngtishwordsthere are'sitent'
3 Shewon't tell me. letter or letterswhicharen'tpronounced. Underline
4 They won't come. the'silent'letter(s)in eachword.Thenlisten,check
and repeat.

1 bomb 2 build I knocked

4 answer 5 mountain 6 would

Unit I Soundandspellint:
-ou- ',D Listenagain.Do you
a hearthe d in the !t
word used? =
""J: Listen,check
and repeat.
1 enough 2 out 3 famous 4 could =

Matchthesewordswith the wordsin Exercise =

a with the samepronunciation ru'-1----i\' C.'|t
of -ou-. List-- and(clrcle)the
I house 2 tough 3 around 4 would wordyou h""r.t"n E'
5 dangerous6 young 7 found 8 should I I read,zl'd reada book. St
Listen,checkand repeat. 2 | go/ |d gofora walk. trt
3 | ctose,/ l'd closethe window =
,Unit9 must a I tatk/ t'd talkto the teacher
about it.
Listento the sentences. the
examplesof must where it is weak. Underline ,E.--, Listenand repeat.
the examplesof must where it is stressed. 1 I'd go to the doctor.
I I mustgo now,it's [ate. 2 l'd studyharder.
2 Youmustseethat film, it'sgreatl 3 I'd [ookon the Internet.
3 Youmustdo yourhomeworkl a I'd go to the library.
4 | muststartdoingsomeexercise!
,Unit13 hadand'd
Which sentencesput a stront stresson mus(?
Whv? Listento the sentences.
@the examples of hodwhereit
What happensto the t in must in eachof the is weak. Underlinethe examplesof
Why?Listenagainand repeat. hod or hadn't where it is stressed.
1 | hada strangedreamlastnight.
Unit 10 Sentence
rhythm 2 lt waslikea dreamthat hadcome
the syllables
you think true.
are stressed.Then listen and check. 3 He had no time to herpme.
1 How longhasshebeenplayingthe viotin? 4 Other explorershad lookedfor the
2 | haven'tbeenlearningEngtish
very [ong. city,but they hadn'tfound it.
3 l've beenwaitingfor you for ages.
put a stronger
4 How long havewe beenwatking? stress on had't Why, do you think?
Listen,check and repeat.
Listenagainand repeat.

Unit 11 lzl or lsl in used

t:? Listento the sentences.
: @ Listento the sentences.
the examplesof usedwhere it has a lzl sound.
Howdo you pronounce the
Underlinethe examplesof usedwhere it hasa
/s/ sound.
I l'd havebeenOK.
1 | usedthe dictionarybecause
I didn't
. 2 My glasses
understand the word.
2 | usedto watcha lot of videoswhen I wasten. 3 | wouldn't havebeen late.

3 Who usedthe computerwhile I wasaway? 4 We'd haveseenthe film.

4 .John
usedto livein London,but now he livesin Listenagainand repeat.

Unit 1 phrases
with gef
to get home= to arriveat your home to get hot/cold/warm
I usualtyget home from schoolat about five It'sgetting reatlycold now - [et'sgo backinto
o'clock. the house.
to get together= to meet with other people to get hungry/thirsty
My friendsand I get together on Sundaysto play lm getting hungry.Canwe havelunchsoon?
footbalIin the park. to 8et going= to start (something),/ to leave
to get a [phone]call Look- it'salmostten otlock. I thinkwe should
I got fivecallslastnightwhileI wasworking. get going,or we'[[be [ate.
to get sick,/ill to get a,/the chance
Whenwe wereon hotiday,my sistergot sick l'm reatlybusynow,but l't[ phoneyou if I get a
becauseshedrankwaterfrom the tap. chance.
= to improve,to
to 8et somewhere,/anywhere to 8et pleasure(from)
maKeprotress I'm not verygood at tabletennis,but I get a lot
I startedlearningSpanishlastyear,but l'm not of pleasurefrom playingit.
gettinganywhereso I think l'[[stop.

Unit2 sport
I a stadium a reserve
Thestadiumholds I didn'tplay-
60,000people. I wasa reserve

a championship to substitute
He won the He wassubstituted
championship after30 minutes.
for the fifth time.

