Viruses and Prokaryotic Cells

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17 set 2020

Prokaryotic cells
- Simplest and most ancient types of cells

- Lot smaller than eukaryotes

- Small allows them to reproduce fast and


- No nucleus >> DNA located in nucleoid

region, not enclosed by membrane
angle circular DNA molecule. Flagellum
used for movement

Both have ribosomes, plasma membrane,

dna, cytoplasm

Prokaryotic cells Eukaryotic cells

No true nucleus, only an area where DNA is DNA found in the distinct nucleus
found (nucleoid region)

DNA is not associated with proteins DNA molecules are coiled around basic proteins
called histones

Some DNA may be in the form of circular Linear DNA molecule, packed into bundles of
strands called plasmids chromosomes. No plasmids

No membrane-bound organelles Have membrane-bound organelles, such as Er,

Golgi apparatus, etc..

No chloroplasts, only bacterial chlorophyll Chloroplasts in plant cells and algae

associated with the cell— surface membrane in
some bacteria

Ribosomes are smaller (70S) Ribosomes are larger (80S)

Cell wall made of murein (peptidoglycan) Where present, cell wall is made mostly of

May have an out mucilaginous layer called No capsule


binary fission: asexual reproduction. The cell splits itself into daughter cells.

17 set 2020

Look on firefly.


Measles: coming back due to antivax people. It affects the brain cells, leaving long
term disabilities. Can cause death

helicobacter: Causes stomach ulcers.

HIV: virus replicates inside the cell


Viral replication

Virus structure:

-Acellular. Not made up of cells

and don’t carry out life processes.

-Contain reverse transcriptase

(enzyme), used to replicate other
cells’ DNA

-Lipid envelope, can’t be

subjected to high temperatures

How the replication works:

- Attachment protein joins with the hosts cell surface membrane

- Virus enters the cell and releases its genetic material

- The cel copies the genetic material

- It makes new capsids and assembles new viruses

- The new viruses burst out of the cell

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