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1. Ultrafiltration.

The afferent arteriole brings blood at high pressure to the renal capsule, which causes plasma to
be squeezed out of the blood into the renal capsule. This is like the formation of tissue fluid in the
capillary bed. The fluid squeezed, called glomerular filtrate, contains small soluble molecules but
no blood cells, platelets or proteins. It contains urea, glucose, amino acids, water and salts. Blood
cells, platelets and proteins return to the efferent arteriole as they are too big to pass through the
fenestrated walls of the glomerulous.

2. Selective Reabsorption.
The filtrate moves from the renal capsule to the proximal convoluted tubule. As glucose, amino
acids, water and salts are useful for the body, they cannot all be excreted so must be reabsorbed
back into the renal vein. All of the glucose and amino acids are absorbed back into the blood until
there is none left in the filtrate. These molecules move from the lumen of the tubule into the
tubule cell by active transport co-transported with Na+ in a symport movement. Then, they move
from the tubule cell into the peritubular space by the process of facilitated diffusion. Na+ ions
move from the lumen of the tubule into the tubule cell by facilitated diffusion. Then, they move
from the tubule cell into the peritubular space by the process of active transport, using a Na+/K+
pump, in an antiport movement. This creates a hypertonic environment in the tubule cell, causing
most water to be absorbed by osmosis. Finally, they move from the peritubular space into the
blood by the process of simple diffusion.

1. Osmoregulation.
The filtrate which remains after reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule moves to the Loop
of Henle. The descending part of the loop is permeable to water but impermeable to Na+, while
the ascending part of the loop is the opposite. Because of the countercurrent movement of blood
and filtrate, which means they move in opposite directions, Na+ actively moves from the filtrate in
the ascending part of the loop to the medulla, and latter, by simple diffusion to the descending
capillary, generating a hypertonic environment in those 2 areas. This causes water to diffuse out
of the filtrate in the descending part of the loop to the medulla, and latter, to the ascending
capillary, generating an isotonic solution inside the blood. The filtrate then moves to the collecting
duct, where the hormone ADH, released by the pituitary gland, acts by increasing the
permeability of the collecting ducts walls to water through the synthesis of aquaporins. If the
blood is still hypertonic after passing the Loop of Henle, more ADH is released, causing more
water to move out of the collecting duct into the blood. Urine will be less concentrated and with
high volume. If the blood is already isotonic after passing the Loop of Henle, less ADH is
released, causing less water to move out of the collecting duct into the blood. Urine will be more
concentrated and with low volume.

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