TO SCOre a record
He scoreda great It'sa new wortd
goat. record!

a goal./point to hold a,/the record

In footba[[,you score He holdsthe record
goals,and in for the marathon.
you scorepoints.

to draw to breaka record

Theydrew,three-all. Shebrokethe world
recordfor the


Unit 4 North Americanand BritishEnglish

North America Britain North America North America

baggage luggage

line queue 5 faucet l0 gas

3 movietheater crnema drapes curtains

t/rts s(anno/'
4 vacation hotiday a the Fall autumn 12 hood bonnet

Unit 5 talkingaboutpeople'sage
adulthood= the time of lifewhenyou arean adult
childhood= the time of life whenyou area chitd
Shedidn'thavea very happychildhood.
adolescence= the time of life when you are a teenager/adolescent
Somepeoplethink adolescence is the besttime of your [ife!
/outh the time of life whenyou areyoung
My grandmothersaysthe world wasvery different in her youth.
to get,/growold(er)
My dad alwayssayshe isn'tworried about getting older.
to be getting on = to get,/grow old
He wasa good footballerwhen he was25,but hei tettint on a bit now.
underage= too youngto do something(becauseof a taw)
You haveto be 16to watchthat film - and I'm only 15,so l'm under age.
to come of age= to reachthe agewhen you are legatlyan adult '
In Britain,peoplecome of agewhen they're18.
to look [your] age= to look the agethat you reallyare
He lookslikehe's20,but reallyhes 40! He doesn'tlook hisageat all.
to act [your] age= not to behaveas if you were a child (or youngerthan you reattyare)
Oh,Jimmy- you'renot sixyearsold any more!you're15!Act your age!

Unit 5 - verbandnounpairs
have make take
I an accident 5 a suggestion= to suggest 9 a test / an exam= to sit a test
Jamesis in hospital- he had CanI makea suggestion? Why My mothertook herdriving
an accidentin hiscar. don't we go to the cinema test lastweekand shepassed!
2 a problem tonight? 10 [your]time = not to do
I havea problem- I want to 6 an offer = to offer somethingquickly
buy that shirt,but I haven'tgot I didn'twant to setlmy bike, We aren't[ate,so we can take
any money. but somebodymademe an our time and not hurry.
3 an idea offer of €100,so I sold it. a break= to stop work for a
We didn'tknow whatto do - 7 a decision= to decide shorttime
but then Alicehadan idea. I don't knowwhichone to buy, We workedfor three hours,
but I needto makea decision andthen we took a breakand
4 a meal
quickty. had somecoffee.
Lastnightwe a[[went out to a
and had a reallynice
restaurant 8 progress= to get better an interest[in]= 51lo*interest
mealtogether. My Germanis getting better We reallylikeour teacher
and better- l'm makinga lot becauseshetakesan interest
of progress. in all of us.

Unit 7 - disasters
'| 3 to catchfire 4 to put a fire out
to be on fire 2 to set fire to

It wasterrible- Duringthe It wasso hot and A fire enginecame

whenthey went demonstration, dry that treesin the andthe firemenput
home,they sawthat somepeopleset forest caughtfire. the fire out.
their housewas fire to a car.
on fire.

5 to crack 6 to coltapse 7 to be starving 8 to be homeless

A stonehit the The earthquake was Thefloods destroyed Thousandsof peopb

window and cracked so stronSthat many food, and many were homeless
the glass. buildingscollapsed. peoplewerestarving. after the earthquab

Unit 8 - houses,/homes

I the top floor

2 the secondfloor
[US:thirdfloor] 1l to movehouse
the first floor
[US:second floor]
the groundfloor
[US:first floor]

"12 to sharea room

5 the attic
6 the roof
7 a balcony
8 air-conditioning
9 centralheating
1 0 the basement

Unit9 - thinking
t knowledge Her knowledgeof Africancountriesis amazing.
2 a belief lt's my beliefthat violenceon TV is a badthing.
3 a thought lt's an interestingidea- haveyou got anythoughtsabout it?
4 concentration someoneknockedon the door - it brokemy concentration.
5 imagination You needa [ot of imaginationto write good stories.
6 inspiration A beautifulsunsetwasmy inspirationfor this poem.
7 an estimate I think it's goingto cost €200 - but that'sjust my estimate.
8 a guess Sorry,you'rewrong - but it was a good guessanyway!

