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A citizenship is a status that is granted to a citizen along with its rights and duties, Malaysian
nationality law is the law of Malaysia that deals with citizenship and other forms of
nationality. Malaysian citizens enjoy fundamental liberties and in reply they have some duties
to be performed.

Citizenship is a relation between an individual and a state to which the individual owes duty
and in turn is entitled to its protection.

Relevant Provisions
Article 14 to the 31 of the federal constitution of the Malaysia
ARTICLE 14 Acquisition of Citizenship
Deals with Citizenship by operation of law
ARTICLE 15 15A, 16 ,16a and 17
Deals with Citizenship by registration (wives and children of citizens, Special power to register
children, persons born in the Federation before Merdeka Day, persons resident in States of
Sabah and Sarawak on Malaysia Day, persons resident in the Federation on Merdeka Day
Deals with General provisions as to registration
ARTICLE 19, 19a, 20, and 21
Deals with Citizenship by naturalization, transfer of citizenship to or from Singapore,
naturalization of members of Federation forces, general provisions as to naturalization.
Deals with Citizenship by incorporation of territory, If any new territory is admitted to the
Federation after Malaysia Day Parliament may by law may admit citizens.
ARTICLE 23 to 28 of Chapterr 2
Deals with the Termination of Citizenship, deprivation, Procedure for deprivation and its
causes/ reasons.
Article 29
Deals with Commonwealth citizenship, All Malaysian citizens are Commonwealth citizens and
are entitled to certain rights in Britain and other Commonwealth countries. For example, they

can vote in all elections (including for the European Parliament until the UK's departure from
the European Union)
Article 30 ,31 of Chapter 3
Deals with Certificates of citizenship and Application of Second Schedule

A person can become a citizen of Malaysia either by registration or naturalisation.
In cases by registration, where a person is by operation of law is a citizen but have yet to
be registered, such person is entitled to citizenship upon application and be registered as
a citizen of Malaysia. Those applying for citizenship by registration must have "an
elementary knowledge of the Malay language".
A foreigner who wishes to become Malaysian citizens, can get citizenship by
naturalisation, an applicant must be at least 21 years old, intend to reside permanently in
Malaysia, have good character, have an adequate knowledge of the Malay language, and
meet a minimum period of residence in Malaysia: he or she must have been resident in
Malaysia for at least 10 years out of the 12 years, as well as the immediate 12 months,
before the date of the citizenship application

Permanent residency in Sabah and Sarawak

Permanent residency in the states of Sabah and Sarawak are distinct from the other 11
Malaysian states. While Sabah and Sarawak each has autonomy in immigration affairs (which
includes imposing immigration restrictions on Peninsular Malaysia residents), permanent
residents of Sabah and Sarawak are exempted from the immigration controls of their own

Malaysian citizens enjoy fundamental liberties and in reply they have some duties to be
performed. Travel freedom as of 1 January 2021, Malaysian citizens had visa-free or visa on
arrival access to 178 countries and territories

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