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A re-investigation: Effect of powder metallurgy parameters on the

physical and mechanical properties of aluminium matrix composites
Naveen Kumar a,⇑, Ajaya Bharti a, Kuldeep K. Saxena b
Applied Mechanics Department, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj 211004, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, GLA University, Mathura 281 406, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Aluminium matrix composites are the special class materials used in automobile, aerospace, nuclear, and
Received 3 December 2020 packing industries. High demand for these materials is due to high electrical conductivity, high thermal
Accepted 9 December 2020 conductivity, high strength, high wear resistance, high ductility, and excellent machinability. Stir casting,
Available online xxxx
friction stir processing, and powder metallurgy are common techniques used for the fabrication of
Aluminium matrix composites. Some of the advantages of the powder metallurgy technique such as, high
Keywords: material utilization, less power consumption, and less scrap, etc.; are the main reasons for the inclination
of researchers towards the use of this technique for the fabrication of Aluminium matrix composites. The
Powder metallurgy
Metal matrix composites
Powder metallurgy process parameters, i.e., compaction pressure, sintering temperature, and sintering
Compaction pressure time, highly influence the physical and mechanical properties of Aluminium matrix composites fabri-
Sintering temperature cated by powder metallurgy. The type and weight fraction of reinforcement also have a significant effect
Sintering time on the physical and mechanical properties of Aluminium matrix composites. In the present study, re-
investigation has been done on the effect of the above parameters on the physical and mechanical prop-
erties of Aluminium matrix composites. During the literature survey, it was observed that, compaction
pressure is the most influencing parameter. The Density and porosity can be controlled effectively by
controlling the compaction pressure. For Aluminium-based materials fabricated by powder metallurgy,
the optimum range of compaction pressure, sintering temperature, and sintering time is 600–700 MPa,
520–600 °C, and 3–4 h, respectively.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Materials, Processing & Characterization.

1. Introduction porosity in the final material) to form the green compact [7,8].
Then the green compacts are heated at high temperature (usually
Aluminium-based Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) or Alu- below the melting point of the matrix material) for sufficient time
minium Matrix Composites (AMCs) are in high demand by aero- so that diffusion bonding can take place [9]. The process of heating
space, automobile, defense, and packaging industries because of and holding a green compact at a pre-determined temperature for
its high strength, lightweight, and excellent tribological properties a pre-determined time period is known as sintering [10]. Com-
[1,2]. There are various methods, i.e., stir casting, additive manu- paction pressure, holding temperature, and holding time are the
facturing, powder metallurgy, etc. by the AMCs can be fabricated most influencing parameters in the powder metallurgy process
[3,4]. Powder metallurgy offers various advantages over other [11]. Properties of a powder metallurgy product are highly depen-
MMC fabrication techniques such as low processing temperature, dent on the above parameters. Reinforcement materials also play
low energy consumption, and high material utilization [5,6]. In an important role in deciding the properties of a composite mate-
the powder metallurgy process, reinforcement materials (discrete rial [12]. Properties of a composite material depend on the nature
phases) are mixed with matrix material (continuous phase) and of reinforcement materials and the bonding of reinforcement
compacted at sufficient pressure (depending on the required materials with the matrix material [13]. So, the selection of rein-
forcement should be made on the basis of the desired properties
in a composite material [14]. The percentage weight fraction of
⇑ Corresponding author. reinforcement materials is also a critical parameter for the fabrica-
E-mail address: (N. Kumar).
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Materials, Processing & Characterization.

Please cite this article as: N. Kumar, A. Bharti and K.K. Saxena, A re-investigation: Effect of powder metallurgy parameters on the physical and mechanical
properties of aluminium matrix composites, Materials Today: Proceedings,
N. Kumar, A. Bharti and K.K. Saxena Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

