A Finance Directors Guide To International Expansion For High-Growth Companies

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Going global: Overcoming new challenges competition from home-grown players
in new territories in a new region. This can be particularly
Once a business has experienced success challenging for high-growth organisations
at home and begun to build a loyal customer that often find themselves expanding
base there, international expansion is often rapidly without established structures
seen as the logical next step. and processes, lack of experienced staff,
stretched resources and a strategy that is
It might be to simply expand the potential
also evolving as they grow.
market, to gain market share quickly before
someone else copies your success, or to For finance teams in particular, there will be
support your customers’ operations in unfamiliar legal and regulatory regimes to
other countries. navigate, local tax obligations to observe
and the effects of currency fluctuations to
Entering foreign markets can be an
manage. A slip-up in any of these areas can
opportunity to diversify operations and to tap
have serious consequences.
into new sources of talent and raw materials.
There’s no two ways about it: going global
But international expansion comes with
can be a risky business, even if the potential
some very specific challenges, not least
rewards are high.
cultural differences, language barriers and

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Getting up and running in new markets Where companies have allowed local
For many businesses that have successfully teams to implement their own local finance
conquered new markets overseas, cloud systems, this can be a real headache. By
technologies have provided a way to get contrast, where they have extended use
up to speed rapidly, enabling them to focus of the company’s global, cloud-based ERP
their efforts on taking advantage of the fresh system to new outposts, it’s vastly simplified.
opportunities that fast-growing international
Plus, automation can take much of the
economies offer.
strain when it comes to consolidation,
From a financial point of view, running a intercompany accounting, auditing and bank
business on a global, cloud-based platform reconciliations across multiple countries,
is a good way to avoid the upfront costs and when operations in those countries use the
delays associated with implementing new same system.
software and servers in local data centres,
Global oversight
since applications are accessed via a web
With simpler consolidation comes more
browser on a pay-as-you-go basis. In other
oversight, in the form of global reporting and
words, much of the IT investment needed to
analysis. Finance leaders have better insight
start a foreign subsidiary can be made in the
into the performance of individual regional
form of Operational Expenditure (OPEX) and
subsidiaries and the ability to see how
switched on, ramped up or scaled down
they are performing against other regions,
as needed.
based on enterprise-wide Key Performance
It also means that finance and operational Indicators (KPIs) displayed in real-time on
teams in newly established overseas outposts dashboards, for example.
can quickly get access over the internet, to
Management teams and investors get better,
the same shared platform as their colleagues
timelier and more reliable information. In
in the company’s home country. Information is
this way, it’s possible to judge how a global
handled in the same consistent shared format
expansion strategy is working out, providing
and finance leaders at company headquarters
vital opportunities to reassess or rethink that
get the benefit of real-time oversight across
strategy, if needed.
international operations.
Eliminating audit angst
Simpler consolidation
Around the world, tax requirements—
As a company expands internationally, there
particularly indirect tax requirements—
will always be a need for finance staff at
are always changing. Keeping up with
HQ to consolidate and reconcile data from
VAT changes, for example, can place a
overseas operations in order to provide a
considerable burden on finance teams. So
complete and accurate picture of the state of
a multinational ERP system should provide
the business across all the markets in which
an audit trail of tax compliance, offer
it operates.
automated configuration of tax codes and
enforce standardised workflows to ensure
requirements are met.

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Standardisation, but with local customisation
While standardisation is the goal, that’s not
to say that an expanding business should
enforce a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach across
international operations. Accommodating
different business cultures is important
across markets.
In fact, when it comes to choosing an ERP
solution, any business with global expansion
ambitions should ensure that the system
is able to handle multiple currencies, tax
regimes and legal frameworks.
Local employees may expect to use
applications in their own language and local
workflows may be required to fit with ‘the way
business is done’ in a particular jurisdiction.
In other words, a global ERP system must be
able to support local configurations within
the shared system so that subsidiaries can
comply with their own market needs and
regulations, but also continue to meet the
consolidation and roll-up requirements of the
wider business to which they belong.

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