Lifestyle Modifications To Prevent and Control Hypertension: Kidney Diseases

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Lifestyle Modifications to Prevent and Control Hypertension

Fariba Samadian,1 Nooshin Dalili,2 Ali Jamalian3

1Division of Nephrology, Hypertension is the most important, modifiable risk factor for
Department of Internal cardiovascular disease and mortality. High salt intake may
Medicine, Shahid Labbafinejad
Medical Center, Shahid
predispose children to develop hypertension later. A modest
Beheshti University of Medical reduction in population salt intake worldwide would result in a
Sciences, Tehran, Iran major improvement in public health. Regarding smoking as another
2Division of Nephrology, risk factor, there are various strategies that can be used to promote
Department of Internal smoking cessation. Physicians are in an excellent position to help
Medicine, Masih Daneshvari
their patients stop smoking. Targeted weight loss interventions in
Hospital, Shahid Beheshti
University of Medical Sciences,
population subgroups might be more effective for the prevention
Tehran, Iran of hypertension than a general-population approach. A diet rich
3Department of Cardiology, in high-potassium fruit and vegetables is strongly recommended.
Lavasani Hospital, Tehran, Iran Fresh products are best; normal potassium content is reduced when
foods are canned or frozen. Calcium supplementation reduces blood
Keywords. hypertension, risk
factors, prevention
pressure in hypertensive individuals during chronic nitric oxide
synthase inhibition and high calcium diet enhances vasorelaxation
in nitric oxide-deficient hypertension. Magnesium should be
considered by anyone seeking to prevent or treat high blood
pressure. The foundation for a healthy blood pressure consists of
a healthy diet, adequate exercise, stress reduction, and sufficient
amounts of potassium and magnesium, but further investigations
are required before making definitive therapeutic recommendations
on magnesium use. Alcohol usage is a more frequent contributor
to hypertension than is generally appreciated. For hypertensive
patients in whom stress appears to be an important issue, stress
management should be considered as an intervention. Individualized
cognitive behavioral interventions are more likely to be effective
than single-component interventions.

IJKD 2016;10:237-63

INTRODUCTION 55 or 65 years and who had survived to 80 to 85

Hypertension is an important public health years of age, respectively.2 Everyone is, therefore,
challenge worldwide because of its high at risk and it is impossible to predict who will not
prevalence and the concomitant increase in the develop hypertension with increasing age. However,
risk of cardiovascular-renal disease. 1 Increasing there are a number of important causative factors
age is an unmodifiable risk factor for developing for essential hypertension. These include obesity,
hypertension. The lifetime risk for developing increased daily sodium intake, fat and alcohol intake,
hypertension is therefore of significant importance. and the lack of physical activity. Eating too little fruit
In the Framingham Heart Study, investigators and vegetables or whole grain foods has also been
reported that the lifetime risk of hypertension implicated. Motivating patients to achieve lifestyle
was approximately 90% for those patients, male modifications is probably one of the most difficult
and female, who were normotensive at the age of aspects of managing hypertension. Having a trustful

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Lifestyle Modifications for Hypertension—Samadian et al

relationship between the healthcare provider and Population-based Studies and Clinical Trials
the patient is one of the most important aspects Both prospective cohort studies and outcome
when motivating patients. Adherence to lifestyle trials have shown that a lower salt intake is related
interventions by the healthcare workers themselves to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. 9
is probably the best starting point. Long-established Recently, a meta-analysis showed that a longer-
lifestyle modifications that effectively lower blood term modest reduction in salt intake of 4.4 g/d
pressure include weight loss, reduced sodium on average, causes significant and important falls
intake, increased physical activity, and limited in blood pressure in people with both raised and
alcohol intake. These lifestyle modifications are normal blood pressure. This study also showed
recommended for nonhypertensive individuals a significant dose-response relationship between
with above-optimal blood pressure, known as the reduction in salt intake and the fall in systolic
“pre-hypertensives,” and as initial therapy in blood pressure.10
stage 1 hypertension. 3 For individuals taking A recent randomized controlled trial, conducted
antihypertensive medication, lifestyle modification in rural northern China, evaluated the long-term
is recommended as adjunctive therapy. Randomized effects of a reduced-sodium-high-potassium salt
controlled clinical trials have repeatedly documented substitute compared to normal salt on blood
the benefits of antihypertensive drug treatment in pressure among 608 high-risk individuals. Mean
the reduction of cardiovascular disease incidence overall difference in systolic blood pressure between
and mortality.4-6 Nonpharmacological intervention the randomized groups was 3.7 mm Hg (P < .001),
(lifestyle modification) offers an attractive alternative and systolic blood pressure was significantly lower
for preventing and treating hypertension at little cost in the salt substitute group than in the normal salt
and with minimal risk.5 This review summarizes group at the 6-, 9-, and 12-month visits (all P < .02).
the evidence pertaining to lifestyle modifications The magnitude of this reduction increased over
and blood pressure reduction. time (P = .001) with the maximum net reduction
of 5.4 mm Hg achieved at 12 months.11
DIETARY SODIUM The effect of a chronic high-salt intake is a
Sodium Intake gradual increase in blood pressure throughout life.
Approximately 50% of hypertensive individuals The International Study of Salt and Blood Pressure
and 25% of normotensive individuals are considered suggested a strong relationship between salt intake
by some to be salt-sensitive—a term that describes and a progressive increase in blood pressure with
the tendency for blood pressure to fall during age, which was 0.4 mm Hg per year for a 6-g/d
salt reduction and rise during salt repletion. Salt salt intake. A reduction in salt intake is therefore
sensitivity and salt resistance have a variety of likely to attenuate the rise of blood pressure with
determinants, including genetics, ethnicity, age, ageing, in addition to the immediate blood pressure
body mass, diet quality, and the presence of other lowering effect.12
associated comorbidities including diabetes mellitus From the evidence above, it is clear that the
and kidney dysfunction.6,7 recommendations to reduce salt to 5 g/d to 6 g/d
Sodium is naturally present in a variety of will have a significant effect on blood pressure but
different foods and accounts for about 12% of are not ideal. In the United States, it is recommended
total intake. Salt used at the discretion of an that sodium intake should be reduced to less than
individual (at the table or while cooking) provides 2.3 g/d (equivalent to about 6 g/d salt) for most
about 11%; more than 75% is derived from salt adults, with a further reduction to 1.5 g/d (4 g/d
added in food processing. 8 The current public salt) for about half of the population, including
health recommendations in most countries are African Americans, all adults aged 51 and older, and
to reduce salt intake from about 9 g/d to12 g/d individuals with hypertension, diabetes mellitus,
to the lower levels of 5 g/d to 6 g/d. As raised and chronic kidney disease.13
blood pressure throughout its range is a major
cause of cardiovascular disease, a reduction in Pathogenesis
salt intake, if it lowered blood pressure, would When sodium salt is loaded, factors that inhibit
reduce cardiovascular risk. sodium-potassium-adenosine triphosphatase

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Lifestyle Modifications for Hypertension—Samadian et al

(ATPase) activity increase in the circulating discovery of many other factors that act in concert
blood and in some tissues. As inhibitors of with EDLF in response to sodium loading in the
sodium-potassium-ATPase activity were central nervous system. The proposed theory that
identified as digitalis glycosides, they are termed sodium metabolism is influenced by EDLFs and
endogenous digitalis-like factors (EDLFs), 14 which other factors in the central nervous system, and
include ouabain, digoxin, marinobufagenin, that this is essential in the genesis of hypertension
marinobufotoxin, telocinobufagin, proscillaridin has now been confirmed.17 Molecular pathways for
A, bufalin, and others. There are 2 types of central effects of sodium and potassium on blood
EDLFs that are cardenolides derived from plants pressure can be seen in Figure 1.
and bufadienolides derived from toads. As these When salt intake is reduced, there is a fall in
molecules contain a steroid nucleus and increase extracellular volume and physiological stimulation
cardiac and vascular contractility by inhibiting of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, as
sodium-potassium-ATPases in cell membranes, well as the sympathetic nervous system. These
they are called cardiotonic steroids. Pharmacological compensatory responses are bigger with sudden
evidence indicates that the circulating level of and large decreases in salt intake and much
cardiotonic steroids may not be high enough smaller or minimal with a longer-term modest salt
to exert physiological effects because the main reduction so with a longer-term modest reduction
cardiotonic steroids-ATPase subunit, the alpha1- in salt intake there is only a small physiological
subunit, is resistant to ouabain. In recent years, increase in plasma renin activity, aldosterone, and
EDLF has emerged as a key player, at least locally noradrenaline.18,19
in the brain, in the onset of sodium-induced By far the most reliable estimate of the effect of
hypertension. 15 Continuous administration of reducing salt intake on blood pressure now comes
mineralocorticoids leads to sodium retention, which from the large and well-controlled DASH-Sodium
in turn leads to natriuresis when the sodium level trial (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension).3
exceeds a threshold. This phenomenon is known The trial was a multicenter 14-week feeding study in
as mineralocorticoid escape. The two major causes which 412 participants, 169 of whom hypertensive
of natriuresis are increased glomerular filtration and 243 normotensive, were randomized in a
rate and decreased aldosterone levels, but neither parallel-group study to either consume a normal
is involved in mineralocorticoid escape. The factor American diet or the DASH diet (ie, rich in fruits,
involved in this phenomenon is thus referred to vegetables, and low-fat dairy products). They were
as ‘the third factor,’ and the most likely candidate then randomized into a cross-over study of 3 salt
for this third factor is an EDLF: suppression of intakes: approximately 8 g, 6 g, and 4 g per day. The
renal tubular sodium-potassium-ATPase activity results showed that reducing salt intake lowered
markedly increases sodium excretion, and EDLFs blood pressure in hypertensive and normotensive
suppress that.16 Investigation of EDLFs led to the individuals, both on the normal American diet and

Figure 1. Molecular pathways for central effects of sodium and potassium on blood pressure.

