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Capitalism in Industries and Cost Cutting Concept with Artificial

Intelligence Flavor
After huge experience in the industries of third world countries and analyzing the world scenario, i
realize that there is a huge gape between labors and Capitalist, This gap is generating an uncertainty
among the different working group in Corporate culture for example, if some one apply for the
position of middle level the recruiter calls lots of candidate and they ask lots of useless question
which are not according to J.D and after all this when the topic came about salary they don't disclose
due to there cost cutting concept of broke the person so they can get best person in low salary,
specially this scenario is facing by the subcontinent and under developed countries. Now we see
technology is growing day by day the new idea is generating and one of the main idea is about
artificial intelligence if we see the history of mankind, we know that man always want easiness now
the concept in today's world came about artificial intelligence and again this is not a new concept this
also related with cost cutting concept of labors and mid level officers reduction in job market, in early
ages of 1970's era due to technology advancement we see that the future of the world would be hand
in a robot and people will lose there jobs, although about 70% i agree that computer and technology
reduce lots of jobs and now we see same scenario in future will see about other present market jobs
reductions, capitalist only want the money in there hands and they does not want to distribute this
money for the sake of development of labors to mid level officers, only one think i realize there is no
religion of capitalist only they follow "the religion of money generating" according to a survey only 2%
peoples of the world capturing the resource of 98% peoples, this is a bad situation for economy.

The situation can be handle if capitalist realize that mid level officers and labors is a part of the
organization, they should give them proper perquisite according there work, timely promotion and
appreciation certificate so the gap between them can reduce. one other thing is very important that
capitalist should direct contact there mid level employees so they clear about the situation how the
employee face in work environment because the Managers of the organization not presenting true
picture to capitalist about there worker, they want to cut the mid level officers shares in increment or
bonuses for increasing there benefits and salaries. This formula is generating in every organization
and hence mid level officer come under the depression, i realize that the technology is an important
part but this can be implemented on slowly basis so a huge unemployment emergency can be
reduced on the other hand this cost cutting concept is also hilarious for not only organization but for
the countries because this resource of people can't find any suitable job they will involve in criminal
activities either in a company or in a country. so my suggestion or i say an appeal to capitalist please
take any decision with the proper consultation from upper to lower level staff and also they direct
interact the mid-level staff / Labors for betterment in organization either they fully grant there
authorities to H.O.D


Muhammad Saad

Cell no +92-343-2545797

Karachi, Pakistan

Masters in Social Sciences (Allama Iqbal Open University)

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