Chapter 8

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International Diploma in Pre & Primary Teachers Training Course International Training Academy

Final Term Assignment Page 1 Final Term Assignment


End –term assignment will comprise of:

a) A lesson plan which will be based on theory.

b) Research or project work based on any of the above four chapters.

c) Teaching Exercise/ Practice Session.

1) Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan should be made on any one of the following topics for:

Pre – Level (Nursery – Kindergarten)

a) Basics of Nutrition, Health & Hygiene and Toilet Training

b) Using Technology as a Teaching & Learning Tool

Primary (Class 1 – 5)

a) Teaching Writing- Old Tricks & New Ideas

b) Characteristics of Young Learners

Guidelines for preparing Lesson Plan as follows :

Title: ( Name of the chapter)

Overview: This is where you outline what you will be teaching and what will be beneficial to the
students during the lesson.

For example: This is a lesson where the students will have to identify and repeat the phonic sound of the
standing letters i and l with the help of the phonic video, book and flashcards.

Subject English

Grade: Pre – school


Grade 1

Suggested Time: 15 Minutes

Objectives Identify the objectives that you hope your students will achieve in the tasks that International
Diploma in Pre & Primary Teachers Training Course International Training Academy – Final Term
Assignment Page 2 will engage them in the learning process. Objectives can range from easy to hard
tasks depending on student abilities.

Materials: List the materials and resources that will be needed for the lesson to be successful. For
example: technology, audio/visual or any materials that can assist you in teaching.

Presentation: The Presentation phase of the lesson is when the teacher introduces new information.
But at first describe or list a focusing event or attention grabber that will motivate your students to want
to pay attention and learn about what you plan to teach. This will depend on the ages and stages and of
your students and will rely on students' interests and backgrounds. Remember, getting your students to
attend and respond to your introduction will set the stage for the lesson. The teacher guides the
presentation and there may be student input or interaction. She relates the new material to students'
previous knowledge and experiences. Check students' knowledge, make proper utilization of the time
and show pictures that relate to the lesson topic. Keep the language simple. You should also have your
aids ready and in the right sequence. The key to effective presentations lies in careful preparation. You
need to sequence your information in a logical way and you need to know the best ways to create and
keep the student’s interest.

Motivation: The motivation could be anything. It could be a leading question which shows why they
should care about the question, it could be a demonstration, it could be a prize or reinforcement.
Instructors who understand student motivation can to a great extent enhance the classroom experience
and student performance. Pay attention to student feedback. Students bring a certain amount of
background knowledge or prior experiences to any lesson. Use this opportunity to find out what
students know before beginning any lesson. Encourage students to brainstorm for everything they may
know about a topic.

Conclusion: List or describe ways that you can wrap up a lesson. This can include telling students the
most important concepts that were covered in the lesson, asking them what they thought were the key
concepts (or what they learned) or recapitulating the lesson either by questioning or home assignment.

Research & Project Work: Kindly attend any two topic among the 4 topics provided. You need to choose
any one topic from each section. You may consult with your trainer and then start working on your
project. Based on this project work you will receive the grades of Final Term and feedback regarding
your project work from your respective trainer.


Section A

I) Evaluation on Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Theory (Punishment and Reward theory)

II) Factors affecting Classroom Management

Section B

III) Make Teaching Aids on How to Teach Alphabets / Shapes / Colors (Example – Sand paper
letter, play dough, color tablets, videos, flash cards , blocks and various teaching aid
IV) Make an activity based model on Teaching Mathematics (Using Art and Craft)

Kindly note: You need to Copy the topics in a word file and write your assignment and then attach the
document and email it to Word limit 1000 for the project work.

Your trainer shall evaluate that and you will be provided with grades along with feedback regarding your
project work.

3) Teaching Practice

Teaching Practice is the practical assessment ability test which a student needs to go through. In case,
anyone who cannot attend the teaching practice at school may opt for a theory assignment. For this you
need to give a valid reason to your tutor for not attending the same and if they find it reasonable than
they will provide you with a theory project work.

How to go about for teaching Practice Session:

1) For teaching practice you need to choose a school in your locality/ city. Existing teachers can do
teaching practice in their own school.

2) ITA will provide an official recommendation letter which will help in getting permission from the
school authority and request to conduct 4 – 5 teaching practice sessions which you can finish in 1 day or
in 2 – 3 days as per the permission given by the school.

3) You may choose a lesson plan topic and discuss with your trainer before attending the teaching

4) You will also be provided with the observation sheet which you need to give it to any senior
authority / any senior teacher of the school, who will be then giving you the feedback on your teaching
practice session.

5) After receiving the observation sheet you need to it get signed and stamped by the school authority.

6) Observation sheet after being signed and stamped should be forwarded to us along with the Lesson
Plan duly filled as proof of the teaching practice sessions and on this basis you will be given grades.

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