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on the DASH diet. The lower the salt intake, the In a study of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure
lower the blood pressure. On the normal American monitoring, smokers maintained a higher mean
diet, when salt intake was reduced from 8 g/d daytime ambulatory systolic blood pressure than
to 4 g/d, the average fall in blood pressure was nonsmokers, even though office blood pressure
8.7/4.5 mm Hg in hypertensive and 5.3/2.6 mm Hg levels were similar.26 These findings reflect the fact
in normotensive individuals. On the DASH diet, that patients do not smoke during measurement
blood pressure was lower, as found in the original of blood pressure in office and hence the blood
DASH study,10 but salt restriction still significantly pressure that is recorded may not represent the
lowered blood pressure in both hypertensive and subject’s usual blood pressure.
normotensive individuals. The combination of Paradoxically, several epidemiological studies
salt restriction and the DASH diet reduced blood have found that blood pressure levels among
pressure by 11.5/5.7 mm Hg and 7.1/3.7 mm Hg cigarette smokers were the same as or lower than
in hypertensives and normotensives respectively.20 those of nonsmokers.27 Evidence from the health
survey for England showed that older male smokers
Recommendations had higher systolic blood pressure adjusted for age,
Currently, in most developed countries, body mass index, social class, and alcohol intake
salt is no longer added to baby foods, and salt than did nonsmoking men. No such differences
concentrations in formula milk are very similar were seen among younger men or for diastolic blood
to those in human milk. Salt intake in children in pressure in either age group. 28 A cross-sectional
developed countries is increased due to frequent study to clarify the dose-effect relationship of
consumption of processed foods. The restaurant smoking habits with blood pressure in Japanese men
foods, fast foods, and snacks are generally very showed that there was no significant difference in
high in salt, fat, and sugar. This high salt intake the adjusted systolic and diastolic blood pressure
may predispose children to develop hypertension between nonsmokers and ex-smokers.29
later.21 A reduction in salt intake in children can Based on evidence, platelet and endothelial
be achieved by a gradual and sustained reduction function, arterial stiffness, atherosclerosis, oxidative
in the amount of salt added to children’s foods stress, inflammation, heart rate variability, and
by the food industry. A comprehensive school energy metabolism are sensitive to the toxins
meals program, combined with advice to parents in secondhand smoke. The effects of even brief
and children, will also help reduce salt, fat, and (minutes to hours) passive smoking are often
sugar in children’s diets. A modest reduction in nearly as large (averaging 80% to 90%) as chronic
population salt intake worldwide would result in a active smoking.30 The World Health Organization
major improvement in public health at a low cost, released guidance on tobacco harm reduction
as or more cost-effective than tobacco control.22,23 emphasized that passive smoking compromise
health not only when individuals are exposed
SMOKING frequently for prolonged periods of time, but also
Impact after single brief exposure. It seems that there is a
Smoking remains one of the most important dose-response relationship, with greater exposure
causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. associated with greater risk.31
Individuals who smoke are exposed to not only In a study that published the impact of
nicotine, tobacco, tar, carbon monoxide, but also exposure to cigarette smoke on blood pressure of
to at least 50 other toxic chemicals. elementary school children in Kermanshah, Iran,
the mean systolic and diastolic blood pressures
Pathogenesis of the exposure group were higher than those of
Chronic cigarette smoking causes hypertension, the nonexposure group; meanwhile, difference
increases oxidative stress, impairs nitric oxide between the two groups according to sex was not
bioavailability, endothelial dysfunction, and cardiac significant.32
remodeling. 24,25 Nicotine acts as an adrenergic In 2003 it was shown that acute exposure to
agonist, mediating local and systemic catecholamine passive smoking had deleterious effects on the
release and possibly the release of vasopressin. arterial pressure waveform in healthy young males

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but not in females, suggesting a possible protection OBESITY

of female sex from functional changes in the arteries. Impact
Passive smoking was associated with an increase Obesity has been accepted as an established
in brachial and aortic systolic blood pressure at 60 risk factor for higher systolic and diastolic blood
minutes in the men only. The augmentation index pressures. Around the world, the incidence of
increased from at 60 minutes only in the men.33 In overweight and obesity has increased. There is a
ex-smokers, duration of smoking cessation has a direct positive relationship between overweight
significant linear relationship with improvement in and hypertension, such that it has been estimated
pulse wave velocity and arterial stiffness parameters that the control of obesity may eliminate 48% of
return to nonsignificant levels after a decade of the hypertension in whites.37
smoking cessation.34
Results from a survey conducted for evaluating Pathogenesis
the correlation between cigarette smoking and Although the exact mechanism of the relationship
blood pressure and pulse pressure among teachers between hypertension and obesity and the effect of
residing in Shiraz, southern Iran, showed the mean weight loss on blood pressure is unknown, there
range of systolic and diastolic hypertension and are several probable biologic pathways. Renin-
pulse pressure was greater in heavy smokers than angiotensin-aldosterone system is overactivated
those who smoked less than 20 pack.years, although in obese individuals. Furthermore, activity of
the difference was not significant.35 the sympathetic nervous system is increased in
It has been shown clearly that the risk for hypertensive obese subjects, which could induce
high-normal urinary albumin excretion and obesity-related renal effects. Alternatively, there
microalbuminuria is increased in smoking might be inhibition of the natriuretic peptides
compared with nonsmoking individuals of the system. Decreased insulin sensitivity and
general population. 36 These data indicate that at hyperinsulinemia as part of the metabolic syndrome
least in men, smoking increases the risk to reach might also form an essential link between obesity
end-stage renal failure. Of interest, the magnitude and hypertension.37
of the adverse renal effect of smoking seems to Recent studies have demonstrated that
be independent of the underlying kidney disease. adipose tissue is a major endocrine organ that
Death-censored kidney graft survival is decreased secrets a variety of bioactive substances, termed
in smokers, indicating that smoking also damages adipocytokines. Adipocytokines secretion is altered
the kidney transplant. Cessation of smoking has as obesity develops, which may induce the metabolic
been shown to reduce the rate of progression of disorders. Accumulated visceral adipose tissue
kidney failure both in patients with kidney disease produce and secrete a number of adipocytokines,
and in patients with a kidney transplant.36 such as leptin, tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6,
angiotensinogen, and nonesterified fatty acids,
Recommendations which induce development of hypertension.38
Despite public awareness of the health risks of Leptin is an adipocyte-derived hormone that
smoking, millions of people worldwide continue acts in the hypothalamus to regulate appetite,
to smoke, largely because they are physically and energy expenditure, and sympathetic nervous
psychologically dependent on nicotine. There are system outflow. One of the major mechanisms
various strategies that can be used to promote leading to the development of obesity-induced
smoking cessation, including advice from a hypertension appears to be leptin-mediated
physician, nicotine replacement therapy, behavior sympathetic activation. Leptin adversely shifts
modification, and smoking cessation programs. the renal pressure–natriuresis curve, leading
Physicians are in an excellent position to help to relative sodium retention. Although obesity
their patients stop smoking. Because several of is generally associated with resistance to the
the motivating factors relate to improved physical anorexic and weight-reducing actions of leptin,
well-being, it is important that physicians discuss experimental studies showed that its sympatho-
the health consequences of smoking with their excitatory and pressor actions are preserved. This
patients. selective leptin resistance of obesity, coupled

