Sing Yin Secondary School First Term Examination, 2012-2013 History

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F.1 First Term Exam, 2012-2013 History p.

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First Term Examination, 2012-2013
Form One Time allowed: 1 hour
Full marks: 100

Put the answers of Sections One to Three on the Multiple Choice Answer Sheet and the answers of Sections
Four to Six on the Answer Sheet.

Section One: Multiple Choice (14 marks)

1. There are decades in a century.

A. 10 B. 50 C. 100 D. 1000

2. The year 218 BC was in the century BC.

A. 2nd B. 3rd C. 20th D. 21st

3. The starting year of the 20th century BC is

A. 1999 BC. B. 2000 BC. C. 2100 BC. D. 2199 BC.

4. Mr. Yau died in AD 20, aged 50. He was born in

A. 30 BC. B. 70 BC. C. AD 30. D. AD 70.

5. 6000 BC was about years ago.

A. 4000 B. 6000 C. 8000 D. 8200

6. The Medieval times ended in

A. 10000 BC. B. 4000 BC. C. AD 476. D. AD 1453.

7. The ancient Egyptians used to make beer.

A. reed B. barley C. honey D. grapes

8. The ancient Egyptians exported to other countries.

A. paper B. timber C. honey D. gods

9. The ancient Egyptians imported from other countries.

A. jewellery B. leather C. ivory D. pottery

10. In the Egyptian society, the kept records in the government.

A. prime minister B. scribes C. craftsmen D. merchants

11. The most commonly used calendar now is the calendar.

A. Chinese B. Egyptian C. Christian D. Arabian

12. The Egyptian calendar had days in a year and hours in a day.
A. 365 … 24
B. 365 … 20
C. 356 … 24
D. 354 … 20

13. Which of the following statements is correct?

A. River Nile is the second longest river in the world.
B. Demotics is one type of Greek writing.
C. The whole process of making a mummy took about 40 days.
D. The making of mummies shows that ancient Egyptians had knowledge of medicine.

14. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A. Civilisation means citizens living in a city.
B. Civilized people are under the rule of a government.
C. Civilized people hold religious activities.
D. There were civilized people in prehistoric times.
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Section Two: Matching (8 marks)

Match the following persons on the left hand side with the correct descriptions on the right hand side.
15. A prime minister A. He sold Egyptian goods to other countries.
16. A priest B. He was the first king who wore a double crown.
17. A merchant C. He helped the king to rule the country.
18. Menes D. He was responsible for making mummies.

Match the following inventions on the left hand side with the correct descriptions on the right hand side.
19. Reservoir A. It was used to store water.
20. Canal B. It was used to raise water for irrigation.
21. Shaduf C. It was used to make religious records.
22. Hieroglyphics D. It was used to channel water to the field.

Section Three: Time Sense (8 marks)

Arrange the following periods/ events in chronological order, beginning with the earliest event.

Part I
Questions 23-26; Question 23 represents the earliest period and Question 26 the last.

A. The Middle Ages

B. The Stone Age
C. Modern times
D. Ancient times

Part II
Questions 27-30; Question 27 represents the earliest event and Question 30 the last.

A. Hieroglyphics was invented.

B. Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt were unified into one kingdom.
C. The ancient Egyptian civilisation ended.
D. Khafre ruled over ancient Egypt.

Section Four: Fill in the blanks (15 marks)

1. The period after writing was invented is called (a) .

2. We use the Latin words ‘ (b) ’ to represent the period after Jesus Christ was born.

3. The Egyptian kings are called (c) . The ancient Egyptians believed that their kings were
(d) from heaven.

4. The (e) is a stone statue with a human head and a lion’s body. It was built to protect the
(f) , which is the tomb of a king named (g) .

5. In AD1799, the French army found the (h) Stone in the Nile Delta. This discovery helped the
modern people find the key to read the ancient Egyptian writing called (i) .

6. Ancient Egyptians used palms and (j) to measure length. They also invented (k)
and (l) to tell time.

7. A preserved dead body is called a (m) in Egypt.

8. The (n) started the world’s earliest civilisation in about 4000 BC. Their writing is called (o) .
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Section Five: Data-based Questions (31 marks)

Short answers will be accepted.

1. Sources (A) shows the locations of the four early civilisations.

Civilisation B Civilisation C
Civilisation D
Civilisation A

Source (A)

(a) Name the early civilisations (A) to (D). (4 marks)

(b) Name the river marked (E). (1 mark)
(c) Arrange the four early civilisations in chronological order. Write the LETTERS only. (4 marks)
(d) All four early civilisations started along rivers. Suggest THREE reasons for this. (6 marks)

2. Source (B) shows the life of commoners in ancient Egypt.

Source (B)

(a) How did the commoners make a living in Source (B)? (1 mark)
(b) List TWO inventions shown in Source (B) and explain the function of each of them. (6 marks)
(c) Did the commoners belong to the lowest social class in ancient Egypt? Explain briefly. (3 marks)
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3. Study Source (C) and answer the following questions.

Source (C)

(a) Source (C) shows how the ancient Egyptians made paper. Rearrange the steps in correct order.
Write the LETTERS only. (4 marks)
(b) Why did the ancient Egyptians use reeds to make paper? (2 marks)

Section Six: Long Questions (24 marks)

Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Marks will be deducted for spelling and grammatical

1. Why did the ancient Egyptians preserve dead bodies? Describe how they did it. (5 + 7 marks)

2. ‘Egyptian tombs are great treasures to the historians.’ Do you agree? List THREE types of things that we
can find in an Egyptian tomb and explain what we can learn from each of them. (12 marks)


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