Research Feedback 4

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Fail Pass Merit Distinction

Research Little or no evidence presented 2.1 Use research to support the 2.1 Use research to support the 2.1 Use research to support the
or information does not relate development of a creative development of a creative development of a creative
 Primary & secondary sufficiently to task media production project to a media production project to a media production project to a
 Evaluated satisfactory standard. high standard. very high standard.
 Infographics 2.2 Use analytical and 2.2 Use analytical and 2.2 Use analytical and
evaluative skills to develop evaluative skills to develop evaluative skills to develop
creative solutions to realise a creative solutions to realise a creative solutions to realise a
media production project to a media production project to a media production project to a
satisfactory standard high standard. very high standard

Feedback Date: 26th Feb

I finished for now my video analysis this week. I analysed 2001 A Space odyssey in particular the scene where the astronauts walk on the moon and touch
the obelisk, I chose this scene as it is very similar to a scene in my film where the astronauts from the LEM walk out and touch the obelisk, because my
film is a direct parody of this scene, I thought it important to analysis it so I can mimic the scene accurately making it more comical. This analysis was
probably the most useful as it gave me a lot of ideas which I can parody and also gave me ideas of how to make my film more atmospheric to build up the
tension such as gradually making the music louder and having the dark obelisk set against a vibrant background colour. I also had separate ideas from the
analysis which I can use in different ways, for example 2001 used lens flares to make the obelisk look more intimidating and alien however I will use lens
flares to make my production look more realistic and cover up any animation mistakes. I also realised this week that I would have to go back and change
some of my context work form the first week, I estimate this will take an extra day or so to get sorted and will involve adapting the context work for my
new production which has slightly different specifications and story idea.

Over the last 2-3 weeks I have been ordering models for my film either pre-made such as the astronauts or specially made such as the lunar LEM which
was designed by myself and then 3D printed by a friend. This week I decided enough of these models had arrived that I could start test shooting with
them. The first model I wanted to try was the LEM as I worked rigging it and making it look realistic would be a challenge, as it turns out I was right the
camera and lenses I was using was too large and as a result would get caught on the side of the LEM as a result when it comes to story boarding, I will
have to try and avoid this kind of camera placement. This was not a great start but I wouldn’t know how successful or unsuccessful they would be until I
could get back to college and edit them on after effects as this had the necessary tools to fix mistakes ‘Motion’ (The editing software I was using) did not
have. ( + (

The shots all involving the moon set were much more successful and it was good to see the moon and lander look quite good put together for this the
lighting and movements were the biggest let downs, the lighting was too soft and the landers movements didn’t look very realistic, to fix the former
problem I will rent some bright, directional stage lights rather than the basic umbrella lights used before. Unfortunately, I have no idea to fix the motion
problem but I hope that went I get the dirt elements put in it should make it look a lot more realistic and cover the poor movements.

I have had a lot of problems with wires and as a material they don’t seem to serve I had hoped, they aren’t nearly as invisible as I had hoped and a clearly
visible, I will have to do some research into some replacements or other ways to hid the wires, until then I will try and use the moving platform as a

I think I am slightly behind on my work as I still have topic research to do, target audience research and I would like to have enough time to fix any
mistakes I may have made and improve my research if needed.

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