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with hyperleptinemia, may play a critical role in a clinical trial. Calorie restriction resulted in
in the cardiovascular complications of obesity.39 an average weight loss of 5.6 kg over 16 weeks
Other adipocyte-derived peptides may also affect in the intervention group. A significant reduction
arterial pressure. Circulating adiponectin levels are in 24-hour mean systolic (76.1 ± 2.6 mm Hg) and
decreased in obesity-induced insulin resistance, and diastolic (74.6 ± 1.5 mm Hg) blood pressure was
some studies suggest that adiponectin is protective observed in the intervention group compared with
against hypertension through an endothelial- the control group. These trials provide additional
dependent mechanism.40 evidence that weight loss is an effective approach
to the treatment and prevention of hypertension.44
Clinical Trials Even modest reduction in body weight can
Results obtained with experimental models of cause a meaningful reduction in the activity of
obesity-associated hypertension indicate a potential the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone systems in the
role for vascular pro-inflammatory factors and circulation and in adipose tissue which makes a
oxidative stress on endothelial dysfunction in major contribution to the blood pressure decrease.
this condition. Mice with high-fat diet-induced Weight loss of 5% is associated with the reduction
obesity display increased blood pressure and of angiotensinogen levels (27%), renin (43%),
impairment in the relaxation of the aorta in response aldosterone (31%), angiotensin-converting enzyme
to acetylcholine, an endothelium-dependent activity (12%), and angiotensinogen expression in
vasodilator. The endothelial dysfunction in this adipose tissue (20%).45
model has been proposed to be a consequence Huang and colleagues examined the relationship
of the reduced antioxidant defense and the local between long-term weight changes and the risk of
activation of the nuclear factor κB pathway and hypertension. The incidence of hypertension was
increased superoxide generation in the vascular reduced by 15% for a long-term weight loss (12
wall, indicating that these two factors may be the to 15 years) of 5.0 ± 9.9 kg and by 26% for long-
link between obesity and hypertension.41 term weight loss of 10 kg or more compared with
The respiratory quotient is a parameter reflecting no change. Long-term weight gain, on the other
the utilization of the nutrients. Subjects tending to hand, increased the incidence of hypertension
burn less fat have an increased respiratory quotient. significantly. Medium-term weight changes (2
To investigate on the relationship between the to 14 years) had similar effects on the risk of
respiratory quotient and the cardiovascular risk hypertension. This study suggests that even
factors, a cross-sectional study conducted in 2013 modest adult weight gain may increase the risk
showed that high value of the respiratory quotient, of hypertension, while weight loss substantially
is associated with high prevalence of hypertension reduces this risk. 46 A meta-analysis of aerobic
and it is possible that in the subjects with high exercise and blood pressure showed that blood
respiratory quotient and high body mass index, pressure was significantly reduced even in trials in
the activation of the renin angiotensin system, in which overall weight loss was minimal because of
concert to the reduction of endogenous fat stores interindividual differences in blood pressure and
utilization, could increase the risk of hypertension.42 body weight. This suggests that exercise reduces
Weight loss has been proposed as an effective blood pressure independent of changes in body
nonpharmacologic means for the primary prevention weight.47
of hypertension. An early meta-analysis by Staessen Becque and coworkers 48 reported that 80% of
and colleagues in 1988 showed a reduction in systolic obese adolescents had elevated blood pressure and
blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure of 2.4 that 97% of obese adolescents showed elevated
mm Hg and 1.5 mm Hg per kilogram weight loss, serum triglyceride levels, decreased high-density
respectively.43 Several studies have been reported lipoprotein cholesterol and increased total
recently supporting the role of weight loss in the cholesterol levels along with elevated systolic or
prevention and treatment of hypertension. Bao diastolic blood pressures. Many experiments have
and colleagues examined the effects of weight shown that plasma cholesterol is raised by the dietary
reduction on ambulatory blood pressure among saturated fatty acids, lowered by polyunsaturated
63 overweight hypertensives aged 40 to 70 years ones and slightly affected by monounsaturated fatty

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acids. Plasma cholesterol falls if the percentage of tertile. Subjects in the highest tertile of scores for
dietary energy provided by fats is reduced, while consuming fats and sugars had significantly greater
diets high in starch do not increase triglycerides odds of metabolic syndrome compared with those
unless individuals are obese.49 in the lowest tertile. This study showed that the
Mediterranean dietary pattern is associated with
Recommendations a reduced risk of metabolic syndrome in renal
Targeted weight loss interventions in population transplant recipients.52
subgroups might be more effective for the prevention Prevencion con Dieta Mediterrnea was a large-
of hypertension than a general-population approach. scale feeding trial that assessed the effects of 2
In conclusion, weight loss makes an important Mediterranean diets, one supplemented with
contribution to the treatment of hypertension, olive oil and the other supplemented with mixed
especially in subjects taking antihypertensive nuts, compared to a low-fat diet on cardiovascular
medication. Prevention of weight gain is likely to disease outcomes. Results demonstrated significant
have a large impact on the burden of hypertension, reductions in systolic blood pressure and diastolic
and consequently, cardiovascular diseases in the blood pressure in the participants in the two
general population. Mediterranean diet conditions compared to
low-fat diet controls. Notably, participants with
DIET hypertension showed even higher reduction in
To date, the most definitive trials directed toward systolic blood pressure in the two Mediterranean
the nutritional management of hypertension are the diet conditions.53
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) The effect of the Mediterranean diet on
and DASH-Sodium trials.3 Briefly, DASH focused hypertension may be mediated by lipid electrophiles
on establishing dietary patterns to lower blood such as 10-nitro-oleic acid, which inhibits hydrolase
pressure, with typical sodium consumption. The activity in a mouse model. The researchers examined
DASH-Sodium trial demonstrated that reducing whether inhibition of soluble epoxide hydrolase is
sodium intake from 100 mmol/d to 50 mmol/d associated with a reduction in blood pressure in
significantly reduced blood pressure in individuals, vivo. The authors used a Cys521Ser soluble epoxide
whether on the DASH diet or the typical US diet.3 hydrolase redox-dead knock in (KI) mouse model
Studies suggest that an intake of fish oil at a level that was resistant to this inhibition and found that
of approximately 4 g/d reduces systolic blood in wild-type, but not KI mice, the electrophilic
pressure by approximately 1.7 mm Hg to 2.1 mm lipid 10-nitro-oleic acid inhibited hydrolase activity
Hg and diastolic blood pressure by 1.5 mm Hg and reduced blood pressure in an angiotensin
to 1.6 mm Hg. These effects tend to be larger II-induced hypertension model. Following
in individuals older than 45 years of age and in 10-nitro-oleic acid treatment, epoxyeicosatrienoic
populations with blood pressure readings greater acid/dihydroxy-epoxyeicosatrienoic acid isomer
than 140/90 mm Hg.50 ratios were increased in plasma from wild-type,
Monounsaturated fatty acids, particularly olive but not KI mice. Inhibition of soluble epoxide
oil, may help to reduce blood pressure. Olive oil is hydrolase was observed in wild- type, but not
a rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids and KI mice, which were fed key components of the
has typically been associated with the popularized Mediterranean diet (linoleic acid and nitrites) that
Mediterranean diet, which has been promoted as a elevate electrophilic nitro fatty acid levels. This
treatment for cardiovascular disease. Small clinical observation revealed that lipid electrophiles such
studies of the Mediterranean diet have shown as 10-nitro-oleic acid mediate antihypertensive
reduced blood pressure, improved lipid profiles, signaling actions by inhibiting soluble epoxide
and reduced markers of vascular inflammation.51 hydrolase and suggested a mechanism accounting
In 2009, results of a prospective cohort of 160 for protection from hypertension afforded by the
adult kidney allograft recipients showed that Mediterranean diet. 54 Dietary fiber influences
subjects in the highest tertile of scores for the satiety and reduces energy intake. Therefore, it
Mediterranean diet had a significantly lower odds may influence blood pressure by a mediating effect
of metabolic syndrome than those in the lowest through weight reduction.55 Observational studies

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suggest an inverse relationship between dietary studies, a diet low in potassium (10 mmol/d to
fiber consumption and hypertension risk. In a meta- 16 mmol/d) coupled with the participants’ usual
analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials of sodium intake (120 mmol/d to 200 mmol/d)
dietary fiber on blood pressure, results of 25 studies caused sodium retention and an elevation of blood
suggested that dietary fiber intake may reduce pressure; on average, systolic pressure increased
blood pressure in patients with hypertension with by 6 mm Hg and diastolic pressure by 4 mm Hg
smaller reductions in normotensive participants.55 in normotensive subjects, and systolic pressure
increased by 7 mm Hg and diastolic pressure by
POTASSIUM 6 mm Hg in hypertensive subjects.61
Impact A meta-analysis that evaluated the effects of
Everyone knows that high sodium intake can an increased potassium intake on blood pressure
increase the risk of hypertension. Potassium also concluded that potassium supplementation (≥ 60
may play a role. However, the ratio of sodium to mmol/d) lowered systolic pressure by an average
potassium may be more important than the specific of 4.4 mm Hg and diastolic pressure by an average
amounts of sodium or potassium that a person of 2.5 mm Hg in hypertensive subjects and lowered
consumes. Data support the view that an increase systolic pressure by an average of 1.8 mm Hg and
in potassium sodium ratio would decrease blood diastolic pressure by an average of 1.0 mm Hg in
pressure in the general population and decrease normotensive subjects.62 Potassium supplementation
cardiovascular mortality significantly. 56 Even in can reduce the need for antihypertensive
kidney transplant recipients restoring a well- medication but natural source of potassium is
balanced sodium-potassium ratio intakes could preferable. Currently, pharmacological potassium
be a non pharmacological opportunity to improve supplementation is not recommended as a method
blood pressure control.57 Increasing the potassium to obtain the advised daily intake of potassium.63
in the diet, however, has a protective effect, reduces One study showed that with an increased dietary
blood pressure in people with hypertension and potassium intake in hypertensive subjects, 81% of
has no adverse effect on blood lipid concentrations, the subjects needed less than half of the baseline
catecholamine concentrations, or renal function in medication and 38% required no antihypertensive
adults.58 As compared with diets based on natural medication for blood-pressure control, as compared
foods, diets based on processed foods are high in with 29% and 9%, respectively, in the control group
sodium and low in potassium. For example, 2 slices at 1 year of follow-up.64 In the DASH trial, a diet
of ham (57 g) contain 32.0 mmol of sodium and 4.0 rich in fruits and vegetables, reduced systolic
mmol of potassium. Conversely, diets containing pressure in the 133 hypertensive subjects by 7.2
abundant fruits and vegetables are sodium poor mm Hg and diastolic pressure by 2.8 mm Hg, at
and potassium rich.59 For example, an orange (131 a constant level of sodium intake. The potassium
g) contains no sodium and 6.0 mmol of potassium, content of the diet of fruits and vegetables was more
and a cup of boiled peas contains 0.3 mmol of than twice as high as that of the typical American
sodium and 9.8 mmol of potassium. diet; therefore, its higher potassium: sodium ratio
probably accounted for most of the observed
Population-based Studies and Clinical Trials reduction in blood pressure. 65 Guidelines advise
Population studies have shown an inverse adults to consume at least 120 mmol of potassium
relation of potassium intake to blood pressure, per day (approximately 4.7 g of potassium per
the prevalence of hypertension, or the risk of day). These targets would require modifications
stroke. After adjusting for potentially confounding for special groups, including competitive athletes,
variables, the INTERSALT researchers estimated persons working in hot environments, patients
that a decrease in potassium excretion by 50 mmol/d with chronic kidney disease or diabetes, and
was associated with an increase in systolic pressure persons taking medications that affect potassium
of 3.4 mm Hg and an increase in diastolic pressure balance. Forms of potassium that do not contain
of 1.9 mm Hg. The urinary potassium-sodium chloride, such as those found naturally in fruits and
ratio in the INTERSALT study had a significant, vegetables, offer larger cellular entry in exchange
inverse relation with blood pressure.60 In clinical for sodium and greater antihypertensive effects.66,67