tion of composite material because properties of composite mate- (2.7 g/cc). Kumar et al. also observed the similar effect of reinforce-
rial are determined by the rule of mixture [15]. Properties of a ment on the sintered density of Al-15wt.%SiC/TiO2 hybrid compos-
composite material always lie in-between the properties of con- ites [3]. As the density of TiO2 (4.23 g/cc) is more than the density
stituent materials [16]. of pure Aluminium, the density of Al-15wt.%SiC/TiO2 hybrid com-
In the present work, a re-analysis is done on the influence of posites increases with the increase in the weight fraction of TiO2.
reinforcement materials, compaction pressure, sintering time, Jeevan et al. also observed the similar effect of varying weight frac-
and sintering temperature on the physical and mechanical proper- tion of reinforcement on the sintered density of Aluminium alloy
ties of AMCs fabricated by powder metallurgy technique. The effect 6082 (AA6082) reinforced with zirconia toughened alumina
of the above parameters on the physical and mechanical properties (ZTA) [4]. ZTA also has a higher density than AA6082, so the addi-
of AMCs fabricated by powder metallurgy technique is seen in the tion of ZTA increases the overall density of the composite. Abdullah
next sections. et al. also investigated the effect of weight fraction of reinforce-
ment on the sintered density of A/B4C composites [5]. It can be
seen in the graph that the sintered density decreases after the
2. Effect of reinforcements
addition of boron carbide (B4C). A decrease in density is due to
the lower density of B4C (2.52 g/cc) in comparison to the density
Physical and mechanical properties of a composite, i.e., density,
of Aluminium. Also, hard particles are not easy to deform. Hence,
porosity, hardness, and tensile strength, are dependent on the type
restrict the arrangement of particles during the compaction pro-
and weight fraction of reinforcement materials [1]. Fig. 1 shows the
cess and increase the porosity. Guo et al. observed the similar
variation in sintered density, hardness, and tensile strength of
effect of weight fraction of reinforcement on the density of AMCs
AMCs fabricated by powder metallurgy with varying weight frac-
reinforced with fly ash [6]. As the density of fly ash is lower than
tion of reinforcements.
the density of pure Aluminium, the addition of fly ash decreases
Bayraktar et al. investigated the effect of the addition of Fe3O4
the overall density of the composite material.
on the sintered density of Al/Fe3O4 composites fabricated by pow-
The influence of varying weight fraction of reinforcement on the
der metallurgy [2]. It can be seen in Fig. 1(a) that sintered density
hardness of Aluminium alloy 6061 (AA6061) matrix composites
increases with an increase in the weight fraction of Fe3O4. The
reinforced with B4C was studied by Karabulut et al. [7]. It can be
increase in the density can be attributed to the higher density of
observed from Fig. 1(b) that hardness increased on the addition
Fe3O4 (5.17 g/cc) in comparison to the density of pure Aluminium

Fig. 1. Effect of various reinforcements on the (a) sintered density, (b) hardness, and (c) tensile strength of AMCs fabricated by powder metallurgy.

