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Role Based Home Pages User Guide

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Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Table of Contents
Document History ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 4
Functional Overview................................................................................................................................. 4
Basic Operation ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Technical Overview .................................................................................................................................. 5
Authorising the Role Based Homepage ................................................................................................... 6
Role Based Home Pages ......................................................................................................................... 8
Role: “All in One” .................................................................................................................................. 8
Dashboard ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Home .................................................................................................................................................. 18
Customers .......................................................................................................................................... 34
Groups ................................................................................................................................................ 49
Loans AA ............................................................................................................................................ 55
Loans LD ............................................................................................................................................ 62
Savings ............................................................................................................................................... 68
Teller ................................................................................................................................................... 71
Head Teller ......................................................................................................................................... 77
Business Overview ............................................................................................................................. 79
Finance ............................................................................................................................................... 81
Users .................................................................................................................................................. 87
Parameters ......................................................................................................................................... 91
Role: Customer Services Agent ....................................................................................................... 101
Role: Payment Services Agent ......................................................................................................... 103
Role: Teller ....................................................................................................................................... 104
Role: Head Teller .............................................................................................................................. 105
Role: Loan Services Agent ............................................................................................................... 107
Role: Credit Manager ....................................................................................................................... 111
Role: Operations Manager ............................................................................................................... 114
Role: Branch Manager ...................................................................................................................... 117
Role: Finance Manager .................................................................................................................... 124
Role: Finance Officer ........................................................................................................................ 126
Role: Administrator ........................................................................................................................... 128
Role: Internal Audit ........................................................................................................................... 140
Notes .................................................................................................................................................... 148

2 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Document History

Author Version Date

Lynn Petersen 1.0 10th September 2015

Dominik Gromek 1.1 25th January 2016

Lynn Petersen 2.0 17th March 2016


Version 2.0 is based on R14.2 system release.

3 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

The purpose of this guide is to introduce the concept of Role Based Home Pages (RBHPs) and
provide a quick overview of how roles within the institution are grouped to facilitate an efficient and
relevant user experience.

In order to get the most out of this user guide, it is essential that you are familiar with the standard
procedures regarding navigating your way around the system. This includes items such as program
access via menus data entry and editing, mandatory and multi-value fields, committing details, and so
forth. All of these are described in detail in the Navigation user guide.

Functional Overview
RBHPs are in line with the privileges given to different users based on the role they play on a day to
day basis. The users may access all the functionalities pertaining to them in a single screen.
There are several types of users in the institution and, based on the user profile, separate landing
pages are created, for example Customer Services Agent, Payment Services Agent, Teller, Head
Teller, Loan Services Agent, Credit Manager, etc.
Typically in an institution, services staff and a supervisor/ manager take care of all the transactions.
The role of services staff is to capture the transactions and the supervisor/ manager is the one who
actually verifies and authorises the same.
Some roles have view capabilities only. More about this later in the document.

Basic Operation
Each user (or groups of users) has a landing page (dashboard) that contains details of
records/actions that require attention. From the landing page, the user then navigates away to the
applications as defined in the user security profile. For optimum administration, User Groups are
defined in line with the RBHPs, more about this in the Systems Administration user guide.

4 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Technical Overview
To define the landing page for the user, a few easy steps are followed. These are described here.

Access and Setup

Administrator RBHP>>Users>>Users

1. Select the User record that you wish to assign a RBHP to from the table of all Users created for
your institution
2. Select ‘Assign Role Based Homepage’ from the functions list

3. Click on the go icon

4. The page below is then displayed

5. Select the ID of the Role Based Homepage and commit the record
6. It is important to remember to have the record authorised in order for the record to be “LIVE”

5 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Field Description

Role Based Home Page Select from the list of available Home Pages.
These pages have been predefined by Temenos and should
not be edited without due consideration of the restrictions that
this may impose on the users who will be affected.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so
forth, which are not available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

Authorising the Role Based Homepage

In some implementations of the software, it is required that every record that is created be authorised
by a person other than the one who created it before it becomes ‘LIVE’ or operative.

Administrator RBHP>>Users

First screen
The system displays a list of all unauthorised user records.

1. On the Users landing page, the authoriser will see Pending User Records. These are
records awaiting further input or approval.
2. Click on the View icon and the system will open a second screen of all the records
pending action.

3. Select the record you wish to authorise.

4. Examine all the fields.
5. When you are sure that the details are correct click on the Authorise button.

6 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

When the user next logs on, the landing page will only display the applications and actions as defined
for the role. We discuss the roles further on in this document.

The user is able to access the applications and actions required to perform their role from the landing
User need to subscribe to tasks, for more information refer to the Task Manager user guide.

7 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Role Based Home Pages

Landing pages are defined for the following roles:

We will discuss each now.

Role: “All in One”

This is the catch-all RBHP with the widest range of applications and services available to the user.
The icons at the top of the page are fast links to the applications but also take note of the headings of
the tabs (versions) available. In this chapter we discuss the applications and functions available from
the tabs.

Fast link icons

In addition to the Landing page and tabs available to the user, the icons provide fast links to the most
commonly used applications.

The All-in-One RBHP provides the widest range of applications and functions available when
compared with the RBHPs for other users, for example Credit Manager.
We discuss each icon and the supported functionality in the next chapter of this document.

8 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide


The Dashboard is also referred to as the Landing Page. The user accesses all records, applications
and messages from this single point.

Pending Tasks
This menu item opens up a page presenting all the pending tasks assigned to the current user. The
page is divided into three sections to visually support the user in acting on the most urgent and
important tasks first.

The Notifications section presents notifications raised by the system for the current user, in the
creation date order.

Completed Tasks
The Completed Tasks menu items opens up a page presenting tasks completed by the current user,
in the descending completion date order.

My Task Delegates
The My Tasks Delegates menu item points to the application allowing the user to delegate specific
tasks to other user(s) or user groups.

New To-do Tasks

The New To-Do Task menu item opens up the application for creating to-do tasks. These are the
tasks created manually by users, to assign some activity to another user, or create a reminder for own
For more information on the use of these applications, refer to the Task Manager user guide.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

9 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide


Current and Future Appointments

This page provides information pertaining to current, future and past appointments and also allows
the user to create a new incoming and outgoing appointment.
The appointments may be viewed and edited (amend contact log) from this page.

Past Appointments
All past appointments/messages where this user was on the contact list are displayed on this page.

Amend Contact Log

The appointments in the Current and Future Appointments section may be actioned from this page
by clicking on the Edit icon. The input fields are:

10 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Field Description

Contact Client The Customer ID number of the record selected for editing.

