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Comparative Analysis between

Microsoft Forms and Google Forms

The main objective of this report is to provide improvements to Microsoft Forms (*) in order to be a useful, versatile, functional and easy to
use tool. These improvements can make MS forms an excellent resource for:
1. Formative assessment
2. Diagnostic assessment
3. Summative assessment
All these types of assessment are closely related to the implementation of active pedagogical methodologies and models such as PBL,
flipped classroom, cooperative learning, etc.
This comparison is based on 5 different aspects:
1. Design and Creation of Questions (33 items)
2. Design and Creation of Quizzes (15 items)
3. Quizz Sharing (8 items)
4. Quizz Completion (8 items)
5. Results Analysis (9 items)
Total: 73 items
(*) This
analysis has been carried out within the research project (OTRI) Grupo MT / University of La Rioja. OTEM171129. April 2018, subject to changes and
updates that may be produced in the development of MS forms. Main Researcher: Raúl Santiago. PhD in Education

Design and Creation of Questions Microsoft Google Comments

Forms Forms
1 Choice between Quiz or Form from start YES NO It is easier to start with this selection. The advantage in the case of google
is that you can convert any questionnaire into an exam and vice versa,
facilitating the reuse of questions.
2 Unlimited number of questions YES YES Yes, there is a limit, but it is broad enough and is not documented in both
3 Number of answers 2 million They are more than enough values in both cases for a general use
4 Types of possible questions 6 11 It may be interesting to incorporate more type of questions.
5 Include an option for drop-down menus NO YES Especially interesting for questions with many options
6 Multimedia in the QUESTION: image YES YES It would be very interesting if an image is part of the statement, the answer
were areas of clic
7 Multimedia in the QUESTION: video YES YES * In the case of Google, you can not put a video in the statement, but you
can put it before the question as an element.
In the case of MS, you should allow to put a Stream video.
8 Multimedia in the QUESTION: audio NO NO Include the option to upload an audio

9 Multimedia in the answer options: image NO YES This would make it possible to respond by selecting images. It would be
very interesting if this possibility allowed on mobile devices to interact with
the camera.
1 Use of formulas in the statement of questions or answers NO NO You can not use an equation editor or WebTEX to use scientific language.

1 Use of formulas in the answers NO NO You can not use an equation editor for the student to answer
1 Number of questions in the Quiz Unlimited Unlimited
1 Number of answers in the MMCC questions Unlimited Unlimited
1 Possibility of compelling answer to question YES YES
1 Change the score of the question YES YES
1 Score with decimals NO YES It can be useful to clarify the value of the answers
1 Reorder the responses randomly YES YES
1 Possibility of partial score in the response NO NO Allows you to enter partial assessment percentages for certain answers
8 that are not completely correct
1 Possibility of negative score NO NO It is necessary to ponder the effect of chance
2 Expand multiple choice in multiple selection YES YES
2 Duplicate question YES YES

2 Add text fields in the questions (Subtitles) YES YES

2 Self-correcting short answer questions YES YES
2 Feed-back to correct answer YES YES
2 Feed-back to incorrect answers YES NO It is one of the BEST and most distinctive options of MSF
2 Internet links: improvement of learning from feed-back NO YES Include links to expand or correct learning
2 Reorder the questions easily YES YES
2 Sort the anwers randomly NO YES
2 Choice for using a table of values to create versions of NO NO It allows you to create different versions of the same question for each
9 the same question student, so that the data (values) are different.
3 Assign points to the answers (Multiple Selection) NO NO In MS questions, some answers could be given value
3 Add functions through add-ons NO* YES The use of third-party add-ons allows adding functionality in a simple way.
1 Flow allows to act with MS forms, but in a very limited way.
3 Manipulate forms with a scripting language NO YES
3 Limitation to number of options in matrix-Likert questions SI NO In the case of MSforms, it is limited to 10 items

Design and Creation of Quizzes Microsoft Google Comments

Forms Forms
1 Duplicate questionnaire to edit it YES SI
2 Easily join questionnaires NO* NO It would be a great achievement to link some forms with others. In MS
Forms you can do with Flow
3 Import questionnaire from spreadsheet NO NO Through a template in EXCEL
4 Export questionnaire to spreadsheet NO NO To be able to visualize the questions
5 Add collaborators YES YES
6 Adaptive selection (Branching) YES NO
7 Include collaborators YES YES
8 Various design options (quiz background) YES YES
9 Add institution logo YES YES

10 Preview on PC YES YES

11 Preview on Mobile YES NO In the case of Google, this option is given by default
12 Print the questionnaire or exam NO YES Teachers often want to have a paper version "just in case"
13 Use of headers NO YES
14 Paginar el formulario NO YES It allows to group the questions in sections
15 Uso de texto, imagen o vídeo explicativo NO YES To add instructions or comments unrelated to the questions

Quizz Sharing Microsoft Google Comments

Forms Forms
1 Automatic URL generation YES YES
2 Automated sending from e-mail YES YES
3 Automatic QR generation YES NO
4 Automatic iFrame generation YES YES
5 Limitation of realization to members organization YES NO As long as they have contracted O365 and GSuite
6 Share through social networks NO YES G: Twitter, Facebook y Google+
7 Embed in Web pages YES YES
8 Limitation of realization to authenticated persons NO YES Only GMAIL accounts

Quizzes Completion Microsoft Google Comments

Forms Forms
1 Limitation to ONE answer YES YES
2 Possibility to notify the completion by email YES YES
3 Custom completion message NO YES Being able to edit a differentiated message from "Thanks"

4 Delivery of results automated or monitored YES YES

5 Limitation on date and time YES NO
6 Show progress bar NO YES In the case of questionnaires or quizes with many questions
7 Review: see mark, correct and incorrect answers YES YES

Results Analysis Microsoft Google Comments

Forms Forms
1 Global graph analysis NO SI
2 Questions that often fail frequently NO SI
3 Graphic analysis by question YES SI
4 Student analysis YES SI

5 Realization time analysis YES NO

6 Locking / unlocking the Completion NO SI
7 Share the results YES SI
8 Export to Spreadsheet YES SI
9 Qualitative analysis (semantic) NO NO Tools like Surveymonkey offer Tagcloud-like solutions

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