Covert Persuasion - Reference Guide

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Introduction xv

One more thought about ethics before we move on.When talk-

ing with other people about the ethics of this field of study, they
sometimes remark that this is mean and self-serving.We strongly dis-
agree. In fact, just the opposite is true.There is every effort made for
the other person(s) to be left in the same position as before your en-
counter, or in an even better position.The purpose of Covert Persua-
sion is shown in Figure I.1.
The Persuasion Model is far better than the old style of
“Win/Win,” which we really call “Lose/Lose,” primarily because the
graph clearly shows compromise which may be detrimental to both
parties in gaining agreement.
The methods and tactics in this book allow you to have more of
what you want more often by subtly or covertly persuading the other
person to your way of thinking. It takes no more time to accomplish;
however, you get all of what you want and don’t have to compromise
or give up anything. Now, which method do you prefer?
We’ll cover some of the most powerful covert forces, including
emotions and the power of well structured, well-thought out, out-
come-based questions.
Near the end of the book you’ll find 27 specific observations
about people. These are powerful insights into your own brain and

FIGURE I.1 The Persuasion Model Shows the Advantage of Persuasion

versus Compromise—You Get All of What You Want.
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114 Covert Persuasion

TABLE 4.1 The Covert Persuasion Tactics

A Quick-Reference Summary Table

Rapidly build Use content to Use processes Synchronize with Synchronize

resonant build rapport to build rapport your target voices
Synchronize Synchronize Testing Alter the tone, Induce
breathing posture and synchronization pace and pitch reciprocity
body movement of your voice
Make the Share part of The common Short story Give respect
damaging you with them enemy about “them”
Knock their Give more than Use Be precise, then Faster, easier,
socks off you promised understatement beat precision better
Be on the edge Ask for Induce a sense Open the door to Associate the
of your seat compliance of scarcity a friend known/unknown
Feel part of the Create contrast Don’t ask why Shift time Unshakable
group reference credibility
Use space Commitment and Covert hypnotic Make body and Outcome based
consistency language words say the thinking
patterns same thing
Determine how Feel, felt, found Deletion, Note-taking Lower your voice
they represent distortion,
information generalization
80/20 rule and Inoculation to Flexibility Covertly Artfully vague
Covert persuade empathetic mind language
Power of three Vocal stress in Experiential Persuading with Using music to
delivery involvement attitude persuade
Inconsistency Fewer choices People believe Be private in Oscillation at the
means more what they say, public decision point
yeses not what you
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The Focused Outcome Mindset 131

The Urgent and Important Matrix

The Urgent and Important Matrix is a time management tool that

incorporates the Focused Outcome Mindset and the power of covert
persuasion (see Figure 6.1).
Make a prioritized list of actions based on where each person,
event, or item in your life falls. Decide each item’s importance based
on your focus.That’s a key point. If you stop and ask yourself where
that particular item falls, determining its urgency and importance
relative to your goal/focus, you will immediately place yourself in a
more powerful position.

Quadrant I Quadrant II

Urgent Urgent

Not Important Important

Quadrant III Quadrant IV

Not Urgent Not Urgent

Not Important Important

FIGURE 6.1 Urgent and Important Matrix.

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148 Covert Persuasion

■ Peripheral things that have nothing to do with the actual

content of the story (camera focuses on the cheerleaders be-
tween plays to hold attention in commercial breaks).
■ Setting, environment.Where the story is told (the restaurant
you are in), or if you are good, where the story takes place in
the mind of the person you are talking to.

What grabs my attention about your product or service?



There’s more than this, but this is the key:You want to wake up
your listeners. Get them OUT of their walking-through-life trance,
and then bring them into your world.You want to stimulate an emo-
tion, but not to a degree that they become compelled to argue with
you or debate you about something.You stir emotion; you don’t boil
it. Stir and you captivate. Boil and you eliminate.
I was in the 14th row at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las
Vegas. Paul McCartney was on tour promoting his new album. I
heard these lyrics,“There’s a fine line between courage and reckless-
ness . . . a fine line between chaos and creation.” They’re simple
lyrics yet profound, and one of the reasons that he is such an inge-
nious storyteller through song.
McCartney 2005. That’s the deal.Your story is told because the
listeners are fascinated and don’t want to walk away.They are not re-
pelled. They are magnetized with interest. There can be tension. It
must be relieved at times during the story.
A scary story works as long as listeners feel no compulsion to
run. It makes their hearts beat faster but not to the point of a panic
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Putting It All Together 205

Let’s look at the diagram in Figure 11.1.

From the picture, you can see that at every step there are a lot of
possible decisions your target person can make.You, of course, want
him to follow the course that leads to your desired outcome. At any
step along the way, he could make the wrong decision.This is exactly
why you’ll want to keep this book at your side or within easy reach.
You’ll want to stay familiar with all the Covert Persuasion tricks and
Usually, persuading someone else is not a one-step magic
process, although there are some times and conditions when one
well-placed technique can absolutely be the answer. But more of-
ten than not, you’ll have to do some “backward thinking.” In other
words, start your thinking from the goal you want to accomplish
and then work back to the present, where you are now.
This will take an extra effort, but will pay off in a seemingly easy
success in Covert Persuasion. The other person won’t have any

FIGURE 11.1 Decision Making Using Covert Persuasion Tricks

and Techniques.
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210 Covert Persuasion

Today’s Date: ____________ Date of Meeting: ____________

My Selfish Goal (No one sees this but you, so be honest. Write out
exactly what you want as a perfect outcome.)





