The Impacts of Strand Stereotyping Revised 3

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I. Introduction:

a. What strand discrimination is

b. Why people stereotype strands
c. How strand discrimination leads to detriment in the society

In today’s learning system, many phrases are tossed around when there is a discussion
among strands, some more insulting than others – the misuse of words take place such as
“walang kuwenta,” “for those who aren’t good at math,” or “patapon.” However, despite their
harshness, many of these sayings are still thrown around, more so directed to those whose
strands are not particularly known for their specialization in mathematics or science.

Stereotyping is a mistaken idea or belief of many people have about a thing or a

group that is based upon how they look on the outside which may be untrue or only partly true.
There are five (5) different strands which are namely Accountancy Business Management
(ABM). Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL). Arts and Design (AAD). Science
Technological Engineering Math (STEM). General Academic Strand (GAS). In each strand there
is a certain stereotype that would happen specifically they would think that an ABM student
should be good at math. TVL would be good at cooking/culinary or computer. People would
think that AAD students should be good at performing, musically inclined and arts. These are
few stereotypes people perceive about tracks and strands.

Discrimination on strand, so what is discrimination? The unjust or prejudicial treatment

of different categories of things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or gender. In short ,
discrimination is the unequal or unfair treatment of a person based upon some characteristics.
Strand discrimination isn't really new to experience or to hear, especially nowadays, few years
after the implementation of K-12 program. Strand discrimination is a situation wherein
individuals most specifically by students who is under different strands under the K-12 system,
experience verbal or even non-verbal way of the society's stigma about who among who is the
best. Today, a lot may say it is the STEM students because they are the future innovators,
HUMSS students because they are the future leaders, or ABM who will lead in the flow of
business in the future. A lot also are already placing up defense for other, however, despite these
actions already taken, many of these sayings are still thrown around, more so directed to those
whose strands are not particularly known for their specialization in mathematics or science.

So how stereotyping effects on strands, that's because of what they think the strand is
like. For example, they think that all stem students are really good in science and mathematics?
Not all stem students are really good in science and mathematics. Because they're basing on what
will take after senior high school. Next the HUMSS. They think that HUMSS strand is easily. No
why? You must know or understand the culture, political and also the society. Some of this
example are parent's choice. They push their children to get what strands is applicable to them.
And sometimes they were discriminated by their friends, close groups and also their families. For
example, they think TVL strand is all about cooking, baking, table setting. But more beyond that.
Then the ABM strand, they think also that only business and accounting. That's why some of the
students of senior high school is experiencing anxiety. So, it is not a joke or easy to discriminate
a Senior high school student and also their taken strands.

Each strand has different specialties of their own that others may think is easy and
other may think that it's hard. Struggling students may choose the strand that they think is the
easiest but most chooses their preferences. Though the other strands may seem harder, people
shouldn't despise them for the effort and commitment needed to pursue the strand. Everyone has
a free will to choose whatever strand they want to take. They should remember that they can
choose whatever their heart desires and nobody can decide for them. Just because people say that
only smart people can have this strand doesn’t mean you are not able to choose that strand.

It is important to remember that no strand is above the other and one should not look
down on a certain strand because it seems easy. Students of each strand face different challenges
on different contexts and it’s up to them to be prepared to face these challenges. It’s an
undeniable fact that each one of us has our own capacities, strengths and weaknesses, which
simply implies that we must respect each other due to these differences. We all have different
field of expertise and therefore we must know that each of them is special in our own way. One
is excellent in solving mathematical equations and balancing chemical formulas, while the other
one is outstanding in public speaking as well as writing literary texts. Looking at this kind of
concept, isn’t it beautiful how the two could give harmony when working together?
II. Objectives:

We the students of PWU-JASMS aim to conduct an information campaign with the use of

modern graphics “infographics”. We aim to post these on areas and school wings that are

whether by large or small scale, populated by students, teachers and visitors such as the school

hallways, nearby walls and columns of school classrooms of Junior High School students who

would soon reap off the benefits of this campaign – regarding their feedback on the strategically

posted infographics.

● To produce an infographic containing about strand stereotyping that will be posted

inside the classroom of grade nine and ten.

● To mitigate strand stereotyping or strand discrimination.

● To inform the target students that each strand has unique characteristics and


● To stop the high expectations of people on each strand that pressures student.

● To stop the labeling among each student’s strand upon what they can and can’t do

We came up with these objectives and activity because we the Grade 11-Socrates

(ABM/TVL) came up with the idea of mitigating strand discrimination because even we are/once

were also victims of these stereotypes. Similar to the likes of those in the ABM strand, we are

being pressured because some people think that ABM students always excel in terms of analysis

of the business itself – when in reality we all aim to study just what it really means. While in

TVL, we are being belittled because they think the things we have learned are only about/limited

to cooking. That's why this activity will serve as an opportunity for us to let people understand

that every strand is equal. We all agreed on this activity and we shared our experiences on how
people put pressures on us. This activity is a way to voice out every senior high school student’s


III. Activity Plan:

Posting of infographics:

We will create our infographics using canva, containing the 6 different strands namely HUMSS,

STEM, ABM, AAD, GAS, TVL. In each strand there would be a particular stigma that

commonly people perceive to that certain strand. After creating the infographics, we printed 10

copies of it, expecting that the target students would be

Title of the infographic:

“Strand Stereotyping”

-Room-to-Room posting:

Since we have it printed it already and we had the approval to post, we will go to the rooms of

the 9th and 10th grade students and post it on their announcement wall.

