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Oscillation bands of condensates on a ring: Beyond the mean field theory

C. G. Bao
Center of Theoretical Nuclear Physics,
National Laboratory of Heavy Ion Collisions,
Lanzhou 730000, P. R. China
The State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies,
Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, 510275, P.R. China

Abstract: The Hamiltonian of a N -boson system confined on a ring with zero spin and repulsive
arXiv:0704.0842v1 [cond-mat.other] 6 Apr 2007

interaction is diagonalized. The excitation of a pair of p-wave-particles rotating reversely appears to

be a basic mode. The fluctuation of many of these excited pairs provides a mechanism of oscillation,
the states can be thereby classified into oscillation bands. The particle correlation is studied
intuitively via the two-body densities. Bose-clustering originating from the symmetrization of wave
functions is found, which leads to the appearance of 1-, 2-, and 3-cluster structures. The motion is
divided into being collective and relative, this leads to the establishment of a relation between the
very high vortex states and the low-lying states.

After the experimental realization of the Bose-Einstein It is assumed that the N identical bosons confined on
condensation1 , various condensates confined under dif- a ring have mass m, spin zero, and square-barrier inter-
ferent circumstances have been extensively studied the- action. The ring has a radius R, N is given at 100, 20
oretically and experimentally. Mostly, the condensates and 10000. Let G = ~2 /(2mR2 ) be the unit of energy.
are considered to be confined in a harmonic trap. Con- The Hamiltonian then reads
densates trapped by periodic potential have also been P ∂2 P
studied due to the appearance of optical lattices.2 It H = − i ∂θ 2 + i<j Vij (1)
is believed that the appearance of condensates confined
where θi is the azimuthal angle of the i-th boson. Vij =
in particular geometries is possible. Experimentally, the
Vo if √
|θj − θi | ≤ θrange , or = 0 otherwise. Let φk =
particle interactions can now be tuned from very weak
eikθ / 2π be a single particle state, −kmax ≤ k ≤ kmax
to very strong,3−8 it implies that the particle correlation
is assumed. The N −body normalized basis functions
may become important. Theoretically, to respond, go-
in Fock-representation are |αi ≡ |n−kmax ,P · · · nkmax i,
ing beyond the mean field Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) theory
where n j is the number of bosons in φj , j nj = N,
is desirable, and the condensates confined in particular P
and j nj j = L, the total angular momentum. Then,
geometries are also deserved to be considered.
H is diagonalized in the space spanned by |αi, the low-
Along this line, in addition to the ground state, the lying spectrum together with the eigen-wave-functions,
yrast states have been studied both analytically and each is a linear
P combination of |αi, are thereby obtained.
numerically.9−17 The condensation on a ring has also Let Kα = j nj j 2 be the total kinetic energy of an |αi
been studied recently.12 The present paper is also ded- state. Evidently, those |αi with a large Kα are negligi-
icated to the N −boson systems confined on a ring with ble for low-lying states. Therefore, one more constraint
weak interaction, its scope is broader and covers the Kα ≤ Kmax is further added to control the number of
whole low-lying spectra. A similar system has been in- |αi. In this procedure, the crucial point is the calcula-
vestigated analytically by Lieb and Liniger16,17 . How- tion of the matrix elements of H. This can be realized
ever, the emphasis of their papers is different from the by using the fractional parentage coefficients18 (refer to
present one, which is placed on analyzing the structures eq.(6) below). Numerical results are reported as follows.
of the excited states to find out their distinctions and sim- This paper concerns only the cases with weak interac-
ilarities, and to find out the modes of excitation. Based tion. Firstly, let Vo = 1, θrange = 0.025, and N = 100.
on the analysis, an effort is made to classify the ex- This is corresponding to γ = 0.00157 , where γ is in-
cited states. Traditionally, the particle correlation and troduced by Lieb and Liniger to measure the strength
its effect on the geometry of N −boson systems is a topic of interaction,16,17 this is shown later. When kmax and
scarcely studied if N is large. In this paper, the corre- Kmax are given at a number of values, the associated
lation is studied intuitively so as the geometric features eigen-energies Ej of the first, fifteenth, and sixteenth L =
inherent in the excited states can be understood. Tradi- 0 eigen-states are listed in Table I. When (kmax , Kmax )
tionally, a separation between the collective and internal is changed from (3, 50) to (5,60), the total number of |αi
motions is seldom to be considered if N is large. In this is changed from 2167 to 8890. Table I demonstrates that
paper such a separation is made and leads to the estab- the great increase of basis functions does not lead to a
lishment of a relation between the vortex states and the remarkable decrease of eigen-energies. Thus the conver-
low-lying states. gency is qualitatively satisfying even for the higher states.