Unitl0 - musicandmusicalinstruments

I an orchestra the conductor

+ lyrics 5 percussion 6 backingsingers

te6 Hhl(e
rld{Er n&
w I

U L 3ss I
A i l t
7 a recordingstudio 8 to be on tour 9 an open-airconcert

Unit ll - medicine

an operation medicine a bandage 4 fto be in / to have

(afoot) inl plaster

s [to be on] crutches e [to be in] a wheelchair 7 to take [someone's] to take [someone's]
temperature blood pressure

a prescription= a piece of paper a doctor givesyou in order to get medicine

I took the prescription to the chemist and got the tablets.
allergic[to something]= unableto eat somethingbecauseit makesyou itl
lm allergic to cheese- if I eat cheese,I get spots all over my face.
to go down with something= 1o get an illnessor disease
I was feelingfine, but then suddenlyI went down with a really bad cotd.
to get over [an illness]= to recoverand get better
My dad got really bad flu - he'sOK now, but it took him a week to get over it.

Unit 12- electricalmatters

a socket 3 a cable,/lead + a light bulb 5 an extensionlead

6 a switch a button 8 a wire 9 a battery 10 a battery charger

Unit 14- luck

I Good luckl
A: l'vegot a very importantexamtomorrow.
B: Really?
Well,good luck! | hope you do well.
2 Bad[uck!
A: lt wasvery close.I nearlywon - but in the end, I camesecond.
B: Oh, bad luck! Stil[,secondi very good, isnt it?
f [to take] pot luck = to just chooseanything,without knowingwhich is best
A: We didn't know which fi[m to go and see,so we just pickedone and went in.
B: Oh - kind of pot luck,you mean?
4 fto keepyour] fingerscrossed= to hope that someonehasgood luck
A: I'vegot a job interviewtomorrow - | reallywant to get the job!
B: Well, l'[[ keep my fingerscrossedfor you.
s [to] touch wood = if ll'm/we'rel lucky
A: You'regoingon a picnictomorrow,aren'tyou?
B: Yes.They saythe weather'sgoingto be sunny- touch wood!
6 Somepeoplehaveallthe luckl
A: My dad'stakingme to Londontomorrow,so I'm goingto missthe test.
e: Rea[[y?
Wow! Somepeople havea[[ the luck! | wish I could missthe test too.
7 by chance= not in a plannedway
A: So,you met Annieyesterday?
B: YesI did. I met her in town by chance.
= believing
8 superstitious that somethingsbringgood,/badluck
A: Oh no! l'vebrokenthe mirror!That'sgoingto bringme sevenyearsof bad [uck!
B: Oh, don't be superstitious.
lt's iusta mtrror.

Getit Fight!
unit1 ReadKarimtemailandcompletethe gapswith
the correctword from the box.Youwon't need
allthe words.
with get
Get hasseveraldifferentusesin English: good w€{+ quick quickty wonderful
arrive Wegot to the airport at 8. wonderfu[[yusual usually easy easily
receive He got a laptop for his birthday. final finatty real really
become I'm Kttingtired now.

K a r i r n @ m a i l b o x . cuok .
Use the words in the box with get and write five
true sentencesabout you.
Hi Katel
angry dark marry dirty bigger sick I hope you're W_elll
to school hungry better good ideas
I had a fantastictime on holidayin Greece.
The only problemwas that time went by so
I . Mum and dad took us to the island
2 where they filmed MammaMia - it was really
amazing! We went on a 2 ______________________
trip around
3 the islandand visitedthe churchwhereSam and
Donnagot married- it was so cool!The island
4 is magicaland it's to understand
5 why they choseit for the film. Mum and dad
take us to see hundredsof museums
and we get s _____-________--___.--
unit1 interestedin history,museumsand stuff like that
- maybemum and dad have realised!
Anyway,hopeyou and Tim had fun in Norwat
Pastsimple Seeyou backin school,
Most pastsimpleverbsend in -ed: Love Karim
We watched TV and played computergames.
Thereareatsomanyirregular verbs:
Ithought you knew the way to the station. unit Il
Usethe tabte on page127to help you learnthese.

