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You know, in order to grab a woman's attention via text, you need to be quick.  Because
texting is just a quick way to jump into somebody's life. The biggest thing to realize is
thereʼs a mindset behind texting thatʼll make everything easier. Always keep it fun, and
flirtatious. And simple! Too many guys want to have entire conversations via text, but if
you really want to make an impression, save the long conversations for the phone.

You don't know what they're doing at that moment, you don't know who they're with, and
you don't even know if the have their phone on them. Too many guys worry about these
things, that donʼt matter, so donʼt worry about it! Start by keeping your texts short and
fun. Remember that mindset and youʼll be fine. And the texts need to be intriguing! This
is where I can help, so here are 15 of my favorites:

Text #1 - “What are you doing right now?”

I love that.  What are you doing right now?  What's great about that is that it enables you
to get them curious. “Why is he asking what I'm doing right now?” And more often than
not, they're going to share what theyʼre doing right now, and they're going to ask you
why.  Itʼs important to always be keeping them what in this curious state. I know it
seems like a simple text, which it is, but itʼs a great way to get them to hang out with
you. If she says “nothing,” you can respond with whatever it is that youʼre doing and
invite her to join you. She has no excuses, if “nothing” was her response, so youʼve got
her. If sheʼs busy doing something, you can respond with “thatʼs too bad, I was out and
about and thought maybe we could hang for a bit...” Either way it lets her know that
youʼre thinking about her and youʼre interested in hanging out.

Text #2 - “Got a minute?”

Here's another famous text of mine. Love that, got a minute? What you're doing is
showing them that you respect their time. If they say yes then you can ask them
whatever question you want to ask them after that. If they say no, you can write back
“cool, no problem, I'll text you later on. I've just got something I need to ask you.” That's
it, simple. Remember it's about creating intrigue all the time.

Text #3 - “So I was thinking...”

This is a great text to gauge her interest. The quicker she gets back toy you the more
intrigued she is by you, which is a great sign. So keep the intrigue going, remind her of
something that youʼve shared with her, or tell her about how much fun you both are
going to have at whatever activity youʼll be doing with her next. This is a great way to
“ask” her to join you for something. For example if she responds with “No, so what are
you thinking?...” You can reply “Iʼm thinking about how much fun you and I are going to
have tomorrow night at the show I have tickets for...” Women love guys who take
charge, and this is a great way to show her that youʼre one of those types of guys.

Text #4 - “I have an idea...”

Another great text is. If someone texts you this, aren't you going to wonder what that
idea is? The key to texting is to get them to text you back, and start a text conversation.  
Not to write a book, just text you back. When they text you back, tell them about
something going on in your life, or something interesting you saw in the paper,
whatever. Keep your texts simple, and theyʼll be texting you back.

Text #5 - “I have a confession...”

This is one of my all time favorites that you can use at any point in dating. It can be after
the first date or after youʼve had sex with her. If itʼs after a first date, follow it up with
something funny that relates back to the first date. Remember itʼs all about creating
those moments and then having her relive those moments. If your sending this after
sex, follow it up with something hot that happened the night before. Thisʼll get her
thinking about you again, and keep that sexual tension and momentum going.

Text #6 - “Last night was...”

This is great after you had a really awesome night with her. She will be dying to know
what you thought of the night and will get back to you asap. Let her know you had a
great time, and bring up something funny that happened in the night. Itʼs good to have
her associate moments that make her laugh and feel good with you, so take advantage.

Text #7 - “I've got great news I need to share with you”

Great news, who doesn't want to hear great news? Who doesn't want to hear something
positive? We're always looking in this world for positive things, positive people. So if you
notice all these texts are something positive, very intriguing things. The great news
could be you scored the concert tickets she wanted to see, or you got a reservation at
the dinner spot sheʼs always wanted to check out. Itʼs something to make her excited
about you.

Text #8 - “Youʼre so right...”

Another great text is to bring them back to the moment when you first met. So you can
write something like, let's say you met them at a farmer's market. Okay, and they
recommended the blueberries. So what I would do is text them back, right away and
say, you were so right... Okay, once again just a few words, “you're so right”. They're
going to want to know, what they were right about. And you tell them what they were
right about, those blueberries were amazing, whatever it might be. But you see, it's
grabbing their attention, that's what texting is, grabbing their attention, so they text you

Text #9 - “I have a question...”

Hereʼs another one that you can pull right in the beginning, they're going to wonder what
the question is. So they're going to be curious and they're going to want to text you
back. Make sure you have a good question, ideally about something that relates to
something you both have shared, like where you met or how you met. If you canʼt think
of anything, text 9 is a great starting place...

Text #10 - “Random question - what was your favorite toy as a kid?”

When youʼre first starting to text a girl youʼre in the “getting to know each other” stage.
And as I always say, if you have a chance to make a woman think of specific happy
moments, do it. This question is fun and flirtatious, and it also brings them back to a
great memories she had as a kid, which sheʼll now associate with you.

Text #11 - “You wouldn't believe what just happened...”

They're going to want to know what just happened. “Really I wouldn't believe it, what is
it? What happened?” Understand that in the beginning, when you're texting people, and
you're first starting to get to know one another, you don't know this person. So what
you're trying to do is create flirtatious banter that goes back and forth.

Text #12 - “You wouldn't believe what I just saw...”


Ok, so this is just like the last text, but again itʼs about creating curiousity. But hereʼs the
main point you should get from these types of text. Make sure something you saw
relates to something you both shared together. Maybe you saw the crazy coffee guy you
met on your first date, or maybe you drove by the place where you first met, whatever. It
can always be changed to “You wouldnʼt believe who I just saw” or something similar.
Just make sure you try and relate it back to moments that only you and her shared, so it
feels like youʼre sharing something special just for her, and shows that you pay attention
and value her.

Text #13 - “I know youʼre...”

Sheʼll reply “You know what?”, and then you would say “Thinking of me :-)”) This one is
used once you know you have a connection, have fooled around a little bit, and are
more comfortable with each other. This is a great way to escalate into sexting...

Text #14 - “I have a surprise...”

Of course sheʼs respond with “What, what”, and the best reply from you is “Youʼll have
to wait until I see you later...” Itʼs good way to ramp up the energy and tension in the
hours before you see her. And if you donʼt have plans to see her yet, itʼs a great way to
make plans.

Text #15 - “Are you home :-)”

This is a great late night text. So when she says yes, you can say “just wanted to make
sure you were home, safe and sound, all tucked in bed :)” This makes her think of you
as the sweet caring guy, but even better the last thought before she goes to bed will be
of you...

Guys, texting is about being playful. They should just be an opening to a conversation
no different than when you're flirting with somebody out and about. Itʼs about having fun,
and keeping it simple. Two or three texts back and forth is all it takes to keep them
thinking about you, and then you can do it again later on in the day. It's about sharing
just a little piece of you, about what's going on so she can feel like a part of it, and that's
it. Remember the key is to intrigue them enough so they'll pick up the telephone and
carry the conversation further. Itʼs the next step youʼre shooting for. Thatʼs the goal,
donʼt forget it.

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