Contact Type Select from the look-up list the code that describes how to
contact the customer, options are:
 Appointment
 Call Report
 Call Centre
 E-mail
 Letter
 Manual
 Meeting
 In person
 Task
 Telephone
 Text
 Transaction
These are defined in the EB.LOOKUP table with ID starting as

Contact Status The system defaults ‘New’ in a new record. Amend the status
 Completed
 Confirmed
 Pending
These are defined in the EB.LOOKUP table.

Contact Description Describe the purpose for this contact.

Contact Channel Select the channel to be used in response from the lookup list,
examples are
 Meeting
 Phone
 etc.
These are defined in the EB.CHANNEL application.

Contact Date The current system date is defaulted in this field, change as

Contact Time The current system time is defaulted in this field, change as

Contact Direction Direction of the contact initiation. The default value is ‘Inward’.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so
forth, which are not available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

11 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

New Incoming Appointment

Use this application to capture a new incoming appointment.

New Incoming Contact

Field Description

New Incoming Contact ID The system allocates the reference ID which is made up from
the application indicator, CR (Customer Relationship) followed
by the Julien date and a sequential number)

Customer ID Select from the lookup table or enter the ID number of the
Customer whom made the contact.

Contact Type Select from the look-up list the code that describes this contact,
options are:
 Appointment
 Call Report
 Call Centre
 Complaint
 E-mail
 Letter
 Manual
 Meeting
 In person
 Task
 Telephone

12 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

 Text
 Transaction
These are defined in the EB.LOOKUP table with ID starting as

Contact Status The system defaults ‘New’ in a new record. When the record
has been actioned, the status may be changed to:
 Completed
 Confirmed
 Pending
These are defined in the EB.LOOKUP table.

Subject Capture a short subject that describes the reason for making

Details Provide details in this multi-value field which will enable you to
assign different tasks to different users.

Contact Channel Select the contact channel from the lookup list, examples are
 Branch
 Call Centre
 Internet, etc.
These are defined in the EB.CHANNEL application.

Contact Date The current system date is defaulted in this field, change as

Contact Time The current system time is defaulted in this field, change as

Staff User This is the user who dealt with the customer or recorded the
new incoming appointment. User ID is assigned by the system
as default.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so
forth, which are not available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

13 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

New Outgoing Appointment

Capture a new outgoing appointment that needs to be actioned. In this example, we are responding to
the incoming message received above.

New Outgoing Contact

Field Description

New Outgoing Contact ID The system allocates the reference ID which is made up from
the application indicator, CR (Customer Relationship) followed
by the Julien date and a sequential number)

Customer ID Select from the lookup table or enter the ID number of the
Customer whom made the contact.

Contact Type Select from the look-up list the code that describes how to
contact the customer, options are:
 Appointment
 Call Report
 Call Centre
 E-mail
 Letter
 Manual
 Meeting
 In person
 Task
 Telephone
 Text
 Transaction
These are defined in the EB.LOOKUP table with ID starting as

14 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide


Contact Status The system defaults ‘New’ in a new record. When the record
has been actioned, the status may be changed to:
 Completed
 Confirmed
 Pending
These are defined in the EB.LOOKUP table.

Subject Capture a short subject that describes the reason for making

Details Provide details. Please note that this is a multivalued field

which will enable you to assign different tasks to different

Contact Channel Select the channel to be used in response from the lookup list,
examples are
 Meeting
 Phone
 etc.
These are defined in the EB.CHANNEL application.

Contact Date The current system date is defaulted in this field, change as

Contact Time The current system time is defaulted in this field, change as

Staff User This is the user who is to respond to the customer. User ID is
assigned by the system as default.

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so
forth, which are not available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

15 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

‘Messages’ is a diary event of a delegation tool. The sender, say Supervisor, may schedule certain
events on certain dates to different recipients, setting the appropriate status for the said tasks. The
progress of these tasks are then monitored by the Supervisor.

The inbox stores all messages that were sent to this user and also provides the facility for a new
message to be created.
By clicking the View icon, the user may see a full view of the message record. By clicking the Reply
icon, the message may be replied to the originating user.
In this configuration we use the TICKLER application as a diary event tool, but may also be used as a
delegation tool.

New Message

16 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Field Description

New Message ID The system assigns the reference ID. The Tickler number is
prefixed by the application identifier, TK, followed by the Julian
date and sequential number.

To User Select from the lookup list the user for whom the message is
intended, or enter the user ID if known.

Message Enter the message details in the associated sub-value field.

On committing the record, the message is displayed for the recipient on their own landing page:

The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so
forth, which are not available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

Sent items
All messages sent to others by this user are recorded in this area.

By clicking on the View icon, the user is able to drill down to the underlying record.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

17 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide


The Home Page of all RBHPs provide a list of unauthorised and in hold records.

Pending Authorisations
The first page provides numbers of pending records in the main business tables.
Pending records are mostly unauthorised records (with record status equal to INAU or INAO), as well
as records with In Hold (IHLD) status.

18 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

The highest priority unauthorised items are detailed in the top of the list, followed by an ‘All Pending

Items’ list. By clicking on the icon to the right side of the screen, the detailed list is provided.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and
save in a variety of formats.

19 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Potential Customer
The page displays all Unauthorised Potential Customers, Potential Customer records that were
created today as well as Potential Customers not yet migrated to Full Customers. By selecting from
the options to the right hand side of the screen, the user is able to perform actions such as View, Edit,
and Delete or Reverse the record.
To create a new Individual or Non-Individual Potential Customer record, click on the new deal icon:

The processes to be followed in the opening of the Customer records are described in the Customer
User guide.

These screens display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print
and save in a variety of formats.

20 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

The page displays all Unauthorised Customers as well as New Customer records that were created
today. By selecting from the options to the right hand side of the screen, the user is able to perform
actions such as View, Edit and Authorise or Delete the record.
To create a new Individual or Non-Individual Customer record, click on the new deal icon:

The processes to be followed in the opening of the Customer records are described in the Customer
user guide.

These screens display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print
and save in a variety of formats.

Customer Group
The page displays all Unauthorised Groups as well as New Group records that were created today.
By selecting from the options to the right hand side of the screen, the user is able to perform actions
such as Authorise and Delete the record.
To create a new Group, Abbreviated Group or Migrate an Old Group, click on the new deal icon:

21 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

The processes to be followed in creating and managing of the Group records are described in the
Group Management user guide.

These screens display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print
and save in a variety of formats.

22 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

The page displays the list of Department Account Officers (DAO, or Account Officers) with the
numbers of customer records, customer group records and live contract records assigned to those
The second part of this page presents all Pending Account Officer changes. By selecting from the
options to the right hand side of the screen, the user is able to perform actions such as Authorise or
Delete the record.