Presentperfect simple,
Underlinethe errors and correct them. just/already/yet
Johngivedme hisold PC.Hismum and dad sayed We uselustfor an actionin the recentpast
he couldhavea new one. e.g.I'vejust finishedthe book
2 I takedloadsof photoson the schoo[trip lastweek. We usealreadyin positivesentences(between
3 I didn'tthought my mum wasgoingto buy me a book. have* pastparticiple)
e.g.l'vealreadydone my homework\
4 Nickreallyenjoiedgoingto the partywith Sameena
on Saturday. We useyet in negativesentencesand questiom
(atthe end of the sentence)
Juliewearedher new trainersthis morning.
e.g.l haven'tdone it yet?Haveyou seen
unit2 the film vet?

We useadjectives to talk aboutnouns
e.g.she'sa slow eater
We useadverbsto talk about verbs
e.g.she eatsslowly

Underline and correct the errors in these ReadAzizt emailto hisfriendand underlinethe
sentences. correct word.
1 | haven'tfound yet a good websitefor our school
project. from A z i z @m a i l b o x " c ou .k
2 | alreadyhaveseenthem in concert. cilhia.i

3 He hasn'tbeenyet abroad.
H iJ o e !
4 John'salreadygoneout. Wait a minuteand he'll The sportscamp has beengreat so far!
be backl
Lastnight we did / had a party to celebratemy
bifthday,We I made/ did so much noisein the cluo
unit5 that teacherstold us to be quiet!Everymorning
we2 have/ do a meetingat 9.00 and the teachers
tell us about the schedulefor the day. I 3 make /
let,/be allowed to do tennisthree afternoonsa week and4 go / do
joggingtwo mornings.I've s done/ madeso many
/ef takesthe infinitivewithout fo new friends!The teachersare cool.lf you6 do /
make a mistakethey're reallypatientand show
e.g.shelet mego ouf (notshelet me to go out) you how to get it right! I've never7 made / done
allow takesthe infinitivewith fo so much exercisein my entire life! Everyonesays
l'me doing/ makinga lot of progress- I'll be the
e.g.sheallowedme to stay (not sheallowedme school's tennischampionnextyearl
stay Onlyjoking!Byefor nowl
Maria is working as an au pair in Switzerland. ps. e Do / make me a favourJoe!Text me Sue's
Look at the lists of what the family let her do and number- I promisedI'd sendher an SMS!
what she isn't allowed to do and write sentences.

Yes No unit7
drivethe carcome havea pet invitefriends
homeafter midnight to staythe nightuse o, an, the or zero article
usethe computerand the telephonefor Articlescanbe trickyto useso be carefut!
Internetswimin the internationalcallskeep
swimming pool food in her room
In thesesentences,
the articleis missing.
Can you put it back in?
They let her drive the car but she isn't allowed to
havea pet. 1 My mum boughtme new guitar.
,| 2 l'm goingto beachwith my friendstomorrow.

2 book - why don'tyou read

3 Thisis interesting
4 | hopeto seea lot of new placeslikeBritish
unit6 MuseumwhenI'min London.

f!] Underlinethe errorsin thesesentences

Verband nounpairs and correct them.
Manynounsand verbsareatwaysusedtogether Thehip hop is my favourite music.Hip hop is
in Engtish: my favourite music.
Haveyou doneyour homework? I Hi Nick!Wouldyou liketo comefor the
Not Haveyou madeyour homework? dinnertonight?
Tryto [earnwhichnounsareusedwith these 2 . I'mgoingto the waterparkagainbecause
commonverDs: I lovethe dolphinsso much!
make,do, have,go
3 | usualtygo to the schoolby bus.
4 l'[[ havea orantejuiceplease.
5 My dad doesn't[et me go out with my friends
at the night.
6 | sleptat my friend'shousethe lastSaturday.