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Pathogenesis by reducing its plasma membrane abundance.77

A high-potassium diet and increases in serum WNK1 modulates NCC not only through WNK4,
potassium, even within the physiologic range, but also recent evidence suggested that WNK1
cause endothelium-dependent vasodilatation regulates trafficking by facilitating the final steps
by hyperpolarizing the endothelial cell through of NCC insertion into the plasma membrane.78 The
stimulation of the sodium pump and opening exact role of WNK3 in NCC regulation remains
potassium channels. Endothelial hyperpolarization elusive, but cell studies showed that WNK3 is a
is transmitted to the vascular smooth-muscle cells, positive regulator of NCC and that the net effect
resulting in decreased cytosolic calcium, which on NCC is determined by antagonism between
in turn promotes vasodilatation. Experimental WNK3 and WNK4. Phosphorylation of NKCC2
potassium depletion inhibits endothelium dependent also requires an interaction between WKN3
vasodilatation. 68 Experimental studies suggest and SPAK because catalytically inactive WNK3,
that in addition to its effects on vascular tone, a prevents the activation of NKCC2. 72 WNKs also
potassium-rich diet decreases cardiovascular risk modulate ROMK by affecting clathrin-mediated
by inhibiting arterial thrombosis, atherosclerosis, endocytosis. Major renal sodium and potassium
and medial hypertrophy of the arterial wall. In transporters are regulated by aldosterone, including
addition to increased vasodilatation, other proposed NCC, epithelial sodium channel, and ROMK.
mechanisms by which potassium can influence When aldosterone is secreted in response to
blood pressure include natriuresis, alterations in angiotensin II, its primary effect is sodium chloride
intracellular sodium and tonicity, modulation of retention; when it is stimulated in response to
baroreceptor sensitivity, reduced vasoconstrictive hyperkalemia, its primary effect is kaliuretic. 79
sensitivity to norepinephrine and angiotensin II, Dietary potassium intake has substantial effects
increased serum and urinary kallikrein, increased on WNK abundance. Both the KS-WNK1/WNK1
sodium-potassium ATPase activity and alteration ratio and the abundance of WNK4 increase on
in DNA synthesis and proliferation in vascular high potassium diets (hyperkalemia), but not on
smooth muscle and sympathetic nervous system a low sodium diet (hypovolemia).The increase
cells, improved insulin sensitivity, reduction in in KS-WNK1 and WNK4 would favor electro
cardiac diastolic dysfunction, decrease in vascular genic transport with potassium secretion. The
neointimal formation, reduction in transforming WNK network is also modulated by angiotensin
growth factor-β, and decreases in nicotinamide II, which is elevated when aldosterone secretion
adenine dinucleotide phosphate-oxidase, oxidative is stimulated by hypovolemia but not when it is
stress, and inflammation.66-70 stimulated by hyperkalemia. Indeed, angiotensin
In recent years, a number of previously II, through WNK4, activates NCC, favoring sodium
unrecognized kinases interacting in the distal chloride reabsorption during hypovolemia. 80
nephron have been identified as playing important Potassium deficiency increases the expression of
roles in sodium, potassium, and blood pressure serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK‑1, which
regulation. Among these are the WNKs, which might create an imbalance between the activity
regulate the renal outer medullary potassium of the ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium
channel (ROMK) 71, the sodium potassium chloride channel 1 and the epithelial sodium channel, which
co transporter type 2 (NKCC2) 72, the sodium results in increased sodium retention. 81 The WNKs
chloride cotransporter (NCC),73,74 and the epithelial are a promising new link to hypertension. Several
sodium channel.75 Four WNKs are expressed in the studies showed single nucleotide polymorphisms
kidney, WNK1, kidney-specific WNK1 (KS-WNK1), and haplotypes in the WNK1 and WNK4 genes
WNK3, and WNK4, where they are most abundant are not only associated with blood pressure
along the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron.76 Of variation, but also with hypertension severity,
these, WNK1, WNK3, and WNK4 phosphorylate salt sensitivity, thiazide sensitivity, and urine
SPAK and OSR1-two highly homologous kinases potassium excretion.82-87 These findings make the
that are phosphorylated and activated by WNKs, WNKs obvious candidates as drug targets, and
which in turn phosphorylate and activate NKCC2 several screening strategies are already making
and NCC, WNK4 is believed to inhibit NCC activity progress.

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Lifestyle Modifications for Hypertension—Samadian et al

Recommendations deficiencies or altered calcium metabolism, have

In 2006, the American Heart Association issued been linked by several epidemiological and
new guidelines suggesting an increase in potassium laboratory studies to higher blood pressure, or
intake to 120 mmol/d (4.7 g/d), which is the level hypertension. One of the largest studies to examine
provided in the DASH diet.88 In 2010, the American this relationship was the National Health and
Society of Hypertension recommended about 4.7 Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the
g/d of potassium. The most recent European Society National Center for Health Statistics. They found
of Hypertension guidelines also support increased that there was a threshold of 400 mg/d to 600
potassium intake based on the DASH diet. 89 In mg/d of dietary calcium; the risk of high blood
addition, the 2003 World Health Organization pressure increases dramatically at levels below
statement recommends a diet high in fruits and this threshold, while the cardiovascular benefits
vegetables, reduction of dietary sodium intake, and modestly increase at higher intake. This threshold
increased dietary potassium intake to reduce the may vary depending on the patient population.
incidence of hypertension. Apart from educating the Several studies indicate that abnormal calcium
public, an agreement by the food industry to limit metabolism is likely the cause of high blood
the deviation of the cationic content of processed pressure rather than result from cardiovascular
foods from their natural counterparts is essential. changes associated with hypertension. In
Following these recommendations would genetically hypertensive rats that received a calcium
require a comprehensive, culture-based approach, supplement during development of hypertension,
targeting both the general public and health care blood pressure was significantly lower compared
professionals.90 A diet rich in high-potassium fruit to those not receiving the supplement. 93 Studies
and vegetables is strongly recommended. Fresh have indicated that while increasing calcium intake
products are best; normal potassium content is might not be advantageous for the population
reduced when foods are canned or frozen. The daily at large with respect to hypertension, there
recommended allowance for potassium has been are certain groups that do clearly benefit from
established at 3500 mg. Potassium can be found increased calcium intake. Approximately 10% of
in many food, especially meat, milk, fruits, and pregnancies are accompanied by hypertension,
vegetables, so people who eat a variety of foods preeclampsia accounting for half of these cases.
should be able to reach the recommended amount. Women at risk of developing pregnancy-induced
hypertension are typically responsive to increased
CALCIUM calcium, with the incidence of hypertension being
Impact reduced up to 40% to 50% in those with a 1500
Calcium levels are found to be altered in essential mg/d to 2000 mg/d intake (there is an increased
hypertension. Elevated basal cytosolic free calcium daily calcium requirement due to fetal processes
levels, as well as defective membrane binding and that are dependent on maternal calcium stores).
transport kinetics of calcium, have been identified Maternal blood calcium levels also affect the blood
in platelets, erythrocytes, lymphocytes, and pressure of the newborn infant. 94 Patients with
adipocytes of hypertensive subjects, in whom blood salt-sensitive hypertension represent another group
pressure levels were closely and directly related for whom increased calcium intake appears to be
to the calcium content.91 Past studies indicate that highly beneficial. Responses in blood pressure to
extracellular calcium concentrations also may salt ingestion have been shown to additionally
differ between hypertensive and normotensive depend on the adequacy of dietary mineral intake
persons. Some researchers have found a highly (calcium, magnesium, and potassium).95 There are
significant association between serum calcium also considerable evidences that increased calcium
and both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in intake reduces risk of hypertension in individuals
both the genders. Sudhakar and colleagues found with high sodium diets, and those with a increased
that serum total calcium levels were significantly risk of hypertension such as individuals with a
decreased in patients with essential hypertension family history of high blood pressure. Calcium
and their first degree relatives.92 intake required to produce an effect on blood
Low levels of calcium, either due to dietary pressure lies within the recommended dietary

246 Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases | Volume 10 | Number 5 | September 2016

