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Calculus io Varberg Purcell Rigdon Contents Preface ix Preliminaries 1 0.1 Real Numbers, Estimation, and Logic = 1 0.2 Inequalities and Absolute Values 8 0.3 The Rectangular Coordinate System 16 0.4 Graphs of Equations 24 0:5 Functions and Their Graphs 29 0.6 Operations on Functions 35 0.7 Trigonometric Functions 41 0.8 Chapter Review 51 Review and Preview Problems 54 Limits 55 1.1 Introduction to Limits 55 1.2 Rigorous Study of Limits 61 13 Limit Theorems 68 1.4 Limits Involving Trigonometric Functions 73 1.5 Limits at Infinity; Infinite Limits 77 1.6 Continuity of Functions 82 L7 Chapter Review 90 Review and Preview Problems 92 The Derivative 93 24 Two Problems with One Theme 93 2.2 The Derivative 100 2.3 Rules for Finding Derivatives 107 2.4 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions 114 2.5 The Chain Rule 118 2.6 Higher-Order Derivatives 125 2.7 Implicit Differentiation 130 2.8 Related Rates 135 29 Differentials and Approximations 142 2.10 Chapter Review 147 Review and Preview Problems 150 Applications of the Derivative 151 3:1 Maxima and Minima 151 3.2 Monotonicity and Concavity 155 3.3 Local Extrema and Extrema on Open Intervals 162 3.4 Practical Problems 167 3.5 Graphing Functions Using Calculus 178 3.6 The Mean Value Theorem for Derivatives 185 ost Solving Equations Numerically 190 3.8 Antiderivatives 197 3.9 Introduction to Differential Equations 203 3.10 Chapter Review 209 Review and Preview Problems 214 vi Contents The Definite Integral 215 4.1 Introduction to Area 215 4.2 The Definite Integral 224 4.3 The First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 232 44 The Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and the Method of Substitution 243 4.5 The Mean Value Theorem for Integrals and the Use of Symmetry = 253 4.6 Numerical Integration 260 47 Chapter Review 270 Review and Preview Problems 274 Applications of the Integral 275 5-1: The Area of a Plane Region = 275 5.2 Volumes of Solids: Slabs, Disks, Washers 281 5.3 Volumes of Solids of Revolution: Shells 288 5.4 Length of a Plane Curve 294 5.5 Work and Fluid Force 301 5.6 Moments and Center of Mass 308 5.7 Probability and Random Variables 316 5.8 Chapter Review 322 Review and Preview Problems 324 Transcendental Functions 325 6.1 The Natural Logarithm Function 325 6.2 Inverse Functions and Their Derivatives 331 6.3 The Natural Exponential Function 337 6.4 General Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 342 6.5 Exponential Growth and Decay 347 6.6 First-Order Linear Differential Equations 355 6.7 Approximations for Differential Equations 359 6.8 The Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Their Derivatives 365 6.9 The Hyperbolic Functions and Their Inverses 374 6.10 Chapter Review 380 Review and Preview Problems 382 Techniques of Integration 383 el Basic Integration Rules 383 7.2 Integration by Parts 387 7.3 Some Trigonometric Integrals 393 7.4 Rationalizing Substitutions 399 7.5 Integration of Rational Functions Using Partial Fractions 404 7.6 Strategies for Integration 411 7.7 Chapter Review 419 Review and Preview Problems 422 8 10 11 Contents Vii Indeterminate Forms and Improper Integrals 423 8.1 Indeterminate Forms of Type 0/0 423 8.2 Other Indeterminate Forms 428 8.3 Improper Integrals: Infinite Limits of Integration 433 8.4 Improper Integrals: Infinite Integrands 442 8.5 Chapter Review 446 Review and Preview Problems 448 Infinite Series 449 9.1 Infinite Sequences 449 9.2 Infinite Series 455 9.3 Positive Series: The Integral Test 463 9.4 Positive Series: Other Tests 468 9.5 Alternating Series, Absolute Convergence, and Conditional Convergence 474 9.6 Power Series 479 9.7 Operations on Power Series 484 9.8 Taylor and Maclaurin Series 489 9.9 The Taylor Approximation to a Function 497 9.10 Chapter Review 504 Review and Preview Problems 508 Conics and Polar Coordinates 509 10.1. The Parabola 509 10.2 Ellipses and Hyperbolas 513 10.3 Translation and Rotation of Axes $23 10.4 Parametric Representation of Curves in the Plane 530 10.5 The Polar Coordinate System 537 10.6 Graphs of Polar Equations 542 10.7 Calculus in Polar Coordinates 547 10.8 Chapter Review 552 Review and Preview Problems 554 Geometry in Space and Vectors 555 11.1. Cartesian Coordinates in Three-Space 555 11.2. Vectors 560 11.3. The Dot Product 566 11.4 The Cross Product 574 11.5 Vector-Valued Functions and Curvilinear Motion 579 11.6 Lines and Tangent Lines in Three-Space 589 11,7 Curvature and Components of Acceleration 593 11.8 Surfaces in Three-Space 603 11.9 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates 609 11.10 Chapter Review 613 Review and Preview Problems 616 viii Contents 12 13 14 Derivatives for Functions of Two or More Variables 617 12.1 Functions of Two or More Variables 617 12.2 Partial Derivatives 624 12.3. Limits and