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Prova Global - Inglês do 2º ano do Ensino Médio (Matutino)

Texto para as questões de inglês abaixo

Multiculturalism is an attractive and persuasive notion. It suggests a human being whose

identifications and loyalties transcend the boundaries of nationalism and whose commitments are
pinned to a larger vision of the global community. Nation, culture, and society exert tremendous
influence on each of our lives, structuring our values, engineering our view of the world, and
patterning our responses to experience. Human beings cannot hold themselves apart from some
form of cultural influence. No one is culture free. Yet, the conditions of contemporary history are
such that we may now be on the threshold of a new kind of person, a person who is socially and
psychologically a product of the interweaving of cultures in this century.

The multicultural person is, then, intellectually and emotionally committed to the basic unity of all
human beings while at the same time recognizing, legitimizing, accepting, and appreciating the
differences that exist between people of different cultures. This new kind of person cannot be
defined by the languages he or she speaks, the number of countries he or she has visited, nor by
the number of personal international contacts that have been made. Nor is he or she defined by
profession, place of residence, or cognitive sophistication. Instead, the multicultural person is
recognized by a configuration of outlooks and world-view, by how the universe as a
dynamically moving process is incorporated, by the way the interconnectedness of life is
reflected in thought and action, and by the way this woman or man remains open to the

1. Choose the question that is answered in the first paragraph of the text.
a) What makes people have a different understanding of the world?
b) How does multiculturalism limit our social experiences?
c) Why can human beings be attracted to one another?
d) How often do people structure their values?
e) To what extent has the global community denied nationalism?
What makes – o que faz Understanding - entendimento World – mundo
How does - Como Limit - limita Our – nossas
Why can – Por que podem Be attracted – serem atraídos To one another – um pelo outro
How often – Com que frequência Structure -estruturam Their values – seus valores
To what extent – até que ponto Has - tem Denied - negado

2. The text suggests that a multicultural person is someone who has

a) made personal international contacts.
b) accepted the idea of visiting a foreign country.
c) embodied a multiplicity of psychological realities.
d) developed a new view of culture and society.
e) transcended his or her own concept of technology.
Suggest that – sugere que A multicultural person – uma pessoa multicultural
made – fez Personal – pessoal / particular Accepted - aceitou
Foreign - estrangeiro Country – país Embodied – incorporou
multiplicity – multiplicidade Of - de Developed – desenvolveu
A new view – uma nova visão Transcended – transcendeu His or her – seu ou sua
Own – próprio(a) Concept - conceito Is someone who – é alguém que
Read the following dictionary definitions. (Leia)

1. The desire for and the attempt to achieve political independence for your country or nation.
2. Any small group in society that is different from the rest with reference to their race, religion
and political beliefs.
3. The customs, beliefs, art, music, and all the other products of human thought made by a
particular group of people at a particular time.
4. The condition of being different or having differences; variety.
5. The people living in one particular area or people who are considered as a unit because of their
common interests, background or nationality.

The desire – o desejo Political independence – independência política
Small group – um grupo pequeno Diferente - diferente From the rest – dos outros
Race – raça Beliefs – crenças Custos – costumes
Products – produtos Human – humano Thought – pensamento
The condition – a condição Being – ser Having – ter
Variety – variedade People – pessoas Living – vivendo
In one – em uma Particular area – área particular As a unit – como uma unidade
Culture – cultura Community – comunidade Minority – minoria
Diversity – diversidade Nationalism – nacionalismo

Now match the words below to their correspondent definitions.(Numere)

( )Culture ( ) Community ( ) Minority ( ) Diversity ( ) Nationalism

3. The correct sequence is:

a) 5,2,3,1,4 b) 3,5,2,4,1 c) 4,1,2,5,3 d) 2,3,1,4,5 e) 1,4,5,3,2

Some – Any / There is - are

Fill in the blanks with “a-an” or “some-any”

1. Is there ……………………… book on the shelf?

2. There aren't……………………… children in the school yard.
3. There are……………………… papers and pens.
4. Is there……………………… oranges for dessert?
5. There isn’t……………………… apple on my table.

4. Escolha a alternativa correta.

a. Apenas a alternativa 1 completa=se com “a”.
b. Não é possível preencher nenhuma lacuna com ”some”.
c. Podemos usar “any” em todas as questões.
d. A alternativa “2” é uma sentença interrogativa.
e. Todas as sentenças são afirmativas.

5. Choose the incorrect one using (“a”, “an”, “some”, “any”).

a) There isn’t a tablen in the kitchen.
b) There are some chairs in the living room.
c) there ins’t any sofa in the bedroom.
d) Are there any cds in the bedroom?
e) Is there an apple here?

GABARITO: 1A – 2D – 3B – 4A – 5C

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