N. Kumar, A. Bharti and K.K. Saxena Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

of B4C. An increase in the hardness can be attributed to the high pressure. Soft materials are easy to deform in comparison to the
strength and hardness of the reinforcement material B4C. Hard hard materials; hence high densification can be achieved for soft
phase particles obstruct the dislocation motion and increase the materials at relatively low compaction pressure [11]. For hard
strength and hardness of a material. A similar effect of the addition materials, high compaction pressure is required to reduce the
of hard particulate-reinforcement on the hardness of AA6082/ZTA porosity in the material. Fig. 2 shows the variation in the green
composites was observed by Jeevan et al. [4]. The hardness of the density and hardness of Aluminium-based materials fabricated
AA6082/ZTA composites increased continuously, with an increase by powder metallurgy with varying compaction pressure.
in the weight fraction of ZTA. Kumar et al. also observed the similar Tiwari et al. investigated the effect of compaction pressure on
effect of the addition of TiO2 on the hardness of Al-15wt.%SiC/TiO2 the green density of the Al/Fe composites fabricated by powder
hybrid composites [3]. Hardness increased continuously with the metallurgy [12]. Fig. 2(a) shows that green density increased con-
addition of TiO2 because hard TiO2 particles obstruct the disloca- tinuously on increasing the compaction pressure. When a material
tion motion and increase the strength of the composite material. is pressed at high pressure, there is a deformation in the material,
Saboori et al. investigated the effect of the addition of Graphene and particle rearrangement takes place. At high pressure, powder
Nano-platelets (GNPs) on the hardness of Al/GNPs composites particles, bigger than the size of pores is also forced to move in
[8]. Hardness increased continuously on the addition of GNPs; this the pores. As a result, green density increases on increasing the
can be due to the grain refinement in the material after the addi- compaction pressure. Anand et al. also observed the similar effect
tion of GNPs. Bunakov et al. investigated the effect of the addition of compaction pressure on the green density of Aluminium alloy
of CNTs on the hardness of Al/CNTs composites [9]. Hardness first 6061 fabricated by powder metallurgy [13]. Green density
increased after the addition of CNTs; this can be due to the grain increased continuously on increasing the compaction pressure
refinement in the material after the addition of CNTs. But, on fur- and become nearly constant at compaction pressure around
ther increasing the weight fraction of CNTs, hardness started to 650 MPa because of no further rearrangement of particles
decrease. It can be due to the agglomeration of particles. Anand et al. also investigated the effect of compaction pressure
Karabulut et al. also investigated the effect of the addition of on the hardness of Al6061 fabricated by powder metallurgy [13].
B4C on the tensile strength of AA6061/B4C composites [7]. It can Fig. 2(b) shows the hardness vs. compaction pressure graph of Alu-
be seen from the in Fig. 1(c) that the ultimate tensile stress first minium based materials fabricated by powder metallurgy tech-
increased on the addition of B4C, this can be attributed to the nique. Like green density, hardness also increased on increasing
obstruction of dislocation motion by hard B4C particles. But, on fur- the compaction pressure because of the reduced porosity after
ther increasing the weight fraction of B4C, ultimate tensile stress compaction at high pressure. A slight reduction in the hardness
decreased; this can be due to the agglomeration of particles and was observed for samples compacted at a pressure higher than
crack initiation from the voids present in the material. Nassar 650 MPa; this can be due to the formation of micro-crack during
et al. investigated the effect of TiO2 addition on the tensile strength compaction at very high pressures. Prakash et al. also investigated
of Al/TiO2 nano-composites [10]. Like hardness, ultimate tensile the similar effect of compaction pressure on the hardness of
stress also increased continuously on the addition of TiO2 because Al6061 and Al6061/Rock-dust, fabricated by powder metallurgy
hard TiO2 particles obstruct the dislocation motion and increase [14]. Hardness increased with an increase in the compaction pres-
the strength. Bunakov et al. also investigated the effect of the addi- sure due to the reduced porosity.
tion of CNTs on the tensile strength of Al/CNTs composites [9]. Like
hardness, ultimate tensile stress first increased on the addition of
CNTs due to the grain refinement in the material. But, on the fur- 4. Effect of sintering temperature
ther addition of CNTs, ultimate tensile stress decreased due to
the agglomeration of particles. Sintering is one of the most critical processes in powder metal-
lurgy. The sintered strength of a powder metallurgy product is
dependent on the extent of diffusion bonding between the parti-
3. Effect of compaction pressure cles. Rate and extent of diffusion are dependent on the sintering
temperature and sintering time, respectively, as the diffusion is
Green density and hardness of composite material, fabricated time and temperature-dependent phenomena. The rate of diffusion
by powder metallurgy is mainly dependent on the compaction is high at high temperature so that the material can diffuse easily

Fig. 2. Effect of compaction pressure on the (a) green density and (b) hardness of Aluminium-based materials fabricated by powder metallurgy. (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
N. Kumar, A. Bharti and K.K. Saxena Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 3. Effect of sintering temperature on the (a) density and (b) hardness of AMCs fabricated by powder metallurgy.