Continuity 629 12.4 Differentiability 635 12.5 Directional Derivatives and Gradients 641 12.6 The Chain Rule 647 12.7 Tangent Planes and Approximations 652 12.8. Maximaand Minima 657 12.9 The Method of Lagrange Multipliers 666 12.10 Chapter Review 672 Review and Preview Problems 674 Multiple Integrals 675 13.1. Double Integrals over Rectangles 675 13.2 Iterated Integrals 680 13.3. Double Integrals over Nonrectangular Regions 684 13.4 Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates 691 13.5 Applications of Double Integrals 696 13.6 Surface Area 700 13.7 — Triple Integrals in Cartesian Coordinates 706 13.8 — Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates 713 13.9 Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals 718 13.10 Chapter Review 728 Review and Preview Problems 730 Vector Calculus 731 14.1. Vector Fields 731 14.2. Line Integrals 735 14.3. Independence of Path 742 14.4 Green’s Theorem in the Plane 749 14.5 Surface Integrals 755 14.6 Gauss’s Divergence Theorem 764 14.7 Stokes’s Theorem = 770 14.8 Chapter Review 773 Appendix A-1 Al Mathematical Induction A-1 A.2 Proofs of Several Theorems A-3 Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems A-7 Index I-1 Photo Credits P-1 Preface The ninth edition of Calculus is again a modest revision. Some topics have been added, and some of the topics have been rearranged, but the spirit of the book has remained unchanged. Users of previous editions have reported success, and we have no intention of overhauling a workable text. To many, this book would still be considered a traditional text. Most theorems are proved, left as an exercise, or left unproved when the proof is too difficult. When a proof is difficult, we try to give an intuitive explanation to make the result plausible before going on to the next topic. In some cases, we give a sketch of a proof, in which case we explain why it is a sketch and not a rigorous proof. The focus is still on understanding the concepts of calculus. While some see the empha- sis on clear, rigorous presentation as being a distraction to understanding calculus, we see the two as complementary. Students are more likely to grasp the concepts of calculus if terms are clearly defined and theorems are clearly stated and proved. A Brief Text The ninth edition continues to be the briefest of all the successful mainstream calculus texts, We have tried to prevent the text from ballooning up- ward with new topics and alternative approaches. In less than 800 pages, we cover the major topics of calculus, including a preliminary chapter, and the material from limits to vector calculus. In the last few decades, students have developed some bad habits. They prefer not to read the textbook. They want to find the appropriate worked-out example so it can be matched to their homework problem. Our goal with this text continues to be to keep calculus as a course focused on some few basic ideas centered around words, formulas, and graphs. Solving problem sets, while crucial to developing mathematical and problem-solving skills, should not overshadow the goal of understanding calculus. Concepts Review Problems To encourage students to read the textbook with understanding, we begin every problem set with four fill-in-the-blank items, These test the mastery of the basic vocabulary, understanding of theorems, and ability to apply the concepts in the simplest settings. Students should respond to these items before proceeding to the later problems. We encourage this by giving immediate feedback; the correct answers are given at the end of the problem set. These items also make good quiz questions to see whether students have done the required reading and have prepared for class. Review and Preview Problems We have also included a set of Review and Preview Problems between the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next. Many of these problems force students to review past topics before starting the new chapter. For example, e Chapter 3, Applications of Derivatives: Students are asked to solve inequali- ties like the ones that arise when we ask where a function is increasing/ decreasing or concave up/down. * Chapter 7, Techniques of Integration: Students are asked to evaluate a number of integrals involving the method of substitution, the only substantive tech- nique they have learned up to this point. Lacking skill using this technique would spell disaster in Chapter 7. * Chapter 13, Multiple Integration: Students are asked to sketch the graphs of equations in Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. Visualizing re- gions in two- and three-space is key to understanding multiple integration. Other Review and Preview Problems ask the student to use what they already know to get a head start on the upcoming chapter. For example, ix X Preface * Chapter 5, Applications of