The procedures to be followed to change the Account Officer are described in the Account Officer
transfer user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

23 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Funds Transfer
The landing page displays all Unauthorised Funds Transfer records. By selecting from the options to
the right hand side of the screen, the user is able to perform actions such as Edit, Authorise and
Delete the record.

The processes to be followed in creating Funds Transfer records are described in the Teller User

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.
The shortcut menu on the left hand side of the page provides access to enquiries:

Funds Transfer Today

This menu item displays all Funds Transfer records that were created today.

Funds Transfer records processed today may be Viewed or Reversed from this page. Reversal of
Funds Transfer records is only possible on the same date as processed.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

24 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Funds Transfer Search

When selecting the option from the menu, the user will receive the input screen:

Enter the selection criteria and click on the Find icon. When the details display, it will be in a screen
similar to this:

You are able to View or Reverse individual records and this screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox
allowing you to perform the functions such as print and save in a variety of formats.

Funds Transfer Advices

The user is able to view delivery messages generated as a result of the Funds Transfer transactions:

25 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Funds Transfer Reversed

All Funds Transfer records that have been reversed may be viewed from this Enquiry. Enter the
selection criteria and click on ‘Find’

When the details display, the user is able to View the records that were reversed:

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and
save in a variety of formats.

26 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Standing Order

Unauthorised Standing Orders

The landing page displays all Unauthorised Standing Orders. By selecting from the options to the right
hand side of the screen, the user is able to perform actions such as Edit, View and Delete the record.
This list may be displayed also by selecting first item from side menu.
The other menu options report on active Standing Orders.
The processes to be followed in setting up and maintaining Standing Orders are described in the
Standing Order user guide.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and
save in a variety of formats.

27 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Fixed Standing Orders

This menu item provides information on Fixed Standing Orders. It is possible to Edit, View, Authorise
and Reverse a Standing Order instruction from this page.
To create a new Fixed Standing Order, click on the new deal icon.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and
save in a variety of formats.

Bulk Standing Orders

Unauthorised Bulk STOs

The first menu item in this section displays all Unauthorised Bulk Standing Orders. By selecting from
the options to the right hand side of the screen, the user is able to perform actions such as Authorise
or Delete the record.
To create a new Bulk Standing Order instruction click on the new deal icon.
The procedures to be followed in creating a Bulk Standing Order are described in the Standing Order
user guide.

28 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

New Bulk Standing Orders may be created from this page, as well as the instruction to process the
Bulk Standing Orders Online (as opposed to during a COB batch job) may be invoked from here.
For more details, please refer to the Bulk Standing Order chapter in the Standing Order user guide.

This screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as print and
save in a variety of formats.

Bulk STOs Executed

This menu item provides information on Bulk Standing Orders that were executed.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats

29 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Unexecuted Funds Transfers on Bulk Standing Orders

This menu item provides information on Funds Transfer records that were not executed as a result of
a Bulk Standing Order being processed, for example insufficient funds in the debit account, the
instruction can be reprocessed from this page.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats

Standing Order Enquiries

Unexecuted Standing Orders

This enquiry provides details of Standing Orders that failed to be executed for a number of reasons.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats

30 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Standing Orders Executed Today

This enquiry provides details of Standing Orders that were processed (during the COB batch job)

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats

Standing Order by Account

Details of all the Standing Order instructions on a specific account can be found in this enquiry.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats

31 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Standing Order by Type

This enquiry reports on the standing orders by their type; fixed, balance in and balance out and diary.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats

Standing Orders Reversed

All reversed standing order instructions are recorded in this enquiry.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats

32 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Loan repayments and other contributions are collected from Group Members by the Loan Officer
visiting their place of work/residence.
A list of all repayments due may be extracted from the system as information for the Loan Officer
before departing for the group meetings.
For more information, refer to the Cash Collection user guide.
The landing page provides details of the cash collections pending authorisation and the user is also
able to run the cash collections report, per product, per loan officer for a defined period:

Cash Collection Sheet

This report is typically exported to Excel and the information completed at the meeting, for example
the Receipt Number, Amount Collected (if different to the Total Amount Due) and Attendance by the
For more information on the Cash Collection functionality, processing and reports please refer to the
Cash Collections user guide.

33 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide


The user is able to search for a customer (individual and non-individual) by selecting from any of the
criteria available in the table.

When the enquiry is run, the details will be displayed as in the screen below. Click on the Single
Customer View icon to proceed.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats
The information on the next screen is then displayed:

34 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Please see that the information in the subsequent tabs all relate to this specific customer.
The first page provides all the personal information and provides the option to edit the data (using the
Amend Customer icon).

For further information in the Customer and Images, please refer to the Customer user guide and the
Image Management user guide.

The Images screen displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

35 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Amend Customer
When this option is selected, the customer record is available for modification.

Any of the input fields may be edited from this page. Commit the record when done and remember to
have your record authorised in order for the changes to be ‘LIVE’.
All input fields are explained in the Customer user guide.

36 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

This page displays the existing account details and also provides the option to create new accounts
(by clicking on the account type under the Shortcuts heading). The names of the account products will
be those used/offered by your institution.
When unauthorised account records exist for this customer, an additional list will be displayed just
below the list with live records. These records may be viewed, edited, authorised or deleted.

For information on the processes to be followed for opening and maintaining accounts, please refer to
the Accounts user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

37 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Loan Applications
This page provides details of all Loan Applications already in progress for this customer. You are able
to Edit, View and perform a Status Change. New Loan Calculations, Applications, Simulations as well
as inputting the details in the Income and Expenditure application may also be performed from this
There are two lists on this page, one with loan applications created for Lending Arrangements (AA)
and second with loan applications created for LD contracts.

For information on the processes to be followed for the AA Loan Applications, please refer to the
Lending user guide.

For information on the processes to be followed for the LD Loan Applications, please refer to the LD
Loan Application user guide.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

38 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Income & Expenditure Details

In the screen prints below, we provide a couple of examples of the type of details that may be
captured to assist in determining affordability when processing loan applications. These types are
rendered on separate pages:
Household Income:

Household Expenses:

External Expenses:

39 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Primary and Secondary Debts:

This page provides details of existing Loan Agreements which may be Edited, Reversed and the
Repayment Schedule viewed. You are also able to create a new contracts (AA loan, LD Universal or
LD Flat Interest Loan).
The page also provides details of repayments in LD contracts in arrears as managed by the PD

For information on the processes to be followed in Loan Contracts and Arrears, please refer to the LD
Loans and Deposits user guide and the Past Due user guide respectively.