the basic structure of the I−band is just a fluctuation of

many of the basic pairs.
TABLE I: Eigen-energies Ej (the unit is G) of the L = 0
states. The first row is (kmax , Kmax ), the first column is the TABLE II: The weights of ∆Z,i of the bands with L = 0
serial number of states j. Vo = 1, θrange = 0.025, and N =
100 are given. i I−band II−band III−band
(3,50) (4,50) (4,60) (5,60) 1 0.009 0.017 0.040
1 39.109 39.090 39.090 39.078 2 0.012 0.030 0.056
15 53.645 53.616 53.616 53.613 3 0.021 0.061 0.088
16 54.822 54.800 54.800 54.790 4 0.035 0.028
5 0.055 0.035
6 0.079 0.106
In the following the choice kmax = 4 and Kmax = 50
are adopted, this limitation leads to a 3254-dimensional (0,Z,i)
space. Thereby the resultant data have at least three For lower states, Cj would be very small if j
effective figures, this is sufficient for our qualitative pur- is larger, e.g., for the ground state, C0 = 0.968
pose. (0,I,1)
and Cj ≥2 ≈ 0, it implies that the excitation of many
pairs is not probable. It also implies that the ground state
56 I III V wave function obtained via mean-field theory might be a

good approximation. However, for higher states, many
E pairs would be excited. E.g., for the third state of the
48 I−band, Cj = 0.052, 0.406, 0.681, −0.528, and 0.245
when j is from 0 to 4, it implies a stronger fluctuation.
When a |αi has not only 2j particles in the basic pairs,
N=100, L=0
40 but also m particles in φk , while the remaining particles
in φ0 , then it is denoted as |(k)m P (j) i (where k = ±1
are allowed) Similarly, we can define |(k1 )m1 (k2 )m2 P (j) i,
FIG. 1: The spectrum of L = 0 states, the unit of energy is and so on. For all the states of the II−band, we found
G = ~2 /(2mR2 ). N = 100, Vo = 1, and θrange = 0.025 are
assumed, they are the same for Fig.1 to Fig.5. The levels in a (0)
ΨII,i =
P (0,II,i) 1
√ [ |(2)1 (−1)2 P (j) i
j Cj 2
column constitute an oscillation band, the levels in bold line (3)
are doubly degenerate. ±|(−2)1 (1)2 P (j) i] + ∆II,i

where both the + and − signs lead to the same energy,

The low-lying spectrum is given in Fig.1, where the
thus the level is two-fold degenerate. Again, all the ∆II,i
lowest fourteen levels are included. Twelve of them can
are very small as shown in Table II, thus the fluctua-
be ascribed into three bands, in each band the levels
tion of basic pairs is again the basic structure. However,
are distributed equidistantly, this is a strong signal of
(L) the II−band is characterized by having the additional
harmonic-like oscillations. From now on the labels ΨZ,i
3-particle-excitation (one in d-wave and two in p-wave).
and E (L,Z,i) are used to denote the wave function and en- For all the states of the third band, we found
ergy of the i-th state of the Z-th band (Z=I, II, III,· · ·).
(0) P (0,III,i)
It turns out that the excitation of a pair of particles ΨIII,i = j Cj |(2)1 (−2)1 P (j) i + ∆III,i (4)
both in p-wave but rotating reversely, namely, one par-
ticle in φ1 while the other one in φ−1 , is a basic mode, Thus, the III−band contains, in addition to the fluc-
the pair is called a basic pair in the follows. A number of tuation of basic pairs, a more energetic pair with each
such basic pairs might be excited. When 2j particles are particle in d-wave. It was found that the spacing
in basic pairs while the remaining N − 2j particles are E (0,Z,i+1) − E (0,Z,i) inside all the bands are nearly the
in φ0 , the associated |αi is written as |P (j) i. For all the same, they are ∼3.15. This arises because they have the
states of the I−band, we found ΨI,i is mainly a linear same mechanism of oscillation, namely, the fluctuation of
basic pairs.
combination of |P (j) i together with a small component When the energy goes higher, more oscillation bands
denoted by ∆I,i , i.e.,
can be found. The two extra levels in Fig.1 at the right
(0) are the band-heads of higher bands.
X (0,I,i)
ΨI,i = Cj |P (j) i + ∆I,i (2)
Incidentally, the band-heads of the above three
bands are dominated by |P (0) i, |(2)1 (−1)2 P (0) i ±
where ∆I,i is very small as shown in Table II, while the |(−2)1 (1)2 P (0) i and |(2)1 (−2)1 P (0) i, respectively, and
coefficients Cj arise from the diagonalization. Thus their kinetic energies Kα = 0, 6, and 8. Among all the