Integration: Students are asked to find the length of a line segment between two functions, exactly the skill required to perform the slice, approximate, and integrate in the chapter. Also, students are asked to find the volume of a small disk, washer, and shell. Having worked these out before beginning the chapter would make the students better prepared to understand the idea of slice, approximate, and integrate as it applies to finding volumes of solids of revolution. * Chapter 8, Indeterminate Forms and Improper Integrals: Students are asked to find the value of an integral like e* dx, for a = 1,2, 4,8, 16. We hope that students will work a problem like this and realize that as a grows, the value of the integral gets close to 1, thereby setting up the idea of improper in- tegrals. There are similar problems involving sums before the chapter on infi- nite series. Number Sense Number sense continues to play an important role in the book. All calculus students make numerical mistakes in solving problems, but the ones with the number sense recognize an absurd answer and rework the problem. To encourage and develop this important ability, we have emphasized the estimation process. We suggest how to make mental estimates and how to arrive at ballpark numerical answers, We have increased our own use of this in the text, using the symbol where we make a ballpark estimate, We hope students do the same, es- pecially in problems with the [=| mark. Use of Technology Many problems in the ninth edition are flagged with one of these symbols: indicates that an ordinary scientific calculator will be helpful GC| indicates that a graphing calculator is required CAS} indicates that a computer algebra system is required The Technology Projects that were at the end of the chapters in the eighth edition are now available on the Web in pdf files. Changes in the Ninth Edition The basic structure, and the overriding spirit, of the text has remained unchanged. Here are the most significant changes in the ninth edition: * There is a set of Review and Preview Problems between the end of one chap- ter and the beginning of the next. « The preliminary chapter, now called Chapter 0, has been condensed. The “pre- calculus” topics (that were in the beginning of Chapter 2 of the eighth edition) are now placed in Chapter 0. In the ninth edition, Chapter 1 begins with limits. How much of Chapter 0 needs to be covered depends on the background of the students and will vary from institution to institution. * The sections on antiderivatives and an introduction to differential equations have been moved to Chapter 3. This allows a clear break between “rate of change” concepts and “accumulation” concepts, because Chapter 4 now begins with area, followed immediately by the definite integral and the fundamental theorems of calculus. “It has been the author’s experience that many first-year students of calculus fail to make a clear distinction between the very different concepts of the indefinite integral (or antiderivative) and the definite integral as the limit of a sum.” That was from the first edition, published in 1965, and it is just as true today. We hope that separating these topics will draw attention to the distinction. Preface Xi © Probability and fluid pressure have been added to the Chapter 5, Applications of Integration. We emphasize that probability problems are treated much like mass problems along a line. The center of mass is the integral of x times the density, and the expectation in probability is the integral of x times the (prob- ability) density. * Material on conic sections has been condensed from five sections into three sections, Students have seen much (but not all) of this material in their precal- culus courses. * Vectors have been consolidated into a single chapter. In the eighth edition, we covered plane vectors in Chapter 13 and space vectors in Chapter 14. With this approach, we ended up repeating a number of topics, such as the dot product and curvature, in Chapter 14. The approach in the ninth edition is to cover vec- tors once. Most of the presentation is in terms of vectors in space, but we point out how plane vectors work, The context of a problem should dictate whether plane vectors or space vectors are needed. © There are examples and an exercise on Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion, The material on vectors culminates in the derivation of Kepler's laws from Newton’s Law of Gravitation. We derive Kepler’s second and third laws in ex- amples, leaving the first law as an exercise. In this exercise, students are guided through the steps, (a) through (1), of the derivation. * Chapter 13, Multiple Integration, now ends with a section on change of vari- ables in multiple integrals using the Jacobian. * The sections on numerical methods have been placed in appropriate places