unitI unit 10
Determiners Presentperfect simpleand
We useeveryone,everything,everyday, continuous
everywhereto indicateall e.g.Everythingis old We usethe presentperfectcontinuouswhen
(nota// is otd) we want to emohasize that the actionhas
In English thereareno doubtenegatives e.g. been in proSressfor sometime e.g.l'vebeen
I didn't eat anything(not I didn't eat nothins). writing emailsfor an hour
Becarefulwith the spellings tool We usethe presentperfectsimptewhenwe
want to emphasize the finishedresulte.g./'ve
written sixemailsso far
Readthe travelbrochureaboutParisand
Gillie) the correct form.
Put the verbs into the present perfect simple
or the present perfect continuous.
You can't understandnothing/ anvthing
I hsye heen llyjnS..five)in Cairo for the last five
aboutthe Frenchuntilyou'vevisitedParis. years.
ff you're1someone/ someone who lovesa '|
She -.(finish)twoarticlesfor the
little romancethen Parisis the city for you.
Thereisn't2anything/ nothing better for two
2 Mum'scookinpin the kitchen.She
peoplein [ove!You have3ever/ neverlived
(make)threecakesfor my party.
untilyou walkdown the colourfuIstreetsof
Monmartre,with its Iittle bistrosand exciting 3 Sofar they . . .. (tearn)how to surfthe
nightIife. net and createtheir own web page.
aEveryone / everyonewho goesthere fatls 4 She (study)tangosinceher holiday
in [ove! in BuenosAirestwo yearsaso.
You don't haveto do 5anything/ nothing (win)
5 After all her hardwork she-..--.--.....-......
special- just sit down and relaxand enjoythe first orize.
magicthat 6no body / nobody canTnever/
everforget. unit 11
Completethe sentences
RememberthatEnglish isoften
1 l'd liketo go somewherewhichis ....-.---... complicated!

2 I'm happywheneverythingis....,.. Putthe letters in the correct order to make

wordsfor illnesses.
3 | thinkthat no one should '|
tchoeota toothache 6 eamuteetpr
2 nrsoeung 7 srehtcuc
+ I'd liketo meet someonewho
3 oesrhrtaot 8 acethwhrie

Peopleshould + kacbhcea 9 aabngde

everywhere. 5 psneiatcit 10 ehdechaa

that go
Try and rememberthe prepositions
with computerwords.

Complete the sentenceswith the correct
preposition - in, on or no preposition.
unit lll
I l'vebeensurfing ---the Internet
a[[morning. Reportedstatements
2 The resultsof the competitionwereposted We usesay andfellto reportwhat wassaid
the schooIwebsite. We useexplainto givethe reasonfor
lf I don't know what a word meanslook it something
up-------------------- We usea personalnounor a pronounwith
I buy loadsof stuff p-h:rr - if'c tell e.g.shetold usthat shelovedhim (notshe
so muchcheaper! told that shelovedhim)
We don't useone with say or explaine.g.she
unit13 said that she lovedhim (not shesald us),she
explainedthat shelovedhim (not she
explainedus that)
We usethe pastperfectto showthat one
actionhappenedbeforeanotheractionin ffi fick (/)the correctsentence.
the Dast
a Shesaidhim shewasbusythat evening.
b Shetold himshewasbusythat evening.
ReadLouisa'sarticle in the schooli online '|
a My mumtotd I couldjointhe school
correct verb.
b My mumsaidI coutdjointhe school
What an adventure.
2 a MartinLutherKingsaidthat he had
Lastyearmy class,went / had gone on a
a oream.
We1had already
skiingtrip to the mountains.
been/ alreadywent to the sameptacethe b Martin LutherKingtold that he had
yearbeforeand it 2had was/ had beena a dream.
fantasticexperience. 3 a Sayme the truth.
Whenwe arrivedthere it 3snowed/ had b Tellme the truth.
snowedheavilythe day beforeandthere
wereterribtestorms.At breakfast the next ffi withthe correct
Corpletethe sentences
day everyone told us / had told us not to
form of say,tellor explain.
go skiingbecause of the badweatherbut we | didn't her to buy it.
decidedto go anyway.When we sgof / had 2 She why shewasin lovewith
got to the mountaintop it startedsnowing Tony.
again.The hotel6gave/ had givenus some
3 l him not to work so hard.
sandwiches to takewith us so we 7had eaten
4 They they weresorryfor the
/ ate them while we waitedfor the weather
to imorove.lt didn'tand soon weBwere/ had
beenreallyfrightened.Luckilyle put / had 5 | hateto goodbye.
put my ce[[phonein my bagbeforeleaving 6 l why I didn'twant to 80 to
, the hotel.I cattedthe emergency services and guitarlessons.
, 10
they had sent/ senta heticopterto save
us.What a disaster! Next yearl'm goingto a
trooical island!