basis functions with L = 0 and without basic pairs, these the two d-wave paticles inherent in the band. The fea-
(0) (0) (0)
three are the lowest three. This explains why the band- ture of ΨII,1 is lying between ΨI,1 and ΨIII,1 . For all
heads are dominated by them. Once a band-head is fixed, higher states of every band, due to the strong fluctuation
the corresponding oscillation band would grow up via the of basic pairs, all the particles tend to be close to each
fluctuation of basic pairs. other as shown in 2b and 2c.
The particle correlations can be seen intuitively by ob- To understand the physics why the particles tend to be
serving the two-body densities close to each other, let us study the most important basis
R (L)∗ (L)
(5) state |P (j) i. By inserting |P (j) i into eq.(5) to replace
ρ2 (θ1 , θ2 ) = dθ3 · · · dθN ΨZ,i ΨZ,i (L)
ΨZ,i and by using (6), ρ2 reads
Similar to the calculation of the matrix elements of
interaction, the above integration can be performed in ρ2 (θ1 , θ2 ) = 1
(2π)2 N (N −1) [N (N − 1) − j(4N − 6j)
coordinate space by extracting the particles 1 and 2
from |αi by using the fractional parentage coefficients18 , +4j(N − 2j)(1 + cos(θ1 − θ2 )) + 4j 2 cos2 (θ1 − θ2 )]
namely, (7)
P p Where there are four terms at the right, the non-
|αi = k nk (nk − 1)/N (N − 1)φk (1)φk (2)|αk i uniformity arises from the third and fourth terms. The
third term causes the particles to be close to each other
+ ka ,kb nka nkb /N (N − 1)φka (1)φkb (2)|αka kb i
(ka 6=kb ) to form a single cluster, while the fourth term causes
(6) the two-cluster clustering. When j is small, the fourth
where |αk i is different from |αi by replacing nk with nk − term can be neglected, and the particles tend to form
2, |αka kb i is different from |αi by replacing nka and nkb a single cluster. However, when j ≈ N/2 , the third
with nka − 1 and nkb − 1, respectively. term can be neglected, and the particles tend to form
two clusters. It is noted that, if the symmetrization were
L=0 I-band dropped, the density contributed by |P (j) i would be uni-
0.16 1 form. The appearance of the clustering originates from
0.15 3 the symmetrization of the bosonic wave functions, there-
4 (a)
5 fore it can be called as bose-clustering.
0.17 For L = 1 states, the lowest energy E (1,I,1) is higher
II-band (1)
ρ2 0.16 1 than E (0,I,1) by 1.606, but lower than E (0,I,2) . Thus ΨI,1
(b) is the true first excited state of the system. A number
0.15 3
of oscillation bands exist as well, the wave functions of
0.17 III-band the lowest six bands are found as
0.16 2 (1) P (1,I,i)
3 (c) ΨI,i = j Cj |(1)1 P (j) i + ∆I,i
(1) P (1,II,i)
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 ΨII,i = j Cj |(2)1 (−1)1 P (j) i + ∆II,i
θ2 (1) P (1,III,i)
ΨIII,i = j Cj |(−2)1 (1)3 P (j) i + ∆III,i
(1) P (1,IV,i)
FIG. 2: ρ2 as functions of θ2 for the I ( a), II ( b), and III (c) ΨIV,i = j Cj |(2)1 (−2)1 (1)1 P (j) i + ∆IV,i
(1) P (1,V,i)
bands of L = 0 states, θ1 = 0 is given. The labels i of the ΨV,i = j Cj |(3)1 (−1)2 P (j) i + ∆V,i
states ΨZ,i are marked by the curves. (1) P (1,V I,i)
ΨV I,i = j Cj |(3)1 (−2)1 P (j) i + ∆V I,i
ρ2 gives the spatial correlation between any pair of Where the weights of all the ∆Z,i ≤ 0.1 if i ≤ 4. Thus,
particles as shown in Fig.2. For the ground state ΨI,1 , just as the above L = 0 case, all the bands have the
ρ2 is flat implying that the correlation is weak. However, common fluctuation of basic pairs, but each band has
it is a little larger when the two particles are opposite to a specific additional few-particle excitation. The ener-
each other (θ1 = 0 and θ2 = π). It implies the existence gies of the band-heads from I to V I are 40.70, 45.42,
of a weak correlation which is entirely ignored by the 48.58, 50.14, 52.04, and 53.58 respectively. Further-
mean field theory. Thus, even the interaction adopted is more, the spacing ∼3.15 found above is found again for
weak and even for the ground state, there is still a small all these bands due to having the same mechanism of os-
revision to the mean field theory. For higher states of the cillation. The I−band is similar to the above I−band
I−band, the fluctuation of basic pairs becomes stronger. with L = 0 but having an additional single p-wave ex-
Due to the fluctuation, the particles tend to be close to citation, the ρ2 of them are one-one similar. Similarly,
each other to form a single cluster. This tendency is the ρ2 of the IV −band is one-one similar to those of
clearly shown in Fig.2a. the above III− band with L = 0. The ρ2 of the II
For the first state of the III − band, ΨIII,1 has two and III−bands are both similar to those of the above
peaks in ρ2 implying a 2-cluster structure. It arises from II−band with L = 0. However, the V and V I−bands