Materials needed:

● Bond Paper

● Printer

● Stapler

● Thumbtacks

● Double adhesive tape

● Would consist of “primary strand & track information”

–the basics of what the said tracks and strands are about, on firsthand information

What is Strand Discrimination?

- it is the unjust treatment of other students because of their strand. But in reality, there is

neither a superior strand, nor an inferior strand.

● Answers the questions on; what the strand & track are about

– career opportunities, why the strand should be of option or choice by consideration.

● On the other hand, it also answers the questions on; what the strand is about (therefore

informing the students on what it really is, mitigating the chance of discrimination), and why

we must treat strands equally.

IV. Rationale of The Activity:

Students encounter and experience discrimination, underestimated and being compared to

other strands as the K-12 program was implemented last 2013 in our country. Due to lack of

exposure, the topic on strand shaming is still ongoing and yet, unnoticed. These researchers aim

to break down this societal pyramid and eradicate the stigma on academic strands. To shed some

light on the more common rumors surrounding the K-12 strands under the academic track.

Exposing this issue will help create a better environment for students in the senior high school

program and educate learners that all strands have their own specialization and must not be

compared by any means.

The researchers want the upcoming senior high school students to understand and to have

awareness about the equality of every strand that has different specializations that directs to
different challenges to conquer and it does not mean that one strand is a lot difficult than the

other strands.

V. Documentation with Captions

VI. Evaluation and Results


Q1: Do you think you become one of those people who stereotypes other strands?

____Yes ____No

Q2: Do you think it’s necessary to stereotype a person according to his/her strand?

____Yes ____No

Q3: Does stereotyping pressures you?

____Yes ____No

Q4: Do you agree that all strands are useful?

____ Yes. ____ No
Q5: Do people assume your future course/job is based on the strand that you're going to
____ Yes. ____ No

Q6: Do you agree that all students have the same level of intelligence regardless of the strand?
____ Yes. ____ No
Q7: Do you agree that each strand has its own challenge and shouldn't be belittled?
____ Yes. ____ No
Q8: As a student, how will you prevent strand stereotyping?

VII. Recommendation

This activity plan was made by the students of grade Eleven-Socrates which is the

Culture Group. In order to prevent the “Strand Stereotyping”, It is necessary to gather

information from different strand to acknowledge the students from grade nine-ten that different

strands have its own uniqueness and each strand are using different skills and also to be able to

give proper information and avoid stereotyping.

Unity of a group is important to achieve the success of this activity plan because of the

cooperation of each members; the works will save up more time ending with a much faster result

and to attain the certain goal of the activity plan. Each one of the members will give own

perceptions and ideals on achieving this activity. The contribution of each member is important

to have a more accurate plan. Having a specific target in making this is one of the tips in order to

know who’s the main audience that will be conduct by this activity. the accomplishment of this

activity will have big results that will require first is attaining our main goal and will have to do

is improving the infographic by providing more data and graphical visualizations and by

including more communication with the audience. Having more interactions will cause them to

give their own opinions and will be able to acknowledge the importance along with the

knowledge that will be provided in the activity. By providing Visual Aids It will take more time

yet will be more effective because of the giving of information about the Strand Discrimination

and stereotyping.

This activity plan will improve more and develop if we will add seminar talks about

strand discrimination so that they can explain the topic clearly. The seminar talk should tackle
about the importance of every strands and how different they are to each other. The benefit of

this is, our target audience will understand the strand stereotyping evidently. By this the goal of

the group will be accomplished quickly and properly , the issue will eventually drop time by time

after establishing and sharing of information about the Discrimination and Stereotyping of the


Another activity that we recommend is to make a video presentation where we will show

information about each strand so that the audience will be informed. If we will be able to do this

activity it will help the audience to know more deep information about each strand. And by being

informed they will be able to acknowledge each strand has its own unique skills and capabilities

that can only be performed by studying that specific strand , resulting the respect in each

students chosen strand.

Targeting parents as our audience is also one of our recommendation because parents

are also unaware about what the significance of every strands are. Giving them information to

stop them for despising other strands. Because parents have a big impact to their children ,

influencing them to do what they think is right , targeting the parents and informing them about

the issue they will be open and will understand what their children need and want .

IX. References

Edukasyon.PH (2011) “Senior High School Tracks”

P. Biliran (2018) “Challenges faced by Students under each Academic”



P. Tey (2018) “Strand Shaming: A No-no Thing”


A. Grace (2018) “Strand Shaming Among HUMSS Students”

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