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Maritime Climate Questionnaire.

Key: Strongly Disagree (SD)

Disagree (D)
Undecided (U)
Agree (A)
Strongly Agree (SA)

1. My superiors support and encourage me in my efforts on the ship.

2. The members of my ship are a closely-knit team that support each other.

3. I am afraid to express my opinions in front of my superiors.

4. I am allowed complete freedom in the conduct of my work.

5. My superiors encourage us to plan and devise efficient methods for working on the ship.

6. The rules form a large part of our life on the ship as our superiors use them as a form of

7. When on the job I know exactly what to do as my superiors have made the routine very clear to

8. I am allowed to modify the routines of a job if I feel so inclined.

9. The structure and fittings make it a joy for me to work on the ship.

10. The repercussions of poor performance are always at the back of my mind when I work on

11. I set high performance standards for myself when working on board the ship.

12. The leaders of my ship take every opportunity to praise me if I do a good job.

13. All my ship-mates are eager to help and assist me if I need it.

14. I express my opinions freely amongst my colleagues on the ship.

15. My superiors allow me to take whatever decisions are necessary to successfully do my job.

16. The hallmark of a ”job well done” on my ship is when it has been planned and executed

17. Rules and regulations are meant for our own good as our superiors always refer to them when
supervising our work.

18. Most of the daily routine jobs on the ship are stress free as I know exactly what to do.

19. I am allowed to modify the routines of some jobs, but not others.
20. I prefer working outside the accommodation as I feel the fittings within it do not permit me to
work efficiently.

21. The main topic of discussion on board during leisure hours is about work.

22. I go through the motions of doing a job, but most of my superiors think that I am a good

23. No matter what I do on board the ship I am never encouraged or praised.

24. If I make a mistake I dare not tell any of my shipmates as they will surely report it to my

25. I am not afraid to express my opinions to anyone on the ship.

26. When I perform a job it must be exactly by the book with no room for interpretation.

27. Nobody checks if a job is well done or not, my superiors just expect me to accomplish my
tasks with the minimum amount of fuss.

28. There are rules for everything on board and my superiors can invent a few if they think it is
necessary to keep me in my place.

29. Working on board is sometimes quite frustrating as no one tells you how to do a job, but if
you do it wrong everyone has something to say about it.
30. There is only one way to do things on board, and that is the way it always has been done.

31. My ship’s accommodation is like a five star hotel; it is very satisfying working in such

32. You are expected to be available on call 24 hours a day even if you have been working all

33. Performing to my own high standards gives me great satisfaction.

34. My superiors have created such a supportive atmosphere on board, that I always want to do
my best.

35. The support of my shipmates helps me to overcome problems that I sometimes have difficulty
solving alone.

36. The atmosphere on the ship is such that the expression of any opinion is not misinterpreted in
a negative way.

37. My superiors regard complete autonomy of function as a prerequisite to smooth and efficient
ship operations.
38. Pre-planning in all jobs is a culture our superiors actively cultivate on board the ship.

39. We are an over-regulated industry but our superiors interpret the rules in a way that allows for
the smooth functioning of the ship.

40. Most of our days pass smoothly as everyone knows exactly what and how to perform their

41. Experimentation and innovative ways of doing a job more efficiently is encouraged by my

42. The accommodation of my ship is so designed as to encourage the efficient performance of

my duties.

43. We are expected to perform at peak efficiency at all times, regardless of the time of day.

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