40 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Limits and Collateral

This page provides information on the existing limits and collateral held for this customer. You are
also able to edit and create new limit and collateral records.

For information on the processes to be followed for Limits and Collateral, please refer to the Limits
user guide and Collateral user guide respectively.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

41 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

This page provides details of all the Term Deposits (AZ module). You are also able to create new AZ
Accounts with associated AZ Deposit agreements.

For information on the processes to be followed for AZ and LD Deposits, please refer to the AZ Loans
and Deposits user guide.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

42 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Standing Orders
This page provides details of existing Standing Order instructions as well as Standing Orders
Executed Today.
The shortcuts in the menu on the left hand side allows you access to creating new Standing Order

For information on the processes to be followed for setting up Standing Order instructions, please
refer to the Standing Orders user guide.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

43 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

This page displays details of Documents previously generated for the customer and also allows
opportunity to request a new document to be generated.

By clicking on the View icon, the user can see the underlying document:

44 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

For information on the processes to be followed for requesting new Documents, please refer to the
Document Output user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

45 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Customer Portfolio
This page provides an overview of all the accounts that this customer holds with your institution.

For further information please refer to the Customer user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

46 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide


When any changes to the customer data is made, the system creates a new temporary record with
status ‘INAU’. When the record is authorised such changes in customer data will replace current Live
(‘official’) record with this temporary record. The status of the newest record will be automatically
changed into ‘empty’ to show that it is now the new ‘official’ record. The system denotes each new
record version with a sequential number (‘Curr No’ – current number).
To keep the history of changes, the system stores the previous live record in the History file.
The page ‘History’ presents the list of changes made to the customer record. The first list is only a
short overview with information about who, when and how many changes were made.
This list presents all record versions from the History file (when any change was made in the past),
one version from Live file and finally one version from Unauthorised file (should pending record
After authorising the pending record (displayed on above print screen) this overview list will look as

To see more details about the changes in a particular version (current number) click on the icon to
show details in vertical format:

Another view is available from the icon.

47 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Initially all fields populated in the customer record will be presented on horizontal list:

To reduce this long list of fields and display only fields that were changed f click on the icon on the
top right corner of the full vertical list. The output will be shorter:

The user can also analyse changes by clicking on the icon in the Overview list:

48 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide


This landing page displays the selection criteria to search for an existing Group record:

When the results display, all the information relevant to the Group is presented:

The shortcuts under the menu on the left hand side of the page allows group maintenance actions.

For further information on Group Management and Images please refer to the Group Management
user guide and the Image user guide respectively.

49 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Loan Applications
This page presents all records of existing Loan Arrangement and Loan Contract Applications and also
allows the input of new Calculation, Simulation, Status Changes and Applications for this Group. The
status changes on existing Loan Contract Applications may be Edited, Viewed, Authorised and

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

This page presents all records of existing Loan Arrangements, Loan Contracts and Pending Loan
Applications as well as allows the input of new Loans (Arrangements and Contracts) for this Group.
Enquiries on these loans may be run from this page.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

50 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Bulk (Group) Operations

This page provides the input screens to process Disbursements to and Repayments from Groups.
The information will be displayed on the screen in the ‘Collections’ and Disburse’ areas when
activities are due.

The first page provides details of repayments/collections to be processed. The details may be viewed
or resubmitted for processing by clicking on the relevant icons.

The system defaults the loan repayment amounts from the repayment schedules, this may be
modified if required. The system will also check that the control total is equal to the sum of the
amounts entered and provide an error message.

The Disbursements pay provides details of Arrangements due for disbursement to the individual
members of the Group.
For more information refer to the Lending user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

51 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Historical Members
When the Group Type is ‘Not Abbreviated’ then it is possible to retire or transfer members from one
group to another, this page lists the previous members and also provides a short-cut to reinstate
members to this group.

For further information on Group Management please refer to the Group Management user guide.

Linked Groups
Nested/groups within groups is supported, this page provide details of these linked groups:

Group ID 000016 is related to Group ID 000006. View the details by clicking on the icon.
For further information on Group Management please refer to the Group Management user guide.

52 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

CGAP Report B4
The Group Membership Report may be viewed from this page:

The report currently only includes Loan Contracts (LD) and displays data for Entity Type 2 (Full
Group) and 3 (Abbreviated Group) in the CUSTOMER record.
For more information on CGAP Reports, please refer to the Reports user guide.

The ‘History’ page presents details of all changes made to this group record. The first overview list
presents information on who, when and how many changes were made during particular record
versions. The logic of the creation of new records is described in the chapter ‘History’ page in Single
Customer View.
In the case of history of changes to a Group record, Group Status, Number of Members and Number
of Changed Members are also presented.

To see more details about the changes in a particular version click on the icon:

The above list presents all changes to a Group record, to see changes to member data open the
‘Member History’ page. Changes in members’ data are mostly related to actions performed on

53 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

members (for example, add New Member, Member Activation, Deactivation, Block, Transfer, Retire or
update of other data; designation, notes etc.).

54 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Loans AA

Loan Applications
This page provides the details of all the AA loan applications processed at your institution, the
applications may be edited, viewed and the status changed from this page.

You are able to

View the Customer record

View and Execute the Loan Application Status, and

View the entire Loan Application record

New loan calculations, loan simulation and loan applications may also be created from this page. You
may also capture/view Income and Expenditure Details.
For further information on the Loan Applications, refer to the Lending user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

55 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

This page provides a list of all the AA loan arrangements (live as well as pending) held at your
institution. You are able to Edit, Reverse, Mature and View the repayment schedule from this page

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.
New Loans may be captured from this page and Loan Enquiries run by clicking on the icons.

New Arrangement

Loan Enquiries
For more information, refer to the LD Loans and Deposits and the Lending user guides.

56 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

This page provides details of the (live and pending) Limit records.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.
For further information, refer to the Limits user guide.

This page provides details of (live and pending) Collateral records.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.
For further information, refer to the Collateral user guide.

57 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Arrears / Provisioning
This page provides the details of arrears and provisioning.

The arrears position per amount type of each arrangement account/contract is displayed. For
Provisioning Reports, click on the icon:
The menu on the left hand side of the page provides fast links to the relevant reports, such as:
Loan Asset Details:

Customer Asset Details:

58 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

And the Provision Summary:

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.
For further information, refer to the Lending and Provisioning user guides.

Loan Reports
The user is able to run a number of reports pertaining to Loans from this page.

More information on these (CGAP Category B and C) reports is available in the Reports user guide.