Lifestyle Modifications for Hypertension—Samadian et al

allowances values (currently 800 mg/d, 1200 II. It has been hypothesized that due to aberrant
mg/d for those 19 to 24 years old). Therefore, the transmembrane calcium transport, lower serum
inverse correlation between calcium intake and ionized calcium levels in the hypertensive subjects
high blood pressure provides an added reason may in fact reflect increased levels of intracellular
why individuals of all ages, gender, and ethnicity ionized calcium, which would account for the
should meet the recommended dietary allowances arteriolar vasoconstriction in hypertension. 100
for calcium. 95 A study conducted to investigate In vitro studies have demonstrated membrane
the influence of increasing dietary calcium on the stabilization and the consequent relaxation of
development of oral contraceptive induced high the vascular smooth muscles by increasing the
blood pressure showed that oral contraceptive extracellular levels of ionized calcium.101
administration led to significant increases in blood Grobbee and coworkers observed differences
pressure and blood volume. Conversely, caused in calcium metabolism indices in normotensive
significant reductions in plasma levels of calcium. offspring of parents with and without hypertension.
Increased dietary calcium attenuated the elevation At the ages selected, offspring in both groups had
in blood pressure induced by oral contraceptive limited differences in blood pressure. Mean serum
and abrogated the associated changes in blood calcium levels were significantly lower, and plasma
volume, plasma calcium and urinary excretion of parathyroid hormone was significantly higher in
water. The results indicate that increased calcium offspring having 2 hypertensive parents compared to
intake abrogated the development of high blood those with normotensive parents, with no differences
pressure and associated increased blood volume in dietary intake of calcium.102 Studies on calcium
during the use of oral contraceptive. The beneficial depravation during development of animal models
effect of increased dietary calcium during oral with a genetic predisposition to hypertension
contraceptive use may be explained by improved have also been conducted, and the majority report
diuretic and preserved vasorelaxant responses.96 significantly increased blood pressure associated
It is postulated that saturated fats in high-fat with low calcium intake. Ionized serum calcium
dairy products may mitigate the beneficial effects is reported to be lower in low-renin hypertensive
of other components of dairy products, including patients and higher in high-renin hypertensive
calcium. The capacity of calcium to form soaps is patients than in normal-renin hypertensives or in
higher when fat intake is increased.97 Therefore, high normotensives. Plasma renin activity in essential
fat in foods might hinder calcium absorption and hypertension has a continuous negative correlation
reduce the bioavailability of calcium. Experimental with serum magnesium and a positive correlation
data also showed that intake of low-fat dairy with serum ionized calcium. Hence, plasma renin in
products, calcium, and vitamin D were each hypertension may reflect calcium and magnesium
inversely associated with risk of hypertension flux changes across cell membranes.103 Besides these,
in middle-aged and older women, suggesting there are many other factors which are, directly
their potential roles in the primary prevention of or indirectly, implicated in the pathogenesis of
hypertension and cardiovascular complications.98 essential hypertension and are influenced by serum
calcium level. Endothelial cell dysfunction is one
Pathogenesis of them which is accompanied by a decrease in the
Dietary calcium may lower the activity of renin- production and/or the release of nitric oxide and
angiotensin system, improve sodium-potassium the increase of contracting factors with resultant
balance, and inhibit vascular smooth muscle cell increase in peripheral vascular resistance.104
constriction. High calcium intake facilitates weight In summary, essential hypertension is
loss and enhances insulin sensitivity, which also associated with a variety of perturbations in
contribute to blood pressure reduction.99 Calcium calcium physiology. It is showed that calcium
has direct effect on peripheral vascular tone. supplementation reduced blood pressure in
Alternations in intracellular calcium are thought to hypertensive individuals during chronic nitric
be involved in the common pathway mediating the oxide synthase inhibition and high calcium diet
secretion and action of many hormones, including had been found to enhance the vasorelaxation in
the presser action of catecholamines and angiotensin nitric oxide-deficient hypertension.

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Lifestyle Modifications for Hypertension—Samadian et al

MAGNESIUM is both a vasodilator and platelet inhibitor. Low

Impact magnesium states lead to insufficient amounts of
Magnesium is a biologically active mineral prostaglandin E1, causing vasoconstriction and
found in foods rich in whole grains, green leafy increased blood pressure.112,113
vegetables, and nuts. Experimental studies Increased magnesium efflux through altered
have observed a close inverse relationship regulation of the vascular sodium-magnesium
between dietary intake or supplementation of exchanger, and decreased magnesium influx due to
magnesium and blood pressure level, indicating defective vascular and renal TRPM6⁄ 7 expression
the potential role of magnesium deficiency in the or activity may be important. Found in epithelial
pathogenesis of essential hypertension. 105 Low cells, TRPM7 acts as a signaling kinase involved
serum magnesium was shown to be a cause of in vascular smooth muscle cell growth, apoptosis,
atherogenesis and the calcification of soft tissues.106 adhesion, contraction, cytoskeletal organization,
A relationship has also been reported between and migration, and is modulated by vasoactive
the rennin-angiotensin system, magnesium, and agents, pressure, stretch, and osmotic changes.
blood pressure. Hypertensive patients with high Thus, TRPM7 alters intracellular magnesium
renin activity have significantly lower serum levels through changes in efflux and influx, which
magnesium levels than normotensive subjects, may be related to the onset and aggravation of
and plasma renin activity is inversely associated hypertension.114
with serum magnesium. 107 Studies have shown Increased levels of extracellular magnesium
that magnesium supplementation was associated inhibit calcium influx. Conversely, reduced
with slight reduction of 24-hour blood pressure extracellular magnesium activates calcium influx
levels in patients with mild hypertension, which via calcium channels. Low intracellular magnesium
can be evaluated by ambulatory blood pressure concentrations stimulate inositol trisphosphate-
monitoring.108 mediated mobilization of intracellular calcium
and reduce calcium ATPase activity. Thus, calcium
Pathogenesis efflux and sarcoplasmic reticular calcium reuptake
Magnesium modifies the vascular tone by are reduced, leading to cytosolic accumulation
regulating endothelium and smooth muscle of calcium and increased intracellular calcium
cell functions along with an important role in concentration, which is an essential factor for
the classical pathway of nitric oxide release. vasoconstriction.115
Experiments in animals have also showed increased
production of prostacyclin and nitric oxide by Clinical Trials
magnesium, promoting endothelium-independent Some studies have shown blood pressure
and endothelium-dependent vasodilation.109 lowering after magnesium supplementation. The
One of the mechanisms by which magnesium administration of magnesium oxide (400 mg daily)
lowers blood pressure is by acting like a natural for 8 weeks in patients with hypertension can
calcium channel blocker. This mimetic effect of reduce blood pressure levels, and this reduction
magnesium results in production of vasodilator has already been detected in office measurements
prostacyclins and nitric oxide. Magnesium competes and by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.116
with sodium for binding sites on vascular smooth In the DASH trial, there was an increase in urinary
muscle cells, binds to potassium in a cooperative excretion of magnesium in participants on the
manner, improves endothelial dysfunction in combination diet (low-fat dairy products and
hypertensive and diabetic patients, decreases fruit and vegetables) consistent with an increase
intracellular calcium and sodium, and reduces in dietary intake of this nutrient. It is not clear
blood pressure.110,111 Magnesium is also an essential if the effect of the combination diet in reducing
cofactor for the delta-6-desaturase enzyme, which is blood pressure was related to increased magnesium
the rate-limiting step for the conversion of linoleic intake for either the hypertensive or normotensive
acid to gamma- linoleic acid. Gamma- linoleic participants.3,117
acid, in turn, elongates to form dihomo-gamma- In addition, magnesium reduces nerve and muscle
linoleic acid, the precursor for prostaglandin E1, excitability, stabilizes cardiac conductivity, and

248 Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases | Volume 10 | Number 5 | September 2016

Lifestyle Modifications for Hypertension—Samadian et al

influences neurochemical transmission, and also PHYSICAL ACTIVITY

affects circulating levels of norepinephrine and Impact
the synthesis of serotonin.118 A study published in As a single risk factor, physical inactivity
1983 found that taking 600 mg of magnesium daily is believed to be responsible for 5% to 13% of
reduced systolic blood pressure by an average of hypertension today. Available data from a recent
7.6 mm Hg and diastolic pressure by an average meta-analysis showed that aerobic fitness training
of 3.8 mm Hg.104 In another double-blind placebo- lowers blood pressure approximately 7/5 mm Hg
controlled study published in 1997, patients in people with mild to moderate hypertension.122
who took 411 mg to 548 mg of magnesium daily A single episode of physical activity yields an
experienced significant reductions in systolic and acute lowering of the blood pressure, so-called post-
diastolic blood pressure.119 Joosten and coworkers exercise hypotension. Repeated bouts of physical
showed in 2013 that urinary magnesium excretion activity are therefore a strategy for lowering blood
was associated with the risk of hypertension in pressure. This acute effect of increased activity is
an inverse log-linear fashion, and this association not the whole benefit, as physical activity also has a
remained after adjustment for age, sex, body mass more lasting effect. These different effects of physical
index, smoking status, alcohol intake, parental activity are mediated by different mechanisms,
history of hypertension, and urinary excretion resulting in changes of total peripheral resistance,
of sodium, potassium, and calcium. Each 1-unit cardiac output, or both. Desirable benefits from
increment in urinary magnesium excretion was aerobic training are summarized in Figure 2.
associated with a 21% lower risk of hypertension
after multivariable adjustment.120 Also it has been Population-based Studies and Clinical Trials
shown that dietary magnesium intake inversely In a meta-analysis involving 72 trials, 105 study
associated with mortality risk in Mediterranean groups, and 3936 participants, the authors reported
individuals at a high risk of cardiovascular disease.121 reductions in systemic vascular resistance, plasma
norepinephrine, and plasma renin activity as the
Recommendations main reasons for the decrease in blood pressure
Modern food production contributes to problems following exercise.123 In the past 2 decades, several
by using inadequate amounts of magnesium in
plant fertilizers, as well as by employing accelerated
growing techniques that reduce magnesium
content. Today’s dietary habits also exacerbate the
problem. Colas contain large amounts of phosphates
that interfere with magnesium absorption. Diets
containing large amounts of fat, salt, coffee, or
alcohol also interfere with magnesium absorption
or cause magnesium loss. Green vegetables, whole
grains, and nuts contain substantial amounts of
magnesium. In summary, magnesium should be
considered by anyone seeking to prevent or treat
high blood pressure. The foundation for a healthy
blood pressure consists of a healthy diet, adequate
exercise, stress reduction, and sufficient amounts
of potassium and magnesium but, before making
definitive therapeutic recommendations on the use
of magnesium in the management of hypertension,
well controlled, long-term therapeutic trials, in
carefully characterized hypertensive patients are
need. Currently, magnesium supplementation is
not recommended as a means of hypertensive
treatment. Figure 2. Desirable effects of aerobic training.

