Project ICPNA Intermedio 12

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Over the years, customs and values have been lost and changed. Below, I will
mention some of the most important to me.
A clear example is the time of my parents, which good music was listened. Now,
there is music destroys brains. In those times, so much people knew how to
appreciate musical culture. You could listen to either rock or pop. Now, there is
only reggaeton and trap. I appreciate having friend who don´t like that. Neither
my friends nor my family listen to trash music.
Another example is technology, because It has been evolving strongly. A clear
idea are cellphones. Some cellphones, which cost a fortune are made in Japan,
It is so bad because they are expensive. In this days, everyone wants to have a
slim, lightweight and high tech cellphones or tablets, but I not, I´m such a normal
person. It is necessary to have one, because you can´t do anything without it.
One memory that really sticks out to me is that when my brother who live in
Argentina lost his cellphone and neither his friend nor my family could locate him.
That is a good point that this time has, because before there weren´t cellphones
and It was difficult to communicate.
The last example is work, since in these times there is a lot of competition. My
parents could get by on such a small salary because everything was cheap. They
could pay off your loans easily. The expenses were few. Now, you need to knock
on wood to get a good job. Nobody save up money. People had neither a good
job nor capital to survive. I just couldn´t believe my eyes, there are many
underemployed on the streets with professional titles. A lot of them have a night
shift, so they stay up to earn bread and work hard on call.

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