throughout the text. For example, the section on solving equations numerically has become Section 3.7; numerical integration has become Section 4.6; ap- proximations for differential equations has become Section 6.7; and the Taylor approximation to a function has become Section 9.9. * The chapter on differential equation has been removed, but it is available to users on the Web. The text already contains numerous sections on differential equations, including slope fields and Euler’s method, * The number of conceptual questions has increased significantly. Many more problems ask the student for graphs. We have also increased the use of numer- ical methods, such as Newton’s method and numerical integration, in problems that cannot be treated analytically. Acknowledgements 1 would like to thank the staff at Prentice Hall, includ- ing Adam Jaworski, Eric Frank, Dawn Murrin, Debbie Ryan, Bayani deLeon, Sally Yagan, Halee Dinsey, Patrice Jones, Heather Scott, and Thomas Benfatti for their encouragement and patience. I would also like to thank those who read the manu- script carefully, including Frank Purcell, Brad Davis, Pat Daly (Paley Company), and Edith Baker (Writewith, Inc.). | owe a great debt of gratitude to Kevin Bod- den and Christopher Rigdon, who worked tirelessly preparing the solutions manu- als, and to Barbara Kniepkamp and Brian Rife for preparing the back-of-the-book answers. I would also like to thank the faculty at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (and elsewhere), especially George Pelekanos, Rahim Karimpour, Krzysztof Jarosz, Alan Wheeler, and Paul Phillips, for helpful comments. T also thank the following faculty for their careful review and helpful com- ments during the preparation of the ninth edition. Fritz Keinert, lowa State University Michael Martin, Johnson County Community College Christopher Johnston, University of Missouri-Columbia Nakhle Asmar, University of Missouri-Columbia Zhonghai Ding, University of Nevada Las Vegas Joel Foisy, SUNY Potsdam Wolfe Snow, Brooklyn College Ioana Mihaila, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona xii Preface Hasan Celik, California State Polytechnic University Jeffrey Stopple, University of California, Santa Barbara Jason Howell, Clemson University John Goulet, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Ryan Berndt, The Ohio State University Douglas Meade, University of South Carolina Elgin Johnston, lowa State University Brian Snyder, Lake Superior State University Bruce Wenner, University of Missouri—Kansas City Linda Kilgariff, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Joel Robbin, University of Wisconsin— Madison John Johnson, George Fox University Julie Connolly, Wake Forest University Chris Peterson, Colorado State University Blake Thornton, Washington University in St. Louis Sue Goodman, University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill John Santomos, Villanova University Finally, I would like to thank my wife Pat, and children Chris, Mary, and Emily for tolerating the many nights and weekends that I spent at the office. 5.E.R. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville STUDENT RESOURCES INSTRUCTOR RESOURCES Student Study Pack Instructor Resource Distribution All instructor resources can be downloaded from the web site, Select “Browse our catalog,” then, click on “Mathematics:” select your course and choose your text. Under “Resources,” on the left side, select “instructor” and choose the supplement you need to download. You will be required to run through a one time registration before you can complete this process. Everything a student needs to succeed in one place. It is packaged with the book, or can be available for purchase stand-alone. Study Pack contains: * Student Solutions Manual Fully worked solutions to odd-numbered exercises. * Pearson Tutor Center Tutors provide one-on-one tutoring for any problem . with an answer at the back of the book. Students access the Tutor Center via toll-free phone, fax, or email. TestGen Easily create tests from textbook section objectives. Available only to college students in the U.S. and Canada. © CD Lecture Series A comprehensive set of CD-ROMs, tied to the textbook, containing short video clips of an instructor working key book examples. Questions are algorithmically generated allowing for unlimited versions. Edit problems or create your own. Test Item File A printed test bank derived from TestGen. PowerPoint Lecture Slides Fully editable slides that follow the textbook. Project in class or post to a website in an online course. Instructor Solutions Manual Fully worked solutions to all textbook exercises and chapter projects. Technology Projects Chapter 15, Differential Equations The entire chapter is available in pdf for download.

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