are special due to containing the f-wave excitation, the ρ2 −k, i.e., change the components |(k1 )m1 (k2 )m2 P (j) i to
of their band-heads exhibit a 3-cluster structure as shown (−L)
|(−k1 )m1 (−k2 )m2 P (j) i, and so on. Therefore ΨZ,i =
in Fig.3. When the energy goes even higher, more higher (L)
(ΨZ,i )∗ , and E (−L,Z,i) = E (L,Z,i) .
oscillation bands will appear. For the above six L = 1
bands, their band-heads are dominated by the |αi with 56
Kα = 1, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13. Obviously, a higher Kα leads Yrast line
to a higher band. 52

E 48


ρ2 VI,1 40 N=100, Vo=1, θrange=0.025


V,1 0 2 4 6 8
0.15 L=1
FIG. 5: Energies of the yrast states with L = 0 to 10.
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
Let us study the yrast states ΨI,1 , each is the lowest
FIG. 3: ρ2 for selected L = 1 states. θ1 = 0, the (Z, i) labels one for a given L. The energies of them are plotted in
are marked by the curves. Fig.5, their wave functions are found as
(L) P (L,I,1)
In general, all the low-lying states can be classified into ΨI,1 = j Cj |(1)L P (j) i + ∆L
I,1 (9)
oscillation bands. For all the lower bands disregarding
L, it was found that each band-head is dominated by where ∆L I,i is very small. When L is small, the fluc-
a basis function containing a specific few-particle exci- tuation of basic pairs is small, and the yrast states are
tation but not containing any basic pairs. The energy dominated by the j = 0 component |(1)L P (0) i. When L is
order of the bands is determined by the magnitudes of larger, the weight of the |(1)L P (0) i component becomes
Kα associated with the dominant basis function |αi of smaller. E.g., when L = 0, 2, 4, and 10, the weights
the band-heads. Once a band-head stands, an oscillation of |(1)L P (0) i are 0.94, 0.84, 0.75, and 0.54, respectively.
band will grow up from the band-head simply via the fluc- Evidently, the energy going up linearly in the yrast line
tuation of basic pairs. For examples, for L = 2 states, the in Fig.5 is mainly due to the linear increase of the number
dominant |αi of the band-heads of the four lowest oscil- of p-wave particles.
lation bands are |(1)2 P (0) i, |(2)1 P (0) i, |(−2)1 (1)4 P (0) i, 16

and |(3)1 (−1)1 P (0) i with Kα = 2, 4, 8, and 10, respec- 14


tively. 12

For L = 3 states, the dominant |αi of the band-heads of E

the three lowest bands are |(1)3 P (0) i, |(2)1 (1)1 P (0) i, and 8
|(3)1 P (0) i, with Kα = 3, 5, and 9, respectively. Since the 6
p-, d-, and f-wave appear successively, these band-heads 4
exhibit 1-cluster, 2-cluster, and 3-cluster structures, re- 2 N=20, L=0
spectively, as shown in Fig.4.