in the pores at high temperature [15]. But, at high temperature, Umasankar et al. also investigated the effect of sintering tem-
thermal expansion, and grain growth in the material also takes perature on the hardness of Al6061/SiC composites [16]. It can be
place. Diffusion and grain growth are two opposing phenomena; seen in Fig. 3(b) that the hardness decreased continuously on
diffusion increase the strength of a powder metallurgy product, increasing the sintering temperature; this can be attributed to
while grain growth reduces the strength (Hall and Petch relation). the increased porosity and grain growth in the material. Saboori
Fig. 3 shows the variation in the density and hardness of AMCs fab- et al. also investigated the effect of sintering temperature on the
ricated by powder metallurgy with varying sintering temperature. hardness of graphene (Gn) reinforced Aluminium matrix compos-
Tiwari et al. investigated the effect of sintering temperature on ites. There was a sharp increase in the hardness due to the excel-
the sintered density of the Al/Fe composites fabricated by powder lent sinterability of Al/Gn composites. Material diffused properly
metallurgy [12]. It can be seen in Fig. 3(a) that sintered density Al/ in the pores, and strong diffusion bonding took place between
Fe composites initially increased with the increase in the sintering the particles. An increase in the hardness can also be attributed
temperature, an increase in the density was due to the dominance to the increase in the density of Al/Gn composites on increasing
of diffusion phenomena over the thermal expansion in the mate- sintering temperature.
rial. On increasing the sintering temperature over 550 °C, thermal
expansion in the material became dominant, and there was a 5. Effect of sintering time
decrease in the sintered density. Umasankar et al. also investigated
the effect of sintering temperature on the sintered density of As the extent of diffusion is dependent on the holding time, sin-
Al6061/SiC composites fabricated by powder metallurgy [16]. It tering time is also a very crucial parameter in powder metallurgy
was observed that the sintering density decreased sharply on [17]. As the holding time at sintering temperature increases, the
increasing sintering temperature. It shows that the thermal expan- extent of diffusion will also increase. At the same time, there will
sion was dominant over diffusion phenomena due to the poor sin- be more grain growth and thermal expansion in the material
terability of Al6061/SiC composites at lower temperatures. A slight [18]. So, like sintering temperature, sintering time also has a mixed
increase in the density was observed for the sample sintered at effect on the strength of powder metallurgy [19]. Fig. 4 shows the
600 °C; this can be due to better diffusion of material at high variation in the density and hardness of Aluminium-based materi-
temperatures. als fabricated by powder metallurgy with varying sintering time.

Fig. 4. Effect of sintering time on the (a) density and (b) hardness of Aluminium-based materials fabricated by powder metallurgy.

N. Kumar, A. Bharti and K.K. Saxena Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Umasankar et al. also investigated the effect of sintering time on obstructing the dislocation motion. While reinforcements like
the sintered density of Al6061/SiC composites fabricated by pow- CNTs, GNPs, etc. increase the strength by inducing the grain
der metallurgy [16]. Fig. 4(a) shows the sintered density vs. sinter- refinement in the material.
ing temperature graph of Al6061/SiC composites. Like sintering  There is always an optimum range of weight fraction of rein-
temperature, sintering time also had a mixed effect on the density forcements. Above that range, there is a decrease in the
of the composites. Initially, density decreased sharply on increas- mechanical properties because of the agglomeration of parti-
ing the sintering time; this can be due to the dominance of thermal cles. For nano reinforcements, usually small weight fraction in
expansion phenomena and poor sinterability of Al6061/SiC com- the range, 0.5%-1% is optimum. While, for micro reinforcement,
posites. An increase in density was observed for samples sintered weight fraction in the range 5%-10% is optimum.
for 180 min; this can be due to the dominance of diffusion over
the thermal expansion. CRediT authorship contribution statement
Guo et al. investigated the effect of sintering time on the hard-
ness of pure Al and Al/Fly-ash composites fabricated by powder Naveen Kumar: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data cura-
metallurgy technique [6]. It can be seen in Fig. 4(b) that the hard- tion, Writing - original draft. Ajaya Bharti: Visualization, Investiga-
ness of both the pure Al and Al/Fly-ash composites initially tion, Supervision. Kuldeep K. Saxena: Writing - review & editing.
increased with the increase in the sintering time due to the
increased extent of diffusion and reduced porosity. On further
Declaration of Competing Interest
increasing the sintering time, a slight decrease in the hardness
was observed. The decrease in the hardness can be attributed to
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
the grain growth in the material. Umasankar et al. also investigated
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
the effect of sintering time on the hardness of Al6061/SiC compos-
to influence the work reported in this paper.
ites fabricated by powder metallurgy [16]. The hardness of Al6061/
SiC composites decreased with an increase in sintering time. The
decrease in the hardness can be attributed to the increased poros- References
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