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磐醜悪s,LKYARA BARK。r B醐脚。,

Ref: 74 /EPTISA/AE/NECL/201 9
Bare伽Chungi, August6th , 2019

To The Sr. Project陥nager in Cha喝e Of SB“BT,

Hotel Shivansh PaIace,Village Gonoti (S叩tyara Bend)・

Attention: M「. S,V.P.VN Mu競hy


Cont輪ct No-NH!DC田地胴khandlNH-1 3榔Si ikyara Tunne胞01 7朋1171 5; Dated 31 '05"201 8

Prqject-Const軸ction Ope融ion and脚巾enance of O2 Iane Bi Dire側onal S叩yara Bend Barkot

Tunnet with escape passage inc]uding approaches on Dharasu yamono簡Sedion between Ch“ 25"400
KM and CH葛51,00 K剛alling along NH.134 rotd NH・94) in伽e State Of Utta略khand on EPC mode-

Su埋舶 NCR for ove巾reak excavation without醐ng and no Echo Sbund Test Applied in Barkot

Ref: 1.置Technical Speci範cations CA 2." Ou曲e Design drawings

Dea「 M「. S.V.P.V.N Mu軸1y

With reference to the above cited there are sign肺cant oveめIi:治k and gaps in Barkot Face between the

c「own, Walls and the closest support without醐ng with shotcrete o「軸d ∞nSisteney pumped cast in place


There are sand bags behind the c-osest steel ribs and plates which creates an unsately s血ctural status.

AIso the cavfty in the right wall has not刷ed prope巾y Today AE TL members have been witnesses of a

stoppage of the shotcrete machine, again` These stoppages aggrave巾e the s師ation and' unfl a prope「

shotcrete machine and experts don,t ∞me, the situations getting worst and wo「St eVery day・

Moreover , fo「 such a kind of scenario, and as was agreed in a mee血g with NHIDCL and designe「, aS WeIl

as a commitment lette「 f℃m NECL PM M「. R.KSingh, the test through Echo sound Test to be applied in

Barkot last segments are urgent.

Therefore軸S AE doesn重t accept these work units and it will be taken into account fo「 an eventuai approva1

0f the ∞rreSPOndent item in the IPC related to the Chainages where輔S important mistake is outstanding

護憲,三二d ne∞SSary aCton

Autholity Engineer
Copy to GM (P) NHIDCL M「. Deepak PatiI

inde P「Qjeet O締ce: 608, Leve1 6, J M D RegentSqua「e, M G Roed Gu喝aon - 12202,剛DIA. †鴫l-124-471 1961F +9十124-4712001

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