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Name_________________________________ 01.

03 Printing Strings

This assignment has two parts.

Part One: Programming

Write a program to display a message to the screen. The message may be a poem, song, or
information about you. Use the following guidelines to write your program:

1. Use the Python IDLE to write your 5. Don’t forget the parentheses and
program. colon!
2. Using comments, type a heading that 6. Use at least five print statements to
includes your name, today’s date, and a short display your message to the screen.
description. 7. Conclude the program with the
3. Decide on the message you would like main() statement.
to display to the screen. Some ideas include: 8. Follow the Python style conventions
 Your favorite poem or song regarding indentation in your program.
Run your program to ensure it is working
 A few sentences sharing information
properly. Fix any errors the interpreter or you
about you may observe
4. Set up your def main(): statement.

Insert your program code here:

# Name:Daniel Romanov

# Date: 9/17/20

# Description: Informative Text

def main():

print("My name is Daniel Romanov, I am 14 years of age, and I am a fulltime RVer.")

print("My favorite sport is soccer, I started playing it when I was 8, and my goal is to become

print("I started programing when I was in 4th grade, when I got really bored of regular
classes and started to learn HTML/CSS/JavaScript in depth on Khan Academy.")

print("One of the things that really got me motivated to continue programming is the fact that
with coding, you can practically do anything with computers, and you can help build many things.")
print("I also surf, play volleyball, basketball, and many more, because it tends to get quite
boring on the road.")


Just to show I know the proper formatting

Part Two: Post Mortem Review

Complete the Post Mortem Review (PMR). Write thoughtful two to three sentence responses to all
the questions in the PMR chart.
Review Question Response
What was the purpose of your It was to give a short list of information about myself.

How could your program be This program could be used in order to introduce new
useful in the real world? employees, students, or others into new environments and their
new peers.

What is a problem you ran into

and how did you fix it?
On one of the lines of code, I forgot to add a closing quotation
mark. Luckily, I spotted it before running the program so I simply
added it in.

Describe one thing you would I would condense the 5 print statements into one in order to
do differently the next time you conserve space.
write a program.

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