0.17 FIG. 6: The spectrum of the L = 0 states with N = 20,

Vo = 1, and θrange = 0.025. Refer to Fig.1

0.16 When N = 20, all the above qualitative features re-

main unchanged. Examples are given in Fig.6 and 7 to
I,1 be compared with Fig.1 and 4. Nonetheless, the decrease
0.15 L=3 of N implies that the particles have a less chance to meet
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 each other, thus the particle correlation is expected to be
θ2 weaker. Quantitatively, it was found that (i) The spac-
ing of adjacent oscillation levels becomes smaller, it is
FIG. 4: ρ2 for the band-heads of L = 3 states, θ1 = 0. now ∼2.2 to replace the previous 3.15 (ii) The fluctu-
ation becomes weaker. E.g., the weights of |P (j) i of
Furthermore, a −L state can be derived from the the ΨI,3 state are 0.01, 0.95, and 0.03 for j = 1, 2, and
corresponding L state simply by changing every k to 3, respectively, while these weights would be 0.16, 0.46,

0.20 N=20, L=3 internal states ψint has been studied in [19]. Where
it was found that, for an arbitrary Lo
ρ2 (N +Lo ,Z,i) (L ,Z,i)
0.16 II,1 ψint = ψinto (12)
With these in mind, eq.(10) and (11) can be derived as
0.12 follows.
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
From the separability
θ2 (N −L)
√1 ei(N −L)θcoll
(N −L,Z,i)
ΨZ,i = 2π
ψint (13)
FIG. 7: The same as Fig.4 but with N = 20 ∧
When X acts on a wave function with L, from the defini-

tion of Q
X, L should be changed to −L and an additional
and 0.28 if N = 100. (iii) When N becomes small, the
factor eiθj = eiN θcoll should be added, thus
geometric features would become explicit. E.g., for the j
3-cluster structure, the difference between the maximum

and minimum of ρ2 is ∼0.007 in Fig.4, but ∼ 0.033 in (L)
XΨZ,i = √1 ei(N −L)θcoll
ψint (14)

The decrease of Vo or θrange was found to cause an Due to (12), the right hand sides of (13) and (14) are
effect similar to the decrease of N , the spectra would equal, thereby (11) is proved.
remain qualitatively unchanged. Quantitatively, when Furthermore, since ψint
(−L,Z,i) (L,Z,i)
= (ψint )∗ , the internal
Vo is changed from 1 to 0.1, the spacing inside a band (N −L,Z,i) (−L,Z,i) (L,Z,i)
energy Eint = Eint = Eint . Therefore,
is changed from ∼ 3.15 to ∼ 2.14, and the fluctuation (N −L,Z,i) (L,Z,i)
E −E = (N − L) /N − L2 /N = N − 2L.
becomes much weaker as expected.
This recovers eq.(10), the energy difference arises purely
In what follows we study the vortex states. For an
(N −L ) from the difference in collective rotation.
arbitrary Lo ≤ N/2, the spectra of the ΨZ,i o and If the particles are tightly confined on the ring, rapidly
(L )
ΨZ,io states are found to be identical15 , except the former rotating state with a large L = JN − Lo would exist,
shifts upward as a whole by N − 2Lo , namely, where J is an integer. Their spectra would remain the
same but shift upward by J(JN − 2Lo ) from the spec-
E (N −Lo ,Z,i) = E (Lo ,Z,i) + N − 2Lo (10) (JN −Lo )

(L )
trum with L = Lo , while ΨZ,i = XJ ΨZ,io , where
Furthermore, their ρ2 are found to be identical. ∧
∧ ∧ XJ changes each φki to φ−ki +J . Thus the rapidly rotat-
Let us define an operator X so that the state X|αi is ing states have the same internal structure as the corre-
related to |αi by changing every ki in |αi to −ki + 1, sponding lower states but have a much stronger collective
i.e., φki (θ) to φ−ki +1 (θ) = eiθ φ−ki (θ). We further found rotation.
from the numerical data that When N increases greatly while Vo or θrange decreases
(N −Lo )