A grouppresentation
on treen technology

Work in groupsof three or Makea list of reasonswhy you think the inventionis
four.In your troup, decide so important. Look at the example below about self-
what you think is the best sustaininghomes.
and most usefulinventionin o Setf-sustaininghomesarebuildings that aredesignedin
treen technology.Choosean a specialway.Theyusealternative energyfor heating,
inventionfrom the pictures, preparing warmwaterand light.Theydo not needany
or your own idea. fossilfuels,light,or electricity.
o Theycan helpyou savea [ot of money.
o Theydo not pollutethe environment,
andthey helpto
reduceglobaIwarmingandthe greenhouse effect.The
homesarebuilt,the better it is for
our world.
homesarethe answerto the fact that oil
solarpane[s is becomingmoreand moreexpensive. Expertssaythat
in 100yearsfrom now,therewill be no oi[ left andso we
needto saveenergyand userenewable energy.
o It is muchhealthier
to livein self-sustaining
a Peoplewho livein setf-sustaining
homesknowthat they
aremakingan importantcontributionto our environment.

Do someresearch to find out more aboutthe invention

wind farms you havechosen.Forexamp[e, whenwasit inventedand
who inventedit? Usean encyclopaedia or the Internet
to helpyou.Get somepicturesto illustrateyour

the pFesentation
In your group, put all your information together and
plan your presentation.Your presentationwilI need to
be a minimum of two minutes.Use this plan to help you.
r What the inventionis.
o Background
informationaboutthe invention.
o Why you think it'suseful.
o Why it's betterthan someother inventions.
hybridcars Decidewho is goingto talk and what eachpersonwill
talk about.Everyonein the groupshouldsaysomething.

Rehearseyour presentation.Decidehow and when

you aregoingto usethe picturesyou havecoltected.
Askyour teacherto helpyou with difficultlanguage,/

homes Groupstake turns to maketheir presentation.

F;l pRorEcrr
ect 2
A posterpresentation:
An unusualplaceto stayin

Work in groupsof threeor four.Usethe photosto think andtalk aboutunusualplacesto livein
or stayfor a holiday.Whichpictureis whichbuilding? Talkaboutthe kindsof peoplewho would
liketo live such places:
an ice hotel in Sweden,
a tree houseon Vancouver island,a bivouacon a
mountain,a houseboaton the RiverShannonin lreland,an underwaterhotel,a spacestation.

Research more informationaboutthe At the top of a largepieceof paper,

placesin the photosor other unusual write the title of your presentation.
placesto stayin. Forexample:Where are 'Crazy
example, Arrangeyour
they?What do they look like?What are picturesandshorttextson the poster
they madeof? What kind of peopleusually paper.Leavespaceat the bottom.
go andstayin them?How expensive is it to
staythere? At the bottom of the paper,write a
longertext.Write your troup'sopinions
In your group,choosethree or four aboutthe homesyou havedescribed.
differentplaces.You couldchoosethem
because they areall verydifferentfrom
eachother,or because you think they are
the most interesting. Wetknk *ha* *[te urrostinterestingplaceto
s*aywor,tld bean iceho*e[.tlnere areseveral
icehotelsin countriesin northernEurope,
Makethe DosteF but *la.ereis alsoonein *he tlSA.t,{]ewoudd
Findsomepicturesof the differentplaces llke*o stay ih an iceho*elbecause we*hinl.
you havechosenfor your poster.lf you i* wouldbea reallyC00Lhotiday! lcehotels
can'tfind anypictures,drawsome! aregrea*fo" yo,,.ng peoplebecause...
Usethe informationyou found in Exercise
lb to write shorttextsabouteachof the Presentyour posterto the class.Be
homes. preparedto answerquestionsaboutit.

