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The coconut export volume increased from 404,791 tons in a similar time of 2016

with Europe being the top importer for about 66% of the total CNO Cargoes or 34,500
tons (UCAP,2017). The US also represented over a quarter or 28% while Japan took in
4%. In 2018, coconut exports decreased as world prices continue to stumble due to the
persistent global vegetable oil surplus. The country’s export receipts from CNO fell by
31.1% due to plunging global CNO prices.
The World Bank projected that global CNO prices in 2019 would average $720 per
metric ton, 27.78 percent lower than the average $997 per MT recorded last year. The
projected plunge in global CNO prices could mean more losses for Filipino coconut
farmers as it would result in steeper declines in domestic copra prices. The decline in
CNO prices could also result in lower export receipts from the country’s top agricultural
export commodity.

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