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Student Name: Gavin Walsh

ID: G00338141

Subject: Graphics Topic(s): Tinker Cad

Pupil Year Group: 1 No. of Pupils: 18
Lesson Number: 6 Length of lesson: 58 mins
Date: 29/01/2021 Time of Lesson: 13.27pm


Despite this lesson being halfway through my teaching practice, we are forced into starting all over
again essentially. Due to this group being a taster group, they do not have their own equipment.

This is my first online lesson to take this group for and I have devised a plan which I feel is suitable for
the current situation (this will be discussed in the rationale). My co-operating teacher has informed
me he has signed each student up on Tinker Cad and they have completed the 7 starter tutorials.


Brief outline of why this content is the basis of the lesson KEY*

My co-operating teacher felt the introduction to Tinker Cad was fitting for this group as they
will need to represent their research and findings through a media of their choice for CBA in
2nd year.
I will question the students on the commands carried out last week, this will be randomly
selected to develop literacy skills among various students. RL
Having established their knowledge so far and reminded them of the tasks they have
completed, their minds will be focused on Tinker Cad.
I will introduce todays lesson. This is a pre-recorded video which the students will watch and NL,
correlate between their own Tinker Cad program and my video – Co-operating teacher said RL
a tutorial with my voice will interest them.
Having completed the tutorial (or even if they have not finished), I will ask all students to
return to class to find out about their assignment for the next two weeks. NL
Show them the brief and tips for completing the assignment. This is preparation for their
CBA for next year (considering they choose graphics as a subject in year 2).
Send a link to a Microsoft form regarding my recorded video – to gain feedback on my
Dismiss the class to 1. Complete the Audi logo as in my tutorial and 2. Commence their next

*KEY: RL=Reinforced Learning, NL=New Learning



*KEY: C=Cognitive, PM=Psychomotor, A=Affective

2.3 Derive 3D solutions using appropriate media

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will  Review of their 1. Demonstrating the A
be enabled to: submitted ability to use basic
models on
Use basic commands in Tinker commands in Tinker
Cad to produce objects for assignment Cad
possible 3D printing.  Students share 2. List 3 places where it C
their screen
may be used in
everyday life.
3. Problem solving –
integrating C
mathematic skills in
2.4 Appreciate the role of 3D graphics in the creation of solutions

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will  Review of 1. Construct a A
be enabled to: assignment pros/cons C
uploaded to
Distinguish between comparison of verbal
communication through v media
media and verbal communication
communication 2. List and explain one C
scenario where
media can be an
easier means of
3. Decipher between C, A
verbal and electronic
3.5 Analyse and evaluate both their own work, and the work of others

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will  Student will 1. Carrying out a C, A
be enabled to: complete thorough
Critically assess their own evaluation compare/contrast
work template and between my model
upload with
and theirs
 Microsoft forms 2. Recognize the flaws
with their work and A
recommend how
they could improve it
3. Develop the idea of A
reflection post


Prior to lesson


Students on task

Students upload their work

Prior to the live lesson I will have scheduled a meeting with the class. This gives the students
a notification and automatically informs them on their calendar when class is, giving them
some structure to their day as these are stressful times for them. I will also schedule an
assignment to appear in our team during class time. The assignment will have clear
instructions numbered for those who need to have a checklist and include any resources or
content they may need to complete it hyperlinked into the assignment. Pre-recorded tutorial
videos will be prepared along with a Microsoft form which students will fill out to give me
some formative feedback. The next assignment brief is also prepared on a word document.
Start: 5mins

I will begin the lesson by greeting the students and engaging in a nice conversation about
their Christmas and New Years as this is our first encounter since prior to Christmas. I will
then question the students on the 7 tutorials they have completed with their co-operating
teacher. The assignment will have popped into the team’s channel notifying each student at
the beginning of the lesson.

Audi symbol: 20mins

Having addressed the prior knowledge based on Tinker Cad I will ask the students to open the
word document attached in the assignment. This document will include two sections, 1. In
class and 2. Homework. I will instruct the class I want them to open the tutorial videos
attached for the Audi symbol, along with opening their own Tinker Cad account. I will remain
in the call whilst the students correlate between their own models and the Audi symbol
tutorials I made, and they can return to the call with any queries they have. I can then share
my screen and help them work through it. This task will be designated 20 minutes to allow
each student to complete it. It will be made clear I want all the class, completed or not to
return to the call at 2pm.

Communication: 5mins

Having returned I will initiate a discussion on types of communication – linking mainly verbal
and electronic.

Assignment: 15mins

Moving on from this, I will share my screen, which will show the student the assignment (also
in the word document provided for them and hyperlinked into the assignment in teams). This
will be a questioning period for both myself and students as I introduce new vocabulary such
as analysis of brief, evaluation etc. I will inform them how to approach it, but this is also
outlined clearly in the assignment.

Microsoft Form: 2mins recap

Ask the students to fill up the Microsoft form linked into the conversation and then dismiss
the class. This form will allow them to recap on their work and give me formative assessment.
Students will remain in the call but work quietly on the tutorial video and their own model of
the Audi logo. This allows for individual pace as some students can be very quick and some
are slower. For those who have finished the task early can play around with Tinker Cad to gain
more of an understanding. The students will work quietly for 20minutes of the lesson.

The students must then photograph/document all their work and upload it to the assignment
in teams. They have a week to complete the task. All requirements and links they need will be
hyperlinked into the assignment on teams except for the independent research they must
carry out.


Tinker Cad

Word Document

Tutorial Videos: Audi 1

Audi 2

Teams – Assignment Instructions & Meeting

Microsoft Form

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