A classsurvey:How do we learn,remember
0othe sunvey &',*f wPiteuDthe
, Work in groupsof three or four.In your group,think nesults
of sixquestionsthat you canaskother studentsabout
A Go backto your troup
how they learn,rememberandforget.Usequestion
andput a[[youranswers
words like:How often?When?What?Where?How
* lmagine thereissomethingthat isveryimportant for you b Write sentencesaboutyour
to remember.
Howdo youdo it? answers.Useheadings or
,''l Whatthingsdo youremember verywe[[? questionsto organiseyour
::: Arethereanythingsthatareespeciatly report.Forexample:
difficuttfor you
to remember?
Fowdo werewreunber
i Vakea questionnaire
with your questions,
Everyone inthe classhassowre
*hingsthey renneurrber vnorqp6s11t
Survey:how do we learn, remember and forget?
I lmaginethereissomething
that isveryimportantfor unoreeasily.Ullore*han ttalf *tte
youto remember.Howdo youdo it? classthink i* is easy*o ret,retrv,ber
a Youwrite it on a pieceof paperor a notebook.
b Youtell yourselfmanytimesthat you mustnot
r nawres u;henthey saythe naunes
to *hennselves several*ivnes.Ttrtree
forget it.
c Youmakean imagein your mindandtry to see
tr peopleusuallyuse*he elec*ronic
diariesintheir vrnobilephonesif
it all the time.
d You haveno specialtechnique,but you
T they wan**o reunewrber
a penand
rememberit anyway.

2 Are there anythingsthat are especially

I wri*eson his handif sovr,rething
reallyivrnportan*. Boyshavewrore
difficultfor you
to remember? problenns with revr,rew,beri^9...
a phonenumbers
b names
r Wha*is easierfor us *o reu,reurr,ber:
or grawway'
c emailaddresses
d dates
e somethingelse(saywhat)
I Vocabr,tlary!l!
*he classsaywordsareeasier
*o rewrewrberbecanse with vrnany
What is easierfor you to rememberwhen you learna
words*hey canvhakepic*r,tres in
foreignlanguage: vocabularyor grammar?
*heir vrninds
to reu,reunber
there areonly*wol.idsin class(a
boyanda girl) whosaytha* *hey
, C . Useyourquestionnaire. Askasmanyotherstudentsin veryeasily.they say*hat..
your classasyou can,and makea note of their names
and answers.

a websitefor a school

Work in groupsof three or four.A schoolin Britainor the USAhasaskedyou to designan English
languageweb pageof your school.Look at the web pageabout St Alfred'sschool.Who wrote it?
What kindof informationdoesit give?

lcometo our homepage!
StAlfred'sHigh Schoolwas openedin 1951 as a comprehensive
schoolfor boysand girls,and the SixthFormwas openedin 1984.
Thereare about 550 of us atthe school,both boysand girls,all aged
between1 1 and 18. The schooloffersa lot of subjectsincluding
Students Designand lnformationTechnology(we'vegot a greatcomputerlab
Contact herel).We can also do lotsof sportsactivities,for examplefootball,
basketball,volleyball,rugby,and there'sa swimmingpool nearby
too. We've got lotsof fun clubs:Chess,Music, Drama,Art, and
Photography, for example.
We like our school- and mostof the teachersare nice! lf you want to
know more,click on the links!We hope you enjoy findingout about
usandour school.

JaneSnrith/ Ben Harris/ MaggieAtkinson/.iamesBryant

Thinkaboutyour school.What kindof

informationdo you want to write on the younwebsite
home page?Makenotes.
Write your homepageon a largepiece
Look againat the web pagefor St Atfred's of paper.Putyour pictureswhereyou
school.What kindsof linksarethere?What want them on the page.Thendo the
informationand photosdo you think there samefor your link pates.
are in eachlink?Decidewhat linksyou
want to havefor your web page.Makea list Whenallthe groupshavefinished,put
and write notesfor eachpage. your web patessomewherewhere
Decidewhat picturesyou will haveon your differenttroups havedone.
websiteand how you willorganisethe
texts,picturesand links.