(L )
accordingly, the qualitative behaviors remain unchanged.
ΨZ,i = XΨZ,io (11) E.g., when N = 10000 and Vo = 0.01 (θrange remains
unchanged), the spectrum and the wave functions are

holds exactly. In fact, X causes a reversion of rota- found to be nearly the same as the case N = 100 and
tion of each particle plus a collective excitation. It does Vo = 1, except that the spectrum has shifted upward
not cause any change in particle correlation, therefore ρ2 nearly as a whole by 3939. This is again a signal that,
remains exactly unchanged. Thus the L large states, for weak interaction and for the ground states, the mean-
including the vortex states L = N , can be known from field theory is a good approximation.
the L small states. It is noted that the confinement by a ring is quite differ-
The underlying physics of this finding is the separabil- ent from a 2-dimensional harmonic trap. In the latter,
ity of the Hamiltonian (it is emphasized that the sepa- the energy of a particle in the lowest Landau levels is
rability is exact as can be proportional to its angular momentum k. However, for
Pproved by using mathematical
induction). Let θcoll = i θi /N, which describes a col- the rings, it is proportional to k 2 . Consequently, higher
lective rotation. Then H = − N1 ∂θ∂2 + Hint , where Hint partial waves are seriously suppressed and the p-wave ex-
coll citation becomes dominant. For a harmonic trap it was
describes the relative (internal) motions and does not de-
(L,Z,i) found in [10,11] that d- and f-wave excitations are more
pend on θcoll . Accordingly, E (L,Z,i) = L2 /N + Eint , important than the p-wave excitation when L is small.
the former is for collective and the latter is for relative This situation does not appear in our case.
(internal) motions. The eigen-states can be thereby sep- When the zero-range interaction Vij = gδ(θi − θj ) is
(L) (L,Z,i)
arated as ΨZ,i = √12π eiLθcoll ψint . The feature of the adopted, The results are nearly the same with those from

the square-barrier interaction if the parameters are re- In summary, a detailed analysis based on the numerical
lated as g = 2Vo θrange (in this choice both interactions data of N −boson systems on a ring with weak interac-
have the same diagonal matrix elements). For an exam- tion has been made. The main result is the discovery of
ple, a comparison is made in Table III. The high simi- the basic pairs, which exist extensively in all the excited
larity between the two sets of data imply that the above states and dominates the low-lying spectra. The fluc-
findings are also valid for zero-range interaction. tuation of basic pairs provides a common mechanism of
oscillation, the low-lying states are thereby classified into
oscillation bands. Each band is characterized by having
TABLE III: Eigen-energies of the four lowest L = 0 states its specific additional excitation of a few particles. Since
for a system with N = 100 and with zero-range interaction the mechanism of oscillation is common, the level spac-
Vij = 0.05δ(θi − θj ) (the unit of energy is G as before). The
ings of different bands are nearly equal in a spectrum.
weights of the j = 0 components of these states are also
listed. The corresponding results from square-barrier inter- To divide the motion into being collective and relative
action with Vo = 1, and θrange = 0.025 are given in the provides a better understanding to the relation between
parentheses. the higher and lower states. The very high vortex states
(L,Z,i) 2 with L ≈ N can be understood from the correspond-
(L, Z, i) E (L,Z,i) (C0 ) ing low-lying states because they have exactly the same
(0, I, 1) 39.0900 (39.0902) 0.9370 (0.9371) internal states.
(0, I, 2) 42.2982 (42.2983) 0.0510 (0.0510) The particle correlation has been intuitively studied.
(0, I, 3) 45.4733 (45.4733) <0.02 (<0.02) particle densities are found to be in general non-uniform,
(0, II, 1) 47.0076 (47.0074) 0.8372 (0.8373) bose-clustering originating from the symmetrization of
wave functions is found, which leads to the appearance
of one, two, and three clusters. This phenomenon would
The numerical results from using zero-range interac- become explicit and might be observed if N is small.
tion can be compared with the exact results from solving
integral equations by Lieb and Liniger [16,17]. The vari-
Acknowledgment: The support by NSFC under the
ables γ and e(γ) introduced in [16] are related to those of
grants 10574163 and 90306016 is appreciated.
this paper as γ = gπ/N and e(γ) = 4π 2 E/N 3 (the unit
of E is G). However, this paper concerns mainly the case
of weak interaction, say, g ≤ 0.05,or γ ≤ 0.00157 (other- REFERENCES
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