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Lifestyle Modifications for Hypertension—Samadian et al

studies have shown that endothelial function activity not only lowers the resting blood pressure,
is impaired in hypertensive patients. Improved but also decreases the blood pressure response
endothelial function is another possible mediator during both physical exertion and mental stress.126
of the hypotensive response observed with exercise The effects usually apply regardless of age, sex, and
training. During dynamic physical activity in ethnicity. It has been suggested that the reduction
healthy persons, such as running, systolic blood in blood pressure was lower in older individuals,
pressure normally rises during the exercise itself. who have often had suffered from hypertension
In people with hypertension, the elevation in for a longer time and can thus be expected to have
blood pressure can be more pronounced. The more established vascular changes. One study
diastolic pressure remains the same or increases seems to confirm this, by showing that 6 months
slightly during exertion, mainly due to reduced of exercise training produced lower diastolic, but
vasodilating capacity. 124 After dynamic physical not systolic blood pressure in people aged 55 to
activity, the blood pressure falls by about 10 mm 75 years, while no measurable improvement in
Hg to 20 mm Hg for the next few hours, compared aorta stiffness was seen. 127 On the other hand,
to the person’s normal resting blood pressure. Fagard and Cornelissen’s meta-analysis did not
This effect is called “post-exercise hypotension.” show any reduced efficacy of physical activity in
How long this lowered blood pressure lasts after older hypertensive patients.128
the exercise seems to depend on factors such as The efficacy of physical activity in the reduction
the duration and intensity of the physical activity, of elevated blood pressure is no longer in question;
and whether the activity was continuous or not. the challenge now is to verify the amount and
The same total physical activity, divided into the frequency of exercise that will produce the
smaller sessions, had a greater pressure-lowering maximum health benefits at a relative low risk for
effect than one long session. It is believed that the injury. In this regard, low-to-moderate intensity
blood pressure-lowering in the 24 hours following exercise (approximately 60% to 85% of age-
physical activity is mediated mainly via a transient predicted maximum heart rate) is more effective
reduction in stroke volume or modulation of the in lowering blood pressure when compared to
sympathetic nervous tone.124 higher intensities. A review published in 2010
When it comes to heavy static training, there is evaluated the effects of regular aerobic exercise
a stronger increase in systolic and diastolic blood on blood pressure levels assessed throughout
pressure during the training itself, than in dynamic the full 24-hour period. 129 Aerobic training was
exercise. According to a new meta-analysis, strength shown to reduce most ambulatory blood pressure
training can reduce both systolic and diastolic outcomes among individuals with hypertension
blood pressure by approximately 3 mm Hg to 4 in most studies. Nevertheless, it was noted
mm Hg.125 These studies concluded that moderate- that the responses were highly variable among
intensity strength training is not contraindicated in individuals. The effect of walking programs on
hypertension and can even lead to a lowering of blood pressure was reviewed in 2010. Nine of 27
blood pressure, although more studies are needed trials reported significant reductions in systolic or
with respect to the long-term effects. diastolic blood pressure. Trials that demonstrated
A meta-analysis also showed that dynamic a significant effect used more intense and frequent
endurance training lowers blood pressure by (36.5-minute sessions performed 4.4 d/w) exercise
approximately 7/5 mm Hg in people with mild regimens for longer durations (19 weeks). Among
to moderate essential hypertension.126 The blood the positive studies, the overall mean reduction
pressure-lowering effect of physical activity is, not in blood pressure between the intervention and
surprisingly, highest in people with established control groups from the baseline to the end of the
hypertension compared to those with normal blood follow-up ranged from 5.2 mm Hg to 11.0 mm Hg
pressure (2/2 mm Hg). The effects appear to be the and from 3.8 mm Hg to 7.7 mm Hg for systolic and
same in people taking antihypertensive drugs. The diastolic blood pressures, respectively.130
blood pressure-lowering effect of dynamic training Results of one study performed in 2012 showed
is not lasting and requires continually maintained that combining intermittent high-intensity (>80% to
regular activity in order to remain. Regular physical 90% of maximal heart rate) with moderate-intensity

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(>60% maximal heart rate) aerobic training, was blood pressure lowering.136 In practice, it has been
more effective than continuous training in stage shown that an activity that makes one breathless,
1 hypertension (mean ambulatory blood pressure, but still able to carry on a conversation relatively
153/93 mm Hg). Ambulatory systolic blood easily, corresponds to a medium intensity activity.
pressure was reduced by 12 mm Hg (P < .001) For many untrained people with hypertension,
and 4.5 mm Hg (P = .05) by continuous training. relatively simple activities, such as walking, are
Improved endothelial function as measured by therefore sufficient to achieve a reduction in blood
flow-mediated dilation was observed only in the pressure.137 Episodes of physical activity of short
combined intermittent group.131 duration, such as 3 to 20 minutes, can reduce
Aerobic exercise may also positively affect blood pressure, but longer durations appear to be
blood pressure and left ventricular mass among connected with greater and more lasting lowering
individuals with borderline hypertension. In a of blood pressure; 30- to 45-minute sessions are
controlled study of 52 middle-aged men with therefore recommended as suitable for achieving
high normal or mildly elevated blood pressure, a good pressure-lowering effect.138
16 weeks of stationary cycling 3 times per week To take maximum advantage of the acute blood
for 45 minutes at 60% to 80% of maximum heart pressure-lowering effect of physical activity, which
rate resulted in a highly significant reduction in lasts up to 24 hours, it is usually recommended
resting blood pressure (-12/-6.5 mm Hg) compared that exercising be performed on most days of the
with individuals in the control group (-3/-1.1 week. The increased physical activity will need to
mm Hg). 132 In a randomized study, the effects be kept up on a continual basis in order for the
of aerobic versus resistance exercise in men and blood pressure-reducing effect to be maintained.
postmenopausal women with prehypertension or After 4 to 6 months, the maximal effect on blood
stage 1 essential hypertension were evaluated.133 pressure, with respect to pressure-lowering, seems
Among women, there were greater blood pressure to be attained. If the individual stops exercising,
reductions after resistance compared with aerobic the blood pressure returns to the same level as
exercise. Men, on the other hand, had comparable before exercising began. This can occur as quickly
blood pressure effects after either exercise mode, as within 10 days, possibly depending on how long
confirm the beneficial effects of both types of the individual exercised regularly.139
exercise for men and women. Results of another There have been a few meta-analyses on the
study performed in 2012 provided evidence that blood pressure-lowering effects of isometric
aerobic exercise training could effectively lower exercise. In 1 review published in 2010, the effect
blood pressure even among individuals with of isometric handgrip exercise training lasting
resistant hypertension, defined as a blood pressure at least 4 weeks was evaluated. 140 The main
of 140/90 mm Hg and higher on 3 medications or outcome showed 10% decrease in both systolic
a blood pressure controlled by 4 medications and and diastolic blood pressures. Another meta-
more. Compared with individuals in the control analysis published in 2011 also evaluated the
group, 24-hour systolic (-5.4 ± 12.2 mm Hg versus impact of several different resistance training
2.3 ± 7.3 mm Hg; P = .03) and diastolic (-2.8 ± 5.9 modalities. 141 A subgroup analysis of isometric
mm Hg versus 0.9 ± 4.1 mm Hg; P = .01) blood handgrip exercise alone showed larger decreases
pressure levels were significantly reduced by in systolic (-13.5 mm Hg) and diastolic (-7.8 mm
aerobic training.134 Later, most studies have shown Hg) blood pressures compared with dynamic
that exercising at 40% to 70% of maximal oxygen resistance training (-2.7/-2.9 mm Hg). In 2 studies,
uptake (corresponding to 50% to 85% of maximal the mean peak pressure during the double leg-
individual heart rate) lowers the blood pressure at press for the group reached 320/250 mm Hg in
least as well as more intensive exercise.135 Finally, in individuals with normal blood pressure at rest,
2013, the American Heart Association recommended with pressures in one subject exceeding 480/350
to perform moderate- or high-intensity exercise mm Hg. In these studies, the enormous increase
(reaching more than 40% to 60% of maximum heart in blood pressure can be attributed to the lifting of
rate) for at least 30 minutes on most days per week a heavy weight to exhaustion and to the effect of
to achieve a total of at least 150 minutes per week to the Valsalva maneuver.142 However, next studies