OBT Outcome-Based–Thinking Box

List of everyone involved: Where are they starting from:

1. __________________________ _____________________________

2. __________________________ _____________________________

3. __________________________ _____________________________

4. __________________________ _____________________________

5. __________________________ _____________________________

What I want them to believe, feel, and/or do as a result of my


1. __________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________
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Appendix: Covert Persuasion Worksheet 211

Choose the words, questions, and stories to deliver your message.

WORD MENU Use as many of the following words as fit naturally in

your message; these are the words proven to be among the most
persuasive. Circle the ones you plan on using:

You Money Save Love

Results Health Easy Discovery
Proven New Safety Guarantee
Free Yes Fast Why
How Secrets Sale Power
Now Because Attention Announcing
Compare Complete Discount Free
Bargain Exclusive Imagine Magic
Original Unlimited Please Authentic

Acclaimed, Advancement, Amazing, Announcing, Appealing, At Last,

Attention, Authentic, Aware, Bargain, Because, Boosts, Breakthrough,
Challenge, Change, Choice, Classic, Comfortable, Compare,
Complete, Convenient, Delivers, Deserve, Discount, Discover,
Discovery, Distinguished, Easy, Easily, Effective, Energy, Exceptional,
Exciting, Exclusive, Experience, Experienced, Expert, Extraordinary,
Fast, Free, Fresh, Fun, Guarantee, Heal, Help, Honest, How To, Hurry,
Imagine, Important, Improved, Indispensable, Incredible, Informative,
Instantly, Intimate, Introducing, Irresistible, Last Chance, Love,
Luxurious, Magic, Miracle, Money, Money-making, Money-saving,
Natural, Naturally, New, Now, Offer, Original, Overcome, Peace of
Mind, Perfect, Please, Pleasure, Plus, Popular, Power, Powerfully,
Practical, Prevents, Price reduction, Profitable, Promise, Proven,
Quickly, Realize, Recommended, Refreshing, Relax, Reliable, Relief,
Relieve, Remarkable, Research, Results, Risk Free, Revolutionary,
Romantic, Safety, Sale, Satisfaction, Save, Scientific, Secret, Security,
Sensational, Service, Simplifies, Soothe, Special Offer, Status, Stop,
Stimulating, Striking, Stylish, Superior, Surefire, Surprising, Thank You,
Timely, The Truth About, Traditional, Trusted, Ultimate, Unlimited,
Unusual, Useful, Valuable, Wanted, Warning, You, Yours
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212 Covert Persuasion

QUESTION CHECKLIST Use these more sparingly. A well-asked, emotion-

based question will completely direct the thinking of the other person.

Check your mind for positive internal questions—sometimes negativity

creeps in!

How do I want to feel when I have finished this conversation?

What do I want my target to feel?

What is my selfish goal? (What exactly do I really want out of this


How long will it take? (How much of my time; how much of my

target’s time?)

Will I be closer to my goal if my target agrees to my request?

Will my target be better off as a result of his willing cooperation?

What are the specifics? (dates, times, costs, etc.)

Who else do I need to involve?

What don’t I know?

What could go wrong?

What are the objections I’m likely to hear from my target?

What are the benefits my target will enjoy as a result?

Is this really worth involving another person or should I just do it


Use “because” in your question. “Because” provides an implicit

reason for doing or not doing a certain thing.
Using questions forces answers. Remember that when you ask a
question, you are in control of the thought processes of the other
person. You can control and direct him by asking the right questions.

Leading Questions usually end in: “. . . isn’t it?” or, “. . . right?”
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Appendix: Covert Persuasion Worksheet 213


I wouldn’t tell you to . . .

How do you go about deciding . . .
You might want to . . . now . . .
What is it that helps you know whether you . . .
You don’t have to . . .
Why is it that some people . . . Using these language
I don’t know if . . . patterns successfully
Would you like to see . . . depends not on
Some people . . . simply saying them,
If you could have . . . but more on how
If you would choose . . . you say them.
Have you ever seen . . .
Would you be surprised if I told you . . . Use tonal marking
Imagine what would happen if . . . and pausing to make
Are you interested in . . . your point covertly.
If I could show you a way to . . .
What would it be like if you had . . .
You may not know . . .
Can I show you . . .
I’m wondering if . . .
Don’t think that . . .
Don’t you feel . . .

Write below the sentences you’re going to use when you Covertly
Persuade your target:





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214 Covert Persuasion

The 55 Covert Persuasion Tactics

Circle the Ones You Are Going to Use

Rapidly build Use content to Use processes Synchronize with Synchronize

resonant build rapport to build rapport your target voices
Synchronize Synchronize Testing Alter the tone, Induce
breathing posture and synchronization pace and pitch reciprocity
body movement of your voice
Make the Share part of The common Short story Give respect
damaging you with them enemy about “them”
Knock their Give more than Use Be precise, then Faster, easier,
socks off you promised understatement beat precision better
Be on the edge Ask for Induce a sense Open the door to Associate the
of your seat compliance of scarcity a friend known/unknown
Feel part of the Create contrast Don’t ask why Shift time Unshakable
group reference credibility
Use space Commitment and Covert hypnotic Make body and Outcome based
consistency language words say the thinking
patterns same thing
Determine how Feel, felt, found Deletion, Note-taking Lower your voice
they represent distortion,
information generalization
80/20 rule and Inoculation to Flexibility Covertly Artfully vague
Covert persuade empathetic mind language
Power of three Vocal stress in Experiential Persuading with Using music to
delivery involvement attitude persuade
Inconsistency Fewer choices People believe Be private in Oscillation at the
means more what they say, public decision point
yeses not what you

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