59 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Limits and Collateral Reports

The user is able to run a number of enquiries pertaining to Limits and Collateral from this page:

For further information, refer to the Limits, Collateral and Reports user guides.

60 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Bulk Rescheduling
It is possible to reschedule loan repayments in bulk, for example in the case of an unexpected
holiday, which when observed, will render the loan repayments in arrears.
This page provides information on loans that were rescheduled and the user has access to perform
rescheduling from here:

The first page provides information on loan rescheduling that has been processed and by clicking on

the details icon, the underlying records may be viewed:

Further options are available in the actions list on the right hand side of each line.
For more information, please refer to the LD Bulk Rescheduling user guide.

61 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Loans LD

This landing page provides details of the loans at your institution and at the top level, the user may
 Pending loan applications
 Search for an account
 View the customer portfolio
 View the account statement:

Enter the selection criteria as relevant and view the results.

For more information, please refer to the Loan Application, Accounts and Customer user guides

62 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Loan Applications
This page provides the details of all the LD loan applications processed at your institution, the
applications may be edited, viewed and the status changed from this page.

New loan calculations and loan applications may also be created from this page.
For information on loans please refer to the Loan Application and LD Loans and Deposits user guides

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Limits and Collateral

This page provides details of the (live and pending) Limit and Collateral records.

New Limits and Collateral Items as well Collateral Enquiries may be generated from this page.
For more information, please refer to the Limits and Collateral user guides respectively.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

63 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

This page provides a list of all the LD loan contracts held at your institution. The user is able to Edit,
Reverse, Mature and View the repayment schedule from this page:

The user is also able to create a new Universal or Flat loan and view all the Loan Enquiries from here.
For more information, please refer to the LD Loans and Deposits user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Past Due
This page provides details of all contracts where repayments are in overdue status in order for the
user to perform maintenance actions, including authorising overdue records.

The user is also able to create new overdue contracts or accounts and run a number of enquiries from
this page.
For more information, please refer to the Past Due user guide.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

64 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Limit and Collateral Reports

The user is able to run a number of enquiries pertaining to Limits and Collateral from this page.
Options are:

More information is available in the Limit and Collateral user guides respectively.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

65 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Loan Reports
The user is able to run a number of reports pertaining to LD Loans from this page. Options are:

More information on these (CGAP Category B and C) reports is available in the Reports user guide.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

66 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Bulk Rescheduling
It is possible to reschedule LD loan repayments in bulk, for example in the case of an unexpected
holiday, which when observed will render the loan repayments in arrears.
This page provides information on loans that were rescheduled and the user has access to perform
rescheduling from here:

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

By clicking on the details icon, further information is displayed:

For more information, please refer to the LD Bulk Rescheduling and LD Loans and Deposits user

67 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide


The landing page provides details of Account records awaiting authorisation (INAU status) as well as
placed on hold (IHLD status).

The user may View, Edit, Authorise and Delete the record from this page.
The page also provide shortcuts to the Accounts List and Accounts that were opened today,
accessible from the menu on the left hand side of the page.
The user is also able to open new Accounts from this page.

For information on Account processing, please refer to the Accounts user guide.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

68 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

AZ Deposits
This page provides details of all AZ Deposit records awaiting authorisation (INAU status) as well as
placed on hold (IHLD status).

The user may View, Edit, Authorise and Delete the record from this page.
The page also provide shortcuts to the AZ Deposits List and AZ Deposits that were opened today,
accessible from the menu on the left hand side of the page.
The user is also able to open new AZ Accounts and associated AZ Deposits from this page.

For information on AZ Account and Deposit processing, please refer to the AZ Loans and Deposits
user guide.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Inactive Accounts
We take dormant/inactive accounts very seriously. This page displays details of accounts that have
reached inactive status.

69 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

For information on Inactive Account processing, including reactivation, please refer to the Accounts
user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Closed Account
This page provides details of Account Closure awaiting authorisation as well as Accounts that were
closed today.

The user may View, Edit, Authorise and Delete the record from this page.
The user is also able to initiate account closure from this page.
For information on Account Closing processing, please refer to the Accounts user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

70 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide


This landing page provides the Teller with information regarding transactions that were processed
today as well as the cash positions of each currency maintained in the till of this Teller.


The Teller may process all types of transactions by selecting from the menu on the left hand side of
the page.
For information on Teller Transaction processing, please refer to the Teller user guide.

71 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Loan Operations
Transactions on Loan Arrangements are processed from the menu items available on this page.

The menu item ‘Disbursement’ lists Loan Arrangements (granted to individuals) with available
disbursement amount. Initiate the disbursement process by clicking on the icon.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.
The menu item ‘Repayment’ lists Loan Arrangements (granted to individuals) with amounts due.
Initiate the payment process by clicking on the icon.

72 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

These menu items displays the same as above, but for Loan Arrangements granted to Groups.

In the case of ‘Group Disbursement’ the system displays the list of loans available for disbursement to
group members together with their loans and available disbursement amount:

In the case of ‘Group Collection’ the system displays (for the selected group) the list of group
members with their loans and/or saving accounts and the payment amounts due. You may edit the
records, including the default amount calculated by the system (in case of loans it is the current due
amount) to reflect the members’ instructions:

73 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

For further information, refer to the Lending user guide.

74 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

This page provides all Teller and Transaction Type enquires:

For information on Teller Transaction processing, cash balancing and enquiries, please refer to the
Teller user guide.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

75 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Pending Standing Orders

This page provides details of all Standing Order Instructions that await actioning:

The user may View, Edit, Authorise and Delete the record from this page.
For information on Standing Order processing, please refer to the Standing Orders user guide.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

76 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Head Teller

Till Management
The Head Teller is responsible for the Creation and Management of the Tills in the various branches
of the institution.

Management of the tills include activities such as Reassigning a Till to another Teller, Open/Close a
Till, Transfer local and/or foreign currency to and from the Vault.

77 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Till Enquiries
Enquiries to support the Head Teller in daily operations and decisions are available from the left hand
side of the page.

For more information on the Head Teller processes, please refer to the Senior Teller user guide.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

78 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Business Overview

This page provides at a glance relevant information to the Management Team.


This page provides details of:

Branch Cash Position by Currency – insurance value, reassign, bank?
Loan Portfolio Total by Product vs. Savings and Term Deposits Totals by Product – Treasury?
Portfolio at Risk totaled by Product – health of lending book?
For further information, please refer to the relevant user guides on these topics.

Where appropriate, these screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the
functions such as print and save in a variety of formats.

79 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

General Exceptions
Details of all the records awaiting authorisation (INAU status) and in hold (IHLD status) are recorded
here. These should be actioned without delay to ensure optimum customer service and ensure
integrity of data.