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Lifestyle Modifications for Hypertension—Samadian et al

did not observe the tremendous increase in blood L-arginine. This ensures substrate availability, as
pressure reported by previous studies, partly by the rate-limiting step of endothelial nitric oxide
avoiding the Valsalva effect, but still their findings synthase, which generates reactive oxygen species
regarding blood pressure reduction are inconsistent. in the absence of L-arginine. 144-147 Thus, exercise
Some suggested a possible antihypertensive training may correct endothelium-dependent
effect of strength training, whereas others found vasodilatation by a variety of mechanisms. First,
none. In 2 of the studies, a small (5 mm Hg), but shear stress augments the expression of nitric oxide
significant reduction was observed in diastolic synthase in endothelial cells. Second, shear stress
blood pressure. 143 No changes in blood pressure induces upregulation of the cytosolic copper-and-
were noticed after 6 months of strength training zinc containing superoxide dismutase, a free-radical
in a group of 70- to 79-year-old men and women, scavenger. The inactivation of nitric oxide by a
or in a group of previously sedentary middle-aged vascular superoxide or other reactive oxygen species
men after 20 weeks of strength training.144 may thereby be attenuated. Third, shear-stress-
Based on these data, the American College of mediated suppression of angiotensin-converting
Sports Medicine concluded that studies have not enzyme may influence endothelium dependent
been consistent in demonstrating that strength relaxation by affecting local concentration of
training lowers blood pressure in hypertensive bradykinin by keeping it active.147,148
individuals. Accordingly, the American College In summary, considering the increasing prevalence
of Sports Medicine, the European Society of of sedentary lifestyle in most communities, the
Hypertension, and the European Society of implementation of recommendations regarding
Cardiology recommend that the primary type of physical activity given by expert committees
exercise for the management of blood pressure should receive high priority. If only population
should be aerobic, supplemented by resistance exercise levels can be improved and sustained,
training. High intensity isometric exercise, such as the cardiovascular risk burden can be controlled.
heavy weightlifting, should be avoided. Although
weight loss has been shown to lower blood pressure, CAFFEINE CONSUMPTION
some studies found that that the blood pressure Impact
response to training is not dependent on body Caffeine is widely consumed by people of all ages.
mass changes.144,145 Men and women aged 35 to 64 years are among
In a recent study conducted in 2014, physical the highest consumers of caffeine. 149 Although a
activity attenuated the positive association between link between caffeine consumption (particularly
weight and risk of hypertension, especially for coffee) and hypertension may exist, the effects
obese women. Compared to normal-weight highly of coffee drinking on blood pressure appear to
active women, risk of hypertension in obese highly be dependent on the time of consumption and
active women was 3.4 times greater and in obese subsequent determination of blood pressure values.
inactive women, it was 4.9 times greater. It means Generally, the relationship between caffeine intake
that both physical activity and maintenance of a and development of hypertension has plenty of
healthy body weight are associated with lower risk paradoxes. 150 Narkiewicz and colleagues found
of hypertension. Physical activity reduced but did higher systolic blood pressure in Italian men who
not remove the effect of obesity on hypertension took 4 or more cups of coffee per day compared
risk.146 to nondrinkers, but only for daytime ambulatory
Exercise has the most potent effect on blood pressure and not for office blood pressure.151
endothelium-dependent vasodilatation, and the However Balk and Hoekstra showed that moderate
endothelium-derived nitric oxide is thought to be and high (2 cups per day) coffee consumption was
necessary to maintain an adequate vascular response significantly associated with lower high-density
to increased blood-flow demands during exercise. lipoprotein cholesterol in women. For men, coffee
Shear stress is an important component of exercise, consumption was not associated with any of the
and it affects vascular nitric oxide concentration, components of the metabolic syndrome.152
and increases the velocity of the endothelial Two large united States cross-sectional studies
high-affinity/low-capacity transport system for showed a negative correlation of coffee with blood

252 Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases | Volume 10 | Number 5 | September 2016

Lifestyle Modifications for Hypertension—Samadian et al

pressure. 153,154 Coffee was also weakly inversely administration in young healthy men, a mechanism
correlated with systolic and diastolic blood pressure by which caffeine could lower blood pressure.162
in the Danish MONICA cohort after multivariable Shechter showed that acute caffeine ingestion
adjustment.155 Lopez-Garcia and colleagues in a cross- significantly improved endothelial function assessed
sectional analysis of 730 healthy and 663 diabetic by brachial artery flow-mediated dilation in
women studied caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee subjects with and without coronary artery disease
in relation to endothelial function and found no and was associated with lower plasma markers of
association. In these data, an inverse U-shaped inflammation.163
relation between coffee intake and presence of From experimental research, it has become clear
hypertension was seen in healthy women.156 the caffeine administration acutely raises blood
A systematic review and meta-analysis of pressure, but tolerance to this effect develops
publications identified in PubMed search up to 30 rapidly and heavy coffee drinkers are less likely
April 2011 on the effect of caffeine or coffee intake to show a blood pressure response after caffeine
on blood pressure change showed that in 5 trials, intake.164 It is shown that espresso contains high
the administration of 200 mg to 300 mg caffeine amounts of soluble fibre and associated antioxidant
produced a mean increase of 8.1 mm Hg in systolic polyphenols and it is possible that blood pressure-
blood pressure and of 5.7 mm Hg in diastolic lowering minerals and polyphenols in coffee
blood pressure. The increase in blood pressure outweigh potential adverse effects of caffeine.165
was observed in the 1st hour after caffeine intake In summary, there are many possible biological
and lasted 3 hours. In 3 studies of the longer-term pathways through which a variety of bioactive
effect (2 weeks) of coffee, no increase in blood substances in coffee may influence blood pressure,
pressure was observed after coffee was compared either resulting in an overall blood pressure-
with a caffeine-free diet or was compared with lowering or a blood pressure-raising effect of coffee.
decaffeinated coffee.157 It is at present unclear whether habitual coffee
A Japanese research group demonstrated a drinking is related to risk of hypertension, although
beneficial effect of chlorogenic acid from green most evidence suggest that this is not the case. The
bean coffee extract on vasoreactivity and blood precise nature of the relation between coffee and
pressure in mild hypertensives, with reduction blood pressure is not yet clear. More prospective
around 3 mm Hg to 4 mm Hg.158 A meta-analysis studies of coffee intake and incident hypertension
suggested larger blood pressure elevations in the are needed, as are long-term randomized placebo-
case of prolonged coffee use (> 6 weeks), younger controlled trials.
age (< 40 years), and high levels of coffee intake
(> 5 cups per day).159 Recommendations
A large cohort study in 2013 showed a positive In the absence of definitive scientific data, it
association between coffee consumption and all- would seem prudent to recommend moderation
cause mortality in men and in men and women when it comes to the ingestion of caffeine containing
younger than 55 years. On the basis of these beverages such as coffee, tea, and cola drinks.
findings, it seems appropriate to suggest that There is little evidence to suggest that habitual
younger people avoid heavy coffee consumption consumption at the current average of the equivalent
(ie, averaging > 4 cups per day).160 of 2 to 4 cups of coffee per day causes an increase
in blood pressure of any clinical importance.
Pathogenesis Ingesting larger amounts (eg, > 5 to 6 cups of
A number of mechanisms have been proposed by coffee per day) should be discouraged if increases
which caffeine could raise blood pressure, including in blood pressure are a concern, such as in patients
sympathetic overactivation, antagonism of adenosine with hypertension or in those individuals having
receptors, increased norepinephrine release via a prehypertensive state.164
direct effects on the adrenal medulla, renal effects,
and activation of the renin-angiotensin system.161 ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION
Another group showed enhanced endothelium- Impact
dependent vasodilatation after acute caffeine A large number of cross-sectional and

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Lifestyle Modifications for Hypertension—Samadian et al

prospective epidemiological studies have repeatedly cholesterol and a decrease in low-density lipoprotein
demonstrated that alcohol consumption is one cholesterol, but counterbalanced by an increase in
of the most important modifiable risk factors for risk due to increased systolic blood pressure and
hypertension among populations from a variety alcohol reduction should be recommended as an
of geographic regions, including North America, important component of lifestyle modification for
Europe, and Asia. 166 The positive association the prevention and treatment of hypertension.169
between alcohol intake and blood pressure In some epidemiological studies, a linear
generally persists after adjustment for important dose-response relationship has been established,
confounders such as age, body mass, smoking, sometimes starting with a consumption threshold
exercise, and sodium and potassium intake. It of 3 drinks per day (30 g of ethanol) and at higher
has been suggested that blood pressure-reduction levels of consumption, higher triglyceride levels,
effect of a reduced intake of alcohol is smaller in increased plasma homocysteine and increased risk
long-term than in short-term intervention trials of type 2 diabetes mellitus are seen.170 In others,
because study participants continually adapt to the relationship has been nonlinear, especially in
the depressor effects of alcohol withdrawal.166,167 women. 171 The elderly make up a group of the
The natural history of alcoholism in hypertension general population with specific traits. Comorbid
can be divided into 5 distinct phases. In phase 1, conditions and medical interactions are expected
the consumption of alcohol is associated with an to make any alcohol use harmful. Only a few
increase in blood pressure. This effect is independent studies have addressed the relationship between
of age, sex, race, cigarette smoking, and coffee alcohol and hypertension in the elderly, and most
consumption and is dependent on the amount of them have shown a strong association between
of ingestion. In this phase, alcohol consumption hypertension prevalence and alcohol intake.172
increases sympathetic nervous system activity. In The Coronary Artery Risk Development in
phase 2, an abstinence from alcohol reduces both Young Adults Study was a longitudinal cohort of
the systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The blood African-American and European-American men and
pressure effect occurs in days to months. In phase 3, women designed to recruit individuals with a wide
resumption of drinking invariably increases blood range of incomes and education from four urban
pressure and toxic effects of alcohol emerge in this areas. In this diverse cohort the relation between
phase. In phase 4, the alcohol-dependent patient baseline alcohol use and incident hypertension
with hypertension is at high risk of liver damage. over 20 years of follow-up were examined. No
Phase 5 occurs with the onset of end-stage liver association was found between baseline alcohol
disease when the blood pressure is usually high.168 consumption and incident hypertension, except
It is shown that a reduction in alcohol intake among European-American women in whom any
among heavy drinkers significantly reduces systolic alcohol consumption was associated with lower risk
and diastolic blood pressure. Studies of alcoholics of incident hypertension. 173 These discrepancies
during detoxification also support this association may reflect differences in investigational design,
with findings of blood pressures of 140/90 mm Hg methods, and populations.
or higher in more than 50% of alcoholics admitted The mechanism through which alcohol
for detoxification, and blood pressures of 160/95 raises blood pressure remains elusive. Alcohol
mm Hg or higher in one-third of alcoholics admitted consumption seems to be related with blood
for detoxification without delirium tremens. Blood pressure elevation, not through long-term structural
pressure returns to normal in approximately 70% of alterations, but by neural, hormonal, or other
alcoholics after detoxification and remains normal, reversible physiological changes. Clinical trials
if patients remain abstinent. Upon reintroduction have demonstrated that the association between
of alcohol use, blood pressures again become intake of alcohol and higher blood pressure is
elevated.166 causal and occurs within a matter of weeks or
In addition, it has been suggested that the less. 169-171 The validity of self-reported alcohol
protection against coronary heart disease afforded consumption has also been questioned. However,
by moderate alcohol consumption may be mediated an underestimation of alcohol intake across
by an increase in high-density lipoprotein the entire cohort, or selectively in heavy users,

