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Significance of the Study

Researchers believe that this study is relevant because it will guide the

The Students: Time management performs a major role in improving

student’s academic performance. This will work as a guide for the
students to effectively control their time to study by full capacity.
Setting proper goals to manage your time, to measure your progress and
to achieve academic success you must carefully manage your study time.
It helps a student to complete all the tasks on due with success and
productivity in life by managing their own time.

The Teachers: The teachers will benefit the most from this study
because time management is the connection through almost all aspects of
teaching. It can help them to increase their knowledge about managing
their time by making lesson plan and grading exams. They will also learn
a several ways of how they can balance their time for imparting
knowledge and skills to learners.

The Parents: This research is to inform the parents to remind their child
the importance of time. Helping them to prioritize things that they need to
do and how to manage their time constantly. Guiding them for making
right decisions and help them to realize that time is valuable. The role of
this study is to determine the parental attitudes and how you guide your
child as a student towards to education.

The Researchers: Effective time management can make researchers

more productive to lessen the procrastination and distractions. To
improve self discipline on how they going to avoid interruptions and how
researchers manage their time from time to time. By making plans,
researchers is need to make adjustments to manage their time correctly
and to avoid disaster before they arise or else you’ll meet the unexpected

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