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ké hoach bai gidng budi 2 A. Reading 1 Net php = Daitirnhanxung ; dimng dau cha ménh dB , lam chire néng chi ngirtrong cau, 1 you he she it we they ~ Tinh tr sé hitu : thu’ng ding truée danh tir My your his her its our their = Bai tirsé hu: c6 thé ding dau cdu lam chire nding chil ngir, dizng sau dng tir lam chite niing tan ngir, va dung sau 1 cum gidi tir Vd: fam chit ngtr His car is expensive, mine is cheap Lam tn ngir: he bought his car 2 years ago , | bought mine 1 month ago ‘imng sau gidi tir: I could solve his problem easily but | don’t know what to do with mine ‘Sy khdc biét gitta dai tir sO hitu va tinh tir s8 horw Tinh tir sé hiru _ N ‘Bai tir sU hitu chi duing 1 minh khéng cBn danh tir ding sau , vi banghdo ne la1cum danh tir ¢ Mine yours his hers its ours theirs = Bai tiyphan than ‘Bizng sau déng tir lam tn gir: c6 thé cé by a ahi nha manh C6 thé ding ngay sau chit ngit dé nhan manh Dai tir phan than: myself / yourself / himselt / herself / itself / themselves/ ourselves = on my own/on your own / on his own 1. Mr Okelle’s promotion means that ....will supervise a larger team A,he b,his chim d, himself 2. Sales clerks at Sylla Bazaar receive additional pay when in the evening A,their b, they c, theirs d, them 3, Mr Choi wants to know when the illustrations will be ready for A,he b,his c,him d, himself 4, The president of Somchai Bank rides.......bicycle to work every day , except when it rains A,he b,him c,his 4, himself 5. Many people at the company have industry experience, but only a handful of ...can see the future importance of current trends A,we b,us c,our d, ourselves 6. Ms. Durkin asked for volunteers to help ...with the employee fitness program a. She b,her c,hers 4, herself 7. Ms. Carpenter will be attending the conference with (A) she (B)her (C) hers (D) herself 8. Here at Vanguard Buying Club, -—-help members find quality merchandise at the lowest possible prices. marketing team (a)us (B)our (C)we —_(D) ourselves 9. The regional manager will arrive tomorrow, so please ensure that all are ready. Ashe b,her c,hers d, herself 10. Green Grocer customers should request assistance from staff instead of removing. products from the top shelves (A) themselves (8) theirown (C) them (0) their 11. Delran analytics software can help........identify issues, predict trends, and improve business, b,your c,yours d, yourself are not satisfied with an item, return it for a full refund within 30 days of Purchase. A,you b, your ¢, yours d, yourself 13. Assistant managers are largely responsible for the day-to-day operations in departments A,theirs b,them c,their d, they 14. Every batch of sauce at Generita’s Bistro is processed meticulously by (A) they (8) their (C) them (0) themselves 15. Please contact the product distributor, not the retail store, if parts A, your b, you, yourself d, yours B, Ho tir expert chefs need replacement “With the Gema XT! binoculars, users can- (A)ease (B)easy (C)easily (0) easier 2.Mr. Brennel --—-- positions in various areas of the company before he became resident. (A) occupation (8) occupational (C) occupying (D) occupied 3.Please include the serial number of your product in any —--— with the customer service department. ‘A, personally b, personalized c, personality , personalizes 4.he team’s contributions to the Ripton Group's marketing plan were very --—--acknowledged. (A)favor (8) favorably (C) favorable (D) favored 5.The Ford Group's proposed advertising campaign is by far the most ~—-- we have seen so far. (A) innovate (8) innovative (C) innovations (0) innovatively 6. Even though Smithton Electronics’ second quarter was not sums on research. (A) profitable (8) profiting (C) profitability (D) profitably the company plans to invest large. 7.The new printer operates more —---— than the previous model did. (A) quickest (B) quickness (C) quick (D) quickly 8.The Ferrera Museum plans to exhibit a collection of Lucia Almeida’s most -—--- sculptures, A innovative b, innovation c, innovatively d, innovate he registration fee Is ~ ~ refundable up to two weeks prior to the conference date A.fullest —b,fuller fully full 10.Providing precision welding to a ‘century of service in Quebec. array of industries, Mistone Metalworks recently celebrated a A, widely b, widen, width d, wide C, collocations ‘Attacted file: ta iu inh kem Set up an account with _ ABC bank: mé'tai khoan tai ngan hang ABC Rely on / upon : dya vao , tin vo Earn reputation : «6 duoc danh tiéng Continual update : lign tuc c@p nhat Table reservation for party : d3t ban tiée Disclose / remove / provide Tit I6 / ogi bé / cung cp _ théng tin New/ latest / up-to-date / further / accurate _ information Théng tin : méi/ méi nhat / c3p nhat / nhigu hon nifa / chinh xdc Bai tap thyc hanh collocations 1. The -—- files contain your employment contract and information about our company A, directed b, attached ¢, interested d, connected 2. Ms. ALOmani will leaders to develop employee incentive programs

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