By clicking on the View icon, the user may drill down on each item until the underlying, final record.

This page provides details of all override messages that were accepted by type:

By clicking on the View icon, the user may drill down to each record.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

80 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide


This page provides information relevant to the Finance Officer.

System Position
This page provides the Finance Officer with a summary of the financial position; the Asset and
Liability in Local Currency, Non-Contingent Journal, Balance Sheet and Income Statement may all be
accessed from here.

By clicking on the View icon, the user may drill down to the underlying records. Use the page
numbers or the , , and icons to move through the pages.
For further information, please refer to the relevant user guides on Financial Accounting and Financial

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

81 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

General Parameters
The user is able to define the parameters that manage the financial transactions from this page; these
are Category Codes, Transaction Codes, Account Class, Funds Transfer and Teller Transaction

The landing page provides information of records in hold (IHLD) or awaiting authorisation (IHLD).
For further information, please refer to the System Setup user guide.

From this page users in the Finance Department are able to create new, authorise and delete Data
Capture batch and Funds Transfer records:

For further information, please refer to the Data Capture user guide.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

82 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Post Closing
The users in the Finance Department are able to define the PC Parameters, Close a PC Period, print
reports and authorise Data Capture and Funds Transfer records that fall within a previous PC Period
from this page.

Regret, no data available for the images. For further information, please refer to the Post Closing user

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

This page provides information relating to teller shortages and surpluses, and other financial entries
awaiting authorisation.

For further information, please refer to the Senior Teller, Teller and Data Capture user guides.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

83 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Reporting Tools
From this page, the format of the financial reports are defined and entries to the DC (Data Capture)
Suspense Account are reported.

For further information, please refer to the Financial Reporting user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

This page provides links to all the applications for the user to run enquiries pertaining to financial

By clicking on the View icon, the user is able to drill down to the underlying record.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

84 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Financial Reports
This page provides access to all reports that were generated during the COB or on-line and output via
the DELIVERY module, including the Balance Sheet and Income Statement per entity in a MULTI
COMPANY deployment.

By clicking on the View icon, the user is able to drill down to the report.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Internal Account Balances

This page provides details of all the internal accounts per category and currency code. Internal
Accounts are in the category code range 10-000 to 19-999.

85 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

The user is able to create a new and authorise internal account records from this page.
For further information, please refer to the Accounts user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

86 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide


This page provides information about users created in the system, maintain them and analyse their
Process of creation of new users is described in: User Role Based Homepage Setup version

Active Users
Provides details of user currently logged onto the system.

All Users
Provides details of all user created in the system as well as user records awaiting authorisation.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

87 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

User Activity
Provides details of all user created in the system.

This list is generated using data stored in USER.ACTIVITY.TABLE table.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

88 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

User Operations
Provides details of all operations performed by a user.

This list is generated using data stored in PROTOCOL table.

New Users
This page provides details of all users created in the system including the User ID, User Name,
Department, the creator and the date and time the record was created.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

89 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

SMS Groups
Groups of users that share roles/tasks are managed through the SMS User Groups application, for
example all Tellers. This facilitates easier administration of changes to the profiles of these users, a
handy management tool.
This page displays all the SMS Groups available as well as any records awaiting further actioning.

For more information, see the Security Management System user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

User Log
The page provides details of all applications, functions and actions performed by all users:

This list is generated using data stored in PROTOCOL table.

Please see the Security Management System user guide for more information.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

90 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide


This page is used to define and maintain the parameters system wide and is typically assigned to the
Systems Administrator/s in the institution.

The landing page displays all Account Product conditions awaiting action/approval.
From the menu on the left hand side of the screen, further options are available:

New Account Products

91 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

For information, refer to the System Setup user guide.

AA Products
Defining AA Product Groups and Products are done from this page.

For more information, refer to the Lending user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

92 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Loan Origination
The loan origination parameters are defined on this page. A list of the parameters are displayed for
you to View and/or Edit. New parameters may also be defined by clicking on the icon:

For more information, refer to the Loan Origination user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Product Setup
LD Loan and All-in-One Deposit products are defined on this page.

For information, refer to the Universal Product and All-in-One Product user guides.

93 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

General Ledger
All the Financial Accounting and Financial Reporting rules are defined on these page.

For information, refer to the Financial Reporting user guide.

94 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Past Due
Rules to manage Loan Contract installments in arrears as well as reducing limits on current accounts,
together with the relevant enquiries are available from this page.

For information, refer to the Past Due user guide.

Limits and Collateral

Limits and Collateral Types, Groups and Items parameters are defined on this page.

For information, refer to the Limits and Collateral user guides.

95 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Customer Tables
All tables that are used in creating the Customer records (individuals, non-individuals and groups) are
defined here:

For information, refer to the System Setup, Customer and Group Management user guides.

96 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Account Tables
All tables used in the ACCOUNT and LOANS applications are defined here:

For more information, refer to the System Setup, Accounts, LD Loan Application as well as LD Loans
and Deposits user guides.

97 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Document Output
Parameters, templates and documents are defined and may be requested from this page.

For information, refer to the Document Output user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

98 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

The Task Templates, Type, Priority and Action are defined on this page as well as the Account Officer
Subscriptions to the Tasks.

The records may be Viewed and Edited by clicking on the appropriate icon.
For information, refer to the Task Management user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Task Events

For information, refer to the Task Management user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

99 MicroBankingSuite Product
Role Based Home Pages User Guide

DAO Subscriptions

For information, refer to the Task Management user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Default DAO Subscriptions

For information, refer to the Task Management user guide.

100 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Role: Customer Services Agent

This is the landing page for the user who is responsible for creating and maintaining customer and
group records.
The icons at the top of the page are fast links to the applications but also take note of the headings of
the tabs (versions) available.


Please see Dashboard

Home / Customer Service Agent

Potential Customer
Please see Potential Customer

Please see Customer

101 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Customer Group
Please see Customer Group

Funds Transfer
Please see Funds Transfer

Standing Orders
Please see Standing Orders

Customer Account Summary

Please see Customer Account Summary

Search Customer
Please see Customer

Search Group
Please see Group

102 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Role: Payment Services Agent

This is the landing page for the user who is responsible for creating and maintaining funds transfer
and standing order instructions.
The icons at the top of the page are fast links to the applications but also take note of the headings of
the tabs (versions) available.


Please see Dashboard

Home / Payment Service Agent

Funds Transfer
Please see Funds Transfer

Standing Orders
Please see Standing Order

Search Customer
Please see Customer

Search Group
Please see Group

103 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Role: Teller
This is the landing page for the user who is responsible for processing financial transactions on
customer and internal accounts.
The icons at the top of the page are fast links to the applications but also take note of the headings of
the tabs (versions) available.


