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THEORY: (4 pts)
I. Choose the best answer to the following questions. (1pt)
1. Which of the following is NOT an example of a lexical item?
A. Make up one’s mind B. Under the weather
C. Call it a day D. An English teacher
2. Unhappy, disagree and incorrect include examples of ______.
A. prefixes B. homonyms C. synonyms D. suffixes
3. Teachers should do these things when presenting a sound except ______.
A. say the sound alone B. say the sound in a few words
C. conduct peer correction D. contrast similar sounds
4. Which of the following should a teacher invariably do in a reading lesson?
A. Leading in and introducing the text B. Presenting forms and meanings of new words
C. Giving a guiding question D. Playing the recording of the text read by native speakers
5. Linking devices are important when ______.
A. giving a presentation to an audience B. using corrected speech
C. communicating the meaning of individual words D. checking understanding
6. A common feature of speech which is not fluent is ______.
A. hesitation B. encouragement C. turn taking D. digression
7. Teachers should use concept checking questions when ______.
A. teaching passive vocabulary B. teaching active vocabulary
C. presenting vocabulary solely in L2 D. teaching grammar of words
8. Which of the following is a communicative pronunciation activity?
A. telephone numbers B. stepping stone C. stress matching game D. tongue twister
9. Which of the following game can best be used in the aural drills of teaching pronunciation?
A. pronunciation journey B. stepping stone C. telephone numbers D. find the way out
10. In which of the following items should we pay attention to secondary stress?
A. national B. nationality C. nationally D. nationalism

II. Decide whether these statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). (1pt)
1. In the aural drills, teachers should contrast spellings of the minimal pairs as much as possible.
2. We can teach both active and passive vocabulary items in a reading text in the pre-reading stage.
3. The aim of mechanical practice in teaching grammar involves both accuracy and fluency.
4. We don’t use concept check questions when teaching passive vocabulary.
5. We should always use oral check as the last activity to check comprehension in the while-reading stage.
6. Questioning strategies can be used to help students answer all kinds of comprehension questions.
7. Definition questions can be used to teach the meaning of passive lexical items in the oral check.
8. Questions in the post-reading stage help stimulate students’ background knowledge.
9. Teachers should teach word family and collocations of all selected items in pre-reading stage.
10. Teaching grammar inductively is superior to teaching grammar deductively.

III. Complete the following statements using NO MORE THAN ONE word in each blank. (2pts)
1. The purpose of a guiding question is to help students grasp the ______ of the reading passage.
2. Reading a text and answering questions orally can be classified as a ______ speaking activity.
3. In the meaningful practice stage of a grammar lesson, students won’t be able to do the activities without
understanding the structure syntactically and ______.
4. The aim of oral preparation in teaching writing is to ______ the chances of making mistakes when students do
the guided writing task.
5. A good meaningful activity for grammar practice is not really suitable for ______ drilling.
6. Teachers need to focus on grammar of words should there be any exception or ______ that arises.
7. When introducing a text, teachers should use some ______ words to arouse students’ curiosity about the
content of the text.
8. It is necessary that teachers divide the listening text into ______ to help students do the listening tasks more
9. In a successful speaking lesson, participation of students is expected to be ______.
10. Reading aloud still proves useful in the ______ stage of reading, especially for young learners.

B. PRACTICE: (6 pts)
R ead the follow ing tex t for students of I nterm ediate level and answ er the follow ing
Rote learning has become seen as an outdated method of teaching. The dictionary defines learning
“by rote” as “from memory, without thought of the meaning in a mechanical way”.
The decline of rote learning has been quickened by technology. No one needs to memorize friends’
phone numbers or email addresses because such data is conveniently stored and accessible
electronically. And why remember when and where World War II broke out when you can find the answer
on the internet in about six seconds? But now there are voices for a need to return to rote learning.
In fact, memorizing key data is essential to learning any skill. Doctoring requires knowledge of
medicine and lawyering requires knowledge of cases and laws. Of course, being able to recall things
will not further your understanding of those things, but without memorizing these foundation
elements, you cannot progress to a deeper understanding of a subject.
While the internet and computers have weakened the need for us to remember things, it may well
be that mobile learning can help bring this style of learning back to life by making it more convenient and
more fun.
Drilling yourself—with flashcards or by repetition—is usually hard and boring work, which is why
most people need their multiplication tables to be drilled into them by teachers or parents. Rote learning
without a willing third party can be a battle of discipline and motivation. But mobile learning can make those
flashcards and drills more appropriate to individual study; our digital devices can challenge and inform us
at the same time and also keep us motivated, whether through game-like structures or recording our
1. How would you conduct choral repetition of the following sentence? (1 pt)
Of course, being able to recall things w ill not further your understanding of those things, but
w ithout m em orizing these foundation elem ents, you cannot progress to a deeper understanding of
a subject.
2. How would you teach the lexical item “mechanical”? (1 pt)
3. Suggest a question to help your students use the following item correctly: “motivated” (1pt)
4. Design ONE task that can be use both to lead in and check com prehension of the task. State clearly how
you would use this task. (2 pts)
5. How would you present the structure in the following sentence to your class?
“No one needs to m em orize friends’ phone num bers or em ail addresses because such data is
conveniently stored and accessible electronically.”. (1 pt)

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