Unit4, Page38 Unit 7,Page55

Student B
: a ,Lookat the sentences 'I
When .zthe firsttelevisionpicture,t produce?
below.In sentences
6-]0, .1925 .l950?
you canseethe correct In or in
answer.In sentences
l-5, 2 When,z Nagasaki
and Hiroshima
/ destroyby atomic
circlewhatyouthink isthe bombs?
correctanswer. 1945or 1955?
Thecapitalof Canada
is Which spaceshuttle / destroy6y fire / when
Ottawa,/Toronto. returningto earth?
The biggest[akein the Discovery
or Colombia?
world is in Canadaand
When,z Titanic/ sinkbyan iceberg?
the USA/Canada.
1902or 1912?
Americanfootball /
isthe most
popularsportin the USA.
About 5%/10%of people
in the USAspeakSpanish @ Unit10,Page
astheir first language. StudentB
The singersAvrilLavigne Lookat your informationaboutDavidBowie.Askand
and K.D. Langare answerquestionsto completeyour missinginformation.
Canadais the second David Bowie
bisgntt / third biggest He / sing / more than 40 years.
countryin the world. He I play saxophone / years.(How long ...?) :
I nereare5u,/5/statestn He / makerecords/ more than 35 years.
the USA He / make/ films. (How many ...?)
About200 million/ 300 He / marry to Iman / more than 15 years.
millionpeoplelivein the
Alaskais part of Canada/
the USA.
@ Unit14,Page
1 0 Thesingers MariahCarey
and Cher areCanadian,/
American. AskStudentA thesequestions, but don't write the
answersdown;youmustremember them!Thenfind
b l Now work with Student anotherpartnerandtell him,/herwhat you found out
A. Checkyour answers aboutStudentA.
for sentences Help
I spoketo (Janek).
Hetoldmethat .,.Healsosaidthat
StudentA checkhis./her
answersfor sentences
6-,|0. e Canyouremember yourfirstschoolexam?
The capital of Canada is s Whatdidyoueatfor dinnerlastnight?
Ottawa, isn't it? * Whatdidyoudo lastsummer holidays?
e Haveyoubeento England?

Base Past Base Past
form simple form simple
np was./were Deen sleep slept slept
beat Deat beaten speak spoke spoken
become became become spend spent spent
begin began begun stand sfood stood
bbw 6kw bbwn stea( stob stukn
break broke DroKen swlm SWam swum
bring brouSht hrnr roht take took IAKCN
build built built teach taught tauSht
buy bought bought tell told told
can coutd beenable think thought thought
catch caught cauSnr understand understood understood
choose cnose chosen wake woke woken
come came come wear wore worn
.7ta .?ta aaI/ r'//,? 4'4,7 ,/422
CUI CUt cut wnte WTOIC written
00 did done
drink drank drunk
drive orove driven
eat ate eaten
fatt fell
feeI feh fett Consonants we[s
fight fought fought tpt pen lEl man
find found found lbl be lo;l father
fly flew flown lil two lel ten
forget forgot fnronttcn
ldl do lz;l thirteen
get got got lkl can lel mother
Srve Save Slven lql Sood hl sit
0n wenT Sone Itl five li'^l see
Srow Srew Srown lvl very lul book
have had had lnrl make lt'^l food
hear heard heard /n/ nice /^/ up
hit n{t hir /n/ sing /o/ hot
hold held held /s/ see lctl four
nurt hurt hurt lzl trousers
Keep kept kept lwl we
Know KNCW KNOWN lll listen
leave left left Diphthongs
lrl right
letl great
ter let let ljl you
larl fine
lose lost lost lW he
made lctl boy
make ma0e lel thing
lrcl hear
meet met met 16l this
paid leal chair
pay paid l| she
pur laal town
put put Ity cheese
read /eu/ 80
read read /z/ usuaf{y
luet pure
ride rode ridden /d3l German
nn8 ranS runS
run ran run
say said said
see SAW seen
selt sold sotd
sen0 sent SCNI

ShUt shut shut

srnS sanS sunS
sink sank SUNK
sit sat SAT


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