Please see Dashboard

Search Customer
Please see Customer

Search Group
Please see Group


Please see Teller

104 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Role: Head Teller

This is the landing page for the user who is responsible for overseeing those processing financial
transactions on customer and internal accounts and managing the cash, cheques and travellers
cheques stocks
The icons at the top of the page are fast links to the applications but also take note of the headings of
the tabs (versions) available.


Please see Dashboard

Search Customer
Please see Customer

Search Group
Please see Group

Pending Authorisations
This page provides details of the Teller, Funds Transfer and Standing Order instructions that are
pending authorisation.

By clicking on the ‘more details’ icon the system drills down to the underlying records which may then
be Viewed, Authorised or Deleted

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

105 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Head Teller
Please see Head Teller

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

106 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Role: Loan Services Agent

This is the landing page for the user who is responsible for creating and maintaining loan applications.
The icons at the top of the page are fast links to the applications but also take note of the headings of
the tabs (versions) available.


Please see Dashboard

Search Customer
Please see Customer

Search Group
Please see Group

Loans AA
Please see Loans AA

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

107 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Loans LD

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Loan Applications
This page provides information pertaining to all Loan Applications processed to date, Loan
Applications awaiting authorisation and the user is also able to create a new Loan Calculation and
capture a new Loan Application from here.
Please see Loan Applications

Limits and Collateral

Please see Limits and Collateral

Please see Loans

Please see Collections

Past Due
Please see Past Due

108 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Account Officer Changes

Please see Account Officer Changes

Please see Loan Reports

LD Loan Services
The landing page provides quick links to:

Pending Loan Applications

This page displays all records in hold (IHLD) and pending authorisation (INAU) status from where the
user may edit, delete and authorise.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Account Search

This page provides the facility to search for an account and once the record is found, the user is able
to process financial transactions (of the user security profile permits), such as deposits and
withdrawals, in local as well as foreign currency.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

109 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Customer Portfolio View

The customer’s portfolio may be viewed from this page, in addition to the Account, Details, Account
Statement, Loan Repayment Schedule and Sub Accounts for AZ Savings Plans.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Account Statement

The user is able to run a statement enquiry on a customer or internal account.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

110 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Role: Credit Manager

This is the landing page for the user who is responsible for managing the loan portfolio.
The icons at the top of the page are fast links to the applications but also take note of the headings of
the tabs (versions) available.


Please see Dashboard

Search Customer
Please see Customer

Search Group
Please see Group

Credit Manager

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Credit Reports

Credit Score Calculator

The Credit Score Calculator uses the parameters as defined in SA.SCORE.DATA for each loan

111 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

For further information, please refer to the Loan Origination user guide.
The AUDIT Version displays audit details such as who was the inputter, who the authoriser, and so
forth, which are not available for entry or editing as they are automatically updated by the system.

112 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Customer Position Summary

The summary of the Customer’s Assets and Liabilities is presented here. By clicking on the
magnifying glass, the user is able to drill down to the underlying record.

For further information, please refer to the Customer user guide.

Outstanding Payments Due Report

Details of the overdue LD loan repayments are reported per contract.

For further information, please refer to the Past Due user guide.

Past Due Payments Maintenance

Please see Past Due

Limit and Collateral Reports

Please see Limit and Collateral Reports

CGAP Reports
Please see Loan Reports

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

113 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Role: Operations Manager

The Operations Manager is interested in reports that provide information relating to the operations of
the institution.
The icons at the top of the page are fast links to the applications but also take note of the headings of
the tabs (versions) available.


Please see Dashboard

Operations Manager
Please see Limits and Collateral

Limits and Collateral Management

Please see Limits and Collateral

Limits and Collateral Reports

Please see Limit and Collateral Reports

114 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Maintain Loans

The user is able to Edit, Authorise or Reverse Loan Contracts that are being modified by selecting the
relevant function icon.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Loan Reports
Please see Loan Reports

Past Due
Please see Past Due

Please see Collections

Account Officer Changes

Please see Account Officer Changes

Bulk Rescheduling
Please see Bulk Rescheduling

115 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

The dashboard of the Operations Manager lists all items to be actioned (IHLD status) and pending
authorisation (INAU status). By clicking on the more details icon, the user may drill down to the
underlying record/s.

Search Customer
Please see Customer

Search Group
Please see Group

116 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Role: Branch Manager

The Branch Manager is interested in reports that provide an overview of the position of the branch;
cash, loans and savings portfolio, and so on.
The icons at the top of the page are fast links to the applications but also take note of the headings of
the tabs (versions) available.


Please see Dashboard

Search Customer
Please see Customer

Search Group
Please see Group

Branch Business
Provides a snap shot of new business done today.

By clicking on the more information icon, the user drills down to the underlying record/s:

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

117 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Pending Authorisations
Provides a snap shot of all records awaiting authorisation.

When clicking on the more details icon, the details of the records are displayed and the user may
view, authorise or delete (INAU status) or view and delete (IHLD status).

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

118 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Branch Manager


The first page provides information pertaining to the cash position by currency (to assess charges on
cash held/required, insurance requirements, etc.), and the loan and savings portfolios by product.

119 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Branch Manager

This page provides quick links to:

Financial Reports
Please see Financial Reports

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

120 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Loan Status
Enter the Loan Contract ID in the selection box to receive a statement on the loan

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Portfolio by Customer
The overall portfolio of all accounts held by the selected customer is viewed here. The user may drill
down to the account, account statement, loan repayment and deposit schedules:

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

121 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Account Statement
Enter the Account Number for the account statement to be displayed. The user may drill down to the
underlying financial entry for each record on the statement:

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

PL Statement
Enter the category code of the Profit and Loss Account to view a statement of all financial entries:

122 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

The user may drill down to the underlying financial record for each entry on the statement.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Internal Accounts
Please see Internal Account Balances

123 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Role: Finance Manager

The Finance Manager wants to know about all activities that affect the financial position of the
The icons at the top of the page are fast links to the applications but also take note of the headings of
the tabs (versions) available.


Please see Dashboard

Finance Manager

System Position
This page provides access to following data:
 System Summary
 Non Contingent Journal
 Balance Sheet
 PL Statement
For more information refer to the Financial Accounting and Financial Reporting user guides.

124 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

General Parameters
Parameters for the processing of financial transactions are defined here.

These are:
 Category
 Transaction
 Industry
 Sector
 Account Class
 FT Transaction
 Teller Parameter
For more information, refer to the user guides on these topics.

