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Target Market

The target market for Coca cola is very wide as it satisfies the needs for many different
consumers, ranging from the healthy diet consciousness through Diet Coke to the average human
through its bestselling drink regular Coke. The primary mark market for Coca-Cola is multicultural young
person of age 13-24, which frequently known as heavy soft drink ingestion group. This consumer group
is older sufficiency to do self-determination on purchases and most likely to follow the merchandise as
value of Coca-Cola emphasis cool and felicity which compatible with their life style (WordPress, 2017).
Coca-Cola target market are those young adult who love to explore, have fun and engage
themselves with their love ones. They basically consider “the ages of 18-25 years old that covers around
40% of the total age segments”. (Vendredi, 2012). It is not based on gender because it has been proven
that both male and female likes the product and uses it. It is supported by the article written by Ismail,
et al, 2018 “Men and women tend to have different attitudinal and behavioural orientations, based
partly on genetic makeup and partly on socialization practices. Coca Cola targets both genders with its
wide variety of drinks. This market is relatively large and is open to both genders, thereby allowing
greater product diversification.” Talking about the lifestyle of the target market, young adult then to be
a mobile generation and has a lot of engagement in social media platforms as well as those who are
family oriented. Ismail, et al, 2018 stated that “Coca-Cola Company presented products which are
suitable for modern, busy life style (shortage of time) and mobile generation.” There is no occupation
target but those students and family oriented is more focus.
Buyer Persona Profile Information



 18-25 years old

 Men and women
 Living in the Philippines
 Students and Family Oriented

Putting your shoes unto your target customer is a key factor to identify their buyer persona. We
need to consider ourselves as one of the customer so that we can be able to provide what is in need and
wants of the target customer. Since people with the ages 18-25 loves to explore new things, be with
others and have fun with friends and family, despite of having taste preference because of the gender, it
becomes a way to have a product diversification.
In the case of Coca-Cola, people does not need to drink the beverages they offer, the thing is
there must be way for the young adults to want it so that they were able to purchase it. Knowing that
Filipino is young adult easily influenced my socials media and family oriented they were easily
#ShareTheFeelings towards each other, in that way, they were able to attract more customers. It is
proven in the study in America that, “Americans have adopted social media, the social media user base
has also grown more representative of the broader population. Young adults were among the earliest
social media adopters and continue to use these sites at high levels, but usage by older adults has
increased in recent years”, Unknown, 2019. This is the way of young adults to connect with their friends
and family that causes a big impression to attract more of their target customer through the word of
Buying Cycle
“Consumer Behavior is the process a consumer uses to make purchase decisions, as well as to
use and dispose of purchased goods or services; also includes factors that influence purchase decisions
and product use,” (Maharaj, 2013)
In buying cycle, there are things to consider in the consumers make decisions. There are five (5)
stages in buying cycle such as awareness, consideration, intent, purchase and repurchase. “The buying
cycle (also known as a purchase cycle) is the process a customer goes through when purchasing a
product or service. Customers move through a series of purchasing stages in the cycle as they educate
themselves and move closer to making a final purchasing decision,” Campbell, 2019
The first stage is the awareness. It is something that we need to recognize in able to know
whereabouts of target customers. It is important that we recognize our consumer in way that there
should be a want rather than a need, because people do not need to drink these beverages offer by the
Coca-Cola instead, there must be a consumption of wanting to drink these.
On the second stage which is the consideration, after we recognize our target customer, the
next thing to do is information research whereas, the beverages target market will be those young adult
who are love to explore, engage with other people and have fun everywhere. It is supported by
Maharaj, 2013 “Coca Cola information search is known worldwide, the product is a non-marketing-
controlled information source and a marketing-controlled information source.” It will be link through
different medias and social medias such as, television, printed ads, billboard, facebook, mails, youtube,
Instagram and Linkin, (Unknown,2019) it will lead the brand to collect and attract more consumer.
The third one is the intent stage, wherein it is the process in which the decision should be done
considering the information gather and it is called evaluation. Strategies is highly needed here such as
pricing strategy, promotional strategy and the product strategy to convince customers that, out of the
potential solutions they might be considering, yours is the product or service they should choose.
Eventually, each customer will be ready to pull the purchase trigger and then progress to the fourth
stage: purchase.
Purchase is the fourth stage in which your customer decided to buy the product of Coca-Cola
but then it does not mean that we need to be complacent because of that. This stage is crucial because
there is no assurance that they will repeat on purchasing the product. It is difficult to comprehend and
have a good relationship with customer due to the changes in preferences, but then staying in close
contact can also create opportunities to persuade customers to purchase again.

Last stage is the repurchase or the continue purchase this is when we able satisfy the want of
the customer in this beverages. “Purchasing coca cola is a want, it can not always evoke the need of
something. Post-purchasing behavior of coca cola is satisfying the thirst, you are buying the beverage
and disposing of it in a short period of time”, said Maharaj, 2013.

Campbell, 2019. Optimizing Your Buying Cycle Stages and Converting Users.

Ismael, et al, 2018. Identifying Market Segments and Targets for Marketing Strategy Plan of Coca-Cola
Company in Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI) ISSN
(Online): 2319 – 8028, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 801X || Volume 7 Issue 4 Ver. II || April. 2018
|| PP—77-80.

Maharaj, 2013. Chapter 6: Consumer Decision Making.

Unknown, 2019. Social Media Fact Sheet. Pew Research Center Internet & Technology.

Vendredi, 2012. Coca Cola targeting and positioning.

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