254 Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases | Volume 10 | Number 5 | September 2016

Lifestyle Modifications for Hypertension—Samadian et al

could have resulted in an underestimation of plasma catecholamines. Ibsen and colleagues178 also
the level of alcohol consumption at which blood compared plasma norepinephrine values in heavy
pressure starts to increase, but it would not have and low-moderate chronic alcohol users. These
changed the slope of the association. 171 Another investigators found no significant differences. Both
consideration in evaluating studies of alcohol and blood pressures and pulse rates were higher in the
disease is that drinking habits change over time.172 higher intake group. These studies indicate that
If persons who consume high levels of alcohol at elevated blood pressures in chronic alcoholics can
baseline decrease their intake during follow up be maintained by mechanisms other than elevated
to a greater extent than persons who drink less, plasma catecholamines.
prospective studies will underestimate the risk Ethanol and its metabolites act initially as
associated with alcohol intake. These findings vasodilators, although vasoconstriction has been
strongly support recommendations for moderation observed in some regional circulations following
of alcohol consumption as a means to prevent and the feeding of ethanol to rats for 2 to 6 weeks.
treat hypertension.174 Altura and coworkers 179 observed that these
The effect of moderate alcohol consumption animals developed increased tolerance to the
on blood pressure is not fully understood. A vasodilating actions of ethanol. Moreover, such
linear, J-shaped or threshold association between rats would demonstrate an exaggerated sensitivity
alcohol consumption and blood pressure has been to the vasoconstrictive effects of epinephrine. With
reported in observational studies. Activation of long-term alcohol use, however, an abnormality in
the sympathetic nervous system and alteration vascular responsiveness with vascular hyperactivity
of vascular tone have been hypothesized as the may occur, and could be responsible for the observed
probable mechanisms explaining the relationship hypertension. Similarly, other vasoactive substances
between heavy alcohol intake and an increased risk (eg, prostaglandins, angiotensin II, histamine, and
of hypertension. Some studies have suggested that intestinal and opioid peptides), a neurologic or
alcohol has a direct effect on blood pressure, but neurohumoral mechanism could be responsible.
others have indicated that repeated withdrawal An effect on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
from alcohol is at least as likely an explanation system has also been postulated.178-180
for elevated blood pressure.175 Beevers and colleagues 180 reported elevated
It has been proposed that the effect of heavy plasma renin activity in 28 of 48 chronic alcoholics
alcohol intake on blood pressure may be mediated and raised plasma aldosterone in 8. All values
by the actions of hormones such as norepinephrine returned to normal in seven days following the
and cortisol. In men, the relationship between cessation of drinking. These investigators attributed
alcohol consumption and average systemic blood the elevated plasma-renin activity to low sodium
pressure is linear over the range of moderate to intake, although they also noted an increased
heavy use. In women, however, the relationship sympathetic nervous system activity (high dopamine
is U-shaped.175 Catecholamine excretion has been beta-hydroxylase values), suggesting an adrenergic
found to be elevated during acute and chronic mechanism. Cortisol may be in part responsible,
alcohol administration. These patients show still since plasma-cortisol levels increase following acute
further increases, especially in urinary epinephrine, alcohol ingestion, and a Cushing-like syndrome
with abrupt withdrawal. Plasma norepinephrine has been described in chronic alcoholics.180
levels are highest 13 to 24 hours after alcohol In short-term, alcohol consumption is considered
cessation. These observations suggest stimulation an appetite stimulant, influencing neurochemical
of adrenal medullary secretion, as well as changes and peripheral systems to control appetite, such
i n s y m p a t h e t i c n e r v o u s s y s t e m a c t i v i t y . 176 as, leptin inhibition, glucagon-like-peptide-1, and
However, Arkwright and colleagues177 measured serotonin, and enhancing the ef­f ect of gamma-
basal and stimulated plasma norepinephrine aminobutyric acid, endogenous opioids, and
and epinephrine in 30 moderate drinkers and neuropeptide Y. Hence, greater alcohol consump­
30 age-matched nondrinkers. Despite finding a tion, may also increase the risk for obesity.181
significantly higher blood pressure in drinkers (9 Alcohol usage is a more frequent contributor
to 7 mm Hg), there were no differences found in to hypertension than is generally appreciated. It

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Lifestyle Modifications for Hypertension—Samadian et al

appears to be transitory in most patients, but is increased sympathetic activation but also by the
not benign. Hypertension might result in target- occurrence of vascular dysfunction. Accumulating
organ injury and could be the causal link to the data increasingly confirms that sleep disturbance of
increased incidence of stroke and coronary events different causes might represent a novel, important
observed in drinkers, as well as a contributor to health risk.185
the pathogenesis of alcoholic cardiomyopathy. Safe and effective nonpharmacologic approaches
Because of its transitory nature, alcohol-associated to treat hypertension are of interest and public
hypertension may go unrecognized, or may be health importance. Stress management techniques
dismissed thus, regrettably, a major potential cause that elicit the relaxation response are safe and
of cardiovascular morbidity may go untreated. effective for treating essential hypertension. The
relaxation response is a coordinated physiologic
STRESS MANAGEMENT response characterized by decreases in volumetric
Impact oxygen consumption, heart rate and respiratory
Psychosocial stress has been reported to influence rate. 186 This is often achieved by the repetition
the development and progression of atherosclerosis of a word, sound, prayer, phrase, or muscular
in the general population. Evidence indicates that activity and disregard routine thoughts when they
chronic psychosocial stress induces excessive occur. Techniques that bring forth the relaxation
adrenergic activation and sympathetic hyper- response include meditation, yoga, and some
responsivity, leading to carotid atherosclerosis and stages of hypnosis. Potential implications of this
stress reduction with changes in diet or exercise method include improved control of blood pressure,
led to statistically significant declines in blood decreased costs of treatment of hypertension, fewer
pressure.182 From Maharishi’s point of view, stress side-effects, and increased patient adherence to
and disease arise from a lack of integration of the antihypertensive therapy.187
various physiological systems of the body. This may Chronic psychological stress is associated
result in loss of homeostasis in the cardiovascular with increased activation of the sympathetic-
system that could be expressed as higher blood adrenomedullary axis and increased circulating
pressure or increased atherosclerosis.183 levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Chronically
Results of a meta-analysis in 2009 showed that elevated adrenaline levels have been implicated in
individuals who had stronger responses to stressor the development and progression of hypertension,
tasks were 21% more likely to develop blood and hypertensive subjects have been demonstrated
pressure increase when compared to those with to have increased sympathetic and reduced
less strong responses. Although the magnitude parasympathetic tone compared to healthy
of effect was relatively small, but it emphasized controls.187 Hypertensive patients have endothelial
on importance of controlling psychological dysfunction and low plasma levels of nitric oxide
stress as a nontherapeutic management of high metabolites. Since relaxation response is associated
blood pressure. In 2012, the association between with increased nitric oxide in healthy subjects, it
blood pressure reactions to acute psychological has been hypothesized that it may have increased
stress and subsequent hypertension status was endothelial nitric oxide production resulting in
examined and results showed that systolic blood vascular dilatation and reduced systolic blood
pressure reactivity was positively related to pressure.188
future hypertension but diastolic blood pressure A meta-analysis of 75 controlled clinical trials of
reactivity was not significantly associated with relaxation-based stress management treatments for
hypertension.184 hypertension showed that initial blood pressure
Data from a study in 2013 showed that endothelial level is strongly predictive of subsequent change,
dysfunction was paralleled by significant increases with treatments that started with high initial blood
in circulating adrenaline levels and a substantial, pressure levels producing greater reductions.189
dose-dependent decrease in sleep quality and an By learning to manage stress more effectively and
increase in systolic blood pressure. These findings decrease negative emotional arousal, patients were
indicate that hypertension observed in response to able to self-generate measurable and significant
nighttime exposure to noise might be explained by changes in their physiology and health status.

256 Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases | Volume 10 | Number 5 | September 2016

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