Please see Journals

Post Closing
Please see Post Closing

Please see Enquiries

Search Customer
Please see Customer

Search Group
Please see Group

125 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Role: Finance Officer

This is the landing page for the user who is responsible for processing financial transactions on
customer and internal accounts.
The icons at the top of the page are fast links to the applications but also take note of the headings of
the tabs (versions) available.


Please see Dashboard

Finance Officer

The Data Capture and Funds Transfer records pending authorisation are listed on this page for the
user to view, delete and/or authorise.
New Data Capture batches and Funds Transfer records are also created from this page by clicking on
the new deal icon.
For more information, refer to the Data Capture and Funds Transfer user guides.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

System Position
Please see System Position

126 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Reporting Tools

The layout of the financial reports is defined here.

For more information refer to the Financial Reporting user guide.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Search Customer
Please see Customer

Search Group
Please see Group

127 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Role: Administrator
The Administrator is responsible for the health and usage of the system, this includes attending to any
errors, allowing user access and defining parameters.
The icons at the top of the page are fast links to the applications but also take note of the headings of
the tabs (versions) available.


Please see Dashboard

System Summary

System Summary
Please see System Summary

COB Error Details

Any non-critical errors that occurred during the COB batch jobs are reported here. The Administrator
needs to attend to resolving these as a matter of urgency and it is recommended that these be

128 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

cleared before the next COB is processed. Contact Temenos Help Desk through the Support Portal at . For information see the Close of Business user guide.
Each record on the file represents a single batch run for each company. The status of each record is
held as “UNRESOLVED” which contains one of the following values:

Field Description

OK Used to indicate that all errors on the record have

been resolved

UNRESOLVED This value indicates that the record contains at least

one non critical error which has yet to be resolved.

CRITICAL When at least one critical error is left unresolved on

the file this value is used.
Once an error has been resolved, the date on which the error was resolved should be entered in the
DATE.RESOLVED field. This resolves the individual error but may not modify the overall status. This will
only occur if the last critical error has been resolved, or if the last non-critical error on the file has been
resolved and there are no critical errors.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Search Customer
Please see Customer

Search Group
Please see Group


Please see User Role Based Homepage Setup version

SMS Groups
For more information, see Users and the Security Management System user guide.

129 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Active Users
Provides details of user currently logged onto the system.

130 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

User Log
This log provides details of the actions performed by the users in the institution. This log is maintained
if and as defined in the USER profile. Please see the Security Management System user guide for
more information.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

The Administrator is responsible for the defining of the parameters system wide in collaboration
and/or consultation with the Department Heads.

131 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Account Products

For information, refer to the System Setup user guide.

AA Products

For information, refer to the Lending and Provisioning user guides.

132 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Loan Origination

For information, refer to the Loan Origination user guide.

Product Setup

For information, refer to the Universal Product and All-in-One Product user guides.

133 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

General Ledger

For information, refer to the Financial Reporting user guide.

Past Due

For information, refer to the Past Due user guide.

Limits and Collateral

For information, refer to the Limits and Collateral user guides.

134 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Customer Tables
All tables that are used in creating the Customer (Individual, Non-Individual and Group) records are
defined here:

For information, refer to the System Setup and Group Management user guide.

135 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Account Tables
All tables used in the ACCOUNT and LOANS applications are defined here:

For more information, refer to the System Setup, Accounts, LD Loan Application as well as LD Loans
and Deposits user guides.

136 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

The Administrator is able to run enquiries on transactions, accounts and loans to assist in the analysis
of a potential error. Options are:

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

137 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Financial Reports
The administrator is able to view reports on all the financial entries processed to all the applications
including reports generated during the COB to assist in the analysis of a potential error.

The user is able to View the Report by clicking on the icon.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

138 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Document Output
Parameters, templates and documents are defined and requested from this page.

For information, refer to the Document Output user guide.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

139 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Role: Internal Audit

The Internal Auditor is responsible for effective risk assessment, control and governance procedures,
including compliance to the rules as defined by the Regulatory Authorities by the Financial Institution.
This RBHP provides the Internal Audit Department user with quick access to the most crucial areas of
the business.
Users in the Internal Audit Department has ‘View’ only access to the system. Validation of records
carry the user ID (of the Internal Audit department) as evidence that the record had been checked.
The icons at the top of the page are fast links to the applications but also take note of the headings of
the tabs (versions) available.


Please see Dashboard


These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

New and Amended Users Today

Details of all new users and modification to existing user profiles that were processed today.

Non-Contingent Journal
Differences in the applications that hold financial values are reported here.

140 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Loans above Threshold

Enter the values as required in the selection box for the system to report the exceptions on current,
open loan contracts.

DC Suspense Entries
Any unbalanced financial entry is written to the Data Capture EOD Suspense Account during the
Close of Business processing. It is crucial that this suspense account, as all others, be cleared daily.

Search Customer
Please see Customer

Search Group
Please see Group

Internal Audit

User Activity
The next few pages allows the Internal Auditor to query the actions and tasks performed by an
internal user should the need arise. The information is reported per used and the valid user ID is

141 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

The details reported here is as the .LOG fields on the USER profile were set to ‘Yes’:

For more information, see the Security Management System user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

142 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

User Log
The details reported here is as the .LOG fields on the USER profile were set to ‘Yes’:

For more information, see the Security Management System user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

143 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

This page provides links to all the applications for the user to run enquiries pertaining to financial

For more information, see the Financial Reporting, Accounts and LD Loans and Deposits user guides.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

144 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Financial Reports
All reports generated during the Close of Business that contain Financial Information are accessible
from this page.

For more information, see the Reports user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

General Exceptions
All records in hold or awaiting authorisation (exceptions) are summarized in this list. By clicking on the
View icon, the user may drill down to the underlying records.

It is recommended that this list be used to monitor/manage all system exceptions to ensure speedy
resolution as customer service and data integrity may be affected.

These screens also display the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

145 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

System Summary
The summary of the Assets and Liabilities and Profit and Loss position of the branch is reported here.

For more information, see the Financial Reporting user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

Internal Account Balances

The summary of all internal account balances (category 10-000 to 19-999) is available on this page.

For more information, see the Accounts user guide.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

146 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide

Details of all the overrides that were performed by all the users is available on this page. The page is
presented in two sections: Payment Overrides and Teller Overrides.

Payments Override

Teller Override
For more information, see the Teller and Security Management System user guides.

This screen also displays the Enquiry Toolbox allowing you to perform the functions such as
print and save in a variety of formats.

147 MicroBankingSuite Product

Role Based Home Pages User